The Exeter Times, 1892-5-5, Page 8t� � SL11i�.NG1, y,�.
.� BNE,..ry1lli t.�.l �.iiii.{'' .A'{T'FO 1.
NY, of�3 oro 't WESTERN
tPN7 K
N 19 1: tl'1SUit,ANO1`!, OOMPAIlY,'os London;
.Marland, the ROYAL llA1QADIAN, of Mon -
treat, and the ONTARIO MUCUAL I,1Fla
A >Lr3i 11iCIS, 00'Y of waterloo established
Aasurancesi?iforee,$13,:127,4QQ, Bonuses
ev, ry Sve years.
-\\Ta) 11 ?tpet
5./ R 1u./l .L * I G 1J1' S
AtAtT,l Exeter.
Bid Baif4rul]t Sian
We are accused of ceiling
Readymade Clothing for less
than cost.
Be that the carie or uo5, we known thing
or two about SLITS. and we have good
and autlicient reasons of our own for mak-
lug a run ou clothing. We have too tuna
C13thing, and rather than take chances of
carrying too many Salts over till next sea -
eon, we have made a groat drop in prices.
\Ve are closing out several lines
ot Men's Ready-made Suits for
nearly half their regular value.
isle saute ttl,l,lies to our Boys' Suits.
You buy a boy's Suit from
us for $1.00.
Of course a better one costs you a little
ire •rn.
We have an immense stock of buys'
Shits --some beautiful goods among them,
How, when and where did we get such
values in Ladies' and. cents' Rain Coats ?
Never mini how we got them, they are
here for you. A great improvement in
waterproof Coats, We have control of special lines that are perfectly water
proof, with no rubber about them, what-
ever,—a garment that you can't afford to
be without. See our stock and perhaps
vv.: will Lily cue.
l'HURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1892.
reefer Gun Club.
A silver cup, value $15, wou by the base
c ; t.a.ot daf 1800, has been placed in the
.. e of the .Exeter Gun Club, to be shot
i z ":m tallows: Class shooting; t=un Club
7.0.1., tlie.:lees, tau sup u,t ue aeon .11VJ
.r,.ero in succession, at known traps ; the
.;rya tn.,teh to take place on Tuesday, May
10, 1912. This will give all members of
tike slab li good ehanceto compete for the
up and should prove very interest -
Log to members of the Gun Club.
1'abli e Sehool Board ltriuutes,
Board met at town hall May 2; absent,
W. Li. Weekes. Items passed: Minutes
of previous meeting; Per T. Fitton and W
,usedn,the secretary to secure definite in-
formation re W. E. boundary of section ;
Per T. Fitton and W. Hoskin, that the
Fire Protection corn. reconsider plans and
that tenders remain unopened; Per Dr.
Less anal W. Treble, that %V. Hoskin, T.
Fel or: and the chairman be a corn. to effect
re "al of centre fence, necessary repairs
to line fences, and proper working of eave
t o ghs and conducts; Per resolution the
secretary to secure information re grants
to advanced form pupils;; Per T. Fitton,
adjournment. J Gineo, Secy.
postai Statistics.
The Post -master -General's report for
3891 gives the following figures concerning
the business done at some offices in. ,this
county, exclusive of money tenders issued
or paid. Formerly the business of each
- post office was published, but this is not
done now.
Auburn $ 377 80
Bayfield ... 487 65
Bluevale 473 03
Blyth 1515 04
2559 41
Clinton 4603 30
t'ungannon 496 25
Exeter 2250 65
Fordwich, 607 51
Goderich 5629 64
Garrie 672 96
Hensall 435 24
Kippen 304 30
Sea£orth 4955 73
Varna 390 96
Wingham ,,.,4133 51
Wroxeter,.. 917 65
Zurich . .. 777 36
The adjourned vestry meeting of the
Trivitt Islemolrial Church was held on
Tuesday evg; The attendance was large.
Considerable minor business was transact-
ed, and among other things the followings
officers were appointed. ; will J. Carling,
Mr.Fatt's Church Warden; N.D, Hoyden,
People's Church Warden; R. H. Collins,
vestry clerk; E. Elliot, 1a: Roweliffe,:. S.
Sweet and Geo. Kemp, sidemen, Hearty
votes of thanks were tendered to Mr, J.
Spackman for his past services as rector's
church warden; the Ladies' Aid and Busy
Bees and Envelope committee for their nn -
tiring labors during the pest year. The.
financial condition ot the Church is :better
thanever before, which speaks toluenes far
the present incumbent, Rev; Mr. Fatt.
Mtnard'rlLio nientfor Rheuinatism:
lBcevi ties,.
Additional' locals on page 4,
The aty mill is too full operation.
: ' Me-. Wni. f'1 ell is pushing on his new
We have bad several very heavy rain
staring lately.
Great bargains in Lace Curtains at Bd.
Pickard do Son's,
Fresh field and garden Be tdsof all kinds
at It. Pickard & Son's.
The house -clean ing epidermic still rages,
and th ere is no ,peace.
.A big lot ot new carpets just opened up
at R. Pickax d St Son's.
The oyster left on Saturday for its an-
nual holiday, the season haviug closed.
A partial eclipse of the ,noon will take
place on 1'tay lith, early in the evening.
Mr. J. A_Steivart purposes making some
alterations and improvements in lois store.
The Ladies Aid of James•st. Church in-
tend giving a strawberry festival on June
11 you require wall paper Rd. Pickard
& Son can suit you both in price and pat-
The Sacrament of the Lords supper was
aaministed in t he James -at. Meth. Church
on Sunday evg.
Richard Pickard & Son have just open-
ed up another lot of new dress trimmings.
Call and inspect them.
A large consignment of nursery stock
was distributed by Mr. J. Gill last week
in a very short tune.
The Grip in issue of April 23, pays a
high tribune to the ,memory of the late
Hon, Alexeri der Mackenzie,
About 250 members will be added to the
different Brandon churches as a result of
the visit of Messrs. Crossley & linter.
The name of the Young Pe ople's Society
of the Jamea•at. Church was changed from
`Christian Endeavor' to 'Epworth League'
on Tuesday evg.
Mr. Richard Gould, who was severely
kicked by a horse a few days ago, is able
to be around again, and expects to be able
to resume his work soon.
All premises must he cleaned by May
10, The Inspector will make a tour of in-
epection then, and if things are not to his
liking there will be a row.
Friday is Arbor Day, and it is hoped
the council will ace to it that alt dead trees
are removed from the streets, and young
ones planted in their stead.
A great ananv "Green Goods" circulars
have come to town during the week. It
is unnecessary to warn the recipients not
to tamper with the alluring baits.
We havi`a,,fetl tons of shorts o hand at
51;8 per ton fh'• t l e week. Fa niers re-
qui-ing feed wiiP' .o ell to put iii a stock.
1 Tim l xn rea Miu rr.o Co.
A very pleasant time was spent at the
Jaynes-st. Methodist Church parsonage last
evening by the Ladies' Aid of the Church
together with their husbands and friends,
Mr. W. H. Moncur has disposed Virden, his
farm composed of 160 acres, near S- irden,
Man., to Mr, W. G. Holmes, a resident of
that section, realizing for the same the sum
of $480,
Mr. Isaac Carling has purchasedof the
Agricultural So iiety,the old English church
property, having pairs therefor $15Q. The
building will he moved onto the agricul-
tural grounds and stilt be used as a crystal
Mr. Paul Madge has already this year
erected a large nvntber of wind mills
throughout the country. He purposes
erecting one for Mr. R, IL Verity in twat
in a few days, at his residence, William -et.
Mr. Verity is also having the roof of his
dwelling slated.
.4 new fad has broken out among the
boys of this town, they having acquired
the prarttee of banging their hair ala
girlie, girli•i. :'1,4 a cnnsetl ienoe there has
been a great run on curling tones and old
newspapers. We suppose we are to look
upon this infliction as a dispensation of
leap year.
T'uronto does not show up well in the
vital statistics for 1890, just issued by the
Ontario Gove nment. Of the eleven cities
in theProvinee only one-Ottawa—had a
higher death rate than this in the year
named. The average for the whole num-
ber was eighteen per thousand, while here
the rate rau as high as twenty-one. •
The Exeter Milling Co. have engaged
Mr. L. L. Sage, of Norwich, as head mil-
ler, who is now in charge of the mill and
will shortly hove his family here. Mr.
Sage is an exp`e`rt in the art of roller mill-
ing and comes highlylcommended,having
hal long experienke, ales) has remodelled
and improved somc`ra of the best mills in
A couple of Indians from the Sarnia Re-
serve, attiredin the strange . costumes of
their race, were objects of curiosity at the
Grand Trunk Station Monday. They were
en route to Exeter.—London Free Press.
These Indians are direct from the Indian
Territory, and belong to the Kiokapoo
Indian Co. now giving entertainments in
A very serious accident, which might
have proved fatal, occurred on Thursday
night last about 10 o'clock. It appears
that while Thos. Boyle and Albert McFalls
of Centralia were going home from a con-
cert in Exeter they met Mr. A. J. Rollins
and wife of Exeter, and, it being very
dark, neither parties saw the other,aud the
Horses ran together and then turned com
pletely around, capsizing both riga and
throwing the occupants out. Mrs.tRolline
got her arm broken above the elbow, be-
sides other slight injuries. Mr. Rollins
had bis forehead badly cut and three or
four of his upper ribs broken and this neck
strained, The occupants of the ether rig
were only ,slightly injured by their hard
fall on the gravel road. Mr. Rollins'
buggy was badly smashed. The injured
were then taken home, where their wounds
were attended to by Dr. Rollins of Exeter.
It is a very thoughtless act for any citi-
zen of this or any other town to spend a
dollar in any way which will carry the
money out of town. If it goes away it may
novo come back ; if it is laid out here r it
may never, go away. If a person doing
business here would put a private mark on
twenty one dollar bills, ten being marked
to be spent in London and ten here, he
would then teach' himself an object lesson
of value. It would be scarcely likely he.
would ever again see the ones spent, outside,
while there would scarcely pass a week
without one of the others coniiog into -his
handaragain. The best sort of economy is
to keep as much money as possible in local
circulation. It requires very meagre brains
to reason out the conclusion that if 'one
third the people are in the habit of spend-
ing their money out of town that will about
clean out the whole 'circulation in .a few
The stalls of U. Spackrnau's house on
William-st. are c empleted,
The Aeaesement,
The assessment roll has been handed to.
theandfro n i whichglean, h Clerk, . w uc t we g nhe t.
following r No. of children between 5 and
16, 404; No, between7 and 13, 935; No.
between 16 and 21, 125. No. acres asses-
sed 1125,i, Value of real property $310,-
740 ;
316,-740; personal property $44,390 ; taxable
income $2,050, total assessment $452,500;
No.. dogs, 103; cattle,125; sheep, 16; hogs
00; horses, 164;.steam engii,es, 13. As-
sessor's population 1716.
That Medal.
A shoot for the medals took place on
Thursday last among the following, result-
ing in Mr. Jas. Bissett winning the trophy.
Following is the score:
E. Bissett 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1-4
R J. Eacrett 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-4
.1. Bunter
N.D.Burdcn 00000011 00-2
Jae Bissett 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-9
Geo. Andersen 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0-5
On Friday evg. a match at traps took
place between the following:
A. Loadman 1 1 0 0 1 1 1. 0 1 1— 7
John Loadn,an 1 1' 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 '— 6
F. SV, (1ollins 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0— S
Mrs. John Muir, jr., has returned from
visiting her parents in Stratbroy.--l'rlr, J.
W. Grant left for Parkhill on 'Tuesday,
where he has purchased the stock and good
will of a restaurant, We wish him every
success. ---Mr. A. E. Neilly occupied the
Caveschurch pulpit on Sabbath, as he
will also do the five following Sabbaths,
in Rev. Mr. Martin's charge, and: having
accepted a call near Toronto,he will likely
settle there in, the full. --Mrs. Light'e, for-
merly of Clinton, is now a Captain in the
SalvationArrny,audis stationed at Exeter.'
—Mr. Johns, P.4\1 , is improving and was
able to sit up on Monday.— )Ir Anning's
condition is not much improved, —Mrs. J
Brown continues very much the acme se'
last week, -=We are glad to state that Mr.
James Down .feels well enough to resume
his work this season.—Mr. ltd. Carley is
off work owing to sickness.—Mr. Henry
Perkins is slightly improved.—Mr. and
Mrs. Trick sailed on Saturday last for
England. Mrs. Levettof Parkhill is yisit-
iorg friends in town.—Rev. Mr. McDonagh
will take part with the Hensel], L 0. 0, F.
in their auniversary celebration tomorrow
(Friday) evening in that village —Mr Jas.
Clarke, of London, formerly of 'Osborne,
spent the past week in and around town.—
Mrs. Hill, of Bowmanville, who has been
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Brown, for
some time, leaves for home an Saturday.—
Rev Mr, Martiu has arrived safely in
Liverpool, "The Sarnia" reaching there on.
Monday.—Messrs. John Duncan and Thos.
Steaey cf Farquhar and Cromarty, respec-
tively, left on ,Monday via. New York for
Scotlaud. Mr, Win, Brown has resigned
his position in the Roller Mills owing to ill
health: Mr. .shaper is confined to the
house with an attack of rheumatism. —Mr.
J. P. Rose is confined to his beet: through
Mr. Wm. %soden has removed the
fences in front ot his residence and is
planting a hedge.
Cascada Mower:eft—The adjourned meet-
ing of the Cricket Club will he held at the
town hall at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening
(Friday). Aa the Secretary bas received
several challenges, a. full attendance is
requested, as to arranging a ivatch for 24th
May, etc. F. ELLio:y Scc'y.
BOe 8,
Afua�.—ln slay, ou the 2811 ult., the wife of
Peter Munn, a son^
Any.—Tu Stephen, on the 1st inst., the wife of
Thos. Amy, a daughter.
Honor;—AaAn—In Fullerton, on the2)th ult.,
at the residence of Mr, Wm 1lobinson,Junior
by the Rov.11lr. Mills, air, Richard Hodge,
to Mies Adahtgar,all of Fullerton.
eSCARt MT-11AL'nsoxr At Brussels, ontho 18th
nit.. by Bev. W. T.'Claff. Mr.H, A. 5earlett,
hardwaremerohant, Blyth, to Miss Marl'J.
Mattison, of Mitchell,
Buri$—ltxvsoLos,—In Clinton, on the 2Gth
ult., by Rev. T. West, Mr. Burns. of Cleve-
land, to arise Jean, daurlitor of Mr, Domi-
nickReynolds, of Mullett.
'IItollpsox—DOLTnzzrr,—A t. 31. Marys on the
27th ult., at the residence of Mr. A. IV. Ford,
solicitor, by the Rev John Scott M. A. Mr. (},
.A- Thompson, of Toronto,to SarahDullhenty,
of St Marys.
IIArsox.—la Buller ton, on the 14th ult„11o11io
L. Hanson. aged 1 roar and 14 days.
FoaRESr.— In Parkhill, on April the 28th,
James Forrest, aged 86 rears, 1month and 21
Scaled tenders will bemei ved for an addition
to Hensall public school. Plans and irpocifiea-
tions con be seen at Maeartbur .b Cole Bank.
HensalL Tenders to be received not later than
the Mit of May, 1892. Tho lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted. All tenders should
be marked es such on envelope.
See. S. S. No.10, Hay,
A 7 hero' bred Durham Bull "Young Chester-
field,” and a Thore'bred Berkshire Boar, on lot
13. oon .1, Stephen:
Dines : $1 eaoh. with privilege of returning
if ;necessary. WES. SN1:LL,
Mr. S. Powell desires to inform the public
that he is prepared to do a reasonable amount
of grafting. Scions of the beat quality always
‘kept in stock. Address
S. Powztn, Exeter.
Strayed from the undersigned on or about 1st
A prrl, a two year old Sorrel Filly, with white
face. Any person givin 5 information thatwilt
lead toits recovery will be suitably rewarded.
A2I 3t Rodgerville• P.0
Ra J01IN S. WITZEL, Deceased,
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to•R. S. 0..
Chap. 110, Seo 36, that all persons having
claims against the estate of the late John S.
of the township of Hay,in the
1 late w
County of Huron, Flax Manufacturer, deceased`
who died on or about the 8th day of March. A.
D., 1892, in the township of Hay. aro required
to deliver or send bypost,prepaid, on or before
the 10th day of May, 1892, to either of the un-
dersigned: full particulars in writing; of their
claims and the nature of the security (if any)
held by them. And immediately after the said
10th day of May the exeoutors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
suob claims as they shall have due notice of as
required above ; and the said executors will
not be liable for any claim or claims of any
Creditor or Creditors, of which due notice shall
not have been given at the date of such .dis-
Dated at Dashwood this 14th day of April,
A. D. 1892. R. COOK,
F. EHLER& Exeoutors.
A21-31 Dashwood, P. 0.0nt,
• Are now showing a full range of Rigby and Neptonette.
Waterproof Gards for both Ladies' and Gentleman's wear..
These goods are thoroughly water proof and contain no
rubber, and can be worn at any time, as the heat does not
injure them:
They are without doubt the most reliable goods on the
market, Call and see them.
1e11101111111011Uil Ufuiilli U0111111111111111t111;1U0f14111111U111111
�.1...V ,�/.. 1.1
And see our lines of
Exeter Furniture Factory
A splendid 'Bed -Room Suite in Maple
or Cherry for .59.00. Sideboards from
$8,00 upwards.
Call While the Stock Lasts
Remember the stand :— "-Two doors
North of TowIl Hall, Exeto.
The following stallion;, the property of
T. Berry & Geiger will stand for the im-
provement of stock as follows :---
Monday, May 2, leave hisown stable, Zurich
and west to Bronson's Line and north to 11 'm,
Nicholson's Hotel for night.—Tuesday, oast to
11iIls Green to Mrs Love's for noon; thence
vita Parr Line and Zurich road to T. Berry's
Stables, ilonsall, for nights—Wednesday, on
east Boundary to 3. Hobkirk's for noon; thence
to Alex. Ifacknev's,Themes Road ,Ilibnert for
night Thursday, west to Wm, Monteith's, Lot
8, N, T. R„ for noon, and remain until next
morning.—Friday, west to Smith Bros., Lake
Road, for noon- thence to Willert's Hotel,
Dasbwond,for night,—&nturdny,nrrth to his
own stable, and remain till the following Mon-
day morning,
Terms $12
Monday. leave his min stable, 11c:wall, cud
Proceed north to A.Montoi(h's for noon; thence
to Dixon's hotel, Bruoeliold for night. Tues-
day, proceed east 11 miles and south to Kyle's
hotel for noon' thence south and east to Wm.
D bson's forr
0 irgat. Wednesday, proceed south
11 miles and west to con. 2, thence south to
Peter Moyer's for mon ; thence to the first
corner then west to London road and south to
Hawksbaw's.hotel for night. 'Thursday. Pro-
ceed north to tc,wa lino and west to con. 2, and
north to Wm Campbell's for noon; then north
to his own stable for night. Friday, proceed
west to con, 2, thence north to town line and
west to R. Love's for noon; thence west to
Wagner's corners and south to Zurich fornight,
Saturday. proceed east to his own stable and
remain until the following Monday morning.
Terms 312
`G-O=.7]311N' ORO-VriNT'
WilI, for the 5th season, stand at Mr, T.
Berry's Stables, at $10.
Tho 'property of Jas.
Monday. 25th A prii,leave hit own stable, lot
13, con. 8, Tuokersmith, for Dixon's Hotel,
Brueefxe d, fo. noon; Ilodgin's Hotel, Howell,
for night.—Tuesday, Hawkshaw's Hotel Exeter,
noon ; Seller's hotel, Clandeboye, night. --Wed-
nesday, Bonfield for neon ; Central Hotel. Lu -
ea n tor night. -Thursday, Midileton's hotel,
Granton, noon,; Taylor's hotel, Rirkton, night.
Friday, Brown's hotel, Russoldale, noon; John
Livingston's Stafa,night.—Saturday, via Dub-
lin, to Queen's hotet,Seaforth, for noon ; thence
to his own stable, where lie will remain till the
following' Monday morning,
fittilLIIM BRE.
Ladies' and Gents' fine
and coarse Boots & Shoes—
never had a better stock at
-rower prices than 310W,
Try our 22c tea—the )
in town.
C41.1tLf C 2311.0S.
�.�ENED !
Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded
in purchasing goods, the equal to which has -not been
shown in Exeter before.
The Latest in Everything
Our stock will ensure us :
The Trade in Dry Goods ; t
The Trade in Dress Goods;
The Trade in Millinery;
The Trade in Clothng.
Watch this space for further announcement.
Samwell's Block.,'Exeter.
There will be sold
At the Metropolitan.
SATURDAY,: the 7th day of MAY, 1892
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon
By. Mr. L Hardy, auctioneer, (subject to such
conditions as shall then be produced) the follow
ing Village Lots, viz ;
Lots NUMBERS 13,14 and 15, 'on the West
R 29
Lots 2
Side Main street.; and Lot 7,and 30
on the North Side of Wellington Street. as
shown on the plan of the Sub -division of Part
of Lot Number 23, in the lst concession of the
Township of Stephen, prepared by H. C. Boulton
P. L.S. and dated 1876.
These lots have been heretofore occupied as
the Exeter Pub^lio Market and are favorably.
situated for Business or Private Residences
The lots will be offered in such form as shall.
be considered best to suit purchasers.
TERMS OF SALE :—Ten per cent. Cash at
time of Sale, and balance in 30 days.
For further particulars apply to
Vendor's ,Solicitors.
�ated April 260,1892.-28 Alt
A. Hastings, Prop
P. p
Shaving and Hairantaing in theiatept
sbyle of the art.
Every attentionaid to cutting
P g
Ladies' and Ohillren'sh'ai,
The Molsons Bank
Paid up a 0
0 its°] . E 000 00
P p
ReatFund ... ... ... 1,100,00C
HeadOffioe,Montreal ,
GsisastAlse aaa8
Money advanced to'goodfarmers on their own
note with„one or more endorsors at 7 per oent
Per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open fro a.m.to3 n.m
Op noverylawfulday, m l0
SATURDAYS,10 1p.m,'
4Per0ent.perannnm allowedformoney on
Depositlteceipts. Savings Bank at 3 percent,
Sub -Manager.: