HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-5-26, Page 4Established 1877.
7E$E. OWMIX.sy
Trannots generalbaukiegbusitiess,
Receives the accounts of merchants and
others on favorable terms.
Offers every aniommodation consistent with
sefe end conservative be:Aging prineides.
Interestallowed on deposits.
Drafts issued payable at ay deco of the
17,11.4 exam Efarro.
nTIURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1892.
From reports received it is estimated
hat the damage done in the Western
States by the floods will reach $50,000,-
000 even if the rains cease at once.
Fierce storms, however, continue in
many sections,
G reat Britain's buildings at the Chicago
Exposition will be a typical specimen of
a picturesque, half timbered English
home of the time of HeeryVIII, or about
the period which the World'a Fair will
coni1aflt)Xate it will be ninety feet
spare, two stories high, and built of
red brick., 'heavy timber and yellowiah
terra cotta with red tiling for the roof.
Sioux City inundated, eeveral lives
lost and immense destruction of 'prop-
erty ; the fourth stage robbery in a
numth; four women murdered in one
small town .1nriner the night; a Itletho.
dist Episcopel conference declares that
colored people in the ;South are shot
down line dogs. Theee are a few of the
news iteme, culled from ruited States
despatches Monday morning. Truly a
nice country to live in.
* *
During the last ten years the number
of adherents of the Methodist and Free-
byterian bodies in the Province of Quebec
inereoned by 2,800. It is safe to arty
that two-thirds of this number comes
under the head of what may be termed
natural increase, thus leaving less that.
one hundred a year to represent the
gains won over from Roman Catholicism
to these two Protestant bodies.
It cannot be possible that there is
unyone base enough to raise any objec-
tion to the proposal to erect a national
monument to the memoryof the late Sir
John Macdonald. A man who devoted
half a century to the service of his coun-
try, and who was mainly instrumental
in tire creation of Canada as it existe to-
day, is surely deserving of so slight A
recognition of hie wonderfully successful
labors in the building of a nation.
The prisoner Garbutt knowa his own
business best, but bis willingness to re-
turn to Texas does not affect our conten.
tion that the system under which he was
extradited is bad. A man arrested in
his own couutry is wronged when he is
dragged before an alien jury upon evi-
dence that would scarcely justify a
Canadian judge in ordering the return
of a fugitive American to the United
States. The Canadian who finds in
Canada not a refuge but a home, should
not be ordered for extradition to Texas
as readily as the American, who it is
fair to presume, comes here to escape
trial in his own land.
A gratifying development in the vol-
ume of exports continues to be shown,
North Perth Election.
The election in North Perth Weduesiley
last was a surprise to bah parties, The
Liberals expected a close contest, while
the Coneervetivea were euro of a good ma-
jority. Mr,Grieve made gains every where
unlesa Stratfox detntl there hehad a majority
of 13,evhileConservatives looked for at least
100. Both parties worked hard, but the
sympathy and farmers cries worked suc-
cessfully. Below is she result of the poll :
Loean 18
Elam 6
Listowel 45
Morningtone... .... • 29
,einvertou • • •
Ellice 4e
Stratford 5
118 31
Majority for Grieve 87.
The Butter Question.
Butter is cheap uow in our markets,
and there es little chance for any im-
provement in prices until a regular ex-
port trade ia established with Great
Britain, To , ,this end the creamery
system must be adopted and winter
butter making go hand-in-hand with the
cheese business. We must have unifor-
mity of make and a first-oless article, or
it is useless to seek an outlet in England.
Butter sells now at from 12e, to 15 cents
a pound in our markets, .and !this is not
profitable, for the material that goes to
make one pound of butter would make
three pounds of cheese, and this would
sell now for 91 to .91t cents a pound, go
it is easy Ito allow that making butter
now is a lesing game. This same baton,
if made properly at a creamery, would
eell for 20 to 27 cents a pound wholesale
in England, which would mean about 23
cents a pound to the producer here
instead of the present price of 121 to
15c. There is no use looking to tbe
American market, as certain ill-advised
persons propose,from the fact that their
markets are iilreedy glutted with a poor
natural article as we have here. There
is the oleomargarine, butternut and
cottolene in competition which we have
nut here, and which is sinking the dairy
butter in the United States. In fact,
butter is low on the other side, and a
recent market report of D. W. Lewis &
Co., New York, says the comparatively
low ruling prices this spring have been a
cause of surprise, and contrary to anti-
cipations of the majority of the trade.
in searching for an explanation it is
found there has %been an enormous in-
crease in the manufacture and sales tof
cottolene and :oleomargarine. These
goods were brought into prominence by
the high prices of all kinds of butter last
fain; cottolene (which is nothing but
cottonseed oil and beef suet) being taken
by biscuit makers, bakers, ete., oleoraar.
garine (especially in the South) going to
the poorer classes as a substitute for
butter. The United. States market,
therefore, offers no field for Canadian
butter. Indeed, the United States
themselves have and are looking to Eng-
land as an outlet for their surplus, as
bile following shows,which is taken from
the same report. It says: "Again our
(U. S.) export trade is gradually dwind-
ling down to insignificant proportions;
England has been drawinaher supplies
from Australia and New Zealand for
some time, and we regret to say our
goods have been out -classed -so much
so, that we can only hope for trade in
that direction from September toNov-
ember'that being the time -when ship-
mentsfrom the English colonies will fall
abort." e'en
This shows two things-rrst, that the
American butter has been driven out by
superior makes from Australie and New
Zealand and other places; and again,
that winter butter -making will just fit
inin Canada, as there will be a shortage
hom other places about November, and
from that out.
the trade returns for Canada for the ten
months ending 30th April showing a
total of $88,435,783 for this year, as
against $77,452,314 for the preceding
year, or an increase of $11,983,478.
In April the increase was $230,053.
The volume of imports also shows an in-
crease, though the duty collected isless.
For that month the geode entered for
consumption were $7,975,200, against
87,660,456 -an increase of $314,744.
In the ten months the figures were$89,-
870,146, against $89,490,399 -increase,
$385,747. Theduty cellected was
Q59,722-e, cleereaae ote$2,641,146.
if el
So much grain has been coming down
for export from Montreal that the two
transportation companies are unable to
tetteldle "it a,11. There is nob enough
elevating capacity at Kingsien er. Prea-
cott, and as a consequence large Criexl.
tities of western grain ere going to
Ogdensburg., eta is being shipped via
the Fete route. This is a direct loss of
*ousiness to Montreal. There are 200000
bushels of Montreal *grain now stored in
elevators at Ogdensbut g. Of this 100000
was for the steamship Avalon, which
came here trom New York specially for
this grain. Traders here are urging
that greater elevators be cateblislaed at
* *
The Wheat Situation
The wheat potion m one of great
interest to the general public at the„pre-
sent time,es large quantities are 'Held by
both dealers and farmers, as well as by
speculator% and the great problem of
the hour is whether it is best to accept
current prices and make the loss now,or
hold on for the advance, which many
well -posted men in the trade think in-
evitable before atiother crop is available.
On the other hand those who believe in
lower markets point to the short inter -
yds between now and the fist offerings
of the new crop, which Irvin make their,
appearance at St. Louis next month, to
be followed by larger supplies at Toledo
during July. Then, again, there are
no indications of supplies on either side
of the Atlantic giving out or even being
reduced. to proportions that woeld war.
rant the slightest apprehension of a
scarcity between now and the marketing
of the new crop. It is stated that the
amount of wheat in sight oe this •con-
tinent east of the Rocky Mountains is
35,106,000 bushels, agaiust 36,191,000
bushels for the week previous, showing
a decrease of 1,085,000 bushels; but as
compared with that of a year ago, there
is an increaeo of 15,863,000 bushels.
The total quantity of wheat in sight on
this continent and on passage to Great
BritainandEurope is 60,538,000 bushels,
against 70,434,000 bushels the week
previoue, and57,131,000 bushels a year
ago, showing a decrease of 1,896,000
bushelsduring the week, and an increase
of 11,407,000 busliele as compare:I with
this Hine last year.
So that with 11,407,000 bualiels more
in sight th m at this time last year, and
ample stocks: on the other side, with the
prospects of fair average crops in Europe
and on this side, what is there, in the
absence of any politioal disturbanee in
Europe, to create any material advance
in the price of wheat? Since A pril llth
the price of spriug wheat in Liverpool
has declined from.78. 7d. to 6s. sa. per
cental, or about 10 cents per bushel, and
it certainly looks as if a low average ot
prices might be expected for some time
to come. -Free Press.
The Territale Floods.
Though the United States Governrnent
has spent many millions of dollars in trying
to keep the Mississippi and its turbulent
tributaries within bounds, the disastrous
spring floods continue to recur witb in-
creasing severity, causing great loss of life
and property. Those who have studied
the subject assert that there will be no
change for the better till something like the
natural order of things is re-established.
To the depletion of the forests at the head-
waters of the great stream is traced the
primary cause of the calamities such as are
nowadaya recorded in the telegraphic des-
patches. It is an ascertained fact that the
removal of the fares= byethe lumbermen
enables the sun= melt the snow with much
greater rapidity than was formerly the
ease. The sell is also not nearly so retentive
of the moisture as ,in earlier years, when
the melted snow and rainfall in the days of
a ploutiful forest growth took as inany or
more weeks as it now takes days togeach
the river, and disaster seems uuavoidable.
The only cure for all this may teke some
Hine to provide,but the people will have to
come to it. The lands at the headwaters
must be reatforestecl, and when the trees
grow they must be kept standing, even if a
nationa.1 enactment is required for that
purpose. FIxpensive jettie, dame, and all
other artificial precautions are of no avail.
It will be well for the people of Canada
also to take warning from European history
and from the experience of their neiehbors.
Let us cut down all the trees that we need.
but let not our rulers be so careless et im-
provident as to forget to enact that the cut
down timber shall be replaced by replant-
ing sufficiently extensive to prevent floods
and droughts, such as follow the prodigal
sacrifice of the moisture -retaining agencies.
The statement published in the dailies
last week that Britain and the United
States were on the verge of war a few
months ago, is startling enough. But
those who followed the correspondence
while the Behring Sea controversy was
at its height could hardly fail to realize
that which isnowofficiallyacknowledged.
A world-wide Empire welcomes the
birthday of its Sovereign. Victoria, by
the grace of God, still fills earth's most
glorious throne. All the nattered tribes
of her political kindred rejoice, and their
gladness is a token of the unity that
pins in one nation all the lands that owe
allegiance to our flag. Canada in cele-
brating the day honors the Good Queen.
The Queen's Birthday was instituted be.
fore most of us wege born, and natural
instinct, no less than mental impulse,
urges us to honour the anniversary of
her Majesty's birth. The Queen, God
bless her, may she long be spared is
11.98141 enel freedom ror41 added esomv;
to teptesent the greatness of that nat-
ion that circles the earth with its ban-
The trade returns for the fiscal year
ending April 30th have been issued by
The Beitieh Government, has refused
to 11,,I,; `nt ti) the bond Elaine conven-
tion, whieh ha'l for it object the erate-
ine re' Newfoundlene no'e closely in
allience with the Linited Stetee. Lord
Knuteferd was most anxious to show
Newf•modlend every code:levered, but
Calle:We reasonagainst the Imperial
eacietion left no elternative but tearThere
to tee position held for a century -neat
the Dominion Governmen.t. The ex-
ports continue to show most extraordin-
ary development as contrasted with lase
Year. The figures of the two periode Atte
as follows •-1892, -$39,435,793
1891... 77,452,314
increase._ . . .... 811,083,479
The increase for the month of April
alone was $280,053. The imports were
also showing a. steady improvement, al. south of St. Thomas, went out to the
"epode this inoening to do some chop-
theugh, of cauree, the duty atilt shows n
deorease. For the menth of April the Worn Nob returning, to dinner the
fauelyebeearrnc alertned. One of the
vahie of goods entered. for consumption
•,vas ft7,975,200, as against. $7,6,00,450 in me:: 'was .C1.11,1pUteil.ed to the woods and
of last year, ieeet,ete 014,014,, eraa. horrihod to 'find him stone dead
an stuck by a falling tree.
741. The imports for the ten months bt,o,vmagoobrd ylhlarx
recently went into a
were valued at $80,876,146, as against
stows in Chicago where there was a
A Religious Census.
4 census bulletin,centaining a statement
of the reported increase or decrease of the
religious denominations in Canada, has
been issued by the Government. The
Disciples, Adventists, Quakers, Unitarians
and Universalists all show decrease during
the ten years. All other denominations
have increased.. The following statement
shows the total number of each religion in
Canada in 1831 and 1891 respbctively :
. 1881. 1891.
Romln Catholics1,791,932 1,990,465
Methodists 742 981 877,469
Presbyterians 676,165 756,199
Church of England574,818 644,196
Baptists 296,525 303,749
Lu theran 46,350 63,979
Congregationalists26,900 28,155
Disciples.... .... 20,193 12,763
Brethren 8,831 14,639
7,211 6,355
6,553 4,638
6,519 3,196
2,393 66,411
Unitarians.... 2,126 1,772
The numerical increase of the first four
denominations was in the order named.
The influx of Scandinavians to the.North-
rclt il4ereased the Luthere deuomins-
don so that it shows an increase of 17,629,
as compared with an increate of 7,224 in
the Baptist 'population. In nal% the
population is 58,173; Baptists 967; Cathie,
lice 4,720; Church of England 8,479;
Methodist 18,391; Presbyterian 20,880,
other denominations 4,736. In Middlesex
the population is 80,753; Baptists, 6,962;
Catholics 5,741; Church of England 17,110
Methodist 28)572; Presbyterians 17,787
other denominations 5,5-78. Population of
Perth 46,807; Baptists 1,594; Catholics
5,665; Church of England 6,668: Metho-
dist 13,e74; Presbyterian 12,529; other de-
nominations 6,482.
St. Thomas. Ont., May 23. -Mr. Gen.
Cavanagh, of Union, about eve miles
Newiii of the Week:-Qondensed. The local elections in Manitoba will
not be held until after harvest.
Sic -Premier Mercier will probably
be indicted for naalteasance of office.
The wheat orop througlaout Oatario The C. P. R. debenture stookot$10,-
is said to be superb. 000,000 has nearly all been taeen. up.
.Skunks ate 43 hives of bees neer A monster hotel to be called the
Guelph. They did not touch the honey.
Columbia; es to Le built on Thousand
Thomas 'Oliver, a Hamilton shoe- island Park.
maker, has suicided by cuttuag his
Aonatinoendiary burned a house be. Qeebec Hovernment againotTacaud to
Fresh action is to, be taken ley the
recoyer .$100,000, '
longing to James Marlagh at Dix'-ai President Van Horne is, making a
Ont. critical inspection of all 0. P. R. Can -
Over 150 Icelanders and Foreigners nections in the 'West,
were naturalized by Winnipeg courts David Hagerty, an old nightwatch-
on Tuesday. • man, fell into one of Kingston docks
George Reynolds, a stonemason, was yesterday and was droned.
accidentally drowned in a -',111Ceway at Two Canadiannamed Dockstander
Peterboro. are under commute! at Buffalo for
Mrs. Jaoksont of Midland, drank smuggling butter into the States
strychnine in mistake for whiskey and On account ot Kingston's refusal to
it killed her. vote,$200, the district military camp
On Wednesday 10,000 muskrat skins will, this year, be held at Belleville.
were shipped by express troinKingston Another big cry has been made over
to New York. -
The ' the lack of facilitiee for transportation
business of the Grand Lodge of
of grain over the St. Lawrence route.
the OrangeYoung Britons has conclud- Thirty methodist candidates are In
ed at Ottawa. the field for the next parliamentary
Toronto's coal bill for municipal and election in Great Britain -all Liberals.
school purposes amounts to about
.$100,000 a year. Deposits in the post office saving
Ilenry Burney, a te °were nee lecturer bank of Canada lastmonth were $563,_
970, and and the withdrawals $704,-
15 on a high old drunk in London and 613,
has lteenfteweicrle
rrcaicliri tedg.Sparks from rubbish caused HAG loss
maned For- ot .1°80ply-in-Wants house and barn near
tier, of Montreal, swallowed two large Fergus, Ont, The faintly barely escap.
beans and choked to death.
Zoe Fitch, aged 12, suioided in egdeoldvist.e their lives, and lost all their
convent at Norwalk, Ohio, because she According to an Owen Sound des -
was kept there against her will. patch elr, W. J. Creighton, while out
Iningatoia, having refused to vote the fishing about five miles west of lIep.
amount necessary for the brigade, worth, shot a bear which measured six
Belleville will secure It by teeing so, feet fromnose to tail,
Capt. Hayes, of the barge Agarita
was drowned ewer Port Staley ley fallt Measles broke out on the Allan Lute
ing overboard. He belongs to Buffalo. setpe:atihnvi•nrveenreteeramnieatincrenar. froenmheLrivweary.
Hon. 0, Mowat is announced to pool, and rapidly spread among the
lecture on "Christianity and some of
steerage passengers. Some 32 pas -
its fruits" in Woodstock on Friday evg sengers had to be landed on the guar -
next. antine statin on the island,
In the [louse of Oornmons Saturday
'Mr.Balfour fornaally moved the second
reading of the Irish Local Government
bilk Winnipeg despatcla says: The
weather in Manitoba is unusually cold
leoirlattis, season; four degrees of frost at
Annie Galligan deserted her husband
m Buffalo and then urank herself to
deatla because she could not see her
John B. McCormick, one of the men
who carried Lincoln from Ford's
theater the night be was assassinated,
is dead.
Private dispatches announces that
Jay Gould is quite 61, being confined
to his bed in his private car at AI bu•
querque, New Mexico.
the Owen Sound town bell now
sounds nine strokes at 9 p.m.; after
that hour all cbildren under la years
of age must be at their homes,
An encounter is reported between
the Rustian troops and the forces of
the Anaeer of Atghanistan between the
rivers Kekcha and Moorghaub.
Rev. .Dr. Potts is sailirig for England
as a delegate from the Methodist
Church of Canada to the conferences
of the various breeches of Methodism
in England.
W. S. leason, merchant, has brought
suit against the corporation of _Peter-
boro for $1,000 damages for =juries
sustained -a broken arm -through a
defecti v e sidewalk,
Owing to the low prices prevaffing
in Liverpool, the Montreal live stook
men who sent consignments of cattle
by the steamer Leke Iluron will lose
$7 or over per head.
The corner -Mone of the Montreal
Board of Trade building was laid on
Friday by Sir Donald Smith. The
new building will be a magnificent
edifice, costing
nearly $500,000.
The district council ofeRoyal Temp-
larof Temperancehave decided to ac-
cept the offer to hold the camp rn
Hamilton this year. It will be held
about the middle of Aniust and last
eight days.
In past years the Quebec Govern-
ment has given an annual sum oi near.
ly $600,000 to the charities or the Pro-
vince. The DeBoucherville A droinist-
ration this year has cut down the item
to $355,725.
In Blenheim, Ont., the bylaw for
granting a bonus to the E. E. and P.
R. R. was carried Saturday by a major-
ity 01 185, 228 for and 34 against, but
it was defeated in the township of
Harwich by a majority of 75.
Rom Emilius GrevIlli Nugent, con-
victed of assault on Miss Marion Price
In a reilway trein, has been dismissed
by order of her Majesty from the office
of Deputy Lieutenant for the County
of Westmeath, Ireland.
During April $565,970 were deposit-
ed in the post office saving bankof the
Dominion, and $704,613 were with-
drawn, leaving a balance at the ":credit
of cleositore Amounting to $22,169,-
ndwin P. Comstock, who died at
Brockville yesterday,was an alderman,
vice-president of the Board of nraclet
and a prospective parliamentary eandi.
date. He was manager of one of the
most extensive patent medicine burn-
nesses in Canada.
At Strathroy John Fitepatrfok was
fined $20 and costa for illegally setting,
liquor, and $10 and costs for permit-
ting drunkenness and disorderly con.
duct on his premises, whileEci. Jarvis
was fined $2 and costs for buying the
liquor from Fitzpatrick. '
The death from congestion of the
twigs of Mrs. John Robertehaw took
place Wednesday. Deceased was one
of the oldest rgettlers in Woodstock,
being 84 years of age. Her Imsbaerls
estate, eetimeted at $600o, was left
in her charge, but nowhe money got s
to Mr. John' Pee= and 'Mr. (Dr.) 1.410,
of Norwich. .
Montreal saloon keepers have been
phonograph, -which he set goirig by evading the lioeuse law and keeping
putting a nickel in the sib. When he open on Sundays, by adding 5 cent
pet the rubber tubee to his ears he luncheon tickets which they conternled
Innen the "Star Spangle Banner" play- constituted purchasers bentelern and
ed by an. de:hest= ; and with a start- entitled them to all 'the ligertr tete;
Ndefutuellandeg negotiations with tee Se0,490,399, or an incree,rge of $385,747.
13nircel State* street proceed 71i PU
; n dut collected during the ten
with the negotiaeletis betereen the le ited e Y nen e-
Strtes and Canade. The Oteoeial Office ! :elent•be am('-tnte"etee"$"'u,Pv'
ha. no •tiali to drive -0.1-ew friterellare,reat "'reds° of $2 u41,1415, ide°°18lleetirte
'' ^4- the l' ntly less than the :MS o dutyby p toe ,
is r. . tino ever conviriced ‘he , ; sager on the free fiat led cry " Sewhittaker, an.' I left my derexecis On Wedneadey Jterige Dr ^
bet threat t,c, the colony lie ir P COr.'
neer Is f. 4%.sob Boown, ire.hee=ler, of 08;strelie team untied!" he rushed out to see that uoyere dacided thet tilice lemoheonftte4k.
Are efteeocie lion with ,Canada.
eneen. eunttoe into Norrounma,,- a, erns ; ell'hid IM stfeeltee on ToeedaY last and raor'd they. lid not get frightened by tbe et sobemo was a violation both 0
to Elltionn mien, muse.. nt„ spirit and letter of ilia law,
Officer 4. .7f. Braley
of the Fall River Police
Is highly gratified with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
ire was badly ran down, bad no appetite,
what he did sat caused distress and Ixo felt
tired all the time. few bottles of Hood's
Sarsaparilla easeted a marvellous change.
The distress in the stomaclids entirely gone,
he feels like a now man, and, can eat any-
thing with old-iiino relish. For all of which
- he thanks and
archcordially recom-
mends Rood's
Sarsaparilla. It
is very important that during theinonths of
Illarch April Nay the bleed should be
thoroughly I:milled aid the system be given
strength to withstand the debilitating effect
of the changing season. For this purpose
Hood's Sarsaparilla possosses peculiar merit
and it is the Neat Spring
A° ',=,11,1revitLtirtaig
pri its wonderful blood -
purifying powers:
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: Ihave had salt rheum for a
number of years, and for the past year one of
my legs, from the knee down, has been
broken out very badly. I took blood
medicine for a long time with no good results,
and was at one Ulna
ayobliged to walk with
crutches. I finally con-
cluded to try Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and before 1 had taken one bot-
tle the improvement was so marked that
I continued until I had taken three bot-
tles, and am now better than I have been
In years. The Inflammation has all left
my leg and it is entirely healed. I have had
such benefit from
Hood's Sarsaparilla
that 1 concluded to write this voluntary state-
ment." F. J. TRiaceLE, Ridgeway, Mich.'
HoOfre Pil. LS act easily, promptly and ad.
siently on the liver and bowels. Best dinner pin.
I TF •xyvgriec,rvite pay
thveobnrighattioynt,isnansd covanerrtatd tIli.oeurabtor,omuti;rebus;olue Tra4,7goiroaf !Taal
-R. ,LADrireS. PIZTOR4nAlt, "i'143011KLY offers either a first-class "Upright Piano or
a cheque for Three Eftuidred Dollars to tho .-rierson who sends the first correct
t solution of the above rebus, a reward of a.pair of rnsmune Diamond, Ear Dings for the
1 second correct solution, a complete titisiness nacieatleii at a Commercial College for
the third correct solution: a solid Gold Vintob.. for each of the next three correct solu-
tions, a Sint Dress pattern (ni yowls in any color) far each of the next five correct solu.•
tions, an elegant Diamemt Drooelt (solia gold) for each of the next ten,
Every one sending a eohtu.D. must enclose with the sarno ten three cent stamps (or ao
crjeeontlas xinaLtsilvwerlirtf., sirir:Ln,iocn,tiliv'sadtrcital,s si.lirbc.riapatsiosn, iiiii;est4c,gapit6eas)wteowraivr. LADIES'
-,:- . Tiiee nyPe 11 To -0
which contains correct,,;olutIon bearing first postmark will receive first reward, and the bal-
ance in order P.$ receiN ed. '
For the correct solution received, last is offered a Swift Safety Bicycle valued 0 tr4o,
for the neat to the last will be given a pair of genuine Diamond Igar 31.11,"'S for the third,
fourth and fifth from fie 1..ist will be awarded an elegant ,solid Geld Woiteb!; to the sixth,
seventh, eighth. ninth and tenth from the last will each bo awarded either a Silk Dress
pattern (16 yards in any color) or a Swiss Music Box, playing six pieces.
lf there should he as many as one hundred persoms sending correct solutions to this rebus,
each will Ur:rewarded with a vainable r.c.Ezeo. Names of those receiving leading rewards
will be published in prominent newspapers throwshrnt Canada.
txt;aprerniurae will be offered to all who are --ling to assist in increasing the subscrire
tic,: list of this popular illustrated weekly. The object in ofierin,e, 1.:-.
ti.la prize rebus is to at-
a' t I* t rid in"odace our _publi,ation. if=i zhealicli elf tee classed. with
ea '
0 ,__ _ _
.e.u.p 'penny 1:„.. ..... .• Zon owl easdy assert:1m as to our reliability by iteuningthiough
., Day t.onietercial arrcy,weentd, trapartiaittyer, guaranteed in giving the se.
4 we -rag. An soh:J.0ns must be mailed on or before st ...o. 01., 585e. Address: -
ract: aro racts I
And. there is no use trying
to get away frora them, for
if you want a Zhoide selec-
tion of China, Butter and
Fruit Dishes, Majolica and
G -lass Bread Plates, -China
and Glass Egg Cups 'Double' °
Plain gnd Engraved Goblets,
and the largest variety of
Fancy. Tea Pots, Etc. You
must concede from past
knowledge that no better
choice can be seen than
those hitherto shown by J.
P.Clarke. Another shipment
of Choice Goods will be
shown this'week.
B. --A new selection (If Wall
Paper Bordering will soon be at hancl-
Choice in Design, -J, P. 0,
'The dwelled oonviot from Kingston
peuitentrary has been sighted across
'the border at Malone, N. Y.
The Kingsmill dry -goods store' at
London, Ont., wasdarnaged by fire and
smoke on Saturday to the extent of
It a rumored that the British Parlia-
ment will be dissolved on June 20.
W, 11. Vanderbilt, aged 21, son of
Cornelius Vanderbilndied inNevv York
last night.
If Mr. Gladstone succeeda at the
coming general election, it is said be
will enter the House of Lords.
Father Spencer, of Liverpool, while
pursuing a sneak thief who was trying
to rob an alms box, fell dead.
Archibald Robertoon,oiGlasgovv, has
been sentenced to death for murder on
the evidence of Ins six.year.son.
The Baniroore and Ohio railway has" .
voluntarily inoreaeed the pay of its
telegraph operators $5 per month.
'neRev. William Li alden of Wilkertbarre,
Pee has recovered a verdict of $15,-
500:from the "Pennsylvania" for the
loss of a leg, t rine e
e Hattie, youngest daughter of Secre-
tary J. G. 131ame, is to be roarried
shortly to Truxton Beale, U. 8. Minis-
ter toPersia. ii 1-
117,A dissatisfied employe of Barnum &
Bailey's cireus skipped out from York,
Pa., with a cage of lions. He was cap.
tured at Chicago,
' Shaw-Lefeure Is urging the British
Commons to adopt the one man one
vote principle told of a clergyman who
earned fifty votes in his pocket. The
motion was defeated.
James P. Pierce of Santa Clara, who
ise70 years old and worth 83.000,000,
has secretly married his servant, Julia
Nreff. Lae. Thursday he. took a trip to
Paso Robb's Springs to'Reek a cure for
rheumatism, he said, but instead of
going he met Miss Neff at an appoint-
ed placeand the marriage followed
Deeming the wife murderer, was
hanged at Melbourne, ;Australia on
Monday morning at 10 o'clock. With
the:execution ot Deeming there ended
the life of one of the greatest crimi-
nals the world has ever seen. The
stories of his many crimes must still be
so well remembered by tne publio 08
to need no repetition;
Minard's Liniment curer; La Grippe.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
bard, soft or =housed Dustin and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,.
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save 850 by use of ono bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Care
ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz. 0-29-ly
Dr. T. A. Slocum's
LIVER OIL. If you bave a Cold
-Use it. For sale by all druggiets. 35 -
tete per bottle.
.6.70.71), st (.4,14?,3) Tfinr.4411"0 CAMPirktir
Cu4 tho above advertisement cat.