HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-2, Page 4Established 1877. B. e ownxL, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT Transmits s. seaeralbankinebusinese. B.eeeives the emeounte of ?mach:tuts ilea others on favorable terms. • btfers every aeootamodatirm consistent with safe end couservative banking prinelidow Interests,Wowed on deposits. Drate iseued payable at any &Mee ef tbe Merehants Bauk. NOTES DISCOUNTED, ar MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND AlOBTGAGES earstsw, ......=se..-,-teesesseseeseeseara-seetteareetreets.F-te„, (sPitttg rHIIRSDAY, JitaN.E ensi, 1$92. Inn:sta. -- 'Brieties.—Mr. George Wawhinney, sr., lost a pair of twin oohs last week.—taise Maggie Mawhinney, who hes been visiting frieuda in London, hes returned.—Mr, la. Dinney and Miss Mary Dinney ere visiting friends in Oshawa.—Mr, John Schroeder, sr., is thinking of taking a etrip to the "Faterlanan for the goocl of Ids health.— Mr. Joseph Lawson has started ont buying lambs. We wish bins success.—Mr. John Wilhelm, who has had an attack from our old friend, la grippe, is able to work agars, —Mr. Meklachon and family have moved front l't, Huron to the lath cm. USboane. Bensre.—A largeetaumber of fat cattle have been sold to be shipped about the mid. dle of June, the price being 5 cents a Pound for gooa °beige steers. Cattle haee mace more been set free from the stables to roam in the pasture fields. --Our council passed a by.law estly M April to tbe effect that no- thieg was to be allowed to pasture on the roads untill the 15tla of Mete after winch ahot oaldbe allovteaa—But our "lathers" never enforced the law au d as a consecineuce the made have been stetted with ammestie animals of every detcriptiou.—Would it not be twilit the council secureB01110 one to leoture to the electore on ands subjects as "Animals, treatmeot of therm and coo noraie rata uf min- for and feeding them" "Lew', honor and ogey the kluge' etc., eta Burt Audrew sotca. and, Woe. Pin corabe Captain of the Elirayille foot -ball elub wilich was organized last week. As they are hustlers, neighboring dubs rutty expest a challenge from them after a little practme.—A base -ball club ban been form- ed at Faretthar, with Jas. Ballanterse as President and I). Brown sta Captaine—A Ma - bug destroyea a awelliug house of John Gourley's of the 12th eon the other morn - It was a log house, Iluel inside with pine binther Loss estimated about elf). The .Verheat Outlook -- • it is believed that r'st hetet one-sixth of all the wheat grottu in thia Province in 1S91 still rerealtis in the far 'need halals. This is unfortunate for. the holder, 'for wheat now brings 14 cerite a bushel lesee than It fell, wiren those was a prospect of 'seareity, awl wheat htemelit neerly a elollar. Tin.' farmer who followed the eonaeel Of the nien Who said. "Rola for lugher prices" is in the hole. There will, expert sandents a the markets and the ertms sey, be uo lagher pricee this summer. It has be - conic evident that there was no "short- ege" in the worlla ewer of food grains in /tan, testa itlee telieg Russiett inn.- bility to erste est Nr.'it':',.`”4:,,atiary fretelona Either the ivreiguer lots eaten • more of • rye rir Setae other vi iety of food tIten, wheet beetle, err eee .r Oxi• (11 PPtoCITA. fee, ea 7..1r HMI 11:411 • • ..eiseethe sirerteae en it s whtet eria rye tick site . nfti s Yore seen- ' crape in 1ne'er • ' fel dee arid the paneuee with which he ie. thelnea see roteers " await 1.3 it Li worthy of the veteran ebristian • Atari la i; • .hsi he is.—Our foot -ball club :the Emit „ dieteeet2s . Meters with the scalpe of the Zion duo dangling at their betel paid Elie:eviller a preote tea. ..• ' - Clle..rterage- yielt Saturrine eveuing last aria coutestea mint to bearer sitivat tudeeetheweether friendly mune with the club of Dust place. beetessese lusate atifeeeurebire bretta Ater an home' nvely play it was declared ' aatlialkhatt it' lad' It as "Pr"sr*'etive a dress 'battle neither clubsecorlitre 'stelae almrsal, rat - ties whelo, do •not Oita eeheel here iateeds taricnieing at etrienise tt. lea ati thq; early deirs, about the Middle of the preeent taerlSti out ye -n7. The United June, a good •firee is premised to all lovers Stews predurre here whatt, perlreps . a of evert. Ilanastane prizes will be -offered deal lees than in i1 14, vs"' in fent-ball abd .other games, A concert f1411-,,• la ereelis inte tle,‘ next .wifl be :given nthe ethool house in the than 'hleluleothe ever:aerie 'at witieb the London Harmony eints,e: :sear were ed titled Europe, titit., setseit • eraeteeee Darra, a company of first class musicians, will appear in full . force, Look out for par- - rata !Seat -wain bid fair to produce wheat Deniers later —Mr. 7. Pridliam M; P. has Leta!, at „Mime to elm extent numerous. personal friends in this locality of tiet arerbable falling self in the domes- to whom be Writes frequently. We are tie OW itlt thiS ,year, anet.iinporting glad to say that we read n letter !rota lam •°,•:t:.e. lawratte helm. talsen care to tss dey nee that he tr getting along firet keep well -stocked -up for nrouthe para. rate.—We resit to announce the death .Theee are net bull factors. ' Yet it on the 30 ult. from heart disease of aiiss 'would be uselesa to refuse to recognifie Aurelia Bearer daughter of Mr. B. Beaver the satarehility a the influence of tins of eon. 11. Deemed wits 22 years of age. theory whielt ia beet ktiewn for its cam- pariten if the swiughee of a pendulum to the price movement': arees—e-trate-weseestres- It ierdanoaneed dust with the begianing of the uext montlithe nee el ititerest upon deposits in Canadian beaks will he Idwered fruits 4 to Da per cent. The Monetary Times,. in cominenting upon. this Move, Beare r—lt is not to be wond- ered at, in me- of great .accumulation of Money in the hands of the banks. Their total saving hank deposits this year reach $103,000,000 as compared with 42,000,000 a year ago. The Times thinks it is quite in order for the banks to reduce Or= interest rate. It is to be hoped that the rule will work both ways and that if our banks borrow cheaper they will also lend. cheaper. Let the aiecount rate go down a notch in -cora- pauy with the rate of interest they pay. W'inchelsea, GOSSIP 0]? OF TUE WEEK, THEY ARE NOW CALLED 81R JOHN ABBOTT AND Slat OLIVER MOWAT. Rominion awl Ontario Mremiers Created 1L0.111.G.'s on. Ormen's Dirtliday—Death of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, $ir Ale=andor Campbell. SIR ALEX. CAMPBELL, Lieutenant - Governor of the 'Province of OutaAo, died at 3115p. in. on Queen's Birthday'. His deeth Was the result of the development of the stroke of paralysis received last Nov- ember, The deceased Lieutenaut-Governur was born in the year 1821, at Hedon, near Kingstonemon-Hull, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. He was the son of the late Dr. James Campbell, who, thougli Scoteluns,n, was long a resident of :Eng- land, Coining to Canada with his family in 1823, the future Lieutenant -Governor Osborne Connell. -- The counell met on the 28th ult. as a Creert nf Revision. All the members were present and duly SWOM. The reeve was appointed chairman on motion of Halls—Shaer. Mr. John Shute appealed against his dog easesamenanot being the owner of one of the two dogs assessed to him. After hearing evidence it was moved by Shier— Cameron—that whereas by 53 Vic., chap 02, sec 1, sub -sec 1, the owner, possessor, or harborer of a dog is liable to .pay the tax • imposed thereon, resolved that the appeal of John Shute be dismissed.—Car. Tied. This being the only appeal the roll was carefully examined and a few minor cor- rections made by the assessor, after which is was moved by Halls—Kydd—that the assessment roll for 1892, as revised. be confirmed math° Court of Revision closed. —Carried. The council met after the Court of Re- vision had closed. The minutes of previous meeting were read. and adopted. Halls—Kydd —that the assessment roll for 1892 be accepted and an order drawn on the treasurer for the assessor's salary.— Carried. Shier—Cameron — that the reeve be authorised to expend $50 In gravelling on the London road south of Exeter, and our share of the expenditures on the boundaries of surrounding municipalities.—Carried. Moved by Cameron—no seconder—that a special grant of 520 be given towards grading anctgravelling on the side road between lots 25 and 26, con 8, and that the reeve and mover be a committee to expend the same. The following orders were granted, Az : Matthew Clarke, grading in Glenn's side road, 50; John Hunter jr., culvert, $2 50; C. C. Switzer, rep Fish creek bridge, etc., V. 75; Wm Bray, cutting hill between lots 25 and'26,con 7,57 50; Wm Minersdsalary as assessor, 550; Matthew Routly, grading and culvert, .523. Kydel—Cameron—the council adjourned to meet again on 'Saturday, 3rd July at 11 o'clock, a. m. Geo. W. HoLMAli, Clerk. rea ee s A CRAZED WIDOWER. and Attempted Suicido on a wirei's Grave, Ifesersos, Eng., ?,lay 31.—Three weeks age a married womau named Waite died. seadeuly. Hee husbancl has ever singe been prostrated by grief, and lase evening be went to the Borough Oemeteity, knelt down by his beloved's grave, proatreed a 'seesaw and* recited the prayers of the Romen Catholic ritual for : the deed, and thee plaeing a pistol to ais breast, dis- charged tWo shots. He wee alive when found, but will not reeOve souvertire or daelt Sheppard. LONIMS, May couple of mahog- any tables which are sonveeies of the' notorious Jack Sheppard were offered for public competition amongst other articles of furaiture at the old Blackjeck, Ports- mouth -street Liecolids Inn Fields. This how has a history of its Own. It was a favorite resort of Joe Miller, who died in 1728, end the first Onion of whose jests; which have readered his mule so !moms, was published in the course of the year following. TIM Lrra SIR ALI:X. es,M30... spent bis childhood at Lechinse salter re- ceiving a liberal education he enterea upon the sway et law at lainestons and after being calita to the bar, be" beware a pert- ner of the late Sir John alacdortula, The long anti creditable career as a publie man, which culminated in Ida appolut- ment to the °like in which he died, began in 1851 as alderman for Kingston, 1-0CAL OPTION. and in 1853 as representative of the city and county of Frontenac in the Legislative mitering, ToWnSItip and the Village or Council for Upper Canada. Ile was aceord- Avvoming troth Vote Yea. ea a State funeral at Toronto and King- Wurraye May 31. —The local option vote store where his remains were interred on in piorereth re.,, ta la a majority - • It i ' • Fria:are trat for the net of tit votes. The vote: For 4eii, Among the Caratilians who received 401-11 3712' honors on Queen's Itualulay were the In Jeauera lest the bylaw wee ear - Premiers of the Dominion of Canada antl the 1,;,!•.31'5* " ',"-s -.4'1_4' Provinee of On comment in the case of Sir John Abbott, be- tariO. There bas been little on a i.h,filt tecimicality 1001 finsfameil again to -day eitaeraovisertetilt, by the iargest eal. ,,It wet gee a 1 ,C3USt". probably, it is understood that vote ever pollee in me towneem. he b'elleves In this sort of thing. In A Close Vote in Wyoming. the kuigleang el the Premier of Outario WYotireer, Ont., May :D.—Loral option there has been more talk then has for years was carried yesterday by this vote: For greeted any similar announcement. In his dg tg„i„t ed, mita, wore tate spoiled Spanish Amazons Inunder 111. alale Attire, Puma May 31.—In Payago, Spain, e band of women robbem bas been discovered by the police. They had their den hi a cave on, the outskirts of the town,- Wirere they met on the first night of every month to plan burglaries. Tbey hart in the cave a full stook of berrearta tools, and about 15,000 franca war th of Omelet, Whieh they luni teken in Payage and other tomer within a ratline of 50 miles. Nowa of the Week—Concletiaed. DO5IISIOX. T. G. Lowe droppedl dead In Lendon larrday, et' heart disease, Two fine black bears were shot just outside Norwood Thursday. Rieherci Orotter, a pioneer settler of Ingersoll, elie & Friday aged 86. The official count in Neale Perth gives Griere. Liberal, 91 naseority. Dr, V. P. Borland, °ace a wealthy citizen of Belleville, is in jail there for vagrancy, Mrs. R. Leighton, a former old rest - dent of Toronto, has just died in Buf falo, aged 101. W. A. Thoraeon, of Chepstow, denies Unit he was rifted of $500 by al. ew York green goods men. .Edmond Clorrisse, of Ottawa, de eert- ed his tvile and eloped to Chicago with no less than three vvomen. John Sherlock,a farmer of Caledonia Ont., droweea himself in two feet of water at Grand River Friday. Thomas Stevenion, C. P, R. opera- tor at Peterboro, was killed while at- tempting to board a train onThursday, Sir Oliver Mowat has received num- erous congratulatious ore the honor of knighthood conferred on him last week At Hanover, a farmer named Joseph Brown was attaelted and it is feared fatally injured by a vicioushorse/a the stable. L. P, Krebs lure resigned as city edi- tor of the Toronto Empire, His re 'talons wore of the most cordialchara. cter. Dalton McCarthy, Q. 0., leavea for England next eek to argue the Mani - total sollool case before the Privy Council. The Yale foundry, St. Catharines, was damaged to the extent ot a,:500 by fire last week. The blaze was t started ly an incendiary, Sir Joireph Dickson has been appoint ed a director of the Merchant's Bank to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr, John Duncan. The body or Marie Irwin, of Walter's Falls, Ont., missing smee last August, hue been found in the woods. Sae wandered away while deranged. (lenient Booth will arrive iu Canada in Senteraber. Ile will 'visit Ottawa during lila stay, and will also take a trip to Manitoba and BritisliColurnbia. George (rouble, a. shoemaker of Fonthill, attempted to oontuut suicide by cutting, hia throat while tn the Welland lock up. Ile will recover. iiiride and Beauty. LwilloIc, 31.—There 'WM an en- orntous erush in $t. Michael's Church, Chestewequere, this 'morning, the .oceasion being the wedding of the Earl of Westmore - hal and Lasly Sybil St. cattle Laskium The bride rif oue of the loveliest •women iN Lonarm, behig it sister of the two metre beauties Lady Brooke and the alerchioaess of Safford. A Dumas Divorced. Pears, May 31. -- aeleeander Dumas' favorite daughter, Mule. Lipmena, yes- terday securea dworco from her husband, The Angry Windom LoNeore, May 31.—Remearan Sing, the Haulm vaedidate for Parliament, eiriti ,yes- terslay: "I am rick of Gladstone and las pander- ing to Russia. in the pea. lie stands im- mortal as the stroueeste fiercest, narreweet- nunded man in Europe and stsia both." Notes on. Recent Legislation The Municipal act.—The qualification of councillors in towns is reduced to $4-00 freehold or $800 leasehold itt townships to 5200 freehold or $400 leasehold. Leaseholds for a term of not less than five years, are to be deemed owner for the purpose of the Muhicipal Fran- chise, and persons assessed at $200 or more in towns less than 53,000 inhabi- tants, are now entitled to vote. The former mininum was 5300. The day for resigning is limited to the nomination day and the day following. A voter may select for himself any one of the prescribed forms of oath. Certified costae; of documents in the custody of the clerk mey be fyled in court instead of the originals. Auditors are required to make a report upon the condition and value of the secarities given by the treasurer, the cash balance in his hands, and whether immediately available. The treasurer's bank accounts shall also be submitted to the auditors. The valuation for equalization may be extended by the county °outwit for a further period of fiveyears. Clerks are to receive a reasonable re- muneration for their services under the Ditches and Water courses Aate and for copies of documents furnished by them. In Voting On money by-laws, a voter can vote in each ward in Which he has a vote. The power of granting of a bonus for promoting any manufacture is with- rawn. A more detinite procedure in relation to motions to quash by-laws is enacted, and. the party applying is now required to give seourityfor coats to thwextent of himself in 550 and two sureties in S50 rangistrate is nob clisqqahhed from' acting where, in case of conviction, a fine or part thereof goes to the municipality of NV hioh he is a ratepayer. Cities and. towns may pass by-laws enahliag inspectors or chief consts,bles, where n person is charged with being drurik, without being diaorderly, in the case of a arst and ascend offence to die - charge the offender without b'ringing lum before a magistrate. Ilawkers of watches., plated ware , or savoy ware aro required to take out a liewase. Hood's Pills are purely vegetabledserfeetly harmless, e.ffeelive,but do not On11110 pain or gripe. Be sere to get Header. Those who speak of Oliver Mowat's ac- ceptance of a title as the weakness of a vamn. old man ignore Oleg:possibility that it may be the strategic move of aremark- ably brilliant politician. Sir Oliver is not going to allow herGoverrinient to be tarred with the suspicions excited by false charges against the Dominion Liberals. Nor is he or any of his collea- gues tnclined to unduly advertise the questionable excellencies oftthe United States. They constitute a government of Canadians for Citna"diane, and the Ministry favours a titled leader, because it may thus gain a vote that could not be won by a party whose leader was un- identiaed with the popular preference for British connection. MR JOHN A13130TT. MO it was deemed expedient to say that the offer of the order has been consid- ered by a Cabinet Council, and that its re- ceipt had been officially determined upon. This was designed to relieve Sir Oliver of responsibility for his decoration. Bat the statement, instead of excusing Sir Oliver, extended the area of responsibility. All the Liberal leaders who are of the Cabinet are now declared to be consenting parties to the principle involved in the acceptance of knighthoods. A more serious turn,how- It. costs the farmers of Massachusetts 570,000 year to fight the potato beetle. In a small district of that state, , north of Boston, nearly an equal aggregate was expended in 1891todefend the trees against Gypsy Moth. The Caterpillars of that moth destroy even twigs and herd geese, and allvegetation is destroy- ed where ever they are permitted to ap- pear in sufficient numbers. They were imported into Massachusetts more than twenty .one years ago, but the state board of agriculture has so far succeed. ed in confining them in 21 localities. 04 SIR or.avsa MOWA.T. ballots. Exeter's Future Depends upon the caution o its population. Pninolled by a news recta aleseoteren, JIL, May 3L —The first known instance of blood nolsou from a hen's peck has =urea Item. Emma, Blum, daughter of a learner, was pecked on the arm by a hen yeaterday. The young woman was taken sick, and the arm swelled to unnatural proportions. A surgical oper, ation was performed, but her recovery is doubtful. It would appear that the future a Exeter depended on the Agricultural Works, 'called Verety'e Foundry ; and should the worleseremove Banketiptcy is inevitable3,,gott11101)),grorouernassstirstuveleyn.,t grow, the well about us ; don't be so lavish with to sing, the suu refuse to shine ; gloom, flowers wont bloonathe birds will refuse 1)°Tal'iterbeeinit°evree fiabiso prophets in the past; gloom. 1 is mantled Over 0111' town. there are some left. The electors have been already deceived through, promises followed by nonfulaliment. Lotus look trapk. eceipariknoTiMel that one of them is at your money. Spend it with those who are holding the fort, paying the taxes and where you get value for every dol- lar you spent1,--ana those places of business are scattered through town ; you have the eash'iirli you have a good name and pay when Come early dna often if The Damage Done By One lifusltrat. Tialsnvetset, Ohio, Mn.y 3L—A 10-eent muskrat tied up the Cincinnati, Ports- mouth and Virginia Railroad for 10 hours and did hundreds of dollars damage yester- day. The rat gnawed a hale through the embankment that protects the road from the canal. All the water rushed out, tore away 100 feet of road in a six -mile level of the canal. "Fantoslinicon" Killed Ulm. Sr. Louis, May 3L—Henry Shelton of conneetion with the Ontario Lieuten- this city is dead, having burst a blood ant -Governorship." vessel in trying to pronounce the word "pantcshnicon." Doctors say the combine, A sad drowsing accident occurred tion of physical and mental labor involved at Orillia lastweek. Percy Leaper and in the pronunciation was the MIll20 of the Wm. Earl were returning.from Heron rupture. Island in a nailing canoe just as dark- ness came on. The canoe capsized. Leaper; who is an expert swiromer, struck out for shore, but was seized with cramps and drowned. It is rumored that Mr,Bichard White is to recover the appointment of col- lector of euetotna at the port 01 Mon- treal, and that Mr. M. Ryan will be superannuated, George Foster, of the Niagara Cen- tral Railway, was Instantly killed et Thorold on Wednesday, last week, by being run over by the train while coupling cars, • Howard Reid, aged 12, son of Arthur Reid, a farmer of March townsbip, Carleton, =smutted suicide last week by hanging himself with aerae roller toweling. The lad was probably in- sane, J. P. CLARKE., EXETER, f!-,Aox"-o*ozzzenowsorsuxioxarm, A reciprocity traria y has been coaclu- ded be tween toe United States and Austria under tile terms of the aieEin- ley- Act. On acoount of an overatooked , mart ket the tanneries of the United States have decided to close for 60 days, be- ginning June 1, Edward Bronson of Newburg, N. Y. banged himself Friday while in a de - malted concl.tioni He was in conifer - table circumstances, and waa 80 years of age. In Shamokin, Pa. on Friday a wild cat attacked patrick King and only for King fortunately strangling the fero. moue Animal would have killed him - Zing's throat 'WM badly cut. At the recent Frouch Catholic con - 'nation the leaders of the party were so instanced at the Pogo's meddling in French politics that they refused to propose the tline-honored toast to his health. A Bill was introduoed in the United States liouseofRepresentativee yester- day authorizing the construction of a tunnel under the Detroit River, said tunnel to be begun in two years and liniehed in six. A special from Wellington, Kansan says a cyelonepassed over that place, killing and injuring 000 people. The' StOrIn passed direotly through theeen- tre of the town, svreoking everything in its path. Vire broke,.aut in the wrecked (Dario% and "'destroyed a deal of property. &indite, as well as other couatries in. eastern Islichigan, has had a,good man y settlers from acmes the border in Can- ada, but the tide of emigration •now seem about to turn in the other direc- tion, Capt. Holmes has returned here from Toronto and is busy arrang ing the preliminaries for aleiny of the farmers who are about o leave here and 'settle in the Saskatchewan Valley in the CAnadian North-west. &nuns- ber have already gone from here/ Immigrants continue to arrive for the Quebec Province. It is said to be noted that a considerable, number of French immigrants are coming out, including farmers, clerks and business men. Mr. Roger Hedley, one of the oldest and most respected citizens in St. Marys, was strut* by lightning and in- stantly killed on 'Wednesday evening ot Diet week. He leaves a wife end large family. An Ottawa despatch says: "The names of Hon. Geo, Kirkpatrick and Hon. G. W. Allen, ex -Speaker of the Senate are prominently mentioned in Death of Mother Vincent, ST. Rana N.B., May 31.—alcther Vin- cent, the foundress of. St. Vincent's Con- vent, died yesterday morning after four years' ill -health and suffering She was born in Ireland a,na was living in al ete- ghare N.S., in 1853. At the time of the cholera in 1854 she came to this city, ac- companied by three other Sisters of Charity, and established the convent. ever, given to the affair by the explana- tion of the reaton why Sir Oliver accepted although Mr. Brown did not. Mr. Brown, it appears, would not allow his name to be printed in the same Gazette as that which contained the names of the participants in the Pacific Scandal. Yet Sir Oliver goes into the Gazette with Sir John Abbott, The truth of the matter is that those Lin- erals who declined kniahthoocls did not want them, whereas Sir bliver, though not coveting the distinction, still no reason why he should stet accept it when it was offered him. A great many people Oa -ought Sir Oliver would be more likely to become a D.D. than a K.C.Sel.C1,, but the longer ar- ray of letters at the end of his mune looks very well. *es. President Hyde of Bowdoin College, Maine, is of the ()Pinion that paganism is impeedieg in New England. He says so in the curreht number of the Forum. He gives statietics which are interesting if not pleas- ' ant to the Christian reader. There are, be says, in one county in Maine 0,987 families. Of these 4,850 attend no church whatso- ever. In another county the population embraces 7,288 families. Of these 4,577 attend no church, mad in fifteen counties, with 133,445 families, there are 67,842 pagan liou.,eholdt. , Robbing G.T.R. CarS. GALT, May 31.—Two brothers, James and William Henderson, living in South Water -street near the tannery, were ar- rested here on Saturday night -for breaking into a G.T.R. sealed car and stealing a set of hand -painted, porcelain china. Ever sinee last fall there have been a good many petty larcenies in the neighbothood of the G.T.R. station. For some time the two brothers have been sifspectecl, and a Grand Trunk detective was put on the case. Tried to Drown Himself. HANHLTON, May 31.—Yesterday after- noon, Robert Fletcloy, a fireman employed in the waterworks at the beach, attempted to drown himself in the bay, and would probably have succeeded incommitting suicide if it had not been for County Con. stable Hazel, who promptly launched a boat and rescued him in a half -drowned condition. . An OVordoso of T.,audau urn. atrirs WIPE°, Man, , May 31.a -David Young, a well-known resident of Virden,. was found •des,t1 'yestetklay in the section,: house of the CanadianPacific. 11 18 sa.id that an overdose of laudanum was the Muse. The Frontonac Election. Knsosrois, May 31.—The writs were issued to -day for the election to the House of Commons for the County of Frentenac to fin the vacancy through the appointment of the Hon. George A. Kirkpatrick to the Lieutenant -Governorship. Nominations will take place at Cataraqui on junti 10 and polling on June 17. • Hilted By 9 Paschall. SeChu°Linur ain sberOha21tas Ohio, May 31(a-Cge13,4;rviases cigarettes. None ot them can recover Great dissatisfaction exists among the Church of England people at the - removal of Rev. R. McCosh,ofPetrolut, rector of that parish of Chatham, with- out the congregation having been con - suited itt any way. The proceeding is likely to result in a division of the congregation, as some of them openly express their intention of applying to to have a branch of the Reformed - Episcopal Church established there. GENBRAL. At Seringawur, Cashmere, 500 people are dying daily from cholera, Cornelins Vanderbilt's mind is in danger because of the death of his son. The fruit crops in the south of Eng- land have been badly damaged by storms. The Arkansas River floods drove 10,- 000 people from theirhomes and drow- ned 32. James Gleason, of North Sydney, 0. B., tell 500 feet in a coal mine sold was dashed to pieces. ' - The Mayo Indians of Mextco are up in arms and the-GoVernment. proposes to exterminate them. • Aurillac, the famous Paris lion tam- er, was fearfully rattisgled by a lionese at a performance. ' Governor Ames, of •t.assachusetts, says Mr. Blaine will accept if nomina- ted for the presidency, Zara. Edward Crandall, of Columbus, Ohio, is a gni ndmother at thirty-one. She was married at fifteen. The corporation at London, after a heated debate, refused to opeu the Guildhall Art Gallery on Sundays ' Jervis Woodruff, efBridgeport, N. J. died from hydropbobia, He Was bit. teu by a bull dog last October. Four soldiera set on a chest of pow- der at Chalons, France, and smoked killed to -day by being hit by a barteball th b a fellow -workman in a, bakery hirS• M. B. Merrick, Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of Catarrh and Neuralgia GoOd authority ha,s said taat "netralgia Le the cry of the nerves fortpure blood." The prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on the blood, combined with its toning and strength- ening effect upon the nerves, make this a grand medicine for nefiralgia and also for catarrh, etc. We commend this letter to all having such troubles and espe,cially to Suffering Women "For a good many years I havebeen suffer- ing from catarrh, neuralgia and Ceneral Debility 1. failed to obtain perieane:at relief from medical advice, and my friends feared I would never find anything to cure me. A Short time ago I was Maimed to try Hood's .1 Sarsaparilla: At that time I was unable to walk even a short distance without feeling a Death -like Weakness overtake me. . And I had intense pains' from neuralgia in my head, back and limbs, which were Very exhausting, Itnte am glad to say that soon after began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw' that it Was doing, um gOod. When 1 took 3 bottles I was entirely Cured of Neuralgia gained in strength rapidly, and can take a two-milc-, walk without feeling tired. 1 do not suffer nearly so much from ce- tarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a changed, woman, and am very grateful to Hood's Sarsalarlitst for what it has done for Inc. It is my wish that this my testimonial shall be published in order that others suffering as I was may learn how to be. benefited." MRS. M. E. Minutroft, 57 Eka Street, Toronto, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS core all Liver Ills, Milieus. uess, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.