HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-21, Page 5OUR TROUSERSADD The Whitcomb Riley style of twisting verses round, To illustrate some meaning or some sentiment profound Now comes in very handy to desoribe our Pant display, For stanoo bow men trousers. this in for legged we make way. And then fur men whose legs havo not that graceful lino or curve, But who, in spite of that dofeot.most certainly deserve A pair of Trousers :that will fit,' our finished work will show, .. A pairthat's shaped something hing like this s from hip too. 'Len ,ti 1` lean who prides himself upon his $3 -Cq's, O.'aabBr We'44`e new and prices right to satisfy And 1, ayes tho store, of course, his hes filled with bliss I he's pair of shaped ■ straight ITd this. Because got a pants nioe and like We make you a noir of these nooessare gar- nl mgrs. to front 0.' whit h linos:of beauty and p. $ per cent. off for Cash. The Popular Tailor & Gents' Furnisher, �. H. GREIVE. A BURLESQUE. To the Editor if the Exeter Times. Among the annals of Ancient Classical History are to be found many instructive as well as interesting legends, myths and historical ,facts ; none moreso, IVO think, than that relating to an ancient Roman village. Whether it be fact or fable we cannot: indisputably affirm. Howbeit, this village, the name of which; was E teren- tfum, was in many respects goodly to look upon and much to be desired as a place of residence. Its Government consisted of a Senate, elected by the people, at the head of which was a Consul, who was as - elated by another of Consular dignity, bat of inferior powers ; to these were added three Tribunes of thepeople, whose special duty it was to look after the plebian inter- est. The Consuls had the privilege of at- tending the "Magnus Senates" or great Council of the land; from this the Tribunes were excluded, It has been ascertained from the pages Of history that this village bad been prim- itively settled by the aborigines, or at least, their immediate descendants, of Britannia, interspersed with a few Cala- doniaus, and the wisdom and steadfastness of these was rather nicely seasoned with a little Hibernian reit. Now from such a population as this, containing so many var- ious, and excellent qualities, one would naturally expect a multitude of sage and eloquent statesmen. In this we ate not disappointed, for on Senatorial nomination days, when the Consuls -elect took their etand on the diminutive Rostra, at one end of the Senate house, which stood in the midst of the Forum, there was heard such eloquent and logical orations, that, had Burke Gladstone, Webster, or any of our later orators, had the pleasure of listening 'to seine of these ancient rhetoricians, the would have considered his own feeble at- tempts, compared with their masterly dis- cotirses, as but the babbling of the peace- ful brook contrasted with a mighty river. Nor do the blustering Tribunes deserve less consideration, of whom, some were equally loquacious on these momentous occasions. Ou these great annual assembly days, or rather nights, the magnanimous statesmen were wont to cater to the plobean tastes iu many and various ways. :they would advocate higher seats of learning, the bringing down of the lightning to illumin- ate the streets, which by the way, had been so dark that even the position of the moon in the sky could scarcely have been discernible, had it not been for the light shed by a few kerosene lamps scattered throughout the -town, the offering of in- ducements to other routes of co,nmeroe,the establishing of waterworks, and many other 911011 boons. Upon hearing such thrilling orations the hearts of the people were wont the greatly rejoice, and be glad, and they would become generally jubilant, while thinking of 'how their hitherto be- nighted town world soon develop into ono of the first intellectual and commercial centres of the laud. But it is e. sad sight to behold how vain were their rejoicings, and illfounded their hopes, for scarcely had the senate beet, duly appointed than were heard the distant rumbling of a corn- ing storm. The stern and irate voice of the Consul was heard as in an echo and was answered by the herculean Tribune in tones unmis- takable, yet as erratic. Then came the fury of the tempest. The cautious Consul though a prudent man in many ways was not altogether blameless. He displayed undue tenacity in upholding his end of the market question, which was then occupy- ing their antique attention. But the ver- bose Tribunes who happened to be at the other end of the question in dispute were not to be put upon by their superiors in office, but fought with the fury of the fam- ous Spartans of old. Thus waged the war until even the modest middlemen were forced into the fray. In this manner that legislative body, from which the people had expected so much, wasted its time, and its talents, in injudicious jangling over unimportant mat- ters, throwing away valuable assets follow- ed by th6"t useless expenditure of money incident thereto, while such measures as would have materially benefited their fel- low citizens, physically, commercially and intellectually, wore not considered for a moment; consequently the rising gener- tions continued to grow up, as their fath- ers bad done before them, in almost total darkness, both of body and mind. Why this thusness? A Maud has sunt us a printed copy of the auditors' report for the municipality of Turtle Mountain, Manitoba, for the year ending February 29th,1802 A few figures from this report may be of interest to our readers here as showing slow municipal matters are conducted in that new district. The total receipts for the year amounted to $23,119. These were made up in part of the following items : Taxes collected, $18,036; statute labor commutation, $000 ; Hotel licenses, $300; Provincial grants, $1,211; money collected on Reed grain notes and interest, $1,534. The disburse- meuts for the year amounted to $22,782, and ,.ere made up in part of the following items; Iudemnity to councillors, 5350 ; printing and stationary, 5483; salaries, 5872; roads and ,bridges, 52.866; schools, 58,621 ; destruction of gophers, 5300 municipal oommissiouor,$3,0?3, The year was closcd with a balance in the treasury of 51,243. The municipality seetns,to have plenty of money, and the authorities are not niggardly in Its expenditure, The as- sets of the municipality amounted to 523,- 022, and the liabilities to $9,505, leaving a surplus of assets over liabilities amounting to $1.3,517. Among the assets we notice the following items : Arrears of taxes, 513,230, and seed grain notes and interest 56,542 Judging from this statement we should say that if all the municipalities in the infant Province are in as good a finan- cial position as this ono, they will compare favorably with the best managed munici- pality in Ontario. It positively removes Dandruff. It stops falling of the hair. It cools the head. 1t makes en elegant hair dressing without loaviug a tract of its uso. 1 use it daily iu my hair dressing place, at Balmoral Hotel, and have vet to find the first customer who was not pleased with it. J. T. FONTAINE, Pro fetor barber shop, BalmMontoral i of Q. Ese6erRoller Mills, 1VIAItKIZ1? LoriPOUTS. Wheat . • 88c to 90c per bushel OUR SELLINgr PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2:75 per 100 do Best Family 2.60 " do Low Grade 2.00 Bran ,,,, 70c Shorts .. 80o " Chop $i":'00 to $1.10 t° Chop stone running every day. THE EXETER MILLING Coy. NIARKBT B,UPORTB. EXETER ••. 80 to 80 SO to 80 35 to 40 27 to 27 700 to 725 1. 50 to 1 75 55 to 55 ,.. 0 40 t0 50 ▪ 1• 5 to 15 • 00 to 515 -• �• 50 to 0 55 w ... 100to1c0 .,, S. 0 4 t o 000 .. ,,. 006to006 09 to 09 ... 008 to 007 ... 025t0030 ... 5 50 to 6 00 ... -„ 400 03526 - _ 4 0o to 480 -,• 500to525 ... 060 to 70 0 60 to 0,50 018to019 ..• 9 00 to10 00 ,,, 0 50 t o 0 50 • 250toso0 Redwheat ••• Spring Wneat ... Barley Oats. Olav er Seed Tihnonby Peas Corn Eggs Butter ... Flourperbbl .. Potatoes,per bushel Apples,per nag DriodApplespr b Geese perlb. Turkey per lb T)ueksper lb Chicktnsperpr aogs,dressodper100 Beef Hidesrough, dressed . Sheepskins each Calfskins Wool pert b • ,„ liayperton •,. Onionsnerbnsb Woodperoord sT:Brame Fall Wheat .......................... 80 80 Spring Wheat,. ..• ....... .................. 0 O 0 400 Barley ....... ...., Oats..... .........•.............•.., ...... 0 27 27 clover Seed ..-.,,..,.,.•........ 7 00 7 21 1G0175 Timothy 5 0 55 0 5 Peas 9 0 )0 Eggs .................. .... ' ,.,...... ....,.. Butter 3.6 0 15 Potatoes per bag .............. .....•50 OSD Apples per bush 18 0 50 Woolperib 0 187000 Hayperton.. ••••••.........."• „14 00 14 00 Bran per ton.,,...... Shorts t• t(• •,•, ,110 0(001020 00 0 00 Oatmealporbbl.. Hags, (tressed per 100.- 5 50 to 0 00 To the liditor of the Exeter Times. Den Sru,—After hearing the remarks made at a council meeting some few days ago by ono of the councilmen I must say, I was surprised and very agreeably seralds• ed, too, to see that member in his sent at the ',Board meeting last week, because by so doing ho has made a public acknowledge- ment that he was in the wrong and that we have a thorough gentleman in the chair. I would also like the Deputy Reeve to explain his position in the matter of moving the market, for he distinctly stated some few weeks ago that the buildings, fences, etc., should be moved immediately so we should have no further trouble. While a t the last conned meeting he made the remark that the market scales should not have been moved as they wore in their proper plane. Thanking yon for this space. RATEPAYER. TO LEND ON MORTGAGE` at lowestrates of interest. Over 860,000 Or vote funds, Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors, etc., Exett $ Second Mortgages, Olcl Mortgages paid off. NO COMMISSION. Agents Wanted. Call or send Sc. stamp for CIRCULAR. 1892. — { SPRING — 1892 Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLId, SEWINt MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? LONDON. Wheat, 81 to El per bus. Oats, 27e to 29s per bus. Peas, 57e to 72e per bus. Bar- lev,Malting.434 to 48e nor bus. Barley Feed, 39c to 410 per bus Corn, 063o to Ole per. bushel. BRANTFORD NEW PNEUMATIC TIRE TORONTO. Toronto, April 20 -Wheat Spring -No. 2,02e toOSe per bus; red wintor.No 2. Ole to 82e per bus. Manitoba No 2hard.l 03 to 1 (15 No.3, 11 a to 93; PEAS 02e to 63c per bus. n ATt+ 31c to 32e per bus. FLOUR , extra, $3 05 to 04.00 per bbl; straight roller, 3.4.10 to 4.20; strongbakors.?4.93 to $5.00. BARLEY, 5(0 1, feeding, 55e to 560.' Monthly Prizes for Boys and G1ris. The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the following prizes every month till further no- tice. to boys and girls under 16, residing in the Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sunlight" wrappers : lot, 910. 2nd, $6; 3rd, 93; 4th, 81; 5th, to 14th, a handsome Book; and apretty picture to those who send not less thanl2 wrappers. Send wrappers to Sunlight" Soap Office. 43 Scott St •, Toronto. not later than 29th of each month, and marked competition; also give full name, address, age, and number of wrappers: Winners'names Gwili be Published, -l'oronto Mail on first Saturday errnan Syrur" J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala. ' My , son has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying severalprescriptions from physicians which failed to relieve him, he has been perfectly restored t the two obottles Bo - An Episcopal schee's German Syr up. I can recolu- Rector. mend it without' hesitation.'' Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long- standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. KARL KOLaMAN• OAN DE REPAIRED IN FIVE MINUTES. SEE YOUR BICYCLE NAS ONE. 111F'D BY THE MOLD BICYCLE CO. LTD., BRANTFORD, 010 Tf you do, the place toi get the most roliabl pods at a modern pride s at PERKINS +t MA1RTIN'S. dealers in Musical Instruments Sewing Machine supplies, eto., etc„ All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar- gin over cost. Agents for the celebrated Chat ham Wagon. PERKINSr& MARTIN, Fanson's Block GENTS WANTED. TontbillrNTursories. Largest in Canada, 700 soros• We want reliable, energetio linen to set our Nursery stook; previous experience nor necessary any man with tact and energy enc succeed; terms liberal, outfit free. Our agent: have many advantages, such as selling home- grown, hardy. Canadian stook. Choice new specialties, which are of value. and which cat S EALED TENDERS marked ,`For Mounted Police Clothin0$upplies, and addressed to the honourable tho President:of the Privy Council, will be rceoivod up to ,noon on Wed- nesday, 27th April. Printed forms of tender containing full in- formation as to articles and quantities ' requir- ed, may bo !had on application to the under- signed. No tender will bo received unless made on suoh printed forms. Patterns of articles mos/ be seen at the otfiuo of the undersigned' Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted Canadian tank cheque for an amount equal to ton per cent, of the total value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party decline to anter into a contract when called un to do so, or if Ilio fail to supply the articles contracted for. If the tender be not aorepted the cheque will be returned. No payment will be made to newspapers in- serting this advertisement without authority having been first obtained. FRED WRITE, Comptroller N. W. M. Police. Ottawa, April 4th, 1892• Itch, Mange and Scratches of egery hind on human being or animals, cured in 30 min - notes by Woolford'e sanitary lotion This never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz. Oot. 9,-1y. �il1d` Age NG AT 4",T`911r gUNGHOL4 I,' A POOR KIND OF ECONOMY '. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn.,' writes: I always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs, I have never found au equal to it—far less a superior. G. G. Gls,£Ei,Sole 'Man'fr,Rroodbiitry,DlJ. It is on a par with buying lots of rubbishy soap for little money. Poor soaps are the " bunghole " through which time and labor are wasted, and by which the clothes and hands are ruined. FOR BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONGES. only be secured from us. It o have given par- ticular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor,horn sections of Canada. For terns appl y, to STONE .k WgatrNaTON, Toronto, Ont. SOAPS, PERFUMERY TRUE SEA SEA SALT GO TO BROWNING'S. Closes tho Avenues of' Waste and Ruin, and by its asting pro- perties, its wonderful cleansing powers and perfect purity, it Saves Time & Labor, and brings Comfort & Satisfaction to all who use it. •O• e • •• • ' **gy�App� T R TRUE EOONOMY iii RJ S ulnnn97 I T TO USE THE t- !WORKS: PT, SUNLIGHT LEVER. OROS., LIMITED NEAR BIRKENHEAD TORONTO • GARDEN SEEDS, FIELD SEEDS., X.L., KINDS OF FENCE WIR: LAWN MOWERS, ALABASTINE (IN ALL SHADES), "DAISY" CHURNS, ALL KINDS OF TINWARE CHEAP FOR CASH A:T CAUTION' EAGLE PLUUr 01? Myrtle Navy! IS MARKED d TN BRONZE �.ETTERS. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE QU PR!�SrOCR See It o Be fair to yourself ; if you want to buy Goods right at the right prices, come to the wilt place, where you get rockbottom prices in Dry Gnosis, Milliney, OOPS COTTON Groceries, Boots &, Shoes, Hats GC Caps ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physheirn. Successfialyus cd utoirthtlt bitthousands nr 1 -tries Is the only nerfeet ly safeanclreliablemedhcinc discovered. Beware of no principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of 'this. Ask forCOOK'S COTTON Roor Courousn,take owe substitute ; or inclose 91 an,. 4 throo-cent Canada postage stamps in letter, and we Will scud, sealed, by return mail Pull scaled particulars in!plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No „1 Fisher Biook,131Woodward avo.,ltotroi;, Mich, ;Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. Valuable Grist Mill JUST ARRIVED —AT— GIDLIEVit'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The WOODIIAII.I (hist Mill can be pur- chased on easy terms to suit purchaser : or can be rented for a term of years. Apply to R. R. COLLINS, Barrister,or Exeter, Ap14.'92-4t A very NEW Prices to suit large line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of PIGS FOR SALE. Our Imported Largo Yorkshire sow damsel gave birth on 'March 22nd to her first litter. Characteristic of the breed. though this sow is not yet more thane, year old,the litter numbers thirteen. They are doing particularly well, and a number of young boars and sows will be sold at a very reasonable figure to early pur- chasers. Thesepigs are of theIloleywell strain their sire being Roleywell Bing. This boar we still keep for service. This is the breed from which to select your stock boar and this the kind of a litter from which to choose abreeding sow,- Call early and get your choieo, Corres- pondence proiiiptly and cheerfully answered.' WM. BOOaAN Nt SONhensallS, New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES—in all colors. .[remember you can have your Curtain , Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Crockery, Hardware, &c., $900 &c-- faALARY and Commis - don Rion to A gents.;:ien and WonI- eu, Teachers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of .N azareth The most remarknhle religious book of tho rga written by 800 em inen r scholars, Nan -sectarian, Evert Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given, Apply to The Henry hid Pub. Ca.,orwiah,Cohn. IZWEIN GOODS Gall and Insl,ect our Stock @TEN DI:i RS ,T9 INDIAN SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed " Tenders for Indian Supplies," will be received at this otllee un to noon ofSATIJRDAY,14th alar, 1892. for the delivery of Indian Supplies, during the fiscal sear ending 30th June 1893, duty-paid. at var- ious points in Manitoba and the North West' Territories. -- Forms of tender, containing full particulars relative to the supplies required, dates of de- livery. &a., may be had by applying to the un- dersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina, or to the Indian Office. Winnipeg. This advertisement is not, to be inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the t„1neen's Printer, and no claim for payment lay' any newspaper not having had such •; authority.. will bo admitted. The lowest or any tender; not necessarily accepted. A KOUGHNET, L. V N Deputy of the Superintenden.t.General of Indian Affairs. - Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. Mareh.1892 -St S. GIDLEY STANDARD GRADE And latest style—Goods that will Otic to you like a brother. DOUPE ce CO., Iirkton. Oddfellows' Block. HURRAH! .f A. HYNDMAN Wishes to inform the citizens o Exeter and surrounding that he its now engaged selling Tea s,Coffees, BakingPomrder In quantities to suit Purchasers, Orders loft at the house or Dr Hyndman's Otilee will receive pm tupt attention, (110m0 G. A HYNDMAN 'DISEASES Of all ages..esulting from Errors or Ii.di ere- tians of Y nth, may be perrasnent ly cu -ed and the v1 g0 of perfect manhood fulls. 1 t...tt i, ss NER1' ..173 DEBILITY', STERILITY tit's SEX ANAL LOSSES & PREMATURE ilit.CAY. Long Standing eases of GLEET, STRIe'i:l7RE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all Pitt =."A111 and CHRONIC Diseases treated with r,crfeet success. Our field is in CIIRfONIC CA SIN is which others have failed ; if you are inoorable wo will frankly to you so. Write forpartionlars and treatise Fr, ic,;ir Louts APICAL Co., 16'2 and 14 Kip `_tre.t. lyest, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m `sA1"lt1) 1.,� ,,, n� rig .., t.t r 1 PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD We keep constantly on hand a large sir ek of dressed pine and hemlock lumber, lilac a ei,.•IQo stock of No. l pine lath. 7 E have on hand a Tine Linc of Our stook of doors. sash, b limes, mouldings, Y Y &c. is complete and thorou -ty kiln drie.i. BOUND BOOKS We offer for salei.;..ON-000XXawl XX7';prsc and CEDAR, SHINGLES manufactured by the Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, or best makers in Ontario. i ns. Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and ia;s,r, talc r e at a Ie fi nt a • a � nye Pv:<i .•l." .r to order at lowest erica.. t e h now in this lino for watering cattle in the Feld THE LATEST GAME : or barnyard. Call and see our eelebrated Baiting Cabinets, cr Parlor Quoits." every woman using them reit•:nmenliatt,sa highly. ALSO FLIPS PARCHEESI HALMA Turning,band,serollsawing,and rill *kinds of PARCHEESI, , maohipo work promptly attended to. Authors,Etc., Etc. It will be to your interest to examine our stook before purchasing elsewhere.. 1. W. BR,O NTuc� ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. BOOK & DRUG STORE I all kinds of bu' idini, metal als Die scu or Nzw Tailor Shop $2,04000*** 'VP'ORTN Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED AT (ANSON'S, We would inforin the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble.'s harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the . Latest Styles —AND A- areF .it Gu arlanteea WThHNSI 1 During the Next Month. Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call. READ THIS : 'MIDSTALLBLOW AND BLUSTER R. N. ROWS Still takes lead in the Furniture Business We are too busy to call on people in need of Furniture ; but please drop hi our Warerooms and see our Stock and we will try to suit you in this line. OrderedWorkNeatlyBone on Short Notice: Remember the have also a handsome line of Undertaking Good's ionillAlways m1 hand, incl alt calls in this�� ly1�� linetiilbepromptlyattendedto,and N 1 satisfaction guaranteed every time. 111 • Store—Next to Molsons Bank, Exeter. r'1 J on on H 0 z R O BT. N. RO E, EXETER NORTH o General Stores O Giving un Business. 2,5 per Cent. off for Lasa THS; BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET.! Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen I' leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Orating, in Town, yo: are sure' of satisfne- tion 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1.00; 5 lbs. 50e Tea, 2.00; 5 lbs. 60c Tea, 2.50; Coal Oil, 150; 41 lbs. raisins, 25c; Mens' rubbers 50c; Ladies' 3.5 C')lored Tea Setts, $2.00; Dry Goods 25 per cent. off Seal Muff, 2 50, worth 3 g Boys' Grey Lamb Hat,1 worth 3 00; Patrons and all Customers Welcome, No trouble to Goods. show �v ;JOHN MATHESON....