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The Exeter Times, 1892-3-17, Page 5
Before you buy your Fall & Winter Clothing Call and examine the Iarge and well -assorted stock of .l=ine Worsted &i icings Pine Scotch Tweed `° t Canadian Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcoatings All will be made up in ',first-class style at prices aWay below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a =OE vie or no sale. --Give me a call. J, H. GRIEVE. 4,r s the traokkbythe frightenedhes e, Twelve pieces of bone were removed from the brain and he died. ,lames Page, of Ridgetawn, was ewal lowing a raw egg the other morning. The top of a pepper box cover happen, ed to be dropped into the cup contain- ing the egg. • Mr, Page swallowed the egg, pepper box cover and all. The cover r lOti Bed in his La son x The holes in the Dover admitting airto his lungs prevented Mr. Page choking to death. us rlsn, Heavy rains are again falling in Spain, and more serious floods are feared, 1'he railroads are interfered with, and great delay to mails. Prices of coal in London have already reached a figure unknown since the coat famine of 1872. As many as 50 vans at a time have to wait their turn at one coat yard in south of London. Tule farmers of County Tyrone, Ire• land, hare sustained severe losses through the heavy snows that have prevailed there. Thousands of sheep leave perished in the mountains. Military transport trains bearing large numbers of troops are continually pa, a=„ty =✓sneer en route f,r the wc-,t ern frontier. In the villages and towns of Poland 120,000 troops have been billeted upon the inhabitants, A 13erlin despatch says: Th&,Grand Duke of Hesee died at 1.15 o'clock Sun day morning. 1t was Been at five o'clock Saturday evening that the end yeas approaching. The fr+roily unit barn. iatora were then summoned to the dying loss's bedside, and all were present at rho time of his death. The body is attiresd in a general's uniform, The official Darmstadt Gazette an nouneee tae accession of the deceased's son, Ersidst Ludwig,to the grand duke, d*'m. The news of the death of the Grand Duke of Retie. caused great grief at Windsor, where deceased was a groat favorite. Dr. Dowse] Sure* has just made his ttnanal t srre7 Of the consumption of alcoholic drink iia Grant Britain. He shows that the expenditure in this direction in 3091 poached the total of £142,250,009, 'Which is an increase of 41,750,0110 over 1890. Of this sum about £78,05O 000 was speist for bear alone. '1'Ireve b apparently room, lot great improvement in the habits of the people. Thome oannot be a doubt 'that a groat tlool of the poverty in the old land is o.ueed by intemperance. OnlirARAL. cittlo'a popn.ation Is _placed by eensus onncaserxtors at 250,000. TheKenttnolryLegislature has passed the bill ps elaitrtting lotteries of any kind in the Diseto. Mrs. Stephen Reynolds, wife of a deeding oiti;,en of Mooretewn, N. J.; was killed .Pridey,byfelling downstairs. Frank Glaris, while at work Friday in the 0hsft of the Illinois Mining Co., 60 feet from thezurface, at Joplin, Mo., was killed by an iron keg dropping from the top upon his bead, BORN. Gan -1n London, on the loth inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Gray, a daughter, Osnern DEn.-In Parkersburg. W. V , on the JOth inst.,the wife of Mr Calvin Callander. formerly of Kirkton, of a daughter. MA,RRIE O. REID-Woons-In Stanlee, on the /th inst.. by Rov. Mr. Macdonald, Sarah J. Reid) of that township, to James Woods of St. Helene. Por.LAae-Lsaince.-In Exeter, on the 11th inst , by Rov. A• L. Russell, Mr, Thoma* Pollard, to Mre. Leg rice, all of Exeter. COLE -GREEN, -At Fullerton, on the 9tb inst., br Rev, Solomon Edmunds, Mr. Alex. IC, Colo. to Alias Bertal Green. sister of Mrs: Iraoey, Bros,-HenneR.-At St, James' church parson- age, 013 March 3rd. by Rey, M. G. Freeman George W. Bice. to Phoebe 'farmer, both of McGillivray, Moogtexn,-IIALiT• At the Manse, Egmond- Mr. John the of okereinith,to Ms, Henrietta hale, of Ilemondviilo, Itowatreee-Bisnotn In Uabrne, on the 9th inst., by Rey C. Fletcher, Mr, John Rowoiiffe, to Miss Ellen, third daughter of Arab. Bishop; Esq.. M,P.P•, all of Usbinee. DnLox-Rcsseen.-Atcthe residence of the bride's parents. by Rov, Mr Martin, Mr,Ilarry Dillon to Aggio, daughter of David Russell, all of Exeter, ou the 16th inst, RETD-Amon-On March 9th, at the residence Bev. Mr, ih badeitutofOBayfe d township, 'AS, oldest daugotor of Mr. G, Elliott to John W. Reid of Stanley. Osxaou-STrsreettn-On the 9th inst , at the re- sidence of the bride's parents, Bayfield Lino, torlof Mr. John ShopperdltolAlextttOstromg f Godorioh township, Onseer .--vANnhanneo,-At the residence of the bride's father, St. Marys, on the 9th inst., by Rov, T, A, Cosgrove, tier, Edmund Cassell, of Nissouri, to Mies Lizzie A. Vanderburg, of St. Marys. BALL•-Vsneoe-At the residtneo of the bride's Rparents, St. Marys, on the 9th lest,, by the ev. J. Scot, M. A. Mr, Thornes II. Bali, of Uxbridge, Ont., to Miss Raohaei E. Vernon, daughter of Mr. J. N, Vernon. MAXIVRLL-WILSON On the 0th last., by Rov. brio's p a gilts orrs. IZmr,jore Annieniangh tor of ,bared 6btxwell to ,lames 1Pileon of Llcydtown DARLING. --In Exeter, on the 12th ins of i1o t.,JEllen ElizaGillen hill • ,bolo �0 wife ' I r ',Tames Darting, aged 65 years and 0 months. FEaoueox.-In Exetor,fon the 12th inn -amass Ferguson, aged 39 years, 9 urns. The latest statisttes tell us that out of London's 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 of people, more than 300,000 e,rn less than three shillings a clay per fainly. Between 4,1,00,1 and 45,000 children in the board Schools alone go to school hungry every morning, and rarely known at any time what it is to have suftlolent fuod. They ell t us also that one week's income of the owners of London's ground, the value of whleh increases at the rateof over 44,000,000 annually, waned provide a dinnertsvery day in the year for each one of the 40, 000,111 -fed children, and that London's sed 00 the un000,000 earnedcinoromentofbe decently ya yea . Ir L:ars an Leal n .ns. Thr =,,..nano"t modiorno of the day, Burdock Blood .Hitters is n purely vegetable compound possessing perfect regulating powers aver all the organs of the system and controlling their auero. Hons. It iso purples the blood that it carne all blood humors and disoasea frons a oora- mon pimple to the worst sorofuious sore, and this oonnhine4 with its unrivalled re. eelatiue, otos'+:•las aid purifyiel influence on the secretions of the liver,ltidnoys,bowels and skin, render it uuequelled as a Dire for all disoaaos of the ski's. From ono to two bottles will curt boils, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, smut, totter, and all the simple forme of shin disease. From two to tour bottles will pure salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, idents, abscesses, run- nier; soros, and all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that sufferers from elfin diseaeue are butt =quickly sub subsides on the removalintolerable tof the disown. by :13. 13. 13, Passing on to graver yet prevalent diseases :inch as novo. Arlene s.sollinge, hunters and scrofula, we boyo andoubted proof that from three to tin iwttlr,'cineed intern01y and Isy outward tsppiire tSan (diluted xf the skin is broken) to the ot?eotod porta, rill afloat a erre. The tri niece= cif B. I3, ti , la be regtalato the liver, hilEonyn, bovrelu nod blood, to oorrect acidify and wrong notion of the stomach and to open the shuon-wyya of the, nyetesrn to carry di all ate -Ana rnal iapnre eeerrkaona, allowing nature thus to eisl raeorary and removo'ritbont fail bad blood, liver oom- ;deioe, bilioaonoze,dyepapaia, sick headache dropsy, rhensnetisi,, end every species of tiioanao crimps from diaerdren of the liver, !titian/pa, bowel*, stomach and blond. 99 The majority of well-read phys- icians no* believe that Consump- tion is a germ. disease. Tn other words, instead of being in the con- stitution itself it is caused by innu- merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. A Germ The phlegm that is coughed up is those Disease. parts of the lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are toe small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in. the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rap>;dity. Then German Syrup comes in; 'loosens them, kills them, expe11s them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and oothe that, in a short time consump- ives become germ -proof and well. © CMS 21.0trgaVig Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yetromptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and trulybeneficial in its effects prepared onlyfromr the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities cora mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known, Syrup. of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG ..SYRUP COI2' 7 SAN FIiikNOISOO, LOUISVILLE, J Z I'J17W TORN, I '7I7II 1l or Sale at Lutz's. Drug StOre. pat MARKET RRPOUTS. Wheat 88c to 90e per bushel OUR SELLI N C} PHtC + S. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2;75 pet, 100. dor Best Family 2.50 " do Low Grade 2.00 " Bran Shorts Chop .. 70c R* SOc• ' " • • $1.00 to $1,10 " Ohopstone running every day. THE EXETER MILLING 003-, IiIAR.KET REPORTS. Bed Whoa* Spring Wheat ., EgETEa ••• 85 to 86 85 to 86 OloverSoed" ... ~. 328 to to 3e .E ixn nhp "' • .., •.. 5 5U to 6 25 ... ,, 1 2 GO' Corn 58 to 00 • 0 90 to 50 Batter 12to 12 FlourperbbI '. "' 15 tp. G Potatoes par bushel 00 to 5 l5 Apples,per Dag ...1...50 to 0 55 DriedApplespr b I CO to 100 decreeperib.0150040 4to006 Turkeyperlb 0 O0 to 005 0 i)uokeper lb o• 00to00 Obiokeusperpr . • ... 0 25 teeft80 liogenir0eeedper1005 80 toy OG Beef • 406 to52; Hidesrough, .,.,.. goo to 4 50 '' dressed _. 500 to52u Sheepskins each , 0 60 to 70 Oalfskine 0 GO to 0 5J Woolperib . O 18 to 0 10 13a9»erten ;;, 9 00 tol0 00 Onioucnerl,0sh' ,,. ,, 0 60 to 0 50 Woodperaord ,,, 250to300 aT MArtys 3nrin heat 85 80 P g Wheat 85 80 Sateen • Oats • •• ..•. 0 SS 0 42 Clover Seed ..,...., 0 28 30 Timothy S 75 6 25 Peas 1 30 2 00 Eggs .. ............ . .. •....., ,,... 0 58 0 6 ButterJ' 0 12 • cis 0 la t t 0 .+� P a oea per bag , 50 55 Apples per broth Woollier lb 10 0.50 Flay nert0n Bran per ten 9 0016 00 Shorts " r, '.....• ,•• . ,14 00 21 00 taatmoal per bbl. ' "' .. " ^' 20 00 20 00 11oge,Greaacd pet 100 ' 5 7S toe 00 6 4.1 LONDON'. Wheat. 85 to S7 nor bus. Osis, $rlr to 31cper hue. Peas, 1' u ,. por bus. Biar- .'ll9c'toatt g, 431 to 4See or bus. Barley feed, bushel, per bus turn, 5610 to t le per. TORONTO. Toronto, March 3.5 -Wheat Spring--`e.2,Re to890 par burn red winter.No 2. ere to 120 ;ser bps. ;ifnniteba. No 22 bard, l ('3 to 1 05 .'4 o.3, Me to 03 t PEAS 0`c to 63r per hue. 'T42S 13c to 34e per bus FLOUR, extra, 1•3 05 to 1, 0 per bit; straight roller. e4 10 to et1.20 • strong bakers, n4,93 to 85.00. BARLEY, No 1. feedin0, 50c to 570, OR*r ; u�� lr:i.i t,.riy Iroori Gti:.- scribed for the erection of the na- Presbyterian Church at 'Wroxeter. Tho material is now being laid on tho ground and work will bo comnloneed early in tbo spring. [Froin Modern Truth, Loudon, Eug,j "W recnmTiiOud this truly wonderful remedy..- St, ,yatniini Oo.-w t'4L re one t t,c is suffering from pain. We are-p,•roont,lly fecttedtuby itstuse."r111vhileethro enarvlos aboyu mnia Qin from Modern Truth, it is an eneiout fact that for the cure of pain St Jaoubs 00 1100 no equal. PIMAti NT laa Ford, Toronto( , Ont., Sneer-Mr. that Milpurn's Cod Liver Oil Y'smnlaion with Wild Cherry Bark is freefrom objectionable taste, being al - MOM ne pleasant ae elyrnp, while for coughs and colds it dreg complete cetisfeetion, not- ing promptly even in obstinate oases, we guarantee every bottle of 13. 13. 13, Should any p*oson be dis.otisG5d after srelnp the first bottle iso ts111 refund it. money ou. application, perxeeally a' by. y4o We will also be glad! to send tettiruonials and information droving the effe is of 13. B. 3 in the *ibov0 named dirraess on application to T. Mrreitte t cL Ce., Toronto. Ont. A halt -yearly preferred dividend of 3j per cent, has been declared by the St. Paul railroad. A grandson of the King of Poland, Prince Kobieski, has been arrested at Mount Kisco, N. Y., for horse stealing. Twenty-eight cars with 12,000 buah- ele of shelled Dorn have lett Blooming- ton, Ill`, for the starving Russians. A gigantic coal corn bineisthreatened to maintain rates and restrict produc- tion. In the hatter of the Guardianship of the person and estate of 'William Essay, an infant child of Thomas Essay, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, deceased. Application will be made to tie Surrogate Court of the County of Huron before the Judge in Chambers at the Court Rouse in the Town of Godorioh, after the expiration of '.twenty days from tho first publication bereof, on be-offMunn, of opns(f Half ay, farmer, Alexander aorderapointgbe said Alexander Munn guardian of William Essay, au infant child of the said Thomas Assn r, di awed. ALEXANDER Muzzy. liy R. TI. COLLINS. Dated at ' ot. Ehitl 19ib den of "ge=ed.A D. 1892. t2m61 ..�.orrotiGpsALa _ VALUABLE F.RM In;the Township of Stephen. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a pertain indenture of mortgage mule by Ronald Maisano and his wife to bar her atti dower, of theto Vendor, bovine baou madein clic Pennient thereof, thero'rill be sold by Public TACE 0n 11'tDAS IWOOD, nOIEJ'' in the V1I,- TUESDAY, the 29tH day of MARCH IOU AT 230 O'CLocIf P. M; , by MR. L. IIAIt'DY Anottoncer, subject to suchfeonditions as Shalt then be produced. All thet premises, itnato,'ln ying anl d tract ftlend he Town- composed of1southon. iehalf of nlotynuml eio (16). iu the thirteenth (13th) Concession of the said township of Stephen, containing .fifty acres, more Or less. ;, , ne This farm is about„two and a half miles from Dashwood, In u, well settled district, coi:vonien to post -office, .6*. 'PERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. cash *n dn.Y of sale and balance in 30 days, or as may be agreed. ifurthrparticulars applyto s";• E=" :: ELT,IOT & 1 LLIOT, szi Vclidor's0olieitors, Exeter.,, ed this 7th day of march, 1892.-31 Po p LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest, Over 060,000 ori, vats funds, • Appi y to EnrooaC k Er,Lroa?, bolieItore, etc., Exeter. AGENTS WANTED. Fonthill'Nurseries. Largest in Canada, 700 acres. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stook; previous experience not succeed; terms liberal, outfit freed Ourragents have many advantages, such as selling home- grown, hardy. Janadian stock. Choice now spooialtiee, which aro of value, and which can only be scoured from us. W e have given par- ticular attention to the propagation of bards varieties suitable to the Nor.hern sections of Canada. Per terms apply to .Teas I WitiemeOTO'N, pronto. Ont. CAUTUJN EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle Navy ! IS MARKED It B. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE (jr A. HYNDLtA 7 .L Wishes l Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas,Coffees,Baking'owder Orders leftt*ttes to suit athe hoose orDr 13lndman's Chloe will receive pr* rapt attentioi*, dlOm6 G. A, RYNDMAN, -Oor,:/s COTTON FOOT COMPOUND, A recent dia5oYeryhien old enveieien. Successfully 08. 1 a •r0ntkf? 5v thousands of T ',nee rl+eonly rer'e.t Nfycat'eai,uroltab.omcdicin0 njediscovered. Bewrere of un- principled earugtttets who offer inferior medioinee in place of ,thio. Alin for Ceox'a COTTON It007 e'oitroO80.1050 no substitute ; or inelo5e $1. aid 4three-cent Gonads poatoso stamps in letter. and we viii seed, sealed, by retnrn mail, , 'u0 scaled partieulare in plain envelope. to ladle= only, 2stamn*. rtddroeu Pond 1Ltlr ttoreparay c Yjsber filook,imtWeodward ane.,Deiroit, a i , -nerd in hcet'r f+.' in LUTZ, Ventral DrugStoro and by all druggists everywhere. FUB 1TURE -AT- /' ^�-� y GIDL, d J 5S. A. very largo stock on hand non' to select from in ilio way of Paslog, Bed- room and Dining-toorz Suiten pis ,nearly ball tho usual price. l50Iooking-glasses from lOa rip. ndre a of ft of pietnre mouldings to choose from+ -ohs ;p, resy chairs, and a great vawioty o2 othar goods suitablo for Xmasrecants ; and in fact ever,ething TteT Illy iopi in a int - class Furniohing House, all for prices array down. A. good dos. Antra los $2. Come and see our $1,16Pannel Bed that we *'blow” about. The reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chain and parlor furniture that need recoverinr3 as we have a beautiful lot of covers with cord and gimp to match. Drop in oven if you don't want to buy ; will be happy to see you.. 'UNDERTAKING. A complete stock of everything in this line from the cheapest to the high- est. Also the only DSrihaketeisa, Remember the name and placo-- GIDLEY'S Oddieliows' Block, opposite 3, Griggs HUR'AH ! uAs Y.,LY r Tailor Shop We would informal the people of Exeter and eitraVetinding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop on door south of Treble's harnet�e shop, where we are prepared to &3 work on the shorteet possible notice and in the Latest gtvles :AND A -- Sure Fit 'u. G aranteea V LTT,TS ERRING SALE RISSE`1T BBOS, We have 15 Crosscut Saws and 3 dOz, Axes which must be cleared out at wholesale prices, We, have a large stook of TUBULAR LANTERNS of different. styles, which must go at the following prices: and 7Se Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at. actual cost. Lamp Goods of all kinds cheaper than te cheapest. est. Call and inspect our stock before buying, .As usual our HARDWARE, STOVES ec TINWARE is complete and we cdeof competition, Y Xi Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. We have oonetnntly on band a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BIOYOLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ••••.,Nowor......mertsmoira Forgone anticipating' the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to pall at the store. We guarantee saticfaetio_, end tI prices as low as eau be had at th tanufaucories, We would Td respectfully ]t see our stook I Y ask yt to foul and any i e Dun lin $900. e onto ARgt�nts' don aucl 1jm m- en, Teachers' and Clergymen to introduce a new` and popular standard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of N azareth The most remarkable religious book of the age written by 300 eminent SOhoIarg Non-sectarian, Eyery Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given, Apply to The Henry Rill Pub. go., Norwich, uiyrilt, DISEASES Of u o OF ugos e su d It n g £rem ti Terrors s o t as fine as w 1 h found the vige ofperfao* manhood full y oity music store, P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agf culture , NERv .• TS DEBILITY, I T STERILITY who implement a. SEI:.NALLOSSESSsPREMATURP !iv.c° Lone Standing oasesof GLEE=!, 9TRI 74Y STAND ;-Eausou'S 731ook, Exeter. andCHRONIC Diseases treated STIIILIS, VARICO CELE anda with ll t'. TE h r,.. 5005055, Our is in CURQ tIC t E 'e in wb ioh others have failed ; if you are incurs'` to wo Write for awl tryou eatise. Free, t?:'r Lovas Menican Co., 162 and 104 Bing ;ret- Wvest,Toren to, Ont. s3:6rn IJHL!PE'N ClearingSale FOR 30 DAYS. D DO NOT MISS IT BIG DRIVES BARGAINS IN Bootie & Shoes AND DRY - GOODS. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. GIVES AWAY AT THE of Doig laboratory. The dietrtitution of the I SCHOLARS PRIZES took plate. Tho stero and milieu' street were jarnatod with sager sad happy facer, and Da t+ho tier/eon Uremia* nar,Larsi were a enz.sced there -ewe drool rejoicing among the yozat stern, Among the numerous, articles distributed were WORK 130XE8, AIR GUNS, KITES, Pi40 ALBUMS; FANS, AUTO 4LBUl:a, BOOKS, FRUIT BA3SETS, DOLLS. A total of 50 prises. Call early and se - tura your School Books, and get tickets or the next sea of Scholars' Prizes. £W1 B raIhigA/1)10 1 0 0 EL Ti.ESTYET! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET of Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave yonr orders early, for with the best staff' of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Town, you are euro :' f satiate°. tion re���u TI 0 Wanted at ono3 For which the highst ptic.• c°:f ho paid, viz : $5.80 to $6.00 VA Dressed hogs bought subject to tie i:,ie lowing tules : lbs per out off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulde> stook ; 3 lbs off for bung gut or girlish" in. SNELL 8808,' C Where is the best place to bu 'urniture ? y 1i WHY lAT t N.ROWI.A'S Because he gives good bargains, rind perfect satisfaction every time ; and lie , has the best and largest stock in t;tSSi. Give him a call and see for youi.seli", UNDERTAKING A SP IJI IETi. In this line my stock is large and as- sorted, al nearly every Berson knows just see IL R N. RO WE, (?Iain-st, F.neter, P. S. -All accounts must be settled at once. -1Z, .N. R. EXETER NORTH General Store, Giving un B118117es5. 25 pei' cent. of for Cash; 6 lbs. 25c Toa, $1.00; 5 lbs. 50c Tea, 2.00; , 5 lbs. 60c Toa, 2.50;, Goal Oil, 15c; 43- lbs. raisins, 25c; Mens' rubbers 50c; Ladies' 3 Cr>lored Tea Setts, 82.00; Dry Goods 25 per cent. off - Seal Muff, 2 50, worth 3 5 Boys' G-rey Lamb Hat,1 7 worth 3 00; Patron and all Customers Welcome. 110 trouble to show Goods, JOHN MATHESON.