HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-3-10, Page 8IN SUBANriS
of Toronto ; also for the P$IONI
l nglaad,the ROYAL OANADIAN, of Beton
(meal, and the ONTARIO 4iU1'UAL L1F.E
,ierUBAN CP, 00'Y of Waterloo established
s7il..iseuraucesinforce, $18.127.400. Bonuses.
ovary five year e.
special Notice
During this week our usual supply of
Roliday Stock will be opened and dis-
played for sale, so that on and after Dec
5th we will be in a fair position to re -
were aur customers and their friends.
We sincerely trust that the exhibit this
:Peer rvill be found in every. way satis-
f-et:ry. Much to our surprise we find
st largo number living within a few miles
.of Exeter who have not yet called. This
is r ii•istako Our stock is equal, 'and
:vt..: unit euporior, to any found in vil-
lages of this size ; in fact we know it to
,class well with the majority of those
ouzel in city stores. We are steadily
431)dc ,curing to stake it more widel
known and will not rest content until
leas been inspected by at least the in
ierir- of those living within ten or fif-
Seen miles of Exeter. We know that if
unable to sell, our stock will at least
;,abase ; and so cordially invite every
;seeder of THE TI11ES to call with their
: rtouds at least Mice during December,
.en.i take a- look through.
Exeter sends some twenty votes into
Smith Perth to -day for Pri:iham.
Special! for 50c you car buy a pound of
5c black tea at the Big Baukrupt.
Sap rune well these days, and the pro-
spects are for a good return of syrup and
Buy your boys' snits at the1Big Bankrupt
tore ; prices are in your favor. and qual;
ty high.
Crowe. in great numbers, during the
past three days have been flying in an?east-
erly direction.
Richard Pickard & Son are displaying
e largest stock of wall paper ever shown
u Jxeter.
Quite a number of Exeterites have re-
ceived circulars from. New York "Green
Good's dealers."
Under the warm rays of the sun during
the past few days the snow has disappear-
ed in many pladces.
A big lot of ready-made clothing just
opened up at Rich. Pickard & Son's. Spec -
value in boys suits
Several car loads of stock, together with
a number of people from Exeter and vief-
ity left for Manitoba this weak.
Gents, do you know you can save money
byr buying your ordered clothing at the
Sig Bankrupt Store? Just try.
' Send the Totes weekly to your friends.
75 cents to the end of the year. It is
better than a letter from home.
There were five Mondays in February
this year. It is two hundred and twenty-
four years siuee this happened before.
Spring prints, lateens, ginghams, em-
broideries, lace curtains, carpets, all in
and on sale at the Big Bankrupt Store.
THURSDAY, MARCH loth, 1892.
Tri?•t`:' Sc1tccl Board :Minutes,
Me'tins hell on Mirth 7th, in the town
'stall ;it S p. in ; all present. Items passed
etireutes oflprevious meeting; Per T. Fitton
•,n 1 W. Treble, the chairman and W.
Heet.in to wait on Mr. Horton in reply t
nee -resident fees; Per T. Fitton and W
Ho=ltsn,'the fallowing accounts: Benue
`:i:Teething Co. desks, 536 10; Bissett Bros,
:lardware, $160; R Pickard & Sun, win;
mow blinds, etc., ,59 03; See'y school sup -
pile.: c:ml extra service, $10 70; Per Dr,
'etit:= ,•:til T Fitton, 11. Follick to be truant
teemed to Jnly 1st, 1892; Per T. Fitton:and
eV. Treble, J. 1iord's account of 539 65 for
e ter+1 to be paid; Per T. Fitton and W. D.
teee'.cea, Secy to procure fount as required
by the Principal; Per Dr. Lutz, adjourn.
trent. J. GRIGG, Sec'y.
'rico Agricultural Societies' Grant.
Lit response to the urgent appeal of re-
presentatives of the various electoral dis-
trict agricultural societies for a larger
grant, 1Ir. Dryden, the Minister of Agri-
culture, has recommended to !the Legisla-
tive Assembly that an increase of $19J be
made in the annual allowance, for the
benefit of the electoral district societies
alone For some years an annual grant of
r`7"tl has been made by the Legislature to
each electoral district society. Threc-fif hs
of the grant received by such distr t
society is subject to division among th
town.hip and horticultural societies co
re reel therewith ; but no society receives
more than three :times the amount of its
aul.aeriptious nor more than $140. In-
titreutial an 1 represoutative deputations
have waited upon the Government during
the past three or four years and have pre-
sente.1 the claims ofethe electoral district
sotri.ities for au increased grant, and their
wiehar, are now about to be complied with
to the extent named.
7.titaisterial Atuiociation.
This Association mot iu the Presbyterian
sreer.'it, Exeter, on Monday 7th inst., the
?re relent, Rev. W. Martin in the chair:
tnlIcers elected for the ensuing year : Rev.
%V. efcDonagh, President; Rev. J. S. Hen -
der. -en, Vice -President; Rev. C. Fletche .
::tc,:'y. Rey. Mr. Alli( of Centralia pr
eei.tt.e a report from the committee alit
pointed. to consider the question "f Sunda
funerals. This report recommended a form
of greement for the signatures of all
ministers in South Huron—the purpose
cei^_z, t.) abolish,excepting an extreme cases,
fa =r.'1/2 on Sunday. It was decided to
correanund with all ministers in the south-
ern part of the county, to secure united
action. After arrangements were made
Vo next meeting, Rev. A. L. Rusaeil read
a paper entitled a"Review of Lux Mu , di."
Lux efundi is a book lately publishe
Epee:old, containing twelve essays b a
many .authors, and deals with theolo 1 1
gnestieus in the so called "advan-ed
t. Frits. A pleasant and profitable/time
•s..s ,:rent in listening to, and criticism of
the essay and the book. Next meeting at
Eensali on first Monday in .April.
Pa•e•<irytery of Huron.
This Presbytery met in Clinton on the
Sth linen. Much of the time etas taken up
v it 1, tine Annual Reports, Temperance,
State of Religion,and Sabbath observances.
The ' [.'ports are all based on reports from
each session within thebonnds of the Pres-
bytery. A Conference on the State of
Religion was held in connection with the
second mentioned report, during which
;many interesting and useful suggestions
were :made. The report on Sabbath ob-
servance called forth an earnest discussion
ten the question of Sunday funerals, during
whish the action of the Ministerial Associ-
atiou of South Huron was warmly endors-
ed by all the speakers, and a willingness
expressed to enter into an agreement which
would put an end to the sante, excepting
%n cases of necessity. The !following com-
iniasiouers to the General Assembly were
elected : Rev'dh J. S• Henderson,Carriere,
Martin and Simpson, with elders from the
reongregations of Brucefield, McKillop,
Blyth and Clinton. A call from Londes-
bore and Hullett to the Rev. J. A. Hamil-
ton of Silver Hill, in the Hamilton Presby-
tery. was sustained and ordered to be for-
warded to the same. The congregations
of Grand Bend. and Bayfield asked for the
;Jame amounts from the augmentation fund
as last `year. The Presbytery agreed to
apply for these. The next meeting was
appointed to be held in Cavan church,
Exeter, on the second Tuesday in May.
An old an respected resident of Blyth,
ids the person of Myles Young, died on
Sunday last. He had been ill for some
years, until the decline terminated- as
above. Deceased was one of the promin-
ent men of the village, having been a
Justice of the Peace. The funeral on
Tuesday was one of rho largest ever seen
in Blyth.
The market house was put on rollers
yesterday and is now on its way down to
the new site on the town hall property,
Ri;hard Pickard &Son show the largest
and most complete stook of gents' furnish-
ing's in town, ask to seethe Stauley flats.
Mr. James Westeott shipped two car
loads of hot ses and implements from this
station on Tuesday last for Douglas, Man.
The Spring Assizes for the County of
Huron will he opened at Goderieh, before.
Chief Justice Armour, on Monday, March
Grandest ahow of new and uobhy dress
goods and silks in Western Ontario, at the
lire B}nkrupt Store. Values cruet ho
The reeve called a special meeting of
the town council for Tuesday evening, but
only Irimstlf and Mr; Ross put in an ap-
The sale of .lir. S. Martin's farm stock,
implements, etc., on Thursday last was
well attended and everything sold excep-
tionally well.
Richard Pickard & Son's stock of dress
goods is the largest and best assorted ever
shown by the firm; the ladies aro delighted
with the display.
Fifty-six head of brood [nares from the
Palo Alto farm wore sold at auction at
San Francisco Wednesday for $16,350, an
average price of $292.
The bargain between Mr. Wm. Horton
and Mrs, finch, in which the latter had
sold her house, at published last week, has
been withdrawn by Mrs. Pinch.
Richard Pickard & Sqn have just open-
ed up an immense shipment of dry goods
direct from mauufacturore in Great l3ritain;
goods will be ready for inspection on Sat-
urday next.
The examination for entrance to the
igh Schools and the Public Leaving ex•
aminations will bo held this year in June
instead of July as formerly. The 28th,
29th and 30th are the dates Axed.
Mr. Allen McDonell has purchased a
beautiful imported Clydesdale brood mare
from Mr. Samuel Hicks, Usborne. He
paid a handsome price far her. He intends
shipping her to _Manitoba shortly.
W S. Case, ex-presi,lent of the Western
Ontario Commercial Travelers' Association,
London, Ont., was presented with a hand-
some silver service on Saturday, in recog-
nition of his services to the Association.
Wall Paper,"Wall Paper," Do you want
any? Our spring stock is all opened up
ready for your inspection. We guarantee
our prices on paper. to be lower than any
regular house in the trade. Big Bankrupt
Palm Sunday will be on April 10; Good
Friday, April 15; Easter Sunday, April l7;
St. Patrick's Day March 17; the 24th of
May and 12th of July on Tuesday; Do-
minion Day is on Friday and Christmas
Day is a Sunday.
Richard. Pickard & Son are the acknow-
ledged leaders in the dry good trade in
Exeter, and the firm intend to sustain
their reputation by showine all the correct
things in their line at prices which their
compet't ms can't touch. rs
The following from this district passed
the dental examinations at Toronto last
week : H. F. Kinsman, Exeter!; S. Ander-
son, Brussels; E. A• Billings, Leamington;
G. J. Musgrove, Wingham ; R. Agnew,
Wood -bees are popular at this season.
Last week Mr. John Heywood of the .3rd
con., Usborne, had a big pile of wood saw-
ed, and on Monday Mr, Wm. Balkwilt's
wood pile was noticably increased. There
are some rapid sawyers in this village.
There are more matches on dit.
Mr. Stott of Bayfield. formerly of Bow-
manville, who has been visiting the Spicer
families for the past week, left on Monday
morning to visit his old friends down east.
Mr. Stott had with him a quilt patched 100
years ago, which came to him through the
death of an uncle. The quilt had a border
of crowns fac similes of all the crowns
ot the Kings and Queens of Eng-
land, commencing with Egbert, and finish-
ing with Queen Victoria. Under each
crown is the date they ascended the
throne and the date of their death. It
also has the British Coat of Arms, &c.
The quilt is quite a novelty, and''is kept
as a relic by Mr. Stott, who takes great
pleasure in showing it to his friends. .
Rev. War. HOLLINSIIED Pastor of th
Presbyterian church at Sparta, N. J.,
voluntarily writes strongly in favor of Hood's
Sarsaparilla He says: "Nothing 1 know
of will cleanse the blood, ctimulate the liver
or clean the stomach like this remedy, I
know of scores and snores who have been
helped or cured by it."
The highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient.
The Methodists o G rrie have decid-
ed to erect a new church. Nearly $3,-
000 has already: been subscribed and
some of the material is on the ground.
The old church was erected 18t30.
»u'- Arai >Ytl apes ..
The oflfcere of Tatefes Chapter Royal
Arch Mason., No. 85, were installed,
on Tuesday evening last by Excellent Z.
Companion, M. Eaczett. The following
are the officers that were installed :—
Excellent Comp. R. H, Collins, 2nd
prim. H.; Excellent Comp. Samuel
Sweet, 8rd prim. J_; Comp. G. A. K.
McLeod, Scribe E.;; Comp. B. S. O'Neil,
Scribe N.; Comp. H. Spackman, P. S.;
Comp. W. Levett, S. S.; Comp. H. J.
Glanville, J. S.; Comp. Wm. Brooks,
Janitor. The Chapter is in an exceed-
ingly prosperous condition financially.
Ckurok Notes.
Rev. George Webber will lecture in the
Jaines-st Meth. church this eyening under
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid,
A social under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid. Society of Main -et church will bre held
in the rarsonage on Monday oy.enrng,April
4th. Admission, Adults 15 cents ; Child-
ren, 10 eta. 2t
The anniversary of the Caveu Presby-
teriau church will take place next Sunday
when Rev. R. J. Beatty, of Guelph will
preach. A special collection will be taken
instead of holding the usual tea meeting.
The thirteenth quarterly meeting of
Stauley, Tuckersmith and Hay Sabbath
School Association will be held on Friday,
March 11, in the Meth. Church, Seatorth.
A good program of subjects has been pro-
vided for the occasieu.
The War Cry announces that es a result
of the week of self-denial the following
amounts were contributed by corps in this
districtBrussels, $_9.5 •Clinton,$.l 21;
Bayfield, St:.21 ; Exeter, $8.46 ; Goderieh,
423.97; Seatorth, $25.27.
Mrs. G. N. A. F. 1', Dickson lectured
in the Main-st Meth. church Wednesday
evening to a large audience, under the
auspices of the Womans' Foreign Mission-
ary Society. The attendance was fairly
large, and the address, which was given in
splendid style, was quite intereating and
Mr. John A. Gregory left on Saturday
to attend the Collegiatelnatitutein Aylmer
—Mr. and Mrs. George Bawden of Lueau
spent the pest week with Mr. Bewden's
parents in Exeter.—Miss FannyPinclt has
returned to Alma Ledros' College.—Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Crewes of Exeter North
spent a few days recently with friends in
Bemntitler.—Miss Sanders of Exeter was
the'guest of Mrs. Herrington of Blyth laat
week.—The Misses Eacrctt ot Exeter have
been visiting friends in town for the peat
week,—Wingham Times.—Mr. and Urs.
R. H. O'Neil of Luean are the guests of
Mr. and h[ra. 13. S. O'Neil, town. -T. M.
White of Windsor was iu town this week.
He anticipates goirg to Manitoba.—Mr.
W. E Gundy, law student with R. H.
Collins, leaves next week for Leamington,
where lie has au engagement with a \Rut.
Eason, Barrister of that place. It is Mr.
Gundy's intention to go into partuership
with Mr. Eason upon his (Gundy) passing
his final exantivation the coming summer.
We wish our youug friend every success,
and his ability is such as will win him a
foremost place at tho bar. He wilt he
greatly missed in church circles.—Mr, J.
Laug has returned from Manitoba for
another carload of horses.—Miss Mattie
Norris of Hensel! was visiting friends in
town this week.—Mr. Geo Holman has
been forced to again close his school, ou
account of his eyes. He underwent an
operation yesterday for au ulcer in tho left
eye, his right eye having not yet recovered.
—Mies May E. Gill, teacher, is very i11
and confined to her roost.—Mr. Samuel
Cornish has moyed into Mr. Scldon's house
on Andrew street —There ;were several
weddings in town on Wednesday evening.
Particulars elsewhere.—Dr. 3. \V. Brown-
ing has returned from Markham, where he
has been visiting his mother.—The millin-
ers have returned to town and millinery
openings will be in order to a few ',clays.—
Mrs. Pratt Fisher and daughter, who have
been visiting Mrs. Davis, in Wingham,for
some weeks, have returned home.—Mr.
T. A.Brown, Principal of Exeter public
school, is confined to his house through
sickness, and his department is closed.
—Miss Spicer is teaching :Miss Gill's
departmeht.—Mr. Wm. Balkwill's horxo
ran away this week, throwing Mr. B.
out of the buggy and injuring -him so
badly that he is confined to the house. --
Mrs. Thos. Bawden and family of Mani-
toba returned to town on Monday, but
proceeded to Blyth. Mr. Bawden died
in Manitoba a few weeks ago, it will be
Dr. Cowan moved from Chicago to St.
Thomas last week.
A meeting of the shareholders of the
market square property is called for Fri-
day evening, at Page's hotel, to arrange
matters in connection with the property.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The council met on Wednesday evening,
9th inst., as per adjournment. All the
members present. Minutes of pl evious
meeting read and signed.
A petition signed by 150 Freeholders,
Praying that the council defer the moving
if the market until tush time as thestation
s moved, or to first submit a by-law to
the Freeholders for the expenditure for re-
moval and gravelling, etc., was preaented
by Mr. William Harding, who addressed
the Board at length in support of the same,
stating that the Freeholders in signing the
petition for removal, had been deceived by
false and delusive promises, and that now
they were anxious, seeing that things had
not materialized, to have the market re-
main on the original site. He intimated
that the petition wouli have been more
largely signed had there been more time;
the canvassers were told that the petition
must be presented at once, before action
for removal was taken. He thought, how•
ever, that it was representative, and asked
the oouncil to either honor it or reject it.
Hearing of the petition, the work of re-
moval had been begun before a chance was
given to have the petition laid before the
council, but he hoped, in their wise judg-
ment the Board would defer action as re-
Mr. Spackman thought that the petition
was out of place ; that the present council
had nothing to do but to carry out what
their predecessors in office had arranged
for, and to stay proceedingswould not be
acting in accordance with the wish of the
rate -payers, as signified by the vote taken
last year ; the contract had been let, and
he could see no proceeding other than to
carry out the arrangements already made.
Mr. Carling, while he would like to
honor the petition so largely signed,thought
that if it was desired that proceedings be
stayed, the petition should not have been
left until the eleventh hour; several months
Have just received (per S. S. Devonia, via New York)
an immense shipment of
Direct from manufacturers in Europe and Great
Britain. The Goods are now being marked
off and placed in stock and will be ready
for inspection next Saturday.
Everybody invited to call and inspect our st '6k.
had elapsed since the vote was taken, and
if the people wished the market to remain
whore it was, why spring this petition in
at the laat moment? He did not think it
fair to the council.
At this juncture, Mr. Tony, said the
petition would have been in in time had
not individual members of the council,
hearing of its circulation, instructed the
contractor to proceed with the work at
once ; that had the special meeting of the
council, called by the reeve, for Tuesday
evg,. been attended there would then have
been ample time to check the work of
irir: Carling said that according to a vote
of the people taken last year, upon which
the previous council bad arranged pre-
liminaries, he was inclined to act, and to
defer the droving he could not see why it
was necessary, Just here some Itot words
were exchanged, which necessitated the
reeve to call order.
Mr. Ross was sorry the petition had not
been presented eocner ; the building was
now on wheels and arrangements tnado,
but however, in view of the petition tieing
an influential one, would move that action
be deferred, Ile got no seconder, Mr.
Chriatie taking no part. other than object-
ing to so much quarrelling over a trifling
matter and something tlrnt had beau already
The reeve here asked why it was that
individual members of the council should
instruct the removal of the 13nard of Trade
building, when at the last meeting, the
conditions as proposed by the Board of
Trade were not then accepted; what was
a council for? He held that their offer
should first have been accepted in counoil
and then proceediuga taken for the remov-
al of the building. The men who instruct-
ed the work done could pay for it ; he
would sign no orders for payment. Ho
wanted business done above Board,
After a deal of discussion oft this point
in which it was said that the removal of
this building was included in contract for
moving of market building, it was moved
by Mr. Spackman seconded by Mr.Carliug
that the petitiou be fyled,—Carried.
On notion of Spackman and Ross, the
thanks'of the council was to be conveyed
to the Board of Trade for the free gift of
the butter and egg building as per an offer
before the (munch. at last meeting —Geed,
The question of cattle yards next camp
up, and after it was stated that the council
intended to diseetal.li:,'t the prevent mar-
ket, it was moved by Specimen secondee!
by Carling that the reeve and Mr. Christie
confer with Mr. Knight re cattle yards at
the station.—Carried.
The reeve asked why not retain the pre-
sent yards and market grounds and convert
the premises into a market for stock only,
and hold monthly stock fairs there. Tho
council stated that the market would be
entirely disestablished, and the land revert
to the original owners.
Mr. Dyer, on behalf of the Agricul
tura[ Society, applied for a grant.
Moved by Spackman seconded by Carl-
ing that $50 be granted to the Society.
Mr. Dyer was refunded $1,80 over-
charge for labor the corporation had
Mr. Creech was instructed to look
after Market building during night
time while it is being moved; also to
shovel snow from side -walk on Huron
street, east as far as Mr. Baker's.
The following accounts were passed
on mo ion of Spackman and Carling :
I. Armstrong, labor, $3; W. Parsons,
do, $2.25, White & Sons, balance '91
account,$19 70; Mrs.Mclntosh, charity
$2; lara Wilcox, do, $2; Jas. Gould,
do, $4; Mrs. McIntyre, do, $3; A. G.
Dyer, refund, $1.80; Ag'I Society grant
Applications for road commissioners
to be received at next meeting of the
council. Adjournment until Wednes-
day evening, 16th inst;
All through the Province the rapid in-
crease of the Grippe is causing great alarm.
some new and dangerous developments have
just cone to light. One of the worst fea-
tures of the disease is that shown in the ease
of Wm. Handley of New York City, who
after a eieknets of only four days died in the
most terrible agony. His tongue swelled to
render it impossible for him to swallow or
This has just coma .to hand recently and
is oateeng tbo people . f this community to
enqnire into the famouw ours for La Grippe
which was referred td in so many of the
leading papers :�
In Cape Breton, the results are very fatal
and the disease is sp-eadingrapidly. A, J.
MoKillop of le Aroheveque, writes that this
cure has been tried in that oommunity.and
with such success, that all the people in the
neighhnthood are securing a supply. He
thistles his lottsr by asking ,for a large
quantity to fill tho orders of the public: In
reply to bis request, a supply of Dr, Morse's
Indian Root Pills has been forwarded him.
Dr. T. A. Slocum''s
LIVER OIL. Tlreywho use it - - Live.
UA. i'. Fer sale by all dru,tgista. 35 cents
per bottle.
We press our Suits on the public with renewed
vigor this year, because it is open to every ,one do make a
We make ours knowing that it will not be
Because we offer the Best Goods in the market at low and
more than reasonable prices ; therefore we have no fear
of the Pianizo refusing such a chance, but are
confident that both our Goods and .['rices will be warmly
We Have Never Shown a Finer Lot of Dress
Goods nor Trimmings than this year.
Our Staple Department is Complete
Try Our CrOoeries; they are new and fresh.
We have the name of keeping the best Tea in town. Do
you doubt it ? Try us. Our 25o Tea has no ei .
Having visited the best markets, we have succeeded
in purchasing goods, the equal to which has not been
shown in Exeter before.
The Latest in Everything
Our stock will insure us :
The Trade in Dry Goods;
The Trade in Dress Goods;
The Trade in Millinery;
The Trade in Clothing.
Watch this space for further announcement.
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
barber Shup,
A. Hastings,. Prop
Shaving and Hair orating in the attest
style of the art.
Every attention paid to cutting,
Lames' and Chil'ren'sHair
The Molsons Bank
Paid up,Capital ... ... 85,000,00
RestFund ... .., ,.. 1,000,00
HeadOffioe, Montreal,
Money advanced to' good farmers on their own
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per Dent
per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day, from 10 a. m.to 3 p.m
SATURDAYS,10 a,m.to 1p.m,
4PerOent.perannum allowedformoney on
DepositRooeipts. Savings Banc at 3 per Dent/
Sub -Manager.