HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-5-26, Page 5IS ONO nIVJEWS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figsis taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys; Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys+ tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind everr,pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its -action and truly beneficial in its effects, :spared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manyexcellent qualities commen dit to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 7,5c bottles by all leading druggists. .Any reliable druggist who may not Lava it on hand will procure it pooiptly for any one .who wishes -`o try it. 11Mauufactured only by the IALIFORNIA F C SYRUP CO., BAN T'1tANOISC0, OAL. tA. ISVILLE, 1c.V. 1 W YORK, N..% 1a'or Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store NEWS NOTES. Oft health and competence. Sufferer, :.be warned in 'semen, and don't allow the eye- tem $o run, down,` A number of well-to-do farmers ‘of Bial aimed have been duped by a Chatham Nuraery firm, in the purchase of Norway Spruce trees. ,The nursery, it was thought, was giving the trees free as an advertise- ment, bat now the farmers find they signed orders $150 for ooh lot, in all amounting to $18,000. ; Blanshard township should' pre gent a fine appearance in a few years. • f T1rn Wo1,nannee SUCCESS of H3od'e Sar- saparilla as a blood purifier entitles it to year confidence,. No other preparation hag such a record of cures of sorofula,salt rheum blood poiaoning,or other blood. diseases. To try it is to know its merit, Be aura to get Hood's Saresparilla.l EOir RIar' For a general homily cathartic we -con- fidently recommend Hood's Pills. They should be in every home medicine chest. There are more oases of sickness and death from dieeased kidneys than from all other diseases combined, ' It ie your own fault if you allow your kidneys to remain iu an unbealthy condition when 'the cure is at hand. Dodd's Kidney's Pills are guaran- teed to cure the worst oases. It costs but little to give them a trial. They are for sale by all druggists and dealers or by mail on receipt of 50 ote. or 6 boxes for $2 50. 'Write for book called. -Kidney Tailc.. The Clinton New Era refers 'to the fact that the editor of this journal has a son ilt Chicago, and tries to make a point out of this against the Conservative policy. YOUR men, as trrule, litre to see the world, hut because they may, for the time being,;be re sidents of a foreign country, that does not make them think any the less of the laud of their. birth. We know of come Grits wha have relatives in the penitentiary,but are w, to take that as reason that the wholefamil; should be there also? 'Does brother Holmes see the point.—Mitchell Advocate. • St. Marys has invested $400 in new in- atrumeute And will organise a band at enoe. p+Blanshard's eaten lodges of etalwart Orangeman will celebrate the glorione twelf- th at Sarnia. Twenty-three appeals have been lodged agaiost this year's assessment in St.Marys. Lad year the number was 31. Mrs. Grace Hoskin of Ripley, relict of the late Tames Hoskin, of Mitchell, died last week, aged 81 yeare. A young man named Watt while working in Harlburt'a saw mill Moncton, boob Week fell on a saw and had his leg taken off. Thomas Jones, il1ltoholl, has paid about $11,0uu to Partnere in that district lately for aat1le and hogs destined for the British market. George Green, the noted Berkshire hog breeder of Fairview, has boon requested by Commissioner Awrey to compete at the World's Fair, Chicago. Wm. Barker, an employee of Mr. Gettler, Polite( ten, ono day this week pot one of bis lingers among some of the cog wheels of the mill rnaoliinery and had it badly crushed, Andre* Suoddy of Cartes Mill was knocked insensible by the stroke crank of the engine the other day. In the Bame mill Edward Fairlese had one °Ibis fingers taken off. Mr. dames Chalmers of St. Marys has generously donated S25 to the firemen's fund for efficient services rendered by the brigade in saying his property from deetrnc- tion the other morning. Jas Grieve, the unseated Liberal candi- date wan sleeted in North Perth on Wed- nesday last by 09 Majority. Mr. Scrim - pour was not popular with the Conserva- tive party, end Mr'. Grieve is a farmer, which accounted for the result. Mr. T E. Greenwood, aFnliartou boy, is a candidate for the Manitoba Legisla- ture. Ho is a man of good ability, detainer character, and would make a splendid re- presentative. We hope to hear of his oleo - tion: His parents live in Mitchell. Mr. Wm. Pridham, South Perth's repre- sentative in the Commons, was one of tho 83 who voted in Parliament the other day in favor of ;Mr. Dalton McCarthy's bill to make a elean sweep of the dual language and separate school systems in the North- . week. Dyspepsia has driven to an early and even suicidal grave many a man who, if he had tried the virtnee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, would be alive to -day and in the enjoyment 1VIARIK1iiT REPORTS. Wheat .. $0e to 82c per bushel OUR SELLI'N'Gr PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.50 per 100 do Best Family 2.25 " do Low Grade .1.75 " Bran ••. 70e < Shorts 80c Chop $1.00 to $1,20 " Chop stone running every day. THE EXETER MILLING Coy. MARKET. REPORTS. Q LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest re toe of ititorest, Over :060,000 ori- vats funds; Apedt' t+.r.Lrot' & eLraQT, $olieltore, etc.. F,xoter. FOR SERVICE. A There' bred Durham Bull "Young Chester- field," and a'1'hor 'bred Berkshire Boar, an lot 13. con .1 , Stephen: Teams $1 each, with privilege' of returning if necessary. WES. SNELL, Props .ter. 1892. —?;SPRING}— '1892. Do you want a - PIANO, ORGAN, BIOYCLF;r SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? RodWbeat . .- 80 to 81 Slicing, wneat .• 80 to 81 Barley .. 38 to 4G pats 28 to 29 OloverSeed 700 to 7 50 Cimonhy 1 50 to " h1 Peas porn •• `eggs ., Butter •. B'lonrperbb1 .. ••• eotatoes,perbushel ... q 55 Apples ,per nag -. .» 150°A°0 1 00 AriedApplespr b .» ... 0 4to 050 (4eeee perlb. .. 0 06 to 0 06 Turkey per lb -. 09 to 09 Ducks per lb ». 0 OB to 0 07 Ohiokenaporpr »• 0 25 to 0 30 l:toga,dres0edperi00 - .» 5 50 toy 75 Beef .» 40060525 fiideerongb, .., ,, 4 00 to 4 50 " dressed . „ „, 6 OQ to 5 25 Sheepskins each ... .., 0 $Oto 70 "7alfekins .„ ,.. 0 60 to 0 50 Woolporlb •. ,» 0 18 to 0lq Ffayportou :.,10 Q0 to110 10 ea 1)nfonarFerbnah ,., ... SO to 0 50 Woodpe-roord 50 to 3 aT1rSA8Ya $ ° all Wheat. 80 81 Spring wheat ...,, .,•. 80 81 Death of the Lieutenant Govern or of Ontario. Toronto, March 24.—Sir Alexander Campbell, Lieutenant -Governor of Ont., died this afternoon at 3,80. The decease, received a severe attack of paralysis abou three months ago, from which it was ex• anted at the titne he would hardly rally, but, contrary to expectations, he regainer strength so much that until a few day ago his death was, not expected to resu>: therefrom. Last week, however, he suf fered a relapse, and died as above. Sir Alexander: Campbell was the son re a sootellman, Dr. James Campbell, an' was born at Hedon, Yorkshire, England in 1821. His parents emigrated to Cana da when ho was but two years old, an: settled at Lachine. He completed ha - education tet Kingston Royal Gramma, School under Mr, Geo, Butler, who tele taught the late Sir John McDonald, 11, studied in the law offices of the late Hem e Cassidy, and Sir John McDonald at li,ini, Ston, and after being admitted as an Attn: nay hi 1S•12, foraged a co-partncrehip the latter For many years a member c Parliament, he was finally appointed t the Senate, Where he remained until h: appointment as .Lieut -Governor of°On five years ago. In 1879 he was created knight of the order of St. Michael ant St. George, He married, in 1S55, ilius Georgenia Frederica Locke, a daughter t, Mr. Thomas Sandwith. of Beverley, Yetk shire, England. Altogether Sir Alexander Campbell's life has been a useful one tt the public. to BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE '53"' ,0 r%! fir• Zip , ». 0540 to v6 .. i% to, 10 ••. is to 14 ... 00 60 5 )5 TOURISTS.• Whether on pleasure bent or business should take on every trip a bottle of Syria of Fine, as it ants most pleasantly and et7ee• Wally on the kidneys' liver and bowels; pre- venting fevers, headaches and other form - of siokness. For sale in 75• cent bottles by all leading druggists. Itch, Mango and Scratches of every kind on human being or animals, cured in30 min notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Thi never fails. Sold by C. Lute: Oct. 9,-1y5 66 erman A Cough ru IT LEADS TUE LEADERS —The foremost modioine of the day, Burdock Blood Bitter. ea a purely vegetable compound possearinp perfeok regulating powers over all the organ: of the system and controlling their sacro tations. It so purifies the blood that it curer- all ure.all blood humors and degease from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore and this combined with its unrivalled regu- lation, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowele and skin, render it unequalled as a cum for all diseases of the skin. From one to two bottles will cure boils, pimples, blotches. nettle rash, sornf, tetter. and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to fon, bottles will ours salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, abscesses, run- ning sores, and all skin eruptions. I6 is noticeable that sufferers from skin diseases are nearly aggravated by intolerable itchine but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B. B. B. Passing on to gra- ver yet prevalent diseases such as sorofula swellings, humors and scrofula, we have undoubted probf that from three to six bot- tles used internally and by outward appli- cation (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parte, will affect a cute. The great mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the fiver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomache and to open the sluiceways of the system to car- ry off ail ologged and impure secretions, allowing nature time to aid recovery and remove without fail bad blood, liver com- piaini,abilliousness, dyspepsia, sick head- ache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every speies of disease arising from disorder -of the liver, kidneys. bowels, stomach and blood For children a medi- cine should be abso- and Croup lutely reliable. A mother must be able to Medicine. pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, --or dangerous. It must be standard in material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin- ister; easy and pleasant to take. The child must like it. It must be prompt in action, giving immedi- ate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It must not only relieve quick but bring them around quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil th :ir constitutions under long con- thi .ntelit. It must do its work in moderate doses. A large quantity of Medicine in a child is not desira- ble. It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as ell:.as young folks, stud 1maker yo- schee's Oerman Syrup the favorlt family medicine. ' Harley.- ..',,,,.. , . 0 38 0 40 Oats 28 29 )lover Seed 7 00 7 25 :timothy "9 1. 5f,60 ,-own ................................•_-._. 0 55 0 0010 3utber 130.14 Potatoes per bag ,.,,,. 50 1q 60 18 0 1pplesper bush ......................... 60 Wool per lb 10 18010 Tlayporton 14 00 141 00 gran per inn .,20 00 20 00 latmghorte" 6 00 7 00 'Togo al per *eased olr 1 .. 60 5 7ti dogs dressed tier 100 „.,.. 5 GO LONDON, Wheat, 81 to 83 per bus. Oats, 29e to `,1c p_erbus. Peas,54e to 57e per bus. Dar - E4',, tilting, 43i to 413o or bus. Barley Feed, 9c to 41e per bus Corn, 676o to 710 per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, May 24 -Wheat Spring—No. 2,8Oc ...810 per bus; red winter. go 2. Sle to 82o per us. Manitoba No 2bard. 99to1 00 Nn.3, :l1c •o 93: PEAS 59c to 600 per bus. OATE+ 32c •n 33e per bus. FLOUR + extra. $3 50 to e3.80 +er bbl; straight roller, 33.75 to 35.98 ."rongbakers, $4,90 to $5.00. BARLEY, No 1, 'ceding, 52o to 54c. CAN BE REPAIRED 01 FIVE MINUTE8, BEE YOUR BICYCLE HAS ONE. WE'D BY THE GOOLD BICYCLE CO. LTD., BRANTFORC, OIIf 1f you do, the place to, gotelle most reliable goods at a rnodern.prrce is at PERKINS - 51ARTIN'S. dealers in alusical Instruments, Sowing Machine supplies etc„ etc•. All kinds of farm implements sold 00'0 mar- gin over cost. Agents for the eelebrated Chat- ham 'Wagon, PERE.INI$ &• MARTIN, Fanson's Block :deathly Prizes ;for Boys and Girls. The "Sunlight"Soap Co., Toronto, offer the '.allowing prizes every month till further no- ee. to boys and girls under 16, residing in the rovinoo of Ontario, who send the greatest. lumber of "Sunlight" wrappers : 106, $10; 2nd, ;5; 3rd, $3; 4th, 31; 5th to 14th, a Handsome look; and a pretty picture to those who send ISunl ght"tSoaptOMeoo, 43 Sottd5wrappers r 'Toronto '.106 anter than 29th of eaeli month, and marked.. aotnpetition; also give full name, address, age, and number of wrappers. 1Vinners'names will be published in Toronto Mail on first Saturday in each month. COK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, A recent discovery b an old physician. tioorostalli ,2[s- 80 motlthl!f l,y t1auvan58 of LADIES, Is the only perfeot ly safe androliabio medioiuo discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who ober inferior medicines in Place of Allis. Ask for Coor.'s Cox'sox Roor Cartpouxp.tccko 110 eelrstttute; or inclose $1 and 4three-cont Canada, postage stamps in letter. waive will send, sealed, by return mail. Fail sealed partiaulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company 0,0.0 Fisher Blook,131 Woodward ave„Detroit, Mich. .Sold in Exoterby 1)R• LUTZ, Central DrurStoro and by all druggists avers where. CObbledrek. & F011 ari cl Raving lately purchased the Stock and Good -will of- Mr 3, N. Howard; and added largely to the Stock., they have now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware. Establishment in the County. They sell whole- sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETC. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETc., CABRINGE MAKER'S GOODS, E'0., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, r and everything in SMALL HARDWA.RE LARGEST STOCK OF NAiLS in the COUNTY GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY.. NOTICE. A meeting of the ebareholdors of the Exeter atilt Works Go. will bo hold Monday, June the otb, at 2 o'clock p. m, eharn, at the town hall. T.B.CARLING, Seca., Minard's Liniment is the hair restorer. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Mr. F. Wurtz, baying sold his business owing to ill health. and being about to leave this section, hereby requests all persons owing him to settle at once by either cash or note. Dashwood, May 19, 92. F.WURTZ• NOTICE. The council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court House, God- erich, on Tuesday, Juno 7611, 1892. at 3 o'clock P. m. W. LANE. v , May 19th, 1802-2 t Co. Clerk. FOR BRUSHES, COMBS; SI -)071,.,T ES. SOAPS, PERFUMERY -^Ei T77— TRUE SEA SALT BRO W NING'S, GALT FOR BALE. Tho Exeter Salt Works Co. have for sale a quantity of land and barrel salt, the former at S3 50, the latter at 55 per ton. T. B. CARLINO , May,19-310 Secretary. vi UNICIPALNOTICE. au,co .o ... rte*^• .,. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sta- tute in that behalf a Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for the year 092 will beheld at tho town hall. Exeter. on Friday. the 27th day of May, €1892, at half past seven o'clock in the evening. Any person or persons having business at the .ourt will govern themselves accordingly. 17,..1 ;1670.rem SM.EACRETT. Exeter,1.2th May.1892. Village Clerk, SEALED TENDERS marked 'Tor Mounted Police Prole:eons and Light $up hes,"eted addressed to thel.lunourablo the Pres,deet of the Privy Council, Ottawa, will he received up to noon on Tuesday, 7th Jane. 1892,' Printed forme of tender. cue lathing full in- formation as to the articles and upnroximeto quantities required. mutt' he had on apptieation litany of the Mounted Police Posts in the North West, or et the odice of the undersigned. . made ;ho received, ,utiles s on such printed forms, The lowest or any.tcndor not necessarily to - Otpted. , _team tender must be aoeompa.nicd by an az.- canted Canadian z.-000tedCanadian bank cheque for an equal to ten per cent. of the total value of the articles teedered for, which will be forfeited if the partydeolines to enter into anontractwhen called upon to do so, ee it ho iads to complete the service' contra Mel for. Tf • the tender be not accepted the ohoccnc will be -'aturned. No payment will leo made to nnwrpenore in- serting this advor.tsepicnt a.l.taout authority haying beere fir:tl• obtained.byrtnn , >T •TE Comptroller, N. W, 33. "Notice. Ctts e, M':wr 3, .1,1322, UNICIPAL NOTICE. GO TO House cleaning time is upon us. Use Alabastine for your walls and ceilings. They hairs! the genuine thing only, in an improved forum You can mix it you self with cold water. They have all the tints Caliand see their fine store, fine stock and fine prices. 00:3137.AMIDICIt ck O lt;aua GARDEN SEEDS, FIELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY” DAI SY('' j" C URNS, ALL KINDS OF TINWARE CHEAP FOE CASH —AT— OISSZVVI 313$30$* JUST ARRIVED —AT— GI »o` '' Purim & Undertaking Establishment Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sta- tute in that behalf a Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Municipality of tho Township of Usborne for the year 1802 will be held at the town hall,Elimvitle.on Saturday, the 23th day of May,1892,athalf past ten o'clock in the forenoon. Any person or Persona haying business at the Court will govern themselves acoordingly. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Usbor n oMay 12th. 1892. Township Clerk. READ TRIS : A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. 'MIDST 0 d 9'ALL BLOt'V AiNDBLUSTER RN. E R Z. t Still takes lead in the Furniture Business The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings Also PARLOR SUITES AND [,CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. in town. 1\Te are too busy to call on people in need of Furniture ; but please drop in our 1V;irerooms and see our Stook and we will try to suit you in this line. OrderedJ Workl eat1 Dolle on Short lit is Remember we have also a i enc1er;.rc. lino of Umdertak ircg Always on band, and all calls in > -. line will be promptly attendcd to, ami sett:. "-'..,iia guaratlteod every. tint;,:. b J ..... . Vi s Brink, E;•,'.,,ur' Store 1. si to i. Olson. k 1 t ' L ,• -o •t Mita tl is .Y.n, J i n% rtt Gall and /nsiect our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellowa Block. !haElaSlyles! ii 0 0 CAUTION EACH PLUG OF Myrtle Navy! 18 MARKED T131-13 BEST YET 1 TaE C3H J .P s"1. T S r3E1 1V ET 1 THE BIOGt JSA T. & B. IN' LRO ' ZF 'S,,FTTESRS_ NONE - OTHER GENUINE KIRKTON Be,'>• tndorod blrrth µg' lirodlleesl in Exeter ..+if ., tJe c. i ,-$1 ,t1errlen l leave V'orror,"--Lnncrly, ;iAr w 4) the beat etaff • f r:aka the best etock of Fine Trireerot..de, •, nd the beet iaatvin 1n Tosen you are. ens+ el eatief,tce Let the howlers howl, And the scowlers scowl, And the growlers growl, And the gruff gang go it ; But behind the night There's plenty of light— We'll sell you goods right, And we want you to know it ! Tune of "Quick Alarch" —TO -- r DOUPE'S STORE We are now prepared to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. Big drives in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS and SHIRTINGS at DOUPE & CO'S, Kirkton. HURRAH! O- A. HYND 3tAN Wishes to inform the citizens a Exeter and surrounding; that he is now engaged selling Teas, Coffees. Baking Powder In quautitios to suit Purchasers. Oreors loft at the house or Dr Iiyndman'ra Office will receive prcrupt attention, diem° G. A HYNDMAN A. MOW Tailor Shop WE have on hand a Fine Line of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries,. or Presentations, Tine LATEST GAVE. : " Parlor Quoits." AL$0 FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAL4IA, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING., BOOK & DRUG STORE $00(0003i00 WORTI3 Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED AT 1IANSON S, During the Next Month_ Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call. We would inform the people of Exeter and= surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where We. are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latoo Styles c..r , . 1 t -AND A- S11e Fit t 6 i1 a It t, 1 JOH • DISEASES mEl Olt' Of all ages. resulting from Errors or Indisere tions of Y nth, may be permanently cured and the vise of perfeot manhood fully restored, ate NER'0,t7S DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEA!, NAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing eases of GLEET. STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CIIRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are incurable we will frankly telt you so. Write for particulars and treatise, Free, to ST Louts Maniem. t''o., 160 and 1i4 King Streit, West, Toronto, Ont. s3:8m ? L s Y:41), r3 Bily. PLANIN a MILL Aud LUMBER YARD We keep eon mia; y on hn.nd a large stock of all kinds of building materials. Dr ie.elaretn dressed pine and hemlock lumber +110 , 0 choiee stocked so,1 pine lath. Our stock of doors, sash, blame, moulding.,. &e. is eontplcteand thore nelvkiln dried We attar for sal cl,c0, +AL0 1N tend ls.,`s..i t Ir aa and UEDA'S SI (INGLES manufactured hs" bust makersin Ontario. Tanks rind t tarns, all shapes and eizet,r(e to order a,tbow -st prices, W'e'have [:•,talotli' new in ;Li.; line for watering cattl: Ir of ot, cr barnyard. Cell. and seta ear celebrated 't3ak e.ere•ere every wortu.n using them res ria ,e:. u tier,,, Ter eingainnd,seroll swims or x"; 1, ds cfl t ,, A 6 work tom ptttrltiu t aahtnop m aL be to year gat v.'t caF:;r: ops, stock itoforcyth'iainrclotv°i, e ROSS <@,- T • r , , rt'.: set,