HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-31, Page 8IPPtaromAnt
41 i. ST if, LL10'1', AGENT FOR
ANY. of Toronto • also tor thePIKENIB
E .I;.and. the ROYAL CANADIAN, ot Mon-
treal, and the ONTARIO MII t'UAL L1b'E
A iSURANCE, OO'Y of Waterloo established
1:70, Assurancesinforee,$18,127,400,Bonuses
c'•'ezy five years. A
special 1 once !
During this. week our usual supply
Holiday Stock will be opened and dis
played for sale, so that on and after Dec
5th we will be in a fair position to re-
ceive our customers and their friends.
We sincerely trust that the exhibit this
year will be found in every way satis-
factory. Much to cur surprise we fin
a large number living within a few miles
of Exeter who have not yet called. Th ..
is a mistake Our stock is equal, and
we think superior, to any found in. vil-
lages of this size ; itt fact we know it to
class well with the majority of those
found in city stores. We are steadily
endeavoring to make it more widely
known and will not rest content until i
has been inspected by at least the m
jarit; t f tha,ae living within ten or
teen miles of Exeter. We know that i
unable to sell, our stock will at least
please ; and so cordially invite every
reader of TUB Times to call with their
friends at least once during December
and take ;i look through.
Trig Mune.) Exeter.
TtIURSDAY, MARCH 3l8t, 1802.
LOCAL HAPPrail 3 S. t �
village commie.
The council met per a+ljourtunent at tide
town hall, Exeter. on the '?.•3rd March ; all
present. Minutes ot previous meetingiread
and . ontirnie L The fu towing suns we e
ordered t.' b.' psi l,vie : Thos\V eish e1 5t).
labor; Wm Creech. i"3 50, do; S. Powell,
$3 4„
,„.� .a, ring awl.las Creech, charity,
Jas. Gould; do, $1, Mes. tl'flcox; $3 50,
wood for town hi{1 Christie -Ross—that
thereeve and deputy be a committee to
direct the rued commissioner with regard
to scraping streetsandtlisposal of scraping.
—Carried. The council adieu:nett for 3
weeks. M. k .wnr'rr, Clerk.
"And Ste Fired Hint,"
An editor died anti slowly wended his
w .y to where he thought a warm reception
awaited hien. The devil met hint and said :
• "For many years thou haat borne the blame
fortbe errors that the printers made in the
paper The paper bas gone, alas ! for one
tidier. Alas ! The one dollar has often
failed to come in. The printers have be-
deviled thee for wages on Satur day night
when thou haslet not a cent to thy name.
Men have taken the paper without paying
for it, and cursed thee for not getting up a
better paper. Thou haat been called a
dead•heat and a fraud 4y men that were
both, all these things thou hast borne in
stleuee. Thou cause not come here." And.
he Cued him. As he did so he murmured
to himself: "Heaven is his home; and be.
sides if we had let him come in here he
would have been continually; dunning his
delinquent subscribers, and thus created
discord in my kingdom."
Mr. Anning, of the Life-saving crew
of the United. States, who has been visit
ins his uncle, Mr. Wm. Anning for the
past month, returned to Thunder Bay
lee' •• ,.el: to recur e duty,— :1Ir. Wm.
Ammng is steadily rogaininq strength.—
Mr. James Down who has been sick for
some time was able to take a drive on
Tuesday.—Miss Graham returned to her
home in St. Marys on 'Wednesday.—
Mr. A. J. Rollins left for Manitoba this
week.—Mr. John Bawden left for Win-
dsor on Tuesday, where he will work
during the summer.—A number of the
Masonic brethren visited London on
Thursdayhhst, —Miss Taylor of Clinton
is a guest at Mr. Richard Manning's. —
Miss Forest of Hills Green who has been
visiting Miss Smith, returned home on
Friday,—Mr. D. Spicer has quit the
stage for the summer Le pursue his avo-
cation as painter.— We welcome Mr. H.
Harris to town, and congratulate him
and his amiable bride.—Several loads of
Templars visited Hensel' Tuesday eve.
—W. J. White, of the Brandon (Man.)
:Sun, and daughter, are spending a few
days in town.—Mrs. Samwell has return
ed from Ingersoll, where she has been
visiting Mrs. Seldon, who has been ill.
—Mrs. Gardiner, who has spent the past
few mouths in Stratford, visiting friends,
has returned home.—Miss A L. Crocker,
milliner, returued to Blyth Saturday evg.
—Miss Effie Treble is visiting at Mr. R.
Hos'kin's, Staffs.
Ladies, see those 5;2.50 shoulder capes at
Richard Pickard & Son's.
The ground at the town hall is being
prepared for the weigh scales.
The water in the river is high as a re-
sult of the rapid melting of the snow.
Richard Pickard & Son's 25c tea is pro-
nounced to be the best on the market.
In several towns around brass bands
have been organized. What's the mat-
ter with Exeter ?
During the past week Messrs. J. Mc-
Innes and George Bissett have each lost
a valuable cow by death.
Richard Pickard & Son are selling a big
lot of cotton goods at away -down prices.
Ask to see their 4c grey cotton.
Mr. Thos. Ballentyne, a local cattle
dealer yesterday showed us a cablegram
from Liverpool to the effect that Oau-
adian cattle would in all likelihood be
subjected to the same restrictions as the
United States cattle entering Britain,
viz., slaughtered as soon as landed.
This is owing to the rapid spread of the
foot and mouth disease throughout Eng'
land. The :,tendency will be to lower
the price of btnadian stock, as, (being
then equal to the United Statea cattle in
England), now ^tliteir cattle are so much
cheaper than ours, and consequently
hotel would be placed on one plane. We
trust, however, that the restrictions may
no t bo iticreased against our cattle.
Two more Sundays till Easter.
Sugar -making is in full swing this week.
To -morrow is the 1st of April. Beware
of wags and gags 1
Deets, see our $3 pante made to order.
Pickard & Son.
Several Sprang Millinery Openings
take place this week.
Grand millinery opening at E. J. Spack-
man & Oo's on Friday and Saturday, .Ap'l
1st and 2d. Every lady invited.
Our bik areas goods never made a better
impression than those now shown by J. P.
Wall paper is going Last at the Big Bank
e pt Store ; and no wonder, only Seo a roll
May 24th will in all likelihood be roy `+-ler a good paper.
ally celebrated here by a big denion-
Can't do better than buy your dress at
he Big Bankrupt Store; stock is large and
dvalue right.
Don't forget that wall rapers, ceiling
papers and borders are cheap at J. P.
Spring is coming with all the celerity
that marks the gait of a corporation em-
ploye who wo+ke by the day.
" Beautiful 1 " is what ladies say when
they look over the assortment of capes and
wraps at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Flannelettes and ehirtiugs in great vari-
ety, cottonades, drilling. Demme, sheet-
ing, towellinga, at J. P. Clarke's.
The famous "Daisy" black hose fur lad-
ies' wear, guaranteed absolutely stainless,
will not wash out; sold by J. P. Clarke.
Talk about bargains in carpets, curtains
and poles ; no store in town to compare
with the Big Bankrupt Store ; and no such
Roger Crocker, of this office, who by
the way is a fender of well-bred birds,
reports a brood of chicks an Monday.
This is considered early,
In consequence of several of the
widows and widowers having recently
bound themselves in wedlook, charivaris
have been in order lately,
Richard Pickard & Son's grand millinery
opening will be on Friday and Saturday,
8th and 9th April, Every lady in Exeter
and viciuity is invited to attend.
What about that Il'ack "Peau da' Soil"
silk; are you going to have a dress of it?
The Big Bankrupt Store is the spot for
silks and blaok dress goods.
The amoral meeting of the Exeter
Branch of the B. & F. Bible Society
will be held in the James-st Church on
Sunday, April 10th, at 2.30 o'olock, p.
m. There will be addresses from sever-
al noted speakers. See posters for par-
On Friday last a shooting match took
place between members of the Gun. Club,
each shooting at 10 blue rocks- Following
is the scorn :
E. Bissett 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 —7
J, Wood 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 —8
D, aohnl 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 —7
A. J. Snell 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1-6
Coffees, teas, spices, fruits, all kinds of
groceries meet the approval of the customer
as shown by J. I'. Clarke.
HORSEMEN.—Get our prices on horse -
bills before ordering elsewhere. We
have several new cute and are in a pos-
ition to turn out route bills and garde
cheaply, promptly, and satisfactorily in
every respect. Our folders are guaran-
teed not to break i•ith usage. Order
your folders and bills at the TI9MEs.
On going to press we learn ,that an un-
usually large quantity of barley is being
loaded in some 4 ears at Exeter station,
The shippers claim it takes the cake for
quantity in same number of any shipment
ever made is Western Canada, viz : 5,000
bushels in 4 cars, being double the quan-
tity usually shipped per car. Mr, W. H.
Hutchins of Park Hill the shipper.
Since our last issue the jou lot of felt
]rats have been on the move at J.P Clarke's!
also the goods from our bargain table.
There are several lads in town who do
not attend school the required number
of days in the month, acid may soon ex-
tleet a visit iron the truant officer•
March the 31st is the last day for coun-
cils of cities, towns, villages and townships
to pass bylaws limiting tie number of shop
licenses therein €tar the etisuiug year.
At their meeting en Monday, the
Canadian Order of Ftu•esters, resolved to
present 11r. James Gould with .9, to aid
hint is the hour of affliction.
Several car loads of arrack have been
shipped trotn this station this week,
atwingst the number being a load of
horses by Mr. A. J. Rollins to Mani -
Tenders for the erection of a school
room and rectory in connection with the
Trivitt Memorial Church, will be open-
ed this week. Several tenders have
been received.
Ladies, have you inspecte:i Rd. Pickard
& Son's stock of dress goods & trimmings?
1f not, it will repay you to do so; they
hare all the newest things ; in fact just
what you are looking for.
The Ontario Teachers' Association will
meet in the Education Department build.
ing, Toronto, on April 19, 20 and 21.
This is the first timo the meeting has
been placed during the Easter 'mention.
All thetpewest designs in hats and hon"
nets ou exhibittnn at McTavish & Co's.
Prices right.
A. twin sister in town had her picture
taken in two postures this week, and a
lady friend in looking at them said that
she could now see a dissemblance in the
two ladies, while in fact the pictures
were of tth t liorso.it.
Spring-like weather the past week
has been the means of reviving business
considerably. The roads have also im-
proved and things generally are shaping
for a early season. Robins and other
summer birds have already been seen in
this vicinity.
A local veterinary has stated that the
farmers will have greater loss in lambs
this year than they have experienced in a
very long period. "Something in the sea-
son" is said to be the cause. A stock -
raiser, who was the possessor of twenty
fine lambs, had all die.but three. Atrother
lost ten out of eighteen.
Miss Horne announces her Millinery
Opening for Friday and Saturday, April 1
and 2 .A fine displ ty promised and prices
the closest. Every lady invited to inspect
the latest styles,
The Royal Template ot Temperance hell
an open meeting in the basement of James
street Methodist Church on Monday eve.,
the object being to raise money and dis-
tribute it among the poor of the town. A 1
lengthy and interesting program was ren-
which consisted of singing, recita-
tions, violin solos, etc., many of the num-
bers being quite appropriate to the occa-
sion. At the last opeu meeting, some time
ago, the Select Councillor stated that there
was at that time a membership of 50, and
hoped that by the next open meeting he
would be able to say that the membership
had increased to 100 ; his calculation did
not fall far short, as there were 99 names
on the roll on Monday night. Several
intend joining the Lodge at the next regu-
lar meeting. The collection amounted to
Mr. Richard Manning on Tuesday re-
ceived word from Manitoba concerning
the death of his son Samuel, of which
mention was made last week. The de-
ceased had been feeling poorly all win-
ter, but nothing serious was anticipated,
One day last week he went to the stable
as usual, to attend the stock, and not
returning in due course, his wife fol-
lowed to ascertain cause of delay, when
she found the lifeless body of Mr. Man-
ning lying in one of the mangers, death
having resulted from heart failure, as
pronounced by a doctor called in. Mr.
Manning was 39 years of age, and when
a young man in Exeter, was held in the
highest esteem, as we believe was also
the case in Manitoba, and his many
friends express much sympathy for the
bereaved ones. A wife and young fam-
ily survive him in Manitoba, where his
remains were interred,
Every dy in Exetelsand vicinity should
visit McTa & Co's Pislece Show Room
Friday and Sa itt(iay., April'iet and 2nd.
Grand Bend.
BnraFs: Mr, Wm. Dewey returued to
Grand Beud on Saturday to commence the
fishing business again. Mr. Dewey was
stationed on the dere bene some two years,
bat last year was at t4odericlt.--Dir, Bren-
ner is proving his enable ; turning it around
beside the new one r.contly built and when
completed Mr. 13tcuner will have the most
commodious stable in the country, holding
iu the neighborheod of sixty horses.—
Messrs, Hobbs and Cook of Parkhill Deputy
Organizers of the K. 0. T- M. have been
canvassing this seotion for over two months
trying to organize a tent. They were to
have the goat in shape last night but as the
performance was ei h closed doors your
correspondent does not know how they
succeeded —Mr. Robt, Willard left for
Seuey on5'4edensdaval er spendiuga menth
with his parents.
Po:uvs,—Zi m. Balfour of the rlrames
road has sold his fifty acre farm and has
purchased Relit Dawson's farm containing
ono hundred acres near Mt. Pleasant for
$4,500•—James Roger, an old and respect-
ed resident of the F. M. R., passed away
frons this life on Thursday and was buried
on Saturday,—On Friday night at the
Patrons of Industry mooting the question.
of the best method of destroying wild (nets
was discussed.—Tho discussion was ably
fed by Wm. Levy, who seems to have
given the subject careful study, folinwed
by other members giving their opinions.
The subject was pretty well aired and we
think the Patrons „will raise no more wild
oats after this year.—We understand {that
John Rodgers, jr., has been appointed by
the council as engineer:and arbitrator on
ditches and watercourses for this township.
—Mrs Wilson, who has been very sick
with inflammation, is recovering.
a . 1
Cromar ry,
Butees.—At a meeting of the Patrons of
Industry last Tuesday it was decided to
make up an order for plows, to be given to
t erity & Sons, Exeter.—We were again
called to pay our last respects to the dead
and on Sunday last, the remains of Joseph
Armstrong were laid to rest in Roy's church
burying ground. Mr. Armstrong spent
last summer in Michigan and came home
about Christmas suffering from LaGrippe,
which was followed by a complication of
diseases which resulted in his death on
Saturday last. Being a member of Farqu-
har lodge I. 0. F. this society took charge
of the remains and headed the procession
to the grave, where they were buried with
Forestry honors.—The nomination to fill
the offices made vacant by the resignation
of Deputy -Reeve Ryan and councillor
Barbour was held Monday. For reeve
all withdrew excepting Thos. Ryan, thus
leaving him elected by acclamation. The
Deputy reeveshipseemsto be more enticing
and is to be sought for by three contestants,
Messrs. as Barbour, Richard Hotham and
Peter Campbell. This election is looked
forward to with keen interest.
Grand Millinery.
(Too late for last weep)
BRIEFS.-- The meetings which have been
going on for two weeks have closed. That-
hat'were anion meetings, the Methodist and
Presbyterian ministers taking part ; also
Mr. Samuel Grigg, at one time hotel -keeper
in London, telling to large crowds of his
conversion and of giving up the liquor busi-
ness. We think what Mr Grigg said is very
applicable to some of the rlranton ptopie,
—Three young mea of this place receiving
a letter giving them five days to leave
Granton, made good their escape inside of
five home, Their conscience must have
called guilty as regards the liquor atoren
from the liquor store ; but the proprietor of
the same should bring those young culprits
book, give them a bit of the law, and put a
stop to the oontinual depredations going on
here. Liquor seems to be the cause of
those wrong doings every time.—An acci-
dent oocurred on the G. T. R. here the other
day. A freight train going west when near
Granton wreoked a flat car and upset the
engine. Upwards of 50 men from Stratford
soon bad all things right. We bave,not
learned of any person being hurt,—Born,
on Saturday, 19th inst„ the wife of Frank
Brooks, a son. Frank locks cheerful, in
deed.—Hodson, on the 16th inst., the wife
of Mr. W, Hudson, a eon.
(This week's.)-
Barr:Fe,—Granton spring fair will be held
on the 14th prox.—Mr. William Johnston
of the town line of Blanchard, shipped from
this station a carload of horses for the
American side.—Mr. MoWare baa just ar-
rived home after disposing of a oarload of
horses in Manitoba. Mr. MoWare is a very
energetic man. and Granton could surely
boast if there were a few more inhabitants
of the same indust: v ; there would not be
so much time givea to finding out one
another's affairs. ---'110 Presbyterians are
talking of meeting a new churoh in our vil-
St. Marys
Crediton. .
South Huron, Brucefield
Mitchell, , ,
Lucien„ - , ......
Ailsa Craig
Spring Shows.
April 19
" 12
1' 13
1, 15
1' 12
.1 5
" 13
" 14
" 15
Remember the dates of E. J. Spaektnan
aE C'o'o iniilinety opening, Friday and Sat-
urday, April lst and 2d. Every lady cor-
dially invited.
MOG1111v ray.
Brtxars.--A. Downing, Brucefield, paid a
visit to itis bogie lest Sunday.
Mr. Delgaty, teacbtr No. 1, Stephen, is
getting up a apellfng competition among
sea eral of the neighboring schools. Nine
are chosen from ono school to spell against
a Molted nine from another. Words taken
from the 3rd reader,
On Wednesday, the 16th inst., Mr. Jas.
Sutton and Olin Agnes Hodgson of the 4th
and 5th con., took a pleasant drive to Oredi-
ton and the Rev. Mr. Ro;imond tied them
with a matrimonial kuot.
Some time ago W. Bennetts-, of lith can.
engaged a young man to work for him on the
farm, The young man took a notion to viola
his sister in Korwood Unfortunately for
Mr Dannoey he has not taxon the notion
to return and it is now reported that he has
gong to the States, The young man bail
got the fun at dr. P's expense.
As usual Mrs,, Spicer will show a flue
display of the 1 test styles in spring mil-
linery at the o ening on April lst and 2nd.
We have made' careful; selections and our
stook will embr#ttillines of everything,
and prices found right. Mr.s. D. SFrcim,
Go de ch.
Bnrsra•—A delegation from Ashfield tee,
composed of Reeve Griffen and Messrs Haw-
kins and Hussey Lofton Moudaytointerview
the Government on the question of im-
provements at the Port Albert harbor.—
Building opotations are making au early
lust thi ;ea:, eetrea.e etleg ..Lt::.r
contract --A deputation sent by the town
auunoil to urge the government to dredge
the harbor returned home on Saturday.—A
large number of men aro employed at the
harbor repairing vessels and fixing fishing
material for the coming season.—The Di-
reotore of the North Western Exhibition met
on Sa'urday and had a Iong session.—The
wrecked schooner Bayaria,tbat hes been off
the mouth of the Maitland since last fall, is
still in the place where she settled, the our -
rent of the fiver so far not having shifted
her.—J. Ross Robertson of Toronto, the
Masonic Grand Master, leoturod at Smith's
Hill in the afternoon and Goderioh in the
evening, Inst Friday. His subject on each
occasion was the History of Masonry.—His
Honor Judge Toms was in Toronto last
week.—Mr. Hodgins, of the Education
Department,Toronto,was in town Thursday
and Friday holding a court regarding the
suspension of teacher Reagan. A large
number of witnesses wore examined, but it
is understood his report will not be made
known until it bas been submitted to the
Minister of Eduoation.—At the meeting of
the High Sohool Literary Society on Friday
evening the usual nominations for office
were made --The town council meets on
Friday and the Publio Sohool Board on
Monday evening.—There were two inter-
ments in our cemetery on Saturday, one
being that of a lady who died in the London
asylum, and the other that of a young man
who arrived from Detroit a few weeks since.
For the past year I�1 e 'been troubled
to a very great extent with Dandruff, also a
dullness of color in my hair, and through
the advice of a friend (who spoke from ex-
perience) I tried your Anti Dandruff, which,
upon the application of leas than a bottle of
your liquid I find my head not only thoro-
ughly oleaneed but a vast improvement in
the color and growth.
I have and do recommend it as highly
beneficial to the profession and public gene-
rally as an agreeable and welcome innova-
tion in the remedies put forth for public
Yours, & c., Wm. P. WOLFS,
Advertising Agt„ ', Frank Daniels 0.1.
_ Season 1890.91
These diseases aro too well known to re-
quire any description, How many thou -
sande aro oarried every year to the silent
grave by that dreadful soourge, consumption
which always commences with a slight
dough. • Keep the blood healthy by tak-
ing a few doses of Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills each week, and disease of any kind is
impossible, All medicine dealers sell Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
eto. Save $50 by nae of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by C. Lutz. 0-29-1y
OING! Gonwt
And that's just what will happen to these splendid
.Bargains we are now offering to the public,
In Dress Goods & Dress Trimmings
In Gents' Furnishings we have no equal.
See our range of
(White and Colored)
—all in the latest styles.
In WALL PAPER we have all the newest
designs. If you want it said that you have the
prettiest -papered room in town, you will have to
procure you Wall Paper at CARLING BROS<.,•
See our Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Carpets and
Lace Curtains.
A. quantity of our Celebrated 25c Tea left yet, which some of our merchants
are trying to imitate ; but they can't do it you know.
Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded
in purchasing goods, the equal tq which has not been
shown in Exeter before.
The Latest in Everything
Our stock will ensure us :
The Trade
in Dry Goods; ,
Trade in Dress Goods;
The Trade in Millinery;
The Trade in Clothing.
Watch this space for further announcement:
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
Barber Shop
A. Hastings Prop
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest
style ,of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting
Lames' and Children'sHair
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital ... ... $2,000,000
Rest Fund ,,, ,,, . 1,100,000
HeadOftioe, Montreal,
Money advancedto'goodfarmers on their own
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per pent
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day ,from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS,10 a.m.to 1 p.m,
4Per0ont.perannum al lowedfor money on
DepositRoceipts.. Sayings Bank at 3 per oenti
Sub -Manager.