HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-21, Page 8rmtaltomm= w... INSURANCE RI'vEST ELLIO.I',MIEN T FOE .i4 HT T 4V F.,STEkiNA>9SUlfi„tk1OE COl►i'• g ;rX . of Toronto. also o tlei x x xTiku CvSl1ithO•,OUM1ANY oflandon • E 0;tatd he Royal, l xADIAN, Aron - treat. al the ONTARIO ATUt`TXdL, Llb'Pi A eloRANON, 0O'Yof Wateri000atsblished } rl, ,'1.saaraneesintorco, $13,127,4.00. Bonneo8 ,every Ave years. peoia1 Notice t. Turing this week our usual supply of H•s? uiay Stock will be opened and dire played for sale, so that on and after Dee 5th we will be in a fair position to re- 'ee,e'..tri` 4.U) Otners and their friends, a't'e sincerely trust that the exhibit this year will be found in every way satis- faet<zry. Much to our surprise we find a large number living within a few niilee of Exeter who have not yet called, This is a misteke. Our stock is equal, and we think superior, to any found in vil- lagee of this size ; in fact we know it to ehtse will with tiro majority of those feand its city stores. We are steadily oncleaverit g to snake it more widely known and will not rest content until it has been inspected by at least the tna- j tris ' of those living within ten or fif- teen miles cf Exeter.. We know that if unelele to sell, Our stock will at least 1.,,te ; std so cordially invite every reader of Tin TieleS to call with their feiwit1s at least once during December `mate take a look through. J.' GRIGG, Tu:Memel Exeter. g@,4.V 'itle'itV tt Z13111V. EECRSDA"Y, APRIL Kist, 1892. URAL 14 -OPENINGS. Sltooting 11ate2t. aiz Good Friday a shooting match took plzoe on the agricultural grounds among; members of the gun club. The wind was to rut .tut/ the weather bitterly creel, which no I. -At, was the a u -e of the:low scutes mails, it being customary with several of the members to shore 8 or 9 out of 10. It will 1.e noticed that 11r. John Taylor was sucereefui in winning both medals, as tvell as the sweepatakcs,having in both matches shot 7 out of 10, R. J. Eacrett cormeg 2nd and :t Leath -nen Ord in firsr match. ,l''ol: /owing is the score: tont 8ILVEF. mnnaL. E. tlissett 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1-5 1. Rendford 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0-4 (f. ?,,ir.lcrson 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 tl 1-8 J. Taylor 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0-7 R. ,T. leiterett 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0--0 l.,oedmau 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 0-G F Collins 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-4 A :t, Snell 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1--Q J. Leadman 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Q 0--4 E Irish 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1.-0 Pott i OLit 311tI At, E,D.•,issett 0 1 0 1 1 0 .1 1 1 0-0 I. B:andford 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0-6 G. ,A.ncterson 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 '0-0 T Taylor 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-7 It J. Eacrett 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0-4 A, Tnadman 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0-,'i Collins 0 1 0 1 0 0 retired A...1, Snell 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1-G °.uother match will take place to -day (Thursday) for the medals. T ereonals, .w .Ir. George Weekes and bride spent the forepart of this week visiting friends in tow r.-alrs. (leo. Brooks is very low.--- Among those spending the Fester vecatiou n iexeter, wo noticed the following; : Mr, C ..tint of Millbrook,a former resident of.;xeter,whocalled upon his many friends; ne, Prink Oite of T-: oat-,, ferev`•i-- rf the i + +lar krupt Store ; Mr. beth Baleden Mo.s Fannie Pinch of Alma College ; Mr. Jarr es P .rkinson,Trout Creek; . Mr. Albert. II"Callum, student of the London Bueineas College. -We regret to state that Mrs. James Brown, Exeter North, is very ill,- llr, Awning still continues to improve. - The -many friends of Mr. James Down will be pleased to see him out again.-1/nand Mrs. Charles Senior of Blenheim spent the Easter holidays in Exeter: -Mr. Joseph Senior on Good Friday entertained father, weather, brothers and sisters andetlieir families to the number of 26. It was a family reunion. -/Ira. William Bawden continues to improve slowly. -Mr. Arthur J. Rollins returned from. Manitoba on Saturday last, He reports floods in the valley of the Red River; many stacks of wheat left standing are submerged and destroyed; the horse market dull; and great emigration into country this spring. -We are pleased to state that our post- rnaster,Mr. D. Johus,who went to London to submit to a severe surgical operetior is doing as well as could be ,expected, -Rev. Mr. Martin left Exeter on Tuesday morn- ing for the Old Land for the benefit of his health. He sails from Portland on the ,Sarnia, Bon voya7 e. -Mr. Wi11 Hollo- way of Clinton spent Easter at Mr. R. N. Rowe's Mr, A. Buswell of St Marys was in town over Sunday. -Mr. John Jaynes was in town on. Tuesday.-Mr.Wm.11'awk- ehaw of Seaforth spent Tuesday in town, -Mr. C. D. L Samwell left Tuesday evg. #or London, where he will take a situation in the Molsona Bank. Mr, Wm. Marsh- land of Meaford, will succeed Mr: Samwell yin the bank in the capacity of teller.-lefr. Charles French, school teacher of Martell, is in town the guest of bis brother, Mr. Daniel French. -Miss Mary Tapp of Lou. •cion is visiting friends in Exeter --Rev. Mr. McDonagh is in London as one of the ,examining board or the London Conference. -Mrs. Shipley of Clinton spent a part of last week the gnest of her stater, Mrs. Wm Bawden.--Dr. McLaughlin of Dashwood was in town: on Tuesday soliciting (aid for the erection of 'a telephone line between Dashwood and the Bend. He succeeded in securing a large subscription, -The Rove. McDonagh and Russell exchanged pulpits Sunday morning last. -Mr. H. Brown of London spent the past week the guest of M.fise Spicer. -R. 0, Brumpton,formerlY of Exeter. lately sly of Loudon, left recently for the old fief ds of the Northwest .ti g 1 west where he has opened a store, -Mea. Olmsted of Lon- don, who has been visiting Mrs. W. J, Elooper for the, past week,' returned home Tueday evening.- Mrs. McTavish, sister 44 Mr. Wes, Hawkshaw, who spent Easter here, returned home Tuesday evening. - A vertry meeting of the Trivitt Merrier - eel church was held on Monday. There, was little business .nt public importance transacted, other than that Messrs N D Eturdan and Jit EItiot were appointed lay delegates to the meeting of the Synod, • Brevetles, Will Browning as agent for the 1tUDGE. Bicycle, e, The elose season for bassecammenced on the l 15th. Many took advantage of cheap railway rates on Good .Friday. Muskrats; are plentiful this spring, and afford considerable amusement: Building operations promise lively in Exeter during the coning summer. Canada has a standing army at 709, ex- clusive of the Northwest Mounted Police. Mr, John Gill will make a large delivery of trees in a few days for the Fonthill nurseries. The. Spring Chancery sittings for this county were Held in Goderich on Monday, April lath. The school trustees intend shortly to attack tire escapes to the school. Tbie is a move in. the right direction. Fall wheat is looking very well, and there are pt aspects of a good crop, but the spring is rather a backward one. l3'ee owners report serious losses in their colouiea, owing to :the spying opening se early and afterwards turning cold. Au insect, somewhat )mailer than the potato -bug,, is infesting apple trees, It is consideredinjurious to the apples. About half-a•d, zen papers in Western Ontariohave as a given up the ghost lately, and the sheriff is running one or two others, Read Bissett Bros,' change of adv't. They are giving big drives iu staple articles and are just now making a specialty of seeds, Petitions to be forwarded to Parliament at Ottawa, praying for the exclusion from the Dominion. of all obscene literature are in circulation. The railways of Canada make a profit of less than 2 per cent, en their invested. capital. There are now 14,400 miles of railway in the country The young folks of the tnaseuline gen- der are anxiously waitiug for ttze time to come when they may commence to prac- tice their favorite athletics. Mn Arch. Illshop, M. P. P., returned home from the Legislature tact week, and was busy for a time distributing the revis- ed statutes to those entitled to them. Some of aur young ladies, when they wish to say yes, use an expression some- thing like "nh huh." lye wonder if they were proposed to would they replyuh huh, The total barley production of the world is 8'?5,000,000 bushels, of whieh Europe canttibatas fie 1,000,0001 United States 55,750,000a ind Canada 20,1:00,000 bushels. We notice that several municipalities intend printing the assessment roll this yea-. Ratepayers are evidently beginning to demand more information on public matters, The town hall flags as well as hags on other buildings were at half-mast the fore part of the week in respect of the memory of the departed statesman, Hon, Alex. Meekenzie. Mr. 'Thomas Coates is the possessor of about 800 years of land in t1sborne town- ship, his latest purchase beiug the two i asterbrook fat ma, 2ud con., paying there- for a good, slim. A large quantity of eggs have been shipped from Exeter the peat week. The eggs are now bought autl sold by weight, a dozen fairly -large sized eggs weighing one and a half pounds. We were very hiuhly Somplimented last week by several persons with the remarks that The Teems was the moat newsy paper in Nitron. People seem to appreciate our condensed newo columns. Exeter would be a good point for binder twine and rope manufactory, as there is a lot of flax grown here and labor would not be expensive, and the Council would give them exemption from taxes. A drive throngh this eeotion shows the country in e. mule Let-.;;er state than pre- vious years, The fall wLeat looks well and there will be a lot of buildings going up, which is a good sign of prosperity. At a meeting of the Agricultural Society on Saturday evening, .it was decided not to rent the grounds this season, but have then leveled and properly fixed for ex- hibition purposes. lir. Willis, who last week rented the grounds. willingly gave them up. The Agricultaral grounds h.cve been en- larged and a new frame is being built around the additional eight acres. Short- ly volunteer labor will be commenced on the track, which it is said will be a good one. We would suggest that it be made of kite shape -the newest and most approved track. A "Rainbow" social under the auspices of the Young -People's C. E. Society was held in the basement of James -at. Church Good Friday evening. The room in which tea was served was ornamentally decorated for the occasion. An impromptu program was delivered, three or four selections be- ing rendered while the tables were being re set. The attendance was large, as the receipts, which amounted to $SG, would indicate. The proceeds go to the Church fand. By the Act passed by the Ontario Legis- lature the other day providing that farm lands in towns and villages should only be taxed at farm land values means a saving. to the•owuer of a hundred acres in some towns of from $75 to, $100 per annum. The measure had.°its inception in St. Marys, where a large amount of farming land is inolctded in the eurperatien limits, and where the usually high rate of taxation made the rate collectable from farm lands equal to a small rental. The farmers there hays been fighting againat•tlze injustice of. the old assessment act for years past, and last winter Registrar Whelihan, the owner ad tiller of many broad acres,read a paper before the Centrallearmers' Institute on the subject and succeeded in having brought about the desired results. The.. Royal Templars of Temperance had an Easter social in their Lodge room on eionday evening, when a very enjoyable time was spent. There were about 180 Tempters present, including Heti all and" Crediton d on Lodges. After all had :seated them r+eIvesa splendid rd, p program was pro- ceeded with, which consisted ofqu'u tete, recitations, violin solos, "etc., the visiting lodges assisting very materially in the ren- dition of the same, When about' half through the program an intermission took place, when a basket of eggs was passed around with the name of a sister from all Lodges on each egg, and it was incumbent upon the gentlemen to dine with the lady whose name appeared upon the ,egg.' Tea over, the program was completed, after which the gathering dispersed, all feeling that they' had spent a pleasant and social - able evening. The Assessor has completedhia work. Prof. W, H. Meeke, dramatic and hum- orous impersonator is coming. it S ver l deer have been aeon .at Grand Bendt urin the d g t t past week„ The Queen's Birthday will be officially observed in. England ou Wednesday, May 25th. Mrs. Geo. Davis while performing house hold duties the other day, slippedand fell,. spraining her arm. The Council mane a tour of inspection yesterday, and found many places through oat the village needing repairs. Read the adv't of the Exeter Faruiture Factory. Special drives are being offered in bed room suits and sideboards. House cleating is the order of the day, and the we'1 paper hangers, painters, plasterers, etc., are as busy as can be, Mr. Levi %Yelper has rented the Com- mercial hotel, Seafortb, from Mr, William llawkshaty, for a term: Ma. Hawkshaw will retire. The cold, raw weather of the past week has increased the demaud for coat and wood but has checked seeding, gardening and house cleaning operations. Tito Liberatla of North Perth have nota inated James Grieve, ex -1i, P., ltI llbantc, .3 their cauditlateiu the corning by-election for the House of Commons. During the week Messrs Snell Boos. ct Co. r have remodelled the front of their packing house, by adding more windows, and raising the entrance to facilitate the loading and unloading of pork, etc. We are sorry to say that several plaees along the rivet• are poluted by heaps of rubbish, scrap tin, etc. Surely some more suitable dumping place could. be forme than where young and old so frequently ramble. The teeny personal friends of Conductor Snider, while glad to hear of his progress, will be sorry to know that he will in a few days leave his run on the L. H. de 13. and remove to Toronto ,from which city he will tun. The last vestige of a market was move,/ from the old site on Moloy, when Mr. Treble divested the premises of the pound. Nothing now remains but a few posts to break the smooth appearance of tbie desir- able plot. Would it not be showiug due respect to the life of the late Alex. eleekenzio were the business men of;Exeter to alone their respective buslnesa plates this (Thursday) afternoon from'2 to 4 p, m, --the hours of the funeral? There etill be four eclipses this year,two of the sun and two of the moon. A. total eclipse al the former will take place April 20 and a partial on Ozteber 20. The eclipses of the moon will occur anMay 15th and Nov. 4tb. Prof. Meeke conies very highly recoin- mended, not only by the press of the American side, but by the "local papers of Western Ontario. 'You are sure of a pleas- ant and profitable evening if you attend. Taeaday evening,Aprill2Gth, Tickets 255e; reserved seats 35o. It Old newspapers are said to make valu- able ;anti -moth wrappers for furs and winter clothing, the ink upon them being nearly as repulsive to all kinds of vermiue as camphor or coal -tar paper, They are likewise rood to lay under carpets for a like purpose. Division. Court was held in Exeter on Monday. nut there was little bustness before His Honor Judge Doyle. The Cred- iton Court was postponed 'until next month owing to Inck of business. This is a good sign of prosperity ou the part of the public generally. Mr, A. Dyer, Secretary of the Stephen ds Uaborne Agricultural Society, derares, on behalf of the Directors, to thank the municipal councils of Exeter, Stephen and Usborne, and the people of Exeter, for their liberal donations in aid of the im- provements to the grounds. The line fence fronting 112r. R. Davis' feria on the2ed eon., Stephen, was butned on Tuesday evg. A portion of Mr. John Ford's fence was also destroyed. It is thought that the fire was caused by some- one throwing n lighted cigar on the road- side. Miss Ella, daughter of Mr. John Evans, while in the wood on Friday plucking flowers, met with a serious accident. In climbing over a barb wire fence the board running along the tap, broke, allowing the girl the fall on the wires, a garb of one of which caught in one of her limbs; and held her suspended for some time. As a result Miss Evans is suffering a severe wound, Four ladies in a rig went for a drive on Monday to see a friend in Rodgerville. In turning to go in at the gate the lady driver allowed the horse to turn out instead of in, The consequence was an upset and four ladies sprawling on the ground all under ther rig. No great damage was sustained by them but the rig lost a wheel. Two ladies had to drive home and two walked Moral t Take a gentleman with you next time ladies. Many purchases of cattle for future de- livery ate being made by buyers at this time, It behooves sellers to see that they are in good order when delivery time comes. The English market demandathat they shall be "finished" fat, and buyers here will not accept them unless they are. It will be greatly in the interest of sellers and buyers [if cattle intended for export have the greatest amount of beef possible put on the animals. It should not be necesaary to call upon people to comply with the ordinary rules of health, and to keep premises in proper sanitary condition. Nevertheless, at this time of year it is always incumbent to urge upon house holderstoclean up their back yards, and to remove all decaying vege- tables ard' fruits from their fcellers. 'A simple compliance with the sanitary regu- lations at this season may prevent typhoid and kindred diseases and epidemicsfrom appearing later on. The Health Inspector, has issued a' circular to the ` rarepayere• which all will do well to read carefully. Youths who are in tbehabit of playing truant from school possibly ate not awate ofthe punishment they are liable to. Here is how they deal with "mitchera" intBrant- ford : • T her Ba ntfordr t neat officer c seems to understand d an d his •dY duty. On Monday he summoned Mr. 'Mato' for neglecting to send Ms son Johnny to school. The de- fentiant admitted that his boy ^would not go to school. ' He had done all in power to keep him off the street. The boy was sent to school but never went. Johnny was sentenced to six years in the Indus- trial' School in Mimico, Edith. Brown, aged 14, was also charged with a similar offence. She said she had no shoes to go to school, and that the other gine laughed at the shoes she wore. The Police Magis- trate told the girl she must go to school or jail, and she chose the latter. Minard's Liniment foe Rheumatietn. Boys' Ready' Made Clothing 01111 RE1111111 E C191111111 Boys' Ready Made Clothing iehardL !iekrd Have just opened up a LARGECONSIC Of Boys' Ready-mades,. Xiour boyrequires a su:• 1t.bring i17.m. along, The price wi.l suit you. • RICHARD PICKARD_&SON. 601 G! .GroiNG! Call and see the Lin of -EDROOM SUITES And SIDEBOARDS 6 T TIEC11 Ezet rFurnitureFactory splendid Bed -Room Suite in Maple or Cherry for $9.00, Sideboards from 8.00 upwards. Gall While the Stock Lasts Remember the stared:- Two doors I'''orth of Town Hall, Exete, WALT. ANDREWS At the Council meeting last evening the old market was disestablished and a mar- ket established at the town hall. The oddfellows of tenet will atteud Divine service in the Main-st. Beth church on Sunday morning next, whop Rev W1'az. McDonagh will preach a special sermon, Pref. W. H. Meeks, dramatic and hum- orous impersonator, will give an es euleg's entertainment itz the OperaHouseon Tues- day the 20th inst. He is the best in. Ontario, Don't fail to hear him Plan of hall et Dr. Lutz'e Drug Store. 1t Tuesday night while Mr. Sam'l Stanlake and his son Silas were driving up Mails-st the horse stook fright, and ran furiously It shied near McTavish's store, and up- setting buggy; threw the occupants out, injuring Mr. Sam'1 Stanlako seriously about the head. He was picked up for dead, but rallied and is improving. 1;Ionsmin -Get our Yprices on horse. bills before ordering elsewhere. We have several new cuts and are in a pos- ition to turn out route bills and cards cheaply, prompt/q, and satisfactorily in every respect, Our folders are guaran toed not to break With usage. Order your folders and bills at toe nuns. MARRIE 0. Itorsxov.-S•r.uur --At the residence of the bride's father, on the 14th inst., by Iter, W. Casson,Mr.1lorence 0, Houston of Tweed, Hastings county, to Miss Clara Stark. daugli ter of Samuel Stark, l sq., of Sea fortht Ross-SAYsstarx-At St Marys, on the 13th inst., by Rev. John Seott, M. A., Mr. Robert Ross of Fullerton, to ;Hiss Lorena Sansbura, of St Marys Biwa -In Parkhill, on the oth inst., Isabella. Begg, aged 82 veers. b TorvvssND-In Tuokersaiith, on the 10th inst. Wm Townsend. aged 64 years, 3 mos. Bo w: urtt-In Mitchell, on the Ilth inst.,Jano belov e.ed wife of Mr. Jason Dunhill, aged 53 yars HAxaoir-In Fullerton, on thol4th last,.Noilio Leola, Soungest child of Mr. Thos Manson aged 1 year, l4 daYs. Cowan -In London, on God Friday, Walter 8 Brodmoser.ick, sen of R. R. end Lelia Cowan,aged Razes -In Parkhill, on .April 9. John Breen, aged 73 years.0 mos. --0---• The b?ortgage Bank and]nvestmon t Company of Farto.North Dakota,write us that they have farms for sale which they have obtained at very low prices under foreclosure, which they will sell at from 54 to 47 per acro, accepting rP50 when the contract is made,the balance to bo paid in yearly instalments. Most of these farms have considerable of the land under cul- tivation and houses and barns already built. They also say that they will lease sheep and cattle on shares to the parties purchasing the farms. This would seem to be a 'prime oppor- tunity for ambitious younon to obtain a start ipruner :um life. They will Bond description and prices to anyone who write thorn. 2t STRAYED. ►\-Strayed from the undersigned on or about 1st A M1,0. two year old Sorrel Tilly, with white face. Any person giving information tbatwin lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. WOOD BROS.; A21 3t RodeerviIle•P.0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Rs JOHN S. WITZEL, Deooased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. 0., Chap. 1I0, See: 36, that all persons having claims against the estate of the late John S. Witzet, late of .the township of Hay. in the County of 1•Luron, Flax Manufacturer, deoeased who died on or about the 8th day of March, A. D., 1892, in the township of 14ay."are required to deliver or send by post prepaid, on or before the 10th day of May, JF92, to either of the un- dersigned. full particulars in writing, of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. And immediately after the said 10thf dayo May a the executors u i y scallp r ooeed to distribute the asset ofthe s deceased eine the bo parties entitled thereto, having regardy only to such claims as they shall have due notice of as required above t and the said executors will not be liable for any claim or claims of any Creditor or Creditors, of which due notice shall not have been given at the date of such die- -tribution. Dated atDasbwoud this 14th day of April, A. D. 1892, R. COOK, tt F, BethERs, S Ngecutors. d2` 3 Dashwood P. O:.Ont RA FTING. GI. hl:S.Powelldesires to informthe public that•he is prepared to do a reasonable amount of grafting Scions of the best qualityatways keptlin stock. Address S. hoWBLL, Exeter. And that's just what will happen to these splendid Bargains we are now oiXerxng to the public. In Dress Goods & Dress Trimmings I TAHE. THEA In Gents' Furnishings we have no equal. See 01.11` range of M; +u' N' S TIES, MEN'S SHIRTS, (White and Colored) NEW HATS, NEW TWEEDS --all in the latest styles. OR SPRING SUITINGS ARE SIMPLY IMMENSE,, In WALL PAPER we have all the newest designs. If you want it said that you. have the prettiest -papered room iri town, you will have to procure you Wall Paper at CARLING BROS. See our Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Carpets Rhe Lace Curtain, A. quantity of our Celebrated 25c Tea left yet, which some of our merchants aro trying to imitate ; but they can't do it you know. CARLING RS. SEW SPRING STOCK BEING OPENED o Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded in purchasing goods, the equal to which has not been shown in Exeter before. The Latest in Everything AND PRICES THE LOWEST. - Our stock will ensure us : The Trade in Dry 1 Goods t, i The Trade In Dress Goads, The Trade in Millinery, • The Trade In Clothng. INHAS HATS. CAPS, ETC. WE CANNOT BE BEATEN. Watch this space for further announcement. SPACKMAN 00. Sa 1 mwe 1' s BIock Exeter. CENTRAL Barber Shop A. FAN SON'S BLOCK. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Haircutting in theiatcst style,of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Laales' and Children' s Ha ir The Molsons 11S Ban (C]EARTBRED BY PA RLIAMEN 7,18581 Paid tip Capital ,,, $2,000,000 Rost Fund ... 1,100,000, RoadOffioo, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTANTHOMAS 'Bee e Q8718ALMA2iA4S8 Mon note with one or morto'e endorsers at 7 rs on perroenown per annum. .. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day,frote l0son .to3 p•m SATURDAYS,16 a,m.to 1p.m, 4PerOort.perannum allowodformonoy on DepoaitReceipts. Savings Bankat 3 peroont, N. DYER HURDON, Sub-Manager-