HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-28, Page 5SERs' ADD Riley style of twiating versos e some meaning or some sentiment and meg in very handy to describe our Pant ;splay, ip- tow for ged mon we trousers make this way, And then for men whose legs have not that graceful line or curve, But who, in spite of that doted, most certainly deserve A pair of Trousers :that will fit,': our finished Week will show, • that's aoniething this hip toe. A pair shaped like ;from to Then for the man who prides himself upon his shapely limbs, We've patterns new and prices right to satisfy his whims. And ehe is he leaves d with a store, of course, his Because ' gat a' he s Pair of >„ p nts shaped 7:M andstraight like Ili this. We make you a pair of these necessary gar- ments. to measure, "with lines :of beauty And of grace," from. $.2 50 up - Ii per cent. otT for Cash, The Popular Tailor & "Gents' Furnisher, J. H. CREWE. E. vention as their candidate in the com- ing by election for the house of Com- mons, which takes place on IIay 19th. Short addresses were given by Col, D. D. Campbell, S. R. Hessen, ex -1,1. P. Thos, blagwood.M. P.F., the candidate and other prominent Conservatives. Theyspoke Confidently of the redemp.. time of the Riding. 'UNITED 5TATEe. Last week 16,240 immigrants lauded In New York, A destructive blizzard swept Lake Falls, Minn., Sunday, The Teutanio made her last ocean trip in 5 days, 23 hours, 20 min, One death has occurred at Basten from eating diseased raw ham. Joseph Berland, a half -bred Indian; I la n: has just died at South, Ind., aged Ilii. Several heads were broken in a Split between longshoremen at Chicago Fri- day, The body of an unknown Woman has been found at Detroit. .It is a case of murder, Large tin plate factories are aLout to be erected by wealthy English firms in the States. The population in New York State is estimated at 5,432,632 of which 72Or 005 are aliens. L. Sessions, the deceased banker, lett half a million to establish an art academy in (,`olurebus. Four negroes were hanged by a mob at Invrirness, Fla., on Monday for mur dering. two whtte;_.men. JohnVigari and Ina wife were found dead in a New York hotolonSaturday, having blown out the gas. Charles Miller, a boy of 18, asben been at Cheyenne, Wy , e ing two companions a year ago. It is said;the repub.io of San Domin- go was a t d to private company in the UnitedtStates for $3,500,000. A Suthern Paoifio train ran into a herd of cattle at Yuma, Cal., and two of the train hands werekilled. A cigar store girl in New York bee get $25,000 and $1,004 costs from Louis rasiseeeeniee Sahults, a riot bachelor, breach of promise. All the saloons in New York were closed and eloselywatohed under Supt. Byrnes' vigorous regime on Vunday ; 120 prisoners were taken. President Harrison has issued an ex- ecutive order promulgatiniZ the new modus vivendi between the United States and Great Britain for protection Of seals in Behring Sea. Californ'.a is getting some severe shakes these days. The repent earth- quakes recall the shooks of 1812, 1868 and 1872 in more or leas serious form, Their origin seems to be in the Sierra Nevada range of mountains as in 1872. The damage done has been equally. marked with, the visitation of 1568. These alarming disturbances will be puzzling things to explain when thelot boomer comes east to coax settlers to the land ot the orange and the fig• GLN);RAL. The whole European ;continent is storm -swept, There was easiness in the London money market all last week. More anarohistoutrages are reported from the Spanish provinces. The striking miners in Durham are supported at a cost of $125,000 a week. The Russian prohibition on export corn will continue until September. Tlie i3ritisli have sent a strong force to quell the open revolt of the Lushei in India. Emperor William has given $3,000 to the society tor encouraging out -door games in Germany, The 315th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth was celebrated at Stratford -on - Avon on Saturday. were over klor RL dills: MARKET REPORTS. Wheat , . 88e to 90e per bushel OUR. SELLI NO PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.75 per 100 do Beat Family do Low Grade 2.00 " Bran ... ., 70e " Shorts , . 80e Chop , - ' $1.00 to $1.10 " Mr. Nicholas J. Power has boon nam- ed as auc0esaor of late lir. Edgar as General Passenger Agent of . the G, 'P. R. Mr. Power entered the service of the Great Western Railway at framil- ton, 1858 where he commenced in the freight department He was soon transferred to the Audit .Department, in which he remained td 186+, when he was appointed General Book-keeper, Ansi in 1873, Accountant, In 1573 he was uta'ie Chief Accountant. which had hitherto beeu separate. This he held until 1832, when the Grand TrunkRall- way and Midland amalgamation took piece. At the fusion Le was made as. sistantaccoutitant ot the consolidated companies andcame to ,ti1ontreal. Ile is very popular with his fellow employ- es. Monthly Prizes for Boys and Chop stone running every day. TUE EXETER MILLING Coy. A11 are entitle 1 to the beet that their money will buy, re every family s Built leave, at once, n battle r.f the best family remedy, Syrup r.f F}ge, to cleanse the tee- total when costive or bilious. For salt in 75e battles by all leading drnagil te. I'r Leans Tun Ta,tnene.--The fevemeet medicine of the day, lbw/leek Bleed Bitters is a purely vegetable compound reeessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs cf the system nrld controlling their were - Wiens. It so purifies the blood ting it cnemis all blood humors and disease from a e'm- man pimple to the waist serofulons sore, oma} this ootubinert with Its unrivalled rev. lation, cleansing nidi purifying influence on the secretions 0f the liver, kidneys, bowels and akin, render it unequalled as a care for all diseases of the skin, From one to two bottles will cure boils, pimples, *blotches, nettle rash, soruf, totter, =dell the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, abseessoe, run- ning sores, and all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that aufferera from akin diseases are nearly aggravated by intolorableitehiaa but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by 13, 13. B. Passing on to gra- ver yet prevalent diseases small as scrofula swellings, humors and amrotula, we have undoubted proof that from three to six bot- tles used internally and by outward appli- cation (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will affect a cure. The groat mission of 13. B• B. is to regulate tee liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stamaohe and to open the sluiceways of the system to mer- ry off all clogged and impure secretions, allowing nature thne to aid recovery rind remove without fail bad blood, tiger com- plaiut, billionsntae, dyspepsia, sick head- ache, dropsy, rheumatism, and every epeies of diseose arising from disorder of the liver, kidn. y s. bowels, stomach and blood- MARKET REPOTS. Eine me Redwheat .., 80 to 80 Spring Wheat 80 to 8tI Barley Oats ,.. 38 to 41 28 to 28 Oloverswed ... e, 700 to 7 50 Peas 1to nhy ... ... 55to- 55 Corn -. -. 0 40 to 50 Eggs ... 9 to 10 Batter 14 to 15 Plourp'exi,bI .. ... OO to 5 15 Potatoos,per bushel ,.. 60 to 0 55 Apples,peroag -. -. 1 CO to 100 DrtedApplespr b ... -„ 0 450 050 Ocoee per lb. ... 0 C6 to 0 06 Turkey per lb ... ... 89 to 89 Duckaper lb ... 0 00 to 0 07 Chiakonsperpr ... 0 d5 to 0 00 ilo44,dvootio 1pOile0 ... .. 5 75 t 0 5 75 Beef .n 400 to 025 fEidosrongh, .... 4 00' to 4 40 dressed... 6 O0 to 5 25 Shoopallins peer ,,. 0 6050 70 Calfskins ... ,„ 0 80 to 0 51Wool p©rlb ... 0 18 to 0 19 The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the following prison isvery month till further no- tice. to boys and girls underl6, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the groateet number of "Sunlight" wrappers : let, $t0; 2nd, $6; 3rd, $3; 451i, 81; nth to 14th, a. Handsome Book; and &pretty picture to 'those who send not less thanl2 wrappers, Send wrappers to Sunlight Soap Mee. 43 Scott St , Toronto. not later than 29th of each month, and marked competition; also give full name. address, age, and number of wrappers. Winners'names wilt be published in Toronto Mail on first Saturday in each month. AGENTS WANTED. am. layperson,. if; 00 toll 00 OI:1Oneeerbiicb ,,, .., 0 5O to 0 50 Woodparoord .., 9 SO to 3 o0 sT:ALkeva Fall Wheat 911 10 Rn 0 lig V, heat......;,, . ;....... ,CO 80 ar0 40 Oats y .... .,.... .. ,.,, Z3 23 Clover. ......... ........ tu'i 23 Timothy.-- ...... ........... ..............I,01 rl Peas n es (t ::i ;'iggs 0 0 10 Butter....... 51 0 15 Potatoes per bag ................ 55 Apples per Irish 0 60 Woolporlb Ffay person Duan per ton Shortu'. " Oatmeal per bbl....0 F e,^,4.dressl'tl per t'. ........ L'1. I)il::, 1.'eent, 81 to i^1 per l,+ta ries, eee to `ilc perbuw. Peen. 85 to i• r bus, r- Meetiltine. 49f to tinier bus. ,a 1 g +e to &lc per has Corn. `-' t ilio per. . Itch, Mange and Soratobes o£ every kind on human being or animals,, owed, ip30Min. notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Oak never fails. Sold by C. Luta. Oct, 9,•ly.. 18919 10 0011 00 ,' It 001100, g•�) Ery , fh)' TO LE1ND ON MORTGAGES at llowest',rates of interest, Over 860,000 ori- vate funds, Appl y to FL4.TOT & Er4140T; f3olioitors, ote., Zseter. PER CENT. 017 Fleet and second Mortgages. Old Mortgages paid Ora NO ®O9 Ml$81QI4. Agents Wanted._ Oell Zr send Sc. stamp for 01ROtlLAR, If 1892, —1 SPRING .,.-. 1892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING :MACHINE,. BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE 5 0511 RE REPAIRED IN FIVE MINUTES, SEE YOUR DIOYOLE IFAS 4MMg- VF'D by THE MOLD BIOYCLE CO. LTD., BRANTFORD, OE If you do, the place to. get the mast reliable AISTI'NS.tIL mdealereprice 16 at PERKINS & Musical Instruments, Sewing,i4zschine supplies eto.. eto All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar- gin over vercoet. Agents fur the eelebratedCbat- n. PER:I..IN* & !MARTIN, Fanson's Block fl. +vd_l. Tee;eito.'t•r11 •=7-`,ibeel : i.nng-tin 3.50c. teele pet hue; re -1. winter.!'.) 2. ;IOW t0 )e 'r bus. elani1 hdo 2hura d,101 to 1 a.i '• c 8 .,tc to l: i'1:eS 510 to 0:c par :, )a OATS "1r to ne. pertine. Flee (sit .•:.t i,a•i t'' Le :1-,e per bt,i; straight roller. rt 10tn $4,211; a<rn bakers 34 J) to $15.e0. BARLEY, ",o 1. f 'ie, fele t^7 `40. —s z ^-•- a -y;. ....,tea Bl Clef Ol c Fonthili Nurseries. Largest in Canada, 700 acres. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary any man with tact, and energy can succeed; terms liberal, outfit free. Our eeouts have many advantages, such as colli. r home- grown, hardy. Oanadian stook. Choice twee' specialties, which aro of value, and which can only be secured from us. \1 o hove gluon par- ticular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor;horn sections of Canada. For terms apply to STONE .ta WsLL1^'STOW,. loronto, (int. 6 er yr-ir 3. C. Davis, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.; " My son has been baclly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians which failed to relieve him, he has been perfectly restored by the use of two' bottles of Bo- An Episcopal schee's German Syr- up. I can recom- Rector. mend it without hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long- standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is invade a specialty. Many others afflicted as • this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. J. r: Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I.•always use Get -man Syrup for a Cold on the :Lugs. Lhave never found an equal to it -far l 0 a superior. G. G. GREEN, Sole Itlan'fr,W.00itbury,N-J. ara4_ Fe `'�. .,,,_ate'-r-•^�'�47 ® ABOUT The, W' Li The abs ro is the pr .Itwtiust ee t1=a t?tde-t. 7 nrgest alai Most Successful BICYCLE', MAN- UIi AC•r51151 in the world, - The "RUDGE" Cycle Company Of Coventry, leeg1 tnd. Tho "Budge" Bioyoles sold in Canada are par- ticularls- adapted to our Canadian raids, as Mr P. Cavies 185510 niesmahinand designs to suit. while agents for other English wheels choose from catalogue only. Call and examine sample. W. E. BROWNING, Dist. -Agent Valuable Grist Mill FOR SALE OR TO RENT. OAKI COT T Off' ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Nuceessfutl,/us- ctt monthly l'j Mos:owls of L.dntl:s Is theonly perfect Iy safeandreliable mcdietue discovered. Beware of un- principled drug ists who ober inferior medicines in plea Of'ih1e Ask fa,r COuu'' Corrost 1%or t o.!rot etn,tIlse NO IOINtifItto : or inclose $1 and 4 three -cent (-ana,llt postage stamps in letter. and we will fiend, sealed, by return mail. Fall t `luted purtienlers In plain envelope. to lall'les „sly, 2 stamps. Address Pond 1.11y Company No, s Fisher Illorir, 201 Woodward ave ,Iieteoit Bich, Sold in Exeter by DK LUTZ. Central Deus Stare 0.14 L's ,ill 1iul;g;i4ta eve al:ere• 11111116 11111011,11-11 Cobblediek & Folland Having lately purchase(! the Stock and Good -will of Mr, 3, N. Howard, and added largely to the Stock, they Kaye now the best equipped and largest Hardware and Tinware Establishment in the County. They sell whole. sale and Retail, and carry BUILDERS' MATERIALS, ETU. BLACKSMITH'S SUPPLIES, ETC., CARRIAGE MAKE R' S GOODS, ETC., STOVES, TINWARE, BICYCLES, and everythingin SMALL HARDWARE LARGEST STOOK OF NAILS in the COUNTY, GET THEIR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. House cleaning time is 1113011 115. Use Alabastinc for yo:r walls r ceilings. Tll(:y have tiro genuine thing only, in au ir.lprovea You can mix it yourself with cold water. They :,ave all the tints. Call and sec their fine store, fine stock and fine prices JUST ARRIVED -T-- & h1nde>'taking Establishment A. very NEW Prices to suit large line of C40UDS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new, The WOODSlt.13E Grist :11i11 can bo pur- chased an easy terms to suit purchaser : or clan be rented fora term of years. Apply to R. II. COLLINS, Barrister, Exeter, Ap14.'92-45 Exeter �1GS FOR SALE. Our Imported Large Yorkshire sow damsel gave birth on March 22nd to her first litter. Characteristic of the breed, though this sow is not yet more than a year old,the litter numbers thirteen. They aro doing particularly well, and a number of young boars and sows will be sold at a veryreasonablo figure to early pur chasors. Thosenigs are of the Iloleywell strain their sire being lluleywell Mug. This boar we still keep for service, Thie is the breed from which to select your stook boar and this the kind of a litter from which to choose abreeding sow, Call early and get your choice. Corres- pondences promptly and cheerfully answered. Wer•DuoireerexSaeHonsalls, It will save you much trouble It will bring you comfort and ease It will save your clothes and hands It does not require washing powders It will wash in either hard or soft water It cannot injure the most delicate skin or fabric Its purity and excellence have given it the largest sale in the world BEWARE OF IMITATIONS I ONLY THERE S SullhlghtSoap ONE Worms; PT.. sVNT,IORT L1.vna smog., Ln,n'ED NEAR BIRRENBIilAD TORONTO AOR I BRUSHES, COMBS, SPOT S"., SOAPS, PERFUMERY — a.rrxa — TRUE SEA SALT BROWNING'S. READ THIS 'MIDST ALL BLOW AND''BLUSTER%' R. N. R 0 dY E GO TO The largest stock of GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS, ALL KINDS OF PNCE LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" CHUB SS ALL KINDS OF TIN W,I CHEAP 13 O.� A.S. V New Picture Mouldings Still takes lead in the in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as. we buy them in long lengths. AT— AIM EACII PLC° OP Myrtle, IS MARKED x rs 13RONZE3:1 S+>=1'S'S'Ti1RS. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE auiirn STE See It t Be fair to yourself ; if you want to buy Goods right at the right prices, Stock to the right place, where you get Gall and I nsi eel our Stock rockbottoin pieces in Dry Gooas, .illinery, Furniture Business We are too busy to call:on people in need of Furniture; but please drop in our Warerooins and see our Stock and we will try to suit you in this line. Ordered Work Neatly Done o11 Shari Notice • S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows Block. hshigagItStylos1 Remember we have also a handsome line of Undertaking Goods Alwaysand a calls. in this nc on hone1 line ill be promall promptly attended to, anti ' satisfaction guaranteed every time. Store—Next to Maisons Bank, Exeter. ROBT. N. ROWE. TH i BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps4 Crockery, Hardware, &c., iCc— . . .11YNDIML - , o �tl lta', t., iltru 11l tine eitheeti.. 1,41.1.1 ale1 surrr'undsng that lit, i. e,test ,t 3 WE ST. OO Dr t� STANDARD GRADE And latest style—Goods that will to you like a brother. .11v ntiti28 to mitt .foto:nts,.I:i, nr,lorn loft ..t thehcuso orl)rItentine es f235 e will receive 1.r( 5ulit att)ntie,.,, t}}IlfitG G. A 111:NDIV,CLN w 11 have on bund a Pine Line et BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, or Presentations. Trus LATEST GAIT):: rr :Parlor Quoits." ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAL41A, Authors, Etcc..,'�E�t c.. YY S. W. BROWNING, .L ING, BOOK & DRUG STORE sold J DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your garden, early, for :if of Tailors , ; the best with the best stn stook of Fine Trimminga, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion 6112111So. HURRAF! Tailor Sho WO tTEE Boots & Shoes TO DE SACRIFICED AT ( TkiiOrd Te M, ata' Lal During. the Next Month. Shop, undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your eel. vantage to call. We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on tne shortest possible notice and in the Latest Stiles —AND A— 1 anteeti tSure Fit Guar W. JOHNS. OF Of all ages. esulting from Errors or Indisere- tione of 1 lith, may be permanently cures end the vier of perfect manhood fulls, restored, as NFR1' •RS DEBILITY, STERILITY with MN1' .'vALLOSSTS & PREMATURE DE,1.4.Y Lrrr' Striating easesof GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE andOIIRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. > Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in whioh others have failed ; if you are incurable wo willfrankly tell you so. Write forpartioulars and treatise, Free, to S'r Louts Nils r0lL Co., 162 and 1'54 fling Strcat. West. Toronto, Ont. s3:6m SAVED by Buys 41, ing at aur PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large stook of all kinds of building materials. Drossedorun- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a choice stock of No.1 pine lath. Our stock of doors, sash, blinds, moulding s, &o. is complete/end thorouxlykiln dried Wo after for sa:le1.6'00000XXand XXX Pr, and CEDAR S [TINGLES manufactured by 5 best makers in Ontario.' Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sizes,tn' to order at lowest prices.: We have 'somath new in this line for watering cattle suite tl or barnyard. a ins b .and sea our celebrated ]3alrin C g Call every woman using them recommends the,, •ihighly_ Turnrng,band,aorolleawing, and all ,kinds of maehire work promptly attended to. 15 will bo to your interest to examine was stook before purchasing eleewhore. ROSS & TAYLOR. Main Street.