HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-17, Page 3enearteeemateasslautotetuelamitesennate LEGA.L. , Lti. DIOKSON, Barrister, Soli- . eltoe of a iereme Comet, Notary 'Olio, oonvoya /Icor, 0 inuntesioner, Sec Imlay to Loan. i Officein Waleson's Block, EXeter. nu p H. COLLINS, po let 6 gO laTo th rrister, Sohcitor, Conveyancer, Dtc. let 38 XIITE R , - ON T. •th DFFIOE : Over O'Neil's Bank, oic sz -EILLIOT & ELLIOT, 1V1 1 '4 . ea s Notaries l'abbi, PI Barristers) SolicitorI NV( Conveyancers 64c, 8.3c. an tanloney to Loan at Lowest Rates of 101 interest. at 0 9FI0E, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. IL V. ELLTOT.$, 77,7,70T. fel oespemm............ DENTAL. stt to 'al J) E. 0. H. INGRAM', DENTIST. Successor toJi. L. Billings. go Bfe tuber of the Royal College of Dental tit Stu aeons.) Teeth inserted with or without Plate, in Gelder Rubber, A sate Ananthetic ell gelen ter the pathless extraetion of teeth.. th --"rot Flue Gold Fillings as Required. Oillee over the Post Office. be of T_T- EiNsmAN,ImarrisT.L.D. ..........• s. SO all Panson's Block, Itisin.st, Exeter, Extra/Its Teeth without pain, Away at Itteessm ou ',1;` first loriday ; Ora.ig, second AI and fourth Tuesday; and ea ZonIon on the la,at Thurs. Iv day of eaelarnonth: 0.........empsestmese.............................. • DI ALEDIGAL to au sa T W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 WI J it L. le , Greaunte taletovin tantve a ty- tllr °Mee and renidence, Uonthilon Labe'a- t orY, Exeter • at 1)3. FlYNIATAN, coroner for t ae f° a— County of Huron. °Moe, op p .8 1 te PI Carling Bros. store, Exeter, ell ROLLINS,S. lii (Masa, Main St. Exeter Out. ioaboneo, ti '11A0 r °eolith. °ow:Vied 'bY ll• IllePhillips .18 sq. -nit.,T. P. MdLATTGIIIAN, AMU. CO ,, ber of the college of Pilysicians and iz St:veep& Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and In Aceeneheur. Office,DASII WOOD ONT. ut NAT A. THOMSO3N, M. D., C. se Y . M„ Memberof Collogeof Physicians al an I Sint was, Outealo. is OVInen : SODGINS' BLOOK, HENSALL. a( di m AUCTIONEERS. tc te 1 CIARDY, LICENSED A(10- a' 5.....1 a tiencor for the County of Iluron, 10 1 mime,/ inederate. P'Xeter II, 0, u ..----,, — J. ROLLINS, LTOENSED itilariiieFeAx,uetiver for eetteties Huron end p , tt 1 1 nee, 1 mile south of Exeter, ft 1'. 0. Axeter. P IT ROSSE1NBER1W, General Li- It x....4. coasoa Autationeer Sales Conducted lo I ii Minute, Satisfuotiouguaranteed. Charges 0 moderato. !Jensen P �,Ont. EkRY EILBE—i- 1q LJ.1; lancer for the Counties of gluon end Ilialesox , Wee otinduated at mod- erate r"tes, Olken, at Pont-otileo, °red - ton Out. 11 -It DIL PORTER, GENERAL ii • MtetloneerauCtLend Valuatororders 10 sent hy mall to my a d dress, 111tYneld P. O., v will receivenrompt attention. Torms,modor- „ ate. 4,,/ D. li. POUTER, Auctioneer. ' sramosaameamootearssemsoomoossorot=sommomal 8 4 n VETERINARY. 1 1 Tennent& Tennen—t 0 EXETElt ONT. c 1 -"t•cr f 7 --tetra 4 it ....... ........a -pa. • --- 1 , 1 Graduates of the On tario Veterinary 0 ot 'ege. ‘11PIPTER I 0110 floor 4011th OTC/WU Hall. . 11,==...PBEICIM.11.61.011123SM201.t .12,0000.1.01 1 MONEY TO LOAN. 1 A j" ()NEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND Ail_ per cent, $23.000 Private Funds. Best / beanie g Companies represented. 1 L. DICKSON, ; Barrister. • Exeter . ...... SURVEYING. 1 . FRED W. FARNO0A1B, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- a•xx1mt, TO.,M Office,Thestairs .Samwell's Block, Exeter.Ont ............ INSURANCE . - — ritHE LONDON MUTUAL A. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CAN &DA . Heade trice, London, Ont. After 33 years of suocessful business, still continues to offer the owners of farmproperty and private residences, either on buildings or eenteas MI e most favorable protection in ease of loss' er damageby fire orlightnine, at rates upon4uch liberal terms.th at no other respect, ublecompany ean afro rcl to write. 28,479 peti- oles in force 1 stJan ,1892. Assets 0867.200,00 in oash in bank. Amount at risk, S44,913,032. Government depost. Debentures and Pre- mium Notes. CAPT. TKOS. E. ROBSON, Pre- eident; In C. MoDoivALD, Manager. DAvin JAQUES t Anent for Exeter and Vioinitv. . • rpliE WATERLOO MUTUAL J. FIRE INS171IANOE0 0 . Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This company has been over Twenty-eigh, years in successful opor Ilion in Western Ontario, and continues to insure against loss or damage by. Fire. Buildings, Merchandise Manufactories and all other desoriptions of insurable property.. Intending insurers have the ontion of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this company has issued 67,096 Polioiee, covering _property to the amount of 840,872 038; and pard in losses alone S709,752 00. , Assete. St/6,100.00 p co nsisting of Cash in Bank Government Deposit and the unasses- sed Premium Notes on han d and in force ,M.D. President; 0 M. Tivr,oe 3 W.WALnexp 5 oeretaxy ; J. B. Ileemes, Inspector. ClIA$ BELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity, ' , ' - .,., ' x • . I.Of• .' . ,.. ... V _ ,,,... ' • 'V b 0:i . of' S .6V,..tim •:-...e11g, .., AGRICULTURAL. Preparing for Spring. CARD OF LIM STOOK. 'ming for live etc,* is the first duty of st farmers 'et this Beason, it being im- aunt, to keep dmr-estic animate be such d heart that they will enter spring hi a afty condition. There should be no nog - t ill either stable, Stell, or yard ; and. se who bave failed to keep their animals au, warm, and well fed will need to Mate end easily made in any c,ommon barn or cat - tie shed by simply firring gut on the iuside of the studding with any kied of old bods and filling the spaee thusmatie with chaff or sawdust. A, few poles may be stretched across overhead with some Straw or corn- stalks thrown upon their; to aid in keeping the apartment wenn. Care should be teken ,to see that on the Botta-tern or eastern side of the shed two or three good sized window sashes be placedan order to let in plenty of warm sunlight. , This suggestion is for the benefit of theae who may not be able or do nee are to go to Mal pains to ca,m•y them through the the .exeense of fernishmg an expeuswe tter. Liberal feeding, warnith, audgood building with artificial heat for the lambing 1 a are essential factors in wintering stook. rooms. In fact the above described, is ovide maple protection from inclement about the only sort tbat is in use at ether and. good convenieuces for feediug present at Woodside, and' it is found 1 watering. ones need daily exercise, and. blanket - when left standing in tbe cold. inly work in winter will aot injure a ture horse, proviaed he be well , groomed, and kept from undue nosure. 'When confined in close, *arm Wes, horses become tender and subject colds, etc, ; benee the necessity of yenta ion. -aews due to come in early should bave od shelter ana a diet of dry bay, with it, Mobile), but no beating food (like corn or al) for a few weeks before calving. As o calves are dropped select the best heifers raising. Althea infested animals should • rubbed over with it mixture of equal parts sweet oil and kerosene. heep aced an abundant supply of whole - e food plenty of pure air, a dry yard, d, comfortable sleeping geartere. Po- e warm stables for owes near lambiug 00 and give them roots rather than groan. member that early lambs (as well as Yes) aro profitable, and see that none are t or muted for lack of timely care. Swine profits depend largely upon breed - and feeding—so see that both these fac- • rfq.: 1.1B,Mnsi C.+ M% IA BY GEORnE Ii017(08, It mekes a great aeal of difference how one tea.ds the 131blo. Some parts of the Bible are so Waffler that we know the woxds by heart, The consequence is that they make little impremion epon us. Other 'parts of the •13ible are so diffieult that eve eannot Understand them. The Bible no- corclingly, is to many people, one Of the dullest books , the world. Leeve a man in a room eaone withetwo bootee, one of them a Bible and the other any stdpid booic You please, and see if lie will not take the 'oilier book, The Bible is really the most inter- esting, the most uplifting the most Wonder- ful book that was everwrieten. But it has eo be read in the right way. sufficiently warm and comfortable• for any 1 talked, once with a Kentucky farmer lambs that aro dropped, naturally strong- who lived five miles frofil the Mammoth At thnes it may be found necessaey to take Cave. afe Was aware that there was such scene weaLly Iamb into the kitcheu and a cave in the neig,hborhocel, and that people warm it by the stove and stiNalate it with came from long distances to see it, and that a little toddy before placing it again with wonderful things were said about it. But its (lane. •he had never explored it. He informed me, in these quarters burps should be allowed me, however, that he had ventured it con - to remain entil they are past a week old siderable distance into it number of other and have accumulated considerable flesh and caves 1 Somehow, we too know a great deal strength. They can then be removed to all- about a number of lesser books, while we other portion of the shed not quite so se- lack interest in the supreme book, ourely inclosed, and where they will receive Let me make some suggestions about read - more exercise. It is a very bad plan to ing the Bible. If you know French or Gee - keep these youag lambs confined Tee alaselY man let me advise you for a time to read on the start; they will take too much food the ifible in those unfamiliar words. You in proportion to the amount of exercise,ancl will he surprised at the new meauiugs that it will develop the same unhealthy tenden- will be discovered in it If you do not cies that are too noticeable among young know French or Germau, let me offer another pigs wlaen too closely confined to the pens counsel, Read these four books, which fol - early in the spring. low along the linea at the Bible: Stanley's .A very convenient and effective Ivey for "History of the Jewish Church," hider - inducing younglambs to take exercise when sheini's 'Life and Times of Jesus, the Mos - closely confified to the barns by inclement slah," Conybeare and Howson's "Life of St, weather is to stiek up two or three 1)10111(8 08' Paul," and Farrar's "Early Days of Christ - boards, ono end of the plank Osting on the lenity." Yoe will find that you will pre. ground and the other on the top of the hay- sently be reading the Bible in spite of your - rack or any convenient point of sup ort so 801E, If, however, instead of accepting either of these suggestions, you desire to read the English Bible in tho King James' Ver- sion, you will find great help in a good coin. inentary, The little Cambridge 'Bible for Schools," in quite a umber of inexpensive volumes, is the best gtheral eoinmentary know of. I want to st dy to -day, the first five chap- ters of the book of Isaiah. The first of these five chapters can be set under four headings; (1) the charge, (2) the defense, (a) the prom- ise. (4) the punithment, God makes the charges, and the defend- ants are the people of judab and Jerusalem - The clierge is that they are mbellious ohil. dren. That sums it all out, God is their Fa.ther ; He bas brought them up, and cared for them, and loved them, and thee have turned away from Him. And what is the in defense? Why, that the services the temple are more elaborate and beautiful than they have ever been before that sacrifices are daily offered, prayer is hourly uttered, and all, the holy smells reverently kept. To which God answers that ritual without righteousness is abominable in His sight, thac no magnifi- cence of ecclesiastical architecture, no beauty of °mato service, no costliness of sacrifice, can be of any value apart from genuine obedience to his moral laws. "Wash you, ;mike you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before Mine eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do well." Thus alone cen man expect to win the approbation of the righteous God. Do justices to the fatherless, protect the widow, help the poor. That was more than 2,500 yams ago 1 And ;Jesus of Nazoteth has lived in the world since the words were spoken, and brought all the emphasis of his divine life into the cause of true religion. And yet even to day wo need two sermons every Sunday on this same old text. Even to -day we understand but dimly that the theology and sociology go together that Christ him- self put them together into two command- ments evhich he pronounced alike in their essential value. And Lowell's poem, which, if it had been written in Hebrew might have fitly set 'here among the sermons of Isaiah, needs to be read to day. a are right. Care well for breeduig sows I that the lambs can take a run up and down the planks. It will only be necessary to place the planks ; the lambs will uuder- stand what they are for inside of twenty - minutes. d give them space far exereise. See that no pigs are well housed and lea ; light Ld fregneut meals best swum thrifty ow lb . Poultry pays best when given the best ention. Look well after the fowls now, eggs and broilers will soon bring good cos. If you wish an abundant supply of gs, keep the hens in warm, dry quarters, e them p' enty of both green and dry food, e, gravel, and pure water. 8111808 AND aawriatzente. Good seeds are essential requisites to sue - 13811)1 farming and gardening, as our fertile ms in most loetelities, and. both ought to obtained or arranged for this month. The 1 should be to procure the very. bAt of eds—pure in quality, genuine as to variety d adapted to soil aud climate. When seed proeured from a distance it is advisa.ble to lect carefully from the lists of reputable fliers. If a change in variety is desired fake it cautiously, giving preference to well sted and approved kinds over highlylaud- 1 but, uneertain novelties. A good fertilizer is often needed to make mu the best of seeds produce well, mid ose wanting other than table or barnyard anurp should uow arrange for a simply ; , what will be cheaper, purthase the ma- rble end mix them according to some re - able forniela—thue being sure ot genuine rtilizer, and avoiding any deception on the art of manufacturers or dealers. It is neecl- ss to add that February is usuallya favor - Me season for heeding meek, plaster, etc., r to urge that the matter should receive Ise attention of all soil cultivators who re - nice such factois of fertility. PAILM DA.VDS. The hiring of farm help for the season is OW in order and merits thoughtful atten- on. The aim should be to secure not only niustrures and skillful man, but such as re of good habits, and known to be trust- orthy. This rare combination of qualities ay be difficult to find, but shoula be ought Whether he needs one or several en, the farmer who has it family cannot be oo particular as to the moral charaoter of heaver he employs. The better way is to ecertain fully as to the habits and mite- etlents of each man before engaging him, id hence 111 18 well to commence looking or help early in the season. Some farmers ever hire an assistant without an investi- ation, except in an emergency—such as eing short handed in harvest—and hence sually retain help that is competent and atisfactora. Such 0 course is wise, and orthy of imitation by all desiring the ser- inekof men who are alike efficient and rustworthy. TEAMS AND TOOLS. Some Odd Notes, "What makes off' years in fruit bear- ing" asks a correspoudent of the Vermont State Journal. "The trees are starved to death, that's more than half that makes' off years," be answers. The French have a system of fattening fowls that produces poultry superior in quality to that found, as a rule, in any other country, There is & praetice of mixing with the ration certain specs and herbs that give a most delicious flavor to the flesh. That highly flavored foods impart some of their agreeable qualities to flesh is shown in the case of such of our own game birds as feed upon wild celery. , Many a wonderful cew passes her whole life without her oNylier kneWing what 55 prize he has, simply because lie has never tested her capacity. Two cows with the same amount of feed may give the same amount of dairy produce, when if you in- crease the feed, one will respond by an in- creased produce, while the other will not. The Otte has reached her limit, while the other has not, and the careless feeder will continually be throwing away his feed on a cow el small natural capaeity. 18 is not necessary or perhaps profitable to feed con- tinually to the highest limit of the cow, but each cow in the herd thoulti be known by actual test. An ald very observant farmer once told me to plant very few potatoeswhen the seed cost $1 it bushel in the spring ; that they would be very cheap in the fall. I have found this to be practically true. When potatoes are very high-priced in the spring many get very enthusiastic about potatoes ; an unusually large area is pre- pared, and prepared unusually well, and the plants aro given extra good cultivation ; the result is that there is a very large orop, potatoes are very cheap, and the nextstaring no one wants to raise potatoes at Is uch priees. Result ; Few planted, it short crop, und high prices. These fluctuations are scarcely, if any, less marked in some other crops. We had an unusually good yield of wheat this year that promised to "bring is fair price. The result was that many farmers were anx- ious to sow an unusually large area of wheat, and would. have done so had not the drought prevented. them. This, the chances are, was really fortunate for if all the breadth de- sired had been put in wheat, a good yield would have of course, been equally unprofit- able, It was well that the drought enforc- ed conservatism at wheat sowing time.— [John Stahl in Country Gentleman. M Girard, a French experimenter, believ- es that with good cultivation and suitable manures all soils can be fitted for the culti- vation of the potato, but he nevertheless lays eoneiderable stress on the necessity of taking into a,ecomitthe nitturalfertility. On the preparation of the soil he sums -up the question by saying that hi tensive cultivation of potatoes cannot be followed except by deep cultivation, and he recommended the soil to be worked to a depth of 14 inches at least Onefoot between the plants is given as about the proper distance along the rows. Early planting is important. Good teams and the most epproved imple nents are essential factors in farming, and both should be provided before the busy sea - on opens. No farmer worthy of the name will begin his spring work with weak, crow - mit teams or old style, shackly machines. horefore let working animals be put in good condition for theheavylabor they will atm be required to perform, and all farm eachinery bo prepared for use when wanted, Naw, also, is the time to purchase or engage such new tools and implements as may be ceded. nirmers who give these matters imely attention will be likely to make pro- gress in the right direction. SUORT-STOP STIGGF,STIONS. Close up the winter's work at the end of Feburary oe early. in March. "Gather in" your share of the ice crop. Plan and pre- pare for plowing and planting. Engage sober and trusty farm -help. Dot down data of daily doings. Investigate new modes of culture. Raise no scrub animals this year. Look well after the lambs and calves Use plenty of litter in stables and sheds. The mother -hen is the best incubator, unless you know how to run the other kind. "Get the best" seeds, plants, and trees. Have you obtained catalogues and selected What you need? Let amateurs try high-priced and highly praised novelties. Use no infer- ior seeds or fertilizers. In purchasing deal with principals rather than agents. Resolve to be a reading, thinking, progressive farmer Get and study good rural text -books. Miss no meeting where agricultural topics are discussed. Much rural gospel may be heard at sessions offarms' clubs and iestit- des. Don't be a chronla croaker, but work on cheerfully aha hopefully. Pluck wins while luck is unreliable. • Early Lambs. Prior to this time the ewes should have been provided with dry airy sheds, with abundance of exercise, and with a variety of plain coarse foods, interspered with a minimum of grain. Having had such treat- ment as this they are now in a strong, lusty practised. condition and on the eve of a successful The Wrong Class. • The Strange Freak 'of a young Lady. Shortly before nine o'clock on Friday Melt Mr. Bridger, of the Great Western Railway Gloucester (Eng.) received a wire from Mr. Evav.son, handed in at Shrewsbury, to the effect that his sister, the young lady who left her clothing in a railway carriage near Gloucester, and dressed in a boy's suit was overea.ken and was safe. After a fruitless journey to Monmouth on Thera:lay night, Mr. Evanson, it seems, weut on to Hereford, where, after inquiries, he discovered that she had slept there on Wednesday night. The landlady of the coffee tavern where she stayed was quite certain as to her identity, although the young lady was attired in boy's clothing, which the police have found had been purchased at Gloucester early on Wed- nesday afternoon, Miss Evanson remarking at the time that she required them for charity. She also visited &local hair -dresser and ouite astonished the man by demand- ing that ber hair should be cut short On being remonstrated with, she replied that her head was .bad, and that a Reading lady had.advised her to have her hair out. After she had' spent the night in Hereford, her brother ascertained that she had booked to Shrewsbury, evidently with the idea of reaching Liverpool. Since a child,it appears, she has been imbued with the idea of go- ing to tea, and some years ago she attempt- ed a similar freakto that which she has just lambing season. As this time approaches there should be provided in a separate build- ing or in one end of the sheep shed a warm, comfortable room divided into several little pens four feet square or larger, in each one of which there ;should be room for one ewe and her lamb or lambs. In this apartment the early lambing ewes should be placed a few days before they may have quiet surroundings and a warm reception room for the little newcomers. Seel' quarters 558 these can be very cheaply "Do I have to stick this stamp on mee, self ?" asked a dude of the clerk at the Post Office. • "08., no," replied the clerk. "You couldn't go in the mail bags, and besides, that is a letter stamp, and you are not first- class male matter." Mix blacking with soapsuds for ordinary iron. " With gates ofsilver and bars of gold Yo have fenced my sheep frern their father's fold: I have heard the dropping of their tears In heaven these eighteen ;hundred years. V- the date are alike in peril. For their sins the lofty towers of the great oity then be laidl Tae"sre.anion' whach lo eontaieecl ia these four 0110,1,AR:is falls into three divisions : (1) The id.eal of the kingdom of God, (2) the hindranees to its fulfillment, and (3) the sure puuisnment that awaits the hinderers, The ideal of the kingdom is the abselute reign over it of the God of Sion. It is the God of Sion, of tho boly eity. of the temple, •God the father of His people; not the God •of Sinai, of the bleak desert, of the law, the terror of the nation; who is to rale ewer the idol kingdom. All religion is Progressive. God changes not but our ideal of God grows wider and Maher and truer, as We grow. Isaiah knew more of Gocl than 'Moses. We know more of God, ought to know more of God, than Isaiah. The God of Sion io to rnle some day over all the nations of the earth. Isaiah looked forward to that day; Jesus looked forward. tothat day, and taught us to pray for it. We are looking toward i t still. John Fiske, speaking as the prophet of our most )nodern philosophy closes the pages of his paper on " The Destiny of Man ' with a look into the future such as Isaiah dimly had in the old. time. It is this old chapter translated over again, with all the wisdom of the ages brought into it, "18 shall come to pass in the last days," says Isaiah, 's that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established. in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted, above the hills ; and all naeiont shall flow into it. And many people shall go and say, come ye and let us go up to the mount- ain of the Lord, to the house of the God of ham') ; and he will teeth es of his ways, and we will walk in his paths ; for out of Sion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from. Jerusalem. And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people ; and they shall beat their spears into pruning hooks ; nation shallnot lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more," "Tho future," says Fiske, "is lighted for ua with the radiant colors of hope. Strife and sorrow shall disappear. Peste.e and love shall reign supreme. The dream of poets, the lesson of priest and prophet, the inspira- tion of the great musican, Is confirmed in the light of modern knowledge; and as we yield ourselves up to the work of life, we may look forward to the time when ia the truest eense the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdom of Christ, and. Bethel' reign forever eaid ever, king of kings, and lord of lords." The realization of the 'Fatherhood af Gads ea Isaiah faintly saw it, as Christ plainly eaw it, will be the supreme characteristie oz the ideal kingdom. God is our Father, the Father of the meanest, the obscurest, the poorest, even the mese depraved of humeri kind, and all we are brethren. Even now we are but beginning to realize the blessed. - nese, the desirability, the supreme necessity of that old idea Isaiah says that that day of the Lord will come not by force, by conquest, by the sword, not by insistence upon uniformity nor by peraeentions for heresy, not by strikes nor by lnekonts ; uo, by instruction, by teaching, by the persuasiveness of the simple truth. • Isaiah saysthat when the day of the Lord comes all =brotherliness will slink away out of its glorious light And he singles out for illustration that most. =brotherly of all our inatitutions—war. All disputes will then be settled, he says, by arbitration. God will be the Judge; that is, all troubles will be adjusted by reference to the eternal laws of God. The military establishments which exist in the nations of Europe will be exchanged for industrial conditions ; swords will be converted into ploughshares. Nor will there ever be any further instruc- tions given in the art of war. The two chief characteristics of the ideal kingdom, then, are truth and love; truth in docurine, tor God. will be the teacher; and love in conduct, for God will be the judge. Now, in Isaiah's time, what hindered the coming of this ideal kingdom? The preach- er, in Ms sermon, gives an abundance of plain answers. In the second chapter, he says that the hindrances are the soothsayers and the worshipers of idols, and the posses- sors of inordinate riches. In the third chapter he says that the hindrances are the elders and the princes who oppressthe poor, and the aristocratic ladies who think only of their fine apparel. In the fifth chapter he describes the hindrances -ander the head ings of six woes; woe to the great landlords woe to the luxurious livers, ,woe to open sinners and sacrificing =believers, woe to the teachers Of a false morality, who per- suade people that stealing and lying are all right when they are carraea on upon a large scale in business. and that murder is com- mendable when it is done by a large army in war, woe to the self-eonceited politicians who oppose reform, woe to the unjust judges who oppress the poor. "0 Lord and. Master, not ours the guilt We belld but as our fathers built; Behold thine images, how tboy stand Sovereign and solo, through 1b our land." Thee Chriet sought out an. artiean, A low-browed. stunted, haggard man, And a motherless girl, whose fingers thin Pushed from her faintly want and sin. These set he in the midst of them, And as they drew back their garment -hem . For fear of defilement, "Lo, hero," said. He "The images ye have made of mei" Nevertheless, there is a promise. Who- ever turns back to God and seeks to do Him service, offering to Him the acceptable sac- rifice of a just, and up; ight, and helpfullife, trying to serve God, not only in the temple, but ottt of it also, at home, and in the street, and through the hours of business, God will receive and forgive. Yet God knows that the promise of pardon will not be heeded. The chapter closes with the prophecy of pun- ishment. And yet not a universal nor a final punishment. Some will turn and be saved.; and after punishment there will be righteousness. The next four chapters belong together. They were probably preached at the close of the reign of Jetham, or at the beginnieg of the reign of Alias. These chapters are all one sermon. And they are different from most other sermons in the Bible in that they begin with a text. The text, which was also used leyIsaiah's contempor- ary, Micah, is at the beginning of the second chapter. Nobody knows who wrote it ; probably. some older prophet than Isaiah or Micah, now forgotten. It sets forth an ideal of the kingdom of God. One day in Jerusalem the man who had that all from God of winch I spoke lase week stood up to preach. He was not an ecclesiastic. He was not a professional in- structor in religion. He was only a layman, a young man belonging to one of the pro- minent families of the city. That is worth remembering. That the greatest preacher of the Old Testament was not a clergyman at all. The idea that all the preaching ought to be left to the par- sons, is one of the most mistaken ideas in the world, Every layman, according to his ability, ought to speak every chance he has for the cause of righteousness. The two religious societies width have made the most remarkable progress in the course of recent history are the Methodist Church and the Salvation Army, and in both of these ehasis is laid on the importance Of lay preaching. , This young layman stood up, somewhere in the city, in a court of the temple, in the Market, or on the curbstone of some crowd- ed street and recited his text. And at once, as he uttered the words, his eyes fell upon the people who were hindering the fulfill- ment of God's; ideal for his people. Some were soothsayere, dealers ih magic, devotees of false and degrading religions ; some were rich people, riding by in handsome car- rie.gei, decked out with gold and silver and all manner of luxurious adornment. At once the preacher flames out against them. On account of such As these the church and That is, the root of all real hindrance to the coining of theideal kingdom was the love of money, which even yet is not ex- tinct. Then follows the declaration of punish- ment. Isaiah says two things about this absolutely certain punishment It is a can sequence- Really, we punish ourselves. We set in motion the great inevitable laws which visit our transgressions on our own heads. Sin is a cause which always has punishment for a consequence. There is no escape from punishment. And punishment Is remedial. God has set this consequence with this cams°, not in anger, but in mercy, for our good. All punishment in this world, and in the world to come must be remedial. Or else, God is not as good as we are. -Finally, it is worth noticing that in all these utteranaes of Isaiah, he addresses not the individual but the n Won. We need a great increase of national religion. We need a great increase of national religion. We nee -d to bring the Creed, the- Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments into our national politics. We need to learn that whi atever s wrong for an individual is Wrong also for a nation. MANY IA LIFE AS been saved by the prompt use ot Ayer's Pills, Travelers by land or ses are liable to constipation or other derangements of the stonaseh and bowels which, if neglected, lead to serious mull, of ten fatal consequences. The =statue means of correcting these evils is the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. The pru dent sailing -master would as soon go to sea without his chronometer as 'without a supply of these Pille. Though prompt and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pills leave no ill effects ; they are purely vegetable and sugareoated ; the saaeat medicine fox old and young, at 'home or abroad. "For eight years r was afflicted with constipation, which at last became so bad that the doctors could. do 710 more for me. Then I begau to take Ayer's Pais, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that nowI am in Excellent health."—Mrs. C. E. Clark, Tewksbury, Iffassachusetts. "1 regard Ayer's Pills as one of the most reliable general remedies of our times. They have been in use in any family for affections requiring a puro•ao Itive, and have given unvarying satisfrte- tion. We have found them an excellent remedy for colds and light fevers."— W, n. Woodson, Fort Wozth, Texas. "For several years r have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than upon anything else in the medieine chest, to regulate my bowels and those of the ship's crew. These Pills are not severe in their tee - ton, but do their work thorougaly. bave used theni with good effect for the cure of rheumatism, kidney trou- bles, and dyspepsia." —Capt. Mueller, Steamship Felicia, New Yale City. "I have found Ayer's Cathartic Pills to be a better family medicine for com- mon use than any other pilla within my knowledge. They are not only very effective, but safe and pleasant to take —qualities which must make them valued by the putlic." —Jules Hanel, Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED By Sold by pealers in Medicine& Dr.*J. 0. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass. THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. Pt* COLD 3,7 DEtTCOISTS EVEZZIFIEZBE. vok-rz.mws-R-.4ncrwr r4 She Wasn't A Laker. "I've given that boy the wrong medi- cine ("exclaimed a chef/fist, seizing his hat and rushing from the shop. The boy had reached home by the thne the chemist over- took him. " I'm so sorry," panted tbe tradesman as a hard -faced, iron -gray haired woman ap- peared on the scene, but I've given your boy the wrong medicine ." What did you give him?" inquired the woman, "3. gave him morphine. You sent fat quinine." " Oh, it doesn't matter," said the lady of the house. "The other day I sent for mor- phine and you sent me quinine. To -day, when I wanted morphine you Sent Inc qui- nine for fear of mistakes. Go back home and make up some arsenic for seidlitz pow- ders." • A solution of oxalic acid will remove ink spots from books • without injuring the print. Children ,Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. L -SEED EMIILS1014 Kpo BRONC H IT $ 186 Lexington Ave., New York City, Sept. 19, 1888. 1 have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion 10 several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stc-ges a Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES _K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Broolrlyn, N.Y., Feb. Nth. 1889. I bavensed your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis (consumption) with beneficial results, who:: indent: could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form. J. H. 'DROOL, id. D. tiEllYOUS PROS143101 Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1888. I can strongly recommend Flax Saud Emulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly thee:urea all Lung, Bronchial and Nervous .AffectIons, dud a good gen. eraltonic in physical debility. JOHN J. TALMAGE, M. IX GENERAL DEBiLiTY Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 1(8.12, 1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly euperior te theCod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D.A. GORTON, a, D. WASTING DISEASES 187West114tk St., New York, Aug. 6, 1888. I have esti your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound in a severe qpme of Mal-nutiition and the result was mote than hoped for—it was invvelous, and eon. themes. I recommend it cheerfully to theprofessiou and humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. Sold by Druggists, Price $1.001, FLAX -SEED EMULSION Oa 35 iiihevt7 CARTER:S lTTLE 1VER PILLS. Sick Headache and rel eve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. DI owsiuess, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing • Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation. curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they als0 correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the 'liver And regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured EA Ache they would be almost pi iceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who .once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do Vpithout them. But after all sick head ACHE is the baneof so many lives that here is wiletv, we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LYME L/VEit PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their ,gentle adiou. please all who use then'. In viats itt 26 centet five for $1, aold everywhere, or sent by mail. CADTEE MEDICINE 00,, New Tok, hall 1i113 al la hall Itial•