HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-7, Page 5J. H. GREIVE ilBefore you buy your Fall & Winter Clothing Call aiid examine the large and well -assorted stock of .Fine Worsted Su itings _Fine Scotch Tweed " " Canadian `` Also all the leading, colors and patterns in Overcoatings All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a COOD FIT or no sale.—Give me a call. . , H. GPiEViE. onthly Prizes for Boys arid fxlrls. The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the following prizes every month till further no- tice. to boys and girls under 16, residing in tho Province of Ontario, who send the greatest number of "Sunlight" wrappers': Tat. $104 2nd, S6; 3rd, 58; 4th, 51; 5th to 14th, a Handsome Book; and a pretty picture to those who send not loss than 12 wrappers, Send wrappers to "Sunlight" Soap Office. 43 Soott St •, Toronto. not later than 29th of each month, and rearked oom.petition; also give full name, address, age, and number of wrappers. VInne s n i os wilt bo published in Toronto Mail on first Saturday in each month. BORN. Dour& -In Blanhard. on the 26th ult., the wife of Amos Douno, a son. Ileums -In Corbett, on the 28th nit:, wife of R ev. J. E iiolmos, a son. Runt/Naos-On March 1'th, the wife of Mr,41. Parkinson, principal of Given's school, Tor- onto, formerly of Exeter, a son. PERKINS-In Usbarne, on the 3rd Inst ,the wife of John Perkins, a son. FERc')s0N-In Usborno, on the 1st inst., the wife of George Ferguson a son. Wxr.su-In Usborne.on the'"rd inst., the Wife of Wesley Welsh, a daughter. MAIiRIi; . MAGUH(n-WHITE-In Ailsa Craig, by Rov.W.111 Shore, James Maguire. Esq•, to Rebecca, daughter of the late John White, both of Mia Craig. KAY -GLENN, -In Usborno on the 5th inst, at tho residence of Mr. John Glenn, by the Rev Colli oteEerieer, T. M. Kay, E,„ roovo of the towner. 'p of Usborne, to Miss Lizzie Glenn, also of 'sborno. DIED. Lases -At Mount Carmol, on 24th ult., Dennis Lynch, aged 32 years: Howard -in Blanshard, on the -19th ult.. Ann, wife of W • H. Howard, aged 62 yoara, 10 m os. FOLLAND-In Clinton, on March 29th, John Folland, aged 73 oars. n g y McCully : <-1yteStanlee, on March 30th. airs: Mo - Cully, rellltt of the late John McCully, aged 79 years. I ortofotostg John Irwin suboollotsminst.. a, Lamport-In Crediton, on the 5th inst., Mary Dick, beloved wife of Samuel Lamport, ago d 22 years, 7 mss. The prostration after the Grip is entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It really does make the weak strong. Miss Lettie 3funi;, y Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Huntley of Cortland, N. Y., a well known car- penter and builder. Her frank state- ment, below gives only the absolute truth concerning her illness aril mar- velous recovery by the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She says : "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sir: Twelve yearn ago I began t0 have hemorrhages and four years ago became so low that the physicians told mo There Was No Hops and I should soon die. I could not bb n:ovod from my bed. Under my face were napkins continually reddened with blood from my mouth. 11 could eatnteehiag and had no action of the bowels for a week. The doctors said the cause was ulcers in the stomach. At this time my mother said she wanted to make one more trial, and asked if I would take Hood's Sarsaparilla. I told her it would bo A Waste of i , v oney but Trailing it would comfort her, I began tak- ing it akingit. In a few days the bloating began to subside, I seemed to feel a little stronger, but thought it only fancy. I was so weak I could only take ten drops of Sarsaparilla at first. In two weeks I was able to sit lip a few min- utes every day. In a month II could walk across the room. One day I asked what they were to have for dinner, and said. I wanted something hearty. My inother was so happy she cried. It was the First Time 1 had Felt Hun- gry for Tei® Years I kept on with Hood's Sarsaparilla and in six ' months was as well as ever in my life. It is now four years since I recovered, and I have not hada clay's sickness since, nor any hemor- rhage. If ever a Truman being thanked the tcod Lord on bended knees it was I. I know hat Hood's Sarsaparilla, and that alone, 1 Saved iiJfe. unquestionably ave m Y L well Sager & Jennings, the a ll known druggists of Cortland, say that,Miss Huntley "is a highly respected lady; her statement of what Hood's Sarsaparilla Bas done for her is worthy the highest conal - deuce." Xood'a ;Pits cure Livor Ills. Does "The Queen " actually give away Pianos? DEAR MR. EDITOR: -Replying to several enquiries regarding the Canadian Queen's offer to give away one of Mason do Risch's high class Upright Pianos each month dur- ing 1892, we have received an order from the publishers of the Canadian Queen for twelve of the Studio Uprights in solid black walnut eases, our prioe for which is $325 eaoh. Those are to be shipped direct from our !eatery or salesrooms to the addreses supplied ns by the publishers of the Queen. As fares the quality of the piano is concern- ed, every person with a cultivated ear for music knows what the Mason-Risoh piano is, and the ones to be supplied to The Queen are the same high grade as far as tone, etc., is concerned as the best we make. A sample of these prize pianos is on exhibition at our warerooms, 32 King Street West, Toronto, and can be examined by you or any of your friends at any time it suits your oonvenieece. Yours truly, Mame d41 Rom, Toronto, Ont. giro WILL DE TIIP•. NEXT? -The first prize piano offered by the publishers ot the Queen, was won by Miss Eva Watson, 60 Close Ave., Parkdalc, Out; the second prize piano was wen by Edward W.Dowling.Clerk in the Windsor hotel, Montreal; the third prize piano was won by Edward W, Gardner, 78 Sullivan St„ Toronto, TRE Qritrees Moevr ray PozziER,--If Moses was the son of Pharaoh's daughter, what relation would idoses be to the laugh ter of Pharaoh's son ? The Queen will give an elegant Mason & Bloch Flue Toned. Upright Piano to the first person answering the above problem, correct- ly; an elegant Gold Watch for the second correct answer; a China Dinner Sot for the third oorxeet answer; an elegant Silk Dress Pattern for the fourth correct answer; and many other valuable prizes, all ofwhich. BM announced in this issue of The Queen' A valuable special prize will bo given for t e FIRST CORRECT ANSWER PRO,II A REAenn OF TIun EXETER "TIMES GAZETTE," Each person answering must enclose fifteen two cent stamps for "TItE CANADIAN QUEEN MILITARY SoixovrzSCIIE,"atrst out, together with a copy of The Queen, containing a beautiful water -color reproduction, "Seven, Iia Loves,"and full particulars of our Ed- ucational Prize Competitions. The object of offering those prizes is to inereaae the circulation of this popular magazine. 13 SENDING TO -DAY YOU TU.:LY SECURE A VALUABLE PRIZE. Address THE CANADIAN QUEEN,"A" Toronto, Cau. Valuable Grist Mill FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Tho WOODIIAM Grist Mill can bo pur- chased on easy terms to suit purchaser : or can bo rented for a term of years. APpIY to R, 11. co .rn s, Barrister, Exeter, Ap14,'92-4t Exeter TENDERS. INDIAN SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed " Tenders for Indian Supplies," will bo received at this nOlee no to noon of SATURDAY, 14th inlay, 1892. for Lbo delivery of Indian Supplies, during the fiscal oarondinu 30th June, 1993, duty-paid. at var- a ons points in Manitoba and. tho North Wes Territories. Forms of tender, containing full `particulars relative to the supplies required, dates of do - livery, &o., may be had by applying to the un- dersigned, or to the Indian Commissioner at Regina. or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. 'I his advertisement is 'not to bo inserted by any newspaper without the authority of the Queen's Printer, and no claim for payment by any newspaper not having bad such authority will bo admitted. The lowest or ally tender not necessarily accepted. L, VANICOUGHNET, Deputy of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. Department of Indian Affairs. Ottawa, March. 1892 -9t PIGS FOR SALE. Our Imported Large Yorkshire sow damsel gave birth on March 22nd to her first litter. Characteristic of the breed, though this sow is not yet more than a year old,tho litter numbers thirteen. They aro doing particularly well, and a number of young boars and sows will bo sold at avery reasonable figure to early pur- chasers. These Digs are of, the Holeywell strain their sire being Holeywell King. This boar wo still keep for service, This is the breed from which to select your stock boar and this the kind of a litter from which to choose abreeding sow. Call early and got your choice. Corres- pondence promptly and cheerfully answered, Wyr• BUCHAN,AN §• LIONS, Hensall, Ont. f,r1123r. oI' .144 ' 5.1 Exotor Mills. • MARKET REPORTS. Wheat .. 88e to 90o per bushel OUR SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.75 per 100 do Best Family 2.50 " do Low Grade 2.00 " Bran .. .. 70c 4a Shorts. , 80c " Chop .. .. ' $1.00 to $1.10 " Chop stone running every day. THE EXETER MILLING Coy. MARKET REPORTS. EXETER RedWhoat Spring Wheat ... ' Barley Oats OloverSeed Tinton/ay Peas Corn Es Butter Flourpsri,b1 ,. Potato a s,p or bushel Apples,por oar DriedAppleapr b Geese por lb. Turkey per lb Duckaper lb Ohickoneporpr Eogs,drossoclpor100 Beef •,. Hidesrough, ... dressed] Sheepskins a.:,eb Oalfekins Wool porlb Hayporton Onionanorbusth Woodperetard Mt wee 50 to 80 80 to 8o 35 to 40 27 to 28 700 to 8 OD 1 50 to 2 00 55 to fiC U40to 80 940 10 15 to 16 0040515 60 to 055 1 00 to 1 00 0 460050 0 C6 to 0 (6 09 to CO 0 00 to 0 07 025 to 030 550to6f0 400 to528 400 to 4 ho 500 to 525 0 60 to 70 050 to 050 0 18 to 0 19 9 00 to1O 00 050to030 2 50 to 0 tr ST:MARYS $ Fall Wheat. 80 8e Spring Wheat ............. ............... 90 80 Barley ...,..• ... 0 35 0 40 Oats .,.... 0 27 28 Glover Sped .......... ..................... ; et)8 CO Timothy?. .... 1 50 2 00 Peas 0 55 0 60 Eggs ' 9 0 30 Butter.,... ,......, .............. 1e 0 10 Potatoes per btaa ...........................50 05 Apples per bush ,oa or h IB 01 030 W l 9 l Hay Porton... ................ .............. 0 0010 00 Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts" " .,,. ;20 00 2000 Oatmealperbbl,....„0 00 7 OD Rogs,dressed per 100. 5 50 to 000 LONDOx. Wheat, 8 to fit nor has. Oats, 30e to 31c nor hes. Peas, 690 to 72c per bus. Bar, lev,RIalting.43i to 48e per bus. Barley Feed, 39e to 41e par bus Corn. 5610 to ole per. bushel. BRUSHES, COMBS, PIPQNG- aS., SOAPS, PERFUMERY _- ST7D — TRUE SEA SALT GO TO BROWNING'S, 1892. vy SPRING ^ 1892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY- CLES, EXPRESS WAGONS ? Our $80,00 afou IS STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. ALL MADE OF THE BEST STEEL. AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR NANUFAOTURtn BY The Goold Bicycle Co. L{d. BRANTfORD, ONT. Send for Catalogue If you do, the place to getthe most reliable goods at a modern prioe is at PERKINS - MARTIN'S. dealers in Musical Instruments, Sewing Machine supplies etc., eta.. All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar- gin oveont. Agents for the cr;lebratial Chat- ham WagPERE-INS & MA.RTIN, Fanson's block, A CC WATCH 78 7, namensccasautemair Ana Othos lltl.c fat, :Ptiolr • Whc Om. Bo^wi This c 1buz. S l The 17deaPin • It will save you touch trouble It will bring you comfort and ease It will save your clothes and hands It does not require washing powders It will wash in either hard or soft water It cannot injure the most delicate skin or fabric Its purity and, excellence have given it the largest sale in the world BEWARE OFS -0 Soap u i _ WORMS: PT. SUNLIGHT LEYIIIL ER03., LIMITED NEAR IIIREENHEAD ' TORONTO A NEN 1s 3 The above is hones; a div;ce which we are interested in prescribing to every home. ,To secure a Iris! for FORD'S PRIZE R' 1 B y, we 'intend to spend a certain amount in this manner of advertising au,i attracting attention to the merits of this medicine. To the first person sending the correct answer to the above rebus wa will give an elegant G Oidl Watch, fine workmanship and vrst-class timelteeper• to tlw second the will give a Creuui:ro A':1iu n ani] Ii iii g; to the third a handsome Silk Dress Pattern, rG yards in any color ; to the fourth a Coin. Salver W atch, and many other prizes in order of merit. To the person sending the lase correct answer we will give an elegant Cr old. Watch, fine workmanship and first-class timekeeper ; to the newt to- the /an' we will give a Genuine Diamond Ring; to the tinct to the last we will give a handsome Sint. Drere Pattern, 16 yards in any color; to the fourth to the last we will give a Coin silver Watch, and many other valuable articles in order of merit, count- ing from the last. WE SHALL GIVE AWAY 10O VA?LI7ADF_.I!1 PREMIUMS (should there be so many sending in correct answers). No charge is made for boxing and packing of premiums. Ali answers must be sent in by mail before April 10th, 1092. Ten 3 cent stamps must he enclosed with answer for one box of FORD'S Piif ZE PILLS. The names of the leading prize winners will be published in connection with our advertisement in leading newspapers next month. Extra prvyiums will be given to those who are willing to assist in inti o- docing our medicine. Nothing is charged for the premiums in any way, they are absolutely givci away to introduce and advertise Ford's Prize Pills which are purely vegetable and act gently yet promptly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, dispelling Il •tdaehe, Fevers and Colds, cleansing the system thorr i hly and cure habitual constipation. They aro st a•.° coated do not „•r v small . a to ., ke, one pill a dose and -are purelyyve vegetable. Perfect digetion follows their use. As tthe eliabilrty of our company, we refer you to any leading wholesale drug- gist or business house in Toronto. All premiums will be awarded strictly in order of merit and with, perfect satisfaction to the public. Pills arc sent by mail pest paid. When you answer this rebus. kindly mention which newspaper you saw it in., Address THE FORD PILL CO., N ellington St. Weal, Toronto, Can The Ottawa personality of the late James MaoLaren was $1,200,000. The reality is valued at $150,000. TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest, Over 360,000 ori- vatefunds, Appl y to llLLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors, etc.. Exeter. MUST BE LOANED AT PER CENT. on First and Second Mortgages, Old Mortgages paid off; 140 COMMISSION. Agents Wanted. Call or send 3c. stamp for CIRCULAR. <.. AGENTS WANTED. TonthilltNurseries• Largest in Canada, 700 acres. Wo want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary; allynian with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal, outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home- grown, hardy. 3anadian stook. Choice now specialties, which aro of value, and which can only be scoured front us, \t c have given par- tioular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor.hora sections of Canada, For terms ap ly to STONE 47 WELLINGTON, loronto. (int, OOE'IS COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by ae old physician, Successfully trs- et mom?' t t ? b thousatt<Is of LADIES. Is the only perFcot l v safe and roliab to medici no discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place oc this. Ask far COOK'S COTTON ROOT CeupOUND,take NO substitute ; or inclose $1 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter. and wo will seed, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address fond Lily Company No, 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ava,l)otroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ. Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. RRTGAGE SALE -OF-- VALUABLE Village Property Under tbo Power cf Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage bearing date the 11th day of November, 1314, made by Win. MCKoith to Wm.11. McLean, and assigned to the Vendor, there will bo offered for sale by Pubiio Auction 011 Saturday, the 9th Day of April, 1892 AT2 P.:11. AT 11111 CO3IMClt'a(AL IIOTEL• IN TIIE VILLAGE OF IIEIISALL, All and singular those certain parcels of tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the Village rf lrer^ntl. het .,m.,n'eri of Lets numbers 22..3, 224 and 225, uu the south side of Richmond Street. (Potty's Survey) in rho said Village of liens:GI. TERMS: Twenty -live per cent, of the pur- chase money on the day of sale and balance within ono week thereafter. Further particulars will he made known on day of sale or on application to ERASER Jr ERASER, Jon OSLO, ESQ., 'Vendor's Solicitors, Auctier.ccr, Exeter. London, Dated this 24th day of March, 1892. vin JUST ARRIVED —AT— DLEY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment A very NEW Prices to suit largo line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largestst oak of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES -in all colors. Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy then] in long lengths. CLEAfiING SALE g HISSETT BROS. We have 15 Crosscut Saws and 8 dor, Axes which must be cleared out ab wholesale prices. We have a large stook of TUBULAR LANTERNS of difiereiit. styles, which must go at the following prices : 45 - , J irt .65c,„ and 750 Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost. Lamp Goods of all kinds cheaper than the c1leape=•t. Call and inspect our stock before buying. As usual our stock ot HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE is complete and we c'w•t' competition. EAciI PLUG O1.,, Myrtle T. C.fC0 SALAIi,Y' Perna.' k e , sion to Agotit3,and 4 a sad T' en, Teachers and Clergymen to t.r. •1, .: a.,,^.v and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 CenturieT to Jesus of N azareth The most remarkable religious hook of the .xo written by Stili =incur scholars, Non-seetrr..-., pEvery Christian wauta i.:. Exclusive tcrrit- y ,t.' ii~i'it'i' 1 given. Apply to .. Co„ Norwich, e Urnry Big IS MARKED X37T RROT9 Z NONE - OTHER - 0 A. ,PIYND.. \iislies to inform the c i +.t:tet ; Exeter and surrounding that he ie r engaged selling SSSS RS. Teas, Coffees Baking Poww GENUINE In quentities to suit Purchaser-, Clearing Sale FOR 30 DAYS DO NOT MISS IT Orders left at tho houso or Ill iTyi .i: r.n s Woo will receive 1'r(114i't attentiu,,, dlGmti G. A HYNDM.:al a. DISEASES 0f alt area. ,esulting from Errors or In. tions o£ Y nth, nnay bar perwaneutly cur , .. 1 the vigr of perfect manhood fully re ;14 r NEW. I'7 DEBILITY, ::T$iiIL1 i Ss};.N*AL LOSSES & PREMATURE T)i:' Long St an,lingcasesof GLEE1, STRRD''" SYPII1LIS, ti ARIC0uI:LI: and all P3 TV ''1 BIG DPT -s anaciut JNIC Diseases treated with i' 4-4 success. Our field is in CHRONIC C1,5, wo whichwill others hafranklyvetoll failedyou ; West, iorunto, Ont. s3:Gtn ifso.You are inc »» ::a Write for particulars and treatise. Tree Lours MEnp'AI, Co., 162 and 1'4 Kine 4•r • BARGAINS IN Boots & Shoes AND .x,.44it::Y tt ^.. PLANING MILL And LUMBER DRY - GOODS. S. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. WE have on hand a Fine Lino of BOUND BOOKS Suitable for Sunday School Libraries, or Presentations. THE LATEST GAME : " Parlor Quoits." ALSO FLIPS, PARCHEESI, HAL4IA, Authors, Etc., Etc. J. W. BROWNING, BOOK & DRUG STORE W ORTax ft) Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED T MANSON'S, During the Next Month. Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock, It will bo to your ad Gall and inslect our Stock vantage to call. S. GIDLEY Oddfellows' Block. HURRAH! A NZW Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A— Sure Fit Gua ran e to Q JOHNS. Fashiona6l ty1es c, H 0 0 0 We keep constantly on hand .t large . 1 ' „f ail kinds of building materials. Dressed 1.7.1. dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a 41 stock of No, 1 pine lath. Our stock of doors, sash, blinds r+. la-, , &a. is complete and .hare, gay Star, dr:, ,: We offer fur sale 1.,100.000.1.X an.I XXX PIN 1',' and I'E0AR SHINGLES manufactured lee r'lo best makers in Ontario.' Tanks and cisterns, all ahapea and sizte•1'.': ie to n ilex atlowest Price.a . lYe have `son. , ' new in tltir line for watering ea'ttlo in tie, ' : or barnyard, Call and see our celebrated Baking C.,'•' rt'=. avers woman using them recommend,' ti . •. -1 highly. Turning,band, scrollsmving, and all ..k..,•.: d 1 machine work promptly attended t,. 1t will be to your interest to examier, ^ear stook before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St: -est. Silt Where is the best place to buy Furniture 9 WHY AT it* ...'t o ROWI@ to Becluso he gives good bargains, and perfect satisfaction every time ; and he has the hest and largest stock in town. Give him a call and see for yours t, UNDERTAKING DE TAKING A SPE8InLTY. In this line my stock is largo :and as - F,,..;.;, -,1, ai reTtrly every pe,•.d n Itvw,;s - 119:,1 54',3 it. THL BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfao- tion 4 f No trouble to show, Goode, R. N. ROW E, 17ait, 5t, E.' ..3I P. 8. -All accounts must be. settle,;1 at once., --R. N. R. EXETER N0 -L Gen ral Stor Divi g Un Busines4•, 25 per curt. off for Cash. 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1.O0 , 5 lbs. 50c Tea, 2.00;. 5 lbs. 60c Tea, 2.50,' Coal Oil, 15c; 41- lbs, raisins, 25c Mens' rubbers 50e; Ladies' 35 Colored Tea Setts, $2.00; Dry Goods 25 per cent. off" Seal MVluff, 2 50, worth 3 5 Boys' Grey Lamb Hat, 1 '% worth 00; Patrons and all Customers Welcome. at.. J. ES1l1TZLIt. JOHN MATHESON'.