HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times-Advocate, 2002-10-09, Page 19ART SUPPLIES - ARTIST SKETCH PADS NOW IN STOCK $3.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or water- colour. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels. EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE, 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon-Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm. (19tfx) ATTENTION WOODWORK- ERS, MOVING SALE - Pine boards great for projects 5/8” thick x 9 1.2” wide. Various lengths up to 9 1/2’ long. Priced to sell $1-1.40 board foot. Call 225-2157 this week only. (41-48SA) “BABY & CHILD NEEDS” - Barbie house incl: families, furniture and clothing $100, Swing set $140, toddler swing set $60, in-line Perego stroller covered in Noah’s Ark motif $260 firm, toddler car seat by Cosco $40, infant carseat by Cosco $60, Fisher Price high chair $60, Century 2 in 1 swing/carseat/carrier unique $100, Fisher Price round table, $60, Fisher Price basketball stand $40, rocking/bouncy pony $40, Fisher Price games table $60, wicker bassinet with hood and bedding $80, single and double doll strollers $5- $10 each, plush chairs $5 each, plastic chairs $2 each, ass’t FP toys $2.00 & up each. Call 235-4018. (41) BED, QUEEN - orthopedic mattress, box & frame, brand new, still in plastic. Was $1145, sell $475. 951-0554. (39-41*) BLUE HORIZON POOLS, SPAS AND LANDSCAPING - Your one stop shopping for your backyard. Professional advice and installation. R.R. 2 (Hwy. 8) Goderich 524-9804. www.bluehorizon.on.ca (22tfn) RADIAL ARM SAW - 220 amps. $200. Barn board. 229-6930. (34-41SA) BROWN READY TO LAY PULLETS - floor raised, vacci- nated, debeaked. No order too small. Call ASAP to 519-291- 9284. (40;41x) BUNK BEDS - $450. 1 year old. Call 284-4645. (38-45SA) CEDAR TREES - excellent for hedging and wind breaks. Phone Dignan Landscaping 236-4457. (16tfn) CHARCOAL BBQ WITH ROTISSARY - A-1 condition; 2 row button accordion key of G & C, A-1 condition and shoulder straps, carrying case; 4 Michelin snow tires with rims for Toyota Rav 4, like new. Call 284-0047 ask for Art. (38-45SA) DARK ROUGH CUT HARD- WOOD - approximately 80 board feet, some walnut, white oak, ash, mostly 16’, $1000. Call 432-5000. (40-47SA) DOWNSIZING SALE! - sofa- sleeper (winter green) 6 months new, $400, single bed w/frame $60, Sony color TV 20 inch with remote converter $60, dressers $40 each, and more. 235-4018. (41) DREAMCAST AND PLAYSTATION - video game systems for sale individually or as a package. Dreamcast includes 2 controllers, 2 visual memory cards, 8 games, 2 demo discs and web browser. All games instructions original boxes included. Playstation includes 1 controller, 1 memo- ry card, 7 games. Instructions and original boxes included. Dreamcast $200, Playstation $150 or $325 for the package. Call J.P. or Matt 284-0808. (37-44SA) FIREWOOD - (good hard- wood) $50.00 per cord deliv- ered within 10 miles. Further delivery available. Phone Tyler 519-522-0874. (41*) LARGE COMPUTER DESK - with high backed office chair. $100. 238-1664. (41*) GOOD USED HOMES FOR SALE IN MORGAN’S MOBILE HOME PARK, CLINTON - 45’x12’, 56’x12’, 60’x12’, 68’x14’, etc. all have additions and renovated. Pricing from $15,500 to $32,500. Reasonable Land Rent - Catering to Seniors. Call 519-482-7066. (38-44) IN SEARCH OF THE DON- NELLYS - by Ray Fazakas. For this fabulous new book, send only $39 to B. Fazakas, 942 King St. W. Hamilton, ON L8S 1K8. (39-42*) KILN DRIED LUMBER - hard and soft maple 1/4 cut white oak, ash, cherry, walnut, poplar. Also air dried special. 229-8135. (38-45SA) KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - approx. 20’ uppers, 16’ lower cabinets. Counter top, sink and taps. Solid wood doors, excel- lent condition. $750. 227- 4603. (40;41*) LEATHER SET - 3 pc., 100% Italian leather, never used, still in plastic. Cost $5800, sacri- fice $2999. 859-3220. (39- 41*) MOBILE HOME - excellent condition, 14 x 70 feet, 3 bed- rooms, appliances included, new redecorated, 10 years old, running gear included. 349- 2610. (36-43SA) NEW HOME-BUILT TRAIL- ER - 9 feet by 4 feet, has sides and ramps, 4 inch channel frame, truck axle and heavy suspension, 205x15 tires. $850 obo. 284-3348. (39-46SA) NOW YOU KNOW - SO KICK IT UP A NOTCH - Visit Dr. Feelgood’s House of Fun in Exeter - Movies, Music, Video Games, Furniture and more. We buy, sell and trade. 235-4545. (39-42*) NO TAX, OCTOBER 12-18 - Buy your Christmas gifts now! Concrete Garden Statues of all sizes: bird baths, fountains, gift certificates, lawn edging and much more. Warwick Lawn Ornaments will pay the tax on any purchase. Come out and see us at Warwick Village, Hwy 22, 30 km west of London, 30 km east of Sarnia. (41*) OUTBOARD MOTOR - Mariner 8 hp, tank, oil, late model, A1 condition. Ideal sailboat or “kicker” motor. $850. Call 666-2400. (34- 41SA) SECOND TYME - Buy, Sell, Trade. Come see our in-store specials. 443A Main St. S., Exeter. 235-2978. (41;42*) THE PERFECT GIFT FOR THIS CHRISTMAS - “Canada’s Christian Heritage” a book by local author, Rev. Dr. Robert J. Graham - over 250 pages, just $24.95. Available at TA bookstore or Desktop Publishing, Box 75, Huron Park, On. N0M 1Y0. 228-6795. (39-46*) THIS MONTH AT DR. FEEL- GOOD’S - Special Prices - Movies and Music CD’s $6.00 each. No Tax! Sofa Sets $245.00 ea. No Tax! Disney movies $10.00. No Tax! We buy, sell and trade. 235-4545 Exeter. (41*) TRI ROLLS INVACARE ELECTRIC SCOOTER - New batteries and charger. $1,000 obo. 262-2541 after 5pm. (41;42*) VEAL AND NATURAL BEEF FOR SALE - Hormone free, sold by the orders of quar- ter, half or whole. Also avail- able certified organic beef. Matt or Lisa 519-284-0626. (37-44SA) WINDSTAR RUNNING BOARDS - (aluminum) incl. bkts. Like new. Asking $110. 235-3014. (41*) 100 TREE TOPS FOR SALE - best offer. Call 229-8245. (36- 43SA) 17 Wanted To Buy BUYING O.P.C. HOCKEY CARD UNCUT SHEETS - from 1964 to 1989. Sample price for 1979-80 - $2,500. Call 519-885-6517. (38-41*) WANTED TO BUY - FARM OR INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR - with or without loader, condi- tion not important, excellent price paid. Call 519-523-4260 (37tfx2) WANTED - YOUR MOVIES, MUSIC, VIDEO GAMES AND HOUSEHOLD ARTI- CLES - Call Dr. Feelgood’s 235-4545. We buy, sell and trade. 7 days 9-6 pm. (41;42*) WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (11tfn) 19 Property For Sale COUNTRY PROPERTY - Greenway, 12 yr. old, 3 bed- room. Maintenance-free exte- rior, 2 car attached garage, municipal water, 2-4 pc. baths, gas fireplace, asking only $129,900. Call Doug Russell, Sales Rep for Homelife London Realty. Pager 645- 6445, residence 238-8283. (40;41) EXETER - 4 LEVEL BACK- SPLIT - h/e gas heat and air, 3+1 bedroom, 1.5 baths, nicely finished, walking distance to schools and downtown, fenced in back yard, ideal for young family, 159,000. Call 235- 1045 after 6:00 pm. (38-41*) LAND FOR SALE - 40 acres. S. part of Lot 19, LRS, Tuckersmith. Call 235-4144. (40-42*) Classifieds Exeter Times–AdvocateWednesday, October 9, 2002 29 16 For Sale REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331EEEEXXXXPPPPEEEERRRRTTTTSSSS GORDON DANN PUMP SALES & SERVICE LIMITED R.R #2 Denfield, Ont. N0M 1P0 WATER PUMP SPECIALIST • submersible jet & piston • sump & sewage WATER TREATMENT SPECIALISTS • Novatek water softeners, iron filters and drinking water systems • Ultra Violet Light Water Disinfection systems Top quality products with knowledgeable service 225-2234 1-800-328-0392 PUMPS & SOFTENERS Mark Heimrich & Associates Since 1986 Safe & Healthy WATER = Peace of Mind We offer a full line of water treatment systems including: • Free on site water testing and problem water consulting • Water Distillers in various sizes • Reverse Osmosis and Whole House Filtration • Softeners and Conditioners • Ultra Violet Sterilization and Ozonation • Water Coolers, sales and rentals * Iron & Sulpher removers • Experienced installation & service technicians We stand behind our products and service - guaranteed! Call and book your free in home water test and consultation today. LIFETIME HOME PRODUCTS EXETER 213 Carling St., Exeter (519) 235-0699 or 1-800-529-9292 Fax: (519) 235-2882 W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS • FREE ESTIMATES Ontario GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS SALES & SERVICE WATER GUARANTEED SINCE 1915 Need a Painter? Call for names of area Professionals who use our PREMIUM QUALITY PAINTS FREE Interior Decorator Consultations Book your appointment today! we work with you Partners Paint & Paper 451 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0181 or 888-203-5782 WATER PURIFICATIONWELL DRILLING EXETER 235-3502 FREE ESTIMATES & DELIVERY • Vinyl Replacement Windows • New Construction Windows • Steel Insulated Doors • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Decks • Garage Doors • Shutters • Sun Rooms • Aluminum Storm Doors • Insulated Glass Replacement • Vinyl/Aluminum Siding Visit Our Showroom at 360 Main St. S. WINDOWS & DOORS M & M PAINTING & DECORATING LTD. Residential, Commercial Industrial, Airless Spray Painting, Baking Soda Cleaning & Blasting, Vinyl Wallcovering, Drywall Repairs, Wallpapering, Floor Sanding, Graffiti Removal Free Estimates 235-1701 Fax: 235-4538 PAINTING & DECORATING McKAY PAINTING & DECORATING • Interior & Exterior Painting • Stain & Varnish • Paper Hanging • Drywall & Plaster Repairs Jeff McKay 229-8090 QUALITY WORK FREE ESTIMATES RUDY’S PAINTING •INTERIOR...EXTERIOR •COMMERCIAL... RESIDENTIAL •FREE ESTIMATES... SENIORS DISCOUNT 234-6571 PAINTING PAINTING & DECORATING YOGA YOGA CLASSES gently achieve fitness, focus & well-being PHONE Certified Instructor JUDY DOUGALL 235-1491 for full information ADVERTISE HERE FOR EXPERT SERVICE CALL: 235-1331 STEEL Brander Steel Ltd. Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2” capacity BOOK NOW FOR 2003 LAWN CUTTING & YARD CARE • RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL J.B. LAWN & YARD JASON BENGOUGH 262-3144 LAWN CARE 16 For Sale • Trees for Sale • Transplanting Trees • Post-Hole Augering • Trenching • Small Dump Truck • Bucket/Pallet Forks • Mini Backhoe EXETER Call Jeff 235-3738 Cell:859-5157 SKID STEER SERVICE FOUND ON THESE EXPERTS’ PAGES PHONE 235-1331 FOR ALL YOUR ADVERTISING NEEDS 16 For Sale 16 For Sale ELLIOTT’S LIQUIDATION AND AUCTION INC. Business hours: Fridays 10-6 Saturdays 9-4 p.m. Sun. 12 noon - 4 p.m. NEW SHIPMENT EVERY WEEK OFFERING: All our regular inventory plus a NEW SECOND SHOW ROOM now open and featuring patio furniture, air conditioners, kids play equipment AND MORE!! TERMS: Cash, Interact, Visa Turn off Hwy. #4 at 7th Ave. Vanastra 1/2 mile north of Carlsruhe • Apple & Grape Juice • Custom Apple Pressing $0.60 gal./Minimum Custom Pressing Charge $25.00 • 40 Gallon Barrels GREG RUSSELL R.R. #4 Hanover, Ontario N4N 3C1 (519) 364-3229 16 For Sale LEAF BLOWER Suitable for 30 h.p. tractor IRONWOOD GOLF CLUB 235-1521 16 For Sale