HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-28, Page 8NSi?IiA.NCIS
F r ie LI. IOT, AatANT Fon
i a ,•1 Toromty; luso for Ube PRCENIK
al t Si tNSIIItANOF COMPANY, of London;
I +,heel, tee 1tOYAI,CANADIAN, of Mon.
ssytti, and the ONTARIO MU MAT.. LIVE
i iTXiahOEEE, 00'Y or Waterlooestelblishe
3 :J, lssuranzesinfo ree,$13,127-00 , t±Rnus
r, :•ry five years.
Speeial Notice
r 'ming this week our usual supply of
Uusiday Stock will be opened and dies
p'a,; rod for gale, so that oo and after Dec
5th we will be in a fair position to re-
,;{_ c,tscot3iere and their friends.
We sincerely trust that the exhibit this
year will be found in every way satis-
factory, Much to curetttprise we find,
a large number living withiu a few mile
of Exeter who have not yet called, This
is a i istalw_ Our stook is equal, and
we think superior, to any found in vil-
lages of this size ; in fact we know it to
elect well with the uuajority of those
found in city stores. We are ateadil
oiidcavorieg to inako it more wide
't3,.o= n and will not rest content untiI3t
b to Leen inspected by at least the n
jority of those living within ten or fi -
teen miles of Exeter, We know that if
unable to sell! our stock will at least
n'.ataee ; and so .cordially invite every
:wader of Tire Trains to call with their
friends at least once during December
and take a look through.
Tun Mawr.) Exeter.
WRSDAir, APRIL 28th, 1892.
Farmer's Attoution.
The Directors of the Mechanics Institute
wish to draw the attention of the farming
portion of this community to the fact that
they have just placed a complete course of
,reading on stock -raising, farming, gardeu-
iug, fruit culture, etc,, on its shelves; and
:'ave, now nearly 3,000 volumes of books at
. the service of its members. They solicit
your subseription ($1 per year) and invite
you to become a member of the Institute.
Wheat We Would Like to See.
Ilio water sprinkler on the streets to lay
the dust,
Warmer weather and a shower of rain
Our et fathers vie f t fere fused their ways and
-settle down to business.
The young men of tbe'tvwn get a hustle
s'u mill get up a club of e ricket, brise hail
or l s': ruse.
Village Council.
The ooanciI met et the town hall,Exe.er,
on April 20th, 1802; alt present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and confirmed,
"'°`` fog s;t-,h t
order be ranted for
the following sums, retal , Seas Handford,
$1: 0,1abor; Richard Williams, $1 75, do;
AL Biased, $555,: do; L Atttistroug,$ 75;
Wm Parsons, 8858, do; Thos Horn, $3 0t,
de; Win Williams,. $1 94, do; Chas Wil-
tiente$1 63, do; .Toho Morestread, t+Ua do;
Tho 1latter, 70o, do; Trios Brock, $.3 Al,
dot J. Xeiler, 330, do; Walter \Veateott,
SS; do; Geo. Orr, 38e, da; John Popple-
atone. 30e, do; S. Powell, Si, do; James
t,`*inch, 52, Charity to Jae (. ould; do, $1,
Mrx. Wilcox and v2 do Mrs. McIntyre.--
..; e(I By-law, No. 9, 1202, to (Uses.-
teelleh the market on the earner of Mahe
:l'W ellingtou streets was duly read and
,.ass:'. X3y-la'vNo, 10, 3831, to establish
reo loot on the town hall site was duly
=:1 passed.. The clerk to eniluite the
erea ef 200 feet of 8 inch Culvert pipe.
Csr'. '3e,-»•Spaektn au—*he eoraicil adjourn
t' 1i of the reeve.—t,,.trried.
M. E oni:rr', Clerk.
0.1r. Anniversary,.
Le :Bain -at Methodist church an anniver-
a:i• mon was preached to the members
Aeter Lodge of the T. O. O. F. on
.se 'ahbath morning, April 21th, by the
Wm. MoDonagh. The preacher
s.,leetstl as his text the 2nd verse of tie
tr it chapter of Galatians : " Bear ye one
r's burdens, and so fulfil the law of
(''•wrist." First he .drew attention to the
Lee e.,.,itwe all have burdens to hear of
v. +:.;:i kinds. He then showed that the
m .fives of the teachings of the text were
;s ,- new, and that no such principle as
:gee- :native effort among men, to aid each
( et, et their families, existed among Wren
cram the teachings of the Bible and
pity. He drew a historic picture,
thiel and vivid, of the condition of the
renew.: 'it working men tinier the govern -
ea e. the greatest nations of the earth
t time of the coming of Christ into
the orld. Their slavery, their oppres.
eines, and burdens heaped upon there by
:' re bee 1 of power. He showed that the
'°e -t; .eines of the gospel in inculcating love
etonen man and man as brethren of one
;ewe.- en humanity in the selfeeacrificing
newer of love was the real and true source
�p *ll our benevolent efforts to help and
aid each other in bearing the burdens of
life. He also pointed out, from the activi-
ties of Christ's life, that to arrange and
carry out in action the precept of the text
Was to do the will of God, for in helping
those whom he esteemed as brethren in a
common humanity, he did the will of bis
.Father. He also showed this law of co-
operation in aiding one another, to be
Divine by true basis of thought, viz : fat,
from the dignity of man as man. 2nd,
love from one another is always disinter-
ested service. 3rd, from the sympathetic
feeling that men have a common destiny
of service, a common destiny of death, and
a common destiny of a splendid immortal-
ity. The preacher in applying the subject
showed that the great principleaunderlying
the organization of Odd Fellowship were
in. agreement with these teachings. He
pointed out the vas+ beneficent influence
and work of the Odd .Fellow's Society
during the sixty-seven years of its work in
Americapayingesu t o it
s i does for the aid
of the sick and their eix failr
es at the rate
of three millions of dollars annually. Ixr
Ontario alone it gave help to the sick at
the rate of nearly eel°per day during the
year. Its gra" ' of membership being
in Ameries hundred thousand.
Its in— . ship in its good
wr< ' 37,442 members.
Bing on in the
Brough and in.
the public.:
d the Society
number for
ies of the
int and
7i laauelettg, bolsi; .,.per .hard at the
Exeter Wohtei fells.
1'll$ piddle school opened on .Monday
After the Easter holidays;
fleets' all woolsseka. geod,ouly 15cents
per pair at`tha. Woollen 1Q1111s, Exeter.
The 13igBankrupt hat; the finest assort
meet of parasols: to choose from in town.
Carpets, oatpets, carpets, in all makes
n(1 all prices. at The Big Bankrupt Store.
Why do people generally select iVednes-
they as wedding day and friday as hanging
day ?
Rag carpet iveNtigetione""nterCelortest
notice at the,,Exetee Woolen Mille, cotton
supplied -
.A. meeting of the school Board was'held
on Tuctsttay ovwxttug,and eousidora143 bout -
nese done.
Men's fine Gaiters Oxford Ties and lace
iota in treat variety at the Big Bankrupt
The early closing movement is taking
strong hold iu many towns. Why not
atlopr• it in Exeter?
Seeding is pretty well advanced in this
neighborhood, and the ground is 10 splen.
did working. order.
A fine 'issortxnent of wall and ceiling
papers, all the latest American patterns
at the 131g Bankrupt Store,
There are thirteen steam boilers in use
in Exeter,. This is a pretty lair showing
for a place the size of Exeter.
Conductor Potter will take the run of
Conductor Snider, on the L. 11. ca B., who
reet week removes to Toronto.
The Rig Bankrupt Store is showing the
beet value in town in boots and shoes.
Something new in Ladies' Oxford Ties.
The championship bicycle race for the
Dominion of Canada was won by A. W.
Palmer of Hamilton, who rides a "Budge"
The will of the late William Perkins bas
passed through probate, and leaves about
$10,000 to be divided, among his five
Mr, IVxn, Quintou of Usborne, some ten
days ago, while attending sheep, received
injuries which caused blood -poisoning, and
at present is in a low atate.
It is said that calves two or three days
old are killed ba considerable numbers et
Ceupbellford, and tiles carcases sent to
Montreal to be made into boneless turkey.
The old inalket property will be sold by
auction on Saturday, 7th of May at the
Metropolitan hotel. The land will be sold
in parcels as shall be considered best to
suis per eln,sena.
Mrs. dames Earl of .tlitaville, while
eroesing a meek on Wednesday, slipped
off a log, and in falling struck her right
arm, breaking it near the elbow, as well as
injuring her head.
It now transpires that there will be no
celebration in Exeter ou May 21th, as pre
viously announced. The matter was
dropped, awing to the subscription hat
not being sufficiently large.
M'. i'Vaistell, the accused bigamist, who
was sent to Goderich for trial, elected to
go before the Judge, and his trial will not
take place before Slay 18th. He still oe
cupies a ward in the aboye Institution,
The weather continues coid and vegete.
tion has not as yet made any material pro-
gress. 'the fail wheat is looking blighted,
and if a warmer spell is not 8000 to cone
thewhcat and sprintr sowing Kill be thrown
At a meeting of the Young People's So-
ciety of the James.st church on Tuesday,
the question of changing the name of the
Society to "Epworth League," instead of
"Christian Endeavor," was deterred until
next meeting.
Fishing is engaging the attention of a
good many sport -loving boys and men of
the town 3ust now. Some good size fish
are :.eiug oaugbt, and some bigger fish
stories are being told. Bass can now be
:glee ,,,i, t , . . phe.tii.:l as
The Hour:, People's Soeiety of Christian
Endeavor of the Main-st church held an
open meeting on ;Tuesday evg., when a
very pleasant time was spent. .A. good
progratn was rendered, and altogether the
meeting was one of profit, as well ea en-
There is au epidemic of house-cleauiug.
The house -wives are on the rampage ; they
are fairly enithe war path and may be con-
sidered dangerous. :i number of the meek
and disconsolate husbands think seriously
of camping out for a season, until a return
of a happier and mere peaceful time.
As per a challenge issued by George
Anderson, a match for the silver medal
held by Mr. John Taylor was shot on
Tuesday evening, whey Mr. Taylor again
won it by 7 out of 10; Anderson shooting
5 During the match, Mr. Taylor burst
his gun, and, in consequence, handed the
trophy to the President of the Club,
The council met on Monday evg. last,
and in their wisdom were foolish enough
to instruct the reeve to deed ;back to Mr.
Carling that desirable property known as
the market aquare, which some years ago
was presented to the corporation by a
number of citizeus, to be used for market
purposes. This the reeve has done,leaving
the town minus a very valuable asset,
A shooting match on Thursday evening
for the Gold Medal won on Good Friday
by Mr. John Taylor, resulted in Mr. Ed.
Bissett again becoming the holder of the
trophy, winning in a tie by himself and 1.
Handford. Following is the score :
J. Taylor 1010000000 2
N. D. Hnrdon 0 0 0 0 1 r0 1 0 1 1--4
J. Landman 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-3
E. H. Fish 0010000100-2
A. Loadman 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 1 1 1-5
Ed Bissett 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1-6
R, Facrett 1 0 1 0 0 0 retired
G. Anderson 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2
I. Handford 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 9 1-6
F. Collins 0 0 0 0 retired
Prof. W. H. Meeks gave an evening of
recitela in the Opera House last Tuesday
evening under the auspices of the Chosen
Friends. The audience was not so large
as the merit of his performance deserved,
Mr. Meeks possesses rare elocutionary
powers and was equally effective in the
deep pathos of "The Raven," by Edgar A.
Poe, or in the reproduction of the comic'
interview of Samantha Snaith with the hoes
Mason. His life -like rendering of the
soliloquies of an old maid on the receipt of
a letter from her sweet -heart, kept the
audience in roars of laughter from begin-
ning to end. His intonations of the seven
church -bells displayed a master's true con-
ception of sentiment and Bound. His pro-
gram was full and varied and free from
objectionable matter. Those who were
not present missed a rare treat in not
hearing the Professor,
1VXitzacd's Liniment for Rhenivatism:
Oar worthy postmaster, Mr. D. Johns,
who, as previously stated, had undergone
a serious operation in the Loudoxt hospital,
spenta very bed weak, and his recovery
was doubtful. He had a slight attack ot
pleurisy, but is on a fait' way to recovery,
—Miss Sarah Herd, who has been visiting
her sister. Mrs. S. Herrington. of Blyth,
returned home last weak.—Miss Maud
Hicks presided at, the organ in the Main-
st Methodist church on Sunday last, in the
absence of Mies Verity, who was visiting
friends its Toroutc.—*dr. Samuel Stanleke,
who was injured on Tuesday eyening of
last week by a runaway aceidexxt.itas been
very low during the week, At this writing
he is improving.—Mr. J. ''V. lora I:A.1e of
Loudon spent Monday and Tuesday in
town. --i1 ii'ivaipeg paper bey.: ,itaa :uhis
Fitzgerald Vet that city on friday for
.Exeter,—Mrs. Garland, who has been very
111 for sortie time, is slowly recovering.---
We regret to saythat Mr. Aiming is not
quite so wall.—Mr George Weekes and
bride left for Chicago on Friday,; where
they will take up ;their abode --Rev. Mr.
McDonagh preached in the ''reebyteriaa
church on Sunday afternoon last, Rev.
Mr. Neeley of Toronto will occupy the
pulpit next Sunday—morning and even-
inst, and eaoh Sunday for the next two
months, during the absence of the pastor.
—Mr. Charles .Drench, who spent a week's
vacation with his brother, ldr. D. French,
returned to his school is Wiartoa on
,Saturday—Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of
Owen Sound, who have been the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. l)auncey for the past week,
left for home yesterday.—lir. Samuel Cor
'fish and family are preparing to leave for
the old country some time in May.—
Mesers. Chris. Balsden and Geo. Hoskin,
tailors, left Tuesday for St. Thomas,wbere
they have secured employment.—Mrs.
Crocker was in London Monday night to
see her brother-in-law, Mr. 1). Jahns.
Messrs. Richardson & Weatcott have
dissolved partuerebip, the latter continuing
the business.
The small boy can be seen playing' ball
on the Main street, " When the 'cat' is
out the 'mice' will play."
Mr, Dennis moves into the home recent.
ly purchased from Mr, John i'4'elah, this'
week. Mr. Ed. Treble will move into the
house Mr. Dennis vacates.
Weesn,—In Exeter, on the 20th inet , the wife
of Thos. Welsh, adaughter.
Brssarr.—in Exeter, on the 23rd inst-,the wife
of W. J. Bie€ett, a daughter.
J 6t(tssox.—InBlanshard, on the 22utl inst.. the
wife of John Jamieson, Clerk, a son.
McCanrn?.—In Stephen. en tbe27tb inst., the
wife of D. I11eOarthy, of Sodom, a son.
Rs.rn —In flay, on the 20111 Wt., Mr. William
Reith, aged 74 3 eeers, :: nous.
ALLrss—In 11clli{ vray.on thelsthi33st,Ilenry'
Alliss, aged 4 I ars.
Surru•-In St. Marys, on3ern 10th,Annie A.i0-
laide. only daughter of Air. 1i. G. Smith, aged
Id years,11 months.
Car .txN--In Stephen, on fir a27rdinst. Ernest
Augustus Clcmann, aged 85 years.
Tho celebrated stallion Craigronald (f567),
Vol, ;1111, the property of BERRY & OJIIUEIt
will make this season 11892) as follows:
Mendes, leave his own stable, Rensall, and
Proceed north to A.htontcith's for noon; thence
to Dixon's hotel. Itrueeiield for eight, Tues•
day, proceed east 11 miles and south to hyle's
hotel for noon; thence, south And cast to Wm.
Dobson's for night, Wednesday, proceed south
i miles and west 10 con. 2, thence south to
Peter Moyers fur nt on • thence to the first
corner then west to London road and south, to
Hnwkshaw's hotel for night. Thursday. pro.
coed north tottwit line end west to eon. 2, and
north to Wm Campbell's for noon; then north
to has own stable for nigut. Friday, prueeed
west to con. 2. thence north to town line and
west to R. Love's for noon; thence west to
Wagner's corners and south toZurioh for night.
Saturday, proceed east to his own stable and
remain until the following Monday morning.
The above picture contains four faces, the man
and his three daughters. Anyone can find the
man'sface, bort it is not so easy to distinguish the
Faces of the three young ladies.
The proprietors of Ford's Prize Pills will
give an elegant Gold Mratelr to the first
person who can make out the three daughters' faces ;
t, the secant will be given a pair of genuine
Diamond. Ear-Itin.gs; to the thi,dahand-
some Sills Dress Pattern, z6 yards in any
color; totheforrrIAa Coin Sipper Watch,
and many other prizes in order of merit. Every
competitor must cut out the above puzzle picture,
distinguish the three girls' faces by marking a cross
with lead pencil on each, and enclose sante with
ten three cent Canadian stamps for one box of
PILL COMPANY, Wellington It. West, Toronto, Can.,
The person whose envelope is postmarked
first will be awarded the first prize, and the
others in order of merit. To the person send.
ing the last correct answer will be given an
elegant C old Wateb, or fine workmanship and
first-class timekeeper; to 'the next in Me last a
pair of genuine Diamond llinr-Iltings; to
the s'ca,d to the last a handsome Silk Dress
Pattern, x6 yards in any color; to the Mint
to the last a Coln Silver Watch, and many
other prizes in order of merit counting from the
1.00 VALUABLE P Ii.EB11 U1ITS (should
there be so many senclingin correct answers). No
charge is made for boxing and packing of pre.
mi ms. The names of the leading prize win ers
eel beP ublislied in connection wttlr our r '
adve trse-
mart in leadingnewspapers next month. Extra
premiums will bgivetthose who are villinngtto
assist in introducing our medicine, Nothing is
charged for the premiums in any way, they are
absolutely given away to introduce and advertise
Ford's Prize Pills, which are ptu•ely vegetable and
act gently yet promptly on the Jiver, Kidneys and
J3owcls, dispelling Headache, Fevers and Colds,
cleansing the system thoroughly and cure habitual
constipation They are sugar-coated,- do
not gripe, very small, easy to take, one pill a
dose, and are purely vegetable. Perfect digestion
follows their use. As to the reliability of our com-
pany, we refer you to any leading wholesale drug-
gist or business house in Toronto, All premiums
will he awarded strictly in order of merit and with
perfect satisfaction to the public, Pills are sent by
mail post paid. When you answer this picture,
puzzle, kindly mention which newspaper you saw
it iv. Address IRE FORD PILL COMPANY,' Wet,
linelon St , Toronto, Can.
011111tu111u11111111111111a1I111I1 f ila11111)140I(0a1t1111M 0111!1r0atlallal
Are now showing a full range of Rigby and Neptonette
Waterproof Gards for both Ladies' and Gentleman's wear:
These goods are thoroughly water proof and contain.: no
rubber, and eau be worn at any time, as the heat does not,
injure them.
They are without doubt the most reliable goods on the
market. Call and see them.
And see our lines of
Ezeter Furniture Factory
A. splendid I3ed-Room. Suite in Maple
or Cherry for ;"11.00. Sideboards from
$8.00 upwards,
G'al! While the Stock Lasts
Remember the stand:- Two doors
North of Town (fall, Exete,
People who happened abroad during the
early hunts of Tuesday morning were
treated to an auroral display such as is
rarely witnessed, The northern horizon i
was a glorious blaze of light. Now huge
white pillars would shoot up at different
points--appnreutly from nowhere—to the
zenith, Fend would spread until they met,
rendoriug the general brightness even
greater than ever. Then vast sheets of
light would flit athwart the sky—first like
great dancing m itt:hes ; then growing until
they resembled monster ghosts chasing
each other to their unknown homes, and
suddenly disappearing. It was truly a 1
};read sit lit, one worth losing hours ot
sleep to sce, and by comparison, rendering
our peon street lumps a sorry affair indeed;
Mr. 8. Powell desires to inform the public
That he is prepared to do a reasonable amount
of grafting ,`plana of the hest quality always
kept in stock. Address
S Powaor, Exeter.
Strayed from the undersigned on or about lst
A Aril. a two year old Sorrel Filly, with white
lends ?ii ...ler ,etIl 5 '$t } information grin kt e arded.
W0IW 131105 ,
A2I.3t Rodgerville• P.0
Bs JOHN S. WIIZEL, Deoeased.
Notice is hereby given, puruaut to It. 8.0...
Chap. 110, See 30. that all persons having
claims against the estate of the late John S.
Witzol, late of the township of HIay. in the
County of Iluren, Flax Manufacturer. deceased
who died on orahout the rib day of March. A.
3).,18s2, in the township or Ilay. are required
to deliver or semi by post,prepeid, on or before
the ldth day of iday, lshd, to Dither of the un-
dersigned. full particulars in writing, of their
claims and the nature of the security (if any)
held by them. And immediately after the said
loth day of May the executors will proceed to
distribute the m,sets ofthedeceasedamcng the
such claims as they shall have duo ceparties entitled thereto. having regard_only_ to fQ11, in
e Latest Everything
Et0try'l. LERY,
Ladies' and Gents' fine
and coarse Boots ct Shoes
never hivl a better stock at
lower prices than' now,
Try our 22c tea the best
in town..
0/111.14,I'1d1 .814,05.
MING nPEiorEn!
Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded
in purchasing goods, the equal tc which has not been
shown in Exeter before.
required above find the said executors will
not be liable for any claim or claims of any
Creditor or Creditors, of which nue notice shall
not have been given at the date of such dis-
Dated at Dashwood (his 14th day of April,
A. D,1892.
3t. COOK, Executors.
A21 -3t Dashwood, P.O.,Ont
Village Property
There will be sold
At the Metropolitan Hotel,
SATURDAY, the 7th day of MAY, 1892
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon
By Mr. L Hardy, auctioneer, (subject to suoh
conditions as shall then be produced) the follow
ing Village Lots, viz t
Lots NUMBERS 13,14 and 15, on the West
Side of Main street; and Lots 27, 28, 24 and 30
on the North Side of Wellington Street. as
shown on the plan of the Sub -division of Part
of Lot Number 23, in the lst concession of the
Township of Stephen, proparedby R. 0. Boulton
P. L,S. and dated 1876.
These lots have been heretofore ocoupied as
the "Exeter Public Marker' and are favorably
sitnated for Business or Private Residences,
The lots will be offered in such form as shall
be considered best to suit purohasers.
TERMS OF SALE :—Ten per cent. Cash at
time of Salo, and balance in 30 days.
For further particulars apply to
Vendor's Solioitors,
Slated 2. iso) 2001,1882,-28 A, 2t
Our stock will ensure tis :
The Trade in Dry Goods , ,
The Trade In Dress Goods;
The Trade in Millinery f
The Trade in Dlothng.
Watch this space for further announcement.
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
arber Shop
A. Hastings,. Prop
Shaving And. Halrontling in the latest
style of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Ladles' adChil/renrsHatfr
The MVIolsons Bank
Paid up Capital ital i 000,00
... .. S0
10 OC
.., 1, 0,0
Head0 face, il'lontreal,
Gimlet LMetreana
Money advancedto'goodfarmers on their own
note 'with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent
per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day,froml0 a. m.to 3 p .m
SATU iDA.YS,10 a.m.to 1p.m.
4Per0ent.porannum allowedformoney On
DepositReceipts. Savings Bank at 3 per gent,
Sub -Manager.