HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-28, Page 71.4 iirc arta they put in their homestead claims. A, number of similar instances of women. min- ers, women matchers, and women home- steaders have come to notice letely in the great West. The biqole has been introcleced into Ceetral realm. Two Englishmen arrived at Tabora a few „weeks ego with awe of the latest improved blayeles. They had trevellea a large part erf the way from the come more than 300 miles' ' on the maehines and they say they NvorIteci finely along thewell-trodden netive pathe. Altunieeln water bottles in the German rtey bave failed on account of °crueler), hey would stand water, but notbraudy. The sole personal effects of a man who died in Aubure, Me., recently, were as Bible and a pack of cards. • Bergen, Norway, has a church made of paper, It has a seating capacity for about 1,000 persons. It is rendered water -proof by a solution of quicklime, curdled milk, antlevhite of eggs. A large contraat for steel rails has been placed in Belgium in connection with the new Turkish railway to Salonice. This is thought to be an outcome of the recent cog troubles in England. The largest German sailing vessel is a four masted bark, built at Geesternunde. She measures 2,780 tons 'let and has a carrying capacity ef tseeets. A single golineick was recently shipped � San Francisco from Yuma, the value of which was estimated at from $80,000 to $90,000. It is said that, of the total working ex- penses of the railroads, over 60 per cent. goes in various ways to the wage earners. Mail matter is now Beet from Paris to Berlin in pneumatic tubes, and is sometimes delivered withiu thirty-five minutes. Among the exports to England from Port- land lately have been hundreds of Woks of yellow birch, fifteen to twenty feet long and front two to three feet square, that are to be manuta.ctered iuto veneers and furni- ture. The largest bendarawing =chino in the world has recently been completed in Eng- land and sent to Tasmania. The machine can saw through a maximum depth of 75 inches and the carriage will accommodate logs 50 feet long and weighing about 50 tons. It is asserted that this saw cuts even faster than a. circular saw, while west - big 75 per cent lesa wood. A lifeboat of aluminium has recently been built at Straesuud. It is it matter of onside orable curiosity to see how this boat will Answer when thoroughly tested, as it is thought to be more than likely that its ola vious good points will be more than counter, balanced bv various disadvantages. The netv aegelatious of the Suez Canal have necessiteted the building of vessels for earrying oil in bulk. A syndicate has been formed for this purpose, and the type of steamer differs materially from anythieg thus far afloat. Prof. Heine of Zurich nye that the most agreeable death is by falling, He bus talk- ed with a great, many people who have es. caped death by falling by a hair's breadth only, and reports that those who basvo ex- perienced such accidents stiffer no nein and no terror, Baron Hirsch has metered the sale of his estate of St Johann and all his property ia eenstria-Hangsay on account of Itis treat- ment by die Vienna, aookey Chile During the last year the offieial reports anmRussiesiartv that 109,513 Russian Jews berkca at the ports of Stettin, Bremen, and. Hamburg for the United States and South Africe. A man Was guillotined in Switzerlaud two weeks ego for assaulting ana murdering a school teacher. It was the first execution in Switzerland for twenty -fit e yeers, capital punishment baying , been abolished in 1867, and that mama" of 'inflicting punishment having beenrestened only recently,. An epidemic of scarlet fever is causing eat troubled and alarm in Palouse, Wash- ngton, and in an effort to cope with it the Mayor has issued an edict making A mans datory mall parents to keep their ohildren close at home and off the public streets uotil further notice. The Trans-Andine Railway is so nearly eompleted tbat it gap of only about fifty-five miles remains between the present termini; and the 'entire distance between Buenos Ayres and Valparaiso, 882 miles, can be traversed now let seventy-two hours, includ- ing necessary delays. The old route by wey of the Streets of Magellan 'occupied twelve The employment of plaster in the mani- pulation of wines is still quite general througbout tbe South of France. A recent law has decreed that the maximum amount of sulphate or potassium per litre in mer- chantable wines shall be two grams, and therefore the wine trade has made a demand for the redaction of the amount of sulphate wines on hand to the legal limit. The Dinner Table. Very few young housekeepers know how to economize. It is an easy thing to have a nice dinner when you huae everything at land; by just sending to the butchers for a roast aud its accompanying vegetables. Then all you do is cook the food. Now it is quite a different thing to prepare a nice meal from the remains of a roast of beef or matton which stands in your larder, Do not give up, it cau be accomplished, as easily as neeny other thiugs of every day occurrence, by a little display of culinary art, Never mind if discouragment does meet your first attempt, by some fussy -member of the family, if the dish is well served, no one raced complain. Beginning with the com- monest of all : atm—Take any cold meat, beef or mut- ton preferred, chop fine, first removing all bone' gristle, etc. To two cupfuls of this meatadd one cupful of mashed potatoes, mixing thoroughly. Season with salt, pep- per and herbs, Heat almost a cupful of gravy in the frying pan, tben put in your meat and potato stirring it until the gravy is well absorbed. A pretty way to servo this dish is with a garniture of parsley and dice of treated Mead. If you have any left, mould it into croquettes or rolls with the addition of a little flour, and fry in boiling lard; this must be daintily served, and tastefully garnished, Flamer Dula—Take about two cupfuls each of chopped veal and ham ; soak two cupfuls of bread criunbs in one cupful of boiling milk ; sco.son and mix together with two well beaten eggs ; put into a well butter- ed mold or dish aud. bake for half an hour, not allowing the crust to bow= herd; turn cm a platter and serve hot. POTATO PIE.—Out any cold meat in inch The physeian who dissected the body of Schneider, thestraugler exeented in Vienna, reports the levee at' aboormally developed, with evidence of having been affected from childhood withli yaroceplialus, so that the brain power was diminished and the moral sense rendered. almost non-existent. In St. Petersburg the news from Mongolia °bat " Bogcli Khan " will be dethronea and will be succeeded by "Irsaua, the immortal leseendant of Zing's Khan," is interpreted to moan that the Emperor of China will be lethroned, and that the days of the present lynasty are numbered, as the Mongolian sitle of the Emperor is Bogdi Khan. The work of installing the Jewish immi- events in the Argentine Republic is being ectively carried on. A branch railway has been constructed to what is known as the eteuricie Colony, where the Helmesvs are seine established, and 200 families are al- ready comfortably settled and engaged in the cultivation of the soil. A new solution of the wage problem has roan brougbt forward in Belfast, Me. A eumkeeper hired a clerk and paid him $4 'or the first week. At the end of the second week the clerk was surprised when he re- ceived only $3, and he asked the reason of the cut down. "Why," responded the shopkeeper/" you know more about the business now, and the work must come easier to you." The clerk, fearing a con- tinued application of that unique theory, resigned. The Arabs who used to catch thousands ot slaves in the Bahr el Gliazel eountry, where Dr. Junker worked so long, extended • their ravages hundreds of miles westward, where they met the forces of the Congo Free State, that inflicted overwhelming defeat upon them. Capt. Ponthier, commander of the state forces, reports that lie has destroy- ed the chief Arab strongholds and has set hundreds of slaves at liberty. The Arabs were wasting the whole country with fire and sword, and the natives were powerless to resist them. Two hardy women from Los Angeles ap- peared at, the laud office in Santa Fe, N. M, a couple of weeks ago, and filed upon homesteads which they had located. The land is on the eastern slope of the Zuni Mountains, and in order to reach the place the women had to travel eighteen miles from the railroad station, walking much of the time, because of the bad reeds, and often wading through two feet of snow. A num- ber of men -were waiting at the railroad set- tlement for the snow to thaw, so that they •could locate claims, but the women said they had no time to wait, and they waded • through the snow. A Michigan syndicate had bought 200,000 acres of railroad land in that region, plaisned improvements, a,nd projected lumber eesila, and as the indica- tions were that three,or four hundred peo- ple were planning to found a colony there; !lb A -0W1V.o. thought they saw a big future A 14W ORM, OF TEUNG,3, MOLINT ETNA - now London The areas is Governett--A The'rctlter "the Andel*" the Model system. or the Moderns. Mount Faure the incretrereakable volcano The most remarkable experiment ever rued, fa tile way of xcanicivaiadiniuietratiou of the earth, is an isoleted elevation sepias,- ted from the stuaoendieg heights partly by is now goiug aanoeg the vast conglomer- ation of human beings which De (4,teu,. the rivers Alea,ntare and Simeto, and part- cey called the " riation' of London, The lY berthe sea, The base of the inountein 18 scope, powers, and organization of the nearly round, bat somewhat longer from new London County Council and. the pro - north to south thati fetal east to west, and grammes of its leaders are discuseed at covers an area of more then 1,300 equare kilometers. The highest point is nearly in length in the .April number of the leeview of Reviews. What is known as the Metro- the middle, and is 3,301 Meters high, Mee has been celebratea throughout the whole politer' Police DistrAt covers an area deli ilea aistorie period. The mariners of Phomicia, by a radius of fifteen miles front Charing Carthage, Greece, and Rome, recognized it Cross, and comprises several hundred square as an important guide on their voyages. It miles, It comprehends a population of near- ly 6,000,000. Outside of the smelt inner ' was the most imposing signal of untaquita, _nucleus bearing the lestoricel title of the the light -house of the Alediterraneau Sea, City of London, which at present has only width the poets of the age surrounded with British the Melbas of myth. about 30,00U residents, the him metropolis wits up to 1885 split Into a num- 1 aim GIANT FOXI,OES ber of irregular small divisions and govern - of nature inspired them with awe for the ed by perish vestries and district boards. imaginary demons who directed them. The There was no unified municipal spirit, and menutain was the workshop of the smith there was universal apathy and ignorer ce with regard to the methods and doings of Hephastos, the dwelling place of Cyclops, the perish vestries, Four rers ago a man and of Polyphemus. Pinder and others have delineated the mountain in graphic might have walked the streets of Lonaon ten hours a day for a mouth, buttonholing word -pictures and consecrated it in song. As a volcano it must early have attracted every intelligent citizen he met, and the chances were that he would notin that time tbilys at:ell:et:roe of numerous ao historians,ontoafs litss e evri ud iee tn ic oe nd s have found a solitary person who could have which have been handed down to us. There explained to him how Loader was.govern- ere eighty historical accounts of eruptions, ed. lt is true that for the main drainage system aud some of the most important eleven of which occurred. before the birth of street improvements, together with a Christ. The most terrible eruptions occur- red in 1169, 1284, 1537, and 1669. In this few other purposes of general concern, latter year, the lava flood. rolled down to there was estahlithed .setne twenty years ago a, so-called "Metropolitan Board Catania, destroyieg a great part of the town ef Works," made up of delegates from the and corning to a stand only at the walls of local district boards and parish vestries. the old convent of St. Nicole, whore it sol - This body, having no direct accountability Willed without injuring the walls of the to anybody, was neither offleient nor well convent, The years 1693, 1818, and 1839, cuit were equelly sad. pages in the history of The great change which has takee. place Pane. A very interesting account of the tea- ls not the outcome of any vehement agite breaks of 1818 ana 1832 has been left us by Signor (lamellar°. The outbreak of October tion in London itself, but an incideetal re suit of the County Council act applied to 31, 1832, was especially remarkable. Tire the wbole of England in 1889. By that volcano opened in two places, the one was measure the larger pert of the parishes at the foot of the cone towards the south. which had come to be known as the metro- east, at all elevation of 3,050 meters., The Java stream of 1787 constituted a dam against polls, were erected into a separate county, and provision was made for it County Court- the melted lava and diverted its course. eil, whieh was, in feet, to be a great Muni- Ear more terrible was the other eruption °laid Parliament, elected by the people of near Mt. Lore, westward from the critter and approximately 2,000 meters above the London. The districts of the metropolis, from each of which two Councillors are sea -level. Hero the mountein belched forth chosen, are for the present identical with its glowing masses of lava, and the fifty-nine electoral divisions from which! • CLOunS or ASIIES members am sent to Parliament. The old from Ave throats, which ' on the llth of Ceey of London is thus far permitted to re - November were united into one. From the tam its separate government, and it is el- highest opening rostra piller of flame to a, lowed represeetation in the Cowley Cantrell height of forty meters, which, arching over, as one of the districts eonetituting the larger formed a second pillar in its descent. Not municipality. We shoulki add that the 118 less waive were the four other throats. The Ceuneihnen elected add to their number . bY most voluminous and daugerous lava, stream square pieces, lay in a pie dish with any Ctl005X1efliUOt000 CLtiZsUS tO Sit 1UIU flCI& flowed. from the lowest of them, advancing i cold gravy, or, if there s no gravy, add e with them under the title of Aldermen. at the rate of uptvards of a mile a day. It sprinkle of corn starch and a heti° cold 'alley ate pros t et te i 1 I •er by on e of their mein- first threatened the Malette. forest and then water ; cover the whole with it thick layer beta, who is chosen Chairman, and who ex- wheeled round towards Brent*, covering 20 of mashed. potatoes es a cruet and, bake a, ercises some o 1 f tl efu»ctions which in other nusee, in r days. arms areas o cu. ea '' " le d L• f Id • tea rice brown. • -ciao pertain to the office of Mayor. It lard were rendered waste, and, at length, llneesen Beer .--Take a pieee of rump should be mentioned that the county of the in London, imposing as it is, is not so large as habitauts of Brenta saw the advaucing lava stream within fifteen hundred yards of steak an inch thick ; fry i t slightly in butter on both sides; add enough hot stock to just it soon will bes It is by no means eounter- the town and arduous Iv:Uteri for its destruction with cover the steak; season with pepper and with the Metropolitan Police Dire characteristic) Oriental fatalism. Thema d. also a car- trice. It lins EU area of only about 120 jority fled, a few, however, more intelligent salt and e sprinkle of herb ; ad square miles, and the population under the than their fellows, remained behind and rot and sliced mum ; let it sinneer slowly an hoar and a half or two hours ; put some jurisdiction of its Council namely exceeds hastily 1 throw ep a Stone dant to divert the a four millions and a half. Otto of the exten- flow of lame from the town. Bat at that butter and flour in enothei saucepan; ad sions of power which will probably be des point the lava came to a stand, the eruption the gravy in which the steak was stewed and a little tomato catsup mandea lry the Promassives, who control Was oVer on the alst, of November, and. the ; lay the steakin the Council recently elected by it, majority town spared. a platter, arranging tlic carrot neatly . around it ; pour over it the hot sauce. of frame 3 to 1, is the concession of COD trig . The surface of Etna, is broken by no rid - over the Metropolitan Police. When that gest it 1108 00 plateaus- nor terraces, and in- EIEVILtto alttreote---Melt iu a clean frye demand is granted, the a.ree governed by doodle° valleys or streams. In its qtriet per- ing pan tem tablespoonfuls of butter, ana tile Council will coincide with that of the Ads it is a inueb admired and much frequent - one of red currant jelly; when it simmers put into it slices of the cold mutton, a ,,, t braes aMetropolitaniptliaPtoi al niceo fDaibs otruite to,,onaloowoi.11 010- , ed spot, Offering numerous attractions to the I tourist, and commanding a prospect equeled evenly, and not too fat; heat slowly, turn- ing several times,. until they are hot, but ao As yet, however, the Landon County only- by the Peaks of Teneriffe and of Mut- not until they begin to crisp; serve the slices ' elicit is only the'framewark of a greet schevskaja Sopka on the peninsula of Ram - not a hot platter; cover and set over hot municipal government width future acts of sehatka and a few other extra -European Parliament are expected to fill in and cam- sites. Tourists generelly start from Catania. water; to the remaining liquor add three s i tablespoonfuls of vinegar and. small quantis pieta. For the moment its authority From there to Nioolosi, the woe, lies through ty of made /nester(' aud a pinch of salt; let comparatively limited. It took over all the beautiful gardens and powers that .had been vested in the old 1 TUMMY Scomor —(or chicken); pick the other posvers were conferred by the statute reaching Nicolosi, guides a.na mules are en- , meat from the bones of cold turkey and creatiog it. But many :natters of munioi- gae,ed. The scenery of theoultiva,ted girdle chop fine; put a layer of bread cratubs on Pal ooncern were lett under the manage- is charming; wheat and. barley and cotton the bottom of e leittered dish, moisten with ment of local districts and parishes; avid its fields, alternating with vineyards and olive O little milk; then add a layer of turkey, water supply, its markets, its gas works, and almond and orange groves, render it it with bits of dressing and a small piece of its tramways, and its docks remain in the very paradise. The eight is usually spent butter on top, sprinkle with salt anapepper; heeds of private owners, The pro- in Nicolosi or the adjoining cloister at an then -mother layer of bread crumbs, and so gramme of the Progressives, who are now elevation of about 2,500 feet. Leaving on till the tlish ie nearly full; add a little the unchallenged masters of the London sNicolosi behind, the road passes through the Count Council conteu latos a. vast expen. forest belt which extends to an elevation of it boil up, and pour it over the mouton the raosennors.LoomXt: VILLAGES; platter. Metropolitan Board of Works, end various, • boiling water to the gravy left over and sion of its posvers, and there is no doubt about 6,509 feet. Rye is still cultivated by pour it on the turkey; then for the top crust beat two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of milk, that their tvislies will be heeded if the Glad- the villagers who are mostly woodcutters one ot melted butter, a little salt and crack- stonians are dominant in the next House of and herdsmen. As one ascends the forest er crumbs sufficient to make thick enough Commons. Among the demands in which vegetation changes, oaks and* chestnuts to spread on with a knife; put pieces of but all the Progressives are agreed are the fol- gradually give way to beech, and these in ter on the top and bake three-quarters of lowing: First -that taxation reform shall turn to birch and fir trees; cultivation diss an hour, with a tin plate over it; about 10 make the great landlords and holders of appears, the villages are remote from each minutes before serving rernove plate and ground rents pay their share of municipal other, but swine and goats are herded up to revenue; secondly, that the rights of the and beyond the confines of the forest. 13e - brown. , eight private water companies shall be yond this the lava rock lies bare ; there is no BEEP KIDNEY STEW.—WaSit, remove all bits of skin aim fat, cut into small pieces transferred to the municipality; and third.- sign of the rich flora of Alpine regions else- lyi that trenchaot measures shall be taken where; there is no soil for its support. and soak in salt and water for an hour or more; brown a lump of butter in a stew for an amelioration of the housing condi- Eight miles below the crater, lies the grotto tions of the poor. Not inclu.led in the.of-3 of Casteslluceio. Thence the ascent becomes pan ; drain the kidney and put it in a stew ficial programme, but urgently pressea by more difficult. Two ndlesbelow theBicorn, pan ; nearly cover it with water and allow it to cook slowly far two hours ; thicken the representatives of workingmen to whom as the highest crater is called, is the GOAD. with a little flour and butter; serve hot on the recent victory of the Progressives is Inglesa, where the mules are generally left mainly due, are demands for an equaliza-; behind, the ascent being finished on foot. coast. tion of taxes throughout the metropolis, for Arrived at the summit, and perhaps many Film SPRING Cumante—Clea,n, joint trade union wages and an eight-hour day in. times in the aseent, the traveler turns to and soak in salt and water for two hours; put the case ot all persons employed. by the take in the glorious prospect which, from in a frying pan equal quantities of lard and Couneil, and for the substitution of publie the highest peaks, is ' so magnificent and butter, in all enough to cover the chicken ; for private ownership and management, not beautiful as to baffle all description in dip each piece in beaten egg, roll in cracker only as regards the water supply, but as re -I THE meeeneerstosennun crumbs and drop in the boiling fat; fry till gards the gas works, tramways, markets, as t this cloudless region, the eye wanders brown on both sides; serve on a, hot platter and docks. The workingmen insist, more- uninterrupted over Southern Italy and the garnished with parsley; pour the most of over, that the people of London ought, i. greater part of Sioily, turd away over the the fat from the frying pen, and thicken through their County Council, to manage, Liparian Isles, lying like a handful of gems the remainder with browned flour, adding their police and all their parks and open on the blue waters. Toward the East the tole one cupful of boiling water. spaces, and it is probable that this demand i b. Adriatic looks like a narrow strait; and, on CMOREN Pavras.—Chop meat of cold will be backed by a large majority of she the oppos te side the eye wanders over the . 1 , chicken fine; season with salt; make a newly elected Councilmen. large cupful crf rich drawn butter, and while mountain -peaks of Calabria to the ocean on the fire add two hard boiled eggs minced fine, a little chopped parsley, and the meat of a chicken ; let this mixture almost boil; have ready some pate pans of good rich paste; remove the covers with edge of knife; fill in with the mixture, and arrange on a,bot platter ; in baking the crust it is a good plan to fill in with a square of stale bread which is easily removed ae soon as it I comes front the oven. This keeps the crust from falling flat, as it would otherwise do without the chicken mixture. • How Belies axe -Made. Archibald,Forbes, writing on the fall of Sedan, telle cnrious little story which Shows the dubious origin of historical relies. After all was over, and General Wimpfen had signed the capitulation, Mr. Forbes and a companion found shelter for the night in the very room where the capitulation was drawn up. While he sat writing to his newspaper, his friend gnawed a ham bone, there being nothing left to eat. At last the man threw the ham -bone, carelessly upon the table, and it upset Mr. Forbes's ink - bottle. Some time after, Mr. Forbes 're- visited the scene, and the guide showed him the table markei by a huge ink -stain, which Wimpfen had caused by overturning the ink -bottle in the agitation of his shame and grisf: Great Baths had been offered for the able with the his;oric ink -stain, but the owier waled it too much to part with it. that they advance in the world on tiptoe The London Councillors serve without any compensation. Ls to the fidelity with which they apply themselves to their duties we have the testimony of Mr. W. T. Stead. He tells us that besides the dozen men who may be said to live in committee rooms and in the supervision of the municipal service, there are at least fifty men who give half their time to the government of London. The remaining sixty probably do not give more than one day in the week. On an average, it appears that each Councillor devotes two days a week to the service of the town. A more incorruptible body of men never as- Needless Alarm, sembled for the government of a great city. Dangerous things look safe, and safe From Lord Rosebery, Lord Compton, thin -ss look dangerous. The troulole is all in Lord Lingen, Lord Hobhouse, and the beholder's eye, as the °omelet( ex.pres- Sir John Lubbock at the top, . to sion is. Au Englishman was on a voyage t� Mr. John Burns, the Socialist, ab snail,. the bottom, there is not one of the 137 mem- . 'Ships were flying by, of varying shape, bers who has even been suspected of corrup. rig and color. One the Englishman noticed tion or of abusing a trust. A new broom was bearing slowly down towards him, sweeps clean, and how long this exemplary with her cargo piled. on deck half -way up state of things will continue to exist is of the masts! What could she be? How could course open to question ; but that, ib is the she hope laden iti this way, to live out the present outcome of the London municipal experiment is acknowledged on all hands. fitinteet suspicion of a gale ? The English traveller was considerably ex- ereised about her. Something surely ought Verily, the race of fools has not yst died . . to be done to make such rascally "deck - aut. Thousands still think A profitable t� loading" illegal and impossible. He scan. gain the *mid and lose their own souls. e ned the vessel with his glass. The breeze The modesty of certain ambitious per- was light, but she rode baoyantly. At last a 'sons corisists in beeomine great without sailor cleared up the mystery. making too much noise; it may be said "Net hy, sir," he said, bluntly, "she's only a coaster loaded with cork." beyond. In very clear weather, even the coasts of Africa are visible. Here the lover of nature revels in the grandeur a.ud magnificence of the scene. In the secret rumbling of the subterranean thunder, he hears the voices which appealed to the imagination of an earlier race, and. which awaken a responsive echo in his own breast, touching a chord which will ever- more vibrate at memory's call. People Wonder WwiTEN they find how rapidly health 19 resteeed by taking Ayer's Sac. saparilla, The reason is thee this preparation contains only the purest and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it prOVes it veritable elixir of life. Mrs. Jos. Lake, Brockway Centre, Mich., writes; "Liver complaint and indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending ray existence. For more than four years I suffered. un. told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about, All kinds of food distressed me, aud only the most dell- cate could be digested at ail. Within the time mentioned several plryseriatis treated mearitbout giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do any per.. manent good until I began. the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, which has pro- duced. wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsaparilla could see au Improvement In my condition, my appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food. taken, my strength improved each deer, end after a few months of faithful atteution to your directions, I found reysele a weIl W01110,11, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given, me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." "We, the undersigned, citizens of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statement, made by Mrs. Lake, is truct in every particular and entitled to full eredenee.."-0, P. Chamberlain, G. W. -Wring, O. A,, Wells, Druggist. "My brother, in England, was, for a. Jon g tune, tillable to attend to his occu- pation, by reason of sores on Ids foot. I sent him _A yet.% Almanac) aucl the tes. timoniala it contained induced him to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, After usiug it a little while, he was cured, and is now O well man, working in a sugar mill at Brisbane, eeneeusland, Australia." — Attewell, Oarliot Lalces, Ontario. yor s Sarsapada, PEEPAItED BY Ore J. 0. Ayer 84 Go., Lowell, Mass, Price el; six bottles, $5. "Vitoria $5 a bottle, THOUSANDS IN 'REWARDS. The Great Weekly Conipetition of Ladies' Hozne Magaz ne. Whielt word in Ws adv,rtiFment spella the tam tt, 'Loan), as Forward: This Ida rare mmarautity os:s and Miss, ei.erri Father and Oen, ti nfe1.. FMSEse-F.Ver, week throughout Ms ;,,rt ,t ., te1itOfl prices lo illorilmtcd as follows: r1. cerreet anomer r (the .putttuarh date an eat. '-1101 10 bet alit ti as the date reecreed) at thentlice of it 1..1 Ulf& 110111: :11...<0.10,4111tach und every week Main !,tsti will Mit 000: the second eurreet answer,,SUM, ti. fourth, a heoutilid iiwretrytee; Mill, M. :deer Aver aert Ise. and tltt nem 7.1 correct answers 7co mizearanSing from it,Ti down to fill. rorm. Mower. irrespective of whether alniZe witiner or not, wii -1 a special mlze. Competitors tesidam in the soother taw., as Welt 45 other distant peints, have an equa am a with those scan r home, us the uentmeri; vitt ...r11.11t1na7ty criv ewe. It t Foch rat of ailment nmst be acenntottni,‹ "11 to pay tor Kix muntlm etiMeription 10 000 ot th i roatn AlAtiAZI.Ntri id Ann, rico. NterE.--We witit imlf n Million rtar:eacr, and tiKU1 we pro/live tt+invenWay in reeeses, one eal .ur income. Titerrtom, to are on 1 alt the to1,. itsdpta timing any W et•R 0(04 d the cash yaltin at tt trio's, such 1.e a.1.1c41 WO rata to tIto. prize 13 the:rater:At, awe rata di,. (min. ail). be Wade. Itanrsassr,ns.-"Tits tit yomn to:4.0.011S41 vtll able to rwrry Ont llarrinli. ed. -rfOrbOrntigh IL'at ..14) Shun a, ''..t.spientlicpar -r. and thrtnetally strnw • M = ath(cant da) Star. 'F.vt.ry priZe 'V inner will 3• • ttre to .reeetve lonvolist he h entithst 18,-Xorciat anntla" Itegistit., Attar. FS :ID letters to Tun kW!, M AVAVINV .1 (.annark 111111=1.16110MMOM..~11PAMMANOIMISATIWIPCIDITSIIM CENTRAL Drug Store ANSON'S BLOCK, A full stook of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and. package Dyes, constantly on hand, win an.'s Condition Powd- the best hi tlie mark- et and. always resh. Family reoip- c.s caret ully prepared at C311 r3,1 Drug Store Exete TAUTZes Prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue. Hiram Maxim says in relation to the possible rapidity with which singie-barrel machine guns can, be fired, that if the ,gun, and cartridge were inane expressly for producing the highest possible rate of fire, aud if the recoil energy, together with the escaping force of the gises, were both utilized, 1,500 to 1,000 rounds a minute might be fired, but at this speed the barrel would be very highly heats ed even if inclosed in a water casing. can twearuett atourliEn law ofwerk. rapidly tota twintrably, tty them of eni.er aol. s own; or 4140 ettd 10 their own loculitiee,w tomer they Any one ran do the work. liatty to !ram. 118, funihtt eveo tbing.IVe ;tact, you. Se risk. ¥sO ren duvet, your ap.we mem nut. se oh our time to the work. Thle le so entirety new lead,und Wings wonderful 4/14,CM 14 OW), Welker. Beginners aro ea is 3t'smCiii to grtit 3.0week, 411.1 upwarda, and more afters little evlerienee. oh (umiak you the ern, Voyntent And te rlApiu 33185. No Apre 14' VX1114111 ittra. run )asuaresu nee1 teireem see ruo„ atecsaa muses T•jiavoya.1,051,311110,011,... ilEAD-VIAKERIS r" -sr:Eta...19w NEVER DRS TO OWE SATiSinitet: Feil SALE SY ALL, 03EA2..ZRe.1 ri AN. li anzrtn^.,,Janaawar) Laocoon the coils of the fatal ser - was not more helpless than is the man who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease, ex.ees_s4sk... eiferworic, worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take heart of hope again and BB A. MAN 1 We have cured. thousands, whv allow us to refer to them. WE. c.,ui (TUB 1.017 by use of our exclusirt methods and appliances. Simple; unfailing treatment at home fax Lost or ratline,* Manhood, General or Nervous Debility, Weaknesses Body and, Mind, Effects of Errors os Excesses in Old. or Young. Robust, Noble MANHOOD fully Restored, Improvement seen the first day. Row to enlarge and. strengthen, WE.k.E, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND PARTS Or BODY. Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and, proofs mailed. (sealed) free. Address ERIE IVIEDIOAL 00., 4 BUFFALO, NYr ...10,6VOINAMOMMOC McCOLL BROS. & COMPANY TOB.ONTO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in the following specialties : Cylma.eltar S Bolt ,.#3uoitting B.ed Engiaze EA= TRY OUR LARDINE MACHINE OIL AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. For Sale By B1SSETT BROS. Exeter, Ont. RURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS THE GLI7DING STAR TO HEALTii: POSITIVF.; OUR:, SC.5.0F1TLA, BAD BLOOD, FO'i.Th riwi.oRs', trSPEPSIA.. CONSTIPAtION, BBADACRE, BELBUTAVESS, RIIPSISMATISikt SYstarNDlaille and all, disease: arising f;01.11 a disordered condltior of the 870114ACH, LIVER, BOWELP AND SLOOD,, 33.73.B, acts on all the organs of the body to produce regular action, to strengthen, purify and tone, and to remove all impure accumulations of morbid matter from a Common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. Thousands of reliable men and women testify to its good effect, in the above diseases. Is it not worth at least a trial in your case? Price $1 per bottle, 6 for $5, or less than lc, it dose.