HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-5-26, Page 8eT1 rlistuANOE LL,TOTt.dC-FNTFt h 1`1Tk W 1STEitNd,SSURA.NCE 00M - of O'oatanto; also for thePHaixlx Z1SUltANtil^, 001tI1,.'tlil, or London; u+l, AIzi RANO I 1IiST'fRaNCE QOM- oc I;ngli+nd, OUR Wall Paper DISPLAY, LARG11 FT STOCI, BEST ASSORTMENT, NEWEST DESIGNS. LOWEST PRICES, .tl.' J. GRIGG'S. TItr. \fear.) Exeter. RARB VALUES IN BLACK DRESS GOODS :n;rl 1 M e TI;E Big Bankrupt $ tore• � EXETER, 3 • Yes, we are ready for an ex- traou.dinary large trade in Black t ail -Dress Goods. We have in stock le at the present time the Largest, • Gltuieest end Most Complete' ex, Assortment of Blk Dress Goods that it has ever been our lrriv- ,se ilego to show. The assortment ✓ • includes some very choice linea, v not to be found in any oilier store in Exeter. • 1'\ r the next two weeks we 5 will wilier special value hiBieck ' 1.)ressee and Trimmings. Ladies _, in want of Black Dress Goods • will do well to examine our st.=ak. We aro Bane we can in- - tere t yon and save you good tees ess big interest on your money in- • t-, +-, rean d with us. - . Our Iieuriettas are perfect in ' make and tiuish,and the prices for , • the next two weeks we will guar- r, antee to be away down, The new w% • Bedford t`ords ate beauties and • f sv "ll worth seeing. In fanny black Ss ' e oon/I we have au immense assort- C • mens, i We 'TM sell a big lot of Block r > i Dress Goods duriug the next two est 1. weeka, '" 1 J. A. STEWART. b gam SSaRO ROTIE SII SGf`IYA ORVR (5:10,01tt g11,611110. ;I'ILURS1IA'.k, MAY 26th, 1892, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. var. bands W anted, Here is an item taken from the Guelph Iercery, tl.ib.l, which requires no come lent, either political or economical : "Mr. ohu Smith, immigration agent at Hanil to, and Mr S. Wotle, secretary of the bar bateau, report that it is impossible to get farm laborers, Mr. Smith says he many men in the city looking for work, but they will not go out of the city even when six months' steady work is offered there. preferring to take chances of getting odd jells around the city, and assistance for their families when they havo uowork. '; Landlord and Tenant. At the last session of the Ontario Legis- lature an amendment was made to the Landlord and Tenaut Act, which is not generally known. By the new enactment any tenant falling into arrears for rent with the exception of the first month's liability, leaves himself open to be seized, and no goods or chattels which he may possess, are exempi from seizure. Every. t i g goes. Before this amendment the ra res :ry articles, such as a stove, six ci t' repersonal clothing, etc„ could not be seized for rent, but now all that is changed and the elan who falls behind is open to. have seized and sold every article of :personal property which he may be posses- eed of. The Weekly Sltoot. On Thursday evening last the weekly shoot took place between the following members : T. Handford 0 1 11 0 1 1 1 0 0-6 N, D. Ilurdun 1. 0 0 0 1 I 0 1 1 0-5 Jas. Bissett 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1-7 R. J. Eaorett 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1-7 A. J. Snell 0110101000.4 ('oleins 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1-7 E. Bissett 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1-7 Jod000000 Lama00000- A tie was shot off by the following : Jas 1'z.sett 1 1 1 1-4 1+1 Bissett 1 1 1 0-3 R J. Fiecrott 0 0 0 0-0 B. Collins 0 0 0 0-0 (i. Anderson 0 0 0 0-0 which :esrilted in favor of Jas. Bissett, he winning the gold medal. Unknown angles. A match then took place for the silver cup at known angles between F. W.Collina and Geo Anderson as follows, Mr. Collins winning, being the 3rd time in succession: P. Collins 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 -8 G. Anderson 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1-5 Next cadre a match for the silver medal, unknown angles, between L Handford and N. D iturdon, Handford winning, being also the third time in succession. _Follow - hie is the score I. Handford 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0-6 N.D. Burdon 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 10-5 The tramp season has begun and the public should beware of impostors. There is a defect in our social regulations some. where. The deserving, indigent poor should be properly taken care of and not compelled to "tramp"; the :professional tram who goes around, , burning buildings and twinning sting women and children, should siso be taken care of and compelled to brertk stone or engage in some other useful emlrleyinent requiring muscular exercise. 'F II n tIfir.rlt rY •sleuzua�ttistn: , x t-,� Hrevltte Call and eeo our Panel Bed for 41,50. 4V. iiMaXmmws. The recent warm "rains will ensure an abundant hay orop this season. Large shipments et cattle were made from Exeter the forepart of the weak. Every straty hat worn- this mouth should be provided with oarlaps, apparently, The Liberals will find nocause for Grieving in the returns for North Perth. Call at W. ANDREWS- and get one of those $9 bedroom suites. Only a few left. The regular June meeting of the Huron Comity Council will be held on 7th of that month. Parlor suites -a nice lino --front $28 up' -a wards. W. ANDREWS, next Boor north tour hail. in moat totvua the merchants close their places of business at 7 o'clock in the evg. Why not adopt this system in Exeter? The law prohibiting the spraying of fruit trees with Palls green, etc., while iu blossom does not dome into erect until Jan. 1893. Norio, -All persons having accounts against the celebration committee will please hand thesame to the chairman, Wnt.. Bawden, at once. Mi•. Theo. Sweet, a, former Exeterite, bad hia drug store and contents destroyed by fire a few days ago in Manitoba. In- surance $800. As an indication of the improverneut in the financial condition of QM' people in and about town, the Division Court has lied little or no business for months. The sympathy of their many Mende is with Alt, and Mrs. T. B. Carling in the loss of their infant daughter Freda 'Verity. The funeral took place on Monday, Rev. N, H. Martin, who skipped from Chatham to escape the attentions of female admirers, will be suspended by the Bishop of Huron for a year for leaving hie charge without permission. The Templar, published at Hamilton, by W. W. Buchauan, naw cornea as a weekly. The first two issues contain an expose of the Ontario license system, and sets forth 10 glaring and uncontradicted terns the iniquitous syetena petalled. by the Govern- ment. On Friday last a game of hese ball was played between the Staffs and Cromarty teams at the latter place. The game was a very exciting one and could well be classed with the professional. Nine innings were played, at the close of which the score stood a-3 iu favor of Stafl'tt. The Exeter Woollen Mills have just completed barge repairs and irnprovements on their machinery, which will enable then to greatly increase their capacity, this being necessary to fill the large orders whieh they are receiving from all parts of the country, for their make of goods. The annual church parade of the Sons of England took place on Sunday morning last to the Alain-st. Meth. c lurch, where Rev, Mr- Ruasoll of the James-st. church preached a special sermon, Tho turnout was not large owing to the inclemency of the weather, but the sermon was both in- structive and interesting. It is staid that by a late scientific discov- ery pure butter can be made for less than fifty cents a pou:rd. This is more surpris- ing than even the astonishing statement of an American paper, that good bread has been made by a chemical process from saw dust. Now for eanned beaus from old shirt buttons, dried beef from old boots and shoes, and fresh sausages from tan bark, One day last week Mr. Gee. Armstrong, of the Thames Road, Usborue, lost a valu- able horse .by a peculiar accident. A young lad recently from one of the pauper homes was engaged harrowing a field. In turning too abort the barrows upset,andfallingagainst the horses they ran away. Finally they got onto the road, and in their mad race one of them by some means fell nn the up -turned harrnws,killing it almost rile iarleiy, Now is the time far every elector who is entitled to have his name on the 'Voters' lists for municipal electione, or for Provin- cial elections, to see that he is properly enrolled by the assessor. Before this month closes, the Courts of Revisions will have been held in the various municipali- ties, and the roll will then be confirmed, after which names can only be added by going to the trouble of doiug so before the County Judge, Do people read advertisements in a newspaper, is a question often asked; well, yea they do. or at least the majority of them do, especially those who are not rushed and crowded with too much busi- ness, It pays them too,tand advertisements are the most valuable and interesting mat- ter of news in a paper .from a financial standpoint. They are simply the business news of the different firms, and are often spicy and interesting as well as profitable. Never „throw away a paper until you have read what the merchants anis others have to say in their regular space. It will often save you dollars; put that down for solid fact. A System has been adopted by merchants who give credit in the American cities, which, we think, would be very suitable here and would save a great amount of book-keeping and disputes about accounts. Books of tickets, representing sums from 5c up, are giver to customers, jest as bread tickets are supplied here. Por instance, a customer goes to his grocer and asks for a $10 book of tickets. He is charged with $10 worth of tickets, and when he makes a purchase he hands out tickets to the amount of the bill and these are put in the till and represent so much cash. Once each month. or two menthe, a note is given or cash paid for the tickets sold, and no sale of ticket books amounts to Less than $5, so a great saving in book-keeping is effected. Richard Waistell of McGillivray town- ship, who has spent the last ;six weeks in jail, charged with bigamy,was tried before His Honor Judge Toms on Wednesday last. Richard had been married in 1849 to one Susannah Cook, who is still living, and on March 19, 1889, had a second ceremony, performed by Rev, Mr. Clement, at that time Methodist minister at _Exeter, to Ann Cobleigh, of McGillivray, The certificates of both marriages and other conclusive evidence was adduced. It was shown, however,that the prisoner and his wife had not lived happily together, and that some five years ago, she left him and •went to Michigan. In Fehruary, 1899, Waistell went to Michigan Ito ,induce Susannah to some back to his bed and board,which she ref need to do. :EIe then made o t Ve tareg to Ann i Cnb er li and was married m: rtKed t 4 ober on the 19th of March following.ldis Honor found the peleoncrguilty,an,under the ciritunatoiiecs ret forth, allowed hint to go on suspended sentence under a bond of x1500 to apncir for C^gtence Within five days when railed for. est rsOaats, ;. Mrs, Cox and her 'daughter Mrs,Resslert of Cleveland, are the. guests of ibis, ,Tames ,Down.---" A'iies Pauline Hieks,of Winnipeg and Miss Fiore Hicks, of Exeter, are the guests of their aunt,: lirs..W.'F. May." Parkhill Review, -H, C. Brewer, Eeg , of Clinton, was in town on Saturday on buai nese in connection with the Molsons Bank. -Mr. Ed. Neil, of Detroit, was in town on Saturday. -Stirs, H. L. Billings is in town the guest of her mother. -Mr. Wellington Clark,, of London, spent Sunday anal Mon- day in town. -Mise Minnie Mair, Clinton, visited friends in town the forepart of the week. -Prof. Scott was in town Sunday,'- Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Parsons spent the past week visiting friends in Harriston.- Revs, McDonagh and Russell exehaaeged pulpits last Sunday imorniug,-Mr, and Mrs. R. II. Collins spout the forepart of the weak in Lansing, Mich. -Miss Maggie White is visiting faiends in Woodstock, Mr. Ed. Harwood, of Toronto, is visiting friends in town; -hiss Briekenden, of Clintgu, who has been the guest of Misa Annie Gregory for a few days, returned home last evg. Miss Cook, of Hensall, is visiting the Misses Gill. -The Misses Fer- guson, of Loudon, spent Tuesday with the Misses Gould. -Following are some of the Exeter boys who spent 24th in town: Frank Oke, Toronto; A. McCallum, Lon- don; A. Snell, G. Hoskin, C, Balsden, St. Thomas, and 1'i''. Manning, J. Atkinson, Clinton. -Mr, W. J. Clark returned to London yesterday. -Miss Shutes, Clinton, spent the 24th May visiting friends in town, -Miss Nora Coleman, of Newcastle, was the meat of Mrs. J, A Stewart the forepart of the week. A large number of gypsies have been camping on the river's backs the past week. Mr. Robb. D. Ross, of Rodgerville, last week sold to Mr. Aubry, cf Montreal, his trottirg horse A heavy thunder -storm passed over Exeter yesterday,which may be the means of settling the weather for a time. The semi-annual. District meeting of the Royal Templare of Temperance of Huron will be held in Hensall on June 21. A. painful surgical operation was per- formed Montag on Mr. Thos. Dearing, he having aportion of each foot taken off. Peach, plum and cherry trees, as well as early apple trees, havo been hi full blossom around here for the last . week, and pros- pects for all kinds of fruit aro good in this to cality. South. Huron Teachers' Convention will be held at Goderieh on Friday and Satur- day, June 3 and 4. The teachers hero say they would rather it were on a Thursday and Friday. A young son Airs. John Newcombe met with an accident ;on Friday last. It ap- pears that he and some other little boys were teasing a horse, when the animal kicked him in head, inflicting a very ugly wound. Chas. Lingard, of Centralia, was before Chas. Snell, J. P., on Monday on a charge of disorderly conduct, and being an unfit person to be at large. He was convicted to Goderieh jail where ho should be, being a county ward. Mr. R. S. Lang has moved bis implement warehouse onto a lot on the old market property purchased of Mr. Wm. Bowden, and has greatly improved the building by the addition of a large platform around the same It makes the invest storerooms in the county. The Ontario Government have issued a pamphlet descriptive of the Rainy River Dietriet, which will be invaluable to those who are eomtentplating settling there. The 52 pants contain full and accurate de- scriptions of the soil, climate, agricultural capabilities, area, timber resources, etc,, of this new addition to Ontario's area. We had hoped to have been able to have given something definite this week regard- ing the Verity Agricultural Works, but as a decision bas not yet been arrived at as to their remeviug front Exeter or remain- ing with ns, we can only say that the mat- ter will be settled in a few days, While the Massey -Harris Co. are making a strong pull to have the Verity firm leave Exeter, the people here are using every endeavor io retain the works. [A telegram was received late last evg. from Mr. R. H. Verity, who went to Toronto to interview the Massey -Farris Co., that the works would be removed from Exeter in September.] On Tuesday, May 10, Thomas Orme cele- brated his 80th birthday at his residence, Luean, and is now one of the oldest settlers in the county of Middlesex. Weather and crop prophets maintain the idea that this year will be the best for fruit we have had. The weather has been so cold up till now that the buds haven't came out, and so the frost has done no damage. St. Marys are agitating for better fire protection. It is proposed to form a joint stock company for the purpose of putting a steam pump in Carter's & Co's flour mill capable of throwing 000 gallons per minute, and putting a 0 -inch iron pipe from the mill along Queen street to Church street, a 4 - inch pips along Chnroh to Garnet House, and on. Water street to the post office; put in six hydrants -one each at the corner of Wat r, wellington and Chnroh at the'r junction with Queen, at the mill, post office and Garnet House. This would cost $1706. All within a radius of 1000 feet of any of these hydrants would have the benefit of a reduction in insurance of 10 per cent. on account of the extra fire protection.' Within the radius of those affected by this system it is estimated that a saving of $1,000 per annum will be effected, and as it will cost only between one or two hundred dollars a year to run the pump, a great financial saving would thus be made. One of the sights of the City of Hamilton is the factory in which the celebrated "Myrtle Nary" tobacco is made. Some people may suppose that putting up plugs of tobacco mart be a very simple matter, but a walk amidst the ponderous and com- plicated machinery of the establishment would op•edily'undeceive them. Hereare hydraulic pre•sea,sorew presse•,iron frames, all of enormous strength, besides a steam engine and many other pieces of machinery To the _Editor of the Exeter Times. The authorities of Exeter cannot take much credit to themselves for the state of things in town on the night of the 24th. Of all the dark nights of a season this was one, and the fact of the streets not being.; properly lighted is a disgrace to the village. e. lill, l with ti tian ors, thea townn should h looked have lo ked its best, that our now creditable status might have leen aaised rather than lowered, The citizens goner ally are highly iudignant, and those who happened to be out late feel as, though, tie town could not hare had a greater fix lit, Who is to blame 2-Cieteeet. e0,� Tx`inlnlis�r Dr'eS0 'ltiir�l�llilar�, Pt'eS,0 TiinAnwrig0, R� 0. ,. :"' Have just opened up another- large consignnaent cad,` Dress Trimmings, bought direct from the Manufacturers and consisting of all the latest novelties. If you require Trimmings call and inspect our stock. We can please you, RICHARD PICKARD & SO And see our lines of BEDROOM SUITES And SIDEBOARDS T$111 Exeter Furniture Factory A splendid 73rd -Room Suite in Maple or Cherry for $9.00. Sideboards from $S.00 upwards. Ca!! While the Stock Lasts Remember the stand:- Twa doors North of Town Hall, Exete. WALT. ANDREWS BORN. PArriasox.-In Ifonsall, on the 170 inst., The wife of Robert Patterson, a son. Tnanrxsa-Ir. Stephen, on the 22nd inst., the wife of F. Treibncr, a son. Saurrr.-In Stephen. on the 21th inst,, the wife of Ezra Smith, a son, Fonn.-In Stephen, on tbo 21st inst., the wife of James Ford, a dautchcer, MAIUIIE O. Invzas-Shinn-Tn Blaushard. at the reaidonce of the bride's parents, on the 16th Inst., by Rev, Mr Hutton. Miss Maud Shier second daughter of Mr. Reuben ,Shier, to Mr. John 0. Irvine of Usborno. CAIN%s-MoDoaAtn,-On Mao 14th. 1802. by the Rev. w, J.Etrd LL,B.atthepersonage, Parkhill, Mr, Goo. Gaines, to Mrs, Isabella MPon1cl, both of London, DIED. Gusxxxo`-In Blanchard, on the 1003 May, Ethel, infant daughter of Mr. Arthur Gunn- ing, aged 11 months and 22 days. IlossiNs.-At Ripley, in tho'Countyy of Bruce on the 16th inst., Mrs. Grace Iloskins, relict, of the Tate Jas. Rookies, aged 84 years, MMCDouoAtt -In Stanley, on the 14th inst., ScElsie,ars, wife of Mr. Jas' McDougall., aged 73 04uraxo.-Tn Exeter, on the 22nd inst., Erode CVerityarling. infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. 1- B. 11:,`,1%. i 1:•5. ;ails ti Mr. John V insont,19teon., Stephen, aged 06 years, 0 months. Mo0unszx.- t t the rosideece of Donald 0. Munro, Parkhill, on Wednesday,,May 18th, 1892, Tanrzon Elizabeth MoCubban WHAT a FRIEND CAN Do. -"I was con- fined to my bed by a severe attack of lum- bago. A lady friend sent me a part of a bottle of St Jacobs Oil, which I applied. The effect was simply magical. in a day I was able to go about my household duties. I have used it with splendid success for neuralgia toothache, I would not be with- out it." Mize J. BINaLaND, Kincaid St., Brockville, Ont: 01.111. ® ABOUT The 3 aching Ll� OAP- It will save you much trouble It will bring you comfort and ease It will save your clothes and hands It does not require washing powders It will wash in either hard or soft water It cannot injure the most delicate skin or fabric Its purity and excellence have given it the largest sale in the world BEWARE OF Suulight IMITATIONS Soap dTHE EIS ONLYNE 'ORES : PT, H77NLIGIir, LI7yp1It'Brteay LLMIWED Iris: L 1iI1a5SENHr:?.n ronol''To. ... FRL!1tO. FOR PARASOLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, WINDOW SHADES, l DftOL FOR Ladies' and Gents' fine and coarse Boots 6 Shoes never hail a better stook at lower prices than now, Try our 25c tea—the best 1 in town. y�pyo c,�+4,tLXltl Asapq h'W SPR1NG • .STOCK =CMG OPENED! Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded in purchasing goods, the equal to which has not been shown in Exeter before. The Latest in Everythin AND PRICES THE LOWEST. Our stock will ensure us : The Trade in Dry Goods ; , The Trade in Dress Goods; The Trade in Millinery; The Trade In: Clolhng. yr IN HATS & GAPS, ETC., WE CANNOT BE BEATEN. Watch this -space for further announcement, SPACKMAN & C. Samwell's Block, Exeter. r. CENTRAL Barber Shop, FANSO 'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, g � Prop Shaving and Haircutting in thelatest style of she art. Every attention paid to cutting Lear es'1 art V h k/renr. Hatt, The Nlolsons Bank (0]IARTDRE D BY PA RLIAME1?1 T,1865J Bald up Capital P ital $2,000,00I1. Rest Fund ... .. 1,100,000 HeadOffioo, Montreal,, F. WOLFE1tSTAN THOMAS,Bsq,., ( mr8n6.LMANAl A9' Money advanced to"good farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers at 7 per Bent per annum. Exeter Branch, ; S Ovenever lawful dayfromlda y . m to3" na SATURDAYS,10 a,m.to 1 p.m. 4Per0ent.porannum allowedformonert en Depositlseeeipts. Savings Bankat3 percent/ N. DYER HURDON,' Sub-MartaE;Y r:.