HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-16, Page 1LlIi AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XIX. NO, 44. 112.344[41staremet EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE, .16, 1892 Choice Raisins ye -have just received a job lot of B4sins, Prunes, and other goods which we will sell at Away -Down prices. Nice new raisins at $1.25 per box ; Prunes at 5o por lb. or six lbs, for '25c. Call and see our special line of Ladies' Boots and Shoes. New prices in these geode. It will pay you to look in and See 'us when in town, A. 3. NIcT,AIMH & CO. Corbett. -- . Belem -The Presbyterians had a bee last week ,for the purpose of improving the church grounds and shed, -The Corbett cheese factory is now in full running order and will commence this week under the management of Mr. Thompson, of Forest. - The Grand Bend and Corbett Presbyterian Sabbath Sohools intend holding their an. nual picnic 'tat Grand Bend on the 17th of June. -Wo are sorry to have to report the sudden death of Clarence Ear), infant SOD of Ur. and Mrs, James Mathers, who died very seddenly on Fridaymorning, aged., six months. Mr. and Mrs. thers have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Hay. SCHOOL REDORT.-The following is the May report of S. S. No. 2, Ilay. Names are in order of motit. Fifth. -Alfred Mc Taggart. Fourth Kete Chapman, 0. C. P.ose, P. E. ded,-ltreet 1 atria& I, Alio° Gould, and Annie Northeott equal, Nellie O'Brien. Jam Gould, James Shirray, Nellie Northootte Sr. 2nd. --Bookie Northeott, Flora Northoott, John Todtl: 2nd pt. -Bartle O'Brien, Janie Munn, Willie Busch. lat pt.-Bachel Be - my, Nelson Sotherby, John Jackson. 'The best spellers in the monthly spelling meta are: -15th, Frea MoTaggart. 4th, Kato Ohapman,vSr. 3rd, Mend Remelt. Jr. 3rd Nellie Gonld. Sr. 2nd, John Todd. Jr. 2nd, Edgar O'Brien. second pt.., Richard South- orby: 1st. pt ,-Rachel Essay. W. H. JOHNSTON, Teadler. Fullarton. Balers,- Dr. Armstrong has luta two handsome veraudahs erected to his splendid residence this week. Mr. D. Walker was the builtler.-Wm. Cornish, road overseer, has had the canal on water street deepened and widened, which will now render the residents in that vaster secure from floods -Thos. Stacey has sold the May cheese, of Fullerton factory, to Mr, White, of Mitc- hell, at (*cents per pound, and delivered on Thursday in Mitoholle-On Friday last Mr, Hetherington, an old and much respec- ted resident of thie motion, passed away after a very abort Innen at the age of 71 years The remains were interred in the cemetery here on Sunday, and was follow- ed to his resting place by a largo gathering of neighbors and friends. -The decision on the debate held in the Patrons of industry meeting some time ago on, "Resolved that the right of franchise Amnia be extended to women on same conditions as to men," was rendered on Monday night in favor of the negative, and was a surprise to most all who heard( it, Ile it was generally conceded that affirmative argument was far superior to that of the negative. We suppose that the -question will now be settled for all thne after being so decided, and the ladies may give ap all hopes of obtaining the franchise. It is conjectured that a specific may yet be found for every ill that &ale is heir to. However this may be, certainly the beat. specific yet found for dieeases of the blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and most diseases o.riinate from impure blood. CENTRAL 41.4414 Barber Shop, FAN SON' S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving slid Haircutting in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Lames' andChildren'sHair The Molsons Bank (0RARTERI1DB Y PA BLIAMEN T,1 855) Paid up Capital ... $2,000,0f0 RestFund 1,100,00C HeadOffice, Montreal , F. WOLFERSTAN THOMA8.Eee GENIMALMANAGES Money advanoed to'good farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers at 7 per coat per annum. , Exeter Branch, Open every lttw fait day ,f rem 10 a.M. to 3 p .ie SATURDAYS ,10 a .m . to 1 p . . res4Per0ent.perannuns allowedforraoneean Dap Wile eeeipt tr. Saviegs Bank at 8 per cents - N. DYEtt liURDON,. Sub -Manager. Illarammiws444444•401444,4 Zurich. WFOn SALE Olt To RENT. -A New York piano aill be sold at a low price, or rented on reason - hie terms, Apply at WELLs'Furniture Store, Zurich. • A LARGE STOOIm1 C. -We have now on ha. a large stock of buggies oarriages, wagons.carts, etc., which we are selling at factory prices All our own make and guaranteed. Call and soo Stook. Repairing and carriage trimming wil receive oareful attention, Fano. lInss,Zurich 13rtrees.-Things were very dull m the village on Sunday last owing to the Camp Meetings being held in Isippen.--0.Eilber has bought for a large aum that splendid trotting mare "Jennie Block" from Mr. J. Merner.-Master J. Schwalm is ill of typhoid. fever, but is recovering,. The public school will hold their animal 'picnic on Friday, June 24th. -It is proposed to organise a bicycle club in the yillage.- Messrs. F. Hess and John Deichert have one to Tavistock for the purpose of pur- chasing some thorough bred atock.-Mr. Faust of Michigan brother of Mr. D. S. Faust of the Post Office store is in the village. -Mrs. IL Faust is very number of the boys and girls are laid up with the mumps, te-eese-st Sharon. Burns. -Mr. Thos. Amoy, jr. is busily engaged Greeting a fine hog shed. -Mr, P. Lang of Exeter is the contractor of same. -Ou Wednesday of last -week Mr. Wna. Harvey had au accident which might have been more aeriotis, only for the recent rain softening the ground. His horses ran away throwing him out upon his head, and bat for the timely arrival of Mr. Jacob Schwartz he would have lost hia hat. He escaped with a few days' stiffness. -We notice Master Marx Brokenehire leas to carry one of his arms in a sling from the effects of a fall reoeived while exereleing his gray trot- ter, He dislooated hie shoulder and receiv- ed other injuties,-Sad complain ta aro being rumored on account of twine of our sohoel boys bathing on their way from school in the creek by the public road. Simba prac tice ought to be stopped, as it is a public) nuisance, and besides many boys have been laid low tor life from the affects of the chil- ling waters. We hope it will be looked after by teaoher and gueraian.--ta number of the Patrons of Industry excurt .o the Guelph MOitd FetTId Ttsztrieloy. ID 4 Orediton. BRIRFS. -Goo Moatz has:returned from Manitoba and reports prospects good and thinks he will move there next fall. Jas. Clarke is making good progress with his new bloc -ie. -The farmers are all smiling ; crops and looking gou4ttnd prospecte are better. -Chris. Kibler has gone to Tavistock to attend the SundaySchool Conyention. -The leap -year picnic party on Thursday was a success, and the old maids are liv- ing in good hope. -A. number of ratepay- ers aro attending Court as jurymen this week at Goderich.-No division" court here last Tuesday, as business was slack. This speaks highly for this sectiou.-A number of sports from this village attended the horse races at Dashwood last Tnesday evening and pronounce the sports (?);great. -Frederick Wurtz of Dashwood was in the village last Tuesday on business of im• portance. -Young end Guinther were at Parkhill on Monday and report having spent a pleasant time. It is reported. that they invested 10 cents onthe road for music which they appreciated. They say that the instrument was of a peculiar cou- struction,being a be.sstropd lee with a quill senate in one side,withwairlaround it. -The Crediton Brass Band will play at Kirkton on the 1st of July next, The band has re- organised and tbe prospects are that it will be permanent. They require some DOW instruments and the village should give thein assistance, as it can hardly be expected that the boys :ehoulcl lose their time anci pay for their own instruments. Some of our citizens shouldtake an interest in the matter and get up it subscription list,ancl the result should be such as. would be a source of strength to the continuance of the band, I • • 4 Unclench. Baines.- The June session of the County Court was opened by the County Judge on Tuesday. -It is now open season for all kinds of fishr-Goderich is going to oelebrate the 25th anniversary of Confederation in good style'the fireworke excelling anything seen in this toven.-ffiee liesehl of Detroit died in this town on Monday morning, the body leaving by the afternoon train for in- terment in Detroit; The young lady was in a very low state when brought here some fire weeks since, and the only wonder is that death did not come nooner.-Visitore are arriving every day from various parts of Canada and the 'United States, The warm spell seems to have caused the influx. - And still the crops look good. -Our lacros- se team left yesterday to play the Clinton elute -Mr, F. J. May of iSt.11Viarys vieited Goderices the past week.-Barrieter Dioltion of Exeter was in the Co. Town on Monday, -Mr. Thee Jacksor ef Clinton, D. D, of the 5 0 B Society 41eited the local lodge of the Order last week -The Bohr. Carter brought in 240,000 feet of lumber last week from Thesselon, and the Pinafore a cargo from the Sauble,-Fishing, boating and canoeing are the favorite pastimes at present .-Examinations for promotion to higher classes commence in the several schools on Monday. -The members of St, George's have appointed a committee to commit with the Bishop regarding the vacant rectorship. -The 33rd ball, band has been engaged for Dominion Day in Goderich, so that viaiters can depend on the musio.--Mr, C. Williams, the winner of two gold medals at the recent pharmacy eximinationsin Toro- nto returned home on Seturday.-The dredge is expected in port thie week. -The Court House Square is now very pretty, and our hope is that it may remain so for Dom Mien Day. If sink headache is Inieetey, what is Car- ter'a Little Liver Pills if they will positive- ly cure it? People who have used them apeak frankly of thole worth. They are small and easy to take. ' Stephen. CONDENSED NEWS. -- Scaooz REPORT -The followin is a °or- • root report of the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Stephen, tor the month of May, the first three namee of eaoh class being given in order of merit, according to proficieuey and general good conduct : IV -W. Salter, Sr III -E. Shale, S. Brown, S. Flanagan. Jr III -L. Lawson, A. Spenoer,J.Flanagan. Sr II -G. Lawson, E. Brown, B. 'Sims, Jr II -U. Emery, L. Lawson, H. Clark. Sr. pt II -M. Lampert, R. Essery, Ie, Sims, Sr pt I -J. Sims, P. Flanagan, C. Lampert. Intermediate-LEssery. Jr pt I -G -,Sims 0. LemonW. Lawson. Average attend- ance during month, 30. Granton. Barnes, -We understand tbe Methodista of this place purpose', erecting their new church ere long which will no doubt be a no structure, -The Presbyterians purpose holding their usual anniversary on July le t. -Granton has two ioe °ream parlors. How is that for our town I -Mrs James of Seaforth is visiting at Mr. Thos Lawtons.-e Mr. Jos. Lawton who has been visiting his relatives above here took suddenly ill this week. We hope to hear of his speedy re- covery. -Hr. W. Germyn is home nuttiest- ing under the beautiful Peeples of Granton, -Miss Maggie Cameron who left here a short time ago, we learn with pleaeure, is going to return. Maggio has been much missed by the Presbyterians, being organ. it in the churolo-Granton Methodist choir is to go to Zion Anniversary Monde y next, to raise their sweet voices in song to aid the Zionites, and a week from Monday to Freewill anniversary. Freewill folks wake np, 4-411-4-4 BiddUlDh. (Too late for last week.) BRIEFS -Mr. Erney Abbott has returned from. the Prairie Province, and reports an unusually late riming in Manitoba and snow a foot deep on 241h May. The chances are the treat will oatoh the late crops and de. atroy them. -Mr. James Kelley, north boundary, Biddulph, has juat purchased a no farm from Mr. Riohard Rayeraft, Itid• dulph, for 55 500. -Mr. Dan Phillips of Lobo, bee euseitestel e ility-eore ihr.en oo the Bauble lino, Biddulph, Ho purposes turning it iutoa grass farm. -A number of our young people epjoyed a day's sport at the Grand Bend last week, and a number of the older ones spurpoee visiting the Model Farm, Guelph next week. -Mr. Adam Neil has erected ',ono of Madge's faLDOUS Wind Mille, making quite iiu improvement to the appearenoo of his farm, as well as being uf great service. -Mr. James Stanley, ?brother of Mr,Bernard Stanley,Luean. is at present at the point of death. For some months past his heart ha been graduelly sicking, and at present his phyaioian has no hopes of his reooveree-Mr.Joahrta Thompson has disposed of his farm to Mr. May for the sum of 56000, -Mrs. Lundy of Bay City, Mich , daughter of Mr. Janne Flannery, Biddulph, is at praaent visitiog her parents here. Dashwood. Bnixtes.-A number from here attended the Methodist Camp Meeting at Kippen on Sunday. -Mr. David Jacobi formerly in the employ of Mr. M. Fenn, visited some of his friends in the village last week. -Mr. J. Yeelker was attending a stock sale near Taviatook this week. -Mr. Phippen of Park- hill was in Dashwood last week. -It has been rumored that Sam. M. Heath our teacher intended to leave during the coming holi- days, as he had only been engaged till then; but the ;trustees have agreed to raise his halary and he will therefore likely remain till Christmas. -The teachers and pupila of our school intend to hold their annual pic- nic at Grand Bend on Friday, June 171h. We hope to see a large crowd attend.- On Monday evening a public meeting was held in the 'wheel house to consider the matter of increased accommodation. The meeting was rot very well attended bnt it was agreed by thoee who were present that the build- ing shall be enlarged during the coming holidays. -There was quite an exciting horse race in our village on Tuesday evg.- One of our mon promising young men is going to make a change ; he does not be- lieve in walking through life alone much longer. Particulars later. Anderson. -- BRIErs,-Mr, Chas. Hyde, while going to work at Thorndale last Monday morning met with a very sudden accident. His bug- gy in which he was carrying his men broke to the ground, some of them sustaining milieus injuries. -Rev. P. E. Harding of Ohio, formerly of Anderson, we are glad to note is onoe more the guest of his many Anderson Mende -The Sunday School tea meeting on Monday last was an un- speakable emcees, the weather was so warm and beautiful and the bush being just a lovely place for tbe day. -On Sunday morn. ing the Rev. John Scott of fit. Marys ad- dressed the children, when he made the difficult things simr be. In the evening Rev. P. E. Harding epoke a few kind words to the elder portion of the community. A col- lection was taken up at the 'cisme of each service. On Monday came the gloriousday for the children, as well as the others, Speaking began at 2 o'clock when Rey.'B.S. •Hutton pastor of the church took tbe chair and addresses were given by severaljvisiting clergy. When the apeaking was over the orowd partook of a well prepared spread. In the eeening came the most exciting pleasure of the day,it being asbaseball match betvr al the Anderson Gales and the Kirkton Colts, remelting in a victory for the home team. Mr. Jas. Robinson aeted as umpire. -The Anderson teatal were as followe:--Noble Johnston, C.; L, CaMeron P.; Ed Robin- son F. B.; W. Hyde, S. B.; H, Andereon, T, B.; J. Kirkby, 5.5.; W. Epplett, L Fe 3. piteplien CI, F.; H Crago, R. F. -Mr. J. Rim of St Marge wag in the village last Sun- t 1 day. -Mr. John Althingon vvalt home on , k Sunday lad, and on Wednesday, attend- ing an importaat wedding, . 'krona Various Sources Through out the District. mime, Mr.Donald MoIntoeh of ICinlose has a hen's egg that measures 8i by 7 inches. It is a big one. The Patrons of Industry of Huron and Perth are getting up a moeter excursion to the Guelph Model Farm on the 24th. Mr. John G. Troyer of Hills Green soki his 50-aore faun which is sitnated on the town line east of that place, to Mn, Thomas Coleman. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla ie not accidental but is the result of careful etndy and experimented by educated pharma- Met& Mr, John McArthur and wife of Hansen, have moved to their residenee on their farm in East Williams, where they will epend the slimmer. Mrs. Geo. Campbell of Walton died on Thursday last of heart disease. Previously she had not felt better and her death was a severe shock to everybody. Messrs, Jonathan Miller of the Albion Hotel, Goderich, and R. J. Gore are to be defendants in a libel suit which has been entered by Maloolne Colin Cameron for 55,000 (Image. Mr. S. Copp, sou of Mr. Wm. Copp,Sea- forth, v as ao unfortunate an to have the thumb of his left hand broken a fore days ago, audit bee since been found necessary to amputate it. On the 8th inet.,Miss Janet,thircl daugh- ter of Mr.A.Store of the 6th of Tuokersmith was married to Mr. Tas.Little of McGregor, Man. They left for 'Manitoba next day where Mr. Little has a good farm. Drs. Smith of Seaforth, Gunn of Clinton, and Irving of Kirkton, were in Detroit last week, attending the meeting of the Ameri- MU Medical Association. There were over fifteen hmadred medical men present at tbo meeting. "My father, at about the age of fifty, lost all the hair from the top of his head. A.fter one menthe' trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor, the hair began coming' and, in three mouths, he had. a fine growth of hale of the natural oolor."-P. J. Cullen, Saratoga Springe, N. Y. Dr. Tennant of Luoknow has a very rare species of bird, and one seldom seen in that seetion of Canada. It is called the "Leas Bittern," and was captured in an apple treet on the farm of tdr.David Oarruthertrof Kin - loos, by one of his eons a few weelta ago. A painful accident happened to Mr. J. A. 'Meer, hostler at the Commercial hotel, Seaforth, the other day. He liaa Mr. Ed - all's pony on a halter allowing it to take a bite of grass on the street in the rear of the hotel, when it wheeled around and gave S. A. a Molt with both hind feetg breaking his arm. "Dick Wilkes,"the imported blood stallion owned by Mr. E, 0. Coleman of Seaforth died on Monday butt. He was imported from Kentucky about two years ago and was ono el the best stallions in Canada, His death is a veryheavy loss to his owner and to this county. Mr.Coleman elect lost a valueble young filly known as tho' Crenswell Wt." A very pleasant time was apent at the residence of Mr. Angus McDermid, on the Huron Road between Clinton and Seatorth, on Wednesday lest. The occasion was the marriage of Mr. McDerraid'e secondedaugh. ter, Miss Isabella Burnside, to Mr. John McDowell let the township of McKillop. The ceremony was !performed by the Rev. Ur. Ste" -t, of Clinton, in the:presence of a large nuffiber of friends of the contracting parties. MIDDLESEX. Last week the framework of a barn 80 x 120 feet, was raised for Mr. Wallis, of Bid- dulph. London's assessors place the population of the tri.ty at 31,615, an increase since last year of 375, Robt White and family of Parkhill, ac- companied. by Miss J. Maglaciery left on Monday for Denver, Colorado, whore they will reside. Dr. Hagerman and Dr. Kilbourne, who left Parkhill a few weeksago for the Unit- ed States, have gone into partnersbip for the practice of medicine in Milwaukee, Wis, and report they have been web received. The combined lodges of the Patrons of Industry of East and West Williams, Ste- phenend McGillivray intend having a mon- ster picnic in the vicinity of Parkhill some- time during this month, The little son of Mr. James Henderson, West Nissonri, who received a wound from a long hair pm just above the knee, which turned to bloocl poisoning, is recovering. The little fellow has suffered great pain,ibut bore it manfully. Mr. Mark Glenn, a farmer who lives near Aires Craig, was driving near the G. T. R. track the other day when his horse took fright at a passing train, and, running away threw him out, and broke his jaw in two places, Mn. Glenn was brought to the city in the evening, and is now in the Hospital-. The oonnty council has offered a reward of e200 for the appreheneion of the persons concerned in and guilty of the outrage per- petrated recently near Dreaney'e corners. Itis likely that the London City Council will supplement the reward as the ladieg so brutelly assaulted belonged to the oily. Mrs Jennison, who lived on the town.. line of West Williams and tloGillivray, died seddeuly at her residence the other evening. Mrs. Jennison had been visiting at a neighbot's, Mrs. Solmfield. and on her return home called for a member of the family as she was entering the door and then almost immediately fell flown and ex- pired. A Strathroy dispateh says that Saturday neoin'ne Andrew Banghart, an employe of Bixel's brewery there shot himself in the head with suicidal intent. He was at last reporte in a preearious condition. The reason for the rash act is unknown to his friend, though mental aberration is motive- & The victim ie connected with a well nown and respected family. tie formerly ept the Wharnoliffe Ion, Westmineter. Minard's Liniment Is the Beet, 441414, JOblitX WIECTE ac SON Publisher and Proprietor PERTH. The South Perth Orangemen celebrate the 121h July in Sarnia. Mra- Brown of Mitchell will be taken before the magistrate if she still neglects to send her children to school. W. R. Graham of St, Marys will return home from the old oeuntry, finding that the horse market is being overdone. One of Farrow's livery horse, Mitohell, was taken into the country the other day, and while in a farmer's stable, had. his log broken. Forty-nine -years ago on Thursday of lett week, Mr. Thomas Worth landed in Mitchell, having foonee there direct from Cornwall. Mr, A. )3. MoKay of Embro had a setting oi3aung ducks hatched out thaeother day, and among them was one with two heads, four wings, four logs and two tails, The thing died shortly afterwards. SatlirdaY erening se Rs family of Mr. 3, Thistle, 91h con.Downie, were at supper, Mrs. Thistle, who hag been ill for some time of dropsy, to the consternation of her husband and ohildren suddenly fell over from her seat at table and expired. On Sanday evening, about 9 o'clock, old MreClarke, near Granton,died yery sudden- ly. With hie wife he:was Bitting conversing, aud dropped over on the floor smite dead. Heart failure the muse. He was a highly respected resident of Blanshard and his death was a surprise to all. August Draper, a welbto-do farmer of the township of Logan,Friday evening threw a crow -bar frem Cwindow, and not notioing that it duck in the giound and. stood up- right, jumped afterit. He alighted ou it, and it penetrated, several inches into hie abdomen. He died in a short titne The Stratford Times has ceased to exist, having, during the past weelabeen purchas- ed by the Herald, and the Times Went will merge into and become a part of the Herald establishment. This is, we think, a very wise (tonsure:nation for both papers OOn cern- ed. The newspaper interests of Strattord are now in pretty good shape. Mr, John McLaren (ilea at his residence in Toronto on Sunday last. Mr. MeLaren was well-known and highly respected in this vicinity, having resided for many years in Dublin, and previonsly to thst in Crone - arty, township of Ribbert. He had been ill for several menthe. Ile wee 71 rse.e ef. ago. Arthur Itobb,sanitaryinspector and truant officer of Stratferd, celled at his residence last weal:. He had been ill for over two months with Ilung trouble and death was not unexpeoted. For near's' eight years Mr, Robb was identified. witlx the 2811i Bat- talion as lieutenant in command of No. °oniony, The Methodist Conference for 1892 is now over and the ministers and people are all settled down and happy fax another year. Rev. Mr. Nugent gleagto Palmerston ; Rev. Mr, Mills to Litwin:tow; Rev, Mr. Coiling 00Meb to Trafalgar street church, and Rev, Dr, Cornish to Main streetettlitcholl. There is no change for Staffa. Rev.W.Bell comes to Fu Marton and Rev. A. M. itacCulloek to Monkton Rev. W. Casson goes to Harris. ton and H. N. Casson to Owen Sound. Nervous headache, female weakness, pale and sallow complexions, suppreseions, eta , speedily yield to Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They Burtch the blood, restore shattered nerves, produce rosy cheeks and. the glovv of health. Sold by all dealers, Or will be sent post paid on receipt of prize -50o a box, or six boxes for 2.50 -by addressing Dr. Wil- liams Med. Co,, Brockville,Ont., or Morris- town, N. Y. The following is a copy of the final draft of stations for the St. Marys Disttiet: St. Marys, John Scott, M. A., Richard Service, Supernumerary; Granton, Jag Ferguson Lucan, Richard W. Williams, Richard C. Renders, (Landon) Superannuated; Angie Craig, John T. Smith; Kirkton, Benjamin L. Hutton; Woodhain,Wm Birks; Nissouri, John Kennedy, S. T L.(Welburn); Kintore Thomas J. Sabine; Thamesford, Wesley E. Kerr. TEEM'S MAGIC IN Ir. -What must be the satisfaction aud gratifioation, at so small o cost, of one who writes like this? Mr. W. Mason'editor of the Retford and Gains- borough News, Ration], Eng., says :-"I had suffered from a sprained knee for twelve months, without being able to obtain rclief from Inc pain, when I rubbed the knee tho- roughly for twenty minutes with St. Jacobs 011. That night I travelled 200 miles by railway, the next day I vvnlked 25 mile& and Ilia pain bad enthely disappeared. I have never had the slightest return of it since. In Main street Methodist ohurch,Mitehell, on Thursday, was witnessed one of the gayest events of the season. The ctooasion was the marriage of:Miss Emily Coleman, second daughter of Rev. John Mills, pastor of the above named church, to Herbert Norman Morphv, a young barrister of Min- neapolis. The interesting event took place at 11 o'clock in the presence of a very large assemblage of Mitchell's beat citizens, The father of the bride was the officiating clergy man, the bride being eupported by her sister,Illiss Nellie Mille,and the bridegroom by his brother. • Hamilton, Apri120, 1802. I wee doctoring for years with physidans for a scaly and scurvy sffliotion of the scalp they told nse it was eczema, but gave me no permanent relief. I was also troubled with excessive dandruff, which would drop froin ray head like snow fines. Hearing of Anti.Dandtuff I used R, and from the third application felt more relieved than for years; when half the bottle was used the enema and way eruptions disappeared and have not returned since; dandruff was tho- roughly removed, the itching of the soalp stopped, and for an elegant, clean and. use- ful hair dressing Anti-Dahdruff has no equal. The Ontario Government is erecting a building at the Central Prison, Toronto, into which to put all the required teachin- eryfor the manufacture of binder twine. The menufecture of twine will begin atonoe audit is expected that the goyernment will supply it nearly at coot price to tbe farmer* thvoughortt the Province, Miaatd's Liniment foe Rheumatism: Taking Goods And lots of people taking thern is the order of things at the MARKET STORE. Notwithstanding that the farmers -are so busy they call around as usual to se- cure the special' bargains we offer. We wish you to remember that we are offer- ing Sateen Prints, plain, in all colors ; and lovely patterns in figured, at price's never before sold at in Exeter. just test this will 'you Also a magnificent lot of Dress Goods in the newest shades, just opened. We were fortunate to secure it large quan- tity Cottons, Cottonades and Shirting; before the rise on these goods, and will sell them at the usual lowfigures. We will give all the benefit of the large job lot of Boots &, Shoes which we can sell below original cost, and make money. Come right in and secure some of them. P, ROSS. Market Store. ".Should Auld Acquaintances be Forgot" -- To the Editor of the Exeter Times. DEJA Sin. -After an absence of ten yrs. businees once more nailed me to Exeter. Naturally after so long an absence, my thoughts reverted to my visit on 1882.. Woudering if my old friends had gone the "way of the juet" and altho' the centime of 1891 showed a slight increase over 1881, I could not help hoping I should find things as they were. On stepping out of the rail way carriage I found I was still on the wrong side of the line as of yore, but when. friend Gillespie shook me by the hand, bright, chtrpy and as happy as ever I felt things must be 0. K. I watched attentive by the street on either aide of me as we drove from the stetion, noting any improve Mont, dnring the /Rea defied., Tao V,seitegr Plow Works had increased in size by sev. erel new additions until they now present Works of which Exeter may woll be proud. I am one of thoae who have no belief in the 'bonus or gift' enterprises, but Exeter cannot be blamed for trying to retain the Plow Works, altho' I think that if the seen of 810,000 were to form a nucleus round. which similar amounts could gather, En- ter might in time obtain railway accom. inodation that would carry them east and west without going to London for that purpose. I noticell ethat fine and hand. some church, 'The Triyitt Memorial', a credit to Mr. Trivitt and an ornament to the to ern. Then too, the fine town hall and clock tower shows the enterprise of the inhabitants altho' now perhaps they are so accustomed to it that they think nothing about it. It strikes a stranger however very favorably. On arrival of the 'bus at the Commercial I was met by that jovial, jolly -faced Wes, who grasping me by the hand saluted me by name allow- ing plainly that if I had forgotten Wes. he had not forgotten me. Ten years ago a jolly fat boy, Jun of pranks, fun and non sense, now transformed into the 'host.' A worthy son of a worthy sire. Everything about the old spot, except removal of bar was the same. Long may this hostlery exist and may Wes' shadow never grow less. J must not forget Harry, too, altho' a new importation to me. I started out to view the changes, but found only im- provements. The streets seemed cleaner that' of yore, the storea brighter, and every one I met, instead of staring rudely at me a. stranger, had a courteous salutation. Even on tile side streets I would meet old men, old women, the youth and the child, all alike the same courteous " Good. Morning, Sir" was the salute of all. Truly the Exeterites are a polite people, Want- ing some cards, 1 dropped into my old friend 'The TIMES Office.' The first I met was 'the old original -no change in him. Time has lightly laid his hands ocr the able father of boy a who leave made their mark in Canadian journalism. But oh what shall I say about friend M. J.? Here's a change with e'a. vengeance. Ten years ago he was the torment of my life, full of jokes, quacks and fun. Nothing serious in t,hini • those days. But now t staid, serious, and apparently e young old man, and a hustler for business. And he can do grand work, for Othe cards he did for me can compare favorably with the best work of the largest Toronto offices. Friend Christie, too, has clone his share Inc improving the Main street, and altho' now a councillor I am told, is the same Christie as of 1882. But. Mr. Editor, if 1 keep on enumerating all the old friends, all the im- provements and all I enjoyed in my last visit to Exeter,I shall want,m ore space than you will allow. In conclusion I can add my testimony that Exeter is a desirable spot to live in, and I only wish my lot had, • been cast in so 'pleasant a place.' Yours TRA.VELLER. 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