HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-9, Page 4Choice Raisins
l'Ve have just received a job lot of
RaiSins„ Prunes, and other goods which
• we will sell tit Away -Down prices.
Nice new raisins at $1.25 per box. ;
Prunes tit Se per lb. or six lbs. for 25e.
Call and see our special line of
i.adies' Boots and $1).oes. New prices
in these goods.
'••••• It will pay you to look in zunl
see us when in town.
A. 3. litcTAVIII & CO.
Following are the market votatieus
SO to 82
° '1 to 40
Peas • 55 to 5(1
Hay 10,00 to 11,00
Fatter , .14 to 15
Egge .......... a 0 to 10
Hogs 5.75 to 3.75
Clover &ma.. 7.00 to 7.50
incetin,r of the Yonng
Peeples'Societv (lit itian Endeav,)r held
their monthly boulness rWetihg Monday
evening and roztived reports of various oill.
cers ami Convemrs CA Committees. The
Treas's repert showed a balstne: of $1 78 on
baud and tho S9,-.,r,,tar.li's report showed an
increase of •ii.) 11,,t
term The 71.1 aeti-o
rcen0.crs 1 ‘,1
roettY,..i. I .7 t
t,, ,q11- !WI
• t:14y tho
t'': se, e • • etre tellowing
the corning term.-
Prr-s. Mrs.J.S; Henderson, Tice Pres.
David Idw.intnan, S Simp'son, Treas.
Rebt, 3. Carlisle. Loolt.out Com. -Miss
Buchlyan- Mary Briwnt Sadie Carlisle:
Wra. Hoggarth; Mr. IlOwelifie; Wm. hider;
It. P. Yotmg.- Devotional Committee. -
Mary earti,11 ni,v: 3S. licntlorCon; L
Harold.-Sebhath Sohool Cona:-Mr. Dau•
ntewart; Mrs. vine 'loin Mrs. Win, M srte
• -Mecors. L. Harcif, and IlOrt. Bell were
britmate. oil a last veli at eft.oa of
tMdr bon obi Wf0- increased by e'tt
--.1. new eonicetmxmry has been started no.
(tor the able miteagement of Mr. Troyer.-
l'rirthart is kept very berm al his saw
ho braployea sin hands. -Mr. D. Mc-
Temnan has returned for a few Weeks. -Mr.
*tem afeEwen is attending Co Council at
Gaderielns-Large • 'embers of teachers len
this place for Goderich to attend the teach,
* .tt Convention at that place. Among ether
.--n3 f1:7,! addresi, on -Continen-
tal Craton" by H. S. Strang 13. A. which
Ileitod a. reply from vo!eran
th„1, S;gtial,- The Grete
tis Circulars are arrhIng in largo limo,
ber• th,Te ar.. no biters. -1 Cooler
bas moved into his now resieence.-II.
Revuolds bee moyed into the house vacated
by the Ileverart Sermon. -The Hensall autl
RiP:t foot -ball teams play on the former's
grounds Saturday evening. Play to huh;
at 7 o'clock obarp). -The R. T. 4.if T.
have mertel to Jr. Geo. MeEwen s hall
They were in the 1 0 OF hall up to the
present time bnt as the 10 0 P parpese
cierpeting their hall end . placing in ile'n
chairs, they decided to be the sole emu-
pents. The rt 'T of T are a strong society
tee t'es /7")9 Fre-re sd-
orning their hall they would have been
1.1E,i4ea.to Inve them remain.
Biners.-The base.ball math between
Faxquhar mid the boundary olubs resulted
in a viotory for the former by five runs.
The number of export (tattle sold this
apringia something remarkable. About 5o
per pound was the average price paid. Pi.
oes are expeotedtto be fair for eatly grass
cattle, J. Scott Jr., eold a pair to Pat
Curtain at filets., vlaich tipped the beam
at 1,700 pomade eaoh.
Bamrs.-A W. Bottum has been ea -
gaged as teacher in S. S. No, 5, Ribbed, at
au increased salary. -Revival services are
being held in the Methodist &mean con-
deoted by Rev, Mr. Burwash, ably aseisted
by Mr. Claristie.-The exoureion of school
ehildren and others to the town of Gode.
rioh on Friday watt not a success. The rain
dampened the proceedings very ramie -Mr.
A. K. Ferguson, of Staffa, has paused tbe
primary examination of the Ontario Clollege
ot Physicians and Surgeons,
BRIEFS -The new weigh scalee have been
put into place, and we, like Exeter, have
two setts -a tan ataewing for a small village.
-Ben Short is doing a nice trade. -Mr.
Brown is getting along nicely in Michigan,
-The oheese faotory ha in fall operation,
and getting lots of milk. -A match is ex-
pected here soon between the Eden and
Bruoefield foot ball clubs.
BRIM'S. -A diabolical attempt was made
Saturday night to wreak the evening exprese
from Stratford to Goderioh, deo here at
9.20. Plomefiends had piled timl er ud
stones on the treat, and bad the train been
on time the chances are (as the night was
elonoly), that the train would have been
thrown down tee embankment. Mr. Hern-
iation of Stapleton, had been to Seaforth,
anti tInding the train late started to walk
home along tee track, carrying a lantern.
When peer the bridge near Stapleton, about
two miles east of here, he found the ob-
struction on the tiack, and being unable to
move it be went back towards Seat:1th
and awned the approaolaing train.
Bniers.-A tea Meeting in connection
with the Anderson Methodist ohuroh will
beheld on Monday next, and in conneotion
therewith there will be a base ball match
between the ''Gales" of Anderson and the
"Colts" of Kirkton, On Sunday special
sermons will be mantled, in the morning
by Rev. John Scott of St. Marys, and in the
evening by Etev, Philip Pleading of Ohio, a
former resident of this neighborhood. A
good time is antioipated.-Miss Alary Ste-
phen has returned home f rota Toronto, no.
companied by Mrs. Will Stepben who will
visit friends here for a time -Rev. W. IL
Graham, whose home is in St. Marys, but
who formerly resided among us, has been
appointed to the Stage circuit. We wish
our old friend Will every suocesse-Tbe farm
ers are now anxiously awaiting the hayiug
season. -Mr. John Diekineon bas improyed
hie farm of late, and antong other things
has had erected a handsonto wind
Fruit prospects this year at e good. -Mr,
Barnett's 'team ran away last week, and
throwing Ike front the rig iujared laitu
(Too late for last week.)
Bniere.-Mr. 11. MoClinchey bought a
Bre> peon; horse of Mr. 1'. Crooair.;;: --Mc,
a :1T fV. 1111.%1 04 the
10 tight from Mr. A. iloLaahlan
.`. Wilson has two geese that have
1 1iez.rgs this season and still they lay.
I ,$ Itussoll and Wiggine and X1r. West.
non, teachers at Craton Poblio School
were visiting at Var. A. M. Wilson's last
Satorday.-The annual Sabbath School
plenic of Grand Bend circuit is to be held
Wednesday, dune 15, on the shore of Liver
Aux Sable, near Lake Eturon,-Miss Ada
Mollard of Grand Bend is assisting Miss T.
Brorhey in the dress making establishment
at the Boston Eiouse.-Mr. 3. Brown has a
incubator fox hatching eggs, can tot 100
eggs. They have all come out and another
1,1,t are expected out shortly. Beat that if
yon. can ,-The Ladies' Band ot Willing
Vv-orkers sold about $20 worth at Grand
Bend 24th and, had a very enjoyable time,
Fort SALE on TO Reim -A New York piano
Will be sold at a low price. or rented on reason-
able terms, Apply at Weees'Eurniture Store.
Lenoe Srocx.-We ba.ve now on hand a
lame stock of buggtes carriages, wagonsmarts,
etc., which weare selling at factory prices All
ourown make and guaranteed. Call and see
stook. Repairing and carriage trimming will
receive careful attention, FRED. ligss,Zurich
SCUOOL REPORT. -The following is
the report of the pupils of the public
school for the month of May,1892. The
report isbased on general work and the
written examinations held during the
month: Sr. Div. -V -John Gies, 692.
Sr. IV -M. Buchanan, E. Geiger, Allie
Johnston, Tillie Well, Andrew Hess,
W. Geiger, L. Williams, T. Johnston,
Norman Suchanan, C. Sippel,T.Kibler,
111. Stemphfer, G. Steinbach„E. Holtz.
W. Demuth, A. Hess, W. Schoellig, L.
Kibler. Jr.i1V-Ida Well,Ida Lippert,
Katie Treumner, L. Zimmerman, R.
Lippert, Eph Holtzman, 0. Williams,
S. Faust, Sr. HI -L. Prang. H.
Stempfer, E. Weido, E.Moritz, R.Hirle-
man, R. Stempfer'A. Pfaff, W. Greb,
L.Deichert, Alf Bossenberry, Joseph
Schwarm, E. Heist, M. Doan W. Du-
i -next.
Biners.-We need it Sunday School, a
sermon every Sunday, aTemperance Society
and more mat:intense-Mr. jos. Matteue
bad hie barn re -shingled last week. -Mr.
Jos. Dauncey also had his house re -shing-
led, -Ed Sharon is improving. -We are glad
to sea the smiling fatte of Mr. Ed. Kettle
with us again. -No sermons as usual on
Sunday last. -Mr. Geo. Morlook isrepairing
the bank of bis bank whiott caved in one
day last week,
Briers. -Fishing parties are now the go
mostly to the Bend. -Some large cab:thee
of fish are reported, -Our Reeves left for
Godertoh on Tuesday to attend the County
Council, -Mr. C. Kibler has not yet decidt
ed as to a location for his new venture in
business, -The Orediten Royal Templars of
Temperance held their installation on Mon-
day night last, when the following eilicers
were elected :8 C, Win Morlook ; P 0, W.
Lewis; V 0, Edith Wiggins '• Chap. Albert
Hooper ; Herald, Ed, Bertrand ; Deputy
Herald, Effie Lewis '• RemSeoy, Will Lewis;
Asst.Seoy, Annie Banes ; Fin, Beate Nel-
son Matlock; Trees, Emma Zwiker; Guard
Hannah Lewis ; Sentinel, Seibert Zwiker.
The Council now has something in the
neighborhood of 75 members, and we hope
the roll will be increased to 100.
BRIEFS -Ur. Fred Parsons spent Sunday
last visiting friends in Stephen. -Mies T.
;femme left Mr, Rundle on Tnesday last.
She has gone to work for Mr. Alex MoFalls
of the Central Hotel, Luciana-Mr, Reale
of this place purobased a handsome drieer
from Mr Thos Yrior of Exeter one day last
week for width he paid a bandeatne sum
-Mr. Thee Atkineon, ea employ of Mr.
Sem Hielta of this place has gone to Rainy
River to atteud the trial of Mrs. Carrothere
charged with the murder of her hatband
about a year ago. --Mr, Won Cave bas
completed les new fence along the front of
his lar, 'which wide gteatly to the appear-
ance of the place. Mr. Cave says a man
never knows which is the best kind of a
fence to build until he eminent:ea to build
one along the road.
FOOT BALL—The foot ball match which
has been looked:forward to nith great in-
terest for the past week between the F,usty
Cubs of Eden and the Ehmville team, as
Kicked on Saturday night last. At the
hour of seven o'clock the teanas faced each
other cn the field, each feeling confident of
victory. Walker lacked the ballfrom centre
to Captain Cave, ou right wing, who carried
the ball well down to goal, but :lost to the
hacks, who sent the hall flying up the field.
Edeuagain got the bah end took it well down
on Eliniville goal when the oaptain got
struck in the eye, whioli laid him up for
the remainder of the game. Notwithstaud.
ing the severe loss Eden sustained by losi g
their captain they managed to mere 3
goals to 0; Edon plays a rot= twitch At
Elimville on Friday night, 10th int,
BRIEFS.--BOV. John Russell is still absent
attending Conference at St. Thomas.
"When the cat is away the mice may 71
SO the choir thinks at auy ratee-Ren. DIG
Schofield preaohea an excellent sermon
Sunday evening on tins leaven levelling
the whole lump. A judicions appliostioo
of the artiole to the vocalist would perhaps
do considerable good. -Mr. G. W• Holman
wee iu Goderioli on Friday and Saturday at-
tending West Huron Teaoher's assooiation
Ile reports having a good time and was
elected Secretary-Treestirer of the assc.cia-
tion for the sixth time by acclamation. -
Every body is going to Holman's picnie
canoert on the 171h mat , a splendid time is
expected And the foot -ball boys are prepar-
ing to do nfigbty battle on that day. Come
everybody and encourage the children. -
Last Saturday Mr. Henry Johns, prepare
tory to putting a bank under his barn, had
raised it up in the usual manner. Shortly
atter the work wee completed and most of
the hairds had gone home one of the
bers supporting the heavy building, broke
and the whole fell to the ground with a
terrible crash, roof timbers mid &ding be-
ing smashed so that a great deal of it will
be fit for nothing more than firewood.
Luckily no one was hurt although two or
three men and a team of horses had a nar-
row escape.
(Too late for last week.)
BRIEFS. -Our sidewalks have put on a
raueli better appearance lately as our town
fathers hays been at work the last few days
repairing any that needed repairs. -Mr.
Buttler has his new livery in full bloom.
You need not prefer a ride on the train now
when you can get a feet ride and a much
cheaper one. -Rev. Mr, Grant preached to
a packed house Sunday evening, OR the
Ressien famine, taking his text from the
forty-third chapter of Genesis. The rev.
gentleman gave a very clear and instruetive
sermou from the saidttext and held out groat
sympathy for the Russian sufferers, taking
up at the close of the service a special col-
lection for the sufferers whioh is to be for-
warded to Russia. -Mr. Samuel Grigg of
London is in town and, we understand,
purposes going with Mr. Grant to Prospect
Hill .for the purpose of holding special
services in the English church of that
place. -Mr. M. Callender, our enterprising
harness maker, has got book safe, we are
pleased to say, after an absence of nearly a
week. We won't say what his visit will
terminate in, but the young ladies of mar
town stand a poor show for Milt.
To the Editor of the Exeter Times.
BRIEFS. -Thera is some talk of the
public school holding a picui c this month.
-Friends are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Hardy. -Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder were
visiting at Mrs. Schroeder's parents this
week. -Mrs. McTaggart of Hensall and
Mrs. Barre)]. of London were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Latta on Tuesday. -
Our teachers attended the W. T. A. at
Goderich on Friday and Saturday last. -
Mr. Randall, who had the misfortune:to
cut hs foot very bit dly,is, we are pleased
to know. improving. -Mr. F. Coleman
had a sale OD Saturday last. -Mrs.Harcly
Mrs. Demuth and Mr. Wurm left for
Michigan on Tuesday.-Mr.Thiel's little
boy, who hurt his eye some time ago is
in) prey ing.-We are sorry to record
the death of Mrs. John ;limiter (Lydia
Hey), which sad event occurred at the
residence on the 33aby1on Line on Sun-
day evening. Mrs. Decker had for
some time been seriously ill of consump-
tion of the throat.
Board of Strathroy. that the senior [leaving
In reply to the request of the &heel r"
examination be held there; the Deputy- .
fa! lug Uood.s
Minister has granted.
Mrs. Arch, Campbell of Parkhill,while on
her way to church last Sunday morning,.
had the misfortune to step through a hole
in the sidewalk, and to sprain her log
Mrs. Jae. Fraser, rister of Mr. Finlay
McGillivray of Parkhill died in Manitoba, on
Friday, May 20th, at the a,ge of 71 years.
Her remains wore brought to Parkhill and
interred last Friday at Nairn.
F. H. Hagerman, A. W. Maybury, B.
Milhorn of Parkhill and Weiones of Claude-
boye were sueoessful in paesing the recent
Medical examinations at Toronto and now
write 'Dd. D. after their respective names.
Damps. -The Victoria Crieket Club will
go to Exeter on Friday and contest with
the oricket club a that plaoe.-Clinton
Orange Lodge will hold its next meeting on
Monday, Jrtue 20, and oonaplete its arrange.
ments for the,12th July,-Tbe first Ia.:nesse
game of the meson is to be played in the
park on the 12th, between the Hurons of
Goderioh and the Dauntless of Clinton, be.
ing the first, of the junior scries,-Sonth
Huron L. 0, L. meets in the Clinton Orange
hall next Wednesday, 15th inst.-Mr, and
Mrs. John Johnston, Battenbnry street,
will shortly take a pleasure trip to the
Canadian Northwest. -Mr. George 1). Mc-
Tag4art an'l wife have arrived at their home
in Clinton, from their wedding tour.,
Mr, Lyons, at one time of the .Molcons
Bank here, now of Woodstock Branch, was
in town Monday. -County Master Todd has
received from the M, W. Grand Master a
Dispensation to organize L. 0. L. 03 at
Ronald. Currie, proprietor of the Royal
Hotel, Parkhill, has assigned to D.MoLeoci,
of that town. The hotel is mortgaged to
the extent of $600, and Sheriff's Officer
Graham Saturday served the papers and
seized the furniture for the mortgagee.
Mrs. James Neil of the 2nd con. MoGil-
livray had a narrow escape from being
killed on. Monday last. While in the aot
of salting her °owe, one of them ran at her,
knocked her down, and :tossed her up and
down in a frightful manner, and would no
doubt have killed her had it not bleu for
the heroism of Mrs. Marshall Millar, who
snatched a rail from the fence and fought
the ferocious beast nut to no avail. The
poor stemma's cries brought her husband
from the field,who struck the animal on the
head and ettumed it, Mrs, Neil is teinibly
injured and her clothing was torn to atoms.
Banns -Mr. C. Fritz wiahes to extend
his thanks to the Committee of the 2 WI
celebration in Exeter, for awarding hina let
money in the race for the championship of
Exeter. He reoeived the money on Satur-
day last ; somewhat late, but better late
than never: -Horse-racing, foot racing,
jollying. etc, are the amusements at Dash
wood at present. One young man save he
has a 2:30 horse. -Our tankers attended
the West Huron Teachers' Institute at God
erieh last week. They report a lively time.
-Messrs. E. Zeller and 0 Either of Zurish
were in the village on Monday. --Mr.
Kellerinann left this week for Michigan. -
The EvaL.g‘aiettl Sunday School here intend
to celebrate Children's Day on the 2155
inst.-Most of the children have recovered
from ti.; H. Reese Las pur-
abated Rev. F. Soharffe's driven -Mrs tied
Mies Krupp visited friends in Zurich this
weer. -Mr. W. W. Ball has received his
new Imerse, and hie ono of the fineet north
of London.
13aiern McCnrdy, our genial post -
mute' purpoess leaving for the Old Coun-
try on the 20tla, fur a ehort visit. -Mr. Jno
O'Brien, who has beau starring from in-
flammatory rheumatiem the past two mou-
ths is now convalessent.-Kirkton tOrange-
men intend oelebrating the coming 12tIretif
July at Sarnia, -Au energetic committee is
at work filling out a program of sports for
Dominion Day, of whirth we vill make far-
ther mention later on, --Mr Walt Hazle.
wood will leave for Lapeer, -Mich. on Satur-
day next. -Mine boat Tailor has named his
now hotel the "Victoria." The Victoria
hotel stands second to none in the Province
--Mrs. Se Shier and Mrs Jno HazIewood
Fitort foe tlm Weittern tiyie ;wet weelt,-.
E Shier of Brooksdale was in the village
on a short visit lately. -Mr. 0 0 Switzer
occupied the Meth pulpit on Sunday last,
end preached a very acceptable sermon. -
Miss Ray .of London will accompany Mr.
McCurdy to the Old Country. -The follow-
ing is the report of the Kirkton school for
the month of May. The report is based on
attendance, reoitations, punctuality and
conduct. The names of the best three in
eaoh class are given : Fifth class, Lizzie
Shier, Harvey Robinson; Sr. Fourth, Earth-
ed Kirk, Joel° Donpe, Martha Tufts ; Jr.
Fourth, Sarah Doupe, Phoebe, Trate, Walt.
Doupe; Sr Third, Bella Hazelwood, Effie
Cornish, Roy Jameson; Jr Third, Laura
Wis.eman, Norman Wiseman, Perry Doupe;
Sr Second, Olive Doupe, Katie Irving,
Hector Brethour. The foilowing are the
names of those in the first classes who
were preeent every day of the month : Katie
Brown, Frank Mille, Rntia Elliott, Rose
Davis, Samuel Bryan, Emma Davis.
AFTER the GRIP nd after typhoid fevey
didlitheria, pneumonia, or ot her prostrate
diseases, Hood's Sarseparila is jutt elm; is
needed to restore. the strength and vigor so
mach desired. and in f,xpel all poiron front
the blood. It has had wondi rful tuceess 51
teeny such casee.
Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver,
rousing it from torpidity to Itel ne,sseal duti
es, cure constipation end eaglet digestion,
A certain person of this place received a
very strange and illiterate letter with no
name bnt a word s*si tedFahr Play. That is
just what we all want -lair play. It alio
stated that the person who received thie
letter was a correspondent to the Eeeter
Tines. I would just here say, cad person-
ally at the said person's residence; they
would be most happy to see you and ex-
plain everything to a demonstration, Trust
to hear no more of such sarcasm or rougher
mearte will be put fcrth to End out the mis-
And lots of people taking thein is
the order of things at the MARKET
Notwithstanding that the farmere' are
so busy they call around as usual to se-
cure the special bar,gaine we offer. We
wish you to remember that we are offer-
ing Sateen Prints, plain, in all colors ;
and lovely patterns in figured, at priees
never before sold at in Exeter. Just
test this will you I
Also a magnificent lot of Dress Goods
in the newest shades, just opened. We
were fortunate to secure a large quan-
tity Cottons, Cottonades and Shirtings
before the riso on these goods, and will
sell them at the USW/ low ligores.
We will give all the benefit of the
large job lot of Boots & Shoes which we
can ecU below original cost, and make
money, Come right in and secure*some
of them.
James Mollhargey of the 2nd con. Mo.
Gillivray mid a painful operatiou performed
to hie leg the other day. Some time ago
it happeued he wee nefortunate in having Ft
=away and sustained an injury jest above
the knee joint which Afterwards became so
painful at times as to render hint unfit for
work. It gradually grew WOrde Ma it
bretaine necessary to consel medical advice
and an operation was considered neces-ary.
Accordingly a piece of bone about one inch
long and one-quarter of an Melt thick was
taken out- Where the bone °awe nom is
not known, but is believed to be a growth of
some kind. The bone had a sort of &mutt
ous route which it travelled regularly,
passing around the top of the kuee and
then through the knee mint, and while it
was passing through the joint the pain was
almost nubearable. Since the operation
everything is doing well and we trutt he
will be around again before long
On Sunday morning Mr. Giles Jenkins
minded the pulpit in the Methodist church
In the absence of the paetor.-On Sunday
Rev. R. Henderson, of 13syfield, officiated
et both services in St. Andrew's (Presby-
terian church, preaching entellent diecoar-
set. At the evening service in consequence
of there not being any servioes in the other
ohurobes in town, the edffiee was pretty
well ceowarelm-On Sunday, at 2 3u
p, m., the anniversary sermon will be
preached to the members of tbe C. 0. P.,
No. 79 and visiting brethren, in Trinity
ohurch by the incumbent, Bro. Rev. T, E.
Higley All are weloome,
There is some talk of not letting the
Dominion day pass off in this burg without
having some Inn.
BRIEFS -The Public School Board met on
Monday evening. -A nunaber of our re-
sidents will be present at the Distrint meet-
ing of the Royal Template of Temperance
in Heneall on the 21st inst.-Three vessels
reached eioderich on Sunday -the Jno-
Shutte, with 500 tons 01 coal. and the tugs
Despatch and Maud L. -A new officer took
charge of the S. A. the past week. -At the
regular meeting of the town council on
Friday the usual mu; i Apal grant to assist
in celebrating Dominion Day was unam-
mouely voted. -The full program for Dom-
inion Day Snot yet laid out, but it will
most likely excel all previous celebrations.
-The schooner Greyhouud brought in it
cargo of shingles and took out a cargo of
salt the past week. -The Teachers' Conven-
tion held on Friday and Saturday was a
SUCO2SS in every way -The convention
entertainment given lh the Grand on Friday
pleased eyerybody.-Our county merabars
are now in session. The gentlemen are
doing their work wale -The Orangemen
from this neighborhood will put in the 12th
at either Kincardine or Sarni. -0n Friday
an excursion party from Dublin attacked
Godericb, but as the day was wet and cool
the Dablinites had a not over ult aunt time.
-Farmers report wheat, oats, holey, peas,
and has' very good, apples, pears, plums;
and small fruits generally, a big crop, if
the good signs (magnum -One night last
week about thirty membere of the Collegiate
Institute had a sail on the lake nil on Sat-
urday 45 of the convention members had
an evening's sail on the Speedy. -Miss
Brinell of Crediton was the guest of Miss
Wigaina laet week. -We are daily in espect
ation of eeeing a d -edge towed into the
laxative and most gentle diuretic known a. ..t,
u0r, notwithetanding it p of our
It is very important in this age of vast
material progt eat) that it remedy be pleasing
to the taste and to the eye, easily token,
acceptable to the stomach and healthy ha
its natere and effecto. Poeseasing these
qualities, Syrup of Figs is the <me perfeot
Wentv:orth County Council has $30,-
0001re risolid.
haanpi eau %vitt
succeed Lieut. -
Gov ernor Angers at Spencerwood,
Sixty of the census employees got
their walking tickets from Ottawa.
Senator Sanford is going to open a
clothing establishment at 'Windsor.
The Guelph Methodist Conference
will meet in Owen Sound next year.
13. M. Britton, Q.C.,has been offered
the Refortn nomination in Frontenao.
Ex -Warden T. E. Robson has been
elected Clerk of the County of Middle-
Newfoundland asks to be Included
in the proposed Canadian treaty with
The flow of immigration into Mani-
toba and the Northwest is heavily in-
Lord and. Lady Mount Stephen were
warmly welcomed back to their Cana- BOAR FOR SERVICE.
dian home.
Clarke Wallace, M. P., has been
elected Grand Master by the Orange
&rand Lodge.
About 40,000 feet of lumber was
burnt up in the Lakefield Co.'s yard on
Tuesday night.
Prinee Michael's wire has cone tnto
retreat at Pilbury, Ont„ to avoid not-
oriety et Detroit.
John Kean, the Lethbridge pioneer
just dead, was onoe a member of the
Ontario Legislature.
Michael Doerbecker, a brewer at
Salem, Onte is missing. He leaves
creditors for $21,000.
Adam Davidson, sent to jail as a
vagrant at Winnipeg for gambling has
been released on appeal.
The town ot Niagara Falls voted to
raise the debentures $10,000 to build
and equip a high school.
Col. Ashford, the Canadian now un-
der arrest in Honolulu, was with the
Woleatey expedition of 1870.
The crops in the North-west are in
fine condition, and new settlers are
delighted with the prospects.
The Grand Trunk offers a reward of
$500 for the miscreants" who caused
the fatal smash at Campbellford.
The Dominion Cruisers have sailed
from Halifax to protect the Canadian
mackerel beds from yankee poachers
A newsboy of 14 named Woolard
Albro had his head out off at Niagara
Falls yesterday in attempting to board
a train.
R. Clark of aampton, near Bowman-
ville, died from paralysis on Friday.
fie was well-known and universally re-
Christopher Robinson, Q C., acts as
Canadian counsel on the Behring Sea
Commission, and leaves for England
Two Toronto toughs, named McCul-
lough and Johnston, have been sent At the Central Hotel, in the Vil-
dawn for six months at Montreal for lege of Exeter
pocket -picking.
Wm. Bristol, formerly of St. Catha- On SATURDAY, the 1Bth day of JUNE, '92
fines, was drowned in t he flood at Oil
City, Pa., and hia body has been sent
home for interment.
The three prisoners at London,Ont.,
charged with brutelly outraging two
wonaen on the highway, have been tient
for trial without bail.
Sir Oliver Mowat has been 50 years a
member of•St. Andrews Society of Tor-
onto. The society has presented him
with a life membership ceetificate.
A young nein named W. J. Long was
caught burglarizing J. P. Welcoc/ci
jewelry store at Brantford on Monday.
herrphleeadfreesdhegtuoilfty. th. e past two or
Whebrought before the magistrate
days is almost unprecedented in the
village of Delhi. Nearly all the brisig.
es hove been swept away. Two mills
cm monday
morning received $5,600, being 8 per
cent, of $70,000, the street railway
earnings for the month ot May. The
treading took place on Tuesday at "Wood -
mere," the residence of Mr. Chas Floody,
short distance from the village, when Mr.
George M. Sherlock, chief train despatcher
C. P. It., Winnipeg, led to the altar Miss
Feline J: Float,. Over 100 guests were
present from Blyth, Clinton, Wingham,
Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter, London, Tor-
onto, Detroit and other places. The cere-
mony was performed b3 Rev. IL J. Floody,
of Boston, Mass., brother of the bride, as-
sisted by Revs. A W. Tonga, of Flesherton
and W. Campbell of Blyth. The groom
was assisted by Messrs. M. and W. H.
Floody, and the bride by Miss M. Osborne
of Albany, N. Y., and Miss Alice Crocker
of Exeter. The bride was handsomely at-
tired in Cream Bengaline Silk, trimmed
with Chiffon and lilies of the valley ; and
the bridesmaids in Cream Henrietta, trim-
med in Chiffon. A novel part of the cere-
mony was in the knot being tied in the
lawn under the trees, in the presence) of the
guests. The presents were numerous and
.included many very expensive articles.
The happy couple took the 4.15 train for
New Orleans. A large number of friends
gave them a grand send off at the station.
Mr, and Mrs, George May of London Tp. people shout that such a vessel will not
have entered ro, suit ot$2000damegee against come. -If the street 30.40 of the oonven.
the city for damages alleeed to have been tion meeting is correct, our teachers are all
receive by Mrs, May at the time she was trne to the Motherly,' a.—rotAtoes were
thrown from her wagon by the horse col. sold in this towu 1,41 week at 15 cents rm.
liding !with a pile of stones on Dundas bashel by the load.--Semmer visitors are
been $24 288
street. already anivine. and tho prospects are for with reset. His death woo tho noun of
typhoid hirer, v` • - share o
- - ' .
s"tir's share tits far ha b
a great number this se mon. . •
P. ROSS.,_
Market Store.
lion. 0 IL rupner, is oil to Loudon
to consult with the British Govern-
ment on Behring Sea matters.
While re -charging a blast drill near
Sherbrook, Quo,, William Rowe, a
foreman, was blown to atoms by an
exploded cartridge,
The terms for the awarding of the
Oeorge Brown memorial scholarship at
the University of Toronto have been
fixed. The saholarship is the gift of
Dr, Barbour, Edinburgh, and is valued
at $300.
Louis Gereaus, arrested at Chatham
on a charge of bringing stolen goods
Into Canada, was tried by magistrate
Bartlett at Windsor on Monday and
sentenced to nine months in Central
David Flea and Willie Cheevers, of
Brantford. two truancy incorrigibles,
were given fifteen atripes each on the
order t,f the police magistrate on Sat-
urday. There is another boy yet to be
dealt with in a sinailar manner.
D. Lang, of Buffalo, has justpurchas.
ed the Newhigging 20.) Imre farm at
Fort Erie for $19,600. This land was
sold a few years ago for $12,000. This
Mr. Lang also purchased two smaller
properties and intends to have it fine
stock farm.
WALKER -Ifeta,Awn-At the residence of the
bride's father, tioderich township, OR thol et
inst..ry the Wallor,Mr.11. S. Walker
of Springfield to Miss Anna, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr deptim, Rolland.
NOLAN "".DATtiv-A t Si' Marys, by Rev. Fether
Brennan, on Juno ilst, Mn Con. Nolan and
Miss Hannah DaveY, both of the Gore of
FITZPATRICK -rimy:N.-In Winglisni, on the
:Nell ult. shy Rev. Father Magee. Edward
Fitzpatrick to Mary Peden, both of.Illytie
tlrannwr--In Mceilliivray, on May 31st, David
Gilbert,aged $3 years.
PRATT—At St, Marys, on May 31s1, Wne Pratt,
aged 56 Years, Mos.
News of the Week -Condensed'
The Presbyterians of Granton have de-
cided to hold their annual plonk on July L
A firemen's tournament and band com-
petition is to be held in Strathroy on July
A by-law has been passed by Luoan coun-
cil forbidding the riding of bicycles on the
Notices are out asking for tenders for the
ednveyance of Her Majesty's men between
Parkhill and Dashwood.
The Lunn Meehanios' Inetitute has a
library of 1,500 volumes, and the member-
ship fee is only 50 cents per year.
Miss Judith Magladery of Parkhill swam
panied by 'her mother, loft Thursday for
Denver, Colorado, for the benefit of her
Mr. John C. Rose' stable iu Parkhill was
destroyed by :fire last week, and W. H.
Hutchins', M. P., grain warehouse narrowly
et mood.
Pukhill councillor's aro looking for epringe
with which to supply their town with watt e
for all purposes. So far taey have not been
The death of Mr.Charles Teeple of Sable,
at Saginaw, Miob., last week was received
The undershmed will keep it thoro'bred Berk-
shire boar for ,ervice at r Berry's tkale and
Sixth am ge Stable, Hensel).
TE itNIS:-Une dollar at time of sorvi6o with
Privilege of returning if necessary.
To creditors of William Alvin. Brook,
of the Village of Exeter,in the County
of Huron, deceased,
Notice is hereby gi yen. pursuant Ito Revised
Statutes of Ontario, 1887. chapter 1110, tbat alt
creditors and others having claims against the
catatelof William Alvin Brook, late of the
Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron. de-
ceased, who died ion or about the ;first day of
March.41802, are hereby required to send by
post, prepaid, or deliver to the uedersigned
executors of the said deceased. on or before the
fifteenth day of July, :502, a statement (in
writing) of their names and addressee. and full
particulars of their claims and a statement of
all securities (if any) held by them,Iduly veri-
fied. And notice iis further ;given • Ithat after
the last mentioned date the exeoutors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceas-
ed, among the parties entitled 'thereto, having
regard only to the elairns of whieh notice shall
have been given as above required. and. will not
be liable for the said assets or any part thereof
to any person of whose claim they shall not
have had notice at the time .of such distribu-
D. A. Ross 1Executors,
Exeter. P, 0.
Dated June 7th, -192,-31 Ont.
Main Street, Etc., Exeter.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con-
tained in a certain Indenture of Mortgage,
which will be produced at time of sale, made
by Edwin Shobbrook and others to the vendor,
there will be sold by Public Auction.
At 3 o'clock, p. m. by Mr John Gill, Auction-
er, (subject to such conditions lis shall then be
produced) the following Village Property. viz ;
FIRSTLY. -Lot number Three (3), on the
West side of Main Street, 'North of Victoria
Street, containing 32 perches, more or less, and
shown on the map or plan of the sub -division
of part of Lot Number 23, in tho I.st coneeasioa
of the Township of Stephen, under the name of
•Tarling's Survey.”
This is a very desirable property, in good lo-
cation on Main Street with frame dwelling
house and shop thereon.
SECONDLY. -The South Wesinrly part of
lot number Eight (8) an the East side of Marl-
borough Street, containing one-fifth of an
euro, MOTO OT 1,r8,11114,1 wbioti iS more particu-
larly described in the mortgage above men-
'this property is convenient to the Railway
station, and has a cottage thereon.
TERMS OF SALE :-10 per cent, down at
tims of sale; balance in 50 days or as any be
Further particulars apply to
Vendor's Solicitors.
ELLIOT St ELBLnInOtor;. Ont.
Dated this 28t5 day of May. 1892.-3$.