HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-17, Page 4Established 1877.
Transacts a genoralbanking business,
Reeeivg,a the accounts of merchants and
others on favorable terms.
Offers every accommodation consistent with
safe end conservative bauking principles.
Five per cent,interestallowed on deposits,
Drafts issued payable at any omeeof th
ie exttior Vies.
rHUBST)AY, MARCH 17th, 1892.
The Mitchell Recorder says that those
who voted for the Government. candidate
are corrupt. This is rough on many of
the heretofore adherents of the Liberal
If the United States Government de-
cides to impose harrassing regulations
upon our two great railways Cauada will
certainly suffer inconvenience and less.
But the 'Western States, which are
1aegely dependent upon the Cauadian
Pacific and Grand Trunk for cheap and
rapid transit, will be injured to an even
greater extent.
The Liberals in Wed Huron have re-
solved to protest the election of Hon.
J. C. Patterson --a thing which was to
have boon ex'i eett:tl in vin v of disappoint -
anent. Mr. {„'.uuerun bas the right to
protest and carry the West heron elec-
tion for a second time into the courts,
but if he fairly appreciated the tread of
pu;•i i ar tt eling. he :would save lainiself
;, ;.is t,.:alis front this rash rrep. It
would be simply a waste of money.
Sir Charles Tut rep tried ;as lt:av-
iiii, at the ine,.'ieg'of the : ss,t.cia-
t: mcharsof i;«xaai:tter.:e in L'1i don,,
that U'atnitda is about t.a deal a heavy
bu,v,.` at the, UNited States i:i retaliation
for the McKinlay Act. The exact na-
ture of the stroke which i, to lae tiviiver-
eti was not staged, but ,air Charles pro-
babiy foreshadowed the intention ttf the
Cant<li;n Government either to abolish
alt„4.ether, or else greatly reduce, the
customs tax now imposed. on British
goods entering this country.
A Presidential election i'a the United
States and a. general parlialire•ttary elec-
tion in Great Britain must take place in
a short time. The possibility of the
eonntry l,eiing plitntlered into a foreign
war in the near sutura would do more
than anything else to improve the pre-
sent outlook. for the party in power in
Britain, and a tail -twisting policy would
better the chances for the election of a
Republican President in the United
States. This is what constitutes the
real danger in connection with the re-
opening of the Behring Sea controversy..
.An analysis of the state of parties in
the blouse of Commons reveals the en-
ormous gains which the Conservatives
have made in a few brief months :
Conservatives Oppositionists
Ontario, 69
quebee . :3 32
Nova Scotia 14 5
NewBruravrick 14 2
British !'nlumhia ,,, 8
• Prince Edward. Is aud . 2 4
Maui toba , , 4
t Ter'r,r-s_.4
135 77
This gives a majority of 59. If it's all
due to bood'.e,as the Liberal press avers,
then there's more riches in Canada than
we arc credited with.
tr t'
Sir Thos. Galt, (.thief Justice of the
Common Pleas, has been quoted as say-
ing although ho from the first accounts
th=iultt there was something discredit-
able in the coasting of the disputed
votes,he now,after reading the judgment
of His honor ,judge Elliot, believes that
the Senior Judge of Middlesex did " per-
fe.tlyrihht." Of course the Chief Justice
was mislead by the assertions of the
public in place of facts. No reasonable
person who carefully reads over the
arguments put forward by Judge Elliot
can corse to any other conclusion than
that arrived at by the Chief Justice
The conclusion is irresistible.
• W
The Globo has been steadily advocat-
ing unrestricted reciprocity with the
United States for four or five years past.
The adoption of that policy by the Gov-
eitanteet of Catiatla would mean a direct
lee.; of the seven or eight millions now
collected in duties on imports from the
United States. It would also involve
a 'very tare e reflection in our irupoi is
from Great Britain, which would still
be subject to tariff exactions, and an in-
direct loss of three or four millions would
occur here again. The total loss to the
national revenue, resulting from the
carrying into effect of the unrestricted
reciprocity idea, would tberforo amount
to ten million,
ro • e
There is one consolation for the people
of Quebec -De Boucherville will not be
able to plunder the7ublic treasury, from
the fact that the province is in such a
deplorable' financial position that moth-
ing but the strictest economy can avert
absolute bankruptcy, and this may have a
au exon greater restraining influence
than a vigorous Opposition. Some s
members of the new Legislature may, it
is true, be foolish enough to think of ;
looking to the Federal treasury as a '.
means of relief. They had better not
attempt any movement in that direction,
however. Ontario will submit to a good
deal, but rather than see the Dominion
plundered to make good the robberies
committed by. Mercier, Pacaud et al.,
the people of this province would smash
either Quebec or Confederation.
We have been asked what the respec-
tive populations of Great Britain and Ire
land are. The only authority we have,
presumably the census of 1881, gives
England and Wales 23,944,459 ; Ireland
5,297,732 ; Scotland 3,627,453. With
area of square miles • England and Wales
68, 311 square miles ; Ireland 32,510 ;
Scotland 30,461.
Montreal Witness(Liberal)--Canadians
do notwant politi eat union with the United
States; they believe, and with reason,
that they have a form of Government
more directly responsible to the people,
and more immediately responsive to its
will than is that of the United States.
Any attempts on the part of the United
States politicians to coerce Canada into
annexation would only result in making
the people of the Dominion more deter-
mined to resist any movement of the
The Dominion Estimates.
The eatimrtes were brought down by
Hon Ali' Foster Monday afternoon and
made appropriations as follows ;
Pablio debt, inoluding, Fink-
ing fund it 11,892,400 34
Charges of management.. 172,040 94
Civil Government 1,413 927 16
Administration of justice 752,932 50
Police22,000 00
Penitentiaries 421,766 34
&rts,agriculture and atattatios 126,950 00
Immigration . .... . .. . . 197,325 00
Quarantine ..... .. .. 67,000 00
Pen eiona. 93,124 85
Legislation 697,01 00
Suptranuuation . .. ..... 260,240 00
Militia 1.272,400 00
Railvaya and canals. 290.450 00
Yobbo works 1,442,050 00
Mail subsidies and steamship
subventions, 284,240 00
Ooeau and river service 160,100 00
Lighthouse and coast service 525,235 00
Scientific institutions 6,950 00
Marine horpitala and siok and
distressed seamen , , , 31,000 00
Steamboat inapection, , . , , , 23,000 00
Fieheriea.............. . 438,210 00
Superintendence of inanrance 10 000 00
Subsidies to provinces, 4,000,000 00
Geological surveys..... , . , 60,030 00
Indians 930,233 00
Northwest Mounted Police., 675,00000
Goveritmeut of North-west
Territories 235,500 00
Miscellaneous , ... . , , . 146,000 00
Customs 893;465 00
Excice ... 394,588 75
Cutting timber. , . ........ 30,150 00
WW.,iet ;ea. l 72,1e0 e0
teas inepention22,100 00
lrapeotion of ataplea 3,000 00
Adulteration of food 25,000 00
Minor revenue 4,251 00
Railways and canals 4,339,570 00
Pnblia works 173,600 00
Pest office.. 3,410,192 00
Dominion lands 137,433 25
Total consolidated fand336,t430,42013
To this must be added the following
charges to capital;
Redemption of debt 82,178,960 80
Batlwars and canals, oepital.- 2,894,800 00
Public works, eapitsl144,000 00
Dominion land, capital. ,. 100,000 00
Totaleapitit ,.$$5,317,760 60
The decreases aggregate 91,799,558,
chargeable to •onsolidated fund, and the
increaser 8222,188.
Politiee1 Points.
Mr. Coughlin, Ex -M. P. of North
Middlesex, has been appointed to the
Dominion Satiate.
It is reported dao applioation will be
made ma behalf of Mr.Trow for a reooures
of the retia is the resent South Perth
South Porth was carried by 15, East
Simeoa by 16, West Huron by 16, Ease
Bruce by 14 and. Lennox by 31, all close
Tho formal appeal and the Mt/secur-
ity were deposited yesterday morning at
Osgoode Hall, Toronto, to carry the
London voters' list appeals to the supreme
The write for the bye -elections in
Prescott and Carleton, N.B.,*have been
issued- Nomination taken place on the
23rd in the former and the 30th in the
latter, aud polling on the .30th and 6th
April respectively.
Had Mercier, to use theood old
phrase, aewod battens on the $400,000
which his government gare to the Joau-
ites he would have had something more
substantial than their gratitude with
which to solace himself i* hisretirement.
The by.eleetion in WeatNorthumber-
land Tuesday resulted in the return of
Geo. Guillett (Conservative) who defeat-
ed the former member, Joke Hnrgrafi
(Liberal), by 52 majority_ In March
last Mr, Hargraft wax elected by 37 ma-
The election in Monde Saturday for
the House of Commons resulted in an-
other victory for the Liberal -Conserva-
tive party, their"eandidate, Mr. Arthur
Boyle, being retarned by the splendid
majority of 223. The victory is all the
more signiioant in view of the fact that
in the general eleation, a year ago, the
Liberal candidate, Mr. John Brown,who
is now so badly defeated, was given a
majority of 260.
His Honor Judge Davis made his of-
ficial report of the result of the recount
of ballots east in the London election
to Returniag OfficerPritchard Friday,
placing Hon, Mr. Carling's majority at
102. The Deputy Returning Officer's
figures placed the majority of London's
member at 109, the recount cutting it
down to the extent of seven votes. And
of these seven four were madeupbecause
they had the counterfoil attached, quite
evidently through a mistake, they being
otherwise perfectly good ballots, Five
of this description were marked for. Hon
Mr. Carling, M. P., and one for Mr.
Hyman. Out of nearly 5,000 ballotg
only 43 were rejected in any shape,
From Various Sources Throng k
out the District.
Mrs. Ward of Varna was thrown from a
nutter the other day and badly injured,
Sir,. Will Robb, who recently left Clinton
for the west, has made up hie mind to settle
in Denver.
During the year 1891;72 persons were
committed to Godorioh jail, being 12 Iese
than in 1890.
Mr. John Beacom, deputy reeve iof God.
orioletownship,is away in Kentuoky,lookiug
for fast stook. e
Mr. James Martin, late of the Mill road,
Tuokeremith, has removed to Ezeter,where
he will in future reside,
The Union factory, Wingbam, has now
over 100 hands in itsemploy,aud is running
twelve and shelf hours each day.
The great reason for the success of Hood's
Sarsaparilla ie found in its positive merit,
It euro. whore other preparatious fail.
Mr. William Brewer, father of Mrs, Robt.
Willie of Seaforth, died at the residence of
his son George, in Morris, on Friday last,
having reaohed the grand age of 92 years.
Derangement of the liver, with ooustipa.
tion, injures the oomplezion,induces pimples
Ballow skin. Remove the:cause by ueiug
Carter's Little Liver aPills. One a dose.
Try them,
On informatics laid by Inspector Paialey,
the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel,
Clinton, was fined $24and coats, for selling,
liquor ou election day, and the proprietor
of the Grand Union was fined 310 and posts
for selling on. Sunday.
The total amount raised for pablte school
purposes in Huron, in 1891, was ti112,-
971 41, ibis being exceeded by only four
counties in tho .Province, aud the cost per
pupil in Huron was $6 89, it costing more
than this iu 31 other counties of the Pro-
"Ayer's Medicines have been satisfactory
to me throughout my practice, especially
Ayer's Cherry Balsam, which has been need
by many of my patients, one of whom says
he knows it saved his life." -F. Et. Morris,
M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Collegiate Institute foot ball otub of
Soaforth held their semi-annual meeting on
March 7th, when the following officers were
elected: Hon. Pres., Mr. D. D Wilson ;
Pros., Mr. C. Olarkaon; Vioe.Pres., Mr,Geo
Shortreed; Secetreas„ Sohn A, Jackson ;
Captain, Mr. H. J. Crawford..
Mr..). A. Thomas, representing the Edi-
son Iuoandescent Eleotrio Light Company,
has been in Wingham a few days this week,
canvassing the eitizene with a view of put-
ting that system there, The li¢hte are to
be eixteen candle power, will ran from dark
till 12 o'clock, and will coat 23 Bents per
Mr. Jobe S, Brown, one of4tbe progroe.
etre farmers of Huron, bas purohased the
McClure farm, on the 5th genoaesion, Mo.
illnpa, for which he nays $5,850. I1 is au
excellent farm aud contains 100 acres, aud
adjoins Mr, Brown's own farm, MreBrown
now owns a splendid estate of four hundred
acrid of as floc Iand as can be found in
The "Myrtle Navy" brand of smoking
tobacco has stood the test for over twenty
years, and during that time "sit Iles lost no
lriende and gained mires of thousauds.
This lengthened experience shows that it fa
no mere passing fashion which has gained
it the approval of the pubiio, but its superi-
ority in the essential qualities which snake a
first-class tobacco.
On Friday last the remains of Robert
Irvine et Morrie were interred in the Blyth
eemotory, Deceased died of 'sneer on the
liver, but passed peaeefnlly away. He
leans tore de ngbtersenlealanarlea is China,
ons daughter at 1!3'r. Moody's school in
Northftelci ; a married daughter at home,
and ono isen, all of whom have our sym-
The Brnsaols monthly betas fair, bold on
Tharsdey 1aet,is said to have been the most
sueeessfel one ever held *ere. She town
was peeked with farmore, and marketable
heroes of all pradea wove vary plentiful.
Scree Sino rgenerae•ns in heavy draught
were adored. Oafs to= wee oold !er 3300.
The neeentsa:taxa, gsacedpcspseo,brought
Irene $100 to 4150 each, and roadsters about
9120 np. Nearly all thee were for sale,,
changed hands. There were 30 bnyers
The 8tsatfeni Previte School Board has
unanimously deeidod to yet int* effect the
free feel book system, beginning on the
opening of wheel neat $opterobeia
At a nicotine of the Ott -Word Presbytery
at Stratford Bev, A. D. itfoDoaald, Seaforth,
was nominated as moderator of next Gener-
al Assembly, which moom in Montreal on
Juno 8 next.
lhsir tt.at!o action stet good effect on
the velem really made them a perfect little
pill They p]eate those who use them.
Carter's Little Liver Pine may well be term,
a "Perfsetiea,"
Edward Henderson, while cutting straw
on the (arra of Maloolm McDougall, Lobo,
allowed leis heed to eat fact between the
sellers el the xn¢oitine. bat fortunately man
seed is come way to tree it before it was
Bash oaason has its own peculiar malady;
but with the blood maintained in it Mate of
Naitorsrt vi me and polity i1; t e net of
Ayer's! Sareaperilla little danger seed be
feared from meteorological bailueneos, No
other bleed nnedlelao is so ante and effective.
Messrs, 0, J. & 3. White, St. Marys,
have sola their letaat importation 'Oantlbeg'
(7564) (vol, XII). Ho wee imported last
oagust au& is a beautiful dark bay with
'slob en free. He would weigh 1900 lbs
Tho pnrobaoer was ler. Thos. Greenwood,
Doullao, Rias.
Oa Moeda), moratog el last -week while
Robert, its 19 -yogis -old aon of Mr, William
Sinking, sl Beat Newerird, was attending to
the loseae in the *table oxo of the animate
kiekiag at aotetbre etre& the young man in
the stow:eh. He soon, apparently, recov-
ered from theblow,and went about perform-
ing his petal datiaa rill day without feeling
anydisagroeabls effects. .However, before
the next morning tae awoke the household,
and complained of severe pains in the
atortmeh. Medical aid was at once sent, for,
but before the doctor's arrival the young
man was beyond the need of assieta-c,
from, blue, his spirit; having taken ,,its flight
front the earthly tabernacle. This sad
ass' -t hag east a gloom over the neighbor -
broil as he was a lad well known and highly
respected by all his acquaintances The
eorriw stricken family have the sympathy
of their numerous friends in their bereave-
Aflnard'e Liniment for sale everywhere,
Mr. Tames Maguire, of Atha Craig, has
been appointed truant offioet and elao pound
keeper. Illegal roamers, whether bi-peds
or gaadrnpede should keep an eye on. Jim.
Lawrence Sullivan, of Metcalfe, died the
other day after an Ulnae' of some ten days,
succeeding a paralytic stroke. Mr Sullivan
was in his 771h year, baying been born in
the Bounty of Cork, Ireland, in 1815, He
same to this country with his wife about 45
years ago..
Mr. Joseph Robinson, of the 8th eon. of
McGillivray, left Ailsa Craig for Manitoba
last week, taking with film ono carload of
stook and implements. At the same time
Angel and Donald Stewart, of East Wil.
Hams, left for Manitoba, taking with them
a carload of stook and iuplements. The
weer: previous, Mr. Geo. Gibson and J.
Smith, of McGillivray, left for the same
province, taking a carload of stock and im-
For several years I was persistently au.
nosed/ with an excessive aconmulation of
dandruff and although using various prepar-
ations recommended and shampooing regu-
larly once a week, no material relief was
realized until my atteutiou was oalied to
anti.dandruff,whioh has produced unlooked-
for results in my case, four applications;re-
moving every partioto of dandruff, and as a
specific for this trouble it certainly has no
Yours truly, W. T. Roniesotr,
C. P. Rye. Telegraph Co., Montreal,P. Q
The following liosnee statistics are taken
from the report of the Provincial Treasurer
for 1891. Hotel Licenses issued in East
Middlesex 33; North Middlesex 25; Moet
Middlesex 26; 6 shop licenses were issued,
same as 1890. The municipalities in East
Middlesex received as their proportion of
the license foes 31052,67; those in North
Middlosex 31054 17; and those in West
Middlesex. 32069,49. The fines collected
were : East Middlesex, $140; North Mid -
dime, $110; West Middlesex, 3330.
The following, informationis gleaned from
the report of the Miuiater of .Education,
which baa just been tamed ; School popula-
tion of Middlesex between the ages of 5 and
21 years, 15,556; pupils attending under 5
years of age, 31; pupils between 5 and 21
years attonding,12,555; pupils over 21 years
attending, 5; total number of pupils of all
ages attending school, 12,591; boys attend-
ing, 0,427; girls, ;6,164; number of pupils
attending lees than 20 days during the year
1,114: member attending 20 to 50 daya,1,164;
51 to 100 days, 2,031; 101 to 150 days,
2,890; 151 to 200 days, 3,845; 201 to the
whole year,443; number of obitdreu between
7 to 13 not attending any school during the
year, 54; number of children between 7 and
13 not attending any school for 100 days,
1,990; average attendance of pupils, 6,480;
per mutat average attendaucoto total num-
ber attending eehool, 52. In Parkhill the
school population between the ages of 5 and
21 years wee 445; 327 between the ages of 5
and 21 years attended school, 171 boys and
156 girls; 18 pupils attended leas than 20
days during the year; 21 attended 20 to 50
days; 50 attended 51 to 100 clave; 64 attend
eet 101 to 150 lave; 166 attended 151 to 200
days; 8 attended 201 to tete whole year; 33
between the ages of 7 said 13 did not attend
100 days during the year; average attend.
once 210; poroentago of attendance, 64.
At tho Walkerton Division Court last
week-, a case of considerable importnuoo to
farmers and cattle mon, came op for trial.
Tho case wan nnbetantielly as follows : In
June last Mr. John Rowland bought lOhead
of cattle from Rd. Donnely; of Pinkerton,
about half of which were allowed to remain
with Donaelly for some mouths before re-
moval. On the day on which be was noel
fied that the oettle wore to be taken away,
Donnelly got up early end gave them a
liberal supply of salt, Salt produces thirst,
and is best satisfied by water. Donnelly's
cattle naturally drank their fill of water,and
Rawlsnd maintained that ne a coneequenoe
they registered an abaermally heavy weight
The ease went to a jury and a verdict for
the frill amount of the claim, 460, was
awarded to Rowland. The defendant was
senesce with the eosin,
South Perth Returns.
Following are the returns of the election
in South Perth in March, 1801, and the by-
election, given by majorities in each sub-
division :
2Go. 1 M Sharp. Trow. Pridham
s...,::_.:,-. a -
0... . - 7
4 - 2 -
6- 16 - 33
24 - 25
No. 7 - 27
6 - 133
..... .�.57 48
67 264
No; 12 _......, , . 79 - 101 -
335.,..... .. - 02 - 29
14 bi - 64 -
15-.,.,..,.. - 20 - 36
134 72 155 45
., 17...._..._".- - 36
- 165
.. 20
22..... 23 -
43 27 40 12
No. 23 -.,.--, 87
,,.,.. 06 63
40 49
- 32
• 92
57 -
67 227
74 56
93 74 104 56
No. 26 - 6 - 4
27 53 - 58 -
28.... ....... - 54 - 77 -
29... 11
- 27 -,
30.... 18 - 12
118 19 162 16
Total majority as declared by Return-
ing officer 177.
StMit belt ..... 16 1 28 2
Biansherd... ,.. 99 -• 146 -
Downie...•..... 207 - 170
Fullerton .,... 19 --
Hibbert,........ - 155 48 138
Usborne.., .•... 62 - - 146
196 373 312 317
Majority for Trow in 1891, 177.
Majority for Pridham in 1892, 15.
Mr. Fred: Goebel who sold his knitting
works at Now Hambnrg to Mr. James
Trow. jr., a few weeks ago, has purchased
them back again. •
News of the Week-Oondensed. T P
The Manitoba general eleotions are
to be fixed for June.
The late blizzard caused 3100,000
damages at Duluth.
A fire Is reported atM.00sejaw involv-
ing a lose of 315,000.
A wild rabbit peat is reported by the
farmers of Wellington County.
David Downey, of the Shedden Co.
in Kingston, lifted 800 lbs.
A hand.ome Board of Trade building
is to be erected in Winnipeg.
Rev. W. J. Little, a Methodist min.
ister of London, Ont., died Friday.
The recent severe snow stormhasre-
tarded the seeding m the north-west.
TWO. churohea in .different parts of
Nova Scotia have been tired by light-
John Heslop,the murdered treasurer
of Ancestor, left an estate valued at
320, 920.
Nova Scotia refuses to extend the
provincial civil franchise, to widowsand
England threatens to increase rather
than relax the schedule against live
cattle imports.
Mr. Flynn says he refused 310,000
from a syndicate for his nickle mine in
North Hastings.
Hon. Alex, Mackenzie, M. P. is re-
ported considerably worse than for the
past few weeks.
Government fish hatcheries will pro-
bably be established on the island
waters of Canada.
Ridgotown ie to have a canning fac-
tory, conducted by a company com-
posed of citizens.
During last year 2,637 Chtneee emi
grauts came into Canada andpaid 3121,-
000 to the revenue.
Mr. II. P, Dwight. succeeds Erastus
Wiman as presidentoftlte (Treat North
western Telegraph Co.
Between 403 and 500sottlere arrived
in Winnipeg Friday with stock and ef-
fects valued at nearly 3100,000.
Lend worth 3100,000 was sold most y
to actual settlers by the C. P. Re in
Manitoba during last month.
The report that Sir Joseph Hickson
will succeed Sir Henry Tyler aspres.
ident of the GrandTrunk is denied.
Treating for drinks has been con-
:'einned by the grand jury at Stretford,
who want it made a penal offence.
A scheme is being formulated in
Kingston to make all tramps and jell
birds work while in durance vile,
The Chief of Police in Brantford is
indignant because an evangelist refer -
to the city as a Moral graveyard.
John Stewart, a farmer near Craw-
fordsville has just died in horrible
agonies from rabies caused by inocula-
tionred ,
Cen'vin's Inland I?, t -arms roceiots
last month reached 35 5,005, or an in-
crease of 3100,000 onthe previous
The body of Angt s Fraser, who
drowned himself in Lo don while our -
faring from the grippe, was found on
John Stevensa lumb r foremen neer
Winnipeg, out of desp it for his ran -
away wife, took poison and out his
The position left vac nt by tliecleath
of Mr. M. Maolcenz ohs been filled,
and Mr,RobertBaird is owpostmaster
of Kincardine.
A bulletin giving the results of milk
tests in Manitoba and the North-west
has been issued by the I land Revenue
M. II. Peterson, of olborne, who
represents aLiverpool fi m,Itasshipped
about 70,000 barrels o apples from.
Ontario this season.
Dr. Keating of Guelphwas smother -
ad to death Sunday nig tfrom the es-.
plosion of a hemp. li was a very
prominent man in the o ty,
Deposi s in Govern ent Savings
Banks in February w re $225,482;
withdrawal,, 3271,552, a d the balance
to the credit of deposito s, 316,929,825
Over 400 Canadian f rmera, wives,
sons and daughters arra ed in Winni-
peg on Friday to take p their resi-
dence in Manitoba and he Northwest
.A proolamation appear in last week's
Canaria Gazette extendi g the provis-
ions of the franchise lause of the
Indi~rn Act,to Indians f British Col-
J. B. Ste:my, 70 years of age, who
tried to take his life ast week at
Hamilton by nutting his throat With a
knife, died in the Cit Hospital on
Sunday morning.
The !; P,R. Company as sold 3100,-
000 worth of land durin the past cou-
ple of months. The sal average 1000
acres a day. At presentthe principal
demand is in Southern Ianitoba.'
fbe Agricultural and Arts Associa-
tion has appointed a ommittee to
wait on lion. John Carli g and urge a
liberal appropriation for herepresenta-
tion of Ontario at the orld's Fair. lJ
The British Columbia egislature has
passed a resolution call ng upon the
Canadian Government to
establish and
maintain a lazaretto in hat Province
for the care of Chinese 1 pers, who are
becoming numerous o the Pacific
Coast. From what ca be gathered
from the members of tie Government
here, however, it is not probable the
Government will accede to the request.
Census Bulletin No, 4 gives the pop-
ulation of the counties of. Quebec by
groups. The population of the pro•
since All told increased from 1 359,027
in 1881 to 1,488,586 in 1891. The bul-
letin shows the general divisions in
which the increase has been made,
where population is stationary and
where there ba, been a falling off:
After the district in which the city of
Montreal is situated, which shows an
increase of 28.34 per cent., the Ottawa
river counties, Pontiac, Ottawa and
Argenteuil, corse next,with an increase
at the rate of 20.13 per cent., chiefly at
Ottawa. Then follow the EasteroTown-
ships, which taken as a whole, give an
increase of 10.76 per cent. Their
neighbors, Megantie, Beauce, Dorehes-
ter, Nicolet, eto,, follow with '9.07 per
cent. In -the rest of the vrovince pop-
ulation is practtcallystationary. W here
manufactures and mining give diversi-
ty of,employnlent the people grow in
We are assured of one thing that
the readers of the Tilos and our °use
tomers have noted what we said aboub
our bargain .table, because the pile of
goods 'is being reduced.
This week finds a few more desireable ends in different kinds of dress
goods. They must be sold; they will be
sold ! and now is your bine for quilt
linings and cheap wrappers and a very'
sightly dress for a small sum of money.
We have a choice lot of new prints
and you know our fame for select pat-
terns. See them before making your
purchase. February and March Delinia
tors for sale, now on counter.
Our record for keeping first-class
groceries is with the public, and they
readily assent that they can get no
better, and while we do lint feel like re-
commending a cheap arti lase We will
ask you to buy one pound of our Young
Hyson tea at 250; and after giving it a
fair trial, please give us your verdict -
higher prices in other kinds.
Sincerely yours,
number : where the oommunityispure.
ly agricultural they remain stationary,
14 laud Collins was Friday sentenced
at Sarnia to six months in the Mercer
Reformatory on convtoton for cutting
Geo. Kyle's throat with a razor, Kyle
is recovering.
Three of a kind ere hard to beat,yet
a ewe belonging to J. W. Withers,
con. 1, Bosanquet, went one better
the other day and gaye birth to four
healthy Iambs.
One day recently a lynx walked into
the house ocoupled by Mr. Burkholder
near the Nottawaaege River in the
vicinity of Tottenham, The unwel.
come visitor was in half famishe4con,�n
di tom and easily over -powered.
'Thelrnntford Publio School Board
will memorialize the Ontario uovern-
ment relative to ties tmposaibilify of
working the Truancy Act without the
estabifshment of industrial schools,
cad will suggest the establishnien t of
district schools of this oharaoter.
Mahlon A. Swarte, a man past the
middle age of life, deliberately poured
coal oil over hid person Fri%try mere.
ing on the farm of Aar. Sol Dale, in the
Gni o of \r es,.,:,hxsler a fere LeClair; Routh -
west of Loudon, and applying it match
thereto, met death in its most to rriLlo
Clic sale of furniture and effects left
by Rev. N. II Martie, the Chatham di-
vine, has been concluded at Windsor,
It to understood that the iroceeds
meet ell tho claims against the oetato
within a few dollars, but there was
nothing left for Mies Bennett,towhom
the minister bequeathed the goods.
James Wilson, was coasting on the
cruet of the snow near his home on a
sleigh drawn by a dog. The dog en-
deavored to pass a team 'ljden with
ice and turned into the iraok in front
of the horses a little too noon. The
front foot cif one of the animals was
planted on the boy's head and his body
immediately afterwards kicked out of
...„,..„,, ..,....„,_
O,6'f or:..4. O. ,Deelsss ,
of the Tall firer Pollee
Is highly graif1led with oa 8's Sarsaparilla:
ile was badly run down, had it. appetite,
what ho did oat sawed detrenrt and ha fol('
rEreti nal 3710 sccao. A few bottles of ILood'sr
Sarsaparilla G./voted a aaarvellena< change.;
The dietreso in the ats *h is cztarbey goon„
he feels like a new titan, sad eta `t at aey-
ihing with oltaa rolieh. War all of which)
le thanks and
mends Nood'st
8ataaparilla. It
is very importuw4 Anil cisiy t iLa r onthe of.
Rezak Apeco may fly blood should be.,
thoroughly puritlod sent trio erste:1 lie Silva
strength to withstand the debilitating effect
of the changing season. For this Gnrpose
Hood's Sarsaparilla posseesespeeuliar merit'
and it is the LSect. sprier, Lleeliefine.
ll1The following, jus t
s wonderful blood -
purifying powers:
"C. I. Ifood & Co., Lowell, Moms:
"Gentlemen: I have had salt utreeasu for a
nunmbea of years, and for the past year ono of
nay legs, from the knee down, has been
brokers vent very badly. I' took blood
medicine fora lone time with no good results,
rend Ras at ono time
obliged to -walk vinic
at'ntebei. 1 finally eon -
eluded to ter 7. cod's
barsapa lila, aud before 19 d taken one bot-
tle the ml?royement was; so' marked that
Ieoutf nee until I had taken three bot-
tles, and am now better than I have been
in years. The Initmmaansation has all left
my leg tinct itis entirely heeded. /have had
such benefit from
oodyt Sarsaparilla
that I concluded to write this voluntary state-
cent." F. J. Teat no, Ridgeway, Mich.
1'110OD'S Pit L8. eat easily, promptly end etY
'_u.lyontheliverandbowels. Beat dinnerp1t1.