HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-5-26, Page 1VOL. XIX. NO, 84.
On Saturday last there was a lively
time iza McTavish cae Cots. A, good num
bar of Men's end Boy' Suits mo ved out
The prices we are offering is the cause
of this move.
• This week we offer some
\alge snaps in Prints. Just
fancy—a good quality, nice
pattern and fast color for 7c.
per yar4.
Thene goods are rare value.
We get up a 'nobby suit to order' for
$12 ; good fit or no sale our motto.
LADIES make haste and Secure some
thing stylish in Summer Millinery, a,t
our usual moderate prices.
Prof. Scott's concert, May 24th. at 8 p. to.
Cantata "Britannia and her Daughters." This
will be the conoert of the season. 50 vcioes
andall the principal parts in oonsturae repre-
senting the different countries. Prof. Scott
has been at great expense in getting up• this
concert. and laas engaged a Toronto Gold med-
alist to play the accompaniments` which are
very difficult, Don't EMS this treat. Admis-
own only Xie.
Following are the market quotations;
Wheat........ —$0 to 82
Barley ..............88 to 40
Oats 28 to 30
Peas 55 to 56
Hay 10,00 to 11.00
Butter-- .......... 14 to 15
Eggs 9 to 10
Hogs — 5.75 to 5.75
Clover seed ...... ....7.00 to 7:50
Braers,—Mrs. John Galbraith, who -has
been sick for scene time died on Tuesday
And was interred in the Bayfield cemetery
on Thursday afternoon. Her remains
were followed to the grave by a largo
procession.—Arr. George D. MeTaggaet,
Clinton, was yesterday (Wednesday)n
ing etrical alorrisburg to "Miss Broder,
They will take up their residence on 'High
street, Clinton, in a week or so,—Mr. J.
Richardson, who has been sick with pleura
pneunieonie is recovering. We hope he
will soon be around again.—Mr. Thomas
Stinson lost a valuable mare.—..Mr. George
Mitchell of the Babylon line had a narrow
escape with a kick from a ccat.—afr. Thos
Brownell is very busy this season building
a new barn.
Burnra,—Masers. J. Kellerman have
exchanged their store hnsinems at Shinka
'for Ur, T. E. Merrier's share in the neer
mill at Elkton, Michigan. Mt. Merner took
posseesion of the store on Saturday —Mr.
Klapp was in this viduity last week buying
lambs.—The rooms above Masers. Fritz cle
Staubus' shoe shop are being repaired, after
which the Moses Rennie (a Harris, dress-
makers, will take possession of them.—Mr.
H. Schroeder has put an evening in front
of his shop.—Mr. J. all has bought an.
other driver from a man near the lake.—
Mr. Bechtel is visiting friends in town. --
Mr. Tiffen, teacher on Par Line, was in our
village on Sunday evg.—Miss Ida Cook event
the 24th with friende at Elainville.—On
Sunday last Rev. M. L. Wing, of Berlin,
conducted quarterly -meeting services in the
Evangelical church here. A number of
Zurich friends attended.—A load from Slab.
town attended the meeting of the Y. P. A.
on Friday evg,—The young boys treated
our burghers to fireworks ott the eve of the
24th, There was even me in the creed
who aetually ate are and lo 1 and beholda
the smoke hinted from hie mouth quite
freely afterwards. We think he will give it
up for a bad job.—Quite a number of lamb
buyere are busily engaged buying all the
lambthey eon, and consequently the price
paid is better than was expected at first.
Mr. H. Willert Is paying as. high as four
dollars a piece for lambs.—On Friday evg.
lad the members of the Young People's
Alliance held a literary meeting, the pro-
•. gram consisting ot recitations, readings,
• music, eta. Tbe most interesting feature of
' evening, however, Was an address delivered
by Revatil. L. Wing, in which he explained
the three mainobjecite of the Alliance to be:
to promote the intellectual, the social and
the religions culture of the young people:
The address was listened to attentively by
the large audience.— Quite a number spent
24th at Exeter.—Mr. G. Kellerman feels
quite happy over the birth of his first
Gentlemen,—The top of my head was bald
for several years. I used ALWARD'S III
MENT, and now have as good a growth of
• hair as I ever had.
• MRs. ALBERT Mollear.
• Wheately River, P, E. I.
I have usedataINARD'SLINIMENT free-
ly on my head and now have a good head
of hair after having been bald for several
• years. • It ie the only hair restorer I have
ever found. •
fns. 0. Azeorcason.
Stanley Bridge, P. E, I.
.[Ion. J. C. Patterson, Secretaree of
State, displayed his public spirit on
Monday morning. Notwithstanding
that he was defeated by over 800 in his
candidacy for parliament, he telegraph-
ed secretary iseebie Bartlee, of the neoessa
CitizellS' celebration commmitte, Wind,- of the
sor, to draw on him for $100 for the bigrisk
benefit of the celebratien, Tueeday. p
'AM/MW.M.M.Mektawlq3raCatw,=/CECCLAMMW6C,ZOIB.IMMPMtlaVO POIR10=111131.61111.05m.1110/moiteMMIII/SIONCIONIOINCIMIO/..P.A.O.S1*
24th May in Exeter.
The 73rd anniversary of our Sovereign,
the Queen, was right royally celebrated in
Exeter on Tuesday. The weather was
very bad and had been for weeks previous,
but, notwithstanding, the crowd was one
of the largest ever seen in Exeter • and,
had everything been favorable would' have
been double. There were folly 2000 people
on the grounds.
In the morning. the crowd came early
to see the procession which commenced at
9.30, and which, barring the celebrations"
of several years ago, was one of tlie best
ever seen in town. Headed by the Blyth
Brass Band, followed by the different
trades, the large loads of people, the call-
;humpians, etc., the procession wae mar-
shalle4 down Main-st and back to the old
market square and dispersed. Although the
rain deterred many of the merchants from
turning out. A number of the ti le and
calitlautnpian outfits were good, ancl deserv-
of praise for the enterprisean preparing for
the event, In the trade, amohg others
!night be mentioned the Central Drug Store,
gotten up by A. Saunders and W. Browns
Ing; Braun d's Carriage Werke, W. Andrew's
Furniture Manufactory, Diguan'e Black-
smith and D'ollickla Bakery. These were
eredieahle representations of the different
trades. The calithumpiaus were also
good, the Sone of Beat" and the
Nigger Co." creating a good dea
amusement. lidr. Baker's load of pe
was very large and must haye wei
several tone, Upon the dispersion of
procession the crowd repaired to
Agricuiturel grounds, where the foot
rnateliee were oommenced, five clubs
peting, viz: EdemBrueefield,McGilliv
Chisethurst, and •Exeter. The drat
resulted in McGillivray playing first
Brucefield, score 3-2 in favor of Brucefi
Exeter and Eden then faced, the a
standing 5-0 in Eden's favor. Chiselhu
drawing a blank, were •entitled only
play with the winnersamd were then f
against Eden, the latter club winning
1-0. The two evinning teams, Eden
Brucefield, then played off, and afte
minutes the match was drawn, nei
club having scoured goal. This cone
cd, the foot ball games which lasted f
morning till late in tho afternoon,
first and second eirizes were divided
twe en Eden and Bruceaeld.
During the foot ball contests thd foll
ing program of gemes"waa proceeded wi
Crositatue sawing mach two foot log,
Harris and Ramsay, Walton, time 41 s
2ud Fraser and Maguire, Mooresville, ti
52 sem; Gilmour and Sampson, time
Bicycle race —(5 entries) A. C. Winte
Seaforth; Jae Rose, Seafotth,
J00 yard foot race, championship
Exeter—(t entriee) A. j, MeTayish; (Fr
protested, living out of town.) The co
mittee have, however, awarded Fritz fi
Hurdle race— (3 entries) 0. Das
wood; W. Folland, Exeter.
Boys' race, under 15 years —(6 entri
Dignan, Exeter; E. Dinnin, Luinley.
Boys race, under 12-03 entrima b`r
herington, Lumley; .A. Martin, Exeto
Gills' race, under 15—(9 entries) Minn
era Men: Ellen Pord, Stephen.
Tug of war, townehipe of Stephen, Ha
d Usborno ageiest Fexeter, a. Jane
Mau for townships, Llaandford,capta
Exeter, After a short but strong pu
townships won lst, Exeter 2nd.
auly and gentleman rider, lst Josep
wdeu end Miss Polly 'Leyden; 2nd A
Snell and MISS Fannie Bo.wden,
eat ten drilled public school childre
eter public !school lst and 2nd.
°liming are the prizes as judged i
procossiou : Largest load of peopl
ing to towa, Nelson Baker, Stephen
Do mons.
est trade outfit, D. Braund, and, A
niers and W. Browning.
est calithiunpian, 1st "Sons of Rest,'
issett, peptaim and "Big Nigger Co.'
Spicer, captain; 3rd Hs Piper.
pecial—Calithumpian from country
rile Coates.
wing to the various sho wers of rain
the bad, ;tate of the grounds, several
ie sports could not take place; bu
carne off proved quite satisfactory, we
k, to the greater number.
the evening a concert was given in
Opera House in connection with the
ration, and it also proved a success,
building was filled and the audience
pleased. The program was opened
r. McCallum with a reading in hie
1 pleasing style, which was well re-
d. Mr. Skinner -of London sang "The
er" in masterly style, his rich, deep,
esoundant baritone voice giving effect
is nutnber. Besides taking his own
ere, he also filled for Mr. Collins,who
unoidably absent, and in each ha
oudly encored. Mise Murch, also of
on, sang with svveetness, and in
ngtide,,' "Jessamy Town,"and"Take
amie" she elicited rapturous encore,
ich she gcod-naturedly responded
several choice selections. She is an
iye singer and quite attractive on the
Miss Nora Coleman elocutionist;
a prominent part in 'the program.
elections were of a iiigh order, rang:.
om the emotional to the humorous
dramatic. • In "Lerma." The First
re' Story," "The Ruggles' Dinner
," and "A New Cure for Rheuma-
alie was heartily encored, to each of
he responded witirmore humorous
re. • Miss Coleman is poesessed of a
anner which adds greatly to her
s as an elocittionist. The accompan-
ist' ,Nlaud Hick, performed her part
program to the admiration of all,
as the victim of many congratulations
the correctness of tune and her
ce of touch. She was ale° voted the
' Companion given to the most
r young lady in Exeter.
he whole the celebration was a sue-
d •B.eeye Baladen deserves hearty
ulatiotts, 13'e contributed the
1 of
r 40
th :
J. B
of ti
by M
yet r
to th
was 1
one J
to wh
Her s
ing fr
nice tri
isr, Mi
of the
and w
On t
ry Muds for defraying the expenses
entire clay's program and ran a
Now that his undertaking has
a eaccese, he is worthy of much
There were very few drunks on the
ground (WM town during the day.
The Blyth Brass Band made a good trio
pression on the public.
The town was nicely decerated with
evergreens, flaga and bunting.
Betnes.—afra, Thomas Amy, who ba$
been eeriously ill, we are glad to oily, is re-
covering. Their little boy who has been
vera siok, has also reoovered.—Miss Kate,-
Ptawkine, of *Exeter, visited friends here,
lad week.—Quite a number from here went'
to Exeter to attend °brink last Sunday,
there being no service here. --Mr. William
Rowe, Who pnrehaeed a valaable Mare from
Mr. Jury, oan now boast of a fineanatchea
team.—Mr John Bowe has:had. his veranda
corapletecl, tvhich is quite an improvement "
to his residence. --Quite a number from here t
went to see the various mason:ante in
Exeter on the 24th.
4 4
Baum —Mr. Robert Keys, who has been
sick for the last week, its able to be arouracl
again.—Ort Sunday Vast O'Rourke brothers
lost a near°. It was ottoked.—letr. David
Mavehinney lost a yearling bull. A. few
days ago mete person trying to catch foxes
placed pollen in some holes in the pasture
field, and it eeeme the foxes noratched it out
on the grilse, where the 'animal got it.—On
Fridey Mi. Jahn Solarooder, jr„ had a
very euccoestul ploughing bee, fifteen tunes
beiug turned over.--illies Annie Wilhelm,
who has been sick the hilt few days is re-
covering alowly.—Mrs, William Yearly ea
quite siolc,
theladles of the congregation and after all
had partaken there were more than twelve
baskets full earaaining. A.social wag held
last night. Proceeds of tea not known, but
suffice it to say the committee of 'manage-
ment did well in retaining the attendaece
of yonng people of the neighborhood when
considering all the smaller and unprofitable
amusements advertised to take plaoe in
Beinec—sir. • Wm. alitohen and wife
have moved to their new ho, leiiz Hensel";
s4.4.'ry to loae isogood a neighbor.—
..dr& Horton, sr., is vera numb :better than
when she (tame home fromSeaforih, M a
t meeting of the Epworth League held on
1 Tuesday evening ii wee deckled to postpone
their entertainment until DIonday,MayaOth.
—afro. John Glen, Jr., is very poorly, and
the physicians scarcely seem to know whet
is the mattera—Ma. Louis Parish has come
bome from the Weeley College Ildontreal ;
Parish expecte to enter" the Methodist
ministry in Manitoba.
FATAL ACCumxT.—A very s ad and fatal
accident ocourred bore Monday morning.
Mr. William Singlet was out driving with a
youna horse in a road cart. When eked
time miles irom the town, it is supposed
the bora° got frightened at Nometbing on the
road, and bolted suddenly to the side, strik-
ing a wheel of the cart against a post of the
fence. Sproat was thrown ont and
instantly killed. Re was ono of till' pioneer
settlers of Huron and was one of the most
highly respected members of the COM.
munity. Ho was about 05 years of age and
leaves a widow and large family Hie sad
death hes oast a deep gloom over Seaforth.
PEnsceux.1.-4fl..111. O'Briete has returns
ed home after an extended visit in the vicin-
ity of Clinton, whore she was attending her
brcliber, the late John Farquhar, during his
last illness. Mr and Mrs Jas. &aid and W.
O'Brien wore Mao in Clinton last week atten
ding the fainted, the deceased Mr. Foga-
bar being their uncle•—riliss Duey Busch,
of London, was visiting under the parental
roof for some weeks reoently,—Mrg. Mar -
obeli, vibe bag been visiting her date/Wet,
Mrs afacnamara,ot Romeoallichistan, during
the winter, hes returned.—Nlisa Nate Haw-
kins, of Exeter, who ha* ja rt returned from
a four month& visit to lowa and latineas,
was visiting lu alio vicinity during the
week. She was accompaniell by her cousin,
Mr. Cheseey, of Elmira, N, Y.
St. Marys.
Iiranrs.—The fire here on Monday last
did a considerable amount of damage. The
loss is not yet exactly •known.—The Col-
legiate Institute base ball team spent the
241h in Lucian. The Collegiate has a better
team this year than she has had for some
years past.—afr. Robert Graham intends
following hie fattier to the Old Country on
Monday next with a carload of horses.
The 24t11 here was spent in a very pleasing
manner, the games and amusements were
grand. The lacrosse match Was not as good
as had been expected by the town people.
The lacrosse boys are nothing compared
with the base ball team of last year.—Our
enterprising town has at lastroontributed a
a/nail sum towards the organising of is band
and now we have onee more an excellent
band—second to none in the -Dominion
(when all others are out).—Abont 4 p. ra.
Monday, Johnny Morris, a eeven-year-old
grandchild of Mr. McLaren, confectioner,
of this town, fell into Mill Pond at the in-
tersection of Trout Creek and Water street,
and was drowned.
BRIBES—TIte Queen's Birthday was cote -
BE extent,. S. S. ANNIVERSAUT.—The area;
'.4rated in is quiet manner, their being nothing
niversary of Bethesda Sebbath School weeefad game line gotten up for the day.—
held as announced, On Sunday, May 22,
+ 'ederich now claims a Celle fate I a
Grand Bend.
• Bluare.—The Beget Tomplare held their
meeting on Tuesday craning with a full
house, one of the neighboringlodges attend-
ing from Crediton, The entereainment
was Provided by the Crediton lodge and was
eau Interesting, The lodge will no doubt
make Ahern a return vieit before long, --Mr.
Wm. f•ewey and wife and child of Malan)
41T aigan. returned Tueedaye—Mr, Harry
ef fleeter, is here now loolcicg after
. Interest in the fishing businese.—The
yezneine of Mrs. 'Vincent were follotvea by a
r,o runther of friends 10 the conaetera
at erelett ,veek.—Tlee water is going down
very fast, a very narrow escape going
over the flan
• 0*
Bann—On Tuesday of the past week
the animal meeting of the StaMarys Dieted
"if the Meth, church was held here, All
the ministers were present at their session
in the forenoon, and most of the lay dale-
entes were present at the general meeting
la tbe efternoon. We have bed peace mad
prosperity daring the year throughout the
district, and our naeeting was one of much
Uttered and bartnony, /The By, John
Nett,Id. A„ District obairman, presided.
W, W.Leeoh was elected to stationing
committee. Rev. Joshes Grieve and adr. 3,
Brown to S. S. Com . and llev.R.C.Elendere
eta Mr MoRay to Epworth League Com.
Tae dieteict S. S. and fEpworth eonvention
is daaalsee eve—ails aud Weiluesday
forenoon and afternoon. The meeting&
were well attended and the addresses aud
aieoussions on the subjeots brought before
the oonvontion were of is highly interesting
Ansi kinetrnetive character. We expect to
give a brief report of our S. S. anniversary
acrvicee whiela were held on the 22nd and
alth inst.—The farmers are very late
getting in their root crop on account of the
continued wet weather.
• 13niurs.—The Ateuerson "Nightingales"
were in Si. Marys on Saturday last, ready
to play the St. Marys Uoll. Inst. base ball
team ; but the day turned out to be too un -
Avertible and tbo match was postponed
until some future convenient time.—Mr.
Amos Robinson bas started to train his
three-year-old driver for the track this fall.
!the can do it in a little less than 3 already.
.Te expects that she will dolt in 2 20 before
fall.— Miss Maggie Johnston is at present
apending a few days with friends in Nissouri.
—Several of our citizens are at present very
eusy in loolting after the S pruce tree swindle.
Boma of them have been 'let in' about 8150
for useless trbes,—Our town is increasing;
1ft. John Heard, our etore-keeper, has pur-
Abased a now cow.—Spring crops are look -
leg splendid for this time of the year; but
qie fall wheat is looking rather too good :e
it is beginning to lie down in places already.
--A large member of young people were on
Sunday morning last admitted to the mem-
tership of the Methodist church here. —
has Urquhart, our school teacher, missed
14 the recent promotion examination 20
ptipils out of 26 vvho tried.—Tho Anderson
Methodist Sunday School purpose holding
their anniversary on the second Sunday and
4onday in June. Meat are the base ball
lewe going to do that day,
v S. J. dhlin, of Centraha, oeoumed the
pulpit at 10 o'clock a.m., and Rev, J. S.
Hendereon, Presbyterian of Bengali, at
6.30 p.m. Both audiences were delighted
with the practical discourses given. On
Tuesdae , May 24, the Sabbath school chil-
dren with superintendent and officials met
at the church and in due course, the chair
being taken by the Resod Fair, Supt. 0 the
circuit, order was called and very soon the
meeting was in full swing. The espeakers
appointed to tare part were in their places,
but the bulk of the work was given to the
Revs. S. I. Alli ahd J. S. Henderson.
Their subjects being announced, they pro-
ceeded to unfold facts and ligures to the
deliglat of all present. It is said by ooms
patent venom' who listened and carefully
weighed the subject matter given, that they
have not heard two bettet adairesees. • The
apeakers Showed that they had each eareftil-
lyprepared an intelleotualtz ea* for those who
(tepee, and it is hoped that it will be well
masticated and digested and bring 'forth
strong, vigorous Christian workers. Tho
superintendent. Mr. Robert Down, and las
staff of teachers must have realised the im-
portance of the work engaged in and been
filled with new desires to do better work
or time to :001110. After listening hi the
ddresses the hungry were fed from the
ountiful supply of good things preparea by
idinard's Liniment le the Beet.
P. tended by 106 students, and a staff of
ijualified teachers,—The spring meeting of
tae teachers of South Huron will be held
in this town on Friday and Saturday of next
week.—The wielders of rod and line mule
geed s e:ngs of herring and perch the past
week.—The pupils of the High &hoot were
vitiated a holiday on lefonday,on account of
the school's promotion to the rank of a
'Collegiate lnatitate.—There are eeveral
lacrosse clubs in town this seaton.-- En-
etmers of the Public Works Department are
sureeying the harbor and its approaches. —
Qtaie a number of pleasure beats and canoes
are %heady in use on the riFer.—Dr. Ross
of flamilton is in town this week.—Mr. H.
Feat en fee of the Inland Revenue Department
ia.etaparing the ground for a handsome r e-
steem:ie.—Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collins of
Eeeter were in Goderich the past week.—
Tairaferchantia Liao steamer Arcadia called
at titeeport laet week and loaded one huu-
drad tons of height for Noethern ports.--
soeae 17 members of the S. 0.E.Benevolent
Soeiew 'visited Clinton on Sunday and at-
teetaact Divine service with their Clinton
brathren.--Inetead of the usual Sunday
glaeol classeathere was is ahildren's service
in eta George's chareh on Sunday afternoon.
fhe ttivale in port thepad week were
t cargtes of lumber, one of coal and some
throe hatdrod tons of coal laeded from the
soltdoner Brivarfai—ThelCircular City Canoe
Qua geye a ball in the town hall on Monday
evet),ng. 1The ahem wits aa pronounoca
encoess, all present having a most ,pleasant
From Various Sources Through
out the District.
Galt defeated Seaforth in foot ball ote
Saturda,y by three to two.
D. Johnston, Seaforth, has a illy in bloom
the blossom measuring 71 by 6 inches.
Mrs. W. Townsend of -Tuokerismith has
sold some eggs that weighed 41 ounces to
the dozen.
George Avery, a Bruesela sportsman,
eucceeded in dispatching eight foxes in two
days recently.
Owing to the Morass° in public school
attendance in Bayfield, an addition is about
to be pat to the building,
Young Barber, of Lucknow, who was
caught in a driving belt and had one of his
legs broken, died last week.
The High School, Goderieh, has been
eaten the rank of a Collegiate Institute.
There are in attendance 196 pupila
It is fnot what its proprietors say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that makes
it sell, and wins the confidence of the peo-
Same of the mischievously inelillodY0illbs
tented Constable Dunlop's cow into the
street in Seaforth and then placed her in
the pound,
W. H. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post,
wail elected reeve of the village on Thursday
laet, by a majority of 50 over Mr. Mcintosh.
Itfr. John, Scruton has purobased Da
William's ProPeeta, Clinton; the location is
-000 of the ve.y — a. in the town? The
priee paid as 8900 cash.
Mrs, Samuel Trott of Seaforth at the age
of 01 years passed peneefully away lael meek,
Sbe was highly esteemed. She died of
cancer of the throat.
Mrs: John 'McColl of Seaforth died on
Wednesday last. Sbe vras 80 years of age,
had many friends who held her in high
esteem. Paralysis cause of death.
Mr. Sebastian Deitrich of Seaforth died
hut week, aged 36 years. He contraoted
consumption from svhicb he died. He was
a member of the Seaforth fire brigade.
Crossley and Hunter,the evangelistrahave
been holding meetings in Winghain nightly
during the past two weeks, and muolt good
bite resulted /rare their earnest work.
More cases of eiek headache, billet:6=5e,
oonstipation, can be cared in lees tinaeovith
lees medicine, end for Iess money, by using
Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other
Willie Kyle of Egmondville diea last
week of consumption, the results of a cold
contracted hi the Northwest, whore he
worked as a telegraph operator, He was
aged 17 years.
Fire broke out in Glenn's restaurant,
Seaforth, about midnight Tbursday. The
building, which is frame, is completely
gutted; also John Ward's harness,shop.
Canso of tiro, is lamp exploded.
at W. H. Ransford, formerly of Clintonahas
been eppoutted agent of the Fitchburg Rail-
road Northern Fast Freight lima which
include the National Department, Canada
Atlantic, the Soo, Rome, Waterdown aud
Ogdensburg, and Ogdensburg Transit Co.,
with bead office in 250 Washington street,
On Wednesday last, while two children
belonging to Mr. Andrew Deihl of Zurich
were playing in the yard, the younger one
accidentally struok theelder boy, about six
years of age in the eye, which seemed to
cause great pain. so by examining closely
the doctor declared the eye useless, and
likely the eye will be boat altogether.:
An accident happened to a young son of
Mr. Thoma a Noble of Efullett one day last
week, whereby he had a rairaculone escape
from instant death. His father was plotting
stones,using a team and wagon, the child
was playing about the wagon when the
horses moved, catching him under the wheel
and alrcost crushing the life oat of him.
Goths:tali and neighborhood during the
past twelve months have lost many old and
respected citizens, among them the follow-
ing: Peter Adamson Andrew Beck, Wm.
McLean, John Canis:Elijah Martin, James
G-ordon, Daniel Gordon. David Paivis,
Alex. Taylor, Thomas Whitely, Wm. Kay,
Henry Wells, Thomas Troy and Robert
A lady, a resident of Dublin, is authority
for the following story; Some time ago her
trunk wag checked at Toronto for Dublin.
It did not arrive in any reasonable time,and
npon investigation being made it was ascer-
tained that the trunk had gone to Dublin,
Ireland. After waiting about three months
it reached its proper destination, having
crossed the ocean twice.
W. H. Barfitt, of Parkhill, met with a
peculiar accident while driving in a Singer
attgon to London Friday evg. The horses
and wagon suddenly plunged into an open
culvert about eight feet deep which some
men had been repairing. Mr. Barfitt, in
his haste to reach London to see his sister,
Mrs. Wm. Martin, who was dying, did not
see a log lying on the road as a sign of
danger. The buggy was badly smashed.
A meeting of the Patrons of the township
of Stephen has been called to meet in the
town hall, Crediton, on Monday, Hay 30,at
1 p.m., fax the purpose of forming a town-
ship ameodation and to discuss diffeeent
questions of importance. All Patrons in
the township are expected to attend and
take part aria show their interest in the
progress of the order. • Members only ad-
The Toronto World publishes the detaila
of a soheme for handling Ontario flour that
was worked by a Nova Sootian,who weeded
that both the millers and himself would
maize a good thing out al it Efe succeeded
in getting about 31000 commission and than
lit out, According to the World, Ks flys
Publisher and Proprietor
• And lots of people taking them is
the order of things at the MARKET
Notwithstanding that the fanners'are
so busy they call around as usual to se-
cure the special bargains- we offer, We
wish you to remember that we are offer- •
Mg &aeon Prints, paean, in shi colors;
and lOvely patterns in figured, at llama
never before sold at in. Exeter, • Just '
test this will you
Also is magnificent lot of Dress Goads
in the newest shades, just opened. We
were fortunate to secure a large quan-
tity Cottons, Cottonades And Shirting
before the rise on these goods, and will
sell them at the usual low figures.
We will give all the benefit of the
large job lot of Bobts tt Shoes whieli we
can sell below original cost, arid make
money. Come right in and secure, some
of tbem,
J. P. ROSS,,
Market Store...
raill,Lilytb,and the Zurich na"1 were among
those that were taken in.
Mr. Jamee Landsborough, etudent of
Knox College, and an of Mr. Jamert
borougb of Tnekersraith left Jan week for
Maganetawan to spend the an&n:merjn mis-
eionary work. Mr. John Muldrew nf Eg-
mondville, also a student at Knox College,
leaves ebortly for the Northwest where he
will take charge of a Massion etation for e
The following DOW irom Wedneeday's
court indicates the end of Garbutt's fight :
Re Garbutt—W. N Miller, Q. C., for the
pawner. Aylesworth for the authorities of
the stele of Texas, Ana the prosmatora.
The prisonerattating that he did not wish to
further contest the question of his extradi-
tion to Texas, was remanded to the euetody
of the Sheriff for extradition.
Be,. Father Kealy, of Mt. Carmel, has
gone to the hospital for treatment.
The Baptiet Aesociation of aliddlesexand
Leanbton meets at Donfield on Jana I & 2 -
Robert laiblook of West Williams died
lest week. Ha WAS unmarried and lived
with a brother.
The Ltzean Meehauics'Inetitute bag chang-
ed hands lately and is now in the keeping
of Mr. L. D. Stanley:
Mr, 3. Huoston of Parkhill bas rented his
Hastings street residence to Mr. Jemmett
of the Bank of Conan:tem.
Dishman, of Biddiapb, while
pulling wolf teeth out of a pig for la San.
do, had one of hisilingers bit off.
A Mose farmer owns a Leiceeter sheep
from which 16 peunde of wool were clipped
tire other day. Enough for three bla kete.
Three of Luca n's young men, Albert
Maynes, E. J. Coiling aud Walter AlaNarnee
loft ors la.di to seek their fot tune in
th8 arrPweksht.
11ill I donde presented Mr Jahn 111
Dufelate manager of the Bank of Commerce
there, with a gold watch and chain on his
being transferred to Guelph.
Delegates from different farmers' organ-
izations met at St. Thoreag on Saturday,
and deoided to have an excursion to the
Guelph Model Farm on June 14.
They make one feel as though life was
worth living. Take one of Carter's Little
Liver Pills af te. eating; it will relieve dys
pepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to
the syeierct
P. Raigan, of Limerick, fell and broke a
small bone of his injured leg, while walking
outside of the hoe with the essistanoe of a
°tine, the board on which he was walking
gave away, throwing him hard enough to
eause a fracture of one of the bones.
The annual meeting of the Ailsa Craig
Meohanios' Institute was held in the
Reading Room last Thursday evening. The
following officers were elected tor the ensu-
ing year; .7. T. Owen, Pres.; Dr. Stewart,
Viso Pros.; Joseph Rosser, Treas.; J. W.
The ring wedge of a complaint that
/nay prove fatal IS often a slight oolde evhich
a dose or two of Ayerat Cherry Peotoral might
have cured at the commencement. It would
be welethereforeao keep the remedy within
reaoh Pt act! Malalgtiimtruleaste Noble of Strethroy last
week fined John Fitzpatrick 820 and costs
for telling liquor during prohibited hours,
also $10 and oosts for permitting drunken-
ness and dieorderly conduct in his premietee
dnring probibited boars, and Ed Jarvis Was
fined $2 and Posts for obtaining liquor in
Fitzpatrick's hotel during prohibited hours.
Wallace Graham, who for many yeah'
published a paper at Parkhill, and subse
meently publisbed another paper at Windsor
writes to the Windsor Record to say that
although he was at one time in favor of the
annexation of Canada to the United States,
four petite' experience in Ohio, Illinois,
Michigan, and the Weetern States, leas
convinced bim that Canada has notfaing to
gain, but much to lose from annexation.
Mt. • Hugh Caldwell, Clydesdale Ont.,
writes: dituehter was trouble's' with
female weakness, and for more than -a year .
was under the care of doctorand taking
mediciee without getting relief. I than got
Dr. WilliamsPink Pille:for her and- they
have oorapletely cured her. Sold by dealers
or sent on reoeipt of price -50c a box or
six boxes for $2 50. Address Dr. %Mama
Med. 0o., Brookville, Ont., or Morristown,
Hills Green. •
Bexere.—Mr. William Richardson and
family have moved to the finan they haNle
rented in Hay, they take off this crop horn
the farna sold to john Consitt.—Mr. Albert
Tiffin leaves the Partin° school June lat
to attend Conference in Guelph, Ur. Piloir,
Hensall, takes the school for the res$ of the