The Exeter Times, 1892-5-12, Page 1VOL. XIX. NO, 34.
L1 V. KL JC.
On Saturday last there was a lively
time at McTavish & Co's. .A, good num
bee of Men's and Boys' Suits moved out
The prices we are offering is the cause
of thisemove.
Ti&,s4veek we offer some
big snaps in Prints- Just
fancy . a good quality, Dice
pattern and fast color for 70.
per yard.
These goods are rare value.
We get up a 'nobby suit to order' for
$12 ; good fit or no sale our motto.
LADIES make haste and secure some
thing stylish in Summer Millinery, at
our usual moderate prices.
A. 3, UcTAVI H & CO.
Following are the market quotations :
Wheat ,•80 to 82
Harley ............. . . 38 to 40
Oats 28 to 30
Peas .... , , 55 to 56
Hay . ..... ....,.10,IOto11.00
Butter , , ..14 to 15
Eggs., 9to10
Hogs .. 5.75 to 5.75
Cioeor seed..... ... .,7.01) to 7:50
BRIEFS.—hir,. Coxworth, the genial pro-
prietor of the "Centennial" has enlarged
Itis atables to accommodate the publio. Mr
Donnelley has rented part of the addition
in which to stall trotting stook. Mayor
Colwill and Contractor Moore have tho
contract.—Thel, 0, 0. F. anniversary on'
Friday evening last was a grand suceese,tbe
address by Rev. McDonagh of Exeter being
highly appreciated. Hegave e lucid history
of the order from its foundation to the pre.
sent 311 which were many preotioel and
valuable lessons. The attendance was very
large, a namber of brethren of Exeter being
present. At the alone the rev. gentleman
was teudered a hearty vote of thanks an;well
as other tangible expressions of appreoia-
tion of his address. It is the .hope of the
lodge that they ;may soon again bays the
pleasure of listening to the rov. gentleman
and brother. -A meeting was held last wook
for IA organization ot a football club. Tlio
attendance was large, and considerable io-
tenet manifested. Following aro the offi-
cers elected: Pres. W. Stoneman; Tice do.,
T. Bell; Seo'v ,Treas., 0. C:tok; Capt. L.
Harold; assistant °apt., J. Molinughton •
Exec. oom„ J. T. Wren, H. Arnold, and J.
U. Stoneman. Practice nights, Mondays,
Thursdays, and Saturdays. The club is in
a flourisdaing condition and open for elan
Ieuges, Mrs. Bowie of Exeter spent Mon-
day visiting friends in town. Messrs. Cook
Boo. last wook purchased 4,100 bushels of
wheat from Mr. Lang of Exeter. -Mr.
Wood, formerly of Goderich township, is
the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. Maher -
son. -air. Lyons of St. Marys is exhibiting
a phonograph in the village. a concert is
announced for the near future. -Mr. A
Thomson of Galt ie the guest of his brother,
Dr. Thomsonat present. -Messrs. Ballantyne
and Shillinglaw shipped a oar load of cattle
on Seturday.-On Monday, wbile Mr. John
Neuchwanger of the Blind line, Huy, was
returning from Exeter, Iris horse took
fright near Itcdgerville, and being unman-
ageable, threw Mr.N.into the ditch injuring
him severely. He was picked up by Mr.
Manning of Exeter and driven home. He
is doing nicely, The rig was slightly dant-
amaged.-Mrs. Wilson, has returned. from the
funeral of her sister, who died at Tborndale
last week, --Mr. Blair of London preached
quite acceptably in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning last to a large oongrega-
tion,-Iver. R.Coad isimpreeing rapidly and
will be himself in a few weoke --Mr. Mc-
Arthur, hardware meronant, has been quite
i11 the past week --Mr. Foss opened his
ice cream parlor's on Saturday for the season
and gave his many friends a complimentary
dish. -That itinerant individual, "George
the Hatter" has been in town the past week
and coincidently the tile bat brigade made
their first appearance on Sunday last.
Among the number your correspondent
noticed Ben Phillips, W. Stoneman, R.Ran-
nie. W. R• Hodgins, John Pope,C.MeDonell
J. E. MoDonell, J. T. Wren, Dr. Thomson,
H. .linold, L. Haro'd, and others. There
eaten gorgeousdisplay.-•-A number here
intend going to Exeter, May :24th, to take
part in the grand celebration there. Several
of the most enterprising young men are ar-
ranging to compete for the prize for the
biggest load of people.-Bueineas has been
dull in town the past week. -Tho Kiekapoo
Medicine Co. will visit us this week and stay
for 10 days. They will give free concerts.
-Miss H. Blatchford of Exeter spent the
past week visiting friends fn town,- Mr.'
Andrew Johnaton, of Willow Ball farm, is
improving the appearance of the place very
much, the application of a few coats of paint
accomplishing the desired effect. -The neat
little dwelling owned by Mr. Kaiser ham
been sold to Mr. •Hugh MoDonald for his
mother's use, who intends shortly moving
into it. Mr. James Workman has also sold
his residence, situated on the same street,
to the Messrs._ William and John D; Craig,
who are already occupying it. -Mr. G. D.
Arnold has recently been very much hn-'
proving the appearance of his grounds about
his new dwelling. He will in the near
future have one of the neatest, and ti,¢ids)
Items in the village.
DEATu.-There died at the family real -
dance in Luaan on the 9111 hist., Mary,
beloved daughter of Catherine Harrigan,
Mrs, Harrigan, who is a widow, has the
sympathy of the community in herafhiotion.
May He that promised to be a Father to
the fatherless and the widow's Friend °om.
fort her In her sad bereavement. Funeral
took plats yesterday:
ACCInL'NT-One of our young menhad
quite a serious accident (or his buggy had)
on Saturday last, While driving to Credi.
ton, it appears that there were two oows on
the road, and, just as the rig game near by,
one cow hooked the other into the fore part
of the boggy and took every spoke out of
one whoei, leaving the felly in proper
shape. Robert then had to oarry bis rig a
half mile 'to the village to get another
wheel,and lie made a fine appearance,00ming
home with the hind wheels of his buggy.
Always try and give the °owe half the road
after this Robert,
Cone MEETING. -Arrangements are atilt
being made for the Methodist oamp meeting
in June, from the 121h to the 19111. The
following ministers and evangelists are ex-
pected to be present and assist ; Revs, J.
E. Howell, M. A., J. W, Shilton, B. A. J.
Galloway, W. Ayres, J. H. Fair, H. L.
Magee, E. A. Fear, Jamie Walker, Wm.
MoDonagh, and A, L. 'teasel, B. D. of
Exeter ; W.F. Campbell, Ph, 13. and others;
Mao S. J. Williams, Misses Lynda and
Annie Hall, 104 El, J. Pentland,
Smoot, Barone -The following is a
comet report of the standing of tbo pupils
in S. S. No, 2, Stephen, for the month of
April, the names of the Arse two pupils iu
each eleas being given ; IV -Willie Salter.
Sr III -Emma Sims,Sopbia Brown, Jr,'II1
Lillie Lawson, ,Annie Spencer, Sr. II-
Geo Lawson, Thoa Edwards, Jr. II-t'1'ee
Hirtzel, Vrban Essay, Sr. aft. II -Ruby
Essay, John Sime, -Sr; p1. I-Josoph
Sims. Cola ,Lamport. Iutormediato -Lula
Eaeory. Jr. cit. I -Garnet Sims, Garfield
Lawson, Good eonduet-Sophia Brown,
Josephine Flanagan, Lizzie Lawson.
A. Esssnr, Teacher
Bi11Ers.-A money order ofiioe has boon
added to the post office. Telephone oom.
muuioation will be nett in order.-Mr.Thoa
Cornish Lae taken possession of the hotel
at the Corners. He will make an o:oellent
landlord, and as he is well known as an up-
rightand obliging gentleman he is sure to
do well. -Mr. Thomas Greenwood has been
heard from. He arrived with his family in
Manitoba safely, and likes the country well.
Mr. Greenwood extends his heartfelt titmice
to those of hia friends who ao nobly belpod
him to move, and thoughts of Fellation
friends will always be a reminder of life in
Ontario. -Mr. Robert Vance, who has enan
aged the village hotel for a year past, is
leaving it, and the premises and business
have been passed over to Mr. Thea, Cornish,
formerly a resident of this section. -air.
Thos. Ourrelley, of the St. Marys Road, is
inaking,preparatious for the emotion of a
fine barn.
Montreal: Aug. 4th, 1891. -My head was
literally full of .Dandruff and nothing appli-
ed gave vieible relief until using Anti -Dand-
ruff, a few applications of which has so tho-
roughly remove() the dandruff there is not a
.grain to be found.
By. Mail Clerk.
24th May in Exeter.
The 24th May will be royally celebrated
in Exeter by a grand demonstration and
Farmers' Plcnic. At 9.30 there will be a
trades and oalithumpian precentors, headed
by the Blyth Brass Band. Valuable prizes
are offered for best outfit. After the pro
cession a football match will take place on
the Agricultural ground; prizes $10 and $5.
Next a tug of war between any 6 men of
any township within 20 miles; let, $9;
2od $6. There will also be a special prize
of $4 to the person drawing the greatest
number of people to town in one vehicle, to
take part in procession. .Following is an
additional prize list :
1 --cel s -o i s in oh Si 00 2nd
2-Bioyele raee.71 sawing
two in
three,and a valuable cup to winner 800 200
3 --armors' raoe. one-half mile 3 0) 2 0e
4 -Retired farmers'raoe, 200 yards 2 00 100
5 -Fat man's raoe. 201 yards 2 0(3
6-Saok rano, 50 yards 2 )0
7-100 yard race for championship of
s 00
8 --Hurdle race, 100 yards 2 00
9 -Firemen's rano, 300 yards 200
10-Ega and spoon raoe 200
11-Eddy and gentleman in rig (bestt) s 00
12 - Lady and gentleman riders (in
couples) 3 OD
13 -Obstacle horse race: the driver to
hold horse by forelock, and on the
word 'Go to harness and hitch to
rig;- (no snaps to be used in coo -
motion with harness); to trot first
half mile, walk second half. and
go as you pleasethird half mile;
heats best two in three. ($1 to
enter) four to atart, or no third
money 3rd prize 5300, 800 4 CO
14 -Ten or more drilled scholars of
any school 2 00 109
15 --Women's race.25 yards 200 100
16 --Boys' raoe, under 15 years, 2CCyds 100 50
17 --Girls' rano, under 15 yearn 100 ee
18-Boya'raoe,lO0 yards 100 50
19--200 yard race, open to the world 2 tin 100
Meals furnished ea the ground for those
desiring to spend the whole • day there,
Fetch along your lunch basket, tea and
coffee supplied. Free hay will be furnished
for horses. All come, a pleasant day is as.
sured. Admission 25c; children 15c; car-
riages free.
Wax, BAwnin , Chairman.
1 0.000
Betsre.-Judge Johnston, wife and child,.
of Sault St. Marie. arrived in Lown this
week on a visit to relatives, Judge Johnston
retarne returns to the Soo in a few days,
but Mrs. Johnston and infant will remain
in Godericb for a few creeks, -:dr. R. H.
Collins, of Exeter, was in the Co. town on
Thareday.-The steamer, City of Windsor,
was in port on Friday and Sunday, -The
arrivals indock the past week were; The
Carter, with 240,000 feet of laming; The
Todman, with 230 tons of ooal, and the
ateamer P. Creme, with a (largo of brick.-
rinkThe heavy rains the past week raised the
water considerably, both in harbor and
river. Mr. F. Holmested,barrister, of Sea -
forth, Wes in Goderich on 'Thursday.-
Bural dean Craig, of Clinton, was in town
on Saturday. -'The pulpit of the North-st.
Meth. church was occupied on Sunday by
the Rev. Mr. Galloway, 01 Clinton, --So far
angling bas not commenced, the gold winds
of the past few weeks having kept the har-
bor and river waters in a disturbed condi-
tion. -The seasou so far has 'been a fairly
successful one for gill net fishing,• -A. ecu•
plc of very pronounced Reformers have
written to the Signal attacking its thinly
veiled policy of potitioal union with the U-
S --The people hero are pleased that the
Government will not allow the Opposition
to talk against time witli the view of obtain-
ing another $600 additional indemnity.
The Government will, by this policy, save
the county nearly a quarter of a million. -
A few of our residents who aro United
States citizens, have been forced to move
their families to the other side this spring.
-Several new residences are under con-
struction, -Street preaching commenced
on. Sunday ; this is uetihlly a sure sign of
spring. -Arrangements for the Great North
Western Show will be perfected Saturday
by a joint meeting of the dintiters if N. W.
Exhibition and the Horticultural Society.
The meeting will take place in the Cort
House at 1 p.m. -The regular meeting of
the town council was held on Feiday evg:-
The South Huron Teachers' Couveution
will be held in .this town on Fridsy and
Saturday, June 3 and 4• -Div. Court Clerk,
John Morgan, of Bayfield, was in the Co.
townithe past week. -Grass has been greatly
helped by the recent rains, but the heavy
downpour has delayed the sowing of the
spring grain very much. --A. most estimable
lady, Mrs. John T. Naftel, who died rather
suddenly at the age of 68, ;was interred in
the Maitland cemetery on Wednesday of
last week. The deceased lady was for many
years a resident of Goderich township be-
fore moving to town, where she was highly
respected for her many virtues.
BRIEFS. -Mr. Charles Reid has arrived
home from Manitoba. -We are pleased to
see that Miss Jane Reid, who bas been visit-
ing friends in Miohigan, has returned, -The
ladies of the Bavfield Road Auxiliary are
contemplating having some kind of an en-
tertainment soon, -We are sorry tohear
that Mr. Joseph Ricbardson is sick. We
hope he may soon be able to be around
again. -Mr, Rathwell, sr., who has been
residing in Toronto through the winter, has
returned home. --The Bev. Mr. Henderson,
of Bayfield, delivered an eloquent sermon in
Bayfield Road Presbyterian church, on mis-
sionary work, last. Sunday, which was very
much appreoiated.-On Tuesday last e
heavy, hail storm visited this part. Mr.
D. Smith and Mr. John Gilmour had some
window lights broken. -Mr, James Aiken -
head is putting up a new house this stun -
mer. Mr. P. Campbell has the job. -Mrs.
McBeth, sr,, has had another strobe of par-
alysis, and, is in a very critical eoodition•
She is now 79 years of age.
Baxsus-Mr, Jas Gorvett has had a tient
bead -stone erected in memory of his daugh-
ter Martha, who was taken from him some-
what over a year ago.-Mra Samuel Horne,
who has been serionaly ill for some time, is
now able to leave her bed, with prospects of
a rapid reoovery.-The choir bass narrowly
escaped losing his hair last practice night,
about nine o'cloolk,-The cemetery will
soon be ornamented with a wire fence, if
Mr. Cornish does not wait too long in :hav-
ing the post holes dug. Perbaps the delay
is caused by, his new 850 cow kicking, or
the time he spent electioneering, or bis in-
fringing seriously the church rules. We
hope hie ohastia•sment by the church court
will not be too severe. -A man in the right
is collared by a man deoidedly wrong, Tha
first man is by far the better man of the.
two in every way, yet he refrains from low-
ering himself to strike. Our worthy
superintendent Is descrying of great praise
for his showing the best example of praotical
Christianity we•liave ever seas. -Our friend
George has one more to provide for, and
share his legacy.
Bidduiph Council.
May 2nd, 1892.
The council mettpursuant to adjournment
the reeve and all members present.
9 communication from Mr. Thos Naugle
asking for a redaction in ,his shop license
was read and orderedto be filed.
A communication from the trustees cf P.
S. S. No 9, askiug for an outlet to drain
their sobool grounds was referred to the oom
missioner of No 2 div
By-law No 3, of 1887,eetting apart statute
divisions was amended in several partionlars.
The clerk was inatruoted to notify path•
masters that in all oases where it is neces-
sary to incur damages in taking gravel for
highways that one commissioner be notified
and the amount of damages to be paid
settled before the same .is incurred,_ other-
wise the council will not be responsible.
The following accounts were ordered to
be paid : Jonathan Atkinson,` building.3.
culverts and rep div 1, $8 61) Abner ;Lang,
ford, rook elm plank div. 5, $26, J Balkw, ,
ditobing N 13 moiety, 800; W Armitage, rep
cal div 3, $1; Michael Armitage, plank for
cul div 3,:50e; Jae 'Thompson, rep road.'N
B civ 2 moiety, $2 50; .l Lewis, part ,salary
as assessor, $6; D Mollhargev, rep bridge
and approachea to gravel pit, $5.
The counsel adjourned to meet again Mon
day May 30th, 1893.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk..
lai,icrcl'a Liniment oorce La Grippe....::
Bu xr&.-Mr. Ed. Datera and Miss Roth
anent were, on Tuesday last, joined in the
holy bonds of matrimony. The knot was
tied in the Luthern church by Itev. J.
Strumpfer, and was witnessed by quite a
number of visitors. We wieh them mucb
joy in their wedded life. -Mrs, Doying, of
Berne, Mioiligan, is hero visiting her father
Air J. G. Sohlucbter, and other friends. -
Mr. Jacob Sobata, thinking it was not good
for a manto be alone, last week took unto
liintselt a wife in the person of Mists Bran-
don, from near Detroit. We wish thorn
much happiness. -Mr, Mo Nell left on
,.Monday last ler Wisconsin, where he in-
tends to staa is summer; -Mr, Coleman
has taken the store business and, we under-
stand, will open up shortly.
Greenway -
BRuars,-Union Tent, No. 48, Maccabees,
made Mrs, ,LKWatson a present of seventy
dollarrl, 'ibis apelike highly of the honor
and benevolent spirit of the members of
the tent, as they were under no obligation
to give any amount,ber husitand not having
passed the medias) examination before his
death, -Mr, Richard Webb and Mr. W.
Mallin have each boagbt 50 sores of ,Canada
Compenv land, 2a miler north of 'here, -
The Ladies' Band of Willing Workers of the
Boston Melbodiat church have decided io
have a Iemonade and 10 -cant lunoh tent at
the lake near Grand Bend, 24th May. -Mrs
F, 'Clens received the sad newslof the death
of her graudmother,Mrs, Elects Hollenileak
of Elk Rapids, Miob„ she was one of the
eagle settlors of this place and resided here
until about eight years ago. -Mies Ada
Mollard returned hems from Detroit last
Saturday. Elbe intends to remain home
thin summer,-41iae Holt of; Dashwood
Visited friends in town last week. -A. largo
number of letters offering green goods for
sale have been received at Greenway P. 0.
We have not heard of any person or persona
green enough to buy. -Mrs. C. IL Wilson
and sister, Dirs. A. Penick, and Mist; Rose
and Lillie Brophey spent last Monday at
Grand Bend, assisting Mies Alvira Moliard
completing a largo number of quilts. It
the weather continues as cold as it has dur
ing tbo past few weeks, we expect to hear
of several other young we
having quilt-
ingo,-Mr, Louis Luther's )louse caught fire
last Monday, and only for the timely aid of
0 load neighbors it would have burnt hot $ i
and barna. One ohd and one aide were
buret aut. No insurance. Cause, stove
pipe, -Mrs Jennie Aitken and her mother
visited Mra Cbarloa Neil in Exeter last Sat-
urday- She has been sink for a long time,
the doctor bas little hopes of her recovery,
--Mr. and lire H. Manning and daughter
Jennie attended services et the Boston
Mfethodiat church lash Sabbath and spent
the afternoon visiting the Boston House
friends. -:-The engineer engaged to settle the
water course dispute between Mr. W. Eagle -
Oen and Mr. T. N. Saughton deoided that
the water slionld go down .the line, and the
ditch be deepened.
. Mamma (to her little boy). "Now, Ben-
nie, if you'll be good and go to sleep, mam-
ma '1L give you ono of Dr. Ayer'e nice sugar-
coated Cathartic Wills, next time you need
niechoine." Bennie, smiling sweetly, drop-
ped ofl to sleep atonce-
Grand Bend,
Bsxsms. -The recent rains have improv-
ed everything wonderfully and the outlook
for crops is good,- Mr John Dalziel was
here the other day looking after estate. -
The fishermen are making nice hauls of
lash now with their seines and when the
pond nets are all set it will be hard for the
finny tribe to escape. -Mr Stephen Webb
has been improving hie house by making
an addition and re•ehingling it. -Mr Will
Thompson and family have removed from
Port Blake to here and intend staying for
the summer.
Osborne Council.
Tho commit met on the 7th inst, All
members werepresent. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and adapted.
Shier -Cameron -that the following path
masters be appointed for the current year,
and that a by-law bo drafted confirming the
same, viz; N W Ward -William Jaokell,
Peter Casco lames Johnston, Robert Mo,
Cord, John Harris, John Moir,John Strang
Frank Blatabford, George Armstrong, Robt
Horney, John W Haney, John T Allison,
Thos Passmore, John Cole,Pbilip Ryckman
Martin MeTaggart. S. E• Ward -Henry
Hern, John Towi, Robert Denison, Gedrge
Upshall,James Routly,Samuel Brook,Abner
Fuller, William Robinson, John Copeland,
William J. Tufts, Donald Dawson, WilI}iltam
Hazlewood, John Irvine, John O'Mara.
N E Ward -George Coward,Daniel Hawkey
Robert Monteith, John Kay, Edward Stone
Abram Bacton, John Stewart, Aroh Robert-
son, James McCullagh, Jansen Gardiner,
James McCurdy, James Ballantyne, Albert
Shier, C 0 Switzer, Alexander Frazer.
S. W Ward -John Webber, John Loadman
Fred Luxton, John Welsh, Wm. Fisher,Wm
Brownlee, Leonard Hunter, John Rowcliffe,
jr.; Robert Hicks, Samuel Cornish, George
Andrew, Richard Hunter, Isaao Johne,
Richard Hodgins. -Carried.
. Halls-Kydd-tbat by-law No 4, 1892,
appointing pathmasters for the current year
as now read a third time be passed. -Car-
Kydd-Cameron-that a Court for the
Revision of the Assessment Roll for 1892
be held at tha town hall, Elimvilie, on
Saturday, the 28th day of May, at 10 o'olook
a. m., and that the clerk duly advertise the
same: Carried.
• Halls -Shier -that M. Samwell be paid
98 to provide clothing for J. Hewitt and
wire. -Carried.
Cameron-Kydd-that T. Brimacombe
receive the sum of $8 for the keep of A.
Carmichael. -Carried.
Cameron -Shier -that $17" a expended
in each ward in grading and gravelling and
that a epeoia' grant of 3100 be expended on
the swamp eideroad.
Moved in amendment by W. Kydd-
Halle-that $175 be expended in grading
and gravelling in each of the west wards,
and $150 in each of the east wards, and that
a special grant of $100 be made to be ex-
pended in grading and gravelling on the
side road between lots 5 and 6 across the
swamp, -Amendment (tarried.
Kydd-Shier-that Mr. ,T. Halls and the
'seconder be appointed commissioners; to ex-
pend the special grant made to .the swamp
road. -Curried.
The followinorders were granted : M.
Santweli clothes for J Hewitt and wife„$8;
T. Brimaaombe, keep of A Carmichael, $8;;
13iseett Bros, stove pipes for town .ball,
$4 50; W Stewart, gravel, 75o; T Heywood,
6 in tile drain, $4 50; T Veal, culvert and
cleaning hall, $1 50; Mixed, whitewashing
hall, $2 83; G Stewart, rep bridge, $1; M.-
Samweil, loop of J Hewitt and wife, $13.
Kydd-Shier-the cannon adjourned to
meet again Saturday, the 28th inst., as a
Court of Revision, and for•general buslitess.
Gno. W. Honour,
BILn,Ps.-Mr tra Biee is refitting the
hotel.: There appears to be Someniean-
deretandiu about the deal between :4essrs
Merner and Brown. -Mr James Clark has
his new barn nearly completed, -Mr.
Kitchen has taken possession of the Wool-
len Mills and expects to go Into the busi-
ness on a large scale. He is an experienc-
ed man . and will help supply foreign
demands as well as attend to home work,
We welcome him to Crediton and bespeak
for the now proprietor a large patronage,
S000so zles,-^Some mean young men (1)
who thought they were smart, but who,
apparently, were brainless, broke the
limbs off one of aur farmer's fruit trees and
were caught at it -(not too soon, or not
too late, but just in time.) Kingston pen-
itentiary is too good a place for such reeks
lege aeoundrele,
- Borers --Nina Ann Kestle, of Exeter',
was home en Sunday last visitiug her par.
eats, -The Patrons held a successful rueet-
fng on Tuesday, May 3. -Nr John ;Rowe
fs Improving his house by building a new
veranda. -air Will Balkwell is a worker.
--air Wm, H. Kestle, wbo bas been sick
the past week, is couvaleacent.-Mrs Thea
Amy, jr., is nor-►ously ill, but we hope to
bear of her recovery soon. -Air, Joseph
Dauncey sold two of his horses last week
for a handsome sum. -Nr Moses Amy had
a miraculous escape from being killed by a'.
kick from Mr J. Trovethiok s vicious liaise, !.
but we hear he i0 recovering.
•-•a 40* •-.,..— -.
CHANUS of BUSINESS. -Mr. C. Fritz,
formerly in the employ of Air F. Kibler, of
Zurich, and Mr, L. Staubus, of this place,
have bought Mr. 1Vurtz's shoo stock, and
will carry on business in the old stand un-
der the name of Fritz t Stanbus. Both
young mon are smart at the trade and,
therefore, we join in wishing them every
success. Mr \Vurtz has retired from the
business on account of ill health.
BRIEFS. -Mr Wm. Wing, formerly of
the Bronson Line, has moved onto the
premises near the Goshen Line, which he
bonght from Mr. Schweitzer, Sebringville.
--Rev. Bean left to take cbarge of his new
field on labor on Monday. -Rev. Krupp
preached in the Evangelical church on
Sunday in the German and English' lang-
uagea.-Mr. Geo. Lippert, of Zurich, who
was in the employ of Mr J. G. Soldau far
three weeks, learning the trade of a tin-
smith, left for home on Saturday. -Mr
John Livengood called on some of his
friends tbia week. -Mr Wm, Pfaff has
built a now butcher shop on his premises.
-Dir C. Fritz visited friends in Morriston.
-Mr H. Kellerman of Shipka, was in aur
village on Sunday. -Mr J. G. Soldan has
put up a new fence along the front of his
lot. -Mr J. Snell is having the walls of his
office painted.
SCHOOL RPPoxtT.-The following receiv-
ed 50 per cent. or over on written work
during the month of April: .5th -M.
Cook 85, I Cook 73. Sr 4th -W Bean 60,
G Snider 56. Jr 4th -1V Kleinstiver 78,
0 Snell 70, D Beaver 50. Sr 3rd -E Then
72, L Lindenfield 52. Jr 3rd -M Rader
70, D Eckstein 68, M Willert 58, E Hart-
ung 57, L Webei le Sr 2nd -S Rader 91,
H Kroft 90, H Rltoder 84, C Eidt 73. Jr
2tid, No 2-L Bender 81, B Becker 66, C
Miller 60; T Bender 60. Jr lInd-S Ree
teinager 61, 813&1158, S Witzel 57. Sr Pt
II -0 Witzel 76, L Eckstein 66, aC Rater
58, Ji Willert 58, ai Kleinstiver 55, 1 We-
ber 51. Jr Pt II -T Cook 95, I. Hartleib
SS, D Snider 83, E Schroeder 82, F Snell
'75, A Kellerman 73, T Walper 64, A Wal -
per 60. The average attendance for the
month was 83.
amt. E. HALLS,}&t e. M. HAuCU, Teachers.
011sber and I'roprleitor
Taking Goods t
And lots ot people taking them is
the order of things at the MARKE'r
Notwithstanding that the farnaerseare
so busy they salt around as usual to se-
cure the special bargains we offer. We
wish you to remember that we are offer -
in”' Sateen Prints, plain, in all colors ;
and lovely patterns in figured, at prices
never before sold at in Exeter. Just
test this will you. 1
Also a magnificent lot of Dress Goods
in the newest shades, just opened. We
were fortunate to secure a large quan-
tity Cottons, Cottonad:es and Shuttnga
before the rise en these goods, and. will
sell them at the usual tow; figures.
We will give all the benefit of the
large job lot of Boots & Shoes which we
can sell below original cost, and make
money, Come right in and secure some
of them,
Market Store.
B1tisys-John O'Brien bas been laid up
for some time by a severe attack of inAani-
mato:y rheumatism, --Mie. McCurdy hon
returned from Toronto. She was "'"attend.
mg the W. F. 3d. Association. -Seeding is
finished about a week ago in this neigh-
borhood and farmers are busy preparing
their root land. -fall wheat is looking ex-
cellentin this neighborhood except one or
two fields which was sown rather late,and
the recent rains have given the spring
crops a good start,
birs; Elizabeth Seebach, wife of Philip
Seebach, the second oldest settler in the
Huron tract, died on the 3rd iust., at the
residence of her son Peter Seebach, ar+,edl79
years, 2 months. She was torn In Heasina
Germany, and emigrated to this county
and ottani, in Ellice township some 60
years ago. For 31 years of her life she
WAS bedridden with rheumatism which
was ultimately the cause of her death:
Of her ten children seven, together with
her husband, survive her. Three of them
reside here, one in Vancouver, B. C., one
in Iowa. outs in California, and one daugh-
ter in Ellice township, Three of her
sisters and one brother live near here. Her
end was peace.
DEATHs: It is with sadness that we
record the death of Mr. and Mrs. Hart-
ings of the 3rd con. Goderioh tp., who
had been ill for some time. They were
among the first settlers of that part and
respected by all who know then. Mrs.
Hastings died. on Tuesday, last week,and
Mr. Hastings on Friday. They were
interred in Bayfield cemetery.
Bemsms.-Mrs. Crooks,'of Detroit,
who had been visiting with her brother,
Mr. Hearn, of Goderich tp., died sud-
denly Mast week. Her remains were
placed in Bayfield cemetery. Mrs.
Sparks, of the Bronson Road, who had
been ailing for a considerable time, died
and was buried on Friday of last week.
The Goderioh district meeting will bo
held in Rattenbury street church, Clinton,
on Thursday and Friday. May 19 and 20.
On Tuesday Rev J. A. Hamilton of
Lynedook, was inducted in the Lundesboro
ehnrge,reoently vacated by RevMr Ramsay
Messrs George Backer and W H Kerr
are in the field for the Brussels Reeveship,
nominations for which took place yester-
A couple of small frame buildings owned
by Mr Shepherd and occupied by Messrs.
Biaokali, V 5, and Evans, Barber, Clinton,
were burned out Tuesday morning at half -
past two. The contents were destroyed.
The old Royal Hotel was also badly dam.
aged and rendered untenautable before the
fire was put out. As two previous attem-
pts have been made to fire this block there
is 13.0 doubt incendiarism caused this fire.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and . Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood • Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
oto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by C. Lutz. 0-29-ly
`Mr Leonard Sholdioe, of the 4th comet
Dion of Tuckersmlth, has six ewes which
gave birth ;o 19 lambs, five of there ewes
having tht :to: knobs each, and the other
0110 four. Four teen of these 19 lambs are.
still alive ind doing well. ^ Mi, Sholdloe
also had r, eow which gave birth to twin
Bx1EFs.—P. Kelly & Son are having
a new engine house built at their large
flouring mills, -On Friday night late or
early Sunday morning some of our youths
amused themselves by removing b einess
signs from their places and having having a
little fun in general. --Mr. Sam. Pinker
and family have naoved onto the ftr:u: of
Mr. folio 1VIcDlillan in Morris, utero las
has secured a steady job teaming at the
saw -mill. He has rented his property.
At the receut Easter examinations at the
Oi.tario Agricultural College, Guelph, Mr,
3 Atkinson, of Seafortb, and Mr. Mol1or1ie
of Kippeu, successfully passed th:ir first
year's examination, the firat named tering
second plass boners. Mr W. 11. Iiarvey of
Exeter, passed his second year's examine.
less M. E. McGregor, daughter of Capt.
McGregor, of Goderioh, was married at 'Bt.
Peter's church, Gnderioll, Monday morning,
to Mr. George A. Kidd. or Omaha, Nebraska,
son of Air Thomas Kidd, of Seafortlt. The
ceremony was performed by Bev Father
Boabat, negated by Rev Father :Pest. Mit
McIntosh, of Detroit, was maid of honor,
and Dr, McKay, of Seaforth, assisted the
SATISFACTION. -IS guaranteed to every
one who takes Hood's Sarsaparilla -thirty do
according to directions. This is the only
preparation of which "100,Dosee One Dollar"
can truly be said.
ss Have you seen Hood's Rainy Day and
Baleen Puzzle? For particulars send to C.
I. Hood & Go , Lowell, Mass,
Hood's Pills Dura liver ills, jaundice, bit
liousnesseack headache, constipation.
C; C.atllcrserms &Oo.
Gentlemen, -The top of my head was bald
for several yearn. I need MINARD'SLINI-
MENT, and now have as good a growth of
hair as I ever hada
Mns. AnmruT McKee.,
Wheately River; P, E. I.
I have used. MISLED'S LIN
ly on my head and slow
of Bair sifter hevin
years. It is 1.
ever found.