HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-25, Page 6J. ET. ''1 JEIVF Before you buy your Fall c& Winter Clothing Gall atnl examine the large and well -assorted stook of Pine Worsted Suitimgs Fine Scotch, Tweed " <s Canadian fir 6c Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overcoatings x.11 will be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a C10033 FIT or no sale.—Give me spa call. Jr H. GRIEVE. Sale Register. Tuesday, March 1 -Household furniture, 'real estate and other artioles, the property of Mt. Sam'1 Cornish, on bis premises, cor. Albert and rSimcoo eta., at one o'clook p.m. -Ma. Jone GILL, Anat. Thursday, March 3. --Farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. Samuel Martin, Lot east half 9, cou. 4, Usborne township. H, BROWN, Auct. A correspondent writes, saying :--Dash- wood Association is in better standing now than ever !,afore. The treasurer's reports are good and everything in a flourishing coalition: Prospects are excellent. Mein- ' hers are all ...if good cheer. EveTMy meeting »tt *.rr fills then the previous one. The mer:1 t:te are ; eginnirg to see that the Petrone are not of abort duration, but have come to stay. The officers are: -b'. Willert, Pres; 0. Stade, viee-Pres; A. T. Bean. weer.; F. Freter, treas. NEWS NOTES. Tbe mortuary statistioe staff of the census branch have thus farrecorded the death of ten persons over 100 years of age in the year immediately preceding last April. The age of oldest man as 118, and another at 112, three at 106 and one at 105. Harsh purgative remedies are fast giving Nay to the gentle action and mild effect* of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If yon try them they will certainly please you. The following poet-omces were opened in Ontario on Feb, 1: Trinity, North Brant; Este! Toronto, East York. The following Ontario offices were closed : Jamieson and Bennio's Corners, Lanark; Oloyerhill, Sim- eon ; Eden Valley, Victoria ; Thwaiteg, Hestings. Women who suffer from nervous and physical debility find greatTelp in the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It produces the rapid effect of a stimulant, without reaotion -the result being a permanent increase of strength and vigor' both of body and mind. A month ago attention «as called to the fact that the deposits in the Poet. office SavingsBank had exceeded the withdrawals. The deposits amounted to$635.785 and the withdrawals to $568,025. The deposits and withdrawls in the Gover 111one Savings Bank are approximating every month, in January the figures being $254,403 deposits and $282,751 withdrawals. IT Is Nor WANT WE SAr-Bat what Hood's sarsaparilla does, that makes; it sell, and has given it such a firm and lasting hold upon the confidence of the people. The voluntary statements at thousands of people prov'eboyend question that this prep- aration possesses wonderful Inediotnal poe-er Hood's Pills euro Constipation by restor- ing perietaltie action of the alimentary canal. They are tbo best family osthartio. The Province of New Brunswick, accord- ing to tree Premier, is going behind. Last year the expenditure exceeded the revenue of $650,000 by about seventy tbnusand dollars, and the outlook for 1892 is by no means encouraging.. It was expected that an augmented federal sadsidy would have been secured, but the census returns did not &how a euint:lent increase of population, and no further grant ie forthcoming. The great majority of so•oalled oough cures do litt'e more than impair the diges- tive functions and oreat• bile. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral on the eo4,. ..ary, while it cures the cough, dues not interfere with the functions of either stomach ea liver. Loii2.i ei:t; method and iseeeleas v,hcn Syrtis rf Figs is taken; it is pleasant ana3'l;freshing to the taste, and act; Lgently yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys• tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fe-: yrs and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effr ts, rrerarod. only from the m.:t heaithyan 1aa rreeablesubstances, its many excellent qualities commen d it Sall Arid 1.a e mad2 it he 7.;''::9t popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pronre it promptly for any one who T.i.ihes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,; SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 2 W YOEZ, 11.14 For Sale at Lutz's Drug Store. yru We are six in fam- A Farmer at ily. We live in a lacee are Edom, Texas, subj subject h to ere violent Says: Colds and Lung Troubles. I have used German Syrup for six years successfully for SoreThroat, Cough, Hoarseness, Pains in the ",...hest and Lungs, and spitting -up if Blood. I have tried many differ- m't: kinds of cough Syrups in my :ince, but let me say to anyone want- ing such a medicine -German Syrup is the best. That- has been my ex- perience. If you use it once, you ,7111 go back to it whenever you need it. It gives total relief and is a. quick cure. My advice to every- one suffering with Lung Troublesis -Try it. You will soon be con- irinced. In all the families where your German Syrup ts used we have no trouble with the Lungs at all. It is • the medicine for this Country. ig G. G. GiiEEll;- Sole 'Man'fr,Woodhury,N J'. Soldier's Cove, 1 .S.,,Ieunee , 1S3e0. W li, Comstock, Brockville, Ont. Dear Sir, -Your L iltorse'a ludian !loot Pills are the best meoiciuo for rbeunaatiam that 1 have ever used. Last spring I was troubled greatly with it in my leg; I used out' box of Mc rso'a 1'illa,aud was coral, Yours gratefully, ALLI.:; OAnnPnELt. MARRIED. RoACRE-CVnTIN-On tho 19thlid !., by ROT. Dean Murphy, Mr. Ed. Roache, to Johanna. fourth daughter of Mr. Thomas Curtin. all of Hibbert, Mektegn-ENnrcaT-In Triehtown, on tho Oth inst., by Rev. Dean Murphy, lir. J. McAleer, of Ilibbert. to bliss Lizzie, third daut;'rter of Mr• ;ilichaelrnright,of McEiIlop. PE`I\tC.E-E1sLEn-Iu Logan, .on the 18th in st., by the Rev. Mr, Lemke, Mr August Pennieko. to Elisabeth. second daughter of Air. henry Eisler, all of Logan. STAhiFv 11F.v1\OTON-At the residence of the bride's)erode. liiddulph. on10th inst., by llev,It. t:, tinders,Mies Lydia L,Revineton to Mr. John ir'.Stanley of London Tp• P5NwAR08N-Buocs-At the 1+fethodist parson - W. \P Leech,, Mon r Win. eniy :Dalb' oto Mise Martha Ann llrock, all a Usborne. Teeton-JoNxs,-At the residence of Mr. emirate' ?'t. R:?s mO d Bann by Ilev• - Ga G. J. Herr, on Wedel :Feb. 17, Mr. Wm IL Taylor, of 5th con. i4 rat Missouri. and Miss Sarah Jones, daughter of 11Qr.:amuei Joh -es. Stephou Tp. WuntsTFn-DIexsoti-At Gladswoo,l. the residence of the bride's father, on the 15th kat., by Rev. A. D McDonald, James Whim- ster, Esq.. of Aurora, Ontario, to Eliza Ruth- erford,seeond daughter t•f Mr. John T. Dick- son, of Roxboro, l+leleillolt•.',x„:n• Emit' Rover M11s, 117CAaLiUT Ai..13PO1iTS. Wheat . , • 88o to 00c per bushel OUR SELL1N4ic PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.75 per 100 do Best Family . 2.50 " do Low Grade 2.00 " t Bran .. .. 70c 4t Shorts 80c Chop , , , , $1.00 to $1.10 " DIED. i1 Arsweian Tn Si. 1Slarys, on Feb. l7th, Mr. ArthurWainwright, aged 27 years. • O'DwYse. In Biddulphon the20th inst , wife 1 of Anthony O'Dwyre, twin boys, D r i " o -In Mitehe1i nr the I6th inat., John boekiz.g, at the age of el years anti 8 months. Box. -In Stephen; on the )8th inst., Elizabeth, reliet of the late Richard Box, aged 41 years, 5 r^ n'h,s. Kissr:Ln.-InIBidduleh, near Whalen, en 21st met ,slionorab, wife of Mr James:Kinsela, aged 76 years. HAMMMMON-At thoresidence of Dr. J, H• Matb- iesnn, St. Marys, on Sunday, Feb. 141b. 1892. r atherino Howard, relict of the /ate Milner Harrison. egad 69 years. TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest r.. tes of interest, Over 500,000 ori- vate funds. Apply to P.LLroT Jr ELLIOT, Solicitors, etc., Exeter. `STRAY SHEEP. Came into the' premises of the undersigned, lot C, con 8, Usborne, on or about Dec. 21st. two ago'i ewes. 9 he owner Iran have the name by provingiroperty and paying expenses. Feb 11-3t. et .So.n'LPEART,Winchelsea. Chop stone running every day. TUE EXETER MILLING Coy. UTOOD i;.°WOOD I WOOD! .`- ram -- 9 9 The Exeter Salt Works Co.require frtt.ien hundred cords of taort wood. drn and green. The highest price will be paid. For further palt,culars apply to DAVID MILL. D16 IT -B, Genuine, Secy, John Franklin Jones. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders for the removal of buildings and buildingiof fences an the Agricultural grounds, will be received un to 20th February, 1892, at 12 o'clock noon. Fence to bo completed by 1st May. Specifications to bo seen at the Secy's office. Exeter. Jan28-4t A. G. DYER, See'y MARKET REPORTS. EXETER RedWheat Spring Wheat w Barley Oats aloe er Seed Tim onhy Peas Corn Eggs •- Butter •.. Flonrperbbl .. Potatoes,por bushel Applea,per oag DrledApplespr b Ocoee perlb. Turkey perib Duette per ib Ohickensperpr Roga,droasedper100 Beef Hidesrongh, ... " dressed . Sheepskins each Calfskin s Wool perib Hayperton Onionaperbush�" Woodperoord 88 to 00 88 to 90 42 to 45 29 to 30 5 75 to G 00 150 to 1 75 58 - u 0 to 50 -. 1st 1G • 15 to 16 0010515 -• 5010 055 • 1COto1u0 •-• 0 410050 .,.006to006 - 09 to. (9 • 0061o007 ... 0 25 to 0 30 ... 5 i to619 • 400to525 -. 409t0450 500to525 - 0 60 to 70 - 050to050 • 018to019 • 9 00 1010 00 • 050to050 250to3oil 3 Fall Wheat .,,,... 07 90 Spring wheat .......................93 .............. 90 Barley • .......,.,,. 0 42 0 45 Oats .... 0 eS 31 Clover Secd .............. 5 95 0 00 Timothy ..•.,, ......., ,,.... 1 251 75 Paas ....................... 0 56 0 60 Eggs ............... .... ..... ... 15 0 15 Rutter .... 85 0 16 Potatoes per bag .................. 50 05 Apples per busb............... ,... .... 050 Wool per lb l3 0 10 Hay porton,...............',,,,.,.,.,, 4 00 14 00 ' 0 10 00 Bran per tun ...... Shorts.c .. ...,,.120 002000 Oatrnoalperhhi .6 00 7 00 ffogs,dressod per 1' e. ........ 5 75 to 600 L',XD )1:, Wheat, 88 to 91 p r tine. Oats, 30e to 32c per bus. Peas. _per c to 6le, per bus. Dar- lsve altiug, 43i to 4Re see tens. Barley Feed, 39c to 41a pop bus a t:re, 56,a to eta per. bushel. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. L ono In the matter of the Estate of James Jory, late of Township of Usborne, in the County .:,f Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 11:0 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1897, flint all persons havinec.launs against the Evid James Jory, deceased. who died on the 4th day of Ootober,1891, are required to deliver or send by post, prepaid, ro the undersigned executors of the estate and effects of the said deceased, on or before the 20th day of Merch,1892, a state- ment in writing containing their names and nddressrs and full particulars of the'r claims duly verified by statutory declaration and the nature of the security of any) held by them ; and that after the said last mentioned date tee said executors, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among tho parties en- titled thereto, having regari only to claims of which notice shall have been receivedas above required. and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof distributed to any person or persons of whose c lin notice shal not have been received at the time of such distribution. Jost. Exeter. W W. H. YaNgALa. Dated at Exeter, Feb. 8 1892. TORONTO. Toronto. Feb. 21 -Wheat Spring -No. 2,92c tc93c per bus; rod wink e...leo 2. i'?c to 94c per bus Manitoba Ne 2her.l 1 2 to 1 09 qo.3, 99e to e3 ; PEAS Glc to 63e per bus. 0 ATS 1:r t3eec perbus. FLOUR. extra. $3 80 to 33.85 strongbske, straight3 to roller..- B 93.9s toe vo 1. feeding, 57e to 580. Minard'a Liniment relieves Neu! algia. If you are ;troubled with hawking and spitting, dull headache, toeing sense of taste og smell,,rou are afflicted with catarrh, and. to prevent it developing into consumption, Nasal Batas eheald be treed, promptly, There is no ease in catarrh which it will not ours.. and for cold in the head it gives immediate relief.' Try one• All GREATLY BENEFITED:- Dear Sirs, -I have been using B.B-B for a .cancer of the breast during the last two years and font months, both, externally and internally, and have been greatly benefited. Have had cancer' over seven years, and no medicine ever did me as much good as B.B.B. 1 fool sure that sufferers from canner can obtain relief or even cure from B.B,B,, and will be pleased to answer any questions as to the use and benefit received from this remedy. Mas. A. ELLxor, Waterdown Ont harassing headaobes make many lives miserable, noedleslyso, when aprompt cure litre Burdock Blood Bitters is obtainable. HIDDEN Fans. -Among the many foes to human health and happiness dyspepsia and constipation are twin enemies greatly to be feared. With B.B,B, to drive them out of the system, however. no danger need be an- ticipated, as every dose brings the sufferer a long step further on the road to perfect health and strength, and a permanent cure always results. A Cnyilw Evrn-Every crying evil should el promptly removed. Sick headache is a crying evil affecting thousands of Canadians, which can easily be removed by the use of Burdock Bleed Bittern, the best knotin stomach, livor and bawd regulator and cure for sick headnobo from whatever cause ariting. Tint 13Lroe Is Tire Lire.- htelth without pure blood is therefore imp and to secure pure blood is therefore abro- lutr•ly n3 cegsnry, especially in sptinef when bad blood is prevalent. Burdock Blood Bitters is the reenedy,without an equal in the world of medicine; It drives out all pnieonoua hurilors of the blood from a com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. A WoNnansue CirAroE.- Gentlemen,-' For twenty years I suffered frum rheuma- tism, dyspepsia, poor appetite, ole,, and received no benefit from the many mi di eines I tried, but after taking five bottles of B 13.13. I can eat beartily of any font!, and am strong and smart. It is a grand men - eine and has made a wonderful change in my health. Mns.W.H. LEE, Halley Oat. AUTI EACII PLUG O1' THE Myrtle Navy a IS MARKED a Xisr Bit,o -zxi i rsT ni nts- NONE - OTHER - GENUINE AGENTS WANTED. Fonthill'Nurseries. Largest in Canada, 700 acres- We want reliable, energetic mon to sell our Nursery stock; previous experience not_ necessary; any man .with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberai,;outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home- grown, hardy. Janadian stock. Choice now specialties. which are of value, and which can only he secured Prem us. It e have given par- ticular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor horn sections of Canada For terns apply to STONE Jr WELLINGTON. Toronto. fnt. tIXECUTORS' NOTICE TO .UJ CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of William Perkins, of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gentletoan, de- ceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 86 of Chapter 110 tf the Revised Statutes of On tario, )8r$, tb ,t all erede ors and other per - ams having claims against the Estate t.f William Perkins, in,/ of the Village of Exeter. in the County of Iluron, gentleivau. deceased, who died on or abort the 28th day of January, 1892 .at the said Village of Exeter, are rcenest- ed to send, nose prepaid, or deli .erqt. Charles Perkins or John Down, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said 1'illiaui Perkins, dece,snd. at l'lxeterP. 0:, ttntarin, or to the undersigned, 1i, 11 Hollins, their: olici- tor, on or before the 15th day p1 1nt•ch,1502, a statement in writing containing their names, addresses and descriptions, rand the full par- titulars and proofs of their claims, rind the nature of, hesecurities(ifnes) held by them. And that after tho said Wale, the said Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en titl ed thoir- to, having regard only to such claims as shall then be 111 d and that they will not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person er persons of whose elain. ne claims notice shall net have been received at, the time of ouch distribution, w 31959 S Dated at Exeter. t 1 1 9 the 6th day of February,1802. 11. ll COMA NS Exeter. Ont Solicitor for the said 1•lsecuwrt. EVERY FARMER'S,SON SHOULD HA:VB A BUSINESS EDUCATION. A. POSTAI, will secure the catalogue of the FOREST CITY Business College. LONDON, ONTARIO. Ovor IlOstudonts in attendance, T. W. WESTERVI LT, Prin. A. HYNDMAN • Wishes to inform the eitizons of ,- Exeter t. �,e e and surrounding1 tllatnow heis ill engaged selling Teas, Coffees, Baking powder In ga:tntitios to suit Purchasers. Orders left nt the house or Dr Hyndreau's Ofilco will receive int Iupt attention, dl6m6 G, A HYNDMAN. 007'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, A recent discovery b an old physician. Sueccssfu9lal its- ed nlonthlp bay tlrovsantrs of LADIES.. Is the only perfect di1 safe and reliable medicine scovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place Of ithis. Ask forCook's COTTON RooT t'•O1 10UNp,take en substitute; or inclose $1 and 4 three -cent Canada postage stamps in letter. and we will send, sealed. by return mail. bull. sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Ltty Couipany N o.8 Either Block ,131 Woodward ave„Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTE, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. FURNITURE -AT- GIDLEY' S. A very large stock on hand now to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed- room and Dining -room Suites at nearly half the usual price. 150 looking -glasses from 100 up. Hundreds of ft of picture mouldings to choose from -cheap. Easy chairs, and a great variety of other goods suitable for Xmas presents ; and in fact everything usually kept in a first- class Furnishing House, all for prices away down. A good doz. chairs for $2. Conte and see our $1.75 Pannel Bed that we "blew” about. The reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chairs and parlor furniture that need recoverin6 as we have a beautiful lot of covers with cord and gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't want to buy ; will be happy to see you. UNDERTAKING. A complete stock of everything in this line from the cheapest to the high- est. Also the only Embalmers. Remember the name and place- GIDLIEY's Oddfellows' Block, opposite 3. Grigg's HURRAH! :raw Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country. that we have opened out It new titiior shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on the shortest pnsible Notice and in the Latest -AND A—• Sur e Fit Guarantees W1JOHNS. L�;ARING S�L� ]3ISSET5'BROS We have 15 Crosscut Saws and 3 doz. Axes which must be cleared out at wholesale prices. - We have a large stock of TUBULAR LANTERNS of different styles, which must go at the following prices :,450, 55e, 65c. and 75o; Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost. Lamp Goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Call and inspect our stock before buying. As usual our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE is complete and we defy competition. 3 $$2T' 'ter: ' '> O t Exeter Music Store RICINS M RTiN. We have constantly on hand a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, - SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above linos will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prides aglow as can be had at the manufactories. We would respectfuliy ask you to call and sec our stook. It is as fine as will bo found in any city music store. P S. Agents for all kinds of agriculture implements. STAND :-Fansou's Block, Exeter. ClcaringSalc FOR 30 DAYS DO NOT MISS IT. BIG DRIVES BARGAINS IN Boots & Shoes AND DRY - GOODS. DOUPE & 00., Kirkton. GIVEN AWAY YESTERDAY AT THE Dominion Laboratory. 900 SALARY and. mCommico. • sion to Agents,Men and Wo - on, Teachers and Clergymen to introduce a new and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth The most remarkable religious book of the age written by 900 eminent saholars,Non-secteriaii, Every Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given. Apply 10 Tlie Henry Bill Pub. Co., Norwich, Conn. DISEASES lJ �••� •rr�� 1� l3 Of all ages, resulting from Errors or indiscre- tions of -Youth, may be permanently e ,red,tn,l the vigor of perfect manhood fullyirestered,rs NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing casesof GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARI00CELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with peri' success. Our field is in CHRONIC C S ".Fe is which others have failed ; if you, we will frankly toll you so Write forpartiOulare and,* Louts MEDICAL Co IF neurablo ae. Free, to 5i, nd 1'i4 Xing Street.S West, Toronto. ,t]�Sm pat.:. A- 20 Dressed llogs Wanted at once For which the highest price will be paid, viz ; $5.90 to 6.10 Dressed hogs bought subject to the fal- lowing rules : 2 the per out off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck ; 3 lbs off for bung gut or gullett if lett in. SNELL BROS.' 00. SCHOLARS PRIZES l SAY took place, The stole and adjacen street here is the best were jammed with eager and happy faces,l plane to buy and as the various fortunate numbers were .It'Llrniture ? announced there was peat rejoicing ainong the youngsters. Tho diatribution of the Among the numerous articles distributed were : WORK 13OX1'ES, AIR GUNS, KITES. P110 ALBUMS; PAINS, AUTO ALBUMS, BOOKS, FRUIT BASKETS, DOLLS. A total of 50 prizes. Call early and se- cure your School Books, and get tiekiets or the next set of Scholars' Prizes. J. W. Browning !a:hinabk 1ty1! T 11€3 BEST YET ! ThE OHEAPEST YET TELO BIGGEST YET I Rest Ordered Clothing pleduced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early for with the bast staff of Tailors; ,the best and stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bdst Patrons ! all Customers t Te.00lo Cutting es- tiontin in Town, ycx are sure of .eatisi No trouble to she Goods. ds. . • . ; ,` '. i n JOIN° 1IAt2IIESON. WHY AT Ra Ne ROWE'S Because he gives good bargains, and, perfect satisfaction every time ; and lie has the best and largest stuck iu tewo. Give him a call a ad see for yourself. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. In this line my stock is large and as- sorted, ai nearly every person knows just see it. R. N. ROWE, Main-st, Exeter, P. S. -All accounts must be settled at o Ice. -R. N. R. EXETER NORTH General Store, Giving tin Business 25per cent. off for Cash 5 lbs. 256 -Tea, $1.00; 5 lbs. 50c Tea, 2,00; 5 lbs. 60c Tea, 2.50; Coal Oil, 15c; 4 • lbs. raisins, 25c; MODS' rubbers 500; Ladles' 85. � Tea Colored Setts, �m' �:00; Dry Goods 25 per cent. off. Seal Muff, 2 50, worth 3 5 Boys' Grey Lamb Hat, 1 7 worth 300;