HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-25, Page 7The Last Shall be First.
• • Who waald nothaste to do some mighty kl, ing,,
' If ears occasion ave it to bis Band.
IfnowiGng that, at its close, his name would
Coupled with praises, throtigli• a grateful land?
Who w mid not hear with j oy steino great coni-
Bidslin€€,•,.rim caro to onrn,a glorious, namo?
The task 24easy that seouros us fame,
Bat, obi how seldom comes the trumpet call
That stirs the pulse and fills the veins.wrtlt
When victory asks florae efforts, once for all,'
And smiling fortune points a way to fame
Along some path of honor, free from blame,
To ono, the 011 to do great deeds speaks loud,
Co one, amid a vastunhonored crowd.
Far otherwise the common lot of man
Our hourly toil but seeks the moans to live
Our dull, mononotouslabor knows no pian
Save that which ,tern necessity doth give
Our earnings, fill an ever -leaking sieve ;
Our task fulfilled. another still succeeds,
And brief neglect brings overgrowth of weeds
What wonder, then, if suffering mon repine.
And hopelessness gives way to mac. despair?
.. Some murmur at, yea, curse the scheme divinf'
That, placed them where the saws of seas:.care nol wear
.t'leross their brows s deepoainp.of hope renew -
For them, no springtide-s-
Butchangeless e,,, q'y skies above them breed.,
r -vela era and blind! This world is not the goal
1 ' But shapes us for a larger world unknown ;
The vilest sbnve that keeps a patient sotil
Shall yet rank highs • than the se,Isual drone
M ho seeks to please is worthless self alone
If hirinblest t i1tt4he rdest, yet be sure
Ito most shall nterit who can most endure,
" You must have some rare experiences
to tell us, Mrs. Boswell," said persuasive
Lieutenant Russell, while we waited for the
mail stage. " You have been at this front-
ier post ever since Captain Boswell was
stationed here ?"
"Yea, we have been here eight years,"
she replied, with the rare smile that glorifi-
ed her face, " I have passed through many
trying ordeals here, but I really think I had
an adventure in the East, before I married
the captain, equal to anything that I have
" Will you relate it, and oblige us 1" said
" Mrs. Boswell," said Dan, the irrepres-
sible youngster
rrepres-sibleyoungster of the party, "Jim," jerking
his thumb toward the lieutenant, " is out
West onurpose to spill ink for New York
papers. purpose
can become a, heroine of rom-
ance if you will."
" Thank you," said our little hostess.
" I don't mind accepting the honor."
Three of us were sitting in the inner
apartment of the small frontier hostelry.
The barroom was packed with miners, and
we had chosen to have our supper served by
ourselves, as we had appointed to go on to
Custer City in company,
Mrs. Boswell was much below the medi-
um size, Tuck of speech, light of movement
as a bird and as graceful as a fawn.
" It was in 18—," she began. " I had
just made the acquaintance of Captain
Boswell ; he having some business matters
to arrange with father, had called at our
plare several times. finally there came a
rare day in Autumn, and ho and father
Were closeted the greater part of the day,
overhauling papers, memoranda, deeds,
receipts. My father at that time was doing
a great deal of business as an attorney.
"At tett-tltble father said to me : 'Bess,
on won't minden evening alone, so long
Thomas is about, will you ?"
I said no, for although there were many
ahberies being committed in the neighbor.
ing cities, private families in toe suburbs
felt no fear. Our house was a mile from
'fie city proper;. and a half -mile from nth-.
bors either way— - -
" W' he continued, 'that the
captain has. got to hunt up some more
papers concernirn the estate before he can
give Baron a satisfactory title. We shall
go to Judge Whitcomb's office, and our
seach may be so snecesssul that 11 o'clock
may find us home again. Still, we may
be detained longer. Shan't I call and tell
your Cousin Milly to come down and spend
the night with you ?"
"'No—yes,' I contradictorily answered.
Do as you please ; I am not timid in the
least with Thomas about.'
in my heart, and the quiet let me hear their
sweet echoes.
.. But' ,...
dre`C '
t tl
I' .hid
y rt niytself"fol•'l5eing•
rather careless, as the road was a thorough-
fare and a chance straggler nligllt -s!lpr•ise
me. Larose, clogod the windolG, and •obey-
ingsonce strange, impressive power, I Walk;
ed through the hall into the library took
ply father's key from its accustomed place,
unlocked his desk, found the package .of
$5,0000.aiid placing itin my bosomrelobked
the door, and returned to t e sitting -room.'
I did not light a lamp ; I had no need of a
fire, as that in the kitchen stove warmed
the sitting-rpom sufficiently in the mild
" 1 he house was old.fkshioned; very,
with a chimney of capacity sufficient for a
foundry stack, We had cheerful open fires.
later on ; but the house, being an •ancestral
pile, was' getting somewhat (Massa rn• the.
;the partitioq •senanrien in. Men had been
large chin 'clear the rubbish and make re-
sent, but the work, half done, was suspend-
ed an account of the arrival of Captain
Boswell and this important business affair.
"I would have enjoyed immensely to
kindle a sparkling fire in the huge wide
fireplace, but as affairs were I could not.
So I mused in the darkness hours. I
really took no heed of time, until my quick.
ear caught the sound of a footfall approach-
ing, close up to the door -step, 1 could have
taken my oath. It was so like an echo that
I sprang to, my feet, thinking that my
cousin Milly, absent when my father called,
and returning later, had come down to stay
with me. -
I sprang up with a smile to answer her
knock, albeit I was a bit jealous of her
pretty face ; bub no knock came, and the
echoes died out, and altogether 1 concluded
that I had deceived myself in regard to
them. Anyhow I would light the lamp. I
slid so, and was startled to find it past 10
o'clock. I had gotten sufficiently aroused
from my reverie to want a book from the
library shelves. I took up my lamp and
went singing into the room.
" I obtained the desired volume, stepped
down from the tool, and—
" If ever any one felt themselves flying I
did at that moment. My song died on my
lips, while a thousand thoughts seemed to
flash into my mind in one instant. Involun-
tarily 1 gasped, and then, with a strong ef,
fort of the will power, for which 1 was fam-
ous, I took up the song again and sang it
to a close.
"Among other things I remembered that
the lock was off the library door for repairs.
I remembered the lateness of the hour and
the possibility that all the people were in
bed and asleep. I remembered the footsteps
in the dooryard, and—there was a fresh
pungent smell of tobacco smoke in the room.
A scent of smoke that was not in the room
when I was there and placed the package of
money in my bosom.
"Do you wonder that my brain reeled
and my heart stopped beating for an in-
stant ? Beside, whoever the robber was, he
would soon begin work, not knowing how
early my father and the captain might re-
turn. And I should be murdered. Some -
whore within a few yards or a few feet of
me, the robber assassin was concealed—
eithor in the recess behind the cabinet, or
under the long, draped, paper -strewn
"A faint sound outside nearly made me
drop the lamp ; still I had unconsciously
left my first song and was singing:
' For his bride a soldier won her,
And a winning tongue had he.'
"I knew that temporarily salvation—
power and liberty to leave the room, even—
depended upon my appearing unconscious
of the robber's proximity.
"I got out of the library and found my-
self in the sitting -room. A hasty glance at
the door showed the key was absent: -fedm
the lock.
"I wonder that this new revelation did
not suffocate me. The man on the highway
—the injured brother—Thomas had betray-
ed us. He had overheard about the money.
A robber was in the house another was out-
side. My retreat would be cut off. How
thoughts ran riot through my mind 1 How
would they kill me? Would I suffer long?
At that instant I was sure I heard a faint
creak of the library door at the far end of
the hall.
" One swift, despairing glance around me,
one wild idea of escape, and I extinguished
the light upon the table, and crouching in
the fireplace, I rested one foot upon the
iron, swung out the iron crane, stepped the
other foot/ upon the strong support, and
rose up into the flue. Something torched
my head. Thank God 1 It was the rope
with which the dislodged bricks had been
hoisted out. Grasping this carefnlly with
my hands I held myself like a wedge in the
opening. If I had envied large, noble -look-
ing women before, I had now reason to be
thankful for my diminutive form and ninety
odd pounds of avoirdupois.
"' But Captain Boswell is going to leave
$5,000 .here until he returns.'
•' ' Does any one know about the money.
"'Only ourselves.'
"'Then I am not afraid. Beside, you
aro likely to be back before graveyards yawn
and thieves do walk abroad.'
'Thomas brought the horse round, and
while father spoke to him, 1 touched the
captain's sleeve.
Where is your money loft?"
"'In your father's desk in the library.'
Then he looked with a tender inquiring
glance into my face (how the little woman's
cheek flushed at the memory) and said :
' Little girl, if you are in the least afraid we
will not go to -night, although it is absolute-
ly necessary.'
"I told hire honestly that I was not
afraid. I never had that stratum of timid•
ity in my make-up peculiar to womanhood ;
and so they rose away.
"1 sang about my work as I put the things
In shape around the rooin, and viewed the
brilliant sunset, without a fear or care.
" Thomas, our new man -of -all -work, was
very bas puttering about the grounds, ty-
ing up bass:
and mulching evergreens.
I knew that there was some coarse after-
math upon the hill that father was anxious
to have put on the strawberry beds, and
seeing Thomas go up there with his basket,
I tied a scarf over my head, took another
basket, and went up to help him.
As I passed up the hill I saw a man in
the highway speak to him. I hesitated
about going on, but the man made only a
moment's pause, and then went down the
hill, and was soon concealed by a turn in
the highway.
"' Who was that, Thomas?" I enquired.
"'Oh, miss, it was a man from the mills,
saying that my brother has had a bad fall
on the dam, and is bellowing for me to come
and see him. His legs are broken entire-
"' What will you do? "
" `I told the man I couldn't come to sec
him to-day—but if I went, miss, I would be
sure to be back by 11 o'clock, if not. earlier.'
"' Yon may go, Thomas, if your brother
le hurt so bad. Papa will not be away
:Ion' ,But, my 'young lady-"
"' Never mind me in such a case as this."
I was always very tender-hearted. " Yon
may go, and •I will runback to the house,"
He talked a few minutes more, was pro-
fuse in his thanks for my kindness, and then'
started down for the city. I took up the
two baskets, and went singing to the house.
" 1 sat an hour at the open window, en-
joying intensely this being alone and the
quiet beauty of this cool Autumn evening.
t' Perhaps you will wonder at this," and
the dimples played about her pretty mouth,
" but littPe girds were singing a new -song
no longer used trenie'aautlon.- •They hur-
ried from one partmena,to, the other. I
•cbu;ld'•ft;e •.:hi' : t,v"n iture :and.
l e .of m i ,fttrn ,•
J g
closet doors'we opened haslily. The upper
caart of the hone was ransackul and, they,
tne•down stars on wrath nine was pre-
cious' , to the now, - with di rabid. ' oaths
they rummage
returned to the
"'Isaw the
moving with hi.
here is the lamp on the table.'
`She roust llave'gonaobit.'
"'No' I watched far her, and'. eve-ry win
slow is fastened ou the inside.' Then he
continued: 'Curse her! she's a witch.' cij€l
baffled 1 thdeyliksteto rood and .pop l bet -4;g his
the lower floors, and finally
tittidg room.
fight here last,' said Themis,
lamp across the room, 'and
no1v,Shall we search more?'
"'It's no use; we've turned over .every-
thing under which a mouse could hide.'
"'What then? ` Shall we waylay the old
man and fix him?'
"'They haven't the money, it was left
"Tho cellar,' suggested] the voice,
Once inor•e they dashed out, only to re-
turn in hot haste now, for there was the
trot and rumble of a horse and carriage on
the bridge between us and the city.
" 'Say,' urged the stranger, 'trump up
some kind of a story, and we may secure the
money yet.'
"'I would,' returned Thomas, 'but the
girl's a witch, and I am just as sure that
she is somewhere near ns all the time, and
would hand me over to justice.'
"There was a scamper outside and the
sound of feet running toward the river came
down tlio wide month at the top of the
chimney. Bather and Captain Boswell drove
into the yard and up to the door, just as the
clock struck twelve.
"'Thomas,' called my father, in his ring-
ing tones, 'come and take care of the horse.
"Receiving no'response from his usually
punctual factotum, he sprang up the steps
and uttered an exclamation of horror at find-
ing the door open.
'Boswell,' said he, ' we certamiy saw a
light hero when we came down the hill.'
Quick, Jason,' said the captain, 'there
has been foul play.'
"' Father,' I strove to call, but the first
attempt, choked in dust and soot, ended in
a hysterical hiccough.
"' What is that? What is that?' called
my distracted father, and both men dashed
for the library.
"I now strove to descend, but the move-
ment brought down bushels of mortar and
broken bricks from all sides, and closed up
the flue. I bethought Inc of the rope, and
by sticking my toes in here and there I went
up the chimney hand over hand.
"Agile as it cat, when I reached the top
of the low chimney I sprang down upgn the
roof and began calling Loudly for father.
"You should have beard them run through
the house and halloo before they located my
voice. At last the captain came outdoors.
"' Will you get me a ladder, please ?' said
I. ' I want to get down from here.'
"' A ladder, Jason,' shouted the captain;
' the little girl is on the roof.'
"' For the love of heaven, girl, how came
you there?' said my father, as I landed upon
the ground and began shaking the soot from
my clothes.
' 1 went up there through the chimney,
papa. But you had better put up the horse
--and then I will tell you all about it.'
" The captain led me into the house, for I
was trembling violently.
"' Now,' said father, being absent only
a moment or two, without letting nut have
time to mop the smut from my face and
hands, ' now tell us what this menus—my
little girl climbing the ridgepole like a cat
at midnight.
si in a femoments initten; wereezpToan
"' Thomas, the villain 1' ejaculated my
father. ' I'll have him if 1 have to hunt the
two continents for trim, and he shall have his
"He kept his word. Thomas got a term
in the State Prison.
" W hon I gave the captain his money I
should have burst out in hysterical sobbing
only I remembered the soot in time to pre-
vent shading myself in black crayon, and
Captain Boswell believed that stature and
bulk were not always certificates of the best
materials, and—"
"And," finished Dan, our jester, "it may
be said, Mrs. Boswell, that you actually flue
to his arms."
She smiled and bowed at the sonorous tones
of the driver came in among us :
"Stage ready, gentlemen."
He Did S00m is Have 'Bail Luck,
"TaIk,tutiout luck,t said- the.weary-eyed;
'titan with .tlie long face, " I'm the -i lueki-
est.:tran "that ever ,217911°M. NP other man,
in the world ever had quell' hard. •luck, t
was born .on Fridays ou.the thirteenthb day'
of the month, and I'was the thirteenth chili,
in the family. Oaftny thirteenth birthday
I fell out of a three-story Window and
knocked out all of ply teeth.,. Aftimard• 1
had all the maladies known ;0 man 'I went
West and ha
d to walirdaclr. father
left me some houlses/a Chet Burnell down.
I boaglittnde in thele ds sv as knock" k
, Y
hundred feet In a collision and was in a hos-
pital for six mouths." .
" You do seem to have had your share of
bad luck," said a sympathizer.
" Luck 1" said the man. " Why, look at
me when I wanted to get married. I fell in
love with a girl and I thought sheloved,me.
I went to her and said : ' Elizabeth, were
you ever married?' -
"' Why, no,' she said, blushing. ' You
know that.'
"' Well, Elizabeth,' I said, 'you are a
good girl, and since no man—'
"Then slie burst out crying and ran out
of the room, so that I could not finish what
I wanted to say."
" Well, that was a funny way to ask a
woman to marry you," said the man of sym-
" What way ?"
" Telling her that you were sorry that no
man would have her."
"No man have her?" said the unlucky
man. "I never said a word about that. I
was going to say since no man could be good
enough for her I hoped she would forgive
my feelings. Wasn't it hard luck that the
wouldn't let me finish my sentence?"
" Why didn't you go back and explain
" Well," said the unlucky man, sorrow-
fully, " I was bound to get married, so I
went and proposed to Sarah Smithtand she
took fine. -
" I had little time, however, to consider
anything except the imminent danger of
dislodging a fragment of brick or mortar,
and urns discovering my hiding -place, for
the clock began with sonorous peals to
strike 11. Under cover of its echoes there
were quick, soft steps in the hall, and the
bolt of the outer door was withdrawn. The
huge flue must have acted like a telephone,
for I heard every sound with fearful dis
tinetness. First there was a pause by the
door of the sitting -room, then breathing in
it, then whispering.
" She isn't here ; she's gone to bed ; but
the money is in the library.'
"' Be cautious,' advised a strange voice,
and we may not have to hurt het."
" They carefully retreated, and my heart
truck of the seconds against my ribs in
a way that was suffocating ; for I knew
that their search would soon be over, and
what then ?
"In less than five minutes they were
whispering m the rooin again.
"' Confound her 1' aspirated Thomas, 'she
took the money with her.'
"' Then we'll have it if—'
" The pause meant all that words could
" The, cold sweat was coming out of
every pore of my body. The dust of the
creosote had penetrated my mouth and
nostrils, and I had to take one hand from.
the rope in their absence and place a finger
upon my lips to prevent sneezing.
"' Come, hurry,' was the angrywatch-
word exchanged between them, and I heard
the stairs creaking as they ascended to my
chamber. Thomas was familiar with all the
Why did I not drop down and escape
"First, then, they had locked the outer
door and withdrawn the key •to prevent a
surprise from without. Second, there might
be a third confederate outside. But the
most important reason of ,all was, it seems
to me, th.:t 1 never could get out of the
aperture that had allowed me entrance into
the chimney. I ran the risk of 'discovery
and death in any case.
" Oh, why did not my father and his
companion return? Tt might be hours first.
" They had found the absent from my
chambers and the adjoining rooms. They
"At any rate you got married?"
"Married? Not a bit of it. Sarah Smith
heard that I loved Elizabeth and had made
that mistake, and she got mad and broke the
"Then you had your chance to go back to
your first love?"
" I did."
"Did you get her?"
" Get her? No ! I tell you, man, I'm the
unluckiest being alive. I went back and
asked her plunk out to marry me, and found
that after she heard about my engagement
to Sarah Smith she's gone and promised to
marry a fellow who'd been begging her to
marry him for the last five years."
" Why didn't you wait then to see if she
didn't break her engagement?"
" Hang it, man, 1 did."
"Did you go back again?"
" No ; I didn't."
"Why not?"
"Because I'd changed my mind about get-
ting married. Didn't I tell you I was the
unluckiest man in the world?"
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In His Way.
Miss Clnmwhooper—Do you dance, Mr
Snoberly? •
Mr. Snoberly—Yeth, Mith Clamwhooper,
but I like to daunts the square daunce.
Miss ClsinwhooperssDon't you like to
Mr. Snoberly—I leech walth ; the lady
ith always so confoundedly in a fellah's way,
you know.
for infants and Children.
I redomrm• ..- toehadrenthat
recomend it a.i{GR1t�+►Pt�
blown to me," II. A, Aa2$a-:i,Pi on
111 So. Ozford St., Brooklyn;li.
" The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogationtoendorseit. Few aro the
Intelligent amilies who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
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New York City.
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Czaetorta cures Colic, Constipation,
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Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotm di-
out in furious medication.
" ger several years L have recotnm$vided
your < , ria + and than always continue to
do so as.lrttOa-.q invariably produced.'ltenefcia1
EDWIN F.Parna%Id. D.,
"The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave.,
ltew York: City.
Tms Can's= Coin'e.Nr, 77 Minstar STREET, NEW Your,
A Sufficient Excuse.
.•._Tod:?rer—"Why are you late this morn-
ing?" "•— -
Boy—"B'reakfas' gasr&±•- ,
Teacher (suspiciously)—"WTrat- "Y7su�
breakfast late?"
Boy—"Mamma stopped doing her own
work an' got a girl."
A Warning To Mothers.
There is too much of her in the home.
She may be the patient, self-sacrificing
mother who gets overtired that others may
go free ; she may be an elder sister who has
sacrificed- all the graces and gifts of individ-
ual life to a family of younger brothers and
Perhaps she isa maiden aunt who smoothes
the 'ay with anxious eagerness for every-
body's feet but her own or a grandmother
whose burdens multiply with the coining of
the second generation because the young
mother has not learned the secret of living
her life independently.
Whatever emergency of life may have
called out her unselfishness, there it is, and,
as I said before, there is altogether too
much of it. •
Why? Because there is such a thing as an
unselfishness that passes beyond the proper
bounds and becomes mean-spirited. •
It lays aside that proper recognition of
self which commands respect, and which is
wholly necessary for individual well being.
That the mother should be the head, the
brains of her family, what is more fitting?
That she should be hands and feet, that she
should serve before them like a hired as-
sistant, a thousand times no 1
These unselfish women; in their anxiety
to exemplify the golden rule, quite forget
that self, after all, underlies its measure of
valves. • If a great many women treated
their neighbors no better than they treated
themselves this would be a sad world for
And this unselfishness is sure to work
mischief in a family, too. For nnselfishness
is unlike most other virtues, in that it breeds
its opposites, not its own kind.
In a family where the wife, or the mother
or the elder daughter, is anxiously unselfish
where she watches every opportunity to do
for the other members of the family what
there is every good reason they should do
for themselves, these others learn quickly
enough first to accept it, then to assume it,
and finally to demand it.
And so there comes out of the home of the
unselfish woman a flock of careless, selfseek-
ing children, intent on themselves, crimin-
ally heedless of everybody else, trampling
on the rights of others, and having to unlearn
perhaps late in life, the selfish lessons they
learned at their unselfish mother's knee.
Rarely is it that the lesson ie learned as
it should be, and so is kept up the army of
selfish men and women who ,make half the
burden and unhappiness of living.
The Head Surgeon
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
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many of the following symptoms : Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of vital-
ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of
sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kindeys, head-
ache, pitnples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks
before the eyes, twitching of the muscles,
eye lids and elsewhere,bashfuhress, deposits
in the urine, loss of willpower, tenderness 01
the scalp and spine,weak and flab by muscles.
desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep.
constipation, dullnessofhearing, lossof voice.
desire for solitude, excitability of temper.
sunken eyes surroundedwith LEADEN ciRCL'C.
oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms o
nervous debility that lead to insanity am;
death unless cured. The spring or vita
force having lost its tension every function
wanes in consequence. Those who throng'
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manently cured. Send your address for
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A. A, BROWN & CO., Agents for Canada, Windsor, Ont.
FOR ALE i'Y !t: eFi' .npa
Are pleasant to take. Contain their own
Purgative. Zs a safe, sure and efectzal
destraye?;efworms in Children or Adults.
Dr. Morse Indian
Root Pins.
Dr. Morse Indian.
Rcot Pills.
Dr. Morse's hadist.
Root Pills.
Dr. Morse's Indian
Root, Pills.
Dr. Morse's Indian
Root Pills.
'To save Doctors' Bills use
Dr. Morse's Indiaq Root Pills.
Seep the Works to good order.
Notions, Ont., January rs, ago.
Coitsrocs, Brockville, Ont.
DEAR SIRS Your" Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills"
are the best regulator for the system that humanity
can use. Life is as the time -piece : frail and delicate
are many of its works, A tiny particle of foreign
substance adheres to the smallest wheel in the works,
and what is the result?—at first,only aslightdifference
is perceptible in its time -keeping, but wait you ; as
the obstruction grows the irregularity becomes
greater, until st last, what could have been rectified
with little trouble, in the beginning, will now require
much care in thoroughly cleansing the entire works.
So it is in human life—a alight derangement is neg-
eglected, it grows and increases, imperceptibly at first,
then rapidly, until what could, in the beginning,
have been cured with little trouble, becomes almost
fatal. To prevent this, I advise all to purify the
system frequently, bydYouretfaitI to iso of Morse's pills, and
le preterse viggr and vitality.
H. F Arwse.
2'1ts -Viteclle. a' Safe -Guard.
'tI,Antienue Perm, N.S Jan.-
1 H. Cotsroc,, Brockville, Ont.
DEAR SIR,—For many years, I bavo been afirm
believer in your "Dr. Morse's Indian- Root Pills."
Not With a blind faith, but a confidence wrought by
an actual personal experience of their value an
merit. My business is such that I spend much of
my time away from home, and I would not con-
sider my-lravelli:ng outfit complete without a box oft
Morse's Pills. Yours &c.,
M. R. Melton .
d valasable'Ai'tiele Belts well.
BORACNOIS HARnoi, N.S., Jan, 13,'90.
W. H. Cottsrocx, Brockville Ont.
DEAR SIR, This is to certify that I deal In Patent
Medicines, including various kinds of Pills. I sell
more of the Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills than of all
the others combined. Their sales I find are still in-
creasing. Yours, &c.,
`n;- der Competition of The Ladit
kyr Home Magazir'tp-• ,--
?tlrsTloNs.—Where does the following words dr
'fir:.r in the Old Testament: "hxOWLuse;E,
d Doval" Where does the iollowiug words tit
lear"ICinexelLha" New Testament: "JUDEA," "PAM.
WEEKLY PAM ss,—Every week throughout this gm:
',petition prizes will be distributed as follows: T
4 correct answer received (the:postmark date on ear
ter to be taken as the date received) at the ottine of tl
tuias HonrE MAGAZINE (each and every week) will g
OD; the second correct answer, 5100; the third 0o
tush, a beautiful silver service; fifth, five o'clock silo•
rviec, and the next 50 correct answers will get priz.
aging front 425 down to 02. Every fifth correct el
, or, irrespective of whether a prize winner or not, vi
t a special prize. Competitors residing fu the sonthtl
atcs, as well as other distant points, have an emu
auce with those nearer home, as the postmark will lr
it authority in every case.
Rtuxxs:—Etch list of answers must be aceompan!e•
f i1 to pay for six months subscription to ono of th
st Hoxn MAOAZINEs in America.
oil able to carry out itspromises.'--Peterborough (Cary
•n) Tunes, A eplendidpaper, and financially strong.
Hastings (Canada) Star. "Every prize winner will b
ire to receive just what he is entitled to...—Norwoo
anode) Register. Money should be sent by post oral
.ler or regieteredletter, Address, TRE LADIES 'ROM
• st+AZINE Peterborough, Canada.
Can os um,cG at cu, NEW line of work,
rapidly. and honorably, by those of
either sex, young or old, and in their
own loeulities,rherever they live.Any
ono inn do the .cork. Envy to leant.
rye furnish eve y thing. we start you. No risk. You eon devote
Your spore moments, or all your time to the work. This is an
-ntlrely new lc, d and brings wonderful success to every worker.
Beginners are en ping from $25 to 850 per week and upwards,
md more after n little experience. We car. atrnis', you, the em-
••Io,•mentand e d, you FREE. So space to explain here. Full
information FItLE. TRICE .1.34:0.s At C!::S4'A, IAIIE.
Laocoot in
the coils of
the fatal ser-
pents was not
more helpless
than is the
..fall whopineE
under the ef-
fects of dis-
ease, excesses,
worry, "etc. Rouse yourself. Take
ieart of hope again and BE A MAN
We have cured thousands, who
blow us to refer to them. • WE CAN
JURE LOU by use of our exclusive
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tnfailing treatment at home for
Lost or failing Manhood, General or
Iler'vous Debility, Weaknesses of
Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or
Excesses in Old or Young. Robust,
Voble MANHOOD fully Restored.
Improvement seen the first day.
flow to enlarge and strengthen,
PARTS OF BODY. Men testify from
10 States and Foreign` Countries.
Write thew. Book, explanation
,,nd proofs mailed (sealed) free.
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
rash. Family recip-
eas carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Exeter
C. LU .fit .,
NERVE BEANS are a new dis-
covery that mire the worst cases of
Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and
Failing Manhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind cause¢
by over -work, or the errors or e
desacs of youth. This Remedy a
solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other
TREATMENTS have failed even to relieve. f,old by drug-
gists at 51 per package, or six for $5, or sent by mall on
receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE
CO., Toronto, Oat. Write for pamphlet. Sold in—
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and'Liver, carrying .
off gradually without weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities and foul humor
of tke secretions; at the same time Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia,
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipation, Dryness of the Skin,
Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun-
dice,,Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero-
fula, Fluttering of the Realtt, Ner-
vousness, and General Deb:iity all
these and many other similar Complaints
yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK.
Pct• Sale by all Deaies,e.
Ta WU &CO. Prop ivto�e- grontos