HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-2, Page 5l4 ONzo1` ,rev Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sy s• tem effectually, dispels colds, head. aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy at' its kind ever pro - (bleed, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptablea-to the .stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared. only from the most healthy and agreeablesubstances,its naanyyexcellent qualities eonimeiad it to an and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in Vie bottles by all leading druggists, Any reliable druggist who may not Lave it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes yo try it. 3,Xanufacturecl only by the 1 AUFOBIIIA FIG SYRUP CO., ,5A11 'i . OX$CO, OAT,. t A C5V•ILL27, Z.2. NEW Y.OAS, For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store NEWS NOTES. A large number of very line cattle were turned aver to the buyers at Clinton on Wednesday, Mr. Jas. Fair sold GG head that weighed 02,800 lbs.: or on all average of 1.107 eseb, Quito a number of really good cattle were Mao delivered by farmers hereabouts, and among them were three bulls, owned respectively by Messrs .lances Snell, Hallett ; Jas. McFarlane, Stanley ; and T. O'Brino, Tuokeremith; that weigh- ed somewhere about three tons. A very painful accident occurred to John the eight year old son of George Garton of West Wawanosh on Sunday, of net week. Ho was trying to turn a cow that: shexaight not get through the swamp near by, whoa alto made a furious rush suit struck him in the lower Jaw with her horn, to :ting hie lip badly and knocked out nearly all his teeth in the lower jaw, together with some parts of the jaw adhered. It will be a long time before bo can reoovor,aud he will likely wear an ugly soar where the wound n.x ie. Sprout who was killed by a runaway accident in Seaforth last 'week, of which partionlrqps were given, was born in Kirk. audbrightshire, Soltland, on the lith of October, 11322. He was the second eldest of sir: brothers and the fourth oldest of the family, a brother and two sisters being old- er. lie camp to Canada in 7812 and Bret settled in the county of Halton, where he worked for two years with Mr. John Sproat a namesake, but not a rotative, Leaving Halton ho name to the county of Huse. and aettloii' on the farm on the Kippen road, souCh of Egmondville, where he con- tinued to reside until about two years ago when ho moved to Seaforth. O. C. BIC31AUDs & Co. Geuta,—I sprained nay log so badly that I had to be driven home in a carriage. I immediately applied MINARD'S LINI. MENT freely and in 48 hours could use my leg again as well as ever, iasl3IIA WYNAIIoIIr. Bridgewater, N. S. That sting on your finger means "Bring home a bottle of MINAItD'S LINIMENT." rovlt Bxoon undoebtFedly needs to 'thorongh claming this season to expel its. purities; keep up the health tone and pre-, vent dieeare. You should take good's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and system tonic, It is unequalled in positive Medical n4trit• We do not itiOw*of ariy preparatiou that has caught the public favor in so short a time as Dodd's llidney, Pills, but when we consider Hutt three-fourths of the Canadian people are'ailloted with kidney' troubles in eclnao form or other, .and that Dpdd's Pills are a quick and permanent oure for all these troubles, the large and increasing demand can scarcely be wondered at. Sold by all dealers or by mail on receipt of price, 50 cents ' per box, Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto, A 13ENET10ENT DISCOVERY. TUE NOti'LEST ACELEV ILLENT Oil screxi;C. The iron horse, with its tireless strength, its poises of vapor and its .heart of flame, is a glorious exponent of the credative oapa- pity of the human mind; and the metallic nerves themes which intelligence courses over a continent prove by every flesh of thought which traverses. them that man possesses one nttributo essentially grand, the power to annihilate space and time. But vast and important as have been the results of inakiug steam aud lightning the common oarrierand messenger of the warid,. the discovery by which weak aril impure blood can be vitalized or restored to new vigor end purity by metas of internal and external rt,rrie,hieeis t,f intlaito value. The roaourcts of vegetable clie•mtotry as devel- oped and applied by Thomas Holloway have proved equal to this mighty task. Ilia famous remedies impart to the stream of life a diseufeeting principle wbieh frees the system from all impure aud poisonous ele- ments. The powers of chemistry aro al. moat beyond caloulati n, and as he has brought them to bear upon all the varieties of disease in those invnlaaI•la vegetable compounds known es Ixolloway'e Ellis and Ointment, they have eemonesel,t their high- est and holiest object. Steam, as am great motor, i a anbsidittry agent. Its usefnlue?s oonriit•+, mainly,' in conveying substantial benefits, with speed and certainty, to the fields in which tttey are to operate. It is simpl; the. bearer of bieasinrs, not their originator. 01 ail the freight whioli it carries over bind and two, there perhaps none so pre: ions as Hello. way's rontdiea. IL is scarcely a figure of spoeon. to say that whithersaever it oouveyn thernitGlee ',withhealing aazits wings." Under tilts Inflnencit of the Ointment, the akin, hoasiter diefigureit try eruivtirne er exore:a.,e,tees. b,'enuu' a tabula rasa, pure. spotless, and transparent ; and this erasure. of blentr„bel iu not aceomplishod by dri- ving bank disease into the vital meows of the sfstern but neturali. iug the n erbkl material which feeda it, The Pille not upon the intiarnt•1 i1.d le;tu,, the organs which ee,oreto them upon the sanitary principle' rimy destroy the acrid partiele:a subjected to their chemical action, as infallibly as an alkali neutaralizes ata acid, and at lie saws ideio iinourt a wi:.l and constant :•Ioetrio action VA tate seerenve and excretive wealthier/. The sanction of governments. tbo patron. ago of princes, the approval of all ahriatian nations the gratitude of pagan millions at- test the worth of these twin curatives. In fact there is no region Ivitil whioli England or any country has any commercial inter- course where lIollway world not find him- self at home. Some estimate maybe !aim. ed olm- ed of the extent and variety of his foreigh correspondence, from the fact that sixty corresponding clerk', of wbieh number six- teen are accomplished liuguiats, are employ- ed in conducting it. 1 -lo is the centre of a anitary circle that belts the world.—Daily Republic. Minerd's Liniment cures La Grippe. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blom - Ribes from horses, Blood Spavin, Onrbs, Splints, •Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. War- ranted arranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz. 0-29 ly Doh, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human being or animals, cored in30 min notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion This n ever fails. Sold by 0. Lutz. Oot. 9,-ly "August Flower„ xet L1er Mills, MAR ICfP JJP' ORTS .. Wheat..,SOc to 82c per bushel ova€'IJIA yr Px1v1OL+'a. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 ” do Low Grade 1.75 Bran 70c t< Shorts 80c " Chop .. . $1.00 to $1.20 t' IT LEADS TUE LTADane —The foremoat medicine of the day, Burdock Blood Bitters is a purely vegetable compound possessing perfect regulating powers over all the orgaue of the system and controlling their seere- tations. It so purifies the blood that, it cures all blood humors and disease from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalledregu- latiou, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and akin, render it unequalled as a euro for all diseases of the skin. From one to two bottles will cure boils, pimples, blotches, nettle rasb, soruf, totter, and all 'the simple forms of akin disease. From two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, abscersas, run- ning sores, aud all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that sufferers from skin diseases are nearly aggravated by intolorable itohina but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B. B. B. Passing on to gra- ver yet prevalent diseases such as scrofula swellings, humors and scrofula, we have undoubted proof that from three to six bot- tles used internally and by outward appli- cation (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will affect a cure. The great mission of B. B• B. is to regulate tee fiver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomache and to open the sluiceways of the system to ear- ly off ail ologged and impure secretions,. allowing nature thus to aid .recovery, and remove without fail bad blood, liver com- plaint, billiousnesa, dyspepsia, sink head- ache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every speies of disease arising from disorder of the liver, kidneys. bowels, stomach and blood Minard's Liniment is the hair restorer. Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo., during the past two years has been affected with Neuralgia of the Head, Stomach and Womb, and writes: "My food did not seem to stre.ngthen ane at all and my appe- tite was yery variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in 'my left side. In the thinning when I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and. I had such queer, tttmbling, 'palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the, shoulder -blades,' in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse inthe wet, cold weather of 'Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my, feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower Then the change came. It has done me; a wonderful deal of good during ` the time I have takenit and is work- ing complete cure." - - o G. G; GREEN; Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J.` Chop stone running every day.] mitE EXETER NE(LLING Coy'. igf3x EBT I3 iJOIbTt3. EXETER Red Virhoat. „.. Spring Wheat ... Barley Oats 01o'rerseod ... Tenonby Pees Corn .•. iSlgd,s.' ... Butter Flonrp a rb b l ... Potatoos,per bushel Apples,per peg DriedApnlespr b (sees° per Ab. Tit rkoyperlb -, Duets por lb Chicken eperpr.' .-. 1.7r418,1ros€,odper100 - Peei » t1idesroup h " dre::sod ., Sheepskins eaob C alfekins Woolporlb iia yperton Onion anerhnsb Wuodporoord sT:rd ADYe .•• 38 to 40 2N to eq 700 to 750 1 50 to : 9.a • 65 to )5. • 030 to 50 9 to 10 • 13 to 4 00to515f „. SO to 0S5 ▪ 1008o100 .» 0 480050 ,.. 0 eato006 .., re to e9 ,. 0 00to 0 07 • 026to030 550to577 ... 400to521 , „, 400to450 ▪ 000to521 „, 000 to 70 ▪ 0SOto05) la to Ole ,..10 00 8011 00 • 50to0r • 50to3u0 Val I 'Whoa ..,.,.., 00 RI Flaring wl e Tt e ............... 90 07 IrartO. ..................................,„ 0 30 0 .10 Oats ., 24 Mover SeedCuEii 7 ., Timothy-, ....... 1 n0 1 00 Poae..................... .......... ......._.. 0 55 0 56 Eggs 9 0 lel Tinttc r.... •.....13 0 14 Potatoes per hag. 50 55 Applanper bush 050 Woolporib, 1R 010 11117 porton .......... 10 0017 00 11rau per to.i......, 14 00 14 00 Shorts e 'r ...20 00 20 90 oatmeal perbhl, G 00 7 no doge dressed per len. ...,.,., '0 50 to G 75 LONDON. wt'itoat," 81 to :3 nor ',us. Onfii, Sit cn. bnQ t'e'es. S.I,• to 87e per bus. Tsar, It v, tniting• t 0 to 40e per bus. Barley Fend, SJc to 1lo par has Corn, 07to to 710 oar, bushel. TORONTO. T.ironto '.iey2I -Wheat Spring -No. 2,4) ti"t70per bus; red winter,Nn 2, Ste to 8.7e her bus klanitoha No 2 hard. Sit to 1 00 No 3, ;li r to Al PETS 7765 to 6'.r per bus. OATS Lit to 37c per buff. FLOUR. extra. $3 50 to 83.01 per bbl ; straight roller. 7e to 3t3,p.1 , rongbakers x497 to $7.N7l. PARLEY, No 1, feeding 'o to 64o. Monthly Prizes ;,or Boys and Girlcs, Tho',sunlight," Soap Co., 'Toronto, offer the folluwiug prizes °very mouth tilt further no- tice. to boys and girls underlt, residing in the Province of Ontario, who semi the greatest number ut Suufight" wrappers ; 1st, 3710; 2nd, 50; 3rd, 83; lth,1; 3th to 14th, a handsome, 13oolt; and a pretty picture to those who send not less thanl« wrappers, Send wrappers to ";Sunlight" Soap lithe°. 40 Scott St., Toronto. not later than 2')01t of each mouth, 00,1 marked competition; alae give Lull mune, address: age, and number of wrappers, Winners'natncs wilt be published in Loront0 Mail on first Saturday in each month. OT1OE, A meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works do. will be held Monday, June the Gth, at 2 o'clock p• en, share. at the town hall. T.13.CAIOLING, Secy• NT OTICh; TO DEBTORS. Mr. F. lOrurtz, having sold his business owing to ill health, and being abut to leave this section, Hereby requests all persons owing hint to settle at once by either cash or note. Dashwood, May 19, 93. F. WURT"L. ALT FOR SALE. The Exeter Salt Works Co. have for sato a quantity of land and barrel salt, the former at 53 50, the latter at 55 per ton. T.13. CARLING, May,19-3in Secretary. "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble, Dodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief.') "r75 per cent. of disease is first caused by , disordered kid- neys. "Might as well try to have a healthy city. without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are d f clogged, they are Sold by all dealers or of price 5o cents. per Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. book called kidney Tat the' "scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected -kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." DrP"The T h e above diseases cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used.' sent by mail on receipt box or six for $z. e: Toronto. Write for i k. LOIMMXIMS•11101111110(=> Inn iA LENDUN MORTGAGES era„ at lowest t•., tes of interest. Over, $G0,000 orf = vatofunds, App y to Aerie' & Cxxxo'v, Solicitors, eta., Exeter,: FOR SERVICE. - A There' bred Durham Bull"Young Chester- field," and a Thor•,'breil 13erkshiroBoar, on lot 13. eon .1, Stephen. TBatts : $l eauh, with. privilege of returning if necessary. iV7iS. SNELL!, b. Proprietor. 1892. H SPRING j 1892. Do you want a PIANp, ORGAN, BICYCLE, S1 -WING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TBICY, CLFS, EXPRESS. WAGONS ? BRA TF RD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE CAN BE REPAIRED IN FIVE MINUTES, SEE YOUR BIQYOLE,HAS QRE> F'DBYTHE COOLS BIOYQtE CO. LTD.,BRAiNTFORD OPE If yen do. the place to get. the ni„st reliable MA1RTIN i,ndealer inu Iudoal 'JERKINS nt Sowing,Maehino supplies etc„ etc., All kinds of larin implements sold on a tear linin ver cot. Agents for the col ebra ted Chat - n. PER.&Ir7t MARTIN, Fauscn's Black 0E1S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old al/y us- e 1,n7c nttl; by tito0an Jntt+il9 of ricers. Is the only perfect ly safe and reliablemedicine discovered, Beware of un- 3,rineipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for • Coox'S Cwrros ROOT tni,7e00nnlakyate811,1Ettttt0; or inclose e1 and 4 throe-eent Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Pull sealed pertieulars in plain envelope. TO ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Y.,11U Lily Company 1 u, ; Fibber itiock 131 Woodward avo.,IDetrcit, ting. Sold in Exeter by ISR LUT7.. Central Drug Store and by all druggistsevery whore. TEN' D,LR SEALED TENDERS Marked "For ,'Mounted Police Provisions and Light Supplies,"and addressed to the Honourable the President of the Privy Council, Ottawa. will be received up to noon on Tuesday, 7th June,1892.; Printed forms of tender, containing full in- formation as to the articles and approximate quantities required, may be had on application at, any of the Mounted PolieePosts in the North West, or at the °Dice of the undersigned, No tender will .he received;unless made on such printed forms. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily ac .epted.;; Lash tender mast be accompanied by an ao- cepted Canadian bank cheque for an amount equal to ten per cont. of the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party declines to enter into a contract when called upon to do so. or Hite fails to complete the service contracted for. If the tender bo not accepted the cheque will bo returned. No payment will be made to newspapers in- serting this advertisement without authority having been first obtained. FRED. WHITE. Comptroller, N. W, M. Polies. Ottawa, May 3rd, 1802. READ THIS 'MIDST ALL BLOWAND BLUSTER ' 1l R.N. R O W E Still takes lead in the. loo R. BRUSHES, COMBS, "PON( 11, , SOAPS, PERFUMERY -•-..A.N7 — TR -11N S111A SALT GO TO B:RO WNINCT'S. JUST ARRIVED —AT— CIPLIMIZInr Furniture 81, Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES " AND CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Gall and I nsiect our stock. Furniture Business. • We are too busy to call; on people in • need of Furniture , but please drop i n our `,Varerooins and see our Stock and we will try to suit you in this line. OrderedWork Neatly).one an Short Notice Remember we have also tt handsome line of 4 Undertakin-g Goods. Always on hand, and rill,„; calls in this line will be.fire:MO-ly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed every time. st o 1`ol rots Bank Ex: ter• Store No t Sv , e I ` , N. ;< )WE. L, c ' 1 • S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. Fashiotia ia 0 F LF4flflht II! Cobbledick & Folland Having lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of Mx. J, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they Kaye now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Este-bllshment in the County. They sell whole- sale and. Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIAL', ETU. BLACItiSNITH'S SUPPLIES, ETc;,. CARRIAGE MAKER'S GOODS, ETC:, STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everything in SMALL HARDWARE; LARGEST T S TOOK OF NAILS In the couNTr Q.ET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY, House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabasline for your walls ani' ceilings. They have the genuine thing only, in an improved fort You can mix it you self with cold.. later, They have all the tint:' Call and see their fine store, fine stock and we prices. CO,tmxaC'eIIb, FOL1744,-1111, GARDEND 1 `ILD SEEDS, ALL KINDS S F FENCE WIRE LAWN MOWERS, ALAB STI-i"t E (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" cif .l»tl CH` " ' .L.. 1..7 ALL KINDS OF TINWARE FOR CASH AT-- - . X31140$40 THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET. TE BIGGEST YET l Post lrltlrd Clothing nloduc' ed in Exeter G lezn eu I Ieab yes orders early, for pith the beet' staff of Tailors ; the best n o Tr' min stock :{ 'F. ire m1 a sod the best t;, :ea Cutting in Town, yon are sure of satiefuo- tiotl14. iy .k A.C.E1 PLUG -0b` Myrtle Navy IS MARKED T. & B. SST 231.2.o `,TZE1 R TEI4S, NONE - OTHER - GENUINE KIRKTON Let the howlers howl, Anil the scowlers scowl, And the growlers growl, And the ;ruff gang go it ; But behind the night There's plenty of light— We'll sell you goods right, And we want you to know it ! Tune aP'"Quick March" o— DOUPE'5 STORE We are now prepared to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. Big drives in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS and SI3IRTINGS at DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. HURRAH! NZW Tailor Shop We would inform the people. of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treb3e's harness where w e- r re shop, w arc ared p p to do work on the ' shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles —AND A Sure Fit Giaranteec JOAN A. :: 1\TD MA Wishes t+) inform the ettizta,r,- 04 Exeter and surri ending that ho zo b'. b„ta engaged selling Teas, Coffees, 3aking Powder In quantities to snit Purcnaatus. Orders loft at the house or lir liynd nern'7o Ofilcewill receive-Dre.tupt attuntiol., d1GmO G. A HYNDM.AN WE have on hand a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, OS Presentations. THE LATEST GAaJE Parlor Quoits." ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HALMM, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING, i'NING, BOOK & DRUG- STORE $004)0033040 WO11TI Boots & Shoos • TO BE SACRIFICED AT MANSON'S During the Next Month - Shop undergoing Repairs to make rorwa for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call. 1 DISEASES urill OF Of all ages, resulting from Errors or loth e•- tions of F nth, may bo permanently cured and the vier, of perfect manhood fully restored, as NERV`1US DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES e& PREMATURE DECIT Long Standing (asesof GLEET, STRICTURi SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Qui bold is in CHRONIC CASES faen. which otheis have failed; if you aro lnourdayas we will frankly tell you so. Write forpartioulars and rroatlso, Fre0, to,10 ' Lours i'4lsnroat Co., 162 and 1a4 King Suess West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m e SATED by Rum nig at our PLANING M.LL 1 .AndLUN EERY p Tiff) We keep constantly on hand a.large stook ,t> all kinds of building materials, Dressed oruse- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also, aei. to stock of No. !ine lath. Our stook oil' doors, sash, blinds, motet essi, &o. is complete and thorougly kiln dried. We offer forsale 1,50',u00XX'and r<`XYPIP'v'' and OE DAR SHINGLES manufaetuaedby' best makersin Ontario. Tanks and cisterns, alt shapes and size to order at lowest prices. We have som new in this line for watering cattle in theft or barnyard, Call and 800 our celebrated Baking Cabin every woman using them recommends tl., .:M,' Turning,hand,scrollsawinr,and all Willa 1,3 machine work promptly attended tcs.. promptly - to ao;arrrfusx b will be to your interest t 4 1 i w y Y.ayA stolbo@orepnrolwsintel9owlore_ ROSS D1A CLOR. Mai 1