HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-31, Page 5�. H, GREIVE Before you buy your Fall ce Winter* Clothing Call au v 'examine the large and„..> ll -assorted stook of Fine Worsted Suitings .Fine Scotch, Tweed " li Canadian " " Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcoatings All will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a CQOD 7= or no sale..—Give me a, call. I -I. GRIEVE. Centralia. 'BRIEFS—We had a blizzard on Saturday. —T. Hondford shipped 16 this horses to Manitoba on Friday. He will return shortly as he has the contract of the Grand Bend cut,—Herbert Mitchell Iles the con- tract of putting in 25 cords of wood at the church. ---Wm. Parsons shipped a car load of apples to bfanisoba this week. This makes eighty cars ho has shipped this season. He has paid out about 650,000 for poultry, pork and apples. We wish here were a few more such men in our town. IT LEADS aux,LnADEBs.-•-The foremost medicine of the day, Burdook Blood Bitters is a purely vegetable compound possessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs of the system and controlling their Beare. firms. It so purifies the blood that it mires all blood humors and diseases from a com- mon pimple to the worst sero£uloue sore, and this combined with its unrivalled re. gnlatiug, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver,kidneya,bowela and skin, :wader it unequalled as a dire for all diseases of the skin. from ono to two bottles will care boils, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, mut, totter, and all the simple forms of skin disoaso. From two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, 6hingles, erysipulas, alma, : bscesuee, run- ning eorea, and all akin eruptions. It is noticeable that sufferers from akin diseases aro nearly aggravated by intolerable itching but this quickly eubaidoa on the removal of the disease by B, B. 13. Passing on to graver yet prevalent diseases such ae sero- fuloue swellings, humors and sorolula, we have undoubted proof that from three to six buttlouuuet' internally and by outward application (diluted 11 the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a euro. Tho gloatrion of B. 13. 13. is to regulate the livor, kilneys, bowels and blood, to oorraot acidity a“, wrong action of the stomach and to o tho slum -ways e of the 'system to carry off all clogged and impure a retions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without fail bad blood, liver com- plaint, blliouenese,dysnopaia, sick headache dropsy, rheumatism, and every apooies of disease arising from disorder of the liver, kidneys, bels stomach and blond. aerge Reil. W- illiam. ITolLinshed 0f Sparta, N. J., voluntarily says: "To Whom it May Concern: "Unasked I deem it my duty to a suffering humanity whose bottles and souls I would Lave healthy, to tell there of the value of Hoo -1's Sarsaparilla. While liviug in Ohio one of my children was greatly "Afflicted With Boils havl1g 30 on her limbs, and being unable to walk: I had heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and bought a bottle, half of which cured en- tirely. Two years after, another child was afalieted as badly. I used the other half bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla with like re- sults. About four years after, the child first . afflicted was again tormented like Job, and I bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and again. a cure. I gave some of themedicine to a poor woman and two children; they were helped as were mine. Through a testimo- nial sent to 0. I. Ilood & Co., inquiries canto from all the country, 'asking if it was a `bona fide' testimonial, and of course I wrote all that itiyeas„aird.11a:to the, knowledge of Scores and Scdre Of persons helped or cured by hood's Sarsa- parilla. Mild cases of rheumatism have yielded to it. Biliousness and bad liver have been corrected in my own family. This is theonly patent medicine I have felt like praising. I speak not for 0. I. Hood, but for the Jobs who are impatient and are tor- mentecl beyond endurance. Nothing I know of will cleanse the blood, stimulate the liver, or clean the stomach so perfectly as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Any person wishing to know more. euclest:e ; a stamp will bo informed. Yours for the health, happiness and virtue of humanity.” Y3rrlA:rr IIOLLIx IXEn pastor of Presby- terian church, Sparta, N. J. 13ood's Pi11s cure babituar constipation. , Luoan. Bnras3.-Sugar-malting time, -Mr, Andy. Thompson left for Winnipeg a few days aeo —Mr. Robert Guest, jr., left for Manitoba last week.—Mr Jonathan Hodgins left for Manitoba with a carload of horses last week —Miss Nellie Hodgins, Biddulpb, wee one of the winnors of the late Canedian Queen prize oompetitione-Ben Watson, of Sarnia township, intends challenging Wallaoe, the champion, to out ten cords of woods for $100 a side and the ohampion belt,—Word was reoeived here from Paisley, Bruce Co., Saturday, that James Mason, at one time a resident of the Idth con. of London tp., was dead.—Mr. Adam Neil, of the 2nd con. Mo- Gillivrary, has returned from Illinois, bring with him a seven-year-old Frond' draught stallion.—Mr. Geo. Pogue oan now add M. D. to his name, lie having passed his final exam at the Detroit School of Medi- oince—R. A. Thompson, who 20 years apo was a leading pupil of Luoan school, and graduated at Toronto UD.ivoreity about 7 years ago, is now Prinoipal of the Hamiltun Collegiate Institute at a salary of $1,800.— The following left this station on the 22nd for Manitoba ; Messrs. James and Mark Hodgins and families, Messrs Benj. and E. Abbott and John Shoebottom of London tp: We wish them success. —A oarefully kept memorandum of twelve light horses, bought by dealers in Luoan since January 1, 1802, shows an average of $190 each. The average of those horses was from four to six years,—The sawing match, held at the Royal hotel on the 17 inst., was witnes- sed by between four and five hundred peo- ple. The following are the prize winners lst, Brown & Broenly, Sylvan, 1 min. 141 aeo.; 2nd, Maguire k Hedges, Mooresville, 1 min. 24i see; 3rd, Fraser te Gilmour, Mooresville, 1 min. 271, see; 4th, Brown & Arddll, West Williams, 1 min, 301: sec. THE WONDERFUL SLmmra — Of Hood'e Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier entitles it to your confidence. No other preparation has such a record of cures of Sorofnla, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, or other blood diseases. To try It is to know its merit. 1111 euro to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. Monthly Prizes for Boys and Glris.. The "Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer the following prizes every month till further no- tice. to boys and girls under 10, residing in the 1'rovinoe of Ontario, wbo send the greatest number of 'Sunlight" wrappers': 1st. $10. 2nd. S6; 3rd, $3; 4th, $1; 5th to 14th, a Handsome Book; end a pretty* picture to those who send net lose than 12 wrappers, end wrar Pers to "iunlight"Soap Otlloo, 43 Scott St , Toronto. not later than 20th of each month, and marked competition; also give full name, address, ago, and number of wrappers- 'ti inners'uames wilt be published in Toronto Maid an first Saturday in each ruontb. BORN. Gssraa s.—In Si, Marys, an Mar. 20th the wife4 of Mr, W. J. Gillies, of a daughter. _,.-e MARRIE O. King—ELLrarT—At the resid0nceof the bride's parents, Ie'irkton. by Rev Colin Fletcher. Ur Joseph Kirk. to Miss Rob CCM oldest 'laugh - tor of Mr. John Elliott. IIAr:Rrs—Swsrtr.—At the bride's residence, in Exeter, on tho 29th inst.. by Rev. Mr. A. L, Mussell, hir. Henry Barris, of Palmorston,to Mrs. Phoebe Sweet, LUTHER--DINSDALR—At tho residoneo of Mr. 1Jinstlalo. Motlillivray. on March 15, by Rev. J. C. Nethereott, hir.4James Luther to Miss Eliza Dinsdalo, Peen—Ems—At tho residence of Mr. James. Ellis, Metliltivray, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. J. C. Nethereott, Mr. Win. Peck of West 'Williams to bliss Harriet Ellin DIED. CAatrasee.—In Tuokorsmith, on the 1501 inst., David Campbell, aged 81 years. CREBrY.—I r Uaborne, on the 25th lust;. Mary, beloved wife of Mr. Robert Creory, aged 01 rears. Vivrae.—In i)etroit,on the 18th inst.,Elsio,only daughter of George Vivian, aged 1 year and 7 months. S Mes AlredStonohouso, formerly of Bayfniold, aged 46 rears. Ws:mute—In St, Marys. on Wednesday morn- ing, March 28rd, 1892, Caroline Modeland, wifo of William Webster, aged 34 years. PIGS FOR SALE. Our Imported Largo Yorkshire now damso l gave birth on March 22nd to her first litter. Characterietio of the breed. though this sow is not yet more than a year old,the litter numbers thirteen. They aro doing particularly volt, and a number of young boars and sows will bo sold at a very reasonable figure to early pur- chaseIs. These Digs are of the lloleyweli strain their sire being iloleywell King. This boar wo still keep for service, This • is the breed from which to select your stook boar and this the kind of a litter from which to choose abreoding sow, Call early and got your choice. Corres- pondence promptly and cheerfully answered. Wu. BUCHANAN 4-, es, lIoneall, Ont. !xt' Mills, Wheat .. 88e to floc per bushel OUR SELLIN(ir PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.75 per 100 do Beet Family 2.50 4t do Low Grade 2.00 Bran.. .... .. 70o Shorts .. 80c Chop .. .. $1.00 to $1.10 Chop stone running every day. THE EXETER 1YIILLING Coy. 44 4 MARKET REPORTS. a EXETER Red Wheat ... Barley 82 to 82 Spring Wheat ... •„ 82 to 32 Oats ,•. ... .., d5 to 40 •.• 26 to 28 Oiov er 800d 7700 to 7 50 Timonby 1 50 to Peas •.. • .•• 55 to 755 Oorn O 40 to 60 Eggs », fete 11 Butter15 to 16 Flourperbbl —... 00 to 5 15 Potatoes,perbushel -. -. 50 10 0 55 Apples,per Dag „. -.. I 00 10 1 00 DrfedApplespr b' -. -» 0 Oto 0 60 (4eoeo per lb. ». .•. 0 064 64 to 0 06 Turkey per ib .. _ Auoksper lb .„ tl06toG9to 00700 Ohiekenspozpr _. , 0 25 to 0 30 Hogs,dressedperI00 „5 75 to 5 75 Beef ... 400 to528 Hidesrongh, ... _, „- 4 00 to 4 50 dressed , to Sheepskins each0 ▪ 60 to 5 25 WOakins ,» , 0 50 to 0 50 oolpelfatr:.. 0 18 to 010 ilttpperonlb ... Onianaperbns,,.10 005010 tol0 00 Li ,,, ., 0 5o tt0 0 50 Woodpercord ,,, ,,, 2 800 T:IS Y s AAs 0 .Fall Wheat................se .......... 82 82 Spring Wheat.......... ..................."82 82 Barley 00, 05 0 40 Oats 0 26 28 Clover Seed .................... 7 00 7 50 Tlmothp ...... ... .............. . 1 50 1 75 Peas ..................... ....................... 0 55 0 58 Eggs1....................... 10 0 11 Butter 15 0 15 Potatoes per bag 50 06 Applee per bush 060 wool per lb 18 010 Banger n 10 Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts2060000270•00 • Qatniealperbbl.......„, 00 l3otia,dressetl par 100. 5 75 to 5 75 LONA wheat, 84 to 94 per bus. Oats, 80e to 51. per bus. Peas.60o to 72e per bus. Ear- ley,. elting.431 to48eber bus. BarleyFeed, 90 to1441a par bus (torn, 563o to e& per. bu TO CONTRACTORS. iiSEALED TENDERS will be received at the oOiieo of the undersigned until SATURDAY. Arum 2nd, for the various works required in the erection of a BRICK SUNDAY SCHOOL AND RECTORY i.'"ur the `i'rivit t Monomial i,"Itttrcli,i xt.tvr Pians and speeildeations may be SOS oitiror at O'Neil's Bank in Exeter. or the otlioo of the ,ttrchie.ets. London. No tender necessarily accepted. MUBTtIDE &JONES, m°tit ,ro213 Duneld Bio kLndon, 1892. — SPRIN (d- i — 1892. Do you want a PIANO, ORGAN, BICYCLE, SEWING MACHINE, BOYS' & GIRLS' TRICY - OLES, EXPRESS WAGONS? Our $80,00 afetg AN EASY WASH SIMPLE AND CLEAN 18 STRIOTLY HIGH GRADE. ALL MADE OF THE BEST STEEL AND WARRANTED FOR 0140 YEAR MANUrADTURED aY The Goold Bicycle Co. Ltd. BRANTFORD, ONT. Send for Cata'Iogue If you do, the place to. gottho moat reliable goods at a modern price is at PERKINS & MARTIN'S. dealers in Musical Instruments, Sewing Machine supplies. etc., etc.. All kinds of farm implements sold on a mar- gin over cost. Agents for the celebrated Chat- ham Wagon. PERR.INS & MARTIN, ,Fanson's Block. A GOLD WATCH FREE Awl Other Elegant Articles to Those Who Can React. This Rebus. lk*. � "' A BEN 6 Without Hot Steam and Smell Without Washing Powders Without Hard Rubbing Without Sore Hands THESE ADVANTAGES ARE OBTAINED BY USING Winch has bean awarded 7 Gold Medals for Purity and Excellence. Its UNEQUALLED OUAL/TY has given it the largest sale in the world. You can use ” Sunlight " for all pur- poses, and in either hard or soft water., Don't use washing powders as with other soaps. "Sunlight" is better without. worms: re. sONLIGitTtrv2:r. Ia:n^,. LIL^,ir: 11 ala GOIETsx y j) TOItON1.O Tim Ottawa personality of the late James MaoLaren was $1,200,000. The reality ill valued at $1511,000. The above is honest advice which we are interested in prelctibing to every home. To secure a trial fa; FORD'S PRIZE rJLLa, we !'intend to spend certain amount in this manner of advertising are attracting attention to the merits of this medicine. To the first person sending the correct answer to tilt above rebus we will give an elegant Gold Watch. fine workmanship and first-class timekeeper • t., the second we willgive a Genuine Diem ontl lf. i„g;; to the third handsome Sills Dress Pattern, r yards in any color; to the Jeuetta a Coin S11 v er i3'ateh, and many other prizes in order of tnerit, the person Sending the tart correct answer we will Lt iv.: an ele; ant Gold. Vtraton, fine workmanship am: fit,t-ciar;s timekeeper; to the next to the last ova give a Genuine Diamond Ring to the Mr,/ ;. the het we will give a handsome Silk &treat Pattern, 16 yards in any color ; to the 1,uu•tJ2 w tl:. last we will give a Coin Silver Watch, an.: many other valuable articles in order of merit, count- ing from the Inst. :S E SISIALL GIVII, AWAY :1190 VALUABLE 3iISi1§IAU h'a (should tiler. be so many sending in correct answers). No charge !node 'for boxing and packing of premiums. MI annvrer s must be sent in by mail Eie:are dpril 101h. 1`W52. Tens cent stamen nnrt be enclosed .:iib an•uver for one box of FORb'r; PRIZE PILLS. 1 lu names of the leading • prize winners will ut- pu'tlishad is connection with our advcrtisc;. au m leading newspapers next month. Extra premien', will bo given to those who are willing to assist in intro- ducing our medicine. Nothing is charged for .tl:e premiums in any way, they are absolutely given away to introduce and advertise Ford's Prize Pills, which are purely vegetable and act gently yet promptly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels, dispelling Headache, Fevers and G kis, cleansing the system thoroughly and cure habitual constipation. They are sugar. coated, do itot gripe, very small, easy to taksi inc pili a dose, and are purely vegetable. Perfect digestion follows their use. As to the reliability cf our company, we refer you to any leading wholesale dru;- 5:11 or business house in Toronto. All premium.; 5. be re.varded strictly in order of merit and with perfect satisfaction to the public. Pills are sent by mail l p •st. paid. When you answer this rebus, kindly merry ,. Which newspaper yon .v nt. Address 1 fE PILL t0., hellingaonSt. West, Toronto, Can. TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest. Over $6o,000 pri- vate funds, Appl y to JCLLIOT& Envier, Solicitors, eto., Exeter, PER CENT.. on First and Second Mortgages. Old Mortgages paid off; NO COMMISSION. Agents Wanted” Call or send Sc. stamp for CIRCULAR. AGENTS WANTED. FontbillfNurseries. Largest in Canada, 750 acres. We want reliable, onergetio mon to soli our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal, outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home- grown, hardy, Janadian stock. Choice now specialties,whioh aro of value, and which can only be secured from us. V. e have given par- ticular attention to propagationthe of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor orn sections of Canada. For terms apply to STONa fit' WELLINGTON. R oronto, Ont. OOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physictan. Success] cliyua. d vrt n t t e t1I L ih � a, a cls t so J J d f Lanka. Is the only perfect ly safeandroliablo medicine discovered, Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medieinos in place of !this. Ask for, Coox'a Comte C0iteouen•take no dubatComte Ropetuta; or inclose $1 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in letter. and we will seed, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed eerlieulers in plain envelope. to Indica only, 2 stamps, Address Pond Loy Company No, 8 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave„Dotroit, Mich. -Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. MORTGAGE SALE —OF— VALUABLE Under the Pawercf Sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage bearing date the llth day of November, 15x4, made by Wni. McKeith to Wm,B. McLean,and assigned to the Vendor, therm will bo uffered for sale by Public Auction dm Saturday, the 9th Day of ,April, 1892 AT 2 P.M. AT THE COMMEItGTAL HOTEL. IN THE VILLAGE OF IIE+.'b$ALL. All and singular those certain parcels of tracts od land and premises situate lying and being in the Village of Ileneoli h'ira composed of Lois numbers' 223. 224 and 2 5, un the south tido of Richmond Street. (Petty's Survey) in the said Village of Ifoasall. TERMS: Twenty-five per ocut, of the pur- chase money on tho day of sale and balance within one weak theroaffcr. Further particulars will bo made known on day of sale or on application to FRASER & FRASER, Jona Ones Bee., Vendor's Solicitors, Auctioneer, Exeter, London. Datce this 241.11 day of Mareb,1803.-31n JUST ARRIVED —AT— GEOLOGY'S Furniture & Undertaking Establishment 2i very NEW Prices to suit largo line of GOODS everybody. Bring along your old Furniture and have it made new. The largest stock of New Picture Mouldings in town. Also PARLOR SUITES AND CURTAIN POLES—in all colors, Remember you can have your Curtain Poles cut any length desired, as we buy them in long lengths. Gall and lnsiect our Stock S. GIDLEY. Oddfellows' Block. HURRAH! NZW Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tlliior shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and in the Latest Styles —AND A— Sure Fit Guarantees W. JORNS. LEARING SALE BISSET P BROS. We have 15 Crosscut Saws and 3 doz. Axes which. must be cleared out at wholesale prices. We have a large stook of TUBULAR LANTERNS of different styles, which must go at the following prices : 45e, , 550, Cvc.. and 75, Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost. Lamp Goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Call and inspect our stock before buying. As usual our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE is complete and we defy competition. UTION EACH PLUG OF Myrtle Navy IS MARKED Ts & Bs XleT BRO eTZ 1g NONE - OTHER - GENUINE DOPE'S Cicaring ale FOR 30 DAYS. DO NOT MISS IT BIG DRIVES BARGAINS IN $goo SALARY and commis- • sion to Agents.Men and Wom- en, Teachers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book, Testimony of' 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth The most remarkable religious book of the age written by 300 °ming: t scholars.Non-sectarian, Every Christian waute it. Exclusive territory given. Apply to The Henry Bill Pub. Co., Norwich, Conn. G A. HYNDMAN . Wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas,Coffees,l akingPowder In cluautitios to suit Purebasors. Orders left at the house or De ilendman e Oftlee will ruoeivo vrwupt ellentioi,, diem° G. A HYNDMAN. DISEASES iippi Or ih Of all ages. ;esaltine from Errors or Indiscre- tions of Y nth, may be pertnanently mired and the vdge of perfect manhood fulls' restored, ae NEIIV',l'S DEBILITY, STERILITY with SE1.'.NAL LOSSES & PREMATURE LECAY Long Standing casesof (MEET, STRII"JURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. 0urfieId is In CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed; if you are incurable we will frankly toll you s0. Write forpartionlare and treatise. Free. to Sr Louts :tinniest, Co., I62 and 114 Ring Street. West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m Boots e3c, Shoeslinrozzao:i7 4 +1'!:ll by ruv inn ,tt cur AND PLANING MILL And LUMBER YARD DRY - GOODS DOUPE tis CO., Kirkton. GIVE\ AWAY YESTERDAY AT THE Dominion Laboratory. The distribution of tho SCHOLARS PRIZES took place. The store and adjacen street were jammed with eager and happy faces, ana as the various fortunate numbers were announced there was Brent rejoicing among the youngsters. Among the numerous articles distributed worn : WORK BOXES, AIR GUNS, KITES, PHO ALBUMS; FANS, AUTO ALBUMS, BOOKS, FRUIT BASKETS, DOLLS, A total of 50 prizes, Call early and se- cure your School Books, and get tickets or the next set of Scholars' Prizes, J.W. Browning !a$hina ty1! OD 0 0 0 THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen I leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town you are sure of satisfac- tion Wo keep constantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of building materials. Dressed or un- dressed pine and hemlock lumber, also a choice stoek of No. 1 pine lath. Our stook of doors sash, blinds, mouldings, &o, is cc:repleteand t1 of-nugiy kiln ur;t•l We offer for sal o1, 00,000 XXand X .Y.Y1NE and CEDAR SHINGLES manufactured by the best makers in Ontario•% Tanks and cisterns, all shapes and sizes,rnado to order at lowest prices. '1'o have 'something now in this lino for watering cattle in the field or barnyard. Call and see our oolobratod Baking Cabinets. ovors woman using them recommends them highly. Turning,hand,scrollsawinr, and all . kinds of machine work promptly attended to. It will be to your interest to examine our afoot before purchasing elsewhere. ROSS & TAYLOR, Main Street. SAY!. Where is the best place to buy Furniture ? WHY '°R. N. ROWE'S Because he gives good bargains, and perfect satisfaction every time ; and he has the beat and largest stock in town. Give him a call and see for yourself. UNDERTAKING .A SPECIALTY. In this line my stock is large and as- sorted, ai nearly every person knows. just see it. R. N. ROWE, Main-st, Exeter.. P. S.—All accounts must be settled at once.—R. N. R. EXETER NORTH General Store.,_ Giving UL? Business. 25 per ee72t. offfor Crag?,. 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1.00; 5 lbs. 50c Tea, 2.00; 5 lbs. 600 Tea, 2.50; Coal Oil, 15c; 4i lbs. raisins, 25c; Mens' rubbers 50c; Ladies' 35 Colored -Tea Setts, $2.00; Dry Goods 25 percent, off - Seal Muff, 2 50, *girth 3 5 Boys' Grey Lamb Hat, 1 1 worth 3 00; Patrons and all Customers Welcome. No trouble to ',how Goods. Ass. JOHN M&THE SOK.