HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-4-7, Page 1VOL. XIX. NO; 24, Ow:Blow Rooms thronged with de- lrgheed visitors on Friday and Saturday last. The utmost satisfaction expressed by all who came to .see the novelties in Millinery. A. great many took advantage of the "Special Prices" in the Lace Curtains, and we are going to continue them at the same low figures for house-cleaning time. The old Carpets must be laid aside, because of the extra value of our new ones. Spine "Startlers" in Boots and Shoos this week. A full range to choose from at A. 3. licTAVISH & CO. Hengall, Peen at the Honsall Oatmeal \fills, A few tuns of feed on hand. Iteemonablo price. 1), Ungcuenr.—'_'in Go to A.Wosoloh.11enall.for glad and cheap boots and specs. We have just received our cerins and suntrnor stook of all kends of fash- ionable foot wear. right direct from the best ntanufaoturersfor cash, which enables us to sell you boots and shoe_ cheaper than ever, a Call will convince you that we are leading the tradc,and always to the front,audwon't bounder sold by anyone. As was said bei are other3rnny Came and go but wo are here to stay, As boots and shoes are our specialty, we carry the largest and best selected stock in t,.twn, Boots and shoos made to order on the shortest notice. Repairing noatly done: rips:sewed-free of ehargo on alt goods bought of us• Wo will give until further notice with revery as2 sale of boots and shoes, ono bottle of silk edge :oil dressing to- gether with a snlid,Vioteria silver spoon. Call early for they are going fast. Butter and eggs taken as leash. Thanking you forast patron- age, A. W.eseton, sign of the big boot. Following aro the market quotations : -AND HURON & MIPL'L $EX GAZETTE. TTE. `CHEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNIA, APRIL 7, 1892 Stuns. BeuEi e.—Mrs. Moore an old lady who had her leg broken some tome ago is doing very wale—Mr. Robert Norris who has suffered from an attack of paralysis is very low at present,—Ata W. Shlllinglaw, V. S„ has purchased a French coach stallion. He is one of the best that could be got- He is a beautiful brown, stands 16 hands and weighs 1,103 lbs., and is a model in form. a• • Usborne. School report for S, S. No. 1, Usborne. The following aro the names of the three pupils in call class who obtained the high- est number of marks for the month of March : V class—Addie Jackal?, Bessie Jeckell, Norman Keddy. IV class—Chas, Down, Jelin Stewart, Allen Jeokoll, III sr —Lily Blatchford, Minnie Dunn, Ada For- ney. III jr--Ernest White, Amy Dow,John Horton Il ar—Ruby Horton, Edith Lowe, Mina Blatchford, Edgar Down, Laura Jeolt- ell• Part U sr -Bert Reddy, Florence Val- entine'Lewellyn Oke. Part II jr—Harry White, Willie White, Herb. Blatchford. Blyth. Boners.—We are given to understand that Conatable Davies has received the ap- pointment of bailiff,—Mrs. C. Hamilton's many friends will be glad to hear that she is fast recovering frotn her repent illness. —Our band is being organized once more, with a membership of sixteen. The boys expect to be able to give us a few sweet strains in two weeks -On Saturailet the re. 'Whalen. Balsas,—The weather during the past few days has been very warm and spring- like.—Some pring- like: Some of the farmers have commenc- ed plowing and seeding will soon eimmence if the fine weather continues,—The wind. on Saturday uprooted a number of trees,— Mr and Mrs Squires disposed of their house hold. furniture by auction on Thursday last, and started for Detroit on Saturday, where they intend to epsud the remainder of their days, making their home with a married daughter there.—Mr. Henry Squires is pre paring to build a new house next summer. The contractor being Mr. W. ti, Wynn of Woodbam.—Men for hire are rather scarce this spring, but most of the farmers in need of men have secured them, Wages are about the same as last year. Drysdale. A Boon Le LAND.—Nutwitbatanding the great ory of Horace Greeley; "Go West young man, go West," the demand for land in this yicinity is still increasing, and farme, that is few nears ago were only a drug on the market and could not be bartered oft at any price, aro to -day realizing good prices. A lot, containing 80 acres, was sold on Fri- day last for 53,100; on Saturday it was re- sold for $3,200, and on Monday morning was carried off as $3,285, and so on. Quite a number of farms have changed hands in this vioinsty this winter, and all went at fair prices. Now, let me say to any who contemplate going west, to come to Drysdale on the shores of beautiful old Lake Huron, mina of the late T. R. Mitchell of West- where the land is good, the climate mild, field who lost his lite on the railroad at and the people aro kind, and secure for Port Huron arrived at this station on the 1 yourself one of the best homes to be found I0 a, ns. train.—Bailiff W. Campbell has sa Canada. been appointed Clerk of the 12th Division Curt and will have his Whop in the place Milo "Young.—On Afonday Alice youngest B1rIEFd.—A very large oonaregation as • Greenway. formerly ocoupied by deceased clerk the late --" daughter of Mr. P. Heil'ron, succumbed tc a sombled in the Boston Methodist church short illness of congestion of the brain. 1 laet Sabbath to listen to the memorial ser - The widowed mother and family have the mon of the late J, B. Watson. The'pastor, sympathy of the community en their. be- Rev. J. B. Holmes preaehsd a very impres- reavoment. The funeral took place on sive and instructive sermon from the telt, Wednesday. 4th chapter iThess., 13th verse.—Mr, and el Mrs George llodgina of Briusley spent last Clinton. Sunday ha town visiting friends.—A melan- otioly accident occurred on Sunday evening BRIErs.—Mr. John Irwin, collector of last. As Mr. J. Retan's little boys were ]alien down in his attending to their horses, one of them placed his hand too near the knffe of the cutting box and',got it cut in a frightful '0 to 80 eustoma horn, was e,.• i to 40 office last Wednesday with congeation of tete 27 to 28 brain. He lingered in a semi -dazed con - 55 to 00 dition until Monday morning when he died. manner. The doctor has very little hope ay ......... ..... 9.00 to 10.00 —The electric lighting of the town has been, of him living —A protest has been filed utter 15 to 16 taken over by a new firm and a new plant against our mayor laat week for bribery and Eggs ......... „. , . .... 9 to 10 put in.—Mr. J. A. Giffin left on Wednes- corruption, and on Monday last he resigned. Hogs 5.50 to 6.00 day of laat week for St. Catharines to enter It appeara he is too ancient. He vetoed the Clover seed.. .7 .00 to Za 00 upon the duties of his situation in the Col- bill for plank sidewalks and says he prefers Wheat S Barley 3 Oats -0•••Teas . lefinte Institute there.—Una day last week to walk in tho middle of the road (the Irish - Zurich. Mr. Ed- Holmes hada successful surgical man's sidewalk,)—Mr. James Pollock rented his home to Mr. A McLaughlin, and starts braeka thio woe k. Uncle Sam 's getting too many of our brightest and best young mon and women. How is it? Some say he gives them brighter and batter homes for leas money; easier work and better pay. Wake up, mother Canada, or you will soon find only a few old men and women to do your work and brighten up this grand country of ours, cue of the best the sun ever shone on.—Mr. A, M. Wilson has decided to move tollxoler,whore he intends to open up a grocery and bake shop. His family will be missed by their many friends, as they are kind and obliging neighbors and faithful workers in the church and Sabbath school. Blur:Fs—Miss Mapes of Rodney, who will talmecharge of the millory department in lir. Faust's store has arrived.—Mr. H. Lippha\-dt has sold his farm to Mr. Koeh- ler for the handaome sum of 53,100.—Mr. James Dalrymple is sick with inflammation on the lungs—Air-F.di I•Ionhoefferis slowly recovering.—Inspector Tom paid our school a visit last Wednesday.—Mr. S. J. Latta and Miss L. E. Hauch attended the public examination held in the Blake pith - lie school. They report having a big tithe. -Mrs. Schroeder of Pasheatiod is visiting her parents, Mr and Airs Dumart.—Chris Ether's little daughter is recovering.—Mr. Louis Weber. who has been in Rochester for the past few years is home on a visit. The climate seems to agree with him, for he looks hale and hearty, and by outward appearance has a full pocket. Mr Adham Fuss, formerly of this village, is home on a visit.—W. G. Hess left for Detroit last week. Wm is a good head and will meet with success. --Mr and Mrs 13rennor from Grand Bend were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Randall. operation performed by which an enlarge- ment of the bona of ono leg was reduced, " planed" down to its normal size.—There died recently in Go1denville,"N. S., aged 83 years, air, John MoEaehron, father of Mrs, Arohy Kennedy of Clinton. Deceased's wife survives him.—Wo regret to know that Mr, Richard. Reynolds formerly of Hen. sell has owing to unfavorable circumstances, been forced to dispose of his livery bneinesa. The "Myrtle Navy " plug correctly repro seats the whole plan upon which its manu- 1 facture is conducted, There isnot a fract- ional part of a cent expended upon et for mere appearance. It is neithor;wrapped in tin fail nor worked into fancy shapes, nor put in fancy cases, nor subject to any kind of expense merely to please the eye or cap- tivate the fanny. The manufacturers right- ly beleive that tobacco was not purchased for ornament, but for smoking, and there- fore all extraneous expenee was avoided and added to the quality of the tobacco. The public have testified in its easel that they prefer paying their money for a big quality of article than for ornament out of pimp. St. Marys. Blum—One et/ening last week some person or persona were so low as to try to do away with J.D.Mooro's store house by plea - some of that common devouring element between the two partitions of the wall, but fortunately the fire was extinguished before any serione rget'Is bad taken place, Tho guilty paaies ,are as yet unknown—The Laorosee Club here hap organised for the coming season and intend swooping every- thing ahead of them as they did last year. —The High Sohaol Base Ball Club has or. gauised again this year.—Mrs,Pringle,weil- known to moat of our citizens, passed away laat week, for ;Wayne, Ne , w.-. G•oderlch. Baxsrs.--Spring Chancery Sittings will be held at Goderich on Monday April .18th., before Mr, Justice Ferguson.—Shortly af- ter midnight a uumbnr of men boarded the wrecked Bavaria to unload her, but the con- tinuous rain oausati the belt to slip so often that the wore bad to be auspcndcd,—Mrs, Agnes Mitchell, who some few weeks since was to seriously injured by a runaway acci- dent in London, was brought to her home, Goderich, on Saturday.—Shortly after noon on Thursday our citizens received the sad news that Andrew Beck had departed this life. Although it was known that he was seriously ill there ware but few who antici• pated a fatal termination, his well known temperate life and robust constitution be. ing a strong defence egatust death's present ea,uroaohment..—Just as the casket contain- ing the remains of the late Andrew Beck was being lowered. to mother earth, the horse belonging to Bev, Mr. Anderson took fright, broke away from the tie post, and ran full tilt against Dr. Shannon's horse and buggy, when stopped by the collision the animal kicked itself clear of the buggy and continued its flight. C. 0. Richards 81 Co. Gents,—My daughter was apparently at the point of death with the terrible disease diphtheria. All remedies had failed but MINARD'S LINIMENT cured her ; and I would earnestly recommend it to all who may be in need of a good family medicine. Jolles D. BOUTILIEB. French Village. J'OI3 i waITE & SON a'nbUsher and Proprietoir up to the public in the latest approvedwgr-jt.Artax&IIT style. ft is our business and we are going to do it if it takes a leg. Zion. The Woodham and Elimviile correspon- dents seems very anxious to hear from Zion. If any of the following events hap. pen we'll inform you : If a neighbor gets upyin his sleep and saws a cord of wood for another man, or instead of sawing it should happen to pocket and carry it away, we'll not be backward about telling you. If another neighbor has a tug-of-war, all to himself, with a runaway horse and suc- ceeds in plowing up half an acro of soil with his nasal organ; if he ahufllea oil' this mortal coil by taking an overdose of Paris Green in vinegar; when the church is com- p'esaly striped all around like a tiger's tall; when Mr. Henry Squires has finished his new house; Mr, Henry Hera has pur- chased a new organ; the Misses Mary Hera and Addie Taylor have learned tolplay the organs already bought, and Mr. Robert Taylor has begun training the Sunday School children in singing, you'll hear from DEP Das This wecb we are slrotivin°ralovely lot hwood. of new Straw Hats of the very latest de- BRIErs.-Mr. W. Norsworthy attended sisals and newest colors. We can ht his father's funeral at Hanover on Sunday and, we think, suit any man, woman, rust., \irs. H. Voelker is on the sick list buy or girl in the county. Our assort - this week.—Mr. J. Berg, of whose illness is the largest and cheapest we once^ mention was made last week, died on had Thursday evening. His remains were in- The above is equally true of our hard terred in the Lutheran cemetery on. Sun- and soft felt fiats for men and boys. day forenoon, --lir. .August Thon •-took Don't pay a dollar fpr a hat you can get Possession of the stage between here and here for 40 cents. We had a call from Exeter on Friday. --Mr. r, .fi Hoist of Credi one sueh unfortunate victim ; we hope ton was theguest of 1elo G. Keercher ou ober all flip rest will setup to the right place. Suu ury—Itle ars J.Deiehert and aeber Excuse me, ladies, just tL word for you: of nday i passed through, our., village on This warren of the year brings house - Sunday afternoon. Call again toys I-1iIrs G. Bess and Mies A. Hess visited relatives cleaning, whitest'tshinf , papering, etc., in our village on. Saturday and Sunday.— and a nicer and cheaper lot of Wall Messrs Ii, ez J. Kellermann have engaged Papers titan we aro showing cannot be lIiss McCallum of Dutton to take charge produced east of Montreal. We did not of their millinery department for the sea. know this ourselves, until our customers son:—Air. J. Hall has seoured the services told us. of Miss Baker; of London,—Same of the Don't forget that we are agents `for farmers in this vicinity have begun plow- the Celebrated lV utehspring and several ing and seeding,—The roads are 10 a good, other leading linos of Corsets. condition at present.—The fall wheat looks better this spring than it has for years,and if nothing comes over it we may expect a good crop this year.—Mr H, Ruby, our _Market Store. practical tailor, has disposed of his busi- noes to Mr. Brokenahiro, The latter start - . P. ROSS. ed business ou Alonday.—A1r.J.Kellermanu been swallowed and damage enough intii t - has erected a stand in front of his store. ed on life and property to have caused the has singing class under the leadership of perpetual hauishm ut from this to.vnship Mr R. Cook hae been organised in our at least of this bliglrtiux, bleeting, m mater village.—Last week Mrs. Witzel received iniquity, Ord help nr I We wau'd draw a cheque for $1,000 frorn the 1. O. F.,beines attention to the fact that the Iluulciu Act the amount to which Mr. Witzel was fn_ was carried in this Lawns?sip some years cured in that order. She received it ten ago, and we believe was ulnar rept sled. days after application was made, Will some legal luminary rue ani tall ns WEDnxss • Beats.—Another of those wibetber Hader tile ciroumetsncea a license happy events which eauee so much excite- can be iasuel or not.—Mr. J. G. Ant s has meat, oke,, happened in this vicinity. 1Ve harm eurehaeing apples in this vicinity— refer to the marriage of Miss Rebecca The G, 0. 0. F. are growing nicely —Mr. Schroeder, eldest daughter of Mr. Fred William Powell left a few weeks arta for Schroeder, to Mr. John England. on Tues- - Chicago, and el;bast lialia intends to cross day last. The bride was supported through over under the star-spangled banner this Mar.week.e- The P. of I. organised a Township the trying ordeal by her sister, Visa Associattan some weeks ago an Lha Schroeder, while the groom was ably d have been assisted by Mr. Daniel Schroeder. Rev. purehaaingimplements at reduced tied the nuptial knot. prices.— E. 11. Bean 11r.and Next Thursday evening an Epworth League Mrs. England will reside on the Goshen is to be organised in connection with the line, where Mr. England owns a farm, lslinville Methodist church.—Some are We join in wishing thorn a happy married agitating for a temperance pledge m the church and Sabbath school. The time has come when every member of the church and every Sabbath schoolshonld be a total ab- stainer. Join one, join all.—Next Sunday morning Royal Russell will preach a sermon on " Sabbath Observance." Everybody come and learn how to keep the day, as it ought to be kept.—Sunday was fine and our S. S. was attended by more than 140 persons to study the 1st Psalm, lrfn. SCISOOL Rer:Rr. The following who were unable to attend the promotionex- amination in March have passed since : to jr I1I—Jacob Kraft, 321, To sr II—H. Kraft. 298; E. Wolper, 290. To jr. pt II —Theresa Walper, Duncan Snider. Tho following in V and sr I r received 50 per cent or over on written work during the month of March : V•—Ida Cook, 92; M. Cook, 59, (missed one exam.) Sr IV—L. Kleinstiver, 79, The average attendance for the month was 73. S,usr. M. HABCFI, Prin. us'. If your hen fold is robbed of the ,44 L+' seveuteun•year-old hon with a wart on her hmVllle. left leg, and you sprain your little finger Brows —With the exception of one year falling down cellar; if the preacherpost- since the parrying of the Scott Aot our vil- pones the:morning service by forgetting to lags has enjoys d immunity from the liquor come to church, and any church on the trams, and a staggering man has eoarcely circuit can boast of better book -racks than aver been seen. Many fondly hoped that the hotel would never be opened again, but a petition for license has been circulated and more than a sufficient number of aignc tures have bean secured, so it is probable that King Alcohol, the mighty conqueror of Babylon and Rome, will exorcise dominion here and tear the quiet of our peaceful little village. To the young people of this com- munity we would say, if your elders and Zion; if the leg of you pants takes an ex- cursion to the sky in the shape of smoke ; if all your neighbors have their doors made of cherry; if you should form an acquaint- ance with a railroad ;smash-up and carry away a brake rod between the third and fourth ribs as a memento of the occasion; if the Trow men will recover from their late aeyere sickness and learn to stay "at home; if your horse thinks you have too t gnarditina will not protest you from tempts much brain and succeeds in kinking so ' tion, bus upon a trap to catch the unwary, hard that it takes yon a little time to get and bring blight and sorrow to homes and your teeth arranged in their proper order ( hearts, be not deceived, but avoid the evil, ` again, then by all means make us acquaint 1 pass not by it, turn from it and pass away. ) ed with the facts and we `vill serve them) One would have thought farms enough hal SALE REGISTER. Thursday, Apl 7.—Real estate and chat- tels, in the village of Dashwood, goods of the late John S. \4 itzel. Sale at 1 o'clock. ED. BOSSEI'BERRF, Auet. Saturday, Ap1.9—Mortgage select valu- able village property in the village of Hen- sall. Sale at`? o'clock. Jnr GILL, Auct. r..41.4 .OIJn DL3oL und.73i stod]y need& thorough cleansing this season to expel impurities, keep up the health -tone and prevent disease. 'au should take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and system tonic. It is unequalled in positive medicinal merit. Hood's Pilis are purely vegetable, perfect- ly harmless, effective, bat do not cause pain or gripe. Be sure to get Hood's. Itch, Mange and Soratolies of every kind on human being or animals, cured in 30 min- notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Thi never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz. Oct. 9,-ly Minard's Liniment is the hair restorer. b PpH etet- - A t✓ e ,.ry G 0 G o ca 0 MI 4 • a) 0 0 se ee 0 por 0) St/ H 0 o W io-y 5' exa cc, w U(( a' o 1-4 Lt/ CD CD 04 0 ca d AD P e9 R 5 co• c D O 0 0 1P' CC3'1r0i.'. w 0 c•t- tn 0 CD t"•/w 00 CD CD Rao5tooaD m 0' 00 ID" O n P CDCDCD P +a Lor 0• Ui o CD C P. m 07 w rn 0 o + O a, et. CD d ear CD t'. 11 0 vrtt i cD n w rt P tJ w 0 .. Ott 0 ,-t- CD 0 a 0 m - 0 Cn CD 1. C/2 • CD CD w a 1.1 Cr) P o r, „CD w, r. CD o, EL er n 0 C] m 0 eres o o c y' m 5, 0Cfcl- eo 0 0a•el m e. rot•ti cn CD 11- 0 d 0 e t• (0 CD I--1 e- m •spoo€ uomoD 0) m m 0 eK cr. M. CAD p Ftt o 0' c7P err '+ 0 to rtw 4 RS gi O CrD O a- m 0"'et CID e a °• e N Do 0 0 . I•"' 0 mR3 44 o '173 RD ' CD ,z e+- Zn cog G 0 o m m e aa0 et 0 a'° CD ,.12) et 1 c (D w 0 1-3 CD 7 0 0 m CR1 0 '-8 o • e„t- o 572.tea G Zi? • Cfq ria 0 CD CD 0 0 0-4 fS y 0 P El p o o = 0,1 rr ar, tea 0-1-=,. N cc, co -..0 o w e ti p. t -t ;a w e mCM0 Sal m m 2 0' 0 o ii O A) e' - ,(D(0 CD Q .oc N(0 0 p.t O ED ►r c1 - En CD 0> cgp !— CD o (r {^) *IO y O O Ki° cn O 0 Lt (D y O f-1 (7) hs ts O E CZ c D~ N Q' CIDo trt oeP:111 N • 1.511211m t• ts' R w ou 0 CA 0 m Cn2 P li <1 ti 441rt Er) rt 00 fl 44 CA e CD me g t° iit 1.r m O mtt 0 h• v' 0 lam• cz) a,. ItAeallip0 ic 0 0