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13. S. Cr
Transacts a geneeelbankingbusiness.
Receives the accounts of merchants and
others on favorable terms.
Offers averya000mmodation consistent with
safe and conservative banking principles.
Interestallowed on deposits.
D rafts issued payable at any afieoof th
elerchant s Bank.
THURSDAY, APRIL 14th,; 1892.
Twenty-two acres of land is needed to
sustain a man on flesh meat, while the
same amount of land under wheat feeds
forty-two people ; under oats, SS people;
under potatoes, Indian corn, rice, 176
people, and under the plantin, or bread-
fruit tree, over 6,000 people.
The experimental shipment of live
cattle from the Northwest to Japan
may mean the opening up of a trade of
enormous benefit to Canada. Should
the East Drove its ability to consume all
the surplus animals which the Canadian
prairies will soon produce a double ad-
vantege will be secured : Our western
territories will seoure a convenient mar-
ket and Ontario cattle raisers will not
be subject to the keen competition which
would result from sending stock from
there to Great Britain.
t + +
There is to bout) delay in filling the
vas, icy iaa the L e ieleturo Caused by
the death of :1Tr, IL E. Clarke, Toronto.
The nt'minatien takes place on Aprill 22
and the election on April 29. There
will be plenty of candidates, according
to the present outlook. George Tait
Blaekstock is likely to be the nominee
of the Conservative Association ; E. A.
Macdonald (Conservative) announces that
he will run as an advocate of the Politi-
cal Union of Canada with the States,and
Ald. Bell is brought forward as au
".Equal Righter." There will,of course,
be a straight Liberal candidate.
From Various Sources Through
out the 1)istriet..
Mr. Whitley is spoken of as likely to suc-
ceed to the collectorship of anetoms at Olin.
It is probable that, a Kiudeigarten will
be adopted in connection with the Seaforth
public school.
A orosa petition has been filed in the East
Brace election against Truax, the defeated
Liberal candidate.
The Commercial hotel, Seaforth, naught
Are frons a, Chimney last week and narrowly
escaped destruction.
The Iday District Meeting of the Metho-
diet churches in that section will be held in
Clinton about the 15th of May.
Four aged men happened to meet at a
certain house:in Biaevale the other day,
whose united algae were 324 years!
Mr. C. Tough of Stanley, a student of
Knox College, takes charge of a mission
station in Toronto for the summer.
Hon. J. C. Patterson, Secretary of State,
was Wednesday served with a protest against
his return as M. P. for Weet Huron..
Mr: R• B. Scott of Harpurhey planted
some potatoes in hes garden on the let of
.April, being 18 days earlier than last year•
Albert Kilfop of Summerhill while fooling
with a revolver the ether day, it accidentally
discharged, the ball paseiug through his
Did it ever occur to you to take Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the best spring medicine?
Try a bottle this season, It will do you
The Dominion, Government has decid-
ed to go to the Supreme Court, and, if
necessary, to the Privy Council, on the
question as to whether the Lieut. -Gov-
ernor of Ontario has a right to exorcise
the pardoning power and commute and
remit sentences for offences against
Ontario laws. Hon. Mr. Mowat claims
this rit;lit fur Ontario. Exhaustive argu-
ments had taken place for four months
before, and counsel for tho Dominion
Guvernment lield that the prerogative
of pardon was vested only in the Sov-
ereign power of the country.
From a return broughtdown in Parlia-
ment it appears that 2,626 petitions,
with 304,805 signatures, have been re-
ceivedin favor of aprohibitory]iquorlaw,
and also eleven petitions from societies.
By Provinces the return shows :
Petitions. Sii*naturcd
Ontario 11172
197 ,7
Now Brunswick ... 2f12
Nova Scotia .. 336 43 73s
Prince Edward Island 113 13.101
Manitoba......,-. .... . . 38 7,395
British Columbia 21 2,533
Northwest Territories.23 3,587
Some of the petitions contained over
3,750 signatures, and exceeded 75 feet
in length.
'While returning from Egmondville church.
on Sabbath last, rather a serious accident
happened to Mr. John Hannah; He was
driving a spirited young horee attachedto a
light carriage, in whioh were his mother, an
old lady of over eighty years of age, and
four of his:children. When opposite Mr.
Dickson's gate the horse shied, the carriage
struok a knoll and Mr, Hannah was jerked
over the dashboard while hie mother wag
thrown oyer the aide and -the children
promiscuously piled into the ditch.
Dr. McTaggart, the senior partner of the
firm of McTaggart & McIntosh, private
bankers, Brussels, the doors of whose es-
tablishment were recently closed, has been
busy going through the books and papers
preparatory to making out a full statement ` Ira Bice, of McGillivray, was committed
for presentation to a meeting of creditors, for trial by Squire Smyth Saturday after -
to be held shortly. He;ia sanguine that the noon on the oharge of larceny of 900 pounds
estate will pan out well with oarefulmanage of flour from Joseph Siddall, of Lobo.
ment. His first knowledge of his partner's Samuel Sherdown, the lad ohargod with
flight was by atelegram from the Merohauts' participating in the stealing,was rat ebarged.
Bank, London, and he at once left Alabama A freak of nature, in the shape of a two -
for Brussels. He had, and still has, un- faded calf, was dropped by d cow belonging
bounded confidence fn Mr. McIntosh, and to Rev. Arch Sinclair, lot 3, con. 8, Lobo
can't understand why he would leave as he township, on the 7th inst. The calf has
did without cousulting or advising him. two mouths, tour eyes and two ears, while
PERTH. tbe remuants o[ three Borne are visible. In
Grieve, the unseated of North Perth, says -drinking and when bellowing both mouths
he will try it again. are used.
St. Marys council has granted St, Marys Jas. Gray was found guilty of the oharge
Mechanics' Institute $150. of stealing grain from Thos. Crapp of Nis -
Mr Grieve is the thirtieth Liberal who lost semi, before Judge Davis at London on the
his seat since theeneral elections, BOth ult., and was sentenced to six months
g in common jail, The prisoner served three
Mitchell has a lawn tounis club with Dr. months in London in 1888 for a similar
Smith, President, and Fred Davis, Sea's?, offence, but claimed he had not then done
The "Alert" Laorosse Club of St Marys wrong intentionally.
has been organised for 1892, with a large Lachlan Steele died at his mother's home,
membership. Parkhill, the other night of measles after
Adam Reordan and James. Bettridgehave only two days' illness. The young man
purchased the undertakiug business of Brown was 18 years of age, and apparently of a
& Uren, St Marys, strong and vigorous constitution. lie was
Mayor Doherty of Clinton has disposed H. A. L. W.,son of John Anderson Blan- working iu the country when taken ill, and
of his handsome resideuee and grounds to shard, out his foot badly while splitting was at once taken home. Medical aid way
called, but the measles struck iewardl
0#$#,000, esti, fatal results.
Mr. G. D. McTaggart, banker for ,the sum wood the other day.
Word has been received from Calgary,
Man., of the death of two children of Mr.
Duncan MoEwen, formerly of Stanley,from
The Brucetield Seeing Show of Entire
Stuck takes place on Friday next, when, if
the weather be favorable, there will likele
be a great crowd there.
The stock of Reyuold's livery, Clinton,
sold by auction ou Wedneeday was purchas-
ed by Mr. John B. Kennedy of that place
at a slight advance over $1,800.
Miss Melia Russell of Wingbam while on
her way to prayer -meeting the other even-
ing fell through an open trap door in the
sidewalk. She was severely injured,
Dr. Campbell of Seaforth wiliretarufrom
attendance at the Philadelphia hospitals on
the 16th inst. Ile is very much improved
in health by his stay in the Quaker pity:
There are rumors circulating in Clinton
that °natoms Collector lrwin's death was
the result of poison given by a young man,
who was much in the deceased's company..
enormous this year, Prides for cows are
high this year, and the demand excellent.
Several farm stook sales have taken place,
and in each case the cows have been in
more lively demand than anytime before."
Rev. Mr. Edwards, lot 12, oon. 3, Lobo
township, has purchased from John Isaao,
of Markham, Ont., an imported Shorthorn
Oruiokshanks Durham bull weighing 2,300
Mr. O. D. Stewart, of the 19th oon., East
Williams, had a sale of his stock on Thurs-
day. He sold his farm to Archy Stewart
for $6,300. D D. intends moving to the
Exclusive of Ministers of the Crown
there is not one officer in the various
departments of the Ontario Government
whose salary exceeds $3,000. If they
are sufficiently remunerated then sheriffs
and registrars—untrained men, men
who are not experts, and whose whole
work is performed by deputies—are
scandalously overpaid in official incomes
ranging from $3,000 to $10,000 a year.
Three thousand dollars should certainly
be the maximum in the case of these
fee paid officers, too. But when this
sound principle was put in the form of a
resulution in the Local House Friday it
was voted down by the Government
Political Points.
That tired, languid feeling and dull head -
Rohe is very disagreeable. Take two of
Carter's Little Livor pilla before retiring,
and you will find relief. They never fail to
do good,
The spring convention of Perth County Most people suppose that the manatee -
fordTeachers'nAssociation will be bald in Strak• tura of tobacco consists merely of taking
ford on May 19 and 20, the leaf and pressing it into plugs. The
It is said :that Mr. Race's liabilities aro feet is. however, that the pones is a very
$3,000, but this does not include a mortgage delicate one, and the least false stop will in -
of $700 against his house. jure the flavor. The leaf must be carefully
The lifitohell spring fair last week was the attended to for months after it leaves the
most suooessfal held there for some time, planter's hand. It must neither dry to
The show of horses was very large. quickly or to slowly. Even after it has
The new voters' list for North Perth has reached the factor' the utmost dolicaoy is
just been issued in which Stratford has Xequired. The weather must be carefully
2,966 voters, an Worms, of 800 over theold studied, for if there is too much nioieturo
list, in the air when it is pressed it will mould,
Mr. John Leslie of Blanchard has been and the same will happen if too much mois-
appointed a director :of the Blanahard lu- tura is sprinkled upon it for the purpose of
suraueopaning the loaf. Again, if it is overdried
deceaseceas a Co,, in the place of John Kennedy, in the oven it will turn oriap, and will nip
deceased. the tongue in smoking. It is by careful
Owing to T. H. Race of the MitaheU Re- attention to all these points that the
corder assigning, it is said that Glenn, in "Myrtle Navy" has been to such perfcetion,
the snit Glenn se Race, will have to pay The firm who manufacture it have their
his own costs, own storehouses in Virginia, and from the
The new town hall in St. Marys will be time the leaf leaves the planter's hands uu-
opeued shortly by the firemen with a grand til it is turned out of the factory, months
concert. The building is a massive ono and afterwards, in, piuge, it is under the care of
loake "hosts" for the money, $12,000. their skilled and trusty employees.
Mr, Win. Kerr, of Brunner, arose on
Thursday night to attend a siok child, and THE CANADIAN CATTLE.
while walking amass the floor he fell and _
expired. Heart disease said to be the pause.
James 14, Troyer of Hensen, who was on
his way to Mariette,Mich.,was in company
with the late Mr. Mitchell when killed at
Port Huron the other day. Mr. T. saw the
engine strike him.
Mr. Jamas Cumming has rented his
fifty -acre farm on the 8th con,Tuokersmith,
to Mr. R, Kennedy for a term of five years.
The farm contains 50 aores,and Mr.Kennedy
pays $150 a year.
William Duncan, oommouly known as
"The Piper," one of the oldest villagers of
Johnehaven, Scotland, died at his house
there on Friday ; morning at the advanced
age of eighty-eight yeaes. He was en uncle
of Messre. John and Alexander 1Dunoan of
What a depth of g• aSitude the world owes
to such men as Dr. flyer's and Jenner—the
latter for the great discovery of vaccination,
and the former for his Extract of Sarsapar-
illa—the best of blood-pnrifiers! Who can
estimate how much these discoveries have
benefited the raoe.
Mr. Jamas Anderson, formerly of Hay,
near Kippen, died in Sheldon, Dak., last
week. He was one of the pioneers of Huron
and was in hie 69;h year. He was a pros-
perous farmer, and had been living in
Dakota for some time. When in Canada
he held the office of councilman in both Hay
and Stanley townships.
The fourth annual meeting of the Dannt-
lese Lacrosse Club :was held on Tnesday
night at Kennedy's hotel, Clinton, when
the following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: Hon.Pies , L.Kennedy; Hon
Vice., Dr. J. W. Shaw; Pres., Jas Fair, jr.;
Vice-Pree., W. P. Spalding; Trees, IT.
Fair; Seo'y, B. Gibbings.
On Wednesday night of Blast week a de-
liberate attempt «as made to burn out the
premises of Dr,Blaokall,Clinton. A couple
of large bottles, in which he kept chemicals
were taken up a man -hole in the ceiling,
(which is wooden) and the contents, with
coal oil poured on and ignited. After burn
ing some time it fortunately went out itself.
The new voters' list for North Perth
has just been issued in which Stratford
has 2,966 voters, an increase of 800 over
the last list.
The Globe says: Mr. James Suther-
land, M. P., for North Oxford, has been
appointed to the position of Ontario
whip for the Liberal party of the Com-
mons, vice Jas. Trow.
Besides Col. Amyot,'three more Que-
bec Liberals have left their party, and
joined tbe Liberal -Conservative. The
Government now have a majority of
about 66.
In the North Perth election case,
Campbell v. Greive, before the Supreme
Court, the chief justice held that there
had been corrupt practices, and the
election is declared void, unseating Mr.
Greive (Liberal), who was elected on ac-
count of a split in the Conservative rank.
A Kingston evening paper says : It
is rumored in Lennox that in the event'
of the seat, now held by Wilson (Con.),
being opened' up that the Hun. Edward
Blake will be asked to contest the riding
in the interests of the Liberals,
During the recent heavy wind -storm the
residence of Mr. David Wallace of the 11th
con. Turnberry, took fire and was complete
ly destroyed. It is supposed the fire or-
iginated from the stove -pipe or ehimney,for
when it was first seen the roof was all
ablaze, Some of the furniture was removed,
but the loss will be a heavy one to Mr.
The License Commissioners for South
ffnron will meet in Heneall on April 20.
Following are the new applicants tor •License
(Tavern); Wm. Cunningham, Royal Hotel,
Ira Bice, Central Hotel, Village of Crediton ;
J. B, 'Weber, Daly's Hotel, Village of Eg-
mondtille. Tavern Licenses at present in
force, 40 ; Shops, 3. Number of applica-
tions for 1892, Taverns. 41; Shops, 3.
The hostler at the Queen's hotel,Seaforth,
was surprised and horrified on Thursday
morning on entering the stable on finding a
man lying on the centre of the floor quite
dead. It was evident from ?the position of
the body that the man bad fallen from the
hay loft. He had, apparently, got into the
bnilding by a back door and went to the hay
loft, with the intention of taking up his
quarters for the night, and in passing along
in the dark fell through a trap door to the
floor below, breaking his neck. He was a
All a 0 entitled to the best that tinir
money will buy, so every family should
harp, at once; a bottle of the hest family
remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the ins- 3 Ihave recommended it to a number of
tem when costive or bilious. For sale in ; friends. Too much praise cannot:be devot
75o bottles by all leading draggista, S ed to its healing qualities," J. ARisAne pie,
Passenger Agent, 51 York St. A seven
Minerd's Liniment is the Beet. year's test.
From a batch of nine applicants, the St
Marys council at its last meeting appointed
Mr. R, T. Swales as market olerk by a oaet-
ing yotc, It is said that St Marys will again
impose market fees.
The Stratford City Council has granted
ten years' exemption from taxes to the^pro-
poaed turning company, in `which from
$S,000 to $10,000 will be invested in new
machinery and buildings, and abort thirty-
five hands employed.
For nearly half a century Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral has been the most popular cough
remedy in the world. The constantly in-
creasing demand for this remedy proves it
to be the very beet specific for colds, coughs,
and all disease of the throat and lunge.
In North Porth 36 applications for tavern
and 4 shop licensee have been received by
the Inspector for this year, last year thoro
were only 84 applications for tavern and 4
for shop licenses. The commissioners meet
at Mitchell on 28rd inst. to grant licenses.
Last Saturday a little son of Mr. Anthony
Alien, of Cromarty was trying to walk a
log in his sugar bush with an open knife in
his hand when he slipped and fell to the
groand,the knife penetrating his right breast
He is seriously injured, bat the doctor
thinks he will recover.
John Liston of Wiarton, formerly of Ful-
lerton, where his parents now live,met with
a fatal aooident one day last meek. While
removing sawdust, the carriage shoved him
against the saw, cutting both arms off. He
died soon afterwards, and was buried in
Mr. Jamea;Doble, of Fullerton, has de
aided to retire from farming, and has rent
ed his farm to Mr. William Pridham for a'
term of years. He is going to move to Sea -
forth where he has secured a situation as
bookkeeper with his brother-in-law, Mr,
Wright, who keeps a large gent's tarnishing
store there.
The followiug is the report of the Kirkton
school for the month of March. The report
is based on attendance, recitations, pun-
ctuality and conduct ; Class V -Hervey
Robinson, Lizzie Shier, Norman Tufts.• IV
—Annie Hazlewood, Martha Tufts, Josie
Doupe• Sr 1II—Phoebe Tufts, Harold
Shier, Will Hazlewood, George Hazlewood,
Lew Miller II—Perov Shier, Willie Davis
Norman Wisemau.
To THE POINT, -We pay our remedy is a
permauentcure and then prove it thus:
Toronto, Ont., April 17th 1887- "I would
state that St. Jacobs Oil cured me effectual
ly of rheumatism, with which I sufiored in
1880. I have never bad any return since of cheese market is now so active and the pros -
the pain which I endured for months pre- pects are so favorable that the cheese facto -
view. It affords me great pleasure to say ries will open as early as possible—probably
as soon as the middle of April. p Hay and
other feed have been plentiful during the
winter, and the campaign in capital condi-
tion. Should the summer ;prove favorable
for pastures, the cheese output will be Minard'e Liniment our( s Le Grippe.
News of the Week—Condensed.
There are 2,579 scholars in Guelph
sabbath school.
During 1891 13,123 settlers entered
Manitoba, with 756 cars of stook.
A man named Kenars was hanged at
Toronto, Ark., Sunday for assault.
A small epidemic of diphtheria has
broken out in the Infant's Home at
Another vessel will shortly start from
Philadelphia with provisions for starv-
ing Russians.
The Quebec Government is dismis-
sing a large number of ' officials ap-
pointed) by the Mercier Government.
German's report of trade for the first
quarter of 1892 shows a Targe decrease
as com: ared with the same period of
The butchers of Hamilton, Wood-
stock Brantford and. Guelph will hold
a demonstration at Brantford on Dom-
inion Day.
At the annual steeplechase of the
British House of Commons Capt. Mid-
dleton, a well known rider, was thrown.
from his horde and killed.
The Liberal convention to select a
candidate for the vacancy in the Com-
mons for North Perth will be held at
Milverton on Tuesday, April 19,
Ivlr. Trow, ex-M,P, for South Perth, is
spoken of as being a candidate in North
Perth in place of Mr. Grieve, who was
unseated by the bupremeCourt.
A boy named Charles Palmer, resid
ing in Tilbury West, wasshootingspar-
rows when the gun exploded, taking
off his right hand near the wrist.
A meeting of the Liberal Associat ion
for the north riding of Perth has been
called for Tnesday,April 19, at Milver-
ton, to nominate acandidate and elect
Capt. Atex. D. Aird, well known as
the commander of the Allan Liner Sar-
matian, was found drowned on Friday
near Cowansville, Que., to which place
he had retired.
There is enoughof the Opposition left
at Ottawa to make a right lively fight.
The Conservatives can only vote it
down, while in Toronto the Grits
simply laugh the Opposition down.
The will of T. P. B. Stewart, the
young Toronto lawyer who died inFeb-
ruary, showsan estate of$21,000, which
is left to the law school, the income to
be devoted to the purchase of books,
One of the jurors in the Reinhardt
case at Berlin has taken action for lib-
el against Sheriff Springer and County
Attorney Bowlby on account of expres-
sion made use of regarding the ver•
rhe reward of $l00 offorded for the
capture of the Oxford cattle thief his
been paid over to Chief Ketchum, of
Blenheim, who succeeded in arresting
and procuring evidence which led to
the conviction of Henry.
The West Zorra Farmers' Institute
has been discussing the important ques-
tion of free delivery of mails in rural
districts, and has decide+i that the far-
mers should enjoy thesame advantages
in this reapect as are conferred on the
residents of cities
The school trustees of Brantford hare
protested ngainstthe issuance of ahotel.
license in the immediate vicinity of one
of their public schools. According to
the statues no license can be granted
in the immediate vicinity of a public
In response to the request of a large
temperance deputation, the Manitoba
Government has practically intimated
that they would havea plebiscite taken
at the coming general elections on the
question of prohibition. The temper-
ance people are jubilant.
The revenue of the Dominion for the
nine months ended 31st March was
$26,732,846, and expenditures $23,383,-
469—surplus $3,348,477, which shows
that, afterpaying theintereet due June
30th, there will be a surplus, notwith-
standing the abolition of the sugar du-
ties. The net debt is $236.270.162, or
a million and half less than on the 30th
of'June last.
The celebrated New Germany mur-
der case closed at Berlin, Thursday. In
summing up the evidence llisLordship
charged against the prisoner. The
jury retired at 12.30, and were out till
6.40, finally bringing in a verdict of
"Not Guilty." The Judge thereupon
addressed the prisoner,and discharged
him, and remarked that he trusted lie
would live the rest of his life a better
man. Reinhart is over 60 years of age.
The Manitoba Government introduc-
ed its Redistribution Bill Wednesday
afternoon. It increases the represent-
ation from 38 seats to /40, giving an
extra one in Southern Manitoba- Re-
distribution is based entirely on the
system of representation by popula-
tion. As the redistribution is made it
is doubtful if the French can carry
more than three seats, possit,ly four.
They now have six.
"Rev." I,. 13. Martin, who levanted
from Chatham some weeks since, is
now in Manitoba, and has written to
Inspector Carson fora third-class teach-
er's certificate which he succeeded in
securing in London about twenty years
ago, When he passed he did not go
into teaching, but being now out of a
job in the clerical line, he has apparently
decided to embark in the next best
profession suited to his intellectual at-
tainments. Mr. Carson forwarded the
necessary certificate.
Ottawa,April 12.—Sir Charles Tupper,
High Commissioner for Canada, has
sent the following cable dispatch to the
Minister of Agriculture :
"Owing to the hoof and mouth disease,
Cheshire is declared an infected county
by an order which has just been issued.
Such order, however, exempt the land-
ing place of Canadian cattle, so that
such may be carried through the coun-
try to uninfected markets. If the ex.
tension of the disease leads to further
precautionary measures being taken,
Canada is sure to receive the mostfavor-
able consideration from the authorities.
I recommend that only the best cattle—
that is, those whose value would not
bo materially affected by compulsory
slaughter—be shipped for the present.
Dairy cows had bettor not be shipped
while the outbreak lasts."
The Minister of Agriculture considers
the above stated exemption to be of
great importance to Canadian cattle
shippers, and he recommends that effect
be given to the advice of Sir Charles
Spring, with its rapid changes and wet
weather, is the most trying season in our
Canadian Climate, and at this more than
any other time do the ravages of catarrh
make themselves felt, As an immediate
relief for cold in the head, and a thorough
euro' for catarrh, nothing yet discovered
equals Nasal Balm. It is easy to use,
pleasant and agreeable. Sold by all dealers
or sent post-paid on receipt of price• -50o,
for small bottle or $1 for large bottle.
G. T. Fulford and Co., Brookville,
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Pearn of St. Marys
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their
marriage a few days ago. An address was
read and the presentation of a handsome
gold -beaded cane to Mr. Pearn and a pair
of gold -rimmed spectacles to Mrs.Pearn was
made by the children to their worthy par-
ents. Mr. Pearn and his estimable partner
in life (then Mies AnnJeffery) were married
on Saturday, April 2, 1832, at Landreath,
England, by the Rev. Richard Buller, and
sailed the following Monday for Quebec,
where they arrived after eight weeks'sailing
on the ocean -
Stratford Times : "Cheese -making will
be carriedon in thie county on a very mach
larger scale tbis year than ever before. The
Does "The Queen" actually give
away Pianos?
DEAR Ma. EDITOR :—.Replying to several
enquiries regarding the Canadian Queen's
offer to give away one of Mason & Risoh's
high class Upright Pianos each month dur-
ing 1892, we have received an order from
the publishers of the Canadian Queen for
twelve of the Studio Uprights in solid black
walnut cases, our price for which is $325
each. Those are Toho shipped direct from
our factory or salesrooms to the addreses
supplied ns by the publishers of the Queen.
As far as the quality of the piano is concern-
ed, every person with a cultivated ear for
music knows what the Mason-Risoh piano is,
and the ones to be supplied to The Queen
are the same high grade as far as tone, etc.,
is concerned as the best we make. A
sample of these prize pianos is on exhibition
at our warerooms, 32 King Street West,
Toronto, and can be examined by you or
any of your friends at any time i1 suits your
convenience. Yours truly,
Meuse & Rrscw,
Toronto, Ont.
During the coming
week this space will
contain important and
interesting facts for
our customers. In the
meantime don't forget
that we are selling
Our sales in Cottonades are great.
Don't forget for
You can be supplied by
The Government has decided not'to
impose an export duty on saw logs and
spruce pulp wood.
Negotations for the sale of the
Windsor Brewery to Walkerville and '
Detroit parties are said to be under
Tho premises of the Paris Manufact-
uring Company at Paris were totally
destroyed by fire Monday night The
loss is $100,000."
Severe floods are reported in several
of the Western States,
-Eight new oases of smallpox have
been discovered in New York City.
Miss Alice Field, daughter of Cyrus
W. Field, of New York, has been ad-
judged insane.
A Chicago paper says Vice --presi-
dent M o ton is to be renominated with
president Harrison.
Mrs. Catharine Jones died at Eas-
ton, Pa. on Saturday, from blood poi
coning, caused by being pecked by,ng,.tt
hen. The United States House of Reps ���
sentatives on Saturday passed the fit Song.
cotton bagging and cotton tie bill ; yeas;_'
.t67 ; nays, 46.
Philadelphia shipping circles are
alarmed over the probable loss of 3
vessels from Europe, the crews num b.
ering 48 persons.
A union of the Central American re-
publics is again talked of. and a .con-
ference is called for September/ I to
consider the matter.
Senator McMillan, of Michigan,
wants the privilege of having more
armed vessels on the great lakes than
the treaty of 1819 allows.
Some of the leading oil producers
in Pennsylvania propose to stop dril-
ling operation! for six months from
May 1. It is hinted the ohjft is to
raise prices.
In a battle between thieves and oat.
tlemen in the southern part of Mon-
tana on Wednesday, eight cattlemen
aro reported killed and several of the
thieves, The rustlers will be wiped
lion. John K. Porter, senior oounac_
for the people at the trial of Guiteau,
President Garfiell's murderer, and for
the defence in the Beecher's trial, died
yesterday at Waterford, rT. Y.
Mrs. Frank Ledlie,wifexof a Wheeling
(W. Va.) saloon -keeper, walked intola
disorderly house Friday night,and,find•
ing her husband there, without saying
a word she drew a revolver and shot
him dead.
Dun, W iman's Review says : The
failures during the pact week number
for the United States 177 and for Can.
ada 31, or a total of 208, as compared
with 218 last week, For the correspon-
ding week last year the figures were
WHO WILL nE THE NEST?—Tile first
prize piano offered by the publishers of the
Queen, was won by Miss Eva Watson, 66
Close Ave., Parkdale, Ont; the second prize
piano was won by Edward W.Dowling-Clerk
in the Windsor hotel, Montreal; the third
prize piano was won by Edward W.Gardner,
78 Sullivan Bt., Toronto.
Moses was the son of Pharaoh's daughter,
what relation would Moses be to the. Baugh
ter of Pharaoh's son ?
The Queen will give an elegant Mason &
Binh Fine Toned Upright Piano to the first
person answering the above problem correct-
'ly; an elegant Gold Watch for the second
correct answer; a China Dinner Set for the
third correct answer; an elegant Silk Dress
Pattern for the fourth correct answer; and
many other valuable prizes, all of which are
announced in this issue of The Queen, A
valuable special prize will be given for t e
person answering roust enclose fifteen two
dent stamps for "THE CANADIAN QUEEN •
MILITARY SouorrxsCHE,"fest out, together
with a copy of The Queen, containing a
beautiful water -color reproduction, ' 'Seven,
H Loves," and full particulars of our Ed-
ucational Prize Competitions. The object
of offering these prizes is to increase the
circulation of this popular magazine. BY
xiuza. 'Address THE CANADIAN QUEEN,"A"
Toronto, Can.
Sales of Canadian Pacific Railway
land this season are enormous. Over
2000 acres were sold Saturday morning
before 10 o'clock. On Monday sales
aggregating 4000 acres; Tuesday and
Wednesday they were a little less,
averaging nearly 3000 e,er day; Thurs-
day was the heaviestof the week, when
the total of 5000 acres was disposed of;
and on Friday 4160 acres, a 'total for
the week of nearly 20,000 acres. Sales
of first quarter of present year com-
pare with
om-pare"with corresponding period of 1891
very tovorshly and the increrse has
been something enormous, but the
aecond quarter will be greater., For
the first quarter of ' 1891 sales aggre-
gated 15,000 and for anuarY, February
and March of ourrent year a total of
80,000 acres, an Increase of 433 per
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
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Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys•
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constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
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duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
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Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
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