HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times-Advocate, 2002-10-16, Page 18TAYLOR - In loving memory of Jean Taylor, died July 21, 1992 and Jim Taylor, died October 15, 1992. Your star we noticed purely by chance, When giving the night sky a passing glance, It’s beacon draws our eyes each night, Brighter than the rest, first out each night, Guiding us from either work or play, Signaling the end, of yet anoth- er day. Low in the western sky it attracts our eyes, An everlasting vigil of love, lin- gering goodbyes. Suddenly, first we love you, Mom & Gramma Then all too soon we lost you to, Dad & Grandpa It’s brightness did increase, I’m sure, to give us a measure of peace. It’s true, time does dry ones tears, Memories sustain us, these past ten years, So at the ground we do not look For both of you; nor in a book, Your star is where we cast our gaze, Comforted by your glowing praise. John & Cathy Taylor & family WOODBURN - In loving memory of Lisle Woodburn, a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather who passed away October 21, 1999. He had a loving nature, And a heart as pure as gold. He always had a smiling face, And a story to be told. A terrific sense of humor And a twinkle in his eyes, A helping hand in time of need On that you could rely. Maybe we can’t touch his hand, Or see his smiling face, And maybe we can’t hear his voice Or feel his warm embrace. But there is something we will always have, Tucked safely in our hearts Our love for him, his love for us Will never let us part. Forever cherished and never forgotten. Marlene and Ron, Marg and Bill, Bill and Carolyn and families. (42*) Wednesday, October 16, 2002 25Exeter Times–Advocate Announcements 106 In Memoriam Happy 40th Anniversary STEPHEN & JOSEPHINE DIETRICH Love, Alice and Paul, Irene and Rob, Dennis and Jackie, Rosanne and Jamie and families and Happy 70th Birthday Mom/Oma ~ October 13th ~ Art in the Heart of London Art Exhibition & Sale What: Art in the Heart of London, the 39th annual juried art exhibition and sale Who: Features more than 60 local and regional artists in a variety of mediums, including watercolours, oils, wood, pottery, and fabric art Where: Cronyn Hall at St. Paul’s Cathedral 472 Richmond St., London (corner of Queens Avenue) When: October 23-26, 2002 Grand Opening, featuring Walter Gretzky: Wednesday 7 - 10 p.m. Thursday and Friday Noon - 9 p.m. Saturday Noon - 5 p.m. Admission by Donation: Proceeds Support Cathedral’s Outreach Ministries WHAT DO YOU NEED? ...TO BE SURE OF HEAVEN! COME & HEAR WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE TO MEET YOUR NEED. WHEN:Commencing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 Continuing nightly (except Saturday) through October Sunday 7:00 - 8:00 pm Monday thru Friday 7:30 - 8:30 pm WHERE:GRAND BEND GOSPEL HALL 64 Ontario Street S. (Hwy 21) SPEAKERS: Marvin Derksen (Cambridge, ON) Mark Bachert (Walton, ON) INFORMATION:If you have questions or need a ride, call 238-2820. A WARM WELCOME! NO COLLECTIONS! NO OBLIGATIONS! Hwy 21 (Ontario St. S.) Ri v e r R o a d La k e R o a d Gr e e n A c r e s GRAND BEND GOSPEL HALL HW Y 8 1 HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY BILL & LINDA RUSSELL Oct. 15, 1977 - 2002 With love always, Jane, Jayden and (your just-turned-18! daughter) Tristalyn The St. Marys Hospital AuxiliaryThe St. Marys Hospital Auxiliary Presents Their 22nd Annual CRAFTY CHRISTMAS FAIRCRAFTY CHRISTMAS FAIR Saturday, October 19, 2002 Sunday, October 20, 2002 The St. Marys Arena & Community Centre, James Street South, St. Marys 10 am - 4 pm Adults - $2.00 Children (under 12) - Free • Crafts • Sewing • Knitting • Candy • Woodworking • Quilt Raffle • Lunch Room *******OVER 40 VENDORS!!******** For more information call (519) 284-2098 Annual Quilt Show & Sale •Quilts •Quilt Tops •Crib Quilts •Wall Hangings & Fabric starting at $2.59/Yard SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEWLY DESIGNED QUILTS “FREE ADMISSION”“DOOR PRIZES” OCTOBER 19 & 20, ‘02 9 AM TO 5 PM at Crystal Palace (Fairgrounds) Wellington St., Mitchell, On. (15 minute drive W. of Stratford) For more information call Donna at 519-348-4417 Anne Darling Exeter EXETER LIBRARY will be CLOSED Oct. 20 - Nov. 3 for moving Re-opening Nov. 4 at 330 Main St. COUNSELLING • Marriage • Family • Personal Growth • Learning Disabilities BRIAN O’REILLY, RR#1 BRUCEFIELD 525-0622 D.S.W. RT. CT. LAKESIDE SMOKE FREE DRESS CODE 349-2820 Air Conditioned ******************SAT., OCT. 26, 8 P.M. GRANT CARSON BAND (Niagara Falls) SAT., OCT. 19, 8 P.M. THE SCOTT WOODS BAND www.LakesideResort.ca CRCRYSTYSTAL PAL PALACEALACE Craft Gift ShowCraft Gift Show Sat., Oct. 26th 9 am - 5 pm Sun., Oct. 27th 12 noon - 5 pm Corner of Wellington and Waterloo Streets, Mitchell Agricultural Society. Info. inquiries Eleanor 273-1070 Fax 393-6685 BUCK AND DOE Brad Johns and Kim Southcott Sat. Oct. 19 HENSALL ARENA 9:00 - 1:00 Age of Majority•Lunch Provided In-store activities including free recipes, recipe demonstrations, taste tests and heart health information. Enter to win a cookbook. Where:Hansen’s Your Independent Grocer 62 Thames Street East, Exeter When:Saturday, October 19, 2002 Time:10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Limited Offer from Oct. 15 to Oct. 22 Inclusive Great Time To Sell & Receive Incredible Earnings Opportunity Don’t Miss Out! Call:(519) 455-3124 AVON CALLING •Free Kit •Free Samples •Free Start-Up-Cost Happy 80th Birthday STAN FRAYNE Loads of Love your family