HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-17, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX G-AZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' VOL. XIX, NO, 24. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1892 JOHN WHITE & SONS Publisher and Proprietors NEW STUFF New Stuff ! Large shipments of Spring Goods have :alieady arrived, and intending purchas- ers euuiild see through the most com- plete stock of &faPfe ct Fancy Dry -Goods In the County before buying NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, NEW SATINS, NEW SHIRTINGS, NEW OOTTONADES, NEW TWEEDS. Our stock embraces all the Novelties . in the trade ; Prices away down. A. J. MoTAVISH & CO. Call and inspect for yourselves. Hensall. Mr. Fred Moyers of thia ghee has made up his mindtto go to the Northwest to seek Its for - time, and is offering his verydesirable proporty for sale, eontaining2 lots with a splendid frame dwelling.29 t ``-9, 2} storey, with a flrst•olass oollar,also a frame barn and other outbuild- ings. ] vervthing new and in the best condi- tion, and will be sold cheap either privately or on day of sale en the 26th inst. For further particulars see posters, or apply to E, BOSSEN- BERRY, Auotiouoor. Hensel'. NMV SPRxso Sroe1:.—Popo, the fashionable tailor. Itas just placed upon the shelves his now arming stook. It is worth oxaminins. Tho best goods bought on the cheapest markets. Everything first-olass and ns cheap as the poorer class of goods. A SPLINDWD SUIT FO Lt $10. In furnishings. ho parries the latest and everything is marked low. A call will satisfy all that for selection, duality, and low- noes of price, Pope beats ,them all. Opposite 1lodgins' hotel. Coat -maker wanted at once. Steady work to right man. Apply to Joos POPE.: Following are the market quotations : Wheat ........ 85 to 87 Barley 88 to 42 Oats 28 to 30 Peas.......,.... 58 to 60 Hay 9,00 to 10.00 Stutter 15 to 15 gga 12 to 12 Hogs 5.80 to 6.00 Clover seed 5 75 to 6.25 BRIEF,,—J.. Ross Robertson, Grand Mas ter, paid the Maaonio Lodge here a visit on Friday last, and was royally received. A profitable as well as enjoyable time was spent by,the brethren in their hall.—Mr. D. Majaaleaves for Manitoba this week.— ProtesCV Scott has revived the preoeutor- ship of the Wingham Presbyterian church, at a yearly salary of $200, and was in Wing ham on Sunday entering upon his duties. We wisli Mr. Scott every seriatim—Mr. Jas Workman sold his dwelling on Queen -at to Masers. Craig of Stanley, who intend M once moving into it,—A very pleaaant lime was spent at Mr. Col will's on Wednesday evening last, the occasion being an •'At Home" giyon by the officers of the E. I. of Christian Endeavor. A large number of the members and friends availed themselves of the opportunity of spending a social even- ing together, and to partake of the hospit- ality of the officers. The social element is too often neglected, and wg think this is a step in the right direction ; the hospitality of Air and Mrs Colwiil cannot be tou high- ly spoken of.—Mr. J. E. Troyer has sol.l hit farm a few miles west of this place to lir. Robert McAllister, taking as part of the consideration a valueble alydesdale stallion. —Mr R. J. Young is again in his accustom- ed place in the store, haying almost fully recovered from his recent serious illness,— Miss Aggie MaGarvie of Clinton is the pert of Miss Sutherland.—A young sc,n of Mr, Robt Bonthron has gone to Exeter to study law with Mr, R. H. Coiling. He is a &ever lad and will make a good etudene—Another party lift this station on Tneaday for Mani- toba ; among the number were : W Hogarth Hibbert ; young Mr. Lippert, Zurich to Rapid City ; John Tinney of Hensall ; W. Bonthron, of Heneall ; Messrs T Berry and R Turner shipped a car load of horses to Manitoba --Last week Mr. 0, Rots of Bruc field sold to Aaron Sherritt a three year old filly for 520p,; Jas Bell sold a two year olcl to Rich. Turner, of Manitoba for $140 ; these were sired by '`Golden Crown'' Jas Elder puroltaeed a matched team of "Golden Crown's," three year old which he took to Manitoba, and he intends showing at the Winnipeg exhibition next fall. They are a dandy team.—Hurd McPherson who for the past week has been very ill is able to be about. -=:Miss Mattie Norris left on Fri- day for Mt. Elgin, where she has token a situation as head milliner.=R. McIntyre visited London on Tuesday.—Owing to the great iuoreaso in school attendance it has been found necessary to create another de- partment, and to this end a third room will bo erected and another teacher procured, as soon as practicable. What a year ago was considered far too large is now inadequate for the daily attendance, The opposers of the new school will forever hold their peaoe. —There is =oh jubilation here. over the removal of the market in Exeter, as it is Fere to be of benefit toes; already many new fades are daily seen in town—faces of farm- ers who have been insulted by 'the adjoin of the jealous -minded routberns of Exeter: We have always welcomed the farmers and ever will. -Jae Bengough left for Manitoba on Tuesday,—A social and lecture will be given in the Presbyterian church on the evg of the 22nd, ander the nuepioes of the Lad- ies' Aid, when Rev. J. S. Henderson will de liver a lettere on "A Ramble Through Won derland-"taA number, attended the funeral of the late Alex-` McLaren reeve of Hibbert on Monday fast ; he was ,aged 77years.r` The novel Template of Temporanc'a wall meeting on the ev oral/arch arch bold ai, open m g g a 29th wheu School Inspector Tom will deity er an address. A silver collection will be taken,—Messrs. N. Horton and T. Slavin, of Lumley, left on Monday for Manitoba.— Thia week has been one of e_ohanges and removals ; Mrs Wilson,, dress -maker bas moved in the premises vacated by Mr. Chesney, V. S., he going into the residence recently purohased,—C: Boysenberry mov- ed his family from Zurich to .Heneall on 11louday, and ttEd. Boysenberry moved to Zurich.—John Mitchell moved into his re- sidence ou e-sidenoeou Dufferin ave.on Tuesday.—Thos Palmer has resumed work in air. Pope's shop.—J, Macarther was in Toronto last week, a delegate from the Hensall Circle, at- tending the Supreme Lodge of the Canadian Hotre Cii•ole, Mr. Arnold was also in the city,—Miss Ranson spent Sunday last in Chleelliurst.—Bev Mr. Young of Clinton, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church ou Sunday last and preached two excellent sermons,—A fair young lady of Fannsviile has given the young man from 'Exeter the mitten. Come again Will and don't let the preacher's son cut you out, ._.-5 Whalen. Hems—Mr. Jamoa MoDonnell, after an absence of nearly two years. bas again show- ed himself once mare. He is welcome.— The Cedarvale Cheese Co., having a very suoceseful year iu 1891, and paying a divid- end of nix per cent to the anareholders be- sides nearly raising the mortgage,re-eleoted all the old board of directors and have the promise of a largely increased patronage for 1892. Cromarty. Sheers.—Mr Alexander McLaren, er.,the respected reeve of Hibbert, is suffering from cancer in the stomach, and is very:weak at present --Master Harbie Hamilton is quite i11 at present with inflammation of the lungs. —Mr. John Scott, jr., left for Manitoba again ou Thursday, 10th 1051. The little farewell party he gave to a number of his friends and old school mates a few even- inge previous to his departure, was enjoyed by all. Music, games and ploasent o .attiug formed the emneomenta. Grand Bend. Baum—The gill nets which wore set were all swept away and loat, which is quite it loss to tho proprietors.—Dfr. Robert Fulton is in Potrolea looking after his interest in some oil property there,—Mrs. R. J,Faflis, of Arkwrigbt, Mich„ left for her home this wook,—Messrs, Will and Ware Oliver had a woad boo last week which was well attended and upwards of thirty cords of wood were cut in the afternoon —Mr. Abener Mallard is home this week visiting his parents. He has been working for a farmer near Hensen. for nearly two years, and likes the place well. 1 ullarton. Bn1EFa—Mr. D. 'Hetherington of Rapid River, Rainy River District, who has been visiting parents and Monde hero for some time, left for his home at that place this weak.—Albert Campbell left for Dakota last week, taking with him a young Canadian draught stallion which he bought from Win Hanson for $225. We are sorry to lose Bort, but Unole Sam wants such men as him and Fullerton mast supply her quota.—The Reed Bros. of the 10 con,sold two handsome Canadian bred stallions to some American buyer a few days ago ter $300, just such animals as used to bring four or five hundred dollais a piece a few years ago, Blake. BRIEFS—A meeting of the ratepayers of our School Section was held in the school bootie oiliaturday last for the purpose of settling Mt was to be done with the school house and site. On a vote being taken it was decided to repair the old school, the site to remain where it ie.—Oar young people talk of forming a Literary Society here, and the first meeting is to be held in the school- house on Friday night. Such a Society at something that should be in every section. —Mr. Peter Lamont has rented Mr. Wm. Doig', farm one and a quarter miles east of Kippen, while Mr. Wm. Lamont has rent- ed Mr. Robert Armstrong's farm. s -,s-4-41 Kirliton . Scltoon REPORT.—The following ie the report of Kirkton school for the month of February. The report is based on attend- ance, recitations, punctuality and conduct : Fifth Clans --Harvey Robinson. Lizzie Shier Norman Tufts. Fourth;Class-Josie Doupe, Raohael Kirk, Annie Hazlewood. Third Class, sr—Sarah Doupe, Phoebe Tufta, Will Elazlewood• Third Class, jr—Bella Hazle- woncl. Willie Brown, Effie Cornish. Second Class—Laura Wiseman, Normani Wiseman, Perry Doupe. The following are the names of.those in the first ones who have been present every day : Alla Brown, Rose Davis. The average attendance for the month was 70. Tuckersmith SUDDEN DEATix--Another Ref the honored pioneers of this township has been removed by death. Mr: John Trauma., of the 14th coneeaeson, of which' mention was made last week. lefr. Traquair had been in the enjoyment of bis usual health and was par- taking , of dinner when he complained of 'feeling suddenly uuwell, He arose from!the table and retired to his room and in 'less than ten minutes his spirit had taken its flight: He was a native of Scotland, and had been a resident of We township for over forty years. He was one of nature's noblemen.—A couple of our aportmen Rum oeeded in capturing two fine coons which tipped the beam at 30 lbs.—Mr. S Landes - borough, sr, and family left for Dakota last week, where they intend to reside in future, Mrs. Henry Mason has retained possess- ion of her property,, having exchanged the land iu Manitoba for the farm here. Minard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia. Stephen. Sanson REPORTS.—Report of 8, 8, No. 2, Stephen, for the month of January, 1892 :• No, of names onregister,46; total attendance during month, 676; average attendance,34; no. of sohool clays, 20. Standing of pupils in classes—IV,Martin Salter; Sr. III,Annie Rader; Jr. III , Lillie Lawson; -II, George Lawson; Sr, PI. II, Horbort Clark and Urban Esaery; Sr. Pt. II, John Sims, Re- port for month of February : No. names on. register. 47; average attendance, 33; No. of school days, 21. Standing of pupils in °lessee IV, M. Salter;. Sr. III, A, Rader; Jr. III, J, Flanagan; II, T. Edwards; Sr, P1, II, H. Clark; Jr. Pt. II, 3. Sims; Pt. I, Jos. Sims, The 12th of Feb, was very stormy, only 11. being present. APIIA MISERY, Teaohor, 4. Hay. Sciroon REPORT.—The monthly report for February, 5, S. No. 3,Uay, it; as follows. Names are to order of merit: Sixth class— Homer Russell, Alfred MoTaggart, Fifth —Nelson Northcott, Fourth—Ceeil Ross, Chas. Northoott, Willie Northoott, Sr. 3rd —Nellie O'Brien, Maud Russell and Alioe" Gould equal, Annie'Northcott. Jr. 31d— Nellie Gould, Nellie Northcott, James Shirray, Sr, 2nd—John Todd, Armour Todd, Bookie ;Northcott. Tr. 2nd—Flora Northcott, Milton Russell, Nathaniel Mc- Donald. 2nd pt.—Melvin Gould, Carrie Gould, Edgar O'Brien. ,Iat pt,—Bertio O'Brien, Willie Beach, RobertO'Brion, The beet spellers in the monthly spelling match were ; Sixth, Homer Ruaaoll; Fifth, Nelson Northcott; fourth, Willie Northoott; Sen. 3rd, Beatrice Warren; Jun. 3rd. Nellio Gould; San 2nd, Henry Busch; Jun, 2nd, Flora Natthcott; 2nd pt.Edgar O'Brien; lst pt, Bertie O'Brien. Stanley. BRIEFS—Mr. Charles Reid,willloave this week with a carload of horses for Manitoba. —A tea -meeting was held on the Goshen Lino iu connection with the Episcopal church.—A social under the auspices of the Bayfield Road Presbyterian church, was held at the residence of Mr, John Sparrow, Parr Line. A very enjoyable time was spent. Proceeds,ahout $20,—On Tuesday, March 8th, Miss Sarah 3. Reid, Bayfield road, was united in the bondsofmatrimony to Mr. James Woods of St. Helena, by tho Rev. Mr. Macdonald, pastor of Bayfield Road Presbyterian church. By this mar- riage, Bayfield road loses one of its most respected and esteemed young ladies,—On Wednesday last Mr. John Reid, Bayfield road, and -Miss Maggio Elliott, Goderich township, were united in matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Tribeadan, Bayfield, After the ceremony a very enjoyable evening was spent by the guests. -Many beautiful and costly presents were received by the bride, from her numerous friends. We wish them much happiness in theirjournoy through life. Sodom. BRIEFS.—The poor house question was discussed in Providence on Thursday evg. last, a very large number being present. The speakers being C. Prouty, leader of the affirmative (in favor of poor house),assisted by Silas Stanlake, ar , James Sweet, and J. Carrick. Thil,negative being led by Stephen Hogartb, assisted by 5. Sanders, jr,, Geo, Penhale and Sept Hogarth. The speaking was very good on both sides and listened to attentively. The judges wore 0. Christie, Sam Stanlake and C. Box. The decision was given In favor of the poor house.—A number of Sodomites visited Zarioh on Sat- urday to see what further information could be got relating to the school difficulty that Ina caused so mach disoord here. ending in the removalof one Sunday school superin- tendent and the election of another, in the person of Mrs. Samuel Stanlake. We all regret very ranch the necessity that led to a change of superintendente,and everything that could be done was done to prevent euoh an event, but without offsot. There was only one remedy to restore harmony, but tbat remedy did not meet the approyel of the person, who was most interested, ]fence the change --Should the frieuds of Providence wish a return dismission on any snbjcot we would be morally bound to comply. Dashwood. OBITUARY—Mr. Witzel at whose death mention was made laat, week, war born in .1562, in Wilmot Cent:r, where he spent his early days. About eight years ago he was married to Misa Seibert of Badeu, and then moved to this plaoe, where he remained till death called him away. During the first part of his sojourn in Deehwocd he had charge of the stage between here and Park- hill, bat gave that up and took an interest in the flax mill. He was a elaunoh Con- servative and kept himself posted on all the political questions of the day, He was also a member of the I, 0. F., being one of the first who joined the court Here. His remains were interred in tits Bronson Line cemetery. Ho leaves a widow and six or- phans to mourn his loss. Hama—tar. J. Voelker attended commit meeting on Saturday last.-1Ir. el. Dickert of Woodstock, representing the Dominion Life Insurance Co„ was in our village this week,--Mr,G. Raeraher is rejoicing over the birth of a daughter.—The contract of the Exeter mail was let to Mr. J. Wawbold,but he has since sold his interests to Mr A. Thou, an old and experienced baud in the stage line.—Mr. John Pope will, hold.: an auction sale shortly to esti his house and lot now ocoupied by Mr. John Graybiel. ` , 0. 0, RICHARDS & Co. Gentlemen, —In driving over the moun- tains I took a severe cold which settled in my back and kidneys, causing me many sleepless nights of pain. The first applica- tion of MINARD'S"LINIMENT so telioved me that I,fell into a deep sleep and com- plete -recovery shortly followed, Annapolis;. JOHN S. M0LsND, Greenway. Eau:Fs:—Mrs, James T. Wilson and. granddaughter, Myrtle Wilson, of Green- way, left here last Thursday for .Athens, where she will visit her daughter Jennie. —Miss Corbett, of Brinsley, is visiting friends in this vicinity; Death has visited our yillage and called away Mr. James R. Watson. He leaves a wife and six small children to mourn their -loss. The sympa- thy of the entire neighborhood is extended to the bereaved family.—Mr. W. H. Eng- lish"is talking of going to the Northwest. —Mr. James McIntosh and family, Archy McIntosh and wife left here last Tuesday for Wayne, Neb., which plane they intend making their home in the future.—The Misses Liutott of Brinsley, spent last Sun- day visiting at Mr. D. Brophey's.—Mr. J. Luther returned from the Northwest last week,—Mrs G: H. Morgan (nee Miss Aunie Bloomfield) paid her friends a flying visit here last week.—A social party was held at W. J. Wilson's home last Thursday, when the people enjoyed themaelvea until a late hour, and all went home well satis- fied with the evening's entertainment. ... Kippen. BRIEFS.—The members of the Epworth League have arranged to have a sacred concert on the ,18th of March. A silver collection will be taken up.—The concert given by the Public Hall Company was well attended, considering the state of the weather. Everyone seemed to be well satisfied with the program. Mr. McLeod, of Seaforth, gar e great satisfaction ; we like him better every time. Notwith- etanding the unfavorable state of the roads Messrs. M. Y. McLean and D. D. Wilsou, of Seaforth, were present ani aided in the program, the fortnor giving an excellent speeh, the latter an interesting reading,— The Rev. Mr. Walker, of Varna, preached in the Methodist Church last Sabbath.— We are glad to hear that Mr. H. Melloro die has returned from Ireland, where he has spent the loot four or five months. He looks as if his trip had agreed with him.— Mr. John Cooper, of (">orrie, was visiting friends in this neighborhood last week.— The R. T. of Temperance are still pro- gressing, They had three new members join last week ; they have now about fifty five members in good standing. They aro well satisfied with the new organ they purohased from Mr Scott of Seaforth it set i Hibbert. DEATH OF OUR WORTHY REEVE.—On Saturday last death closed a long and worthy career in the life of Alex. McLaren, Esq., ono of the pioneers of this township. Deceased was a native of Scot'aud ; born at Glen Quay, coming to this country at an early age, settled on the line called Glen Quay, near Cromarty, He was known as " The Laird" and was esteemed by everybody, had been reeve of the town- ship for 1S years, which office he held at the time of death, and was foremost in all public enterprises, meetings, etc. He was a Presbyterian, a Reformer in politics, and an honorable, straightforward man. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daugh- ters to survive him, all the children marri- ed excepting the youngcat son. Deceased had been ill for some lime, and although in a low state of health was last January unanimously elected to the reeve's chair. Hie ailment was cancer of the stomach from which he suffered much. He had at- tained the advanced age of 77 years. The funeral on Monday was very largely at- tended, hia remains being interred in the Rodgerville cemetery. Goderich, BRIEFS.—Mr. R. H. Collins, of Exeter, will deliver an. address at St. Patrick's concert in the Grand Opera House this evening.—James Gordon, for many years street inspector of this town, died of heart disease of Monday morning.—The weather on Saturday and Sunday drove away the balmy days of the preceding week.—Our peop'e are becoming so used to Conserva- tive victories that a loss would be almost a pleasant cliange to the Conservatives.— Considerable work is now being Clone at the dock, a large number of vessels being altered or repaired.—Speckled trout may now be caught between the 31st day of March and the 16th of September.—Grand Master Robertson will deliver a Masonic lecture in Goclericlio on Friday, the 25th inst.—Mr. Elijah, an old resident of Gode- rich and vicinity, passed away this week after a long illness. The gentleman was a leading politician, having been for many years president of the West Riding Reform Association.—Conductor Snider, of the G. T. R., lectured on " Railway Life " to a large audience in the North-st.-fethodist Church on Monday evg.—The spring ses- sion nt the High Court of Justice opened on Monday, His Lordship Chiet Justice .Armour presiding The Civil docket con- tains some ten suite, the Criminal one con- tains a few unimpo*tant cases,—A fire broke out in au empty room over Cam- paign's grocery store on Saturday, but was soon extinguished. The stock was greatly damaged by water and was insured. The, fire originated through a defective chim- ney,—The Organ factory is rushing things ahead just now.—The member for West Huron was in Goderich last Thursday.— The 0. P. R. office his been nicely paint- ed, papered and refitted.—A special meet - Mg of the town council was held last Fri- day to pass the bylaw confirming the ap- pointment of the new aasessor, collector and street inspector. i)ISEASE OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS These dieeatee aro too well known to re- quire any description. How many thou• sands are carried every year to the . silent grave by that dreadful scourge, conatimption which always commences with a slight cough. Keep the blood healthy by tak- ine a few doses of Dr. Mot -seat Indian Root Pills each week, and diaemse of any kind is impossible. All medicine dealers sell Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. . Blyth, BRIEFS—The employees in our fax mill finished up the season's work on Saturday. —Miss l3ertie Hays, who had been paying a lengthy visit amongst friends returned to her home in Goderich on Sunday.—Miss Tenie McEloy has returned from visiting her brother in Woodstock.—Mr. H. E. Deyer, who has been in the tailoring busi- ness here for over a year, intends removing to Wingham.—On Saturday Mr. Fred Haggit, whilst skidding logs on Mr! Giles Jenkins' farm, met with a serious accident to one of his legs, by getting it jammed between a log and a stump of a tree, which will confine him to the house for sometime, —Me. Will Collison left here on Wednes- day to seek his fortune in Manitoba. Suc- cess Will.. At the residence of Mr. Jared Maxwell, 13th con. Morris, his second daughter, Marjory Annie. was united in wedlock's bonds to Mr. James Wilson of Lloydtown. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. T. E. Highly of Blyth, and was wit. nessed by a large number of friends and relatives. Miss Ella Maxwell assisted the bride, while Mr. Henry Wiliam acted as greenlet') an. Elimville, Annnir'S AND ,PRESENTATION —On Thurs day, March 10, the Sunday School class of Alias Maggio Andrew (now Mrs. Hodgson), waited upon her at the residence of MrJobn Andrew and presented her with a very handsome Bible and Hymnbook combined, as a token of their appreciation and of the kindly feelings they bad towards her. The address was read by Mies Floasie Andrew, and tl o presentation made by Mies Lona Miners. DEAR Tsacnsa,—Although it is some weeks eine° sou left us, wohavo not all had a chance of meeting with you to say "Good-bye:' We are very very sorry you are not with us now as our teacher. and wo miss very mach those Steasant talks you used to have with us in our unday School; but wo feet that your loss to ee will boa gain to others in your now home in Whalen. Wo have colpo to -day to say good- bye, and as we do so, wo ask you to accept this Bible as a slight token of love and respect wo have for you. You have always taught us to love this good Book and to be guided by its good lessons; and as you look upon it we hope it will bring to you fond thoughts of those wko have proaontod you with it. We hone you tvil[ ootno often to see us, and at last when toaohor and class aro all gathered into tho Great School which our Heavenly Father has prepared for us, then may none of us be missing. Wo, ono and all wish you a loving good -by. Signed on bebalfof the Sabbath School Class, 'LaSSisANDnEw, Menus, e nus, SARAH CLEMENTS. hlrs. Hodgson made a very suitable re- ply, thanking the children for this oxppres• sion of their esteem, and :muted them'%hat she prized the book and wonld often read it, and would always look upon it as a memento oLpleasant hours spent with thaw in the Sunday School ; and although the tie that bound them together as scholar, and teacher had been severed, he would ever bold them in loving remembrance. After spending two or three hours pleasantly to- gether, they all had tea, and then bade each other farewell - Zurich. SCHOOL REPORT—The following are the names of the pupils of the Zurich Public School who obtained the highest number of marks during the month of February, names in order of merit : Senior division— V class, John Gies; Sr. IV, 11. Buchanan, L. Koehler, T. Well, E. toeiger, A. John. son, C. Sippel, M. Strempfer. Jr. I tr—T Johnson, W. Geiger, Les. Williams, T. Kibler, G. Steinbach. Sr. III—E. Holtz- man, C. Williams,P.Haberer,K.Treumner, L. Zimmerman. Intermediate division—. Jr. I1I—W. Kibler, A. Pfaff, H- Stempfer, V. Johnson, L. Wutm. Sr. II—William Weber, H. Koehler, A. Kibler, 141, Hardy, C. Buchanan. Jr. II— Wm. Randall, N. Sararas, N. 13ossenberry,C. Wurm,G.Hess, T. Fossel. Sr. Pt. I-11. Williams, S. Johnston," N. Wham, Mary Weseloh, Jno. Brown. Jr. Pt. 1-0. Geiger, Al. Bideman, M, Kdichler, Geo Polland, E, Seigner. SA".11 J. LATrA,1 Teachers E. J. HAGAN, J Banes—The oyster supper under the ausnicos of the A. 0. F, was a grand auccess. —Mr. C. Prouty, Clerk of Stephen, wart in town on Saturday. lir: Beevor left this week for the tVest.—Mr,'C. Boysenberry has removed -to Hensall.—Mr E. Bossenberry of Hensall has returned to his old home in Zurioh,—Mre. Lippert has moved to the brick residence eppocite li. Magel'a livery stable. —Mr H. Magel was in Loudon on business last week. We;nnderstandthat ho has purchased a dandy covered carriage kr the u_e of his many customers. This is a "long felt want" and we ,are sure the boys will make good use of it,—lir. F. Hese, Treasurer of Hay, was in Exeter on Tues day net on business pertaining to the township.—A large number from tills vioin- ity left this week for the West.— Mrs. Pog- eon is visiting Mrs. Ehnos and Mrs.Siegner. —Mr. C- Mercer of Now Hamburg is visit- ing friends on the Bronson Lino.—Messra D. se W. Liebergood have removed to Dako- ta.—:Mies Lizzie Deieheet left last week for Detroit.—A number oT the members of A. O. P. from Hensel] attended the napper in Greh's hotel on Wednesday eyening.— Z. P. S. promotion examination takes plane on the 25th inst. A terrible prairie fire hasbeen raging for several days In the eastern part of Payne county, Oklahoma, doing groat damage. John Querry was fatally burned while attempting to save his home. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blom. ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Savo $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the Moet wonderful Blemish pure ever known; Sold by C. Lutz. 0-20 1y , Bargain Depot. We have just opened the choicest lot of Tweed Suitings for spring and sum- mer that we have ever had—in light and dark colors -bought at reduced rates, and to be sold at prices that defy competition. Our Black Venetian Worsted Coatings and fancy Pantings are taking the lead, and little wonder when a saving of 3 or 4 dollars is realised on each suit, If you doubt it, just test us. Just call in and see our Ia:ge assort- ment of Lovely Wall Papers, just in. Every roll fresh and of new pattern and as our stock is large we will' sell at prices that will please all. J. P. ROSS. 0 Hay Council.. Council met pursuant to adtournment in Zurich, on Saturday. March, 12th ; all the members present. Turnbull—Voelker —In reference to a petition affecting S. S. No's 10, 3 and 2, that the clerk is hereby instructed to notify the trustees of the sections affected that the Titration will be taken up at neat meeting Of Counoil,—Carried. Schnell—Knlbfleisali—that two thirds of claim of 3. Miller, shag) killed by ligLtning be paid, amount $10.—Carricd. Schnell—Kaibfloiseh—tbat the following be appoiuted poandkeepers : J Patterson, 3. Northcott, R. McAllister, J Decker, jr., C. Creh, Wm Nicholson, D. Spencer, 'Robert Turnbull, C. Flohlboin, M, Kearoher ; and bene°viewers : Wm. Russel, Geo. Grain, 0, Eaerett, Alex. McLaren, Sam'l Thompson H Baur, J, Deoker, sen., Sam'1 Treffery, 31. Kearoher, Justus Mallick, Wm Snider, C. Miller,—Carried. Kalbfleiseh—Voolker—that following be appointed Pathmasters : 1, Adam Case, 2 Geo. Case, 3 J. Patterson, 4 Wm. Moir, 5 J Gilchrist, 0 R. MaMordie, 7 J MoMaun, jr, 8 J Gould, 9 Alex Ingram, 10 J Bonthron, 11 R4foArthur,12 JPetty, 13 Wm North- oott, 14 C Aldsworth, 15 Geo. O'Brien, 16 D Bell, 17 W Mulholland, 18 F Deters, 19 J Howard, 20 Wm Caldwill, 21 C Redmond 22 G. Reichert, 23 J. Penhale, 25 Colin Smith, 26 Ross LDignan, 27 Cooper Forest, 28 Ed Troyer, 29 J Gill, 29a L Rahn, 30 J Decker, 81 J Decker, sr„ 82 J Koob, 33 Wm Schwalm, 34 H Wilbert, 85 J Roeder. 36 A Faust, 37 A Geiger, 38 R Wnrm, 39 P Koehler, 40 H Gies, 41 J Grabiel, 42 0 liohlbein, 43 W Ruby, 44 J Mellick, 45 M Geiger, 46 J Erb, 47 H Bender, 48 C Miller 49 J Haug, 49a G *Gabel, 50 0 Trumner, 51 J Hartman, 52 AAlbrioht, 53 0 Keeler, 54 H Kalbfleiech, 55 Angus Murray, 56 J Jaoo bi, 57 D Snrarna, 58 D Wilson, 59 R Taylor 60 G Turnbull, 61 J Taylor, 62 J Jarrett, 03 J. Chambers, 64 0 Troyer, 65 goes with 54, 66 J Dinsmore, 67 J Moyer, 68 A Edig holler, 69 Alex Thompaon,(Mr. Holtz is transferred from 68 to this list),70 W Ching 71 H Isaacs, 72 J Kestle, 73 H, Reynolds, 74 P Beaver, 75 G Meyer, 76 0 Hartfeib, 77 C Willert, 78 J Willert, jr, 179 J Kenning, 80 J McArthur, 81. A Weselob, 83 3 Diet Arthur, 84 W Colwiif, 85 8, il:umeaton, 86 J EL Beek, 87 A Hidemen, 89 A Ehnen, 89 F Hess.—Carried, Kalbfleiech—Schnell—that the reeve and treasurer are hereby:empowered to borrow $700 on the credit of the township to meet current expenses, and the necessary bylaw be passed.—Carried. Voelker—Kalbfleiech—that the Auditors' report be accepted and the clerk procure 100 copies for distribution.—Carried. Schnell—Voolker—that the amount of the Treasurer's bonds be $12,000 with at least two sureties, and that reeve see the came aro properly given and laid before the Council at next meeting.-- Carried. Turnbull—Voelker—that the following ,cots be paid:—Louis Extein gravel 53.68 ; J Hildebrand care of Currey $36; Appel ds Zeller clothing for Currey $3.50; Robt Car- lisle culvert 52.50 ; Hart & Co. Municipal blanks, minute book, etc., $18.44 ; McLean Bros , ad. re contractors H 5 D 51 50 ; Gar row se Proudfoot, drawing agreements re Hay Swamp Drains, 512 ; White to Son, pig acct. 509.15 ; , Observer, orders, 57 ; Weclts for gravel $7.20• John Hoy, wood for kali $s.—Carried. A communication was rand from D. E. Cameron, of Prov. Treas. Delft of Ontario, stating that the H S D debentures had been accepted and that the cheek was forthcom- ing. On motion of Mr. Voelker, sec by Mr Turnbull, the Council adjourned to meet on April 16th at 16 a. m, --S. J. lasers., clerk, —e,— Itch, m - Itoh, Mange and scratches of every kind on hnmon being or animals, cured in 30 min notes by Woolford's sanitary lotion Thi never fails. Sold by 0. Lutz- Oot, 9,-ly $24100*** woirtmaz Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED AT ,NSON'S, During th© Next. Month. Shop undergoing Repairs to meko room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ed - vantage to oath '