HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times-Advocate, 2002-11-13, Page 22EXETER - Thirteen members of Hurondale Women’s Institute met at Gladys Richardson’s home recently. June Stewart’s group served dessert. President Marion Frayne opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. June Stewart began the pro- gram with a reading. Guest speaker Tammy Antaya spoke about the Town and Country sup- port system and the ser- vices they offer. Some of the services are Meals on Wheels, a frozen meal for the home program, trans- portation for those in need, a security check and friendly visitor service and a life-line system for those who wish to have a con- tact for help at hand. These services are avail- able by contacting Town and Country Services, where a service co-ordina- tor will provide informa- tion and arrange services based on your needs. The motto ‘of all things we wear, our expression means the most’ was pre- pared and given by Mabel Hern. Helen Webber had readings on Hallowe’en and Remembrance Day. June Stewart completed the program with a poem. Fern Dougall gave a report on the fall rally in Belgrave. The London Convention was held in Shedden Oct. 29 and Marilyn Pym told about the day. The new presi- dent of London Area is Eleanor Williams from Perth. Hurondale W.I. meets next at Hansen’s Nov. 26 when articles for the Children’s Hospital will be collected. HENSALL - Members of Huron South District Women's Institute met Nov. 5 in Hensall for a Fall Board meeting. President Marjorie Johns conducted the meeting and opened with a "Farmers Creed". Crediton Women's Institute has a beau- tiful double sized patchwork quilt for sale. Contact Anne Cottle 234-6355 if you wish to purchase this quilt. A favourable financial report was given by Mona Alderdice. The roll call was, ‘Personally, how do you predict a change in the weather?’ Provincial Advisory Committee repre- sentative member Vivian McDonald advised the group to be wary of tele- phone scams. Always check the tele- phone area exchange you are calling. She said the Telehealth system is working efficiently. A healthful hint is to always wash the tops of canned goods and boxes as several types of bacteria could be on the tops. The Women's Institutes are collecting war stories so history books can be com- piled. In closing, McDonald reminded the group that poverty is everyone's business. Donna Lovie gave a report on the London Area Convention held in October. Shirley Cooper reported on the Fall Rally held in Belgrave recently. Delores Shapton reported on the Curator Workshop held in August. President Marjorie Johns reported that Huron South W.I. will celebrate their l00th anniversary in January. The exec- utive is making plans for the event. Grand Bend will compile the Fair Display list for Zurich and Exeter Fairs. The District Annual in 2003 will be in the evening with Hurondale as hostess. Wednesday, November 13, 2002 7Exeter Times–Advocate Letters from the Country IV by Marsha Boulton A Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour award winner. Her fourth book with winsome witty essays about life on the farm. Even a story about small town newspapers. Tradepaper $14.95 HAVE A STORYBOOK CHRISTMAS with NO TAX The Price on the Book is the Price you Pay! OPEN MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 5th - DECEMBER 31 CHILDREN’S BOOKS •Harry Potter •Munsch •Junie B. 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EXETER 235-1331 •Fax 235-0766 •email: ads@southhuron.com ALSO AVAILABLE •Art Supplies & Instruction Books •Great gift ideas: sketch kits, calligraphy books, charcoal, pastels •2003 Date Books and Desk Calendars •Audobon •Duct Tape •Bathroom Reader •Sports •Christmas computer paper & cards Until You are Dead The Steven Truscott Story by Julian Sher Today, Steven Truscott is in his mid- fifties, a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He is a model citizen. But he is still a convicted killer. This book reveals witnesses not called upon to testify; other , more likely suspects, including a known pedophile, never questioned; and important leads that were kept from the defence, the judge and jurors. A book every local will need to have in their library Soft cover $24.95 The Heritage Book 2003 by Edna McCann Offers wit, wisdom and warmth in its daily passages. A Canadian tradition with poems, quotes, scripture read- ings, recipes and stories. Hardcover $14.95 Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul Stories from Jann Arden, Kurt Browning, Pamela Wallin, Chief Dan George, & many popular Canadians $21.95 Featured Items NEW! Huron Apothecary Ltd. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT or shock therapy) has the highest rate of response of any form of antidepressant treatment. Although its treatment by Hollywood can be rather distorted, ECT does help a select group of severely depressed patients. It was first used back in 1938 and is still used today. If you are travelling to a country where the water is suspect, follow this rule: “Boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it”. When brushing your teeth, use bottled water. Wash your hands frequently while travelling. (You can buy small bottles of alcohol for cleansing). Don’t take in any swimming pool or ocean water while swimming and drink only bottled beverages in their original container. Pepto-Bismol Tablets (2 tabs 4xdaily) can be taken for prevention of diarrhea. For treatment of diarrhea, the dose changes to two tablets every 30 minutes for 8 doses. Be aware, however, that this project contains salicylates so if you are allergic to ASA, avoid it. It also causes black tongue and black stools. If you are giving liquid medication to children, you can be most accurate if you use an oral syringe. These are usually marked in teaspoons and millilitres for accurate measuring. Capsule Comments by Ernie Miatello Phone 235-1982, 440 Main St. Exeter “YOUR HEALTH CARE PHARMACY” Members of the Emmanuel Baptist Church met Saturday morning to pack shoe- boxes for needy children for the Operation Christmas Child program.The group packed about 200 boxes of toys,school supplies,hygiene items and others to help boys and girls two to 14 years old in war-torn countries.The items were donated by the church members.Helping out Saturday were,in front from left,Kelly Laycox,Pat Palmer,Judi Jennison,Joanne Laycox,Vianne Culbert,Ann Chapman, Bev Kline,Barb Keyes,Bev Martin,Joanne Vodden Gerry Phillips and Larry Phillips; in back from left are Danielle Culbert,Ally Vanderlaan and Donna Webster. (photo/Scott Nixon) WI learns about T&C support programs WI members collecting war stories SShhooeebbooxxeess ffoorr kkiiddss