HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times-Advocate, 2002-10-23, Page 24DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTH - Exeter off Main Street. Furnished - rooms with cable TV, equipped 4 cooking. Available immediately. 235- 4018. (43tfn) EXETER - 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with fridge & stove, freshly cleaned and painted, $375/month and up. 235-0349. (3tfn) EXETER - One/two bedroom apts. for rent. $445-$495. First/last months rent. References, no pets. Phone 235-3293. (3tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom town- house on Nelson St. Available December 1st, 2002. 235- 1303. (42tfn) EXETER - 3 BEDROOM DELUXE APT. - Seniors only, large deck, air, deluxe appli- ances included. Available immediately. 235-0349. (21tfn) EXETER - NICE 1 BED- ROOM APT. - in clean, quiet six-plex. Available Nov. 1st. References required. $425/month includes water. 335-6111 or 235-2891. (40tfn) LAND FOR RENT - Township of Lucan Biddulph will be accepting sealed ten- ders for the rental of approxi- mately 78 acres at Concession 4, Part of Lot 25 (Surrounding Lucan Sewer Plant). Tenders clearly marked will be accept- ed until 12:00 noon Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at the Township office, 33351 Richmond Street, Lucan. Tender forms are available at the office. Further info 227- 4491. (43;44) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt. Ground floor. Stove, fridge included. Senior welcome. 227-1385. (43-45*) LUCAN - FURNISHED ROOM IN SPACIOUS HOME - for non-smoker. Includes utilities, cable internet, use of kitchen and laundry. $400/month. References. 227- 1205. (43*) ZURICH - Spacious 2 bed- room apt. Laundry hook-ups, gas fireplace, private parking, patio, deck and lawn. 236- 4773. (33tfn) ZURICH SPACIOUS - mod- ern 2 bedroom apartment. Appliances available. Washer & dryer hookup, controlled entry. Phone Rau Manor. 236-4607. (19tfn) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IN EXETER - appliances includ- ed. Close to park and hospital. Large deck, shed. $700/month. Available Nov. 1. 235-3472. (43tfn) 21 For Rent WINTER STORAGE SPACE (EXETER) - Call Jeff Taylor 229-6472. (43tfn) 34 Wednesday, October 23, 2002Exeter Times–Advocate Classifieds 20 Property for Rent 27 Tenders Wanted 27 Tenders Wanted27 Tenders Wanted NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DONALD GEORGE ALVA JACKSON, late of 72140 London Road, R. R. #1, Hensall, Ontario, who died on or about the 19th day of March, 2002. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 2002 after which date the estate assets will be distrib- uted having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers & Solicitors 387 Main Street South P.O. Box 100 EXETER, Ontario N0M 1S6 Solicitors for the Estate of Donald George Alva Jackson. 26 Legal Notices NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS NHL HOCKEY TICKET PACKAGES to Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. Rolling Stones and all con- certs/theatre also available. For information www.toursport.com or CALL TOLL-FREE 1-877- 605-7608. ANNOUNCEMENTS DO YOU KNOW a young person (aged 6 to 18) involved in worthwhile community service, con- tributing while living with a limitation or performing an act of heroism? If so, nominate him/her for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Nomina- tion forms available through this newspaper or OCNA at 905-639-8720. Forms online at http://www.ocna.org/Awards/JuniorCitizens.htm. Deadline November 30th. BUSINESS OPPS. WATKINS HAS HELPED Independent Associates develop secure incomes since 1868. If you are an enthusiastic self-starter who wants to earn incre- mental income, call 1-800-375-1114. OWN A BUSINESS THAT MAKES A DIFFER- ENCE. Multi Menu, one of Canada's fastest grow- ing brand name pet food "home service" systems, with over 100 franchises in Canada, is now focus- ing on establishing Area Developers Throughout Ontario. An unusual opportunity if you have sales and marketing experience. CALL TOLL-FREE 1- 877-462-0056. email: joanm@zid.com INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS WANTED! FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE. Develop & pro- fessionally present your new product idea to man- ufacturers through Davison, an award winning firm. Patent assistance available: 1-800-544-3327 (24 hrs). WALTER GRETZKY ENDORSED BUSINESS. Capitalize on the fastest growing service in hock- ey. Over 60 established Esporta centres. Turn-key operation - Only 65K. Locations now available in your area. CALL Mike for an interview 1-800-881- 7781. RIVERS OF MONEY. Last year alone over 39 bil- lion dollars flowed through our industry. Why not get a bucket and join in! Learn how to turn a mini- mum secured investment of $19,000 into a lifetime income cash per week working only part-time hours being your own boss! All you do is stock and collect the cash! Please call only if you can be your own boss, have the time, and have the investment required to begin earning your cash income today. Call now for info pack 24 hours 1- 800-661-6250. CAREER OPPS. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Classes held Novem- ber 9-15, 2002. For information contact: South- western School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Wood- stock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1-888-673-6999. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our great home-study course. Call for your FREE brochure. 1-800-267-1829. Sheffield School of Interior Design, 1467 - 38 McArthur Ave, Ottawa ON K1L 6R2. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. $$$CHOCOLATE$$$ Attention students! Make lots of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery. Fundraising available. Call now 1-800- 383-3589. 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Browse online for over 450 world- wide properties -- www.holidaygroup.com WANTED CASH! COLLECTOR BUYS GUITARS made before 1970. Paying $400.00 to $15,000.00 + for certain models by Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, Epiphone and National. Call Steve 1- 800-964-3544. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Times-Advocate is accepted on condition that, in the event of a typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re-run in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applicable rate. In the event of a typographical error adver- tising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publication. The Times-Advocate reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting advertisements that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of this newspaper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the permission of the publisher is forbidden. Advertisers purchase space and cir- culation only. All rights to any adver- tisements produced by the Times- Advocate, using artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times-Advocate. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without written consent of the Times-Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times- Advocate is not responsible for errors in advertisements not submit- ted in legible form, nor for more than a single incorrect insertion of that advertisement. Exeter 235-1331 28 Auction Sales28 Auction Sales Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-Op Inc. invites applications for SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES Call 235-3382 for details Corporation of the County of Huron Request for Proposals Pharmaceutical Services The Corporation of the County of Huron invites proposals for the provision of Pharmaceutical Services at Huronview and Huronlea, Homes for the Aged. The Request for Proposal documents may be requested by contacting: Administration Department Corporation of the County of Huron 1 Court House Square, Goderich, ON N7A 1M2 Inquiries: (519) 524 - 8394 CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS: NOVEMBER 22, 2002 Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 www.auctionsfind.com CALENDA R WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30 AT 5 P.M. AT THE SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE, EXETER We will be dispersing a large offering of household effects for Mrs. Ida Diehl of Seaforth along with additions from an Exeter estate. PARTIAL LISTING: includes excellent 4 pc. bedroom suite in oak finish; good 3 and 4 pc. bedroom suites, single bed; maple table and four chairs; arborite kitchen table and six chairs; antique hi- boy chest; dressing table and stool; nice tea wagon; 42” round dinette table with 2 leaves; washstand; parlour table; old double brass headboard; buffet and china cabinet (maple); blanket box; antique dressers; nice antique bedstead (wood); coffee and lamp tables; pine frame chesterfield and chair; sofa bed and matching chair; nice lamp and magazine tables; bookshelf; filing cabinet; two fridges (as new); 2 elec. ranges (1-24”), washer; dryer (as new); several good colour TVs; air conditioner; dehumidifier; microwave; a large offering of useful and collectible smallwares incl. Radford, Hummel plates 1988-91; lg. Hummel commemorative figurine; 8 settings of Sakura “Japan” dinnerware; Aynsley, dinnerware by Swinnerton and British Empire; silverplate; asst. pictures and prints incl. 3 “Gordon Koch” paintings; kitchenwares and small appliances, bicycles; garden tools, etc. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 AT 12 NOON Auction of winterized resort home in Pineview trailer park (3 miles south of Grand Bend). Excellent mobile unit (#5) with large addi- tion. Gas furnace and fireplace, newer kitchen and bath cabinetry, central air. Quiet and pretty park. Call Bob for details and terms or come to the Open House Sat. Oct. 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. UPCOMING WEDNESDAY NOV. 6 AT 5 P.M. AT THE SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE, EXETER Large offering of furnishings, household effects, antiques, etc. from 2 Exeter homes along with additions from a Clinton home. SATURDAY, NOV. 16 AT 10 A.M. Excellent offering of antiques, collectibles, furnishings etc. from the estate of Dr. Buchanan of Peterborough. Mark your calendar for this sale. CLOSEOUT AUCTION For the Donnelly Market held at 269 Main St. in Lucan SAT., OCT. 26 AT 9:00 A.M. INCLUDING: Doherty ornate pump organ (nice); dressers; wardrobes; chests of drawers; entertainment unit; colour T.V.’s, stereos, cedar chests; tr unks; chesterfield suites; oak desk; fancy old fireplace insert; large appliances; dehumidifier; lateral filing cabinet; Alladin lamp; violin cases; partial chamber set; coal oil lamps; wool winder; postcards; captain’s chairs; rocking chairs; old baby buggy; dressmakers Judy; advertising; tins; glassware and china including Occupied Japan, Limoges, etc.; Doulton collector plates; bookcases; mattresses and box springs; display counters; odd chairs; cameras; books; videos; C.D.’s; 3 piece bedroom suite; cast iron sinks; electric motors; snowblowers; rototiller; wheelbarrow; truck toppers; redi- rack; Trademaster 6 inch combination sander; woodstoves; doors; vinyl replacement windows; Lincoln 180 electric welder; rabbit cages; hydraulic cylinders; hand and power tools; lots of collectibles; horse drawn democrat; 1978 440 Moto-Ski; 1989 fourteen ft. tandem axle enclosed cargo trailer with electric brakes; pile of rough-cut hemlock lumber; two 10 ft. x 50 ft. storage trailers; complete 24 ft. x 28 ft. log cabin disassembled and tagged sold subject to reserve at 12:00 noon; plus hundreds of unique and interesting items. Double ring auction. No Buyer Premium. Prop. and auctioneer not responsible for accidents or deletions. PROP: Donnelly Market 519-227-2229 AUCTIONEER: Doug Jacob 271-7894 LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for Reg Lawson of Londesboro, Depression glass for Anna Dolmage, good furniture from Wingham home plus other good additions. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 AT 9 A.M. Coins 80 lots include collection of Canadian (key coins), US NFLD, some British and nice medallions, something for every collector. Depression Glass from Anna Dolmage approx. 130 pieces include Carnival, Saguenay, Sandwich, Cameo green, pink cube, Hazel Atlas soil boat tumbler, Pink Doric, Pink Windsor diamond, Iris pieces. APPLIANCES: Fridge, stove, microwave, barbecue, sewing machine ANTIQUES AND FURNITURE: include press back rocker, set- tee, set of four ornate nesting tables, buffet w/hutch, tea wagon, large bedrooms suite, love seat, chesterfield like new, baby crib and mattress, nearly new, dining table extends from 20” to 6’, crank record player, riding lawn mower, 4 yr. old, gas push lawn- mower, life jackets, McCulloch 1500 watt generator, 18” band- saw, jointer, gas weed eater, chainfall, sand blaster, 2 Auctioneers selling starting at 9 a.m . Viewing Fri. 3-5:30 p.m. AUCTIONEERS: Richard & Ben Lobb 1-519-482-7898 See www.lobbauction.on.ca for full list and upcoming auctions LARGE AUCTION of Antiques, Household, Some Farm Machinery, Tools, Etc. KOMOKA COMMUNITY CENTRE, Queen St. Komoka SAT. OCT. 26 - 10:00 A.M. SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL LISTING FILSONROBSON.THE AUCTIONADVERTISER.COM AUCTIONEERS: FILSON, ROBSON, FILSON Phone/Fax 666-0833 28 Auction Sales28 Auction Sales Youth on ATV hits man STEPHEN – On Oct. 20 at 5:30 p.m., OPP were called to a farm on Crediton Rd. in Stephen for an ATV collision. An 11-year-old boy was driving an ATV around a barn when he struck a man on a bicycle, knock- ing him to the ground. The 40-year-old man was treated at South Huron Hospital for a sep- arated shoulder. The incident occured on pri- vate property and no charges will be laid Parents should super- vise all children on ATVs. Think safety and watch your children. Tools stolen SOUTH HURON – Sometime overnight Oct. 10-11, an unlocked shed was entered and $1,200 worth of tools stolen. Huron OPP report a Pioneer chainsaw, 5HP air compressor and a Mastercraft table saw were taken from a shed on Bronson Line in South Huron. Anyone who can assist Huron OPP in recovering these stolen tools is asked to call the OPP or Crime Stoppers