HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-6-2, Page 1' AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY..'i m VOL. XIX. NO, 34, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE, 2 1892 Choice Raisins We luvinineeived m job it of Raisins, Prunes, and other goods which we willsell at Away -Down prises. Niee new rninillA at $1,26 per box ; .Prunes at tle per lb, or six lbs. for .25e. Call and gee our special line of Ladies' Boots and _Shoes. New prices rn these goods. Wit will pay yemto look in a a see us when in town. A. 3, MoTAITIM 86 CO. Following are the roarket quotationa Wheat 80 to 82 Barley ,, .. 38 to 40 Oats 29 to 80 Peas L. . 56 to 56 Hay 10.00 to 11.00 ButMr 14 to 15 Eggs . ....... —9 to 10 flogs 3.75 to 5.75 (lover seed 7 00 to 740 13111Er41.—IdeaSTS. Fi811 ana blies of Exeter (meet Sunalty in the village.—R. S. Crocker and R. Norris of Tbe Exeter Titres staff vent Sunday in the village with friends.—Johunie Petty, -son of Lockwood Petty, tent with a painful aeoident laat week, falling on the goantliag of a pieloat fence nod coning his face ;badly about the cheek and eye.—Mr. Lewis of Criebton wag in the village Satinday.—H. Donnelly, who ttended the races in London, met with good euceess, We horse "Jolla 11" taking second place. He lett there for Hattillteo. —The funetel of the late Paul MeArthur took place on Friday. Deceasea was. a quiet, retired, and highly reeproted young main He heap= working in Minneapolis eeme time,' where be hail n Irterative postient at the ti.ne of bbs death, His tale. N,ari 44.3.44. A OLVArd ratrAr to hie ...Mewed mother and relives, be. hie Tire was devoted to Hia Glory and bis end wad peace. The bereaved family have the Implant of the :entire community. It is a waning to all and especially to the young "That wo should try to live, that We molt be prepared to ia"..se ioto Eternity at a momeet'a warnit.g." To koop no a con - Mont ooromunkiation between Iliin and. us. "To so live that NVO may ever be ready." "For set know not the dey nor tbe hour wherein the Son of Mau cotnetb." Deem; - rel was 36 years of age.—Itev B. Sermon 't ee re eirn : nontel • * ." - and dispose,' (..1 them to goo& advantage. Ile loft Monday for his future home in Mar- quette. Otte are sorry to lose the Rev. gentleman as he Was a gooa preacher, but We 'ash him increased. prosperity In hig now sphere of labor in the Master's vine. yard; He rreached a very impressive sermon Sabbath evening.—The gentian foot ball elab would he pleaged to base the Exeter club earnest° Bengali tome evening stna have a friendly game. Do not do the eannts as last year.—Prol. Scott's. cantata 'held in Coxworth's hall an the evening of the 2411i was a decided. enemas. The hall wan packed. The pupils rendered their parts exceedingly well. It was a financial succeed also.—The excavation for the new school has been made —Miss Hein, Exeter. was in the village on the 24th.—We are sorrysto report the severe illness of Mr. S. Stahl, editor and proprietor of the Hensall Observer. Mr. Stahl has been suffering from an attaok of inflammatory rheumatism and we hope his patrons will bear with him as he was unable to publish his last week's paper—T. Berry, of the sale and exhange, stablen shipped a oarload of horsee to Boston. They were very fine specimens of Itorse fiesh,in faet about the bast the °minty can produce.—Rev. Fair's Iroree took a short run tep other evening and when througli left the vehiole in a rather dilapid- ated oonditireb.—Our three Itlethodiat min fetus, ROVE*. Irvine, Fair and Magee,aocom- panied by Mr. Albert Tiffin,go to conference this ween.—Mr. A. Moir, 2nd com, Hay, takes charge of the school in Stauley, in whielo A. Tiffim taught for the peat year and a half. Mr. Moir comes °highly room. mendes1 by the teachers of Goaerirh. We are glad to hear this aa he had his publio echool training in our seetiop.—Vit. Mo Taggart of Toronto Univereity returned from his examination Saturday.—The onion e kings ate brio weeding.—John AloNaugh- ton was severely kicked oil the thigh by a here. Had he been etancling a little closer it might have resulted much/nor° seriously. —The Hensallites are an tiative,warno-blood elt people, for &vita the cold days and evenings, the various ice-oreana parlere have been rn full blaze, and well patronised loy "Fir women and brave men."—The genial smiling and happy face of our grain kingsMr. McLennan is no longer to be seen —he having gone home to spend his well- earned summer holidays.—G. Mayen, proprietor of the Hensall Balt Wells, oral- tinuee shipping large quantities of salt. It oan be purchased by the barrel, in loose nuantitiee, or in bagfuls. --The politicians .of our village,Reform and Conservative speak in the highest terms of the late Lientenent. Governor of Ontario, Sir Alex. Campbell. His life waa intend to his country, and. it can be said of him, "Hie political life waA rentatkable for hon eety of plumose. He wee greet': vevetred by both political parties. -- The directors of the Dom -Mien Amisellurel standing ie good, there being a Woe, ft/mg eurptes in hand.—O. Berford hes built a new fence in front of his premises anti otherwise improved its appeerance.—R. Speare spent 24th with frienaa in and around Oromarty,—Dr. Thomson sports a new buggy. Blatcbfor4 de Cln,rke are the makere.—The young men who purehased bioyelea Hart miring have unuttered the warbling creatures and ride well for the time they have had them.—About as fine a display of buggies, oifrte, bioycles, Me. as ere have seen is td be found at Colwill's earriage shop, Ur. Colwill is a huotler and rolls readily at a Oman profit. Manatees saved by bnying of him,—Illessis T. Berry and Robt. D. Ross are in Buffalo tvitlx cor-load of horses, Mr. Boss expects to import a tow fast horses. Mr. PM pur chased of Mr. Arnold. his well-known driv- ing reare.—Mr. John Pope has recovered front hid late Illness Alia can now be found at his post in the cutting departnieut of the tailor ehop.—The croquet club is about to organize. As soon as the weather la favor- able they expeet to issue ohallenges, Mr. James Berry of Seaforth waft towo on Monday.—The South Huron Conservative Atetoolation meets hero on the 17th but.— The 4ietriot meeting of the Royal Tampions of Temperance will he held in Hensell on June 21s1.—Rev, 0. H. Bridgeraan, form- orly of this place, who has been about for two years, returned recently from England, and haft been Appointed by the bisbop of Huron to the charge of the perish Millbank, Perth Greenlee—Mr. Ed- oBoasenberry sold elm of bis drivers this stook to be shipped to eletutoba. Staffe, -- BUMS. —The Forresters talk of building a hall.—Oor new blackstotth,Mr. Cameron hoe bought the thep front Mrs. Chubb.— We miss the kindly and venerable face of ItLeFeronaoe from the etreen—B.Nasmith ana Witty, from Lockport, New York, are on a visit to his brother here.—The doctor bas been in Exeter to. good deal during the past three weeks attending hie mother, who is very low. 4Ve hoer she is recovering.—Mr, John Sadler bag begun the foundation of his elm store. 11 ta v. large huthling, awl will be A credit to the Yin -ave. We hope Mr. Sadler will meat with euecess. Stephen Council. Stephen 2611 May, 1802. COURT OF REVIVON.—'1100V0 anp011ited to chafe'. Members dilly twerp. Oates of ap- peals as follows D. O'Brian, no change meele; R. Cobleigh, teamed $1001 F. W. Bat. v, Orne 1 $100; 1. Hill, no ()Image; 15 trulaen, no cheap, J. Clarke, withdrawn; O'Rourke, dog el; Atone MoOorntiok, rerineed $50; Pollisk, dog off; W.Gaiser, dog off; Jos Edwards, 1 dog '„off; W. Fink- beiner, dog off; R. Kilpatrick. dog off. COUNCIL MEUTINO—COULail mot ior gen- eral bueinese. Resolved that H.Eilber and Wurth see ..to repairiug road near S. Brokenshire'e soliool house and reeve and Sberritt see to "wearing first side road. Resolved that a by-law be drafted dosing roaa leading from Jr. Crouyn'a to Mr. Contract i for hauliag gravel emenntine t 332 conle repreeeutell by about 5t100 not lueludius the N. B„ S. B., and 21st cons. After passing the followlug orders conecil adjourned to meet again on first Monday in July : Cheritee$I0; 3,11yrin culverts 12tit con, $0; S. Oforrimn, ceirert bat S. 11, $2; F. Treabnar, Troulmer briage $2 50; St Brokeimbire. culvert Exeter S. R. 36; A. King, ditohing across 6 and 7th con, $2; N. Keane, culvert t 9th eon, $1; W. Elliott, work near Fairfield, ,O2; 3. Ryan, additionalcetisus, e9; \V. Reelable, oulvert (moss road, O3 50; A.. Dearing, enlvert, rep culvert 3rd. S. $5; 3. Ryen, balance part Dashwood, BMW:S.—By all appearances there is going to be an abundance of fruit this year.—At the ra.cee Kxeter last 24th Sir C. Fritz of this place was the ehtenpion. Well done for the Cermet). and. DaahwoodO —The Mims Rennie et Harris moved into their new -rooms on Friday.—Mrs Linden - fold moved into Mr. J. Roese's house on Alondey.—A sabscriptiou list is at present being handea around for the purehase of an organ for the Evangelical church here. We hope the menthere and friends of the ohurch will subeerilae liberally.—The fol. lowing officers were elected et the meeting of the Young People's AlliOnce Thurs day evening : Pres., Sem. 111.IIauch; Vice Pres., Miss M. Snell; Rec. See, John E. Hoffman; Cor.See„Miss L.Raunie; Tress, Miss Ida Cook. Orecirton. Bisra—Ntr.Ketehen has takenmieseseion of the Woollen Mill and intents rent:ling it to its full capacity and matmfaetariteg for the wholesale trade. He ia an enterprising lousiness man and we tvalcome thine among us.—Last week Mr. Ketchen had the mis. fortune to lose a valwible driving mare from nervous poetretion, brought on by the animal haviug ',been moved by train and badly frightened. It was valued at $200 and Was a ',them' bred. -14r. Claris Kibler brie sold his stook and Aare to Mr. James Clarke, got one hutedred canto on the dollar for the Moak and $500 for the build. hut. M. Kibler will leave town, having purl:lased a stook in Mildmato—Mr. Bice leas greatly.iraproved the appearance of his hotel both inside and outotiod is now repair. logthe stables with new floonetee)This hoot lery will be very ranch improved.—Olm Sae (flatlet's new buildings an Miiin.at are making rapid ficlyancetriont.—Mr. R.Kilpat- rick leaves in a few daya for the Rainy River District, where he bas taken up land. —Rev. WWII& and family are visiting in the village daring the last week.—Rev. Redmond is attending the 'Methodist Con- ference.—Rev.O.Staebler of Buffelo preach ed. last Sunday evening in the German church to a very lel autlience.—Dr. Staebler is in Brooklyn on important lousiness. He ie expected to ratite) in a few days and bring with laim one of Brook- lyn's Wrest ladies as his wife.—The Grand 13end out is making good .progress. Work is expected to commence in a short time.— Wonted Or Smith, who are alwaes up to the times hose n. new cart, which appears to moet all the requiretnents. All those who have rode lo it and seen it prououuce it as tirst-class artiele.—Tho Patrons of the township or Stephen had a meeting iri Crediton on Monday for the purpose of a township organisation. The principal, discussion was binder twine, but owing to the feet that no definite reply was removed, the matter was postponed until some future date. Zurieh.. Fon AALO Oa Ti Ihnire—A New York Piano ill be sold at a low price, or rented on reason- able terms, Apply at Wrnes'Euelotture Store, Zurich. A L•Uttta STe,px,—Wo have now on baud a lame stook or buggies elirriages, wageus.seris, oto., which we ate sollingat lectors/ prices t All our own make and guaranteed. Call and an stook. Repairing and 'earring° trimming will reoeivo careful attention, hen. liess,Zarich. Beiers.—Itlesars. Merner et Wing, both young men well-knotvn in this neighborhood, have purohasea the general stock of Moneta. Coleman tie McNeil, and will open in a few days. They have also purebased the atook of Kellermann'Bros. at Shipka. Mr Wing will run the Shipks. store, while Mr. Mettler will conduct the Zurich store.—Mr. Benj. Short, lately with Mr, GOON:balk, has opened a ;shoe shop at Centralia, In the salary, 520. • C. Pawns-, Clerk. stand whom he served his apprenticeship. WO wish. Ben every stecess,—The ditching .E_den. swamp just now. It has gone over a mile machine is making splendid progress in the • Barites —Considensble damage is thought and done its work in a better style than was to have been done to small fruit by the expected. The ditch is some 18 feet wide boxy frost on Friday night last. —The and 6 feat dciaP, and aa Earaight as P°38ible• Eden Stars have all fully recovered from Mr. Hicks is to be ;complimented upon his the matches they kicked on the 241h. work, and the council should make him a They would, like, to meet the Rovers agein Present of an additional gam .ou the head soon as they think if their men were fresh of a firstenass job. There aro to be thwe they could make it warm for them —The mita, two in Inc big swamp awl. one in the small boys of Eden have organised a junior eastern swamp, in all thirteen miles of foot ball team with T. Cave as captain, ditabing. The torteinue is at the Bleck whieh this season will -go under the name Creek on the Lake road into viola the of the Ruaty Cubs. Although they do not ditohes will empty. A distance of from 150 cleim to be as good. kickers as the Stars, to 300 feet per day is acoomplialted.--Ar. they can ohms them up pretty close just rangements are being made for the MY the same. The Rusty t lubs have arrange 1 township fall fair. A big time is eepectea mateh with the Elimville team to be here this year.—The members of kicked on the foot ball grounds hore,ronile Court Bismarck of the Ancient Order of south of :the church on Saturday nigte Foresters attended service in the town next.— The Sunday school oleos, formerly hall on Sunday last. They were acconn taught by Mrs. Jos. May, paid their old Tototed by a number of brethren from teacher a visit on Saturday last. —Mr. W. Canits Sherwood cif Seaforth, and Pros - of Clinton. tRev. Henderson of Millson of Exeter preached in the church parity Henault, who had kindly consented to here on Sunday, 22ncl, in the place of Mr. Allin.—Mr. Richard Qualm° of this -place preach, delivered an excellent sermon, the subject of which was Cain and Aleel—"Ant is at present working with Mr. Jonston of Rogerville.—Miss May Cave of Exeter I my brother's keeper ?" A large nutrther spent Sunday at her home in Eden,— ldr. from Zurich and vicinity were also present, Nelson Baker has been laid up with a the town hall being comfortably filled. -- Miss Fried of Parkhill wee the guest of severe oold caused by getting It severe wetting on the night of the 24thoo-lere. R. Mrs. Fred Kibler last week.—Mr. H. Elston lost ta valuable colt one day last Randall, while engaged. in cutting some marsh, had the misfortUne week.—Quite O number of sheep and poles in the big to catch the axe in the limh of a tree which lambs have died of late around here on .account of the cold rains.—Mr. Hicks caused him to out his foot. Die wound is a severe one and it will be some time of Biddulph is the owner of 2 chickens • which were both :hatched item one egg. before he will be able to go to work again. —24th was very quiet in the village. The Both are living and smart. . . . principal business places were closed. —Mr John French, prisoner in Stratford H. Either has returned from Michigan.— jail, made his eaeapeon Monday morning. Mr. Stebbings, the A. 0. e'. organiser,is in He had been sent dowit from *Mitchell and town.—Mr. Harry Weber met with a very was serving a sentence of five months for painful accident one day last week. While wife bea.ting. He had put in about two breaking stone, a email splinter struck months out of the five. He is described him in the eye, cutting a gash through the as follovvs :—Be.is about 5 feet 5inches in lid. He is able to be around however.— height, of light build, hair and eyes very Miss Kate Hill na Detroit is visiting ber claxit and small dark moustache straight mother in town.—Mr. P. L Coleman in - nose, features fairly regular. Vfrhen last tends leaving shortly for Detroits—Aseen- seen he had on jail pants and vest, one side sion Day was observed here on Thursday of each light grey, well worn old dog -akin last: eap mei (mese, old shoes. He claimed to * No better value in Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hose can be shown in Exeter than those so eagerly called for during the pest week. Another supply to hand this week at JO P. Clarke'.. Stephen. -- Selmer, REPORT—The following is the report of S.S. No.13, Stephen, for the month of May :Class IV—Victoria Bag shavnNettie Penhale, Louise. 'Deering. Br HI—Henry Beaver, Nettie Sweet, Wesley Senders. Jr III—Eleanor Staulake,GeoBtershaw,Sidney Sextants. 1X—Frank Ford, Samuel Jory, Clara Stanlake. Sr pt II—Henry Retitle, Thos flarrison.Luther Penhate. pt It— Eddie Beaver, Dan Sanders, Lorena For. Pig—Clinton Sweets Frea Dearing, Harvey Sanders. , be 35 years of age but looks younger. Olociety ileld 11 tiMnsz,.;1 Ghort, then) apopp Aria 8,11 --,,ed to have headed fei. Donnie :and , '0.,,ereedoe to Lobi a fell fain The 6nanonll when loot seen limped in his ,walk, i'ailer ' hits -,offered $25 remind' for his capture, .1, W. TiAlinISON, Teaeller, Zion • (Too late for last week.) BRIEFS.—Mr. Samuel Peart's big barn was successfully raised on Wednesday of last week. Being eornewhat wet there was no rake, oonsequently no (patrolling what- ever as to unfairness, Oh, no ! after a sumptuoue repast presided over by the fair and beautiful of the neiphborhood, mime a foot ball match between the Plage ot Win. oholsee and Zion boys. As the Plugs won by ono goal they talk of ohallenging the township,—Don't fail to avail yourselvea of a free ride to Otteera this summer. Supply ten cents and a button, make applioation at the Corner and away you go.—Mr. Satnuel Peart richer than he tract last week by a daughter.—Zion will bold their anniversary an dune 10 and 20. --wweltwel• Eay Council •••••••••••.. Council met purstutut to adjourument in town hall on Saturdatolffey 21; all the mem bora present. Kalbfleigett—Salinell—tbat the following change be made in the assessment roll :— John Domed, dog street off, 101 24, rIi. 13. E., two doge struck off; central pot lot 9, uon 15, assess to Henry :Krenger; Ed Mer- shon, atruck off; Henry Yager, one dog struck off; E lot 16, oon 6, reduced 5100 —Carried. Welker —Kalbfleiach—that a veer road division to he known as 15 Aonui consisting of 11, 12, 13.11and 10in eon V be ionned With Alex. Munn as patlomasten—Carriml. Kelbfleish—Sehnoll. —that on request of Messrs Gies and BoInvalte% the clerk be in. structed to notify all parties effected by the Little Marsh Drain that the matter of clean, ing out gala drain will be token up at next meeting of the council. Lots effeoted ars 22 to 28 Inelusive in Con. 10 and 18 and 10 on North Boundery —Carried, Turnbull—Voelkere—tbat the reeve and treaeuret be instruoted to borrew on the credit of the numielpality the snm of 32,. 00U to meet °envoi expenses. —Carrie& Turnbull —Voenter.—that the following be appointed Road Commissioners ; —North Boundary, EL Gies and. Charles Troyer; South Boundary, Henry Yager awl Darnel Shaeffer, Centre Road, Div. 1, Carlisle, Div. 2, G. Parker, Div. 3, EL Wenn, Div. 4, Nelsen Mnase.—Carried. The following (mounts were °Mitred to be paid; JO Hildebrand, care of 0artay,$12; M. Witmer, culvert, Essable lino, Of; 3. Curtz, culverts, $7; 0. Holborn, culvert, Bronson line,$5: DI...Thompson, attonderee on Margaret OleVeiele 530; Kasper Weber, repairing bolo in Centro roma, 75e; Sem I. Latta, part salary, $10; R. Hicks, coatrace- or, II. S. D. $271. Connell then, adjonrnedto meet again on Juno 251b, at 10 a. tn. Sax 3. LATTA, Clerk. tioderich. Bitters —Mr. John Eseery of Exeter was in the Connty town last week.—Rev. W. Brown and ItIrs. Serman of &small were in town the past week, previous to their depar- ture tor Marquette, where the rev. gentle - Man has received an appointment.—Mr. Robt. Fax of Lumen was in Goderith last Thursday.—Mr. R. Logan of Seaforth visitea Goderioh on Thursday.—The wea- ther has been favorable for the growing cropanhough those having low or very henvy lands complain of too much moisture.—The wisdom el the county will meet in the Court House next Tuesday.—The tem:them of South Huron 1011 meet hi this town on Prides, (to -morrow) recoiling, To the evening the convention will give an enter- tainment in the Grand, at winch Mr. JO T. Garrote, Q. O. tlet. P. P., will deliver an address. On hie following day the wotk for which the pedagogues meet will be com- pleted and the convention adjourned.—Mrs. Thomson, of the Park House, and Captain 13abb, of the Ocean House,have not renewed their lieenses, contending that it dais not pay. The Commissioners :have issued one for the betel at the sitition,so that Goderich has one license loss this year.—The 241h passed off quietly in tOwn, there being no excitement of any kinfl,—Lt week Mr. James Saunders, an old and well-known resident, passed peaoefally away after a few weeks' illness at :the ago of 70. The deceased gentleman had been in the tinware andfatum goods business for a long period, and this bueiness has :made him (=pains tames tbroughout this portion of the county. —It 10. said that before Domiuion Day comae, three young ladies of Goderioh. will bay° changed their names for othere they like much better.—The steamer Oity of Windsor was in this port on Thursday and Saturday, and Tuesday of this week.—On Saturday there were hundreds of anglers tempting the finny owe; on the banks of the harbor and river.—Mr. W. Smith's horse, Goderich Chief, took first at Dun- gannon on tbe 24th —Aht one time it was annotineed that the Orangemen would meet in Goderieh on the 121h, It is now stated the plamhas been dropped and that the Goderich delegation will attend a distant meeting.—So fat there has been no men- tion of oelebtafing Dominion Day.—The Court House square tvill be in splendid order when our county members meeto—Courity Treasurer trolmeS wag in Ottawa the past week,--Sub.Cust collector, W. Whitely, of i th t u 1 st weee CONDENSED NEWS. From. Various Sourq es Tlir °ugh out the District. eurnmosex, London is going to celebrate the ist July. At a meeting of the °minty association Y. P. S. 0.13. in London last (week, Miss Grundy PetIthiil was appointed secre- tary. Geo, FlodgMe (on the Breen homestead) 2Ist con„ McGillivray, Imo new potatoes, about the size of hen' e egge, grown up through the pit. Jahn Larlein has been sent for trial by liSgaunigriee3a.b Bo.ratntoynth. fel:lea:as av:Ibtiaulf :oTialpopincaa: at the proper court - Have no initial as a prompt and positive euro for sick headaohe, billouseese, coma. tPraOttliQbnlel?0140arinter'tithLeittaliedLe'ivearndPilalell. liver therm The Oueida Indians en the Delaware reserve am sending delegates to examine the Northwest, end if their report is setis. factory the attire baud will remove to the Northwest. About 6 o'clock Friday aigiet Mr. 10, JO Dortaldscm, second demetv reeve of Curette°, was hurt at a barn raising at Mount Bridgee. He was struck on the head by a falling Pike pole, Thomas Talbot Howard of Iondon and me of the pioneer settlers of Bieldulph, died in London last week at the age of 90 peers. He vas born in Ireland and came to Canada 00 Tem ago. Mr, William Porteous, of the lOth Me Gillivray has a colt which is a ein (Omen of the wonderful and strange freaks of nature, 08 11 has, it is reported, five beam ilia township leads the writ tor cariosities. Rev.- W.W. Shepherd prineipel of the Moncey Institute, has returned from Otta- wa, where he itoterviewed the Moister of Public Works regarding the erection of a new institute building. The building will kely be constructtel next f all. The vocal orgena are attengthened by the use of Ayern Oberry Pectoral. Clergerrien. lawyers, singera, Rotors, and public speakers find this preparation the most effective re - needy for irritation and weakness of the tbroat and hums, and for all affeetions of the vocal organs Tile Port Albeit correspondent ot the Clinton News Record says t—" George Row- battom, of nienry, Middlesex, formerly of London, Ont., was on a short visit to hie relativeg, the Hawkins family. George is an ola trooper, having served fifteen years in the Miadlesex cavalry and although 70 years afage is as straight aa a whip and says he would be willing to take his plain it a charge at the enemy yet. Mannie the, 12 -year-old oral of Mr. J. S. Donley. Strathroy, was unfortormie en- ough to have oue of the bones of lois left arm broken. just above the wrist a few days ago. It appears he was welkin up the steps to the Maitland Street Sehool vvhen another anti much bigger pupil interfered with his pregrees, and the reault wee that he NinJ pushed over the bannietere, falling to the floorot distance of (tome seven or eight het. The North Middlesex Reform Aesociation met at ant Craig on Wednesday afternoon the 25 inst., ana elected tlfe fo lowing ads.- ers tor the ensuing yeer.:—President, liam Fraser, of McGillivray ; 1st Viee-Pres, William Damson, of Sylvan ; 2n11 Vice -Pre, George Barnwell, of Exeter; Secretary, 3. T. Oweet,Aitse Craig; Treasurer, Dr. Gunn, Atha Claim A. resolation of condolence with Mrs. Mackenzie, widow of the late Hon. A. Matkenzio, was moved bY Mr, John Waters, of. P. P., and unanimously passed. PERTH. The directore of the Bluth Perth Agl. Sooy. aro indeavoring to have one of the travelling dairies at the fall fair. A brick cottage ownedby John Thomp- son Listowel, was totally destroyed by fire one day last week, together with contents. A wager nf a dollar was wou by R. T. S wales of St. Marysf for ritiging the town bell for 10 reinutes. He started at 4.50 and kept it going for 15 minutes. Wm. Barker, an employee of John Get- tler, of Fullerton, put one of his fingera among some of the oog wheels of the mill machinery and had it badly crushed. Contractor Elliot, of St. Alarm eustained a severe sprain to one ankle the other day while endeavoring to quarry stone foo the looping for the Victoria Bridge breakwater in London. The death is recorded of Mr. A. R. Snow - art, of Uxbridge. He was at one time a retident of Sts. Marys and Was section boss on the railway, He was a local preacher in the Methodist Church, and gave many tho- rough gospel sermons. Clinton, was v s ng e o ow a . W. T. W. bears the honors of the pew pool - tion with the natural grace of a newspaper moto Nesoly every One needs a, good 5pritig medicine, and. fiooilet Sarsaparilla be tut:. ,0n1.0. it 1 nsr d tbu,t 010 doehtedly the best, Try 'Wel& rASAGon• JOHN WHITIE & SON ubligher and Proprietor Taking Goods! And lots ol people taking then" is the order of things at the MARKET' STORE. Notwithstanding timt the farmers are so busy they call around as usual to se- cure the special bargains we offer. We wish you to reniember that we are offer- ing Steen Prints, plain, in ell colors ; and lovely patterns in figured, a,t prices never before sold at in Exeter. Just test this will you " Also a mag,niticent lot of Drees Goods in tho newest shades, just opened, We were fortunate to secure a large quan- tity Cottons, Cottonades and Shirtings before the rise on these goods, and will sell them. at the usual low,figures. We will give all the benefit of the large joblot of Boots & Shoes which we can sell below orig,inal cost, and make money. Come right in and secure some of them. 11 18 reported that the Perth county.offi. elate of tile Patrons of Industry will hold an open meeting in Mitchell on Monday, June 6111, in the interests of the Patron's Order, when addeesses are promised by 0, A. Mallory, grand.preeldent, and others. The spruce tree deal le still an intetesting topic of divenessionen Blanshard. It is said that the Nursery Company have expressed a willingness toaccept $5frotn each purchas- er, in lien of the $125 or $150 whiob the 2,- 500 or 3,000 Mall shoots would have met at 5 cents eaon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, of Stratford, oelebrad the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on Thursday, Mr. Bell is the old. eat locomotive engineer on the G. T. R. heving entered the company's service in 1858. He tormerly lived in St. Marys, but for tbe last 19 years haS been a resident of Stratford. The 'Remo Cletholic congregation al $1. Marys have decided upon erecting a handsome ediuce fl thst part of their PruPeIV to the teeth of gas present struc, taw. Plana and specifications for the rvr building tre in course of prepareiion :termerr. Poo; dr 1101mos, atchitectS, of J. P. ROSS. Market Store - of thole udetion will be eoropleted this year. Not 000 10 twenty are free from some little ailment caused by inaction et the liver. Ude Carter's Little Liver Pinto The insult will be a "pleasant surprise. They give poeitive relief. Brandon (Mini:tette) letter says: Ttie taint milition to the ntereanttle intereets of the eity is the openiog out of a bratteh of John White and C420 pork peeking es- taliliebrnent of 'Mitchell, Ont. Mr. John White bee been in the eity and has aeourea premises in the no erket banditti to the rear ef tee city hall. uunus, Air. David Centel= ef Clinton left on Monday on a trip to the all country. Mr. John McMillan of Ripley formerly of Blythe died last week at the age of 01 years. Mrs, Keller, Seaforth,has a lily the illoom of which measures S by 7O int:Ilea, Who ovin beat this ? Far. Clerito of Seaforth, has taken the toe, trast to ruu the atage between Bayilela and. Seaforth. Mr. Tom Itattenbury of Clinton, is etook. Int; a fish pond on the Glow fanm. on the Huron road, a very pea idea Mr. Stelic. leader of tbe Methodist ohurob choir, Hills Green who is about to leave the village, was last week presented with en album. Mr. Robt, MeTaggart of Seaforth, left Lor Antagonisb, Nova Beatia where he bas been engaged as cheese maker in a large ;Rotary thief reason. W. A. Thompson, of Chem terve Brace Co., wept to New Yerk to hue SIAM of counterfeit money. He got two bricks for tO.1,1 totki 4.14noy. Thos. Hoar of the 2nd con.Erat Wawa- nosh died last week at the -age of 72 yearo Cause, the effects of the grip. 133 teas ts* born in Kent Englend. Mr. Wm. Baer of Clinton hal the mis- fortune to get struck on the eytilid with a es....O falling nail on Friday last, and is still laid / up, inflemmation having it in. Some old °bargee are being resuseitetea against Sheriff Sutton of Brew county, and /din the Tara Leader says if it is possible to bounce the Sheriff, bonne° it will be. Harry Garbutt of Wingham, the alleged forger, who bas been in Toronto jail for 0 over a year, went back to Texas Friday afternoon in charge of Detective Limas of that State a a /4! A farmer in Goderich township he valuable calf and in order tbat it might not (t harm itself he tied it on the barn floor - Soon atterit kieltea some boards loose and ftkir lailing through hung Haan Boilemarbunales.and eruptions of all kinds I* or 47' are natureei efforts to throw off poison from the blood. This result may be accomplish- ed much more effectually, as well as agree- ably,through the proper exeretory ()hennas, be the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. r/ oe7e A road cart loft outside of Heyward's earriage shop Clinton over night was taken away on Monday by some boys, for a lark; 't7F their sport may cost them something, s e gold wetth Wet was taken from the same 7 place recently bas not been recoyered. A daughter of Altelnhn White of Stephen while feeding the goslings one day last week, was attacked by the gander and severely beaten'. It eaught her by the heir and flapped its wines until parts of her body were bl Ick and blue. - Samuel Hey, of Leltelet, has met vnth a serious socident which will lay biat up for some time to come. Ho was assisting to place the binding pole on a load of hay, when it broke. precipitating 'him to the floor. The fall was a heavy one,. and, he guetained serious braises besides having his arms broken at the. wrists, The demand for "tne "Ninths Navy" to- bacco is still on the Moralise, and from every quarter the firm who make it are receiving unsolicited testimony of ite growth in pub- lic fewer. A gentleman from One of the mining Islands of Lake Huron vvritelo Your, "Myrtle Navy" is an invaluable solace to the loneliness of the rainer's life. I don't know how our men could get along without it. 11 their stock ran out they would rtsk swimming to the mainland to replenish it, heedless( of danger, and I believe they would cross the ica in winter on the same errand if it was not more than an inch thick, No other tobacco will satiefe them." PROGRESS. It is Vciry important in this ape or VaSt MAW/I'd progress that a remedy be pleasing to tile taste and , to the eye, °eaeily taken, e1)h11110 to ;he stonalch nd hoeltby its Ir0107t. Arpl effo,ots. Possessing 1,hose ;lip of 9.0 is the one pevUet 111 i, bo diuretic lo,oWn.