HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-31, Page 1AND HURON' & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINg, LET THE CHIPS FALL WI-TERE TREY MAY.'J VOL. XIX. NO. 24. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING MARCH 31, 1892 JOHN WEXTE & 801.1 'Publisher and Proprietor OUR SECOND GRAND MILLINERY OPENING WILL BE HELD F;a1DAY & SATURDAY APRIL lot and 2nd When we will be pleased to see every lady in Exeter and vicinity. Our stock embracee"verything that is new, neat and nobby. Miss Johnson (in charge) will be pleased to meet the many friends who visited us last season, and satisfac- tion is guaranteed in every respect, While you ere in ask to see our Speo iai Line of LACE CURTAINS. Great Cuts in CARPETS This Week at A. J. MCTAVISH & CO. Call and inspect for yourselves. Hensall. R. T. of T. OPEN MEETING.—The Royal Templets of Temperance held an open meeting in the basement of the Presbyter- ian Church on Tuesday evening. The weather being propitious the ohurch was crowded to its utmost capacity, and it would seem, judging from the enthusiasm manifested, that temperance sentiment was vppermost in the minds of the people of Hensall. Rev. Mr. Henderson presided over the meeting, and commenced the well- prepared program by giving au address, which was listened to very attentively,and which not only related to the vast quantity. ot liquor consumed, more especially in the larger cities, but which had reference to the wonderful achievements now being ac- complished by the temperance people. The rev, gentletnen was pleased to see the Order in each a flourishing and prosperous con- dition, and urged upon all christian people to work unitedly and zealously in the cause of temperance, and hasten the day when prohibition would be on the statute books. The next on the program was aquartet by the Misses Gill and Messrs. Harrison and Snell, of Exeter. The singing by these ladies and gentlemen in this and other choice selections throughout the whole en- tertainment was remarkably well rendered and was received with hearty applause and encores. The violin solos by Master Judson Davidson, of Exeter, were considered to be iolin music and the among the best of v , way in which he showed his talents as a violinist was an agreeable surprise to all, he only being a lad of 12 or 13 summers. WA,rTED.—Youns man to learn the ! Mr. J. E. Tom, I P. S., of Godericli, gave butcher- ing. about le years old. Apply at once to 0: an address on temperance workings, in Maxsns. which he was closely conueeted. In hia as Go to A,Wosolob,Ilensall.forgood and cheap speech he related to several instances he boots and shoos• We have just received our lead experienced in connection with this noble cause—temperance, and of several inebriates whom he had been the merino of reforming. Mr. Tom did not say this boastingly, but thought if those who stand up for temperance would speak to those who are addicted to drink in a kind and friendly way, and show them that an interest was taken in them by temperance people, it would be the means of many signing the temperance pledge. Mr. Cald- shoes, ono bottof ldge toil dressing to- well, of Varna, gave a very appropriate gather with a solid, Viotoria silver spoon. Call recitation, which was highly appreciated. spring and summer stook of all kinds of fash- ionable foot wear. right direct from the best manufacturers for cash, which enables us to sell yoa boots and shoes cheaper than ever, a call will convince you that wo aro loading the trade,and always to the front,and von'tbounder sold by anyone. As was said before others may Dome and so but wo aro hero to stay, As boots and shoes aro our specialty,. we carry the largest and best selected stook in town. Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice. Repairing neatly done: ripslsewod:frco of chargo on all goods bought of us. Wo will give until further with revery$2 sale of boots and ,1ans11<ard• OnxTueue.--With deep regret your oor- respondent records the unfortunate death of one of our most esteemed residents in the person of Mr. Jahn Kennedy, who on Friday morning last. placing a loaded revol- ver to his mouth and emptying its contents in his month, was killed instantly. Be had been iu apparently good health all winter until the last 'few days of his life, when he appeared slightly melancholy,wbioh was noticed by his friende. And on Friday morning about 7 o'clock he left the house to go to the barn, but his eldest son and the hired man, seeing that there was something more than common wrong with him, follow- ed him to the barn, where, before the boys had time to seize the weapon, he had blown a hole through the back of his own head, Mr. Kennedy wee a well-to-do farmer, own- ing 300 acres of land and money besides. His loss will bo keenly felt over the whole toenship, as he was in the true meaning of the word "a man." His remains woto con- veyed for interment on Saturday last to the St Marys cemetery. early for they are going fast. Butter and eggs The program over, votes of thauks were taken as cash. a . Thattki een, sign Thanking the bi pastpatron- tendered the visiting lodges,especially the Followingaro the market quotations : . Exeter Lodge, they having rendered the q greatest part of the program ; also Rev. Mr. Henderson, who so ably officiated as chairman. After singing the National Anthem and beim, dismissed, the visiting Lodges, together with Hensall Lodge and clergymen and families, repaired to the Lodge room, whore was awaiting them a sumptuous table of delicacies desirable to partake of by everyone, and after having some music and a few words from Rev, Mr Fair, the gathering dispersed, each being well satiated with the evening's proceed- ings. Wheat 82 to 82 Barley 35 to 40 Oats 25 to 28 Peas -. 55 to 58 Hay 10,00 to 10.00 Batter 15 to 16 Eggs 10 to 11 Hogs ..... . • , .. 5.75 to 5.75 amyer seed 7 00 to 7.50 BRIM,—Mr, Thomas Berry has had his stable enlarged and it is now choke full of horses.—Wm. Workman, son of James Workman, left for Grand Forks, Dak., on Monday.—Tho trustees bavo decided to build an annex to the school, and not erect a new one as at first intended.—Mr. Murd McPherson spent Sunday in Londesboro' the guest rINIr. John O'Brien.—Messrs, Hicks & have been busy this week unloading cars of the machinery to be used in the construction of the drains in the Hay n•.vamp. Me drain will bo cotn- menced at once while the water is high, in order that the digging machine can float while doing its work, It will be worth one's while to see it work.—Mra. Wilson io visiting friends in Kinburn and L' oudes boro'.—Dr.Thompson has been bequeathed a fortune by the will of a deceased uncle in Galt.—A wood sawyer, who has been working in this vicinity during the winter, has left a number of creditors in the lurch. —Business is very dull in town —" Green Goods"" circulars have lately been receiv- ed by a number of our prominent citizens. None have bitten, however. Elimviile, (Too late for last week.) 1Sareas.—The Rev. J. Russell gave an ad- dress at Zion on -the 20th inat, to a mans meeting of the Sundny School. The sub- ject and words were very appropriate, and n mn.ltably w alt da:varr 1, a3 is usual from the talented speaker.—By the way, what has happened our Zion correspondent? Ho seems to think a great deal of the little church over there and loud it highly. but we hear they have been decorating it in fine style, and ho never said a word about it. Probably the painter, P. 0. Cherry, has made such a good job of it that words failed Anyhow, they seem to have taken a streak; when they were at last compelled to repair they are doing it with a vengeance. It never rains, but it Nura. The hearta of the most stubborn have been touched, so we may expeot the millenium shortly. Greenway Mmes.—Mr. Charles Wilson, who left here a few months ago for Aurora, ill , has secured a situation as conductor on one of the leading rail roads of that place,—The members of the ,Loyal Orange Lodge, :eke 219, turned out and cut about 20 cord(' of wood for their brother, Mr. Robert Taylor, who has been sick for some time.—Mrs• B. Watson has decided to keep Mr. D.Gilbert's farm for this season,—The select men in conjunction with the Mayor have ordered side walks to be built bathe principal streets of our thriving village,—Mr.R. Engiieh,our Anderson. Bniers.—Mr. Peter Barr passed away on Tuesday morning last, His remains were interred on Thursday, when a large number of friends and relatives assembled to pay him their last respects: Mr. Barr leaves to mourn him a wife anda small young family besides numerous friends and relatives.— Miss Bertha Mossip of the 8th line, Blau shard, is at present the guest of Miss Flora Lane.—A few of our young folks spent a pleasant evening at the residence of Mr. John Anderson on Wednesday last —Miss Mary Stephen is at present visiting friends and relatives in Toronto.—Mr. James Rob- inson has been appointed to act as librarian, as James Lane, who has been filling that position, has gone to Manitoba'—As there is at present not a complete choir in eon - sequence of the departure of the Lana family, the choir committee are busy in get- ting up another,—Miss Mabel Pearn is at present very stoke The doctors say that she has the heart disease,—tilos Morula Ker- slake of St Marys spent last Sunday with hor parents of this place.—Mr. W. Hazel- wood spent Sunday at Anderson.—Mr.Lano has moved to our littie town.—Thu Ander- son nderson "Nightingales" will soon bo having a meeting to organize for the Doming season, Eden. Bitters—The examination hero on Friday last was very largely attended, which should be encouraging to the teaoher. Six teaobers from the neighboring sohools were present, and the way in which the children answered the questions they were naked was both creditable to themselves and (their teacher. After the lesson a wore oompletod,the;program which the children had propared, was ren- dared in a very becoming manner, after which several addresses were made by the visiting !teachers and others. All seemed highly pleased,—While Mr; Randle was rubbing some oil on a sore on one of his fat steer's hind logs ono day last wook,the eteor kicked him in the face. The slaws of the foot parted and caught Mr. 11, b,7 the nose. He escaped, however, without serious in- juries, except a pretty sore nose,—Mr. T. Coates of Usborne purchased a fine thoro' bred bull one day last meek for which he paid a handsome sum, Tho bull is only 13 months old, but weighs over 1300 pounds, Mrs. Thad Jones, who has been very ill for some time, is getting around again.—Will Dempsey, who has been visiting around here for the past week, has returned to Hensall again.—Mr J. Barden and Miss M Cave ot Exeter were the guests of Mrs, W.J. Cave of this plane on Sunday last, Iifinard's Liniment cures Burne, eta. Biddulpit. Bn1Es'a—A Carroll, of Stratford, disposed of his house and lot in Elimville to John Slemins of the same placs.—A number of our residents have decided to try Manitoba and Dakota. Among the number wo hear of signs and newest colors. `t e can fit Erney and Benj. Abbott, henry Weatman and, wo think, suit any mau, woman, and family, J. Williams and family, Mark boy or girl in the county. Our assort - Hodgins and family. There was twentyin ment is the largest and cheapest we ever all John J. Jones of McGiiivray; and John bad Shoebottom of London township, accompan- The above is equally true of our hard fed them, and soft felt hats for men and boys. Don't pay a dollar for a hat you can get here for 40 cents, We had a call from one such unfortunate victim ; we hope expeot tori be up liedd driving hones.- We Aire— dr, Joh Pope writ offer e rar Public uw 1 Aye- all the rest will come to the right place. yule e to supplied with daily mail _ex. t an ibis bourn and bot 1» lila l wood,aoniSatur Excuse me, Bodies, just a wood for you; ated actor rof Wednesday.—Mr.erandJos sb Brophey . day. M'ril9, There is a good house and stable This season of the year Mingo house - and anumber of the Grand Bend fishermen on the premises, Salo at one o'clock. Terms, li ter whitewashing,papering, etc. made several hauls with their seine in the Ten per cent. of purebase money en day 01 nolo, cleaning, g, P P ' balance in sa days. and a nicer and cheaper lot of Wall BcutooL Bxeonx: -Tho following is the l Papers than we are showing cannot be result of the promotion exeminationheldiin'i Produced east of Montreal, WI did not oar school last week, We are unable to give : know this ourselves, until our eu se omen a lull report of the school, as some pupils I told us. could not attend on account of sickness : To Don't forget that we are agents for Sr. IV—total mark, '700; Daniel Websr,512; the Celebrated Watchypring and several Daniel Hartleib, 416; Henry Holrmau, 377• other leading lines of Corsets. To jr IV -780 marks, 'Annie Ethers, 472 ; Edward Miller, 465; Wm Kleinstiyor, 440; J. P. ROSS. O L+ L'+ Oscar Snell, 300, To sr I11-625 marks, J . . ti, �7 S7 Adeline Miller, 454; Louis Miller, 431; Lou - vada Hartleib, 393; Wm Eokstein, 368. To jr II1-030 marks, Melinda Willett, 462; 1).. - E.okstein,j453; John Livergood, 428; Louisa; Weber, 425; Sarah Gossmen, 1420; Clara' G C. 11xa:lianl+s ' Co. Tion, 400; Wm Liudeufeld, 337; Adeline' {zontl lneii,—In driving over iia• ::lan- Eeketelu, 570; Bertha Miller, 370; Emma' tains I took a severe sold which settled in Hartiug,361. To sr IT —475 marks.Emma . my back and itidneye, causing nx' nanny Wagner, 385; Hoary ltheile.341; Susannah , taintless nights of para. The first a; piiea- This week we are showing a lovely lot of new Straw Hats of the very latest de - prosperous and popular blaoks,nith, has DashWOGd• purcha OF river het Monday cad succeeded in drawing out one dozen flue fish,—The congregation of Grove church was disappointed in their minister, Rev. M.G. Freeman, last Sabbath. They were sorry to learn .that he wan de- tained at home on account of siolsuesa They united with tbo Boston Methodist ohuroh congregation and Bev: J, E. Holmen preaoh- ed a very interesting and inetrnotive sermon. —The memorial service of the late J, 11. Watson will be held in the Boston Metho- dist church next Sabbath, April 3rd.—A. number of our leading farmers have advised the hens to go on a strike while eggs remain at 8 cents per doz. Zurich. Berm—Mr. Eli Hoahoeffer is on the Market Store. aiek list again.—Clara, the little daughter Rader, 330; Charles Eidt,32a; 4Z m Beaker tion of MI AItLi'S LINIMENT se 11.4f0ved of lir. Fred Seigner, is nick ,at present.— 303; Fred Gassman, 303; Katie Retbt'rmal, me that 1 fell into a deep sleep alai earn. Mr. Fred Hose entertained the mombe_s of 1 283; L. Sobreeder, 261. To jr lI. NO. 2.— pieta recovery ehortly followed. the male choir by giving them an oyster 475 marks, Cunra,l Miller, 336; BerthaAnnapolis. Jou z S. MrL^ :m. supper on Monday evening, He was pre- Becker, 335; Lizzie Bender, 332; Tena" rented with a box of cigars of a Nal grade. 1 Bonder, 291: 'Matilda Elhere, 290; Milford —The meeting of the base ball club took Faust, 262; Rieke Fisher, 243. To ijr II—, place on Friday evening of last week at the 210 marks, Jano Bot tsolien, -175; Sarah l SALE REGISTER. ,young mane' gins rooms, aud the foilowing Bali, 159 Suesaunati Bes�emayer,157; Sam . Tiveeley, Apl, 5—Household furniture, `ofiioera were oleoted : 0. Fritz, captain; O. Witzel, 155; Loriada aper, 155; y the p ()petty of .lira. Long, All:ert•st. Sale Eilllor, treasurer. The nlub is open ior, Miller, 150; henry Miller, 13 , a at 2 o ¢leek. JonsGlra., Auct. (ohailanges from all local olubs.—Mr. Waler, 1 0; Christens Goer, 132 20; John the contractor of the Ilaq Swamp dram bas Schumaker, 112. To sr pt II—Clara Wit. Thursday, Apl 7. --Real estate and chat- Ill tela, in the villa a of Dashwoo+l, goods of arrived with the maehino and will start zel, Selina Madiger, Listia Eeketein. Clara g Etonian, Radar Ida the late John S. 44 itzel. Sale at 1 o'clock. work immediately.—Mr. Arthur Ho Miller, Mena ICleiusticor, Clara En. Bosseseen es ,educt teaoher of Hibbert paid our town a flying Weber, Herman Eidt, August Miller, 1.d visit on Saturday last.—Three now mom• t Beaver• To jr pt II—Lily l:lertleib, Emma Saturday, Apl 9—Jlortgage salt: of valu- bers were talion at the A. 0. F. the last Schroeder, Arthur, Kellerman, Solomon able village property in the village of Hen- meeting,—Rev, Bean from Dashwood and I Sohrooder, Tillie Cook, Florio, Snail, Wm, salt. Sale at2 o'clock. Joliet t.iuni.., Auet, Rev. Hoist changed pulpits last Sunday,the Spawn, Arthar Walpar. Ti sr lit I—Mena - result was an English sermon. --Clara Rupp 1 Rinkert, Wen Solluwaker, Charles Becker, Blood poisoned by diphtheria, the Grip, is home on a visit but intends leaving in a l Allred Zimmer, Arthur Weber, George typhoid fever, scarlet fever, ore., is made few days.—Mia. Steinbach is not very wall' Sahroedor, pure and healthy by Head's Sarsaparilla. at present.—sir. Lippert, the assessor, sea SAaf M. Haacxl,1 " �' a almost completed his assessment roll, ELLA E. HALna, j Teachers • Doh, Mange and Seratohes of every kind on human being oranimale, cured in30 min - notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Thi never fails. Sold by C. Lutz. Oot, 9,-ly F,xa titrialoii—The result of the promo- t FATAL Accmnvr—Oa Thursday last the tioual examination is aa follows : Je. IV to youngest son of Mr. G. Kellermann had the Sr. IV—Norman Buchanan, Annie Hess, misfortunate fall from the granary onto the Garnet Steinbach, Andrew Hess, Goo. Lip- barn floor. At first it was thought that he port, Wesley Soboeliig, Mary Randall,Laura was little hurt, but (on Friday evening ho Kibler, William Demuth, William Geiger, took dangeronely ill and suffered great pain Leslie Williams, Tille Kibler, Tillie John- until death released him on Monday after. son. Sr III to Jr. IV—Katie Tremmner, E. noon. He was about four years of age and Holtzman, Peter Haberer, Lydia Zimmer- mann, Calvin Williams, Edward Werra. Jr 1Il to Sr III—Oscar Koehler, Helma Roesler, Clara Puohanan, Beatrice Stein. bath, Louisa Lippert, Wm Weber, Laura Hardy, Amelia Alit, Maggie Rapp- Jr II to Sr, II—Wm Rendall, Nettie Sararas. Sr. pt' . II to Jr II—Ethel Williams, Ornill Susie Johnson,Mary Wese]oh,Nelson Wurm Albert Reichert, Elmore Magol, Ed Rupp, Mary Sararas, J. Brown, Jr et to Sr. II— Oliver Geiger, Wellington Beaver, Elton Seigner, Mary Hideman, Annie Otto, Geo. "Tolland. Pt 1 to pt II—Geo Snell,Norman Kibler, John Holtzman, E. Zimmermann, Chas Hardy, Wm Thiel, V. Pfaff, T.Volland Joe Sentz, Fred Benedict, R. Oesch, May Haberer. Minard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia, d CD n a H 0 Fd CD Art - (D H et- td O 4 0 °d w 0•O �" ~ GCD o )..,i.. 23 —0,o L-A • 0 . O 0 Sv SzcrC a ni 0-1 8 tg E, 5 CD -i-J 1 1,-, t71 d ,.- /I, it m o upPg. ti u O CD ‘E; (1) en 0 ild 'ti - r r- y o Lit d ce Q, 0 0r4 P ° c, vty ,'+', J O l3' VI ¢ 5;.m CSC 1--1.• td 0 0 InCP CD 1-5 ' tC Orn o'C •. GO O p _ l— . CD CD cn 'O rtt 0:1 CIO l .1C t3 0 ' ?1 auZ o :c2i-es CD P t 5' o rn (n CD O (!f r� O ca. PCI Fs C(Dop O aCD� CJ per'• 0 CD are.bnss13T0 Dg a1 pv r.� O o N p r'-rr rt r-' O o res O �7 co- co (°o n a. M ot- -0) PD G m A) to CD P• cD (D P r. O CD sa.d to CD r- aOq off. °a t•r� cn a. m R se `..r4 R. •t• rU ted cn CD CDO to CD C9 c! - m CD Q 0 51 Q CD Ct- rn CD m -.1 m - o r m to ~ g a' >J • 1:$• CD O ch In stel 5 lee C/2 � Ot'O t.., . 'Pm�rt O tdri CDCD�C!�1- O co 13.1 W N o m o In c+. a. c't- p 6' O 0, .+0N,tr • SP 2 nm mo R° '&1 Ot» es a.0 o - wig ' .... 0 . o m o rte o �ivcn 0 o 5,-5' o O CDtzi `", c-1-- ccc w N•. I-3 1•••4• .-.. to •f fs+ qict 0 w m w 0- H .,1 co CD O o 0) cu 0 Or ot O • cf.- 0• CD — s CO tr'" y z CD CD '63 G� , CD CD m R •' P CD CD• C o N, ark; ocn o0 CD �m et- < O tp 0CJ 0i (D 0.cc. ei- P nCo 1.4 06 rt O 0 rn C01 N 0 on OCD. 0 CDu G � CD w CD 0 • O oma Sao CD yi 0 1'1 CCS 0 m CD Q cn (D w go po ID ' . CD m � 0' •CD es rn 0 0 C N Cr, t7 m 'J .. go 00 CD ace 0 e<1 hi rn O CD tjCDCRQO lv C re G ti G' rr CD CD t-: CD CD ?lo a.� wca Coln rt Vit'' ''' n 0 P . fz bra CD m � m W CD We call special attention to the following lines : will be greatly missed as he was a lively little fellow: The bereaved family have tbo Funeral sympathy of the community. �(? Funeral services on Wednesday afternoon. ( 00ts ShOe wi(Y.�j• Butlers—On Monday lust there diel Mos. J. Berg of XIV after several weeks' illness. Mr, Borgia also very ill.—Quito a number of children have the mumps at present.— Mr. J. Bronner of Zurich is in the employ of Mr.Roese this week.—Miss Nancy 'Veber paid her home a visit this week. She in- tends to return to London agnin.—On San - day last Rev. G. F. Hoist of Zurich and Rev. E. H. Bean changed pulpits. Rev. Haiat preached very acceptably to a large congregation ohoaing as his subject Jacob's Ladder —Miss 0. Lindenfeld is very sick at present with le grippe and mumps.—Miss H. Mitchell is convalescent. $0A003i400 WQ .TI 11 1-ztE ct) 1=1 tit 1-2 (A�7 E • tmJ 1 P3 ere cn PCD tr esm 0co '-i O o n n C CD CD go m cn O CD 1n O triP rt �aQ go ct cr CD c,- 0 i2J 0 et 13" m go a7 cr ct tom' tv m O 'C1 CD a,- ks" CD TO BE SACRIFICED AT MANSON'S, During the Next Month. Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage to call. ono ac ;1* Ro