HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-14, Page 8INSURANCE
4!'ANY, of Toronto; also for ihoPH(ENIS
Sltkl INSL 1tANOF. COMPANY, or 14ondon;
Sin;;land, the roOYAI,0ANADIAN, of Mon-
4ireal, and the ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE
ASSURANCE, 00'X of Waterloo established
1870. Aasurancesinforoe,$18,127,400, Bonus().^
4Avery live years.
Will Browning is agent for the BUDGE
The prorogation ot the Legislature took
place ou Wednesday.
Rev. Mr. Russell will preach a sermon
on "Miracles" next Sunday evg,
, Wall paper at 33/4c a roll at the Big
`$3ankrupt Store; over fiye thousand rolls of
. 'imported imported paper in stock.
e �r� Notice At tha 1Iltchell show last week, Dow &
p JL Notic r Tennant's 'Ynschn" took first prize is a
During this week our usual supply of
:Holiday Stock will be opened and dis-
played for sale, so that on and after Dec
5th we will be in a fair position to re-
eciee eur t;uetuwers and their friends.
St :sincerely trust that the exhibit this
year ar will be found in every way satis-
factory, Much to cur surprise we find
a large number living within a few miles
of Exeter who have not yet called. This
is a mistake. Our stock is equal, and
we think superior, to any found 3n vel
lages of this size ; in fact we know it to
eless well with the majority of those
:found in city stores. We are steadily
endeavoring to snake it more widely
known and will not rest content until it
has been inspected by at least the ma-
jority of these living within ten or fif-
teen miles of Exeter. \Ve know that if
unable to sell, our stock will ' at •least
nesse ; and so cordially invite every
reader of Tem TI1IE3 to call with their
friends at least once during December
and take a look through.
Mem.) u:+° Exete
Sl (53 the auto.
T>IL'RSD:1Y, .APRIL 14th, 1802.
class of several coach horses.
The Mitchell Advocate in its Exeter
news says that "chivaries" are all the go.
What kind of things are these?
Messrs. Ross & Taylor have erected a
naw smoke stack to replace the one blown
down and destroyed last week. .
Owing to large orders recently received
the employees of the v'ority foundry ate
working overtitns to supply the demand.
Mr. John Welsh, who recently moved
outo a fano in Ushorne, has sold his house
and lot on Sinicoe-st. to Mr. Dennis, for a
fair sum.
Mr. John Willis reached Exeter last
week with a newly -purchased stalliou,
which he will travel on the route of
" Success."
Dlr. John Harris, of LJsborne, sold
his celebrated blood stallion to McHugh
Bros. on Monday, who have taken it to
British Columbia.
St. Marys ie to be made a port of eutry
for dutiable articles, and will have a new
Government post office bubbling. Not so
bad for Mr. 1 ridham.
Just opened at the Big Bankrupt Store,
another large shipment of men's and boys'
snits—undoubtedly the best value in the
trade. .A call will convince,
The Agricultural ground was rented ou
Tuesday to Mr. James Willis for $82 for
the season. It contains 18 acres. Last
year Mr. Willis gave $50 for 10 acres.
111111 ie ars
The Exeter \\ oollen pre
p ng
for a big sess� N oretgn mar-
kets are being daily received, Ibis is a
MAL li APPEiaiNGS.it irf
To -morrow, being Good Friday, will bo plive inslitutilt "f5iRe he Mill will
observed as a' general holiday.tag e.
ung showsare all the "{•o" those Mr. George weel.es, brother of Messrs.
t t\\'un, and Jas. \Weekes of this plats, was
dee e. Everything has its (lay. married yesterday at Guelph to a Miss
No Lt:ttc r V a o for llack snits and blaek Hurls. They will make their hone in
laces Tunis Ciao tl,e Big B•aukrupt Setore. Chicago. Hearty eo:rgrotulationa,
- 'i'r. t' ma stormy weather of the past The Exeter Roller Mill has now a
S ee% lets dek yt:d springwo:k andretartied large staff of workman and business is
vegetation. boontiu ;. We are pleased to note that
very tl;nit•e lot of capes and wraps this institution, which only a few years
etir. left et the Big Bankrupt Store. Do ago was dormant, is now a credit to Exeter.
you went one? Au ituportart clause in the new Liquor
Ir. Sep. Hogarth, of Stephen, lost a Lieense act renders any person who, after
va'.tteble mare hurt week in foaling, Ile notice, gives, purchases for or sells to
aider leet the foal. habitual drunkards any liquor, liable to
There will be an iuteresting shoot by n olrelthan twenty darsonment for ys se than ten days or
members of the Exeter Gun :.hub tomorrow
(Friday) for a silver and gold medal. The many friends here of Mrs. Wm.
Ladies, see the assortment ot Oxford Gray, of London, (nee Miss Jennie Hard-
;, alb c3 at the Big Bankrupt Store ; 20 to 25 lug) :vill regret to learn of hor death on
per cent. saved B nk every pair, rare t Sunday last. Some weeks ago she was
confined, and never recovered. She leaves
Messrs. Wood Bros. have commenced ex- a hush :nd and infant to n nrn their loss.
eav;:tieg for the foundation of their new,
brick block, which will be among the finest tiR1CI{F,T Is1 Exeter
�r..—The annual meet
ins of the Cricket Club will be
in town. held at Mr, L. H. Dickson's Law Office on
Ladies' knockabout hats; girls' sailor Tuesday evg. next, April 19, at 8 o'clock,
and sun !hats; men's and boys' straw and to elect officers, etc., for coming season.
felt hats, all at closest prices e.t the Big F. ELLIOT, Secy.'
Bankrupt Store. It may be of interest to teachers of rural
The adjourned bigamy case was conclud- schools to know that the;law granting the
ed at Crediton on Tuesday, when sufficient vacation at Exeter does not apply to them.
evidence was adduced against the prisoner A letter recently recoived from the Deputy
Waistell to commit him to Goderich for Minister of Education states that Good
trial, Friday and Easter Monday are the only
:McHugh Bros. shipped a carload of fillies holidays granted these schools.
and two entire horses from Exeter on An amendment to the Assessment Act
Tuesday. They go to their range in Van- was this week passed in the Ontario Legis-
'ouver. They are a fine sample of Huron lature, providing that farm lands in towns
moo. horseflesh. and villages shall only be taxed as farm
The Brandon (Mau.) Sun says that there lands at farm values. As there is consid-
ras-e been te great many horses brought to erable farming land in Exeter, owners will
-hat city this spring from Ontario,and adds do well to see after their assessment.
that all have been sold at high prices,with A number of the farmers of the northern
a demand for more. townships, annoyed at the action of the
:air. L. Hardy has purchased over two- Council in moving the scales and market
t Brie of the shares held by citizens in the to the town hall property, have secured a
:hoariest site, and will force a sale of the lot near the old market and are raising
property. By this the town's assets will funds for the purchase of scales, to bo
'::h r- laced by $1,600. placed more conveniently for them. $50
There is a by-law of the town in exist- were raised in a short time the other day.
once, against discharging fire -arms within Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, preached in
the limits of the corporation. Complaints the James-st Church on Suihday morning
are made that the law in this respect is last, and in the evening in the Main st.
openly violated by boys and others. Church. The rev. gentleman is an elo-
} \Wc+ have received a communication cap sell cuenthosen and Ilis i thoughts dee clear ep language
reined by A. Burlesque, dealing with
the C -Tunis Board, but as it does not bear In fact, it is an extreme pleasure to listen
the writer's name we withhold it. We to his discourses. The congregation on
trust have the name of the writer in all each'occasinu was overflowing.
eases; The tenders for the erection of the school
he cattleyards at the market have been and rectory in connection with the Trivitt
t* sf: nred and the lumber used to enclose Memorial Church were opened on Saturday
yerls for a similar purpose at the town last. There was a large number, but the
hell. Tho Connell will now establish a lowestteuder being sereral thousand dollars
market at the town hall and disestablish above the estimate, none were accepted.
The former one. The specifications will be revised to make
The sale of firm stock at Mr. John Hey- 000 cost of the buildings not to exceed $6,
wood's on Thursday last was fairly well
attended. Mr. John Gill wielded the HORSEMEN, —Get our prices on horse -
hammer, and it may be said °to his credit bills before ordering elsewhere. We
that every article put up sold at a remark- have several new cute and are in a pos-
ablyy high figure. ition to turn out route bills and cards
Mr. Brown, of Seaforth, exhibited at the cheaply, promptly, and satisfactorily in
allow Tuesday, a new patent pea harvester. every respect. Our folders are guaran
Die attachment can be readily attached teed not to break eith usage. Order
tri 'siy mower without drilling the bar. It your folders and bills at the Tmras.
ir'n. tnnfactured by James Whiteman, of The Mitchell Recorder will be sold by
Lhuulree. Sample can be seen at R. S. public Auction on Tuesday, April 19th
reir.7'a implement rooms, or D. Brannd's by the Sheriff. It was always thus with
carriage shop, Exeter. inexperienced men taking hold of news -
While in the country delivering goods papers, in the anticipation of a ready road.
',o 1i.rnday. Farmer Bros.' horse shied at to fortune. It is, on the contrary, a sure
sena, lumber on the roadside, and jumping path to financial ruin, if the adventurer
auto the ditch threw the boys, Freddie has any money to lose. The newspaper
Gillespie and Eddie Dignan, out of the business, especially in this section of coun-
wagon. Eddie Dignan ;had his head and try, is not a glorious occupation, but rath-
lace so severely out that it was necessary er a weary toil for little remuneration.
Queen's Birthday Celebration in Parkhill.
Farmers' Picnic; LacrosseMatch ; Ad-
dresses by Ministers of Agriculture, John
McMillan, M. Y., and others; Athletic,
Contests,. etc. Grand Concert in the evg.
J. M. DUFF, Sec'y.
Aiinisterial Associatioe.
This Association met in Carmel Church,
Hemel!, on Monday, 4th inst. The at-
tendance of members was good. After
routine business, during which the next
meeting was appointed for Exeter,and the
following appointed to lead the discussion,
with a paper and sermon, viz: Rev. S. G.
Allen and Rev. Mr. Sermon. The Rev. R.
Redmond then read a. paper on Messianic
Prophecy which took the usual ground
that the prophecies of the Old Testament
point directly to Christ as the Messiah.
Rev. Mr. Irvino read a sermon based on
Rev. iii, 15: " I would thou were cold or
hot," etc., which provoked an interesting
discussion on the exegesis of this whole
section of Scripture, Rev. Mr. Fair was
asked to give a aermon and Rev, 'air.
Fletcher a paper on "rho present aspect
of higher criticism and its outlook for the
future," at the June meeting.
to have several stitches put on the wound. The annual meating of the British and
The wagon was badly wrecked. Foreign Bible Society was held in the
The Leamington Poet reporting a magis- James -et. Church on Sunday afternoon
'crate's Court says : r' Mr. Stares appeared last. There was a large attendance and
for Ferguson, and Mr. Gundy, of Easton & the meeting was an animated one. The
Gundy, for the Beatties. This was Mr. principal speaker was Dr. Potts, Supt. of
G.'s firat appearance in a court room here Education, Toronto, while the local clergy
and his debut was certainly a moat credit- also took part. An interesting and terse
able one. He is a young man of great resume ofthework of the Society was given
promise and is a valuable addition to the by Dr. Potts, who clearly showed to what
legal lore of the County of Essex,' Mr. a profitable use the money subscribed was
Gundy, it will be remembered, left Exeter appropriated. Excellent music was fur -
recently for Leamington. nished by the united choirs. The amount
In the beginning God created heaven subscribed was $20.
and earth and all things therein. He then On Tuesday evening. while Mr. Sep.
created man and woman and left the loafers Hogarth, of Stephen, wasshowing one
on the corners and in due time they multi of his dri
vers to Mr. P. , the
plied and spread into the depot, the post horse ran away.When reaching the
office, the corridora and the stores. In the
hitter place they stand around and explain Commercial stables it reared and jumped
state and national problems that have onto several buggies on the side of the
vexed great minds, and exist partially by road, badly smashing one -belonging to
Sampling goods. While the loafer is thus Mr. Geo. Heywood. Mr. Hogarth and
engaged, his wife is out washing for her his son were in the buggy, but escaped
ineighbors, and the poor helpless children injury. Their horse and buggy also
are Ieft at home to care for themselves as miraculously escaped. The horse was
best they can. There is nothing more sold for, $125,
noticeable than the loafer.
Church Notes.
Remember the "Rainbow" social in the
James.st. Church to -morrow evg (Good
Rev. Geo. Needham of Egmondville,will
preach in Cavett Church on Good Friday
Rev. J. 5 Henderson delivered his lec-
ture, ,. Rambles in Wonderland," tin the
Chhselhurst Presbyterian Church Tuesday
evg. to a good audience.
Rev. 1nr. Martin will leave next week
for a visit to the Old Couutry. During his
absence, which will be about two months,
Mr. A. E. Neilly, of Knox College, will
supply his place.
Dr. L'otts, Snp't of Education, Toronto,
visited Exeter this week, and on Sunday
preached Educational set mons in the Meth
°dist churches—Janes-at in the morning
and Main -at in the evening. He made a
strong appeal in behalf of the fund and
succeeded in raising over $100, both con-
gregatinus subscribing about equally.
Mr. William D. Weekes of this place
attended the wedding of Mr. Geo. Weekes
and Mies -Lizzie Harris at Guelph yester-
day.—Mr. W. Dempsey left Lucau. Mon-
day morning to take a situation on the
Brandon (t2an.) Sun.—Rev Mr. vle)on-
ugh ani Mrs. McDonagh spend to -day and
to -morrow visiting friends to Mitchell.—
Mr. John McRoberts, who has been on
the Exeter market for the past few years,
buying grain tor Mr. Hutchins, leaves this
week for Parkhill, where he will remain
for a time. Mr. Andrew Hicks will buy
in his stead, ---Revs. McDonagh and Russell
will exchange pulpits next Sunday morn-
ing.—Parkhill Review : " Mrs. Taylor, of
Exeter, is the guest of hor sister, Mrs, J.
H. Cunningham, in town this week,"—Mr.
Henry Lovett of Parkhill spent Tuesday
in town on business.—Mr. Daniel French
returned Tneeday eve. from Oshawa, where
he had been attending the funeral of his
father, who died ou Saturday Lust.—Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Harding attended the fun-
eral cf their daughter, /sirs. Gray, in Lon-
don on Tuesday I.tst,—Mra. John P. Ross
visited London. on Tuesday.—Mrs. James
Swenerton, of Niagara, spent a part of
last week in town.—Mrs. Peck of Parkhill
is the guest ot Mrs. Richard Manning.—
Mrs. Pinch visited London last week to
attend a concert given by the pupils of
Alma Ladies' College, in which her daugh-
ter, Miss Fannie, took part.
The fancily of Mr. Chas. Senior, of
Blenheim, will have a re -union at Mr.
Jos. Senior's, town, to -morrow.
Mr. Mark Clark has moved into the
shoe shop adjoining the Commercial
Hotel stables, lately occupied by Mr. L.
Mr. Rd. Delbridge, breeder of thoio'-
bred stock, has a ewe which gave birth
to four lambs last week, one of them
tipping the scales at 9; lite. Ono of the
lambs has since died. The ewe is a
BRIEFS.—Dr. Croskerry of Crediton
loaves in a few days for Neer Jersey
State. The village and surrounding
country will lose a good man and a thor-
ough medical praetitioner.— Rev. Mr.
Clement, President of the London Con-
ference, was in the village on Tuesday,
and gave evidence in the Waistell
bigamy case, as to his having married
Richard Waistell and Mrs.Ann Cobleigh
in Exeter, at the James -at Parsonage in
March, 1888.—The band concert on
Wednesday evening was a success. The
attendance large and program rendered
was first-class. —Rev. R. Redmond will
preach a special sermon to the Foresters
in the Methodist church on Sunday next,
The brethren will march in body from
the town hall to the church, accompan-
ied by oontingente of D.tshwood, Cen-
tralia and other lodges.—There will be
Easter services on Sunday evg. next.
lltioilinE (1010116 Boys'
Richard. Pickard & Son _a
Have just opened up a
Of Boys' Ready-mades.
Ont., Jan. 2, 1890,
W. H. Ccusroox, Brockville,
Dear Sir :—For a number of years I have
used and sold your "Dr. Morse's Indian
Root Pills," I consider them the very beat
for "Family Use," and all my customers
speak highly of them.
Yours truly,
R. LAwsox,
If your boy requires a suit bring him along. The
price will suit you.
P.Wateon & Son,tea and crockery dealers
of Stratford, haye written their creditors
offering 50o on the dollar. They owe about
$5,000, assets about $4,000.
Quainter, Nov. 911a, 1891.
Dn. L. A: SMITH & Oo.:
GENTLEMEN ,—Your Anti -Dandruff should
be need by all who are troubled with Dand-
ruff used it
falling 'ths hair. I b
ruff and oi
only a few times and it has wroughtK
bt a won-
derfulchange. 1 also am fully convinced
that Anti -Dandruff promotes growth of the
hair. ,r
riiallaen HENwREY,
Henohy's Rotel Quebec.
Spring Shows.
St. Marys
Ailsa Craig
South Huron, Brucefield
April 19
« 14
it 15
'' 15
Three of the Lucan hotels wall ohaugo
hands ou May the 1st —the Oeutral,Western
and Royal. Mr. McLean of the Centralibas
leased hie premises to Mr. Alexander Mc.
Falls; Mr: J. D. MoColl of the Royal has
purchased a hotel businces in Parkhill; and
Mr. Ed. Mayo will take his place. Mr.
John F. Cain has sold out to Mr. P. Ryder.
Mr. Cain will retire.
E. B. Smith, who held the position of
cltief engiueer of the AlleaCraig fire brigade
sham its organisation hi July, 1859, till
January, 142, was recently presented with
a handsome medal and clasp by the mem.
bers 10 recognition of his untiring and
succeseful efforts in their bebalf muco the
organisation of the brigade.
Robert Norris, aged CO years, died at
Stalin on Sunday lett. He had been a
sufferer from palsy for about 10 years,but a
stroke of paralysis about a week ago,result-
ed in his death• He leaves a wife and
grown-up family, all comfortably provided
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful BIemish Ouse
ever known. Sold by G. Lutz, 0-29-Iy
Dr, T. A, Slocum's
LIVER OIL. If you have Difficulty of
Breathing —Use it. For sato by all drug-
giete. 35 cents per bottle.
Tun. Srnlxo,of all seasons in the year, is
the one for making radioal changes in re-
gard to health. During the winter, the
system beanies to a certain extent clogged
with waste, and the blood Ioaded with im•
purities, owing to the lack of exercise, close
confinement in poorly ventilated shops and
l.tcmos, and other causes. This is the cause
of the dell, sluggish, tired feeling so general
at this season, and which must be over.
come, or the health may be entirely broken
down. Hood's Sarsaparilla bas attained the
greatest popularity all over the country as
the favorite Spring Medicine. It expels the
accumulation of impurities through the
And that's ,just what will happen to these splendid
Bargains we are now offering to the public.
In Dress Goods & Dress Trinntmings
In Gents' Furnishings we have no equal.
See our range of
(White and Colored)
—all in the latest styles.
In WALL PAPER we have all the newest
designs. If you 'want it said that you have the
prettiest -papered room in town, you will have to
procure you Wall Paper at CARLING BROS.
See our Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Carts and
Lace Curtains.
A. quantity of our Celebrated 25c Tea left yet, which some of our merchants
are trying to imitate ; but they can't do it you know.
bowels, kidneys, liver, lungs and skin, giros
to tbo blood the purity and duality necee-
nary to good health and evercome that tired
The Mortgage flank an d Investmon t Company
of Fargo.North Dnkota,write ua thatitlioy have
farms for sale which they have obtained at
very low prions under foroolosure, which they
will sell at from $4 to.$7 per acro, accepting
850 when the contract is made,. the balance to
be paid in yearly instn}menrs. Most of these
farms have considerable of the land under cul-
tivation and houses and barns already built.
They also say that ther will Iease sheep and
cattle on shares to the parties purchasing the
farms, This eveuld seem to be a'prime oppor-
tunity for ambitious youug iruen to obtain a
start in life. They will send description and
prices to anyone who write them. 2t
Mr. S. Powell desires to inform the public
that he is prepared to do a reasonable amount
of grafting. Scions of the best quality always
kept in stock. Address
S. Powata, Exeter.
Arta. Other Elegant Articles to 'those
Who Clan. Rea. This Rebus.
Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded
in purchasing goods, the equal t9 which has not been
shown in Exeter before.
The above is honest advice which we are interested
in prescribing to every home. To secure a trial foi
FORD'S PRIZE PILLS, w•e=intend to spend r
certain amount in this scanner of advertising and
attracting 0' ention to the merits of this medicine.
To the /inat person sending the correct answer to the
above rebus we will give an elegant Gold Watch,
fine workmanship and first-class timekeeper. to the
second we will give a Genuine Diamond Ring;
to the Mirda handsome Silk Dress Pattern, 16
Ards in any color; to the jhurat a Coin Silver
Fates, and many other prizes in order of merit. To
the person sending the Fut correct answer we will give
an elegant Gold Watch, fine workmanship and
first-class timekeeper ; to the next to the last we will
give a Genuine Diamond Ring; to the third
to the last we will give a handsome Silk Dresr
Pattern, x6 yards in any color • to the forortic to the
last we will give a Coin Silver Watch, and
man other valuable articles in order of merit, count-
ing from the last. WE SH.N LL GIVE AWAY
tl :l
100 VALUABLI''ItEMI1Th1S (should there
be so many sending in co.rect answers). No charge is
made for boxing and pecking of premiums. All
answers must be sent in by mail before April 10th,
i. 2. - Ten 3
cent stamps mustt be enclosed with
answer for one box of FORD'S PRIZE PILLS. The
names of the leading -prize winners will be
published in connection with our advertisement
in leading newspapers next month. Extra premiums
will he given to those who are willing to assist in intro-
ducing our medicine. Nothing is charged for the
premiums in any way, they are absolutely given away
to introduce and advertise Ford's Prize Pills, which are
purely vegetable and act gently yet promptly on the
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels; dispelling headache,
Fevers and Colds, cleansing the system thoroughly and
cure habitual constipation. They are sugar
coated, do not gripe, vory small, easy to take,
one rpill a dose, and are purely vegetable, Perfeot
digestion follows their use. As to tha reliability of our
company, we refer yott to any leading wbolesale drug-
gist or business lose in Toronto. All premiums will
be awarded strictly in order of merit and with perfect
satisfaction to the public Pills are sent by aril post
paid, When you answer this rebus, kindly mention
which n, ws*•aper you save it in. Address THE l OI W
,t fel
LG,, is altlr.5toa St. West, Toronto, Can.
The Latest in Everything
Our stock will ensure us :
The Trade' in Dry Goods ;
The Trade in Dress Goods; •
The Trade in Millinery;
in Clothng.
Watch this space for further announcement.
Samwell's Block, Exeter. ,
Barber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hairoutiing inthe isteit
style,ot the art.
Every attention paid to gutting
lames' and Ghilkren's Hair
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital ... ... i2,000,000
Rest Fund ... ... ... 1,100,00E
HeadOffioe, Montreal,
Money advanced to'goodfarmers on their own
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent
per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Openeverylawfui day , from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m
' SATURDAYS,10 a.m.to ip.m,
4PerOent.perannum allowedformoney on
DepoeitR°ceipto. Savings Bank at3per Mt;
Sub -Manager.