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The Exeter Times, 1892-3-17, Page 6
LE COURIER DE NEIGHS, A. Canadian Legerul• nY evnaatn ' 1Cretzennet, Sancta Maria, speed us ! The sun is falling low, Before us lies the valley Of the Walker of the Snow. " Benetlicite," prayed a child, with up lifted bands ; "Dominus," began the com- pany round the table, in chorus ; and the child lisped on alone : "nos et ea gnat sumus semppturi benedicat dextera Christi. In. nomine Patric et F'ilii et Spiritus Sancti." " Amen," hastily responded the company, and at the word burst forth the clatter and your compliment.x1lull of ignoble dangers," continued al. 3isturbanec of an i1l-condunte3. family din- de Bois-brillaut, unheeding, "and tlegrad- ner in a Canadian household over two ing to any gentleman of good family." hundred years ago, ' "A gentleman of good family !" laughed The father and mother had barely helped Gui. "A gentleman of good family ! Has themselves before half a dozeu spoons met 1 famiiv' ever given me anything more than and rattled against the sides of the large life? Has `family' prevented these " —in - earthen ware bc'wl, in a struegle to trans- dicating his brothers and sisters with scorn- fer the choicer morsels to the plates crowd- ful sweep of his hand—" from growing up ed close about its. generous circumference. iuto good-for-nothing savages? 1 was a fool The clamorous contestants were a lot of to have refused Dulhut's offer when with La half-grown boys and girls, ranging from Taupine last year, bat now I will make no Henri, an unlieked cub of eighteen, down more mistakes. Here everything has gone to the child of six who had just repeated to the devil without, everything is going to the old-fashioned grace. the devil within, and you would- have me A glance at the father, who with an open stay in it all, because, forsooth, I am "a book' propped against Inc silver cup, sat " Nothing, my father, except a .word to "Is her grandmother skilled in the use lips as were once :those of the almost -for - so manatee, my mother, to express lay regret of herbs, my brother?" gotten champion, while in rho Sioux at leaving pleasant a home." " 'es; 0 Ontaganff l.aucl sheds°even !loin country lie heard frotn a wandering 1 alf- sc \\neat ! as the , Vicomte written?" gathering leaves for your hurts." breed of the renown of the new hero, who asked I'I, de Bois-brillaut, with a sudden Again the challenger won the altpluse of in enc be found with his tribe on their interest. the crowd by his atttiaeipatlou of Ontagrons hunting- rconnds on the upper Ottawa, " No. I go whore I need no support from. gibe, aud, without more ado, both men The of fire of ambition tannest of praise, 'Vicomte, or any other patron than my- threw off' leggings and blankets and ftteecl once rekindled, burnt with renewed fierce - self." a ibh other, nese, and he would brave all to taste again " Not that folly of the woods, my son ? A ring was instantly Mimed. The com• the loin -accustomed sweets of victory. Not that disreputable life fall of ignoble betants moved Wearily round, seeking an Relying on Inc ttnbated strength and en - clangers?" opportunity to close, taunting oath other durance, he braved the alwintemost insurmount- ableh " Oh, he is a bravo runner !" piped the bile while and inciting attack by feigned desol to iegiots ofiti Borth of Lttit Suey p erior, �ior, mother, mockingly. advance or retreat. Nearer and nearer a "Madame, I felicitate you on the taste of they cireed until at.last they touched,. and not dating to approach the forts, err ell en- thee, 'unable to restrain themselves, they counter with Certain enemies dt"nettn regular sprang upright and grappled. ]Backwards routes of travel. He battled against storm and forwards they strained and twisted and cold and hanger, undaunted and un with every trick and ruse of the trained shaken, but when he reached the icebound wrestler, while the crowd uttered low; greats limits of the Ottawa, the women who had of approval, and the prisoners stood a -tip- so long borhe her unmerited burden of toe to watch the struggle. No'.human shame and ill -repute, laid herself down ex - strength could stand such a strain for any hausted, and, with agleam of hope, saw the time ; muscle, bone, ancl sinew were tried hour for her deliverance at hand. to their utmost, when Outagami, in a su- He commanded and threatened her in preme effort, lifted and threw he antenna- vain Then, not in pity,,but iu very terror ist, limp and breathless amid a mighty lost he should be left alone with his ever - roar of admiration from the fickle crowd. present fear, he built a rude wigwam, cub Spent and exhausted, the two braves rest. fire branches for a bed, gathered a store of ed after their bout, while ready panda wood, and for a whole morning hunted, and brought them water and chafed their throb- returned laden with a supply of food. She bing limbs. lay without a movement, following his every Brother," said Outagami at last, " if action with her fever -lighted eyes, as ho you are still in doubt, there are six little cooked the meat, laid some of it beside her, bones by which we may decide." then ate of it himself, and stretched his The crowd fell in with his humor, afid wearied body by the fire, where he slept to the principal warriors moved toward the the shrill piping of the icy wind through the lodge of the chief, where . the two braves openings of their frail shelter. seated themselves on an outspread deer -skis Hour after hour she lay there, watching each with h his counters of grains beside him,the immovable sleeper, watching the gloom and the round cup with the colored bones gather closer and closer round the dying in the centre. fire, listening to the piping blast sinking iuto Hoer after hour through the dusk of the a moaning softness and gradually swelling' evening and in the light of the rekinlecl fire into a roar as it swept down with its scourpassesthew and gest res, n v th chances,vilcriewiths nand id ged the rattlof ing bark osnow n the lstrain ng poleed and s. heavy amithtgs of the breast, and a never- At last he awoke—listened for a moment • ceasing flow of ribaldry, in which the mit- smoking the rising storm, threw fresh woad on the ed crowd freely joined, until fortune again smoking fit o, and taking up his snow shoes, sided with Outagami. examined them with the greatest care. Twice had he won the girl fairly, but his She spoke to hint but he only glanced at vanity could be satisfied with no positive her without a word.. Gi'hen he had exam - victory while a further triumph lay within fined and tested his snowshoes, he threw off a possibility.. his scanty clothing, and warming his pot of Throwing the cup and bones over bis colored earths at the fire, began to paint shoulder, and scattering his counters among his faro and body according to his wont, the crowd with an exultant shout, he char- She spoke again but he went on unheeding. lenge(' his opponent to another trial—a race when he finished, he dressed with earn in the dark. and deliberation, and taking a small por- Out into the chill of the September night tion of food, ho picked up his snow -shoes trooped the warriors, Women and children and bent to crawl through the low enter - eagerly piled dry branches on the fire until an"' am the dyingspoke, but this it leaped and llared in the frosty air. Run-time her feeble mtterin woman s eded in such a tiers were sent out to the points to he passed cry of fierce desperationtgltat he sprang to by the contestants, who stood stripped and his feet in amazement ready for the signal to „start. What had ha cued? As they waited, front out the darkness on The stolid o.rP essionlesss mask he had the left came the call of the man at the last P Min at the next, fainter so long know had fallen, and in its place post, answered by started forth a face distorted i again in the distance and again louder and in a storm of nearer on the right. passionate hate ; the timid shifting oyes The rivals stood swayingat the mark, and blazed with a steady demoniacal fire ; the mute slavish lips o •1 1 n w etre forth t r nt at the.P poured r a or e signal from the thief ref shotrth n fo T g an instant both were lost to the keenest eye of reproach and execration. which followed. The crowd stood in an His surprise died as quickly as it had eager silence, with every body bent forward arisen, and with his devilish skill he stood and every sense strained to its utmost to there eyeing her immovably until the old catch some indication of the invisible run. power reasserted itself, and she cowered Wore, beneath the terror of his glance, her atrid- Then "U•u-m•ii•ngh 1" rang from the first ant scream breaking into a low wail of hope- pieket. Again the same signal came fainter loss weakness. and more distant, thenagain, and again,ancl But even as he triumphed, the crisis n- and few minutes later the crowd broke into a turned, and. gathering new force, the sup• frantic roar of delight, and rapidly fell pe rs ed fierceness of savagelife burst t forth in all flashed tv shed from the darkness, sand in the She called upon eery power of evil to delirium of his trinrn h dashed through the curse hien in his strength, in'his pride of blazingfire, scattering brands and flame iinmastery, in his hour of victory, in his hour of direst his mad finish ere his opponent came into need, " Go !" she screamed, with si ht. a shriek of frenzied laughter, high above get was a superb effort, and even his Mon ht. roar of the storm. " Go ! Run swifter clinate vanity was satisfied with the enthusi- than the wind, faster than the day ; run natio admiration it called forth. until the wind dies forever and the day He had won the prize; the girl belonged shamll eve es no wait -bGn !t before you my curse to him by right of conquest as undisputed And with fear clip! to him as a er- as if he had carried her off red-handed in the o g g midnight massacre of her tribe. Ment, lie turned and crawed through the opening into the blackness without. He Metaled to scorn the command of the With her awful curse ring in his ears, leaders that he should marry her according he staggered to his feet, and in blind des - to their custom. He marry? He had never Aeration rushed forward in the teeth of the looked twice at living woman, and if he drive; storm heedless of his course. chose to claim her, it was only because she Tlto familiar struggle against the tempest belonged to him as actually as his gun or his t last partially called him to Inc senses, hunting -knife. Sino was his—not his wife, ;..th a shudder, he paused aud shook him - not his mistress, but his, to use as he pleased, self as if to throw off his overwhelming to kill or let live, to toil, to laugh, to sing, a en, aud turning his back t0 the wind, orto weep at his pleasure, and, with the in- Ieood crouching before it as he tried to col- exdable nature of woman, site followed as not his thoughts. But he could think of be lc be led, without a murmur, nothing save her awful curse. It rang She followed him in all his wanderings tluougl1 his brain with a terrible insistence however distant, however dangerous, for he till all the evil of his nature awoke in fierce gave no thought to her safety more than til revolt, and with a low gravel of defiance he hiso�vn. They situ nottwopeople—hewas stood upright and retraced his steps. She Outagaul. and she belonged to him, body ' must unsay the curse she has laid upon hien, and soul. He gave nothing to her; his or he would strangle her with his hands as protection was simply the terror of his she lily. name. Pushing aside the frozen cloth before the Years brought new triumphs, for his phe- entrance, the crawled back into the wigwam nomettal physical development had become Tho fire still burned brightly, and on her his passion, towards which no vice, no bed of pine the figure of the woman lay in temptation, could lure him even into a mo- movable, gentleman of good fancily.' No; I have quietly reading, unmindful of the noise played the `gentleman' for the last time, and brawling, assured one that it was a and now I turn coureur. Yes, madame "— gentleman's household ; but the rough un- turning on his mother 111 answer to her af- even floor, the bare walls, the rude benches feetod surprise—" yes, madame, coureur-- down each side of the uncovered table told coureur de bois, if you will have it at of its careless poverty. And of the child Ion tit," dren, not one was fittingly dressed, nor for I/gMay you be as successful in your new the matter of that properly clean ; the roe as in your old i" smiled machine. girls wean apparently without ordinary For once Gui did not respond ; he moved pridvanie, and the boys without a saving towards his gun, and there stood for a The children ate off pewter with heavy moment as if expecting some word from his iron spoons and an inantUoient number of father ; but the old officer fingered nervous - knives between them ; forks they had none, ly at his silver cup, so unmistakably tinein contem- :- so, 1 ea .vr social inferiors,igethey helped ptuous pitus to y,d he scene walked quit ly .ohat ut of the room, tenn.ovos with their Marie -Antoine Lenoui lier,a Sn gu©tr Charles de his mother's tantalizing laugh ringing after Bois-briilant, at the head of the table, was him in mocking farewell. served on silver, as was his wife, Denise, Henceforward Gui de 13ois•brillant was the pale -faced, small -featured lady in the seen no more in his usual haunts about the faded green gown who faced him at the seigneurie, nor yet in the streets of Mont - other end. real, nor in the taverns of Quebec. M. de Bois•hrillaut, a captain in the Car- At the beginning of his career he ran the ignan-Salliere regiment and a Chevalier of round of the distant posts of Inichilima- the Military Order of St. Louis, had done a cinao, of Kautinistixuia and. La Tourette in man's fair share of campaigning, bout the north, and St. Louis in the south ; but against the Turk in Europe and the Indian he soon wore out his welcome at each in in France, and, far reward, was granted turn, for his overbearing savage nature some thousands of acres on the banks of the rapidly leaped the easy limits recognized by ltiehelieu en fief et seigneurie, with the inn- even the unexaciug coureurs de beis. His posing privileges of haute, moyenne, et hasse appearances at the larger forts grew more Justice. His seigneurie, however, was at and more rare, and as they not unfrequent- such an inconvenient distance from the pro- he wads theed re looked upon more or lees with quarrels, testing forts of Chslow y and St dean that and distrust which but served es additional censitattes were to presenting theta- fuel to his vanity. selves, and M. de Bois-brillaut, without 13e naturally fall in with the most law- estate,adequate means for the eultivateln of his less of his hind ; with them he commixed -ds just driftingd into hopeless as "pond flagrant offences against ordonnances of pity. He hew cued tdeman idescribed e land of both Governor and Intendant, and be -- to He was h P the last man in the world . fore longas a a�'i c andoutlawed w ro.E U I to make anysuccessful P u e ucc . f 1 esu effort to retriev fortune. Whilst a soldier he had fulfilled than, with a pries set upon his head. his duties with a punctilious exactitude His unquestioned courage,oined to his more in keeping with the spirit' of a knight unusual strength, had won hunt the uni- of the days cf chivalry than of an infantry versal admiration of the Indians, who readi- officer of the seventeenth century. As he ly offered the open worship his overweening was of good family, his connections at court vanity greedily demanded, and he was no saw to his advancement, and his present where so thoroughly satisfied as when iu the position as seigneur of these unbroken acres centre of w group of approving savages. came in like manner, without any effort. on His fame spread abroad through Itis part. lie had an unusual liking for most distant tribes. He was re- book -learning, and, so long as he could pore gowned among the Sioux and Deco - over his 'recites or Montaigne and eat de- tabs of the plains, the Issati of the upper °eutry off his silver, took but little notice of Mississippi, and the Natchez of the south as what went on about him. He considered a mighty hunter and warrior, a runner of that lie had made sufficient sacrifice for his incredible speed, and the most reckless of family when he wrote to a powerful relative gamesters. soliciting his favor on behalf of his eldest No foot was surer, no instinct truer than son, who was now in France as squire to his in the chase ; no great funeral feast was the Baron dela Roche -Bernard, learning the cocustomarymetwithout es I sapr senthen he had any- theart of war, after the unvarying tradition of chic to lose,henightg family. g would sit after night Madame de Bois-brillant, like many an- in the lodges, risking his dearly won peltries other gentlewoman of her day, was bitterly or more dearly prized weapons on the cast disappointed and disheartened by the un- of the colored bones, or the combined skill ending and apparently hopeless struggle and chance of the jeu de paille. which Iife in the half -savage colony de- When he ceased to visit the French posts, mended. So long as her husband had re- it was easy to throw aside what little remain - moaned m the army there was some hope of ed of the restraints of civilization. No red a return. and she Lived her life as bravely skinned pagan with whom hefraternizedwas as her fellow -exiles; but when he accepted more naturally a savage than this son of a his grant from the King, and settled down french officer, who had never Suet their contentedly to a life of coarse poverty and breed save at the sword's point. careless indifference, she wearied of any at- His straight regular features were burnt tempt to govern the household in his stead, into as dusky a color as his fellows ; his and rapidly aged into a hardened cynical dress was theirs in every particular ; like woman, looking on the mean surroundings them, he painted. his face and body, and of her daily lite with the sometimes amus- oiled and dressed bis hair in long ornament- ed, sometimes diiagusted eye of an outsider. al braids. About the ever -moving camp The children had grown up uneared for, fires he could boast or lie as bravely of real nne•i icated, and unrestrained ; they wan- or imaginary exploits, brandy his obscene dered where they would, without a thought Jests, or quarrel as fiercely as any gavage of for any other than themselves, and the na- them all tural development followed. In time he was forgotten by his own race. A loud barking, interrupted and at length He bad disappeared from their thinly scat - silenced bvastring ofvigorous imprecations , teredranks nto the darkness of the sur - quieted the noisy crowd about the table for rounding barbarism, and in the painted a moment. half -naked savages, famed among his fellow- " £here's Gui !" called out Angehque. savages 55 Outagami the Fox, there was not- " You'd better get out of his place before he asks you, Monsieur Henri." But Henri Pattention no to the taunt- ing - ing warning except to forestall Gui's pro- bable choice by securing the best portion of fowl left on the platter, transferring it to his own plate with his unwrped fingers. Gni entered, a tall, handsome, dark -fea- tured youth of twenty, dressed with an apa preach at savage finery. He wore neatly made moccasins, his leggings were new and tight -fitting, anti his white buckskin shirt, worn outside his leggings, and secured round his waist with a worked porcupine belt, was ornameuted down the arms and breast with a Mort fringe, each point of which was tip- ped with red and yellow beads. His father never raised his head from his book, but the others looked towards him expectant. He glanced at his usual seat, then placing his gun in the corner, strode over to the table and stood behind the exasperating Henri, A look at the others sufficed ; in an instant he had the usurper by the collar and around the waist, and in spite of a frantic ^lutch at everything within reach, jerked hint over the low bench, and sent him Trawling on the floor. A shout of jeering laughter greeted the. 3isoomfited Henri as he rose, and, with an sugry snarl, hurled his pewter plate with all force at his elder brother, who avoided it with ease, and straddled the empty place in convenient position for further defence. But no attack was made, whereupon Gui,. orderingAu ell ue to pick upthe battered plate ad w eq it began hidinner with what remained on.'the large platter in the same uncouth manner as the others. When his hunger was satisfied he walked over to a rude placard, or cupboard, let into the side wall, poured out a mug of small - beer from the pitcher and drank in silence, starlit moodilat his mother the while. " Do you see an chin mon petit?" she. challengd in her fute-llike voic. {t challenged, r1 Nothing worth remembering,. he re- torted, seting down his mug.. The clatter about the table ceased fn- stently, the children glanced eagerly from mother to brother, while M. de. Bois-brillaut, roused by the sudden silence, 'exclaimed,' (,reamily t "Eh, eh ! what d you say, my ton?" ing to recall the turbulent personality once mentary forgetfulness. With every repeat - known to men as Charlet-Nicolas-GM Lan- ed saccess his pride in his power and his ouillier de 13ois-brillant. contempt for his fellows swelled beyond all 0uta amibe save a ventured where Gui bounds uutil bis intolerable arrogance ogauce !undo the renegade would not dare. Outagami all companionship impossible had no known past behind him. He joined Farther and farther he wandered with his in and led war parties ag,inst Frenchmen, one human companion, known and shunned Hollander, or English without scruple or in every lodge from the head of the Belle remorse. He was not more cruel than his Riviero. to the utmost limits of the Missouri, fellows—that was impossible—but to their never conning into any camp save to replen- cruelty he added an intelligence that was devilish in its ingenuity. When M. de le. Barre moved, with all his impotent " pomp and circumstance of war," against the Iroquois, only to end in the hu- mtliatingpeace of La Famine, Outag•imi was absent on marauding expedition in the south, and only rejoinedhia tribe when they returned flushed with insolent victory. In wilful defiance of their would be conquerors, and in flagrant violation of the despised treaty, they had made a detour on their re- turu,raided an Ou,t,aouas village, and carried off a score of prisofiers. Chafing at his ill fortune—for he would have given much to beard the Governor and his following, each of whom he looked upon with envenomed hate as his personal enemy —Outagami vented his displeasure in taunt- ing his comrades and underrating their ex- ploit. Finding the course unavailing, he began an insolent examination of the pris- oners, demanding the names of their cap- tors, boasting of his own achievements, and promising tortures to each victim in turn. Suddenly he stopped before a young squaw in pretended indignation and amaze- ment. Who had dared to interfere with ,his property? She belonged to him"; he had seen her once in a dream. Then, changing his : But perchance he was mistaken ? She had come of herown-freewill to meet him, or some brother had guided her feet to his side. Theirl shrank back, alarmed at his truculent advances,while a burst of laughter greeted his. bravado. It was quieted for a moment; but only to swell into a roar of applause as a brave stepped forward and challenged Outagami ° to make his words good. "I brought her, my brother. But you were far away with the setting Sun, and for this reason T left het' grandmother; who' still awaits your coming. n ish his store of powder or to taste once more the sweetness of acknowledged mastery in some fierce contest of s.cvage strength or skill But his fame had grown to such a point that he could rar ely find a brave who dared to face him. I was whispered that his strength and endurance were something more than hu nan, and -a sinister reason for his long dasa ppearances was hinted at that was sufficient to hold bade all but the most reckless. In time he came to believe some- thing of it himself, and the moment he felt that his success was assured by some exter- nal xternal power, he lost his strong incentive to- wards victory—it was no longer his, it was no longer personal. Then with the belief came fear—fear of injury to that beautiful perfect body with its marvellous 'strength, the one thing he worshipped, and once this asserted itself, it became all-powerful. With a courage born of his fear—a courage superior to all shame or contempt—he hence- forward refused to lead or join in any war party, no matter how powerful, or take up anyprivate quarrel, no matter how great the provocation. ' Despised or hated by all about him, he wandered through unknown woods, by un- known waters, haunted by his ever-present fear of accident, in ever-increasing loneli- ness, followed by the one huinan creature whose presence he could command. She seldom spoke to him and never ut- teredhis name. When he entered any, camp, the old familiar cry, " Outiaaame," never her- alded his approach. If spoken of at all, it was as le coureur ;. he had lost his human name, and had become a thing even to the savage. But a day came when the passion for vic- tory once more awoke within him. 'News was spread of a wonderful runner who had arisen among the Outaoutaie—a runner whose name and whose exploits were on till With hot anger surging through every fibre and contracting every muscle into mur- derous tension henoiselessly e crawled noes .less, fo- ry ward the outstretched figure. He was ablest beside her now, but she lay unmindful of his presence. He raised himself on the points of his fingers, ready for his spring, when he caught a fuller view of her face, and with a gasp of despair, lie saw that another and a greater change bad come. The being hehad known was gone, and in her place was death eternal—Death under a frozen mask of Irate thrilling him with terror as he read tate undying curse written on its staring eyes. There he knelt as immovable as the pre- sence before him, with no thought of ven- geance, uo effort of escape, the life within him ebbing backward,backward, backward, before the unchangeable hatred of the dean. Suddenly the wigwam strained and ber t, and then was torn bodily from its fasten- ings, the blazing fire was whirled and scat- tered into the white emptiness about, and with a scream of torturo,the kneeling figure leaped to its feet, and was swept away iu the path of the midnight storm. Onward it fled through the depths of the groaning forest, amid the crash of frozen branches, down • the broad course cf the sheeted river, shrieking between the ice- bound walls of rock*in the Barrows, over the open plain to the sleeping town, where the bells' quivered in a long moan as they lifted before its fury and then swung back. with one, harsh clang, at which affrighted sleepers moaned, or, starting up, crossed themselves in the darkness, as the tortured spirit swept onward, onward, down to the, very edge of the realm of winter and of death ere it turned, and rushed, with its never -ceasing wail of despair, hack, to- wards :ahe endless night and `desolation of the north. Men have looked upon that midnight hor- ror,. hut no living man has told what his eyes have seen. Only when the fierce might of summer had rolled back the shroud of winter to the unchangeable limits of the eternal snow, in the depth of the.awakening forest, on the green breast of the flowering .prairie,' on the level beach of the swollen river, are found the forever quiet bodies of those who in an evil hour have looked upon the face of the lost Courser de Neiges. Children Cr"y for Pitcher's Castoriai -tent t,... '' an • •. 4•0ne. etzete `a? -`y:e,:,, �,. �w .yj{`•W'�'fiY' °4'x'h Gv)er.�K', `lk i. • - . for 8nffnts and Children. "C as tori a is so wolladauted to chlldren that Irecommend itas superior to any -prescription !mown to mo." H. A. Annan, M. D., 111 So. O ord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do uotkeep Castoria within easy reach." CAiLOs M N w York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church, Caatoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eruotation, Killsp �Wtyyorms, gives sleep, and promotes di, WitStoub injurious medication " For several years I have recommended your `Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." EDP/1,14F. PARDEEE, M. D., "The Winthrop," 19.5th Street and 7th Ave., New York City, Tom CENTAva COMPANY, 77 Monnes STREET, NEW YORE. .===.-.-.231171111.1.0. .,_-,. zx,rle MCCOLL BROS. Sa COMPANY TOI1ONTO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in the following specialties : Larciine zi :: Wool Cgrlmcl®r Molt Cutting Ria Engine --- Eur®1za TRY OUR LARDINE MACHINE OIL AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. . For Sale By B1SSETT BROS, Exeter, Out. Dr. LaROE'S COTTON ROOT PILLS. Safe and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female Regulator known. The only safe, sure and reliable pili for sale. "Ladies ask druggists for LaBoe's Star and Crescent Brand. Take no other kind. Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger cue. Sold by all reliable drugeists. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, Mich. itlErrs PURE POWDERED 100 (, PUREST, STROlMCEST, BEST. itendy for use in any. quantity. For making Soap, Softening Water, Disinfecting, and it hundred other Hees. Aeon equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. Sold by AU Grocers and Druggists. ,f8'„ W. G.-rr,7 ,ttn'x ?'i , ^s c,.: isatin FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS Are pleasant to take. Contains their own Purgative. .Ts a safe, sure and effectual destroyer ofworms in Children or Adults. Qtr ..0 pec.. at o,., NEW line nrwnrk, rapidlyand honorably, by , n o Hornthorn r chlY own l sex, young re er: and is them own iornlotth whork. :hey Ito l A ny n. one vonstart do the work. ,ua)' to eevot. Weruntishoperbnontethin,. Wall acie you. No a work. Thin eaudevote entlr1yiiouilmd ta, oYnaawo derfto etas tot. yin worker. Ilegin yn.aelead ,ad beluga wonderful to 550 per k nod upwards, anil 10010 arc ea dug frena k, to',,poru• furnish and the em- ployment ittlu in PSBR. No ,sonr0 furapioyouthecit and. teach you PSBR. No minnu to exploit, here. Full information 51155. IV MUM & <:Si., ALOI.STA, MA31R. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and. Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys. tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; .at the same time Cor- reeting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of' the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debilityl ;all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of "BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ��7j'p�jFopr QSa�i{ije� by ail Dealers. . .�a l3l1LBUR J & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. E kWARDS FOR BIBLE READERS. Great Winter Competition of The Ladies civ Home Magazine. QuESTrois.—Where does tbe • following words first •tthpeat•intit oOldTeetament: "ICNowLEnoa,""wile!*.," tppenrDiinvlhe New Testament:ie fo"JUDEA,"w "FAME,' and ".K)Ne i WEEKLY PRSS Es,—Every week, throughout this great •,on,petition prizes will be distributed ns follows: '1'he. int correct answer received (tile postm)ark'date on each otter to bo taken as the date received) at the aloe of the [JA Duna HOME MAGAZINE (each and every week) will get 200; the second correct answer, 5100;ithe third $50; .north, a beautiful silver service; fifth. five o'clock silver crvire, and the uext 50 correot answers will get prizes tonging from 525 down to S2. Every fifth correct an. :wer, irrespective of whether a prize winner or not: will :et a special prize. Competitors residing iu•the southern tato, as well as other distant points, have an equal l ance with those nearer home, ea the postmark will be ,ur authority in evetyca.e. 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