HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-24, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. ,'HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CmPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL. XIX. NO. 24. OUR SECOND GRAND MILLINERY OPENING WILL 13E HELD . EXETER, ONTI�RIO, HURSDAy M01�NIN(�, 1VT�1RCL-i.. 24, 1892 dl ,ELSDA1.& 8f, SATURDAY APRIL let and 2nd When we will be pleased to see every lady iii Exetev add vicinity, Our stock embraces everything that is new, neat and nobby. Miss Johnson (in oharee) will be pleased to meat the many friends who visited us last season, and satisfac- tion as . guaranteed in every respect. While you etre in Ask to see our $peo iai Line of LACE CURTAINS. Great Cuts in CARPETS This Week at A. 3. 1McTAVIZ & CO. Call and inspect for yonrsclveh, Hensali. Coat -maker wanted at once. Steady work to rigut man. Apply to Join: Porn. Wairrw .-Young man to learn the butcher- ing, about 1s years old. Apply at once to th Mavgas. Go to A •Wosoleh. Iiensall.for good and cheap boots and shoes. We have Just received our spring and summer stook of all kinds of feslt- ionabto foot weer. rigbt direct from the best manufacturers for cash, which enables us to sell you boots and shoos cheaper than ever. a call will oonvinee you that we aro loading the trado,and always to tiro front,and,ivon't bounder sold by anyone. As was said before °there may Dome and go but we aro hero to stay, As boote and shoos aro our specialty,wo carry too largest and bost solootod stock in town, Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice. topairingneatlydone; ripelsowed_fr000f charge on allgeode bought of us. We will give until further notice with revery $2 sale of boots and oboes, one bottle of silk edge foil dressing to- gether evith a o-getherwitha solid, Victoria silver spoon. Celt early for they are going fast. Butter and eggs taken as Dash. Thanktng you for :past patron - ago. A. Nssin.ou, Riga cf the big boot Following are the market quotations t Wheat 83 to 84 Barley ......... 38 to 42 OFtta 28 to 28 Peas 58 to 5S Hay , ... 0,00 to 10.00 Butter 15 to 10 Eggs 10 to 11 Boge5.80 to 6.00 Clover seed.... ... ..-.5.75 to 6.25 hotter WHITE & 00N P ub1isher and Proprietor for 5180, Mr. B. finds that he can, do bettor with a fine large horse, than a scrub, and if the farmers would only pay attention to breeding good stook, they could always depend upon receiving ,big prices. --Mr. J. Reith and family leave in a few days for their home in British Columbia. -The social and lecture on Tuesday evg. under .the auspices o£ the Ladies' Aid of the Pres- bytetiau church, were well attended. As usual the social was fire -class, while the lecture by Rev. Mr. Henderson on "A Ram- ble through Wonderland," was of an outer• taiuingandinstruotive character. Altogether the evening was very pleasantly spent, aud it is the Nape of all that another such en- tortainmout will shortly take place. Pros cards, about 550. -We notice by a recent issue of the Ottawa Joairnal, that tho stu- dents of the Ottawa Normal Solent were tendered a reception by the Christian En. deavor Society of the Dominion church in the Sunday School halt of the church. The Journal says : " The address of welcome was delivered by Mr, Oxley, who spoke to the teachers on the necessity of cultivating a taste fu thole pupils for good literature. Mr.Fraulc Wood delivered an excellent reply on behalf of tlie,Nornialites. Mr. Wood's reply was well rooetved,and showed thought and study. Refreshments were served, and a very pleasant evening was spent by all." 6Ir. Frank Wood is a Huron boy, being a son of Ur, John Wood of Tuokersmitlt,near Ileusall.-The fair Fausville girl pretends to be a groat flirt, that will salt Harry. They are bath good walkers. Will says he was glad to take the mitten, :tri ton. BauEre-Mr. G. A, Stacey of Detroit paid the village a flying visit last week. -Owing to the stormy day, Mr. L. Kirk's sale was not very laigely attended. Chattels and stock brought ordinary prleee. The farm was not sold, thorn „being only ono bid of $1,000. -Leet week the friends of Mr. aud Mrs. Callander to the number of about 120, assembled at their residence to bid them farewell previous to their departure for 'Vir- ginia, They were made the reoipieute of a handsome silver tea serviee,and a china cup and saucer each. S. Tufts read the atldrese and T. Roadhouse made the presentation. Their friends and neighbors all join in wish - mg them success. --W. B Carr bas rented Mr, Callander'a hone° and on Friday moved thereto, SUDDEN DE trix'-Ono of tbe most sudden deaths on 'record occurred in Heneall on Sunday last. In company with eeverai others os,, young man named Robt,Houghton was staiadingin the 'sitting room of Mur- dook''s Livery,seemingly quite wotl and eon- versing as usual. He casually walked into the barn, when the young man in the :other apartment heard a noise as if something heavy had fallen. A ready response was made to the noise, when young Houghton was found stretched on the floor with life already extinct, apparently as if his heart had ceased action before falling, He was conveyed to his parents' home from whence the funeral took place on Tuesday for Staffa cemetery. The deceased had attained only 17 years, was a respected young man, and his sudden demise has oast a gloom over the community. He had enjoyed the best of health, but it is snpposed thathhoart dia- eaee was the cause of death, a brother hav- ing died under similarly sad relations a con pie of years ago. BIUEFC.-Dr.rhomsonwee called to Galt on Friday to attend the death of his uncle, Mr. Walter Thomeon.wbo died on Thursday last, -Mr- oo_Youngblot of Londesboro' has been engaged with Mr. 0. Meyers to attend his horse, -Mr. James McTaggart, who has been attending the Deli: sit Medical. College for the past few inantl,s, rammed to town ou Saturday, and will again resume his situation as clerk with Dr. ftfacdarmid. -Mr. Wm. Cook, son of our esteemed miller, returned to town on Tuesday, after completing a course in the Hamilton Busi- ness College. He will remaiu 1n Honsall for a time. -It seems now that wo are to have a flax mill, the one which has been so long talked of. Arrangments 'are about completed for the formation of a stock oompny, and a bonus is being raised to m- ein in the project. Such au industry wi'1 be a boon to our village, a d we hope it rosy not fall through. -An open meeting of the Royal Templars of Temperance will be held next Tuesday evening, when Dir, John 11, Tom will give an address on tha cause of Temperance. A large crowd is expected.- Messrs Taylor & Son removed to Clinton on Monday, having disposed of their busi- ness he, e. They took a goodly portion of the goods with them. -The curling season has not yet closed On Friday night a match was played between Messrs. Colwill &-0. McDonald and Wren & Bonthrou, C.dwill's side winning by 7 pointe, They played till 3 o clock in tbe morning, and would have continued tillmorning had it not been too late to procure lunch. John says he cannot play without lunch. They expect another tussle m a few days. -There have been several runaways in town the past week, A. farmer's team made things lively on Saturday, while John Macerator's horse raised the dust the other day. No anion damage was done. Miss Thompson of Ailsa Craig is the guest of 1VIre, G. D. Arnold, -Miss Addle Eaerott spent last week with Mrs. E. Rennie,- virs, and Miss Holland of Exeter were the guests of ,tlirs. Wren on Monday. Robert Anderson of Ailsa Craig was a guest at the "Commercial" Wast week.-Therei s talk of locating the new school at Patterson'e corner, London road. Thos Berry, Heneall's worthy horse- dealer is this week enlarging his mattes to sleet the demands of his increasing trade. Mr. Berry is ono of the beet horse buyers in Huron aud pays the 'highest prior s, On Saturday he purchased from Alex. Innes of .E'ull rt n, Beiges -Mr. George Stacey, who has been living in Luddingtcn, Mich., for more than a year,returned to Fullerton last week where he is royally welcomed by his many friends. -Mr.. Jas. Wiley met with a severe accident last week whieb wi4l confine him to the house for some time. He was' help- ing Mr. Cann to drive some cattle that had been last, when one of them that was blind. folded ran !over him, knocking him down and breaking his shoakler bona, besides injuring him severely in the aide, --Mr. T. Greenwood and family left last week for Douglas, Man:, taking with him two oar loads of stook and ;implements, besides a splendid young imported draught stallion, which he recently purchased from Joseph White of St. Marys. -Bert Campbell left, on e. Wring Monday for Deludking a young Caua. dian stallion with him purchased from Wm Hanson for {1225. -Tho homestead of the late G. Summerville on tee 14th con, was sold a few days ago to R. Dawaon for $5,000. -James Balzer left last week for his home at Brandon Hill•;, Man., taking with him a number of lirra?s and farm- ing implements. Mr. Daher moved to Manitoba only a few years ago and when he got located had only four dollars bolt to start with. New he hal over 1,400 sores of laud all paid fur and feet year had 12,000 bc.liels of wheat. He also has a largo steam thresh- er that cost about $1,000 -James Gourley, who it was reported a short time ago was going extensively into the grocery business in Detroit, his we understand given up the idea, believing it is inconsiateut with his ideas of loyalty to reside under the stars and stripes, expected by the :doctors that he will never get Mate'., We hope that the doctors may ue deaths ".-Mr. P.R. Higbet was very siok n Saturdde and Sunday last, but he is now getting around again. Brewster. • Ileuses. -The roads are ill. bad condition now. -Mrs, (ilmon, of Forest, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs R Taylor, has returned home. -Mr. James Pollock. who has been visiting here for the last two months, returned to his honie in Dakota on Monday. Whoring Banta. -A very pleasing and happy event took place at Mr. John Pol- loek's on Wednesday last, it being the marriage of hiseldest daughter,' Eliza, to Mr. L, McLachlan. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 2dr, Corriere, of Grand. Bend, amid a large gathering of the con- tracting parties friends. The bride was assisted by her sister, Jenny, and the groom by Mr, John Neil, of Centralia, and after partaking of the wedding supper they took possession of the large hall in the old Port Blake hotel and the favorite pastime of dancing was indulged in till the wee sma''ours of the morn. The couple have. the best wishes of the community, They intend going to Manitoba in April. Anderson. Woodham. BRxrrs.-Mrs. Spading of Anderson itas recently moved here to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Samuel Ford, where she intends to reside in. future. -Mr. Albert Copeland left here last week for Manitoba where he expects to spend the manor. His cheerful and affable presence will not only be greatly missed in the home but in the community, Wo wish our young friend success during his sojourn abroad. -Mr. #aron. Sawyer, on Base Liue, near here, ie preparing to build a brick dwelling during the coming summer. -Mr, John Copeland intends putting a basement under one of his barns this summer, -We aro glad tome D1r, Richard Ford home for a short visit and looking well from Commercial College, Stratford. -We are pleased to learn that the Rev. Mr. Hutton, of Kirkton, is im• proving, being able to be up a little in tho house after his protracted sickness from la grippe and Typhoid fever. Also his daugh- ter who was very III is slowly recovering. -The Rev, Wm. Birks, of Ailsa Craig, preached the Educational sermons on this circuit with very great acceptability to the 00 ngrogation, Bnxarv.--Your correspondent with deep regret records the loss of one of our most respected families, Mr. John Lane and fitmily, who left last week for Manitoba where they intend taking up their abode. Mr. Lane and family will be greatly missed in tide neighborhood as they always had a helping and a willing hand. The church here will suffer much on account of their departure as Mr. Lane has been a teacher in the Sunday School for the past 20 years and was highly esteemed by his class, The choir of the church will be greatly decreased as there wore five of them in it. The Sun- day before they left the Sunday School pre- aeuted them with :a bFautifully framed testimonial, It is the :sincere wish of the Anderson people that the day wi I soon come when they will again return to our ploaeant little town. Your correspondent rehearses the sentiments of the people by wishing theta a happy aud a prosperous time. -On F'ridap evening last a few of our young peo- ple spent a very pleasant time at Mr. John Dioltinson'a.-A large number of our loyal citizens attended the procession,in 3r.Marys on Friday last. -Mise 'v1aryE Murray is at present visiting friends and relatives in mid around Atwood. -Mr. J. E. Stinson of Kirkton is at present teaching school ou the Fourth line, as their teacher, Mise Hutton, is unable to stand the work. It is to be hoped that xshe-may soon recover as Mr. Stinson is slightly proficient. -Our Literary Society was brought to a glorious close on Friday evening last, leaving a small sum of money in the treasury for the carry- ing arrying onof another soofetynext winte•,-Every person is busy now in making maple syrup. Taffy puha will soon be alt the go, -Mr. J. Lane is moving from the 8th line of Blan- shard to the old homestead of Mr, John Lane and family, Eivho have just gone to Manitoba. `Ve expect that he will finish moving next week, -Miss Susie Taylor has gone to spend a few months with Mr, Wm. I3tagg at the other side of the ;,township, Mr, Peter Barr is at present very low, It is Clinton a very fine horse, weighing 1,860, . Minard's Linirnent relieves Neuralgi9. St. Marys. DEMONSTRATION .-On Thursday last the grand procession took place ; the streets were crowded to witness aud take part in celebrating the victory of our loyal leader, Mr. Wm. Pridhamp M. P. There were three bands in town -one from Stratford and one from London and our own band. There was a procession during the day and torchlight procession in the evening at S o'clock, when about 200 lighted torches, lett by the band, marched around town for about 2 hours. During the procession in the day some of St. Marys' low -life Grits having armed themtelyes with rotten eirgep poured forth their ammunition upon tate bands which caused some little excitement. At it luckily happened all the victims were followers of that fast fattier* party namely. Liberals. Theparties who are implicated in that degraded and heathenish practice are known to our citizens, also the person who supplied these miserable creatures with eggs. It has not as yet been ;resolved as to whether these persons will be put through. Biuxrs.-Rumors are to the effect that Mr. Wear has given up the contract of the carpenter work on account of the trifling fuss about the floating of the flag. -Miss Dlitchell, teacher of the Lock-up school is at present confined to the house, Her position is being filled by Mrs. Attrison.- Mr. Wni. Graham of this town, shipped a large number of horses on Saturday last, which he intends taking to Scotland. -Mr. Snaith and family of this place left last week forllanitoba to enl1a19 the refreshi:lg breezes of that land, which is of itself an Eden. -Messrs. Wier & Wier are greatly excited oyer the rumors bearing on the disbanding of a few of their workmen, on account of their voting contrariwise to the principles of the firm. Stanley, BRIEFS, -•John Gilmour left on Tuesday last for Moose jaw. the is tatting with him a span of horses and intenda to go into work,. We wish John success. -Thomas. Dawson of Babylon line left for Dakota, on Wedneeday of last 'week, --One of those ,pleasing events which serve to, relieve the monotony of every day life, took place at Bayfield on Wednesday of last week, being the marriage of Mies Charlotte Pack, grand daughter of Mr. Wm, Peek, Goshen line, and ass W,Johnaon, Bayfield; the wedding wee a quiet one, only the . nearest relatives being present. Hay. Bnrnrs.-TheMieese Heudereon, South- wold, have been visiting for the last three weeks at their sister's,Mrs, W Armetrong.- George Geddes left an Monday Iasi for Manitoba, -John Northcott, Jr, left on Monday last far North Baaota, where he hopes to get into a position as engineer. - Mrs. Rumbnll and daughter, of Mutat, were visiting at her mother's, Um McGregor, last week. -James Me Mahon is malting pre- paration for bailding a new house next summer. -Reliance Association, P. of I-, beldam interesting debaie on the subject, Resolved that It is preferable to rale° the revenue by means of direct taxation than by cute= duties," After a fulldisouseion it was decided iu favor of the negative by iBro, Rodger Northcott, Pres., assisted by brethren S. J. and H. A. Hogarth, of Prov% deuce Aesooiatiou,-Tho following subjeot was debated upon at Sexmith eohool Hay township en Friday evg.; " Resolved that. the United States offers a better field for immigration than Canada." The affirma- tive was beld by Messrs. John Corbett, Jas. O'Brien and John Northcott ;. the negative, Messrs, Bodges Nortboott, W,U..lobnston, and Thos. Harvey, The chair was occupied by Mr. William O'Brien, while the judges wore .Messrs. Bich. Crocker and Thee. Rertnoll, Exeter. After a lengthy debate, the dicfsion was given in favor of the afl?rmativo. .Eden. BRrxrs.—Our school teacher here attend- ed the examinations at No. 5 school, Mo- Gillivray,on Friday last. -Mies M,Denipsey of ,.noan spent Sunday at her parents' home. -Miss A, Hodgios of. Biddulph was the guest ot- the Miesee Dempsey on Sunday last. -Will Dempsey of Henaall paid as ,a visit on Sunday last. -His many friends here were all pleased to see him looking so well. -Mr. Thomas Coates of Usborne owns a ewe that dropped 3 lambs cue day last week, which makes up the number of 10 in 6 years; all of which she raised, who can beat this ?-We understand that quite a number of the boys around here intend join- ing the R.T. of T. in the near future. -Sam Saye it was the Grits who elected PIidham. -Our public examination will be held in the Edon school house on Friday, March 25th. -Charlie Coates visited friends to Devon Sunday last. -barb Mitchell visited his bist girl last Sunday.-Mr..and Mrs. Harris of Darlington were the guegte of Mrs John Essay last week. -The two farms,2n 1 con., lots 5 and 6, are to be sold by privy sale, Mr. Stephen Hicks works the tie farms et present; -Quito a number of out residents attended theconcert' given in this MoGillivray school, They report having had a good time. -Mr. Cann of Elimville visited our Sunday School on Sunday last. He gave the scholars great praise for having thole lessons prepared in such a way as to be able toanswer most any questions that store asked. --Dancing eoems to be the order of the day around here at present. -Caroti Sutton has been engaged for a yeas by Mr Fred Fisher. -Wil! Coates visited StrMarys last Th'ursday to do homage to the suooess- fni candidate in the South Perth election.--' Could it not be possible for err football club. to arrange a watch with some club for Good' Friday. friends would desire to see, Itis the wish„ of all the village that she will soon be re stored to health again. Ma. Lamport has the sympathy of all, -A grand concert un- der the auspices of the Crediton Orchestra and base ball club, in the town hall, Credi- ton, on Wednesday, April 13. The pro- gram will consist of comic songs, selections by a first-class pianist, readings, recite. - ;lone, music by the Orchestra, ;Ore, AtI- mission 25 and 15 cents . 3..4 Stara. Dien IN Cnr.ironNza.-Many of our read- ers in this vicinity will deeply regret to learn of the death. of Mrs. Margaret 0. Me. Millan, wife of Mr. D. A. Mebiuillan. The sad event oconrred in Sacramento, Califor- nia, on Sunday, March: 6th- A friend writ- ing from there says t "The deceased was well known to many of your readers having spent her life in the village of Staffa, until two years ago, when she came to this Quest as the bride of Mr MoMillan, About the let of March she contracted a severe cold which turned into pneumonia, and in spite of the efforts of kind nurses and good medical treatreent,'she expired 15 minutes pact 12 Sunday morning, leaving a beautiful little bay 3 months old and her sorely afflicted Husband, besides a host of other friends she had won by her kindly disposition. The deceased was a grand -daughter of the late James Calwell of Hibbert, Zurich. Baxare--Pater Dander Jr,, left foe Da- kota a few days ago to work during the summer -Mr. Riobard Dietz left for Dakota a few days ago to work for Mr. Thirsk. -Mr W, Hallaoher of Platteville and Miss Louisa Martin of the Babylon line, Hay, were last week joined in the holy bones of matrimony by Roy. G. F. Heist. They will make their future house in Michigan, -Mr. Conrad Wagner has sold his store next the grist- mill to Messrs Appel & ZeIler for $800. - Mr. t'ee, who has been in Manitoba for a number of yeara, retuned with his family on Saturday last. He hits pnrahased a farm in the township of Hay, where he intends to reside in future. -It is Bald that Mr. Owen Geiger intends starting a flax mill in Hen- ee% is company with Mr Geo MQEwen - Meesrs Jas. and A. Overholt sold their 80- acre farm on Monday to Mr. John Rau for 83,185. Tho farm is a very good ono, and is eituated on the Lake road West, Stanley. -Promotion examination in the public school on Thnredny and Friday this week. -Messrs Coleman and McNeil, who have been doing a general dry -goods and grocery busiuess here since last July have disposed of their stook to a Toronto firm. They are at present busy taking stock. -The young men of our burg have ;organieed a society for the general improvement of their mus- cular power, boxing, club -swinging, dumb- bell exercise, etc-, being the principal exer- cises. -Mr. 0. 13 Latta of Hills Green was in town on Saturday last. O. B. is quite a farmer: -The Lutheran S. S. will soon de- cide to:hold their Sunday Sohool in the mornings. -Quite a number of children in this vicinity are laid up with severe colds. - A. meeting of all lovers of baseball will be held in the young men's club rooms on Fri. day for the purpose of electing officers, etc. for the coming trcaeon.-Mr. Reichert in- tends leaving town shortly, -Mr. MoEwen, Reeve of Hay, was in town on Saturday on r-,,^„ to Dealr yood to settle np boundary affairs with Stephen, Urediton. BRIEFS. -Mr. John Winer and sister, Eliza, went to Manitoba last Tuesday morn ing. We wish them success --John Sand- ers and family and Charlie Sanders have moved to Manitoba. They:have taken a carload of horses and effects with them. - Mr. P. Hagen, on the town line between Stephen and McGillivray, met with a seri- ous accident last week. While drawing a load of bailed hay rhe sleigh upset, one of the bundles falling on him and breaking his leg below the knee and inflicting other injuries. Aid was at once summoned and the leg adjusted. He must have received a terrible shock, as, althcugh for a day or so he seetned comfortable, he suddenly be- came unconscious and remained so for a day. He is now somewhat improved though delirious at times and is suffering from shock to brain and spine. Hopes are entertained of his recovery, although he is still very ill. 1 he young man was home from, Michigan and intended returning there in a few days. He was very popular here and much regret is felt for the young man's sad accident. -Mr. Peter Winer,whohas been sick since New Years, is able to be at work again in the flax mill.. As usual, his sinning face and good jokes have been missed by the boys during his illness, and he was a welcome visitor when he returned to the mill again. -Wesley Link had the misfortune to have his leg broken last week while in a scuffle with " Big, Bear:'' It appears that Link had the best of it, but the "Bear" accidentally fell on him, which caused the injury- At last reports Link was doing well and pros- pects are that he will soon recover under medical attendance. --William L' ewis,cierk of the llth Division Court, has been seri- ously 111 for some time, but it is reported that he is recovering, and his smiling face, we trust, will be seen again in a few days. -Mrs, Samuel Lamport, who has been sick for the last two wearies is not making the progress that Mr. LI nport <and his �.....-. Greenway. I3ataivs.-Mr. John Spaekmen, real es- tate agent, Exeter, visited here last week. -Mr. W. H. English, Fred English, and Jas. Luther and wife started for Manitoba last Tuesday. We wish thein every sue - cess. -The concert through the telephoue from the phonograph last Saturday morn- ing in Parkhill, was well received by the residents at the Beaton House. -Several of our townspeople are laid up with a severe attack of la grippe. -kir. James Brophy was appointed mayor of Greenway last Tuesday by Mr. Thos. Jennings. This ap poiutment fills along -felt want. -J. Bloom- field paid Brinsley a visit last Friday and took iu the concert in Downing's school and reports a splendid time. -Miss Lilly Brophy, dress anal,mantle maker, who is visiting friends aT Brinsley this week, is expected home to -day. -Mrs. Sarah Wat- son, widow of the late James R. Watson, wishes to tender her sincere thanksto the many friends and especially the Knights of the Macabees, who so willingly stood by and helped her in her sad bereavement. Depot. We have just opened the choicest lot iif Tweed Suitings for spring and sura- neer that we have ever had.. -in light and dark colors -bought at reduced rates, and to be sold at prices that defy competition. Our Blook Venetian Worsted Coatings and fancy Pautings are taking the lead, and little wonder when a saving of 3 or 4 dollars is realised, on each suit, If you doubt it, just tess us. Just call' in and see our la•ge assort- ment of Lovely Wall Papers, just in. Every roll fresh and of new pattern ; and as our stock is large wo will sell at prices that will please all, Usborne. Bxxnrs.-Arch. MoCurdy, I31h con., has tapped about 75 trees and made other pre- parations for the sugar season. -On Monday evening, 7th'inet, the pepile of Mrs, A. Thomas' class in Elimvilie 'Methodist S. S, called on their teacher at her home and presented her with an address and a beautis fel plush album. The addrese was read by Miss Etta Brimaoombe and the album pre. vented by tuliss LottieHalls. Mia Thomas, who is removing to Exeter, will be greatly mimed at Elimvilie, where she has been a teacher in the S. $ and leader of the their. -Every dog aeeuby tkeaseessor in Ua1 erne this year: is to be taxed. The assessor has commenced his work, taking with him sam- ples of eve new varieties of seed potatoes which he is showing the moat speculative and enterprising farmers. -The farmers here seem to be reviving the " old-time" method of having toes to help in doing their work. Hardly a week passes but one hears of five or six wood bees attended by from 10 to 20 men. This is a good way to be neigh- borly ; keep it np and have more of them. -Sam• Martin of the 4th ooncession real- ized good prices at his sale, Cows from 540 554, and horses bringing 540 for suckers and $90 for working horses. Leo. Hunter, of 4th con., has eold4 horses for the neat sum of 1}480. 3 oderlch. J. P. ROSS. deceased gentlemen were extremely popu- lar and will be much missed by their many friends.. --The past week more ice was formed in this neighborhood /than during the previous portion of the winter. On Saturday not a sign of water couldlie seen from the lighthouse bank, the eye discern- ing nothing but suow-covered ice -At present there are two vessels being built, and six under repair. Dashwood. Beim -Mee, Jos Grigg died on Monday last. -Tho free eontributiousto the Upper Canada Bible Society for this branch am.'unted to $22 70, collected as follows: Town lino east,$1150; town lino west,53 35; Bronson line north, 54 40; Bronson line south, 51 30; coileotion at meeting, 52 15. The premeds from sales from December 18, 1801 to March 11, 1802, amounted to 58 55. --Miss Halls spent Sunday at Elimvillo under the parental :roof -A. promotion ex. at:iination is being conducted in our school by the traoher. BRIEFS.—Rev. Mr. Young was in Gode rich on Sunday. -Mr. Elliot, of r,xeter, was in town last wgeII attending the Court of Assize—Mr. E. J. D. Hooke, barrister of this town, has started his professional career the village of Blvth. Blyth is to be congratulated oil tteeiving NO &tie a gentleman as a citizen. -111r. Theo. Perry and family left this week for Manitoba with a view to settling there. -Mr. Thos. C. Sturday, of troderich tp., left last week on his annual trip with horses for the Western States. -The annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society was held in Knox Church on Tuesday evg.-One would think from the energy displayed by the Grits in shouting protest that this kind of business was a profitable one •to thein. They seem to forget that Mr. Abbott's majority has already been increased 28 by this kind of work. Shout on boys 1-A very large number of horses have been shipped from this neighborhood to Mani- toba the past few weeks. -Mr. 11. L+'. Hueston, of Exeter, was in Godericb last week. --A deputation appointed by the Council consisting of Mayor Butler, coun- cillor Campion, Q. C., M. Hutchinson, Councillor Holt and Win, Lee, are inter- viewing the Ministers at Ottawa on matters connected with improvements in West Huron. -The only celebration of St. Pat- rick's natal day was a concert given in the Grand in the evg. Mr. R. H. Collins, of Exeter, advertised to deliver an. address, was o , telegraphed early in the evening his inability to attend through professional duty. The time that should have been taken up by Mr. C. was devoted to extra musical selections.: Mayor Butler, who presided, was an excellent chairman. -The directors of the Wingham anti Goderich extension of the C. P. R , have been mov- ing the,paatfew weeks and on Tuesday turned the first sod, the said ceremony taking place in the village of Saltford at a point fn the golly near the old lime' kiln?. -The past week there died, James Gordon, our late street inspector; Elijah Martin,ax- president of the West Huron Reform As• sociation, and D. Pends, a well-known resident of Croderieh township. The three Kippen. BRIEFS -The sacred comma held in the Methodist church .on last Friday evening was a great sncoess,- Mr. Griffin has loft the Kippen mills for his home and they are now in oharge of Mr. 111oNevin, the pro_ prietor;--The school Inspector has visited the school under Miss Monteith and is very well pleased with the progress the pupils have made; -The congregation of St. Andrews church of Kippen has contemplat- ed on making considerable improvements on the church, A meeting of the oongrega. tion has 'been gabled for Wednesday to consider the natter. -Mrs. Weismilber, sr, who has been. visiting her sous here, has returned Home. -Last week Mr. James Crawford of tide place attended a concert given by the sobool teacher of No. 5, Mc- Gillivray, He took part in the program. and as is always the case where James singe, he was loudly encored. Alex, Anderson, bookkeeper for the Macdonald Manufacturing Co., Stratford, for the past two years, who absconded last January, being short in his acoonuts about 53,000, was arrested Saturday a Niagara Falls, Ont , by Chief of Police McCarthy, and brought to Stratford and is now injail. WHAT Is Da)rnnnss?-A disease of the scalp that canes failing of the hair. It irritates the scalp Land causes scales and eczematie eruption -produces Wanes*Bear in mind .that Anti•Dandruff - - Dandruff with 3 applioatin"- .etnovea and raetoros fads: -e -stops falling Sold h'^ ' is nair to Its original color. .cruggists at 75 cents per,bottie Tho debt of Trafalgar Street Methodistchurch, Mitchell, amounting to nearly $2,000 was wiped out last Sunday by a special colleotion. At firat$200 theinterest on the"amount was asked, but the people desired the debt cleared aud subscribed as above, 0. 0. RIci•Ianng & Co.. Gontlemeu,-In driving over the moun- tains I took a severe cold which settled in my back and kidneys, causing me many sieeplees nights of pain. Tho first applica, tion of M1NARD'S LINIMENT so relieved me that I fell into a deep sleep and com- plete recovery shortly followed. Annapolis. dons S. McLezer. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind on human being or animals, cured in30 min notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Thi - never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz. Oot. 0,•ly Minard's Liniment cures Burns, ete. C INTURT%3 Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED ti`l' A MANSON'S, , During the Next Month. Shop undergoing 1 Repairs to make ream for Spring 'Stock, It will be to your ari- 1 vantage to call,