HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-17, Page 8INSURANCE
1':.NY. of Toronto;also for thePIICENI1I
t'Ii S INSU1t,ANOE OOMPriblY, 01 London;
i2.c;land, the ROFAL. tOANADIAN, of Mon-
treal, and the ONTARIO. MU I'UAL LIFE
itiUFRANOE, 00'Y of Waterloo established
1870. Asaurancesiuforce,$13,127,400, Bonuses
every five years.
special. Notice!
During this week our usual supply of
Holiday Stock will be. Opened and die -
played for sale, so that on and after Dec
0th we will be in a fair position to re-
ceive our customers and their friends.
We sincerely trust that the exhibit this
year will be found in every way satis-
factory, Much to mer surprise we find
a large number living within a few miles
of Exeter who have not yet called. This
is amistake, ()ur stock is equal, and
we think superior, to any found in vil-
lages of this size ; in fact we know it to
class well with the majority of those
found in city stores. We are steadily
endeavoriog to make it more widely
known and will not rest content until it
Las been inspected by at least the ma-
jority of those living within ten or fif-
teen miles of Exeter, We know that if
unable to sell, our stock will at least
please ; and so cordially invite every
reader of THE TIMES to call with their
friends at least once during December
and take a look through.
'1'IlE .l1A1T,)
l cti ii gi 'O.
THURSDAY , M A RCIT 170, 1892,
Royal Tern plarism,
This Society whose sole oljeot is to res-
cue the perishiug, restore the fallen and
keep unsullied front the destructive in-
flueuees of those whose energies are bent
in leaf iug astray the youth of our laud,
and making the houses where now dwelt
peace and tendert, the very vestibules of
hell. The above Society have striven
against great odds to bring within its
circle, and bind together in one loving
chain, the young, the middle aged and the
aged, to battle against the/, evils of strop
drink and its consequences, We are glad
to announce that scarcely a meeting is held
without adding new members. Great in-
terest is taken by the memoorehip to make
its sessions iuteresting and profitable, and
it is hoped it will grow so as to influence
the electorate of Exeter, that in due time
no man need seek a position in municipal
interests whose mind is not in full sym-
pathy with the prohibhion of all question-
able movements and the entire removal of
the liquor traffic with its train of wafflings
and woes. COM.,
Gents; seethe values in felt hats and
urnishings at the Big Bankrupt Store;
LUST,—On Main -at., an ornamental rat-
tan splash of a baby carriage. Finder will
please leave same at TIMES Office,
The Hyson tea that we called attention
to some little time since, at 25c per pound,
has sold beyond our expectation, J. P.
• Clarke.
Mr, Donald McInnes last week sold his
Clydesdale stallion "Lord Gladstone" to
Mr. E W McIntyre of Flint, Mich., for a
handsome figure.
Mr. James Lang shipped a carload of
horses to Manitoba on Tuesday. This is
the second load shipped by Mr. Lang
within the past few weeks.
There are es few of those prunes at 20 and
30 pounds for the dollar, respectively, left.
,Our currants and raisins cannot well be
'surpassed in quality. Sold by J. P, Clarke.
This week it is our p. li fns duty to
chronicle the death n two of Exeter's
citizens, the cad events taking place on
Satarriay last. Mrs. James Darling, who
- hadsbeen suffering for the past two years
of Heart disease, stied suddenly. She had
just arisen from bed, and while standing on
the floor, faintei and fell, and in a few
moments Axpired. Deceased was of a very
quiet, ye amiable disposition, and was
highly esteemed by many friends, as was
evidenced by the comparatively large at-
tendance at the obsequies. She leaves to
mourn their loss a husband, son and
daughter, who have the sympathy of the
Mr. James Ferguson, utter much suffer-
ing, also passed from this mortal coil early
Saturday morning. He was a victim of
consumption and for two years had been
in declining health. Up to a couple of
months ago he worked with Mr Bobier,
until he became so low that he was com-
pelled to take his bed. Deceased has been
a resident of Exeter for many years, at one
time being in the grocery business. He
was held in esteem, and the young wife
and family have the heartfelt sympathy of
all in their loss of an affectionate husband
and father. He was a member of the
Orange fraternity, under the rites of which
order his remains were laid at rest on
Tuesday, and from which Society the
widow receives $1,000 on an insurance
- a
Presentation, •
On Friday evening last a very pleasing
event occurred at the residence of Mr.
H. E, Hueston, during the course of which
the choir of the lain-st Methodist Church
took occasion to express their regret at the
removal from their midst of one of their
members in the person of Mr. W. E Gundy,
After a short practice in the Church the
choir repaired to Mr. Hueston's, where
they found a bountiful spread of oysters
and other delicacies awaiting them, which
were disposed of with much merrymaking
and enjoyment. During the course of the
evening the leader, Mr. Ross, and Mr.
-Browning, on behalf of the choir, present-
ed Mr. Guncly with a handsomely bound
Oxford Bible and the following address :
Mn. W. E. GIINDY, Respected Friend,—
The members of the Main Street Methodist
Church choir deeply regret that you are about
to take your departure from our midst. Your
kind disposition, genial manner and the untir-
ing zeal with which you. labored for the best
interests of our choir, have won for you a very
warm place in each of our hearts. You have
materially helped us in the musical department
f our Church -work, and we assure you that
your services havebeen highly appreciated, not
only by the choir, but by all who beard the
sound of your voice. We are conscious of the
fact that our choir sustains a heavy loss by
your removal, but wo hope that in your future
home your musical talents will not be buried,
but exert a 4i11 greater influence for good.
We pray you to accept this Bible as a slight
token of our esteem, assuring you that we will
ever cherish pleasant memories of the happy
hours we enjoyed in your company, and praying
that the blessing of Heaven may ever attend
Signed -fon behalf on the choir,
D. A. Ross, Leader.
Exeter,1 18
March 1 2. 9
Mr. Gundy in a few words expressed his
appreciation of the handsome present and
very flattering address'whichhad just been
presented to him, and assured them that
nothing but the most pleasant memories of
the'Main-st. choir would attend him to his
new home.
On Sunday afternoon Mr. Gundy's Bible
Class presented him a large photograph of
the class, accompanied with an expression
of their regret at his removal.
For nobby and natty dress goods just
rop inand see the show; at the Big Bank -
apt, Store. Prices as usu' l are in favor
of you.
Night Constable Creech had the lonely
hours of midnight enlivened Monday by
taking an inebriate to the " cooller," or
rather, in his case, the " warmer." A
couple of them had made thenight hideous.
To -day (Thursday) is the Glorious 17th
of Ireland, but as the population of Exeter
is not constructed along these lines there
will be nce celebration of the memorable
day here in Exeter.
Four sizes of account paper, single and
double -ruled statements, all suitable for
rendering accounts as this season of the
year, neatly printed and put up in pads at
very reasonable prices at the TIMIES print-
ing office.
John Northcott, of the 3rd con. of Hey,
has a ewe that gave birth to four lambs
last week, all living. The same ewe has
had three lambs two previous years, mak-
ing 10 lambs in three years, Who can be
beat this ?
The libel suit of W. G.Glenn of St,llfarys
against T. 11. Race of the Mitchell Record-
er, was down for trial at the assizes at
Goderich, but the case was settled by Race
paying $1 and costs, which will amount to
something over $200.
No more shaves an Sunday unless you
do it yourself, or have your tonsorial artist
call at the house This, at least, will be
the result if the law, which is ordered to
he rigidly enforcei in this town is carried
oat.—Windsor Review.
The constant drop of water wears away
the hardest atone ; the constant gnaw of
Towser masticates the toughest bone ; the
constant wooing lover carries off the blush-
ing maid ; and the constant advertiser is
the one that gets the trade.
If '.1 truly did not carne in stormy, it has
made good the deficiency the past few
days, as the weather has been severe—
very cold and stormy, with considerable
snow. It is hoped that it may continue
cold for a time eo that the fall wheat will
not suffer.
Will Leyett, while standing on the edge
of a car, at the door way, on Wedueeday,
testing grain, his foot slipped, n"e. falling
to the ground his nose oaths: in contact
with the hard ground, Injuring that mem-
ber, vase• tevereiy. Ho was unconscious
P , some time. '
A number from this neighborhood will
attend the grand Conservative celebration
in St. Marys, to -day (Thursday), in honor
of the election of Mr. Pridhapi, M.P. The
procession will proceed from Mitchell to
St. Marys, led by three brass bands.
Stratford will take part.
At a meeting of the Council last evening
among other things, Mr. W. J. Bissett was
appointed Road. Commissioner, at a salary
of $L50 per day, while on duty. He is to
inspect work free of charge. Instructions
were given to have the necessary amount
of gravel put on the town hall grounds.
While exercising a yearling colt on
Monday, Mr. W. G. Bissett met with a
mishap. Having it attached to a cutter it
was driving nicely until a bare spot in
the road was reached, when, becoming
frightened, it gently relieved the cutter of
the dash, besides otherwise damaging it.
The market building .is now on the town
hall property, and the next thing is order
will be the disestablishment of the present
market and one created at the town hall.
The buyers arer that they will retnain on
the old battle ground, and as usual, pay
the very highest prices for all kinds of
Seaforth Expositor : "Mr. Wm. White
has purchased from Mr. Alex. Ault the
small residence on Goderich street for $400.
We are glad to see Mr. White becoming a
property owner in town, hut there is no
use having the cage unless one has the
bird to put in it.' Mr. White formerly
lived in Exeter.
Will it pay to advertise in family papers?
It will pay if you do a legitimate, clean,
square -out business; because family yapets
go directly into people's homes—are read
by all the family—are read all through by
people who believe in them more than in
any other papers they read and are, there
fere, more influenced by advertisements
seen in them. The TsarEs is a family
On the 9th inst. the marriage of Mise
Ellen Bishop, daughter of Arch. Bishop,
Esq., M.P.P., to Mr. John Rowcliffe, of
Usborne, took place. The knot was tied
by Rev. C. Fletcher, of the Thames Road
Presbyterian Church, in the presence of a
few friends. The young couple at once
took up their residence on the Elder farm
near Rodgerville, recently purchased by
Mr. Rowcliffe.
Recently, it will be remembered, a Goy-
ernment Inspector of milk was in town
and procuring samples from the vendors,
sent them to the chief government analyst.
With samples taken from other towns, the
milk has been analysed and a report made
and published, from which we learn that
the milk Bold in Exeter, at the time the
Inspector was here has been pronounced
"Genuine," and containing a good per
tentage of "Solids." The samples were
taken from J. McInnes, W. Dearing and
R. Davis.
At the last meeting of the East Luther
township Council a notice of motion was
given to the effect that in future the old
method of performing statue labor will
be done awayand 60cen
with, is per day
accepted as an equivalent for a day's
work. This will be levied on all the
ratable property in the township. This
is certainly a move in the rightdirection,
as the manner in which statute labor• is
performed in many townships besides
Luther is somewhat of a farce.
Mit John Waters of Logan has disposed
of his farm, and on Thursday, afternoon
left with his family for California.
Mr. Fisher, license inspector for ' North
:Perth, has been deposed, and Mr.: Wm.
Climie, of the Listowel Danner, appointed
in hie place, v....,.;w: -
Settled. ,
At the Woodstock aeeizes the celebrated
case of Roddy vs. Leah was settled. To is
r importance a vaso of considerable intpo to tomem-
bers of secret beueficial societies. It was
shown in evidence that Samuel Leah, vt ho
died in July, 1891, had an insurance upon
his life of $1,000 in the order of Chosen
Friends, which was made payable to his
*wife. Leah died, however, before he was
married, but it was clearly shown in evi-
deuce that he was engaged to the plaintiff,
Margaret Roddy, and that when he took
the policy it was with the understanding
that the insurance was for her benefit.
The court foundupon the evidence in favor
of the plaintiff, but reserved judgment. on
on points of law. The secretary paid the
amount of the premium into court, and
allowed the prospective bride and her in-
tended brother-in-law, James Leah, to
contest as to who is entitled to the money.
He Sold Not, Neither Did He Vote,
A rather practical joke was worked .upon
an elector in Usborne on Thursday last.
He was a Trow man, and would have cast
his ballot in hie favor. The elector has a
horse which he is very desirous of selling,
and was willing to do almost anything to
effect a sale. The evening previous to the
election the elector received a note to be.in
Exeter with his horse early in the morning.
He was on hand, together with his son,
who also had a vote, but just in time to
fiud the buyer gone ; a note, however, was
left to the effect that he could be seen at
Mt. Cannel. The elector and sun pro-
ceeded to Mt. Carmel, and reached there
to find that the buyer had just left for
Parkhill. They were requested to follow;
and they did, but with similar success to
that w,liich they ,met all along the line.
They returned home in the evening, about
six o'clock, having neither sold the horses
nor voted, but had the pleasure. however,"
of a 46 -mile drive.
Village Council.
The village Council met on Saturday
evg. last at the call of the reeve. All
present, Minutes of previous meeting
read and signed. The attendance of citi-
zens was very large, and seemingly much
interest was taken in the meeting. The
reeve explained that he had been serve
with an injunction, restraining Council
from moving market building, and desired
to obtain the feeling of the Council in the
matter. After considerable deliberation
in which there were many animated dis-
cussions and hot argument, it was moved
by Carling and Christie that the injunction
be fyled.—Carried. It was further moved
by Christie and Carling, that Mr. Treble,
who had also been served with a similar
document, be instructed to proceed with
the work ; that the Council would stand
between him and anyone disposed to Wee.
leral t roceeding against him. The Coun-
cil thea adjourned (te per adjournment of
last meeting.
Miss Alberta Treble is epending a fe
weeks visiting friends in London —Mrs.
John Trick left for Toronto Tuesday, after
spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Rich. Manning of this place. In May
next Mr. and Mri. Trick intend taking a
trip to England, where they will remain
for about a year ; no their return they, to.
gether with Mr. and Mrs. Currelley, will
return to Exeter ;o reside. We shall be
pleased to welcome them back.—T. M.
White returned to Windsor on Monday.—
Misa ,Tohnston, of St. Marys, milliner for
A. J. McTavish tee Co., arrived in town
last week. —Miss Smith, milliner with E. J.
Spackman ds Co.,has returned.—Miss Tillie
White has returned to Sarnia—Parkhill
Review : " Mr. W. Lovett of Exeter spent
Sunday in town with his parents.—Miss E.
Gidley of Exeter is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Bee, of this pace "—Metiers. R. S.
Lang and H. E. Hueston are in Goderich
attending the assizes. --Mr. J P. Ross last
week attended the Grand Council of the
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends iu
Toronto,—Mr. Will E. Gandy leaves for
Leamington on Friday.—The lawyers are
attending the assizes in Goderich this week
—Mr. Geo. Sutherland and Miss Suther-
land, of Hensall, and Miss McGarvie, of
Clinton, were in town this week.—Inepec-
tor Tom was in town this week on official
business in connection with the school.—
Miss Lizzie Carling returned home Satur-
day evg. after a two months' visit with
her sister in Toronto.—Mr. Will Davis and
wife, of Wingham, are the guests of Mrs.
Fisher.—Mr. W. H. Graham of St. Marys
was in town on Tuesday purchasing horses.
His son John leaves on Monday next for
Scotland witht6 carriage horses.
Church Notes.
The pastor, Mr. Martin, will conduct
services in the Presbyterian Church next
Rev. Mr. Ruasell will preach a special
sermon on Sunday evening next on " The
Existence of God."
A social under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society of Main-stchurchwill be held
in the parsonage on Monday eventng,April
4th. Admission, Adults 15 cents ;Child-
ren, 10 eta. 2t
, PHoxooxtP1uIC CONCERT.—This, one
of the latest and grandest triumphs of
science, will be offered to the people of
Exeter in the James-st. Methodist Church,
at no distant date.
Rev. Mr. McDonagh will preach a spec-
ial sermon in the Main st. Meth. Church
on Sunday evening next on " The Lord's
Reign." This discourse will have relation
to the subject of " Pre-millenniumism "
preached upon some weeks ago.
The anniversary of the Caven Presby-
terian Church was held on Sunday last,
when the Rev. R. J. Beattie, of Guelph,
preached two excellent sermons. The die -
courses were eloquent, irnpressive,'and in-
dicated deep thought. The: collection
amounted to $95.
Rey. Geo. Webber, of Toronto, formerly
pastor of the James -at. Methodist Church,
delivered a lecture in the above named
Church on Thursday evening last to a fair
audience, on "The wonderful discoveries
and events of this century." The lecture
was very'intereeting and was given under
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society,
who also gaye.a social in connection: The
receipts amounted to , upwards , of $45.
There was a social on' Friday evg, ;
At the, annual meetingof the Ladies'
Aid Society of Main-st. hurch, held 3rd
March, the following officers were elected :
Mrs. McDonagh, President; Mrs. White,
Vice -Pres.; Mise' J. A. Spicer, Sec'y; Mrs.
R. H. Verity, Treas. Committees to visit
the sick, call upon etranrers, etc. : Mrs.
McCallum and Mrs. MoLaughlin, North
Ward; Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Spackman,
east side of Main-st.; Mrs, R. H. Verity
and Mrs.`T. B. Carling, west side of Main
street. These committees to report at the
monthly meetings.
.; 11'A11 PAPE
Are showing the largest stock of wall Papers in town
We have purchased a large lot of American and
domestic Papers, at figures much below regular
prices, for Cash, and we are now giving our custom-
ers the benefit. We have tlj,em at all prices --from
4c. a roll upwards. Call and see them before pur-
Wall papers in all prices and patterns at
J. P. Clarke's,
Severn oneyby bu y iugyour wallpaperatth e
Read Carling Bros.' new advt. Spring
house cleaning goods a specialty.
Gentlemeu'a furnishings with J.P, Clarke
has his most careful attention.
A fine assortment of new prints and
sateens on exhibition at J. P. Ciarke's..
'The past display of winter has bid a
cheerful good-bye for nine months.
lel Great value in boots and shoes at the
ig Bankrupt Store.
Mr. John Welsh moved his family onto
the farm rented of Mr. S. Martin, 4th con.
of Uaborne, this week.
Black dress goods, a beautiful stock, the
test styles, now open at the Big Bank -
nest Store.
Mr. Gavin Ross of Rodgerville last week
sold four clyde horses to a Manitoba buy-
er for a handsome sum.
Our bargain table hue arsine attractious
worth your u6rsicteratiou ; come and sec
f yutirselvee at J. P, Clarkes.
The contractors for the Grand Bend cut
were in town on Tuesday and expect to
proceed with the work very soon,
J Do you want a good carpet ? The Big
iaukrupt Store is the correct spot for car-
pets, Curtains and blinds,
Miss Autliony, of Markham, arrived here
ou Monday evening to take charge of Mrs.
D. Spicer's .Millinery Rooms for the com-
ng season.
Mechanics' Institutes.
From the report of the Minister of Edu-
cation for 1891, just issued, the following
particulate aro gathered,00neerning the Me-
ehauics' Institutes of the county :
Mens. No books. Books used
Blyth 68 870 882
Brussels 47 1599 864
Clinton 187 2297 8202
Exeter 103 2221 ';8170
Goderioh 132 2699 2877
Hensel' 126 251 1174
Seaforth 425 8936 14381
Wingham 126 1217 2794
Wroxeter 70 2035 789
Missionary Contributions,
The iollowinet figures, taken from the an-
nual repoit of the Missionary Society of
the Methodist church, for 1801 will be of
interest. They show the oontribations of
the general missionary fund, and also by
the Women's Missionary Sooiety
General. Women's.
Goderich, North-st $308 16
Goderioh, Victoria -It 80 50
Clinton, Rattenbnry st 387 99
Clinton, Ontario st 285 81
Seaforth 291 35
Holmesville circuit 180 50
Bayfield circuit 63 10
Varna circuit 125 23
lieneall circuit 126 16
Kippen circuit 84 48
Dungannon oircuit 180 47
Nile circuit 114 10
Benmiller circuit 108 82
Wingham 20145
Wroxeter 75 20
Brussels 104 06
Walton oireuit 43 00
Londesboro'ciranit 161 94
Blyth circuit 189 00
Auburn circuit 201 55
Belgt ave oireuit 69 25
Iiluevale circuit 90 05
Exeter, Main-st 348 18
E cater,'Main-st 263 56
8 47 02
106 97
30 66
30 98
60 48
13 01
- 25 65
36 92
14 95
49 67
38 09
122 31
SarxsrAcexor is, guaranteed to every one
who takes Hood's Sarsaparilla fairly and
according to directions. This is the' only
preparation of which"100 Doses One Dollar"
can truly be said.
t 'Ilaye you seen Hood's Rainy Day and
Balloon Puzzle? For particulars send to
0. I. Hood en Co., Lowell, Mans.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bil-
iousness, tic; headache, constipation.
An immense copper combine is pro-
posedin the States.
Texas Republicans have declared
straight for Harrison as President.
President Harrison has got the re-
nomination vote of NewYork Republi-
Prince Michael and his FlyingRoller
brigade were badly stoned at Detroit
The winter wheat has been much
damaged by the . recent blizzard
throughout Illinois.'
Kate Smith, a beautiful woman and
deserted wife, took her own life with
strychnine on a.train in New Albany
Dr, T. A. Slocum's
LIVER OIL. If you have throat trouble—
Use it. For sale by all dru,lgiata. 35 cents
Minard's Liniment cures Burns., etc.
60ING ► G0ING r
And that's ° just what will happen to these splendid
Bargains we are now offering to the public.
In Dress Goods & Dress Trimmings
In Gents' T'urnlshlla,g,.-a ut, equal:
See our range of
(White and Colored)
—all in the latest styles.
In WALL PAPER ive have all the newest
designs. If you want it said that you have lithe
prettiest -papered room in town, you will have to
procure you Wall Paper at CARLING BROS.
See our Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Carpets and
Lace Curtains.
A. quantity of our Celebrated 25c Tea loft yet, which some of `t merchants
are trying to imitate ; but they can't do it you know. 1
Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded
in purchasing goods, the equal tg which has not been
shown in Exeter before.
The Latest in Everything
Our stock will ensure us :
The Trade in Dry Goods ;
The Trade In Dress Goods;
The Trade in Millinery;
The Trade in Gioth(ng.
Watch this space for further announcement.
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Hai anteing inthciatest
style,of she art.
Every attention paid to nutting
Lames' and Children's Hair
The Molsons Bank
E T1
Paid up capital $2,000,00
ReetFund .., ... ' .. 1,000,00
HeadOffioe, Montreal,
Money advanoedtotgoodfarmers on their own
note with'one or more endorsers at 7 por oent
per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open everylawfulday,from1.0a.m.to. 3 p.m
SATURDAYS,,10 a.m.to 1p,m.
4FerCent.perannum`allowlldformoney on
DepooitReeeipts. Savings Bank at 3 peroonti
Sub -Manager.