HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-5-19, Page 1AND HURON ATID 1,,WES EX GAZETTE. - — "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE 'CHIPS FILL wHErtz THEY MAY.'il VOL. XIX. NO, :34. A LIVELY TIME. On Saturday last there was a lively time at McTavish & Co's. good num ber11„teres and, Boys' Suits moved out The ptices We are offaing is the cause of this move. This week we offer some big snaps in Prints. Just fancy—a good quality, nice pattern and, fast color for 7c. per yard.. These goods are rare value. Wept up a `nobby suit to orderfor $12 ; good fit or no sale our motto, LADIES MOO haste and secure some thing stylish in. SUMMED.' Millinery, at our usnal onoderate prices. A. 3. MoTAVIS11 a CO. Prof. Scott's concert, Nifty 2101, fat 8, p. m. Cantata "Britannia and her Daughters.' This will be the cement of the seam. e0 voices and all the principal Parts In mete= repre- senting the different outdo& Prof, Soott has beeo at great expense in getting up this concert, and has engaged a Toronto Gold med- alist to play the aecompadments whieh are very difeoult. Don't noes this treat. Manse al on only 2eo. Following are the market quotations Wheat SO to 82 Barley 38 to 40 Oats 28 to 80 POSS ........ . . • • 55 to 50 Hay 10.00 to 11.00 Butter 14 to 15 Eggs ...... . .... 9 to 10 Hogs 5 75 to 5.75 Clover seed...... „ -7.00 to 7:50 BRIEFS ,--OU Monday Ur. Thos. Benno - tine shipped from hero three oar loads of cattle to Montreal for export. -Rev. Ur. Sermons on Eriday last sent hie resignation to tlio Board of Management of St. Paulo church, having accepted a call from a con- gregation in Michigan, for Which place be will leave on Tuna 1st Messrs, nine= atul G. Petty, church wardeua were in Lon- don on lday to wait on the Bishop sthle a view to procuring a successor. The Biahop intimated that there were many vaaancies throughout the country for Which there wore fevr candidates to fill them They were given encouragement and it is likely that ere long the oharge will be supplied, - The Kickapoo Medicine Co. are mooting with numb moss here. -The stables for Mr. DonneleYer have been completed, and several fast horses are expected in a few days. -Mr. T. Murdock is arranging for a load for the2eth May celebration in Exeter, to oompete tor the prize for tbe largeet toad of people. Others are preparing for the oalithrumpian procession, to compote for the special prize of $5 to the best "Outside of Exeter" outfit -Needy all the citizens are going to Exeter on May 24.-Wro Shoe - bottom, of !Alias Craig, is the guest oi Mr. Arnold, sr. -Mr. John Pope, our genial merthatt tailor, is confined to big bed,:hav- ing been ill for the past week. -Miss Graybel of Daehwood is visiting at Mr. Pope's. -A. football match between the home team and the Chisellaurst team will be kicked hero on Saturday next. A good match is looked for as both clubs are in good trim. It all dependupon the hided our boys whether they dial' go to Exeter on May 21. If they beat Cbiselhurat they have .nothing to fear. -Mrs. Vance, of London, is a guest at the "Commercial " John Coniter is erect- ing a house on a lot peen:dined of Mr. D. Millen -dr E. T. Kellam, of Seaforth, formerly of near Henget, who is studying medicine in Toronto, spent Sunday in town. -The Misses Galley and Langford, of Lon- don, are guests at Mr W Colwill's.-Messrs H. Arnold and, H. Jacobi have each pur- chased a new wheel and are making use of any spare time.-Bueiness continues dall in town.-Thephonographie coucert on Friday evg. was a grand enocess.-The tontratial parlors and confectionery store are receiving a new coat qf paint, which adds much to the appearance of the block. Anderson. • Ban:mos.-Anse Janie Brooks, of Whalen, spent last Sunday with Mies Flora Lane of our village. -The "Nigheingales" purpose playing the $t. Marys Collegiate base ball team on Saturday next. Thi t will be their first match of the amen -7-41r. Marsliall and wife, of St. elarye, wore in the vicinity last Sunday. -Mr. John Dickinson and his wife spent Sunday last at her home in Goderioh.-There will be preaohing in the church hero on next Sunday morning rn. stead of the regular evening service. - • - . Blanshard. Kirkton, that selfish little place, which'. ghosted on the boundary between Blan- shard and Usborne, is °nee Inert) trying to show her meanness. As Kirkton is the head church in the circuit she think( that she should have preaching every Morning end night. Then Anderton would have it every afternoon. What about the Fourth Line °hutch 0, guess they will go over to Anderson and their °hunt' will be, by the Kirkionites, turned into a theatre or some other public house just ter suffice the wants of a email group who appear to be buoyed up on the air vessels of their own conceit. It is to be hoped that the leirlitonites will notebe terselfieh and think of the position of others and exercise, as they should,* brothedy love. It in to be hoped that this will not come to paeggen our day. The C. P. R. is said to contemplate the purchase of the Duluth and Winnipeg \\ EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1892 Grand Bend, Bums -There has been a cannel of the Templars ot Temperance organieed here with Miss Blair as loader, They start with about twenty members. -Miss Nellie Fulton is visitIng her sister, Mrs. W. B. Fanjet. - The Oliver Bros. started on Tuerolay morn- ing for the season's work of moving build- ings. -The fishing business is in full blast now. -There have been great droves of oattle going down lately to the xenon farm whieh is now about filled up. Blake. • Beeers-Me. Jaeob Baker reoently sold two very superior stalliona to a gentleman in Kincardine, and purohased from the same man a very niee driving horse. -Fish- ing at Drysdale will soon be under way and many are enviously welting to lay ia supply. -The late rains have improved coneiderably the appearance, of the fall wheat in this neighborhood. -Mr. Ballan- tyne of .Flensall hus been buying quite a number of fat cattle around here. 110 -.411* -11 • Eden. .Bnenes.-Rev. Mr. Scott of 81 Thomaa •preached in the Eden church on Sunday last, in the aid of the Ednoational tFund.- Mr. R.Rowoliffe has moved into the dwelling house adjoining the sehool house hero, -Mr Thome/haw an of Elimville paid us a visit an Sunday last, -Mrs. R, Rundle has resigned her sit as orgauist :in the church here. Miss Annie Elston now maples that poriltiorn-The Edon foot ball olub, having re -organised, met for their first practice on Friday night laet.-They intend to practice again on Friday night next. They talk of kicking in Exeter on the ',24tb, but they want to look sharp or some of the :northern teams will have a grand walk -oven -Ur. James DerapHey of this placie has commence - ed. to oreot a now fence around big orchard and lawn, which when it ig completed will add greatly to the apperitanoe of the plan, -Mies Jenny Jacques of Usborne has been engaged as servant girl by Mrs. Rundle of this plat:en-Mrs. Andrew Dempsey and Mrs. John Essery of this place are at pro sent visiting friends in London. -Mr. Herb Mitehell 01 thie place paid has best aid a visit on Sunday lad. Pretty wet day to be out Herb.-Neleon mid Jim wont to Buffalo on •Saturday last: -Mrs. Samuel Skinner haa been ill with the mumps for the past week, .•••••••••• .btullarton. Buses -Decision has been given in the drainage case, Louis Seebaah vs. the town- ship of Fullerton, as followe: The plaintiff as the owner ot let 11, con. 4, in defendant township, claimed an injunction against them preventing the township from taking the water down the side road. between lots 10 and 11, and. depositing the same upon the plaintiff's land; and deranges for injury sustained therefrom. There had previously been oonstruoted oertaiu drains under the ditches and water courses act, running westerly from the eintersection of tbis side voad and concession1, :the maintenance of which had been put upon the township whose intention it was that the water oomiog down the side road ahold be (larded away by the coneession drains, but the township had allowed these latter to fall into disrepair and refused to clean them out. The town. ship get up that bemuse. the 'plaintiff had been a party to the construction of the side road ditch and had. assisted in digging it be could no now complain. But the Referee finds that the townsbip is bringing water out of ite natural course npou the plaintiff's /and to hie damage aud oraera them to discontinue so doing and gives jadgment in the plaintiff's favor, granting him the injunction with $50 learnages, aud orders the township to peel the coats. J.P. Mabee for plaintiff; J; Idington, Q. C„ and G. G. MoPherson for defendants. Godench. Enigra-The young people of the North Street Methodist chinch gave an excellent social on Friday evening. -Trap nets were Bet this week iu the neighborhood of Port Albert. -The trap net fishing between this port and Bayfield having proved a losing speculation last year, there will be but few nets in that part of Lake Huron's waterd this season. -The schooner St. Clair of Sarnia was driven into this barber last week by contrary winds. -A. Mr. Harvey, a visitor, delighted the woraliippers at Knox church the past two Sundays by his (melee Fringing of sacred musio.-An entertainment WAS given in the Grand on Saturday by the famous elocutionist, Mrs. Sarah Lord Bailey. -Government engineera bave been surveying the harbor the past week with a view of preparing plans for the dredging thereof. -At the meeting •of the High School Literary Society last week the usual term election of officers took place. -Rev, Mr. Irwin of Clinton efficiated in the North Street Methodist olaurch on Sunday, and addressed the meeting :in the Temperance Hall in the afternoon. -The vessel that was wrecked trying to enter this port last fall WIU3 brought into :port on Saturday by the fishing trig, Sea King, after Some four hundred tone of her cargo of coal had been taken off, the balance, some three hundred tons was taken off last week. Mr. Kidd,vd e puralmsed the coal bag now •the whole of his purehase, though 110 recovery. Was a rather expensive one. ---Mr. Wen. Manton, who bought the Bavaria, is ezpeeted to re- pair 11 as she seems to be an excellent vessel. ,-The trees are in full leaf, thus marking itring.-While in the townships last week we noticed that the fall wheal seemed in excellent condition. -Our local wielders of the rod and line commenced tempting the finny ones on Friday, the result being good catches of perch and herring. -The freight landed at the deck UM past week consisted of a cargo of lumber per eichooner Pinafore, two of coal from the same vessel, and a mixed cargo of bricks, shingles and cedar posts per the steam barge P. Creas.-The schooner Kolfage with a cargo of coal from Toledo arrived in port on Sunday, Minard's Liniment ie tbe Beet. 24th May in Exeter. The 21th May will be royally celebrated in Exeter by a grand demonstration and Farmers' Picnic, At 9.30 there will be a trades and calithumpian procession, headed by the Blyth Brass Band, Valuable prizes are offered for best outfit. After the pro- cession a foot ball match will take place on the Agricultural ground; prizes $10 and $5. Next a tug of war between any 6 men of any township within 20 miles; 1st, $9; 2nd $6. There will also be a special prize of $4 to the person drawing the greatest, number of people to town in one vehicle, to take part in procession. Following la en additional prize list: No. ist 2nd 1 -Cross -cut sawing match $3 00 2 00 2-13icyc1e rams, 1 mile, best two in three ,and a valuable eun to winner 300 206 3—Eartners' race. one-half mile 30) 2 00 4— Retired farreers'race, 200 yards 2 00 1 00 5—Fat man's race. 201 yards 2 00 1 00 6-Saelt Meg 50 YftHia 200 1 00 7-100 yard race for champion able of Exeter , 500 8 -Hurdle race, 100 yards 200 1 00 10-Ega itend spoon race 9 -Firemen's race, 300 yards iS8 1SS 3.1 -Lady and gentleman in rig (beet outfit) 300 200 12 -Lady and gentleman riders (in couples) 300 200 3.3-Obstaele horse Tao° ; the driver to hold horse by forelock: and on the word 'Go' to harness and hitch to rig; (no snaps to be used in con- nection with harness); to trot .first half mile, walk second half, and go 03 YOU please third half mile; heats best two in throe. ($1 to enter) four to start, or no third money aril prize 8300. 800 4 00 14 -Ten or more drilled seholare of 2 Cle 1 00 any seat:Hal 15 -Women's raoe. 25 yards 200 100 36—Boss' race, under 15 years, 2CC yds 103 SO 17 -Girls' race, under le years 1 00 le-Tto s' race 100 vard. 1 00 50 50 19-200 yard race, open to the world 200 1 00 Meals furnished on tho ground for those desiring to spend the whole day there. Fetch along your lunch basket, tea and coffee supplied. Free hay will be furnished for horns. All come. a pleasant day is as- sured. Admiseion 25e: children 100; car- riages free. Wer, J3AWDFS, Chairman. • ••* • Zurich. (Too late for last week.) Bittnes.-The A. 0. P. intend holding church parade on 29 th Inst.-Itiallartman Happel is in town on business.---Aliss Gauley is the guest of Mr. Latta. -What might have been a more serious accident happened on the Zurich road one 'day last week. Mreltobert McClinahe, accompanied by bis mother, twosisters, and Misses Thompson and Ester, 041310 dOWR to the swamp to witness the working of the ditch- ing machine. While passing another team on the road the hind wheel got too near the end of the culvert, and the consequence was • the whole load (6) were deporated into the ditoh, which contains about two or three feet of water. We are pleased to state,how- ever, that beyond a bed scare and a severe shaking up nothing serious happened. - Miss Angelica Efess leas returned from Southbend.-We are glad to learn that Mr. Ferdinand Hess has reaehed hie destination. -Mrs. le Bauch is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Wiggin:--Mr.aud Mae C. Bossenberry of Hensall vieitel Mends in town ou San - day. (This week's.) BliIEFS.—Mr Dan McGregor paid our town a flyina visit last Saturday and Sun- day. -Mrs. P. Rauch, who has been visit - login Dundee. has returned home. -Miss Gauley of Clinton, was in town thie week, visiting at Mr 8. J. liattes.-Messrs C. B. Latta, teacher of HillsGreen and D. An- derson were the guests of dr. 8. J. Latta Sunday last. -Mr McGee, assistant pastor of the Hensel! IVIethadist church, -was visit- ing friends in and around the town last week.- Our blacksmith, Mr J. Seigner has engaged a blacksmith from Mitchell. - A phonograph was on exhibition this week in D. Gottschalk's boot and shoe shop. The proprietor intends holding a concert in the town hall this (Thursday) evg. erame and see something that :you never had the op portunity of seeing lbefone. -We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Williams, brother of Messrs J and R. Williams of this place. -A very exciting and dangerous accident, but forlunately it very harmless one. occurred 'on Friday eve. The Grist Mill belonging to a. A. Williams & Co , 'thole fire, camel by a spark from the en- gine; • The alarm was given and a great number flocked to the spot where the fire was supporract to be and by their kind as- sistance the flames fell to rise no more. Ch_nt_on. Biners.-Clinton armoire will close their stores at 8 p. m until further notice. -Mr.. Geo. Glaegow has disposed of his gents fur- nishing etock to Messrs. Plumsted and Gib - binge and will leavei for Dakota. -Mr. She. der has renewed his lease for a term of years, of the Commercial hotel and has bad the license renewed, andthe premises will be fitted up in good shape.-MrA. lkt. Todd was down town last Friday for the • first time in a month Though not at all strong yet he is on the road to complete re- covery. --Mr. Thos. Sturdy, of Emerson, IVIan., and formerly chief of police there, and at Goderieh, Ont., has ' accepted the position of chief of police at Portage la Prairie, his duties to commence about the first of june.-The Stanley Dietrict Scarlet Chapter met in Orange hall, Goshen line May 14th.; when the following officers were., duly elected :-Sir Kt. Com, Robert Nicb- Olson Com. in Command ; Sir Kt. Cora Joseph Fodor Excellent Clone, Sir Kt. J ames Oalwell Chap. Robert Pollock Trees J. IL Balfour Scribe, Wm. Pollock Herald in A tms. • 11, McKinley Inner Herald. John Parks Cater Herald, THAT TIDED Fnmaga,--Is often the fore- runner of serious illnese, which may be bro- ken up if a good tonic like Hood's Samarilla is taken in season. This medicine in- vigorates the kidneys and liver to remove the waste from the system, purifies the blood, and builds up the etrength. Constipation is caused by loss of the per- ietaltio Action of the bowele. Hood's Pills restore thia notion and invigorate the liver. Granton. Bniers.--Repairing and building is quite a boon in our village this spring. (lent, oureEnglish church minister, has been pre- paring a class of young people for confirms. - tion. It is ezpeoted Rev. Bishop Balawin, of London, will be in Granton Sunday next for the purpose of aonfirming those young people. --Mr, Baines has sold his property here to W. Battler, a promising young man, wbo, we understand, is going extensively in the livery businese. S1100888 William. - Rev. kir Campbell leas returned after the sad ordeal of seeing isia mother buried, - Granton wants another doctor to make things riglet.-.Little wonder Mr W. Banes goes around wearing a amile-his wife pre - aerated hien with a fine boy on the 131h inst. Greenway. -- Boines,-Mr John Sberritt Was Gloated as delegate to 1 epresent Grend Bend oirouit at the District meeting held in Butter yester- day, -Mr P. Diens raised a large barn last Saturday; Mr M. England and J. Luther chose sides, Mr England's men winning the race. After enpper they had a very interest, ing game of foot ball, and the ladies a game of baseball. -Mr John Blooeufield and hie brother Gordon vieited friends here lagt Saturday. -Mr John Brown lost a valuable horse last week, -Mr Robert Addison left here last week for Courtwright.-.Mr C. Hobo is visitiog frieode in Elm good. -Mr Charles M. Wileone oancluator on the Penne sylvania Ave, Driving Park Electric+ Rail- road in Aurora, 111„ sent a number of his friends a beautiful picture of himself in, bit official uniform and one of the improved eare.-Alre A. W. Humphriee and her son paid tbeir friends a flying visit bere last Saturday. -At the adjourned Board naceting of Grand Bend circuit held here last week Rev. 3. E. Helmets' ealary ;wee paid in fell. -Mr Henry Wifiket, ST., is on the sink list, but is on a fair way to recovery this week. -Messrs Ware And Wm. Oliver moved a large barn for Mr F. Meng last week, -Mr James Mallard passed, through here last Monday on his way to Seney, Mieln-Mr Wm. Mellio turned throe oohs out on the flats to pasture about two weeks ago and has not seen or heard of them since, fie hes spent several days looking for them. -----.., 40, •—..,--- Brucefield. BRIEFS—Mr. Thomas Berry of Efensall has been very busy 10. 11115 vicinity of late buying up some choice horses. Among those bought were a team of geldings from Mr. Wrn. Berry, London road. They were of the fancy stamp, and. commanded le good Agate -Alpo Mr. Woe, Butts sold a fine general purpose horse. It is encourag- ing to raise such animals when such buyera are about. -House-cleaning is the order of the day and the sound of scrub bruah and beating of carpets are heard, anclawe hear some of crier young men. say "When shall these things end 1"-Messra,McGregor and Mason have of late been buying up a large number of horses for the old country and on Monday east shipped a palace car containing 16 of the finest horses that have left here for some time. We while them a safe and prosperous journey. -Mr. Wm. Graham left for Chicago last Tuesday. We wish him every success in Uncle Sam s. do mains. -Mies Ellen Mc Donald of Clinton is spending a few well earned holidays under the parental roof. -Our foot ball team, the "Rovers," intend competing at the celebration in Exeter on May 24th, for the first prize. -Dr. Elliott, our much respected doctor, is, we are sorry to hear, away attending his brother-in-law's funeral in Kingston. -Mr. Dixon brought home a very handsome top buggy from Hayward Carriage Shop, Clinton, last Thursday. - Mr. Farah has begun operations on his hotel and will raise it this week, We believe he intends to brick it. We like men with such push in them -Four of our young men may be seen mich evening sporting themselves on their wheels. They seem to enjoy them judging from the amount of riding -they do. -All bound for Exeter on 24th. Croraarty. BRIEFS—There was a large turnout to our baseball practice) on Saturday evg. Piespects are that our village team may make a good showing before the season is over. It is understood that Staffa teani will go Mitchell to play on the 2. -Will Robbins, travelling salesman for Porter, Ramp & Teskey, of Montreal, is spending a few days with his parents and friends before starting on an extend- ed trip to the Pacific Coast. --The popu- lation of our village is making steady growth. Lase week a email company of 1. f intry under the command of Genei al Middleton arrived and willlikely stay for a while. Mr. Middleton has the care and management of John White's farm. -The pupils of 'S. S. No. 6 intend spending the 24th in the village. A program. of games and races will be the order of the day. Mr. Thompson, teacher, has made arrangementg to take the pupils to Goderich on June 3. Dub- lin and Stage echoole are invited to join. • ser • • • Sebringville. Wicke of Rostock has bought the;Men- ning property in the West end, price $700, -The property at present occupied by Wm. Goettler has been purchased by Ro- bert Boyce for poo from Mr. Hyste of some place in the United States. -11. Yost had a sale of household furniture, carriages, wag,ons, &c., on Saturday. • la grippe is raging furiously in Trini- dad. Ten per cent. of the eases prove fatal. .........**.••••••••••••••*••••.,.......*•••••••••••=nro SALT FOE. 8 The Exeter Salt Works Gohave for Salo quantity of land and barrel salt, th.e former at 83 50, the latter at $5 per ton. .1`, D.. DARLING, May, 1) 3m ,Secretary. JORN warnex & SON utaisher and Proprietor • Blyth. Bnezes,-On 1)/fonday Constable Davies took a young man named Jordan from East • Wawanosh, to castle Dixon, as a lunatic, for safe keeping, -We regret to hear tliet 'one- towneman, Mr. Geo. Powell, is confined at present to the house with kidney trouble. -We are pleased to see that butcher Kelly is able to be out on the streets once more and has almost recovered from his recent accident. -We are glad to hear that the lit- tle child of Mr. Geo. Leith, who ea arly lost his life one day last week by drinking some lee, is on a fair way to mom, -Our bend appeared on the street on Fridey evening, for the first tine since their organizatidla, and reudered some fine selections. Band- master ..S. Gielley bag brought the boys along splendidly considering the short time they have been under his tuition. More power to you Sammy, They go to Exeter on 24th, ;- Presbytery of Huron. The regular May meeting of the prosiby- tory of Huron was held in Knox eltureh, Irandesboro, on the 10th inst., :the Moder- ator, T. S. Henderson of Hensel!. presiding. During the forenoon all the ordinary business was disposed of, Mr. Fletcher reported that he had obtained from the Home Mission Fund the grants asked for by the Presbytery, viz; /1300 for Bayfield and Bethany, and $250 for Grand Bend and Corbett The names and standing of students within the hounds were renorted, and the Committee on Superintendenoe of Students wei e instructed. to aesign to them subieets for disonurses to be presented at the July needing, The Financial Com- mittee, through it convener, Mr. Robert Henderson of Bayfield preeented a tabulated atatement of figancial return a hone congre- gations within thebounde. • The Presbytery ordered it to be printed and distributed among the congregations. Mr. Fletcher was re appointed Convener of the Presby- tery's Rome Mission Committee, anti repre- santative of the Presbytery in theAesembly's Home Minion Committee. It was decided to hold the next regular meeting in Gode- rich. In the afternoon the publio services in conneotion svitb the induction of Mr. James A. Etamilton into the pastoral charge of Barns (rhumb, Rullett. and Knox thumb, Londesboio, took please. Mr 3. A. Mc- Donald of Varna preached to a large eon. gregation, in which both sootlane of the cbarge were represented, his text being Matt 16, 26, Mr. Stewart of Clinton, by • appointment of Presbytery, after naming the prinoipal steer) whiale had been taken towards filling the vacanoy, inducted. a Mr. Harailton according to the usual form. By similar appointment Mr. Simpson of Brum field addressed the newly inducted reinieter, and Ur. Needham of Egmondville the congregation. ---..... --- A new legman Catholic church at Freel- ton, Ont., was dedicated on Sunday. A new Conservative paper has been started at Virden, Man. An infant was fatally poisoned at LOVia, Quo'Tuesday by eating washing soda. The Grand Trunk declines to concede the Saturday half -holiday to their em- ployes. Since it is now a well established fact that catarrh is a blood disease, medical men are quite generally presoribingAyer's Sarsapar- illa for that most loathsome complaint, and the result, in nearly every instance, proves the wisdom of their advice. To befree from trick headache, biliousness, constipation, and etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strietly vegetable: They gent- ly stimulate the liver and free the stomache from bile. In last week's Tures appeared an item that Donald Nicholson of Kinloss had. been tarred by "black caps" and thrown into a creek. Nicholson is dying and now the public are after the avengers of those who were avenging a erime Mr. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes: I have used every remedy for sick head -ache oould hear of fon the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more good than all the rest. In the first of the horae-and-home foot- ball matches in the third round of the western oup ties played at Galt on Saturday between the Hurons of Serif orth, and Galt, Galt won by 2 goals to 0, Rosy, health glowing cheeks follow tbe use of Dr. William's Pink Pills, nature's remedy for driving out disease, enriching poor or watery blood, and building up the nerves. They promptly correct all irregu- laiities and ills Nadia' to females. Sold by dealers, or by mail post paid on reoeipt of price -50 cents a box or aix boxes for 2.50 Dr, William's Med. Co„ Etroekvill, Ont., or Morristown, N. Y. Beware of imita- tions. C: CeEticuemis &Cm Gentlemen, -The top of my head wart bald for several years. I used MINA.RD'S LINI- MENT, and now have as good a growth of hair as I ever had. Mas. ALBERT MCKAY. Wheately River, P, B. I. I have used HINARD'S LINIMENT free- ly on my herta and now have a good head of hair after having been bald for several years. It is the only hair restorer I hare ever found. des. 0: Axpeneon. • Stanley Bridge, P. E. I. A motion to release Walter Cohen, the absconded New York "financier" will be made. He is still in 13erlin jail beld under (mimeses by New York ore. (titers, who believe (kit he hos $40,000 salted down. A picture by Mesonier entitled "Peintreau Chevalet" was sold at Du- mas' sale in Paris, Sunday for $12,000, itis but 6 x 4 inches in size. France, Germany, Belgium, Switzer- land, Italy and Great Britain have ac- cepted the invitation to the internati- onal silver conference proposed by the , United States Government. Taking Goods 1 --kJ-4410f 5 of people taking them is the order of thinge.1.1 the MARKET STORE. Notwithstanding that the fanners are so busy they call around as usual to se- cure the special bargains we offer. We wish you to remember that we are ofthr- uig Prints, plain, in all colors ; and lovely patterns In figured, at prices never before sold at in Exeter. Just test this will you ! Also a magnificent lot of Dress Goods in the newest shades, just opened. We were fortunate to secure a large' quan- tity Cottons, Cottonades and Shirtings before the rise on these good.s, and will sell thorn at the usual low figures. We will give all the benefit of the large job lot of Boots & Shoes will& we cau sell below original cost, and make money. Come right in and secure some of them. J. P. ROSS. Market Store, Daslawood. Anon Dv. -As the appointed day for planting One was rather disagreealrie the teaohers and pupils of our school postponed the work till kat Friday, which turned out to be a very fine day fer the otreasion. Be- fore Rohm to work a splendid program was rendered by the pupile, which aonsisted of frame, recitations, de. After the entertain- ment part was over ail went out and flower, bode were made, the yard Weaned, trees planted, eta. Le tbe evening before the penile were dismissed all joined in dining Auld Lang Syne, God Savo the Queen, and in hiving three cheers for the Queen; also Arlen Day. CONTAGIOUS Disnesss. -Tbe children of this section have bad their share of eickness since last fall. First tbey were attacked with Soarietina, them by the mumps and now quite a number have the measles. We may be mistaken, but wo believe that the following are some of the reasons why these diseases aro so prevalent, irx this section; (I) The schoolhouse whiclethese children at- tend is very poorly ventilated, (2) The space is too small for go many Children. (5) The rooms are swept every noon and. thira the pupils consume quantities of duet daily. If the people of the seotion would look at Ilia matter in the proper way the cost of baylng the aboye °hire:lions removed would be leas than the dodoes bills, lost time,. eta. We are glad to note that the building is to be enlarged during tha coming holidayreand we hope that the abominable sweeping at noon will also be a thing of the past, Baurs.-Mr John Bugland raised a new building on his farm on Monday evm-Dr Sparrow., of Toronto, was the guest of Mr J. Volker on Sunday. -Mrs (1).) Daying, nee Miss Mary Schluehter,of Detroit, is visiting friends in this vicinity -Messrs Eidt & Will per aro having a abed erected in front of their mill to take the place of the old mill bank. -The Evangelical church is being re- paired this week. Thie was badly needed, as on Sunday last just before Sunday ached was diemissed, a large piece of plaster fell on the floor, almost striking some ladies. - On Sunday next Rev M. L. Wing, of Berlin, will conduct quarterly -meeting aervices in the Evangelical °burgh here, -The Young People's Alliance will meet on Friday evg. this week instead of on Thursday. -Mr W. Ball, undertaker, has purehased a new and handsome hearse from a firm in London. - Mrs Diratein of Michigan, is the guest of leer father, Mr le Graybil, sr. -Mi ,T. Hall has sold the driver he bought at Mr Witzel's sale to Mr H. Deneart of Zurich. -The farmers should koap their black sheep in at night as tiny are apt to frighten yonng ladies. NOTICE. A meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works tio. will be held Monday, Jane the Sth, a42 o'clock p. n, sharp, at the town hall. T. B. CABLING, Seen - N UTIGE TO DEBTORS. Mr. F. Wart& having sold his business owing to illehealth, and .being abourto leave this sectiWn, hereby requests all persons owing him to settle at once by either cash or note. Dash wood, May 19, 92. F. WITRTZ. OTIOE. The council of the Oovporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court House, God- erich, on Tuesday, June 7th, 1892. at 3 o'clock p. m. W. LaNE, May 19th , 3892-2 t Co. Clerk. TENDERS. QEALED TENDERS marked "For Mounted Policia Provisions and Light supelies,"and e adrenal to the Honourable ithe President of the Privy Council, Ottawa. will be received up to noon on Tuesday. 7th June, 1892.: Printed forms of tendereeontaining full in- formation as to the articles land approximate The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- equepatnetdi.tiee required. May be had on application at any of the Mounted Police Posts in the North west, or at the otnce of the undersigned. suNtho pternindteorawfiolrlin'n)se, geeeived :unless made on Each tender must be accompanied by an ao- opted Canadian bank cheque for an amount equal to ten per cent. of the total value of the articles tendered for, wbioh will be forfeited if the party declines to en ter into a centred evii en called upon to do so. or if he fails to complete the service contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. No payment will be made to newspapers in- serting this advertiseinent without authority having been first obtained. FRED. WHITE, Comntroll.;r, N. W. M. Polje�, Ottawa, May 3r4. 1892. neeeteeekeree