HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-9, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL. XIX. NO. 44. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE °HIPS PALL WHERE THEY MA.Y.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE, 9, 1892 $25,0 0 Bil T Miseemommememnam-ecialmmen 001111.-01.91.1111,...11.916.111WIBMISItelipS a GOODS E R le • • JOHN WRITE & 89E PubUeJior and Proprietor E. DUCED RI $25,000 tKi Son 1111ra." Contemplate making a chan.ge in their business, and in order to reduce their Stock will inaugurate ON SATUHDAii, JUNE lith The GEE mr sap SW; C4. SAL Z OP C4 DS Ever Held. in XTER. DRY -GOODS, MILLINERY, TWEEDS, HOUSE FURNISH iNGS, ORDERED CLOTHING, liPADY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, CROCKEBY, GLASSWARE & PLA.TEDWARE Will be Slaughtered at Discounts rangino from 10 to 50 Per Cent. FOR CAKE FOR CASH, FOR CASH FOR GASH FOR CASH 5,000 n3 In Cash to f 11-01 (CU 04 e rais ' d during the next 15 (131 ri4 h -WV. A IA AL K.) 'a 3‘1111$45 VOZZ-0 The prices given below are only samples of of prices at which Goods will be sold during this Great slaughter Sale: Sweeping Reductions. Ladies' Dress Goods 8c. reduced to Sc do do 10c. do 7o Ladies' All -wool Dress Goods 25c. do do do 750. do do do 800 do do do 90c. do Ladies' Jersey Vests for Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose Brush's B. &. C. Corsets 19c 65e 70c 80e 11c 17c 69c Beautiful wide Print (regular price 13i) for llo A good lino of Prints (regular price 10) for 8c A job line of Corsets for 19c. Children's Sailor Hats for Half Price Lot of Trimmed Millinery for Half Price Ladies' Capes for Half Price Sweeping Reductions. White Cottons will be sold for Grey Cottons will be sold for Flannelettes (heavy weight) for Feather Ticking for Extra heavy Twilled Sheetings for Good. Cottonade for 4c 40 Th 52 10. 12j Art Muslin will be sold for Crash Towelling for Lace Curtains, per pair 5c 5c 430 Scrim, good quality Table Linens for Challies for ' 7c 19c 7c Hemp Carpet, 15c. reduced to Tapestry do 55c. reduced to Wool Carpet 85e. reduced to 110 45c 77c Sweeping Reductions. Men's Fine Lace Shoes for Ladies' heavy wearing Boots Ladies' .Fine Polish &if, button or lace, Ladies' Tweed Slippers for Ladies' and Children's Shoes, odd lot., for do do do do $1.19 89c 1.25 19c 19c 25c Men's Undershirts for Men's Ready-made Coats 33ic discount. Men's Ready:made Pants 34c, discount. Men's Rubberirte Collars for Men's Rubberine Cuffs for 19c 9c 19e Comet and Opera Collars, 4 boxet, for 25c We will make a special run on Wall Papers, and will start them at 3c. per roll. Bear in mind. that we carryt THE LARG-EST STOCK EXEITER, and by purchasin.g your Goods from us during this Great Sale you are guaranteed a saving of from 10 to 50 per cent. on everything you buy. TIIIS WILL 'BE NO ORDINARY SALE We mean business and goods will be slaughtered right and left in order to reduce the Stock. On every ordered Suit purchased from us you will save from $2 to $5. THIS "VT -ILL 33M TI -IM 2a;VELE, 1-1MLID XiMMITMIR, AND WILL CONTIN1:711 ONLY WOE 15 D.41763. Everybody come and secure Bargains, ;t '111' L, • 4. fttlog- - SOWN