HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-5-12, Page 8R•S INSURANCE, ERNEST 1+, I.LLIOP,AGpNT FOB TtlE COX- 1PAEY Tonto; alsoSforR aANCE thePHO;NIX S.alltsk INSURANCE COMPANY, or London; Ea eland, the ROSAL0A1L,f.DIAN, o2 Mon- treal, and the ONTARIQ MU rUAL LIFE AYil.•.RANCle,OO'Yof %Vitteriooestablished St.70, Aesuratteesinforcie,$13,127,400, Bonuses int .ry Ave years. SEE OUR Wall P1pe1 DISPLAY LARGEST STOOK, BEST ASSORTMENT, NEWEST DESIGN'S. LOW1 ST PRICES, AT GRIGG'S • 1Tilq Mem.) Exeter. BARB VALDBS IY BU.IIK DRESS GOODS 074 1 THEes- BigBankruot s tare xEXETER. ti 'A i Yes, we are ready for an ex- co ,1traordinaary large trad e in Black a IDress Goods. We have in stock ed ta , at the present time the Largest, f Choicest and Most Completer' 3 7 1Assortment of B1k Dress Goods ti that it has ever been our priv- as e4 liege to show. The assortment co includes some very choice lines, ere I not to be found in any other Q 5 s store in Exeter. For the next two weeks we t!' will offer special values in Black :r r :Dresses and Trimmings. Ladies a in want of Black Dress Goods . ae will do well to examine our ' ea 4-4 0 , stock. We are sure we can in- z. terest you and save you good' r eel big interest on your money in- to • 42' 1 vested with us. 0 1a nor Henriettas are perfect in s 'A • make and finish,and the prices for ' es a f the next two weeks we will guar- td .4 ' antee to be ate ay down. The new 5, Belford Cords ate beauties and :r ^ well worth seeing. In fancy black goals we have an immense assort- y "--,.i men, . teti eel i We will sell a big lot of Black 2 P• I Dress Goods during the next two • te.1 weeks. 0 -' 1 J. A. STEWART. 1 d `SUR SSE IG ROViIE III SEII`IVA EDVR l'he kenttv Vinite. r RURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1892. 'LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Losses in Stock. Last week Mr. Join Peart, of Usborno, ost a valuable 3 -year-old mare; cause of death, epizootic with lung complication. Several of his horses were affected in the same manner, but recovered, -Mr. Leonard Hunter lost a fine ewe, supposed to have died from eating poisonous grasses. -Mr, Peter Munn, of Hay, lost2 valuable colts last week from influenza. -Mr. W. Keetle, .Stephen, lost a valuable mare last week : anflaenz:t. wire weekly Shoot. On Friday evening another shoot for the gold and silver medals took place, result- ing in lefr. I. Handford winning both from Mr. James I3issett. Some time aro it looked as though lir. Ed. Bissett would be the sole possessor of the ;silver medal. but lately both have changed hands weekly. Following is the score : Jas. Bisaett 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1- 5 I. Handford 1 1 1 1 0,1 1 0 0 1- 7 Oleo. Anderson 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1- 4 Id. D IHtirdou 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0- 5 EI. llissett 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0- 4 F. Collins 0 I 0000101 0-3 _A.Loadman 11 1 1 000011-6 tom• m "v�ilare, Cdun cit. The council met at the town hall on Monday evg. at call of reeve. All present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. On motion of Christie and ,Spackman, Mr. Wm. Atkinson was grant- -ed permission to place a crossing on Ann - at. at his residence, -Conrad Kuhn's ten- der fer tile was accepted, and 2000 tile ordered, on motion of Carling and Speck- :man.- 1'. paek-:man.-1:'. D. Bell's tender for cedar was accepted on motion of Ross and Christie - .A -petition largely signed was presented to -the council praying that the streets be "watered from Huron-st. to Baldwin•st. It was resolved to ask for tenders for street -watering from Hurou-st to the town hall. Sha11 ave Lose It? .There has been considerable talk the -peat week with reference to the Verity 'foundry closing and the plant taken to %either Toronto or Woodstock. The rumors :were not altogether foundationless. The -•Massey-]Terris Co. desire the Verity firm do manufacture all the plows sold by them, ia'monn'ting in a year to from 15,000 to 20,- 4)00 plows, and had given the Messrs Verity flattering inducements to locate in either .of the above placer This they did not .desire to cro, were it possible to avoid it, and accordingly made the Massey -Harris 47o. a proposition whereby they might re- =main leo =ttiain in Exeter a a manufacture all :the Co.' • p1 iws. The proposition has been accep,,ul under certain conditions, and Mr. 111188 v the presideut of the Co. is expect - sad be <- o-rlay to examine the facilities of lbe Ice-r.r foundry for the work. Should the n project be consummated it will arrear : • Lxeter a healthy boon, for instead of present the number of hands em- g1o.• will be inereaoct from 40 to over A00 Nell as the erection of a number of TO, . • buildings. At present no definite a�. „:t can be arrived at, the arrange - or.,' ntirely depending on Mr, Massey's cI inn, seith r,i ,rde sal Exeter works acuities. Brevitie Clean up your yards, The" district camp will be; held at Loudon this year. Flannelettes 6c per yard at the Exeter Woollen Mills. `"�'„ • Cows will be at liberty to run at large on and after the 15th May. The earth will be the •greatest distance from the sun on the morning of July 6. Good all -wool gents' socks on14),,§,e„4ier pair at the Exeter ['('o""`a lea. The Blyth brass band, the best in the county, has been engaged for the Queen's Birthday celebration here. Gents' furnishings, tweeds, worsted suit- in;;s and trouseriugs have sold exception- ally well during the past week at J. P. Glat ke's A foot ball ehub bus been organised in town with Charles. Powning as captain. The boys are practising for a match on the 24th May. Did you see the bills for the Queen's Birthday celebration in Exeter ? Don't forget that the day will be observed here in grand style. There was an immense number of people in town last Saturday, and the streets were crowded with vehicles of all sorts from the country around. Just call in and see our range of men's and boys' felt and straw hats; you will be pleased. See our little boys' and girls' caps in the window at _5c at .1, P. Clarkes. Large gangs of men have been at work the past week preparing the track ou the Agricultural grounds for the 24th celebra tion. Everybody is invited to Exeter that day. Mr. John Dignan is having his house re- ahiugled and otherwise improved. Mr. P. u'rayne hae also improved the appearance of his residence by building a handsome picket fence. friday was Arbor Day, but, aside from the planting done by private individuals, there wore no :roes set out on the public streets to replace the many dead ones along the principal thoroughfares. The month of May briugs its flowers and beauty, and homes act in accord,wheif they select choice patterns in wall papers, prices and desigus will meet you at J. P. ,larks s, he will not be undersold. Considerable rain. Great growing weath- er. The general moisture of these later days snakes the heart of the patriot to re- joice Verily the farmer is half glad and would bo altogether delighted if the wet did not temporarily free the lured roan from toil Black cashmere and benriettas, black crape ole he, and French satin reppea are the newest lines in ladies' dress wear, call and see them. Don't forget our ladiea'laco Id 1 gloves in black and colored at J. P. Chir ke's. The Canadian postal card has a very "gingerly" look when placed side by aide with the new and large one now sold in the States for a cent. Couldn't the Ottawa folks take the hint and give us a little more earl for the same money without sensibly reducing the visible supply of manilla. The Patrons of Industry have organised a little scheme to kill time. Thorn are two editors elected and six reporters. The object is to arrange a paper containg what news can be scraped up in the locality in which tho organisation is formed, to be read. at each meeting of the P. O. I. The paper will be headed the P, 0. I. Indepen- dent Shiner. The G. T. R has issued a new notice re- garding baggage. It says :-" Passengers are entitled to seat room for one, Baggage and parade that cannot be placed under car seat, or in the passenger's portion of the parcel bracket, must not be taken into the car. All baskets, baggage and parcels that cannot be stored as above, if taken into the car will be removed." The following is a copy of the list of questions which were handed in for dis- cussion in a rural 'literary' society during the season just closing : "Subjeot of diskuslon, Is dansin' morello rong? Is the reeding of fictishue wurk ennunoudiblel? Is it necessary that femails aliud reseave to thurry li'erery edncaehun? Ort fantails to talk part in polytix? The Brandon Sun of a recent date says: "The other day we had the pleasure of shaking hands with Mr. James Westeott, formerly of Exeter, Ontario. He is farming near Danglae and is doing well. He is the right kind of stuff to make a successful Manitoban. He was recently elected president of the Douglas exhibition, and with the assistance of the able secretary, Mr. Berry, will doubtless also make a suc- cess of it. The entrance and public school leaving examinations will be held this year at Goderich, Exeter, Dungannon, Zurich, Clinton, Seaforth, Hingham, Brussels and Wroxeter, commencing on Tuesday, June 28. The primary junior leaving and pass matriculation examinations, which will be held at Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth, will commence on Monday, July 11; and the senior leaving and honor matriculation examinations, at the same places, will commence on Wednesday, July 20. At a meeting of the Quarterly Official Board of the Main-st. Church held on Tuesday evening, the business of the Con- fereuce year was completed. The financial statement showed everything paid to date, with no liabilities against the Church and the minieter'e salary of $900 fully met. The past year has been ' the best year, financially, in the church's history. Mr. Richard Blatchford was appointed repre- sentative to the District meeting in the Janes -et. Church on the 17th inst. Quite an excitement was created on the streets Monday morning by a steer Getting away from Mr. John Shute. For a time -t was master of Mainest., and those who endeavored to stop it were forced to retreat, narrowly escaping a toss from its horns, The animal was in prime condition and it soon tired, and being tied closely to a post, was blindfolded and taken captive to the weigh scales, to which it had great aver- sion, no doubt preferring that the scales were on the old market. The annual meeting of the Exeter Cricket Club was held Friday evening last, when the following officers were elected for the coming year: Hon. Pres,, Dr. Hyndman; Pres,, Dr. Lutz; Vice Pres., W. Hurtling; ennnlitteo, C. A. McDonald, H. K. Hyns- man, C. 13. Mareland, •L K. Carling, J. A. Pope; Sec'y Treas., F. Elliot, The secre- eery's report showed the club to he finan- cially solvent. Challenges` have been received from the London Asylum and the Forest clubs, which will bo accepted shortly, The club have rented their old grounds from ;.ir. Snell, and preetice will commence at once, so any wishing to join will kindly notify the Sec'y. Minard'g.• Liniment foe Rheumatism: Sold fox 8805. The old market 'realty was sold on Sat- urday last by 31r. L. 'lardy, auctioneer, There was a fair attendance at the sale and bidding was lively. Tho lucky pur- chaser was Reeve Bowden at 805. When this land was given to the town for a mar- ket it cost some $ISCO, is yet a desirable property, and Mr, 13awden considers he has a bargain. A new market having been established, at the town hall, by the Coun- cil, the old marketproperty, by agreement, reverted to the shareholders and sold. It will still be retained for market purposes, a company of farmers having given a sett of scales to Le placed thereon for their convenience. Cattle yards will also be built and, it is said, things will go on as of yore. Donne of Serntous: Commencing on Sunday next and con - tinning until the 11th theme has been dealt with, Rev. Mr. McDonagh will preach special sermons in the Main street Meth. Church, on "The challenge of Chris- tianity to the world of unbelievers." Fol- lowing are the themes for the different Sundays :-" What is meant by ' Chris- tianity's Challenge?" "Christianity and the Bible." "ChristianityandJesus Christ " Christianity a Fositive Doctrine," "Christianity'sDoctrine of Man " ”Chris tianity a Success in the, 1Volid" "Wbat Christianity Teaches ou Endless Death ! "What Christianity Teaches on Endless Life ! " "What Ch"istianity Teaches on Pleasures and Amusements." "What Christianity Teaches on liusinese and Trade," "What Christianity 'Teaches on Woman in the Bible." The 1tlilitary Men, Tho report of the Department of Mlliti'a and Defence for the year ending Dec. 31, 1S91, is to hand, At the camp of military district No, 1, held at St. Thomas, from Sept. 1 to 12, there were 1,581 officers and men, and 64 horses present. The order of merit of the corps in camp of the following battalions ,is herowich3 given: 28th Battalion, l'erth,drillandmanceuvring, 300 points, 130; discipline, 300 points, 150; inueketry and caro of arms, 200 pointe,120; order and cleanliness in regimental lines, 10? points, 70; correctness of dress both on and off duty, 100 points, 45; narks obtain- ed, 1,000 points, 515. 33rd Battalion, Huron, drill and manmuvring, 300 points, 150; discipline, 300 points, 150; musketry and care of arms, 200 points, 95; order and cleanliness in regimental lines, 100 poluts, 40; correetneas of drew both on and off duty, 100 points, 45: marks obtained, 1,000 points, 450. 20th Battalion, Middlesex, drill and manauvres, 300 points, 120; dis- cipline, 300 points, 130; musketry and care of arms, 200 points. 100; order and cleanli- ness in regimental lines, 100 points, 25; correctness of dress both on and off duty, 100 points,30; marks obtained, 1,000 points, 405. --s— Mechanics,' THAI Lillie. The annual meeting of the Mechanics' Instituto was held in the Library Room, Town Hall, on Tuesday evg. There was a fair attendance. The annual report allow- ed the Institute to be in a very gratifying condition. Total number of volumes in library, 3000; number of books taken out during past year, 4,923, being increase of 1 S00 over previous year; number of mem- bers 125. Tho report stated that the new books being added to library consisted more largely of religious, scientific, h is- torical and political works ; and assn that these varieties of, books were being more largely read than formerly, and taking more the place of fiction and light reading. The new board of directors elected is :- Messrs. John McCallum, Pres.; J. T'aylor, Vice -Pres.; Rev, Martin, Dr. Lutz; Robt. Muir, N. D. Hnrdon, H. Huston, H. Smith, W. Weekes, D. Johns, J. Allison; T. A. Brown, Secy-Treas,; auditors, J. Grigg and Rev, Russell. The auditors' report showed a balance of cash on hand $35 01. The Government grant was $200. The directors would respectfully solicit the community to support the library by becoming members. The membership fee is small -only 61.00 per year -which can be banded to Capt. Kemp or any of the directors. The cause is a good ono and worthy of support. Personals. Mra. Ed. Roberts and children, Toronto, are visiting their ninny friends in town. - Miss Minnie Brimacombe, who has been visiting friends in Mitchell and Stratford for the past week, returned on Saturday. -Rev. Mr. McDonagh will commence a series of a special sermons in the Main-st. Church on Sunday next. -The Kickapoo Medicine Co. who have been givit,g con- certs in Exeter the past two weeks, have gone to Hensall, where they will holt forth for a time. -The last of a series pf sermons was preached by Rev. Mr. Russell Sunday evg. The rev^ gentleman delivered' some very interesting and historical sermons - Mrs. James Garland, who has been ill for a long time, is slowly recovering. -Mr. Z. D. Johns, of Handford, Cal., arrived in Exeter on Monday evening. lie will re- turn shortly. -Mrs, George Bear and fam- ily, of Woodstock, spent a few days this week visiting her sister, Mrs.. Wm- Daw, Huron-st -Mrs. Jennings, of Holmesville, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Daw, the beginning of the week. -Mr. Thomas Seldon of Ingersoll was in town on Monday. -We regret to say that Mr. H. Borney's health has not much improved. -Miss Gould has returned from a short visit"'with friends in Clinton.- Mr. Horner Kinsman, L. L. D., recently of the Ontario Dental College, returned home last week to join his father here in the practice of the pro- fession. -Mr, and Mrs, A. M. Peterson, of Brandon, Man., are expected in town this week. -Mr. A. J. Rollins, who was so se- verely injured by a runaway accident •a few clays,ago is able to •be about again.- Mr,D.Johns,rpostrnaster,has sufficiently re- covered to be able to walk about a little. He is expected home from the hospital shortly. -Mr. Hugh Ross, of Winnipeg, Man , passed through London on Saturday en route to Scotland and New Zealand for the benefit of his health. He will spend several months there. Mrs. Rosa remains in Winnipeg. We join Mr. Ross' many friends in wishing him bon voyage and speedy restoration of health. -Mr, Benj. Short has retarnecl from Zurich and is again working for Mr. Trott, shoemaker. Our prints, lateens, flannelettes and ahirtinge have sold well; call and see our range ofprints tit 12ic-fast colors and newest patterns. Oto: bleached cottous, grey cottons, towellings, ticking and tab- imgs will suit you at J. P. Clarke's. Mr. Thos, Fitton will give a handsome, silver 1 •nit1eesirefto the winner of the lady and g utlere n's riding contest, at the forthc'nniu; eviebeation. Ror ,ember Qrs. phonographic concert in the Jt.mes-st. Meth. Church on Tuesday evg. r'ext, °'A good program. See 1 lis. Tiinln11110 ih'e�� 'fiircinlirig0, Di'e I`rimnliil�h`� RICARU PICKARS &.S�N Have just opened up another large consignment of • Dress Trimmings, bought direct from the Manufacturers And consisting of all the latest novelties. If you require Trimmings call and inspect our stock. Wo can please you, RICHARD PICKARD & SON. c & IJ IJ And see our lines of BEDROOM SUITES And SIDEBOARDS Exeter Furniture Factory A splendid Bed -Room Suite in Maple or Cherry for $9.00. Sideboards from $5.00 upwards, Gall While the stock Lasts Remember the stand z --Two doors North of Town Hall, Exete, WALT. ANDREWS Fish peddlara are besieging the town, Tho rainy weather still continues, and gardening is being retarded. Several ears of export cattle have been chipped from Exeter the past week. Mr. Henry Yager, two and a -half miles west of 1)aahu cod, will shortly atart the menufaeture of brick and tile. There will be a graud Trades an d Cali - Olympian procession in connection with the forthcoming 24 May celebration here. There are six foot ball clubs who have signified their intention of competing for the prizes in conoeotion with the celebra- tion in Exeter on the 24th May. There will be one of the best concerts over given in Exeter, in the Opera House on the evg. of May 24. Watch for par- ticulars and wait for it that evening. Our reputation for first-class groceries does not diminish. Try our Iiyson tea, at 25e and 50o per ib. Our blend of coffee will delight you,also our cot t. at J P.Clarke'sl The village council are favorable to erecting a switch from the station to the trerity foundry in the event of its being required. A motion to this effect was passed at the lust Board meeting. The fire at the Kansa line sheds in Montreal involves a loss of $100,000. An incendiaay lire has destroyed two historionl old buildings in Ridgetown. Another party of 200 English enei grants arrived in Winnipeg on Satur- day, Lord and Lady Mount -Stephen are coming to Canada for two months, in June. Two young French noblemen are located in London to thoroughly study Canadian Agrioultural. A large number of New Brunswick- ers strongly favor the transfer of they Intercolonlal railway to the Canadian Pacific. The Duke of Westminster holds to his reward of$40,000 for themiscreants who poisoned Orme, the Derby favour ite. Edward McKeown, the Toronto dry goods merchant who bas spent some time in the Montreal gaol on a capias taken out by Gault Bros., who charged him with obtaining goods under false pretence, has been released on bail, and left for Toronto Monday. " UN ICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sta- tute in that behalf a Court for the Revision of the Assessment Roll for the MU, ioipality of the Village of Exeter for the year 1892 will bo hold at the tow', hall, Exeter, on Friday, the 27th day of May, '1892, at half past seven o'clock in the evening, Any person or persons having business at the Jourt will govern themselves accordingly, M. EMMETT. Exeter, 12th May, 1892. Village Clerk, UNICIPAL NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Stn- tuteiu that behalf a Court for tbo Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Township of Usborne for the near 1892 will be bold at the town hall,Elimville,on Saturday, the 28th day of May,1892,at half past ten o'clock in the forenoon: Any pereowor persona having business at the Court will govern themselves accordingly. GEO, W. HOLMAN, Ueborne, May 12th, 1892. Township Clerk. T TOTIOE ill Sealed tenders will be received for anaddition to Hensall pubile school. Plans and ispocifica- tione can be seen at Maearthur & Co.'s Bank. Hensall 'fenders to be received not Later than the 13th of May, 1892. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders should be marked is suoh on envelope. JAMES BONTBRON, Seo. S. S. No. 20, Hay, Heneall. 1ORSERVICE. ' A 7he :a' Toni Purbain Bull "Young Chooter- ficl ., and a Thoro'hrecl Berkshire Boar, on het 13, 000,1, Stephen. TERMS : S1. each, with privilege of returning acooe..ary. • PIES. SNELL' , Proprietor: • [ARL� 3RO.. PARASOLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, WINDOW SHADES, dRLING BOOS, FOR Ladies' and Gents' fine and coarse Boots & Shoes -- never had a better stork at lower prices than now, Try our 22c tea—the best in town. CA,RL3aTC ,S LOS. NEW SPRING STOCK BEING OPENED I Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded in purchasing goods, the equal to which has not been shown in Exeter before. The Latest in Everythinq AND PRICES THE LOWEST. Our stock will ensure us : The Trade in Dry Goods ; , The Trade in Dress Goods; The Trade in Millinery ; . The Trade in Clothng. IN HATS & CAPS, ETC,, WE CANNOT BE BEATEN. Watch this space for further announcement, SPACKMAN CO. � Samwell's Block, Exeter. CENTRAL Barber Shop, FANSON'S BLOCH. A. Hastings Prop Shaving and Hair ontiing in the latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Ladies' and Chi/ heir s Hair The Molsons Bank (OHARTERED BY PA RLIAMEN T,1866) Paid tip Capital ,,., $2,009,000 ReatFund ,,, „ 1,100,00C HeadOftloe, Montreal, 1?. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,E ni., QMBALMANAnIII >i Money advanced to'goodfarmors on their own note with one or more endorsers at 7 per pont per annum. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day,fromlo a.m.to 3 non SATURDAYS,10 a,m,to 1 p.m, 4PerOent.perannnm allowodformonoy on Dap osititecoipte. Savings Minket 3per dents , N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager.