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he ento VITO.
South Perth will soon pass through-
hroughthe ordeal of another ,political contest,
this time the candidates of the two po-
litical parties being, Mr, James Trow,
in the interest of the- Liberals; Mr. W.
Pridham of Fullerton for the Conserva-
tive party. We would to ice this oppor-
tunity of congratulating :he Conserva-
tives of the Ricl4:' ; upon .ilteir selection
of a candidate. They have found a
gentleman, a t;trere, nian and a resident
of the fading, all essential features in a
desirabla representative. Besides these
Mr. Pridham is ri man above reproach,
and equally respet.sd by Liberals and
Conservative.. i.e is a farmer and has
dealt with the fanners, in the capacity
of a cattle buyer, :t'r over 30 years, and
it is said that na'1 an irregular act can
be brought up against him. Being
widely known ht '`squires but little in-
troduction, and if on the 10th of March
he is not elected to represent the South
Riding of Pal: 'here is little use of
another tr hib t, defeat Mr. Ttow.
Being a !_ me i..'.n is also in his favor ;
his opponent, :.1=. Trow, who lives in
Stratford is w>t. And if a Riding like
thi , which .& ntiins so many popular
and clever mon, ct.'71notsend one of their
own to recti:::—>e r theta in Parliament,
instead of inTo sting, it speaks little for
the sense and courage of the electors.
In Mr. Pridham ;,he farmers have a close
friend, and if lie be permitted to look
after the iiltc s of any portion of the
theirl surely receive his
first and best t::tendon.
The seats thus fax redeemed
EAST Bx�von,
t t t
The reciprocity commissioners, Sir.
John Thompson, Hon. Geo. E. Foster
and Hon MacKenzie Bowell, who went
to Washington, have returned empty-
handed.. The impression is said to pre-
vail in Washington that Congress will
give Political Union or nothing. The
pretensions that unrestricted reciprocity
can be secured are thus shown to be all
moonshine. Why all this pantering to
Uncle Sam? Since the McKinley Bill
came in force, we have uot suffered
much, the suffering being on the other
hand, as see the disposition of the people
of the United States to have the Bill, in
a great measure, repealed.
One of the beat tests of the condition
of a country is furnished ',in the record
of its trade with other nations. If its
exports go on steadily increasing it is
fair to assume that the capacity of the
people for production is being augment-
ed. If the imports grow in volume at
the same time the increased purchas-
es abroad may fairly be taken as an in-
dication of a growing national wealth,
enabling thepeople toprovidetheinselves
with more of the good things of life.
Judged by this standard, last yearwas
one of the best ever experienced by the
Dominion, our exports for 11891 having
exceeded those of any previous year,and
our imports having been greater .than in
sixteen years past.
• .
Contests have been held in twenty-
six constituencies, with the result that
The importation of live cattle from
Holland and Denmark into England has
been prohibited. Tl•e prohibition, it is
believed, will shortly be extend to Spain
and Portugal also. The exclusion of
live animals from these four countries
will give an added value to the privilege
now enjoyed by Canada if we can only
contit.ue to hold it. To make this sure
the Dominion Government should at
once enforce the same quarantine against
American cattle in British Columbia as
exists along the rest of the Canadian
Until the time arrives when eggs are
sold by weight both the poultryman and
the consumer will be cheated. Mr_
D. D. Wilson of Seaforth, the "Egg
King," said on Wednesday at the Cen-
tral Farmers' Institute, Toronto, that
the eggs sent 1,0 England had to be cull-
ed, as the small ones were not saleable
there, Hence the small onea are sold in
Toronto and Montreal and other Cana-
dian and American cities. The "culls"
or small eggs show plainly that the con-
sumer who buys his eggs by the dozen
never rays two same price, and hence in
all justice eggs should besold by weight.
When the prices paid are based on
weight, the sales can be as easily made
as with potatoes, which are now sold by
weight though retail purchasers often
pay dearly for allowing deliveries based
upon bushel measures that have slippery
bottoms, or in which the articles are
artistically arranged, with a view of fill-
ing the measure with the fewest potatoes.
But the poultryman is more interested
in selling his eggs by weight than is the
customer. It takes more fool to pro-
duce a large egg than a small one, hence
the large egg costs more and should sell.
for more; but out old and time-honored
custom makes no difference between a
dozen large eggs and a dozen small ones.
Political Points.
The writ for West Northumberland was
issued Saturday. Nomination March B,pol
ling March 15.
West Huron CQ•oes Conservative.
• The by-election took place in West
Huron on Tuesday and resulted in the
election ot Hon. J. C. Patterson, of
Windsor, over Mr. M. C. Cameron, .by
a majority of g.0. There wee great re-,
joicing in the Riding. , Mr. T. Coughlin
of Mt. Carmel did great service for -the
Conservative party. In March last Mr.
Cameron was elected over Mr, Porter
by a majority, of 379.
Following are the majorities :--
Patterson. Co aaerori
Ashfield, No. 1.... 30
" " 2..., 30
" " 3.... 40
tr " 4.... 4
Conservatives have carried 21, while
the Liberals have been able to hold but
five of their seats. The record stands :
Conservative. Reform.
North Lanark, . Richelieu,
Glengarry, Lincoln,
Soulanges, Peel,
Richmond, Digby,
Victoria, N. S., King's, N. S.-5.
Prince Edward,
East Middlesex,
East Bruce,
Halifax (2),
South Victoria,
North Victoria,
East Elgin,
East Hastings,
South Ontario,
West Huron -21
. Excepting Richelieu, the Opposition
have not been able to capture a seat
from the Government, while the Con-
servatives have wrested not leas than
seven constituencies from the enemy.
A recount in the East Thum election
was held. on Saturday before Judge Bar-
rett, resulting in increasing Mr. Cargill's
majority from 10 to 15.
Full returns in the election in North
Renfrew for the Ontario Legislature Tues-
day gave Barr (Liberal) a majority of
421. His opponent, Findlay, is also a
The Conservatives of East Hastings enc
seeded in redeeming the riding on Satur-
day electing tier. W. R. Northrup by a
majority of500 over the Liberal candidate,
Mr. W. R. Aylsworth. In March last the
late S. 13. Bnrdette (Liberal) was elected
by 54 majoi ity.
South Ontario was carried by the Con-
servative party on Saturday, they having
elected their candidate, Mr. Wm. Smith,
by a majority ot 157. The candidates
were the same as in March last, when the
Liberal candidate, James I. Davidson, was
returned'by 33 majority,
Mr. Hartz, the Liberal, was Tuesday
elected to the Ontario Legislature for King-
ston, to succeed Mr. Metcalf, who was
recently elected to the Commons. His -
opponent was ex -Mayor Drennan, and his
majority 705. Mr. Hartz is mentioned as
successor of Mr C. 1'. Fraser as Commis-
sioner of Public Works, which fent had
much to do with the result.
Three writs for the holding of elections
were issuers Friday. In South Perth and
M"onck nomination has been for Thursday,
March 3, halt polling for March 10. W. R.
Davis, of 12itehell, is returning officer mreco er The Liberals have nothiu�
Perth, and John Henderson, of Marshville, y 3'
in Monck. The nomination in' 1liontmor-, to fight for bub principle, and if they
ency will take place on March 4 polling ° throw it (Mel' there will be no reason for
. March 11. - the, exiatenee of tho:party.
is " 5...
(i " 6....
Colborne, No. 7....,
,r • 10....
Clinton Town:—
St. Andrew's Ward
St. James' Ward
St. George's Ward
St. John's Ward
Goderich, No. 15...
,. 't 16...
" ' " 17...
" 18...
town, No.1
tc u " 2
„ 0 3
,c ,c •t 4
it ., 5
rt' ri 6
" cc cc 7
Wawanosh West,No 27
" " 28
" " " 29
* *
Wheat has steadily gone up 5 cents
per bushel lately in. Ontario, and this
has been in response to an advance in
other markets. It was confidently ex-
pected early in the fall of last year by a
number of well posted statisticians that
wheat on this side of the Atlantictwouid
reach $1.25 per bushel. The highest
price attained here was $1.00 per bushel
and $1.02, $1 03 and $1.04 for heavy
samples. And then it receded to 84
cents per bushel, from which the price
has now risen to 90 cents. Then wheat
suddenly struck:$1.00 per bushel and
over last fall on this side of the Atlantic.
A very large quantity was rushed on
the market, and Western and South-
weatern farmers all through the great
wheat growing belts made early sales
early on. The consequence was the un-
precedented large crop and the readiness
with which it was marketed glutted all
the elevators and other places of storage,
and then the railways were blockaded
with freight, and in turn the ocean carry-
ing trade. Then freights went up, and
this depreciated the price of wheat for a
time and it cost more to lay it down in
England. •Before spring the price, how-
ever, will again have advanced.
0" 33 ..
Total 453
Majority for Patterson, 20.
" 30
" 31
" 32
South Perth Conservative
News of the Wee1-Condensed,
Hon. Alex. Mackenzie is progressing
moat favorably.
Thetotal debtof the pity of Montreal
amounts to $19,000,000. • " .. •
The oche;al count m East Elgin gives
Mr. Ingram a majority of 495.
Berry Turner, a _Kentucky` outlaw,
has been caught and banged.
St. Thomas will hays a societies' de-
monstration on Queen's Birthday.
Mr. George Sleeman has been elect-
ed mayor of Guelph by acolamstion.
The majority ofMr, Bowers, Liberal,
in Digby, N. S., is officially stated at
A Hamilton grocer is being prosecut-
ed by the Government for adulterating
Calgary is asking for a branch of the
experimental farm to be established
St. Marys defeated London in the
final match for the Western Ontario
Tankard Friday.
Mr. James Griffin, a well knownseed
merchant of London, Ont, suicided Fri-
day with strychnine.
Coaster, the confessed murderer at
Sault Ste.Marie,will probably be releas-
ed on a technicality.
A pupil in Alma Ladies' College, St.
Thomas, was poisoned from eating a
banana. She recovered.
The business of the Royal Canadian
Insurance Company has been acquired
by the Alliance of England.
Two hundred employes of the Inter -
colonial railwayatMoncton and Halifax
have received notice to quit.
Dr. Spohn, Liberal, and Mr. R. Por.
ter, Conservative, were nominated for
the Commons in East Bruce.
A conference of sugar refiners is be-
ing held in Montreal with referenoe to
the recent revolt of certain grocers.
The movement in favor of theearlier
closing of stores, espeoially on Satur-
days, is now in progress in London.
Manitoba College will erecta $50,000
building this year, The authorities
expect to raise $25,000 in the North
Gilbert Griffin, formerly Post -Office
inepector for the London District, died
at Toronto on Friday,whet e he had been
Grip has carried off in Welland and
vicinity during the past week eleven
persons whose added ages make a total
of 758 years,
There are rumors of an Indian up-
rising among the Blackfeet near
Calgary. No confirmation can be had
at this hour.
H. J. Hill, manager of the Toronto
Industrial Exhibition, has been -offered
the position as manager of theDetroit
At Montreal 00 Thursday a woman
named Giroux died suddenly of heart
disease, accelerated by her having a
tooth pulled out.
The official count in the recent Hali-
fax election places the figures as foll-
ows :--Kenny 5,558,Stairs 5,503, Jones
5,193, Farrell 5,021, •
Wm. Renwick, farmer, ot Hespeler,
was find $3.50 and costa, in alle8.50 the
other day for bringing meat unfit for
food on the Berlin market.
Charles Ityekman, employed in Mc-
Kenzie's planing mill, Aylmer, had
three fingers of his right hand cut oft
by a circular saw on Saturday.
Five brothers namedShoemaker live
near Berlin, Ont., whose combined
ages foot up to 437 years. The eldest
is 92 and still hale and hearty.
An Ottawa despatch says : Hon.
Edward Blake hats been retained by
Hon. Thomas McGreevy to defend him
before Mr. Justine Maoefahon.
The case of Alex. Simmons, charged
with bigamy, came up on Friday at
Hamilton, and was dismissed. Sim-
mons' first marriage was proved.
'IheOntario cotton mills at Hamilton
pass into the hands of a syndicate on
the lst ot April. They are estimated
to be worth $600,000 or $700,000.
A 5.year-old daughter of Mr. J. Will -
leen, G.'1', R., Napanee, tell into a pail
of boiling water,and was so badlyscald-
edthat she died shortly afterwards.
Whale Israel (lollan•I was working in
Terryberry's mill m Menem, Saturday,
a wliiflietree broke, hitting him in the
jaw, completely smashing that bone.
J. J. Tee tzel, St. Thomas, whi.e
standing on a cornice fixing a sign on
Saturday, slipped and fell to the side
walk, a distance of about fifteen feet.
Traffic earnings of the Canadian
Pacifio Railway from Feb. 7 to Feb.
141892, $355,000• same week in 1891,
$334,000; increase for 1892, $21,000.
Edward lluppell, teller of the bank
of Ottawa, who appropriated $7,000 of
the bank's funds, was on Friday sen-
tenced to two years in the penitenti-
The official count in South Victoria
gives Fairbairn (Conservative) 228 ma-
jority. In North Victoria the official
count gives Hughes (Conservative) 239
The city of Hamilton fai.ed to defend
a suit brought because of injuries to
Mrs. Webster in a coasting accident,
and a verdict for the plaint if of $5,000
was recorded.
Mr. (George Briggs, preventive officer
at Wolfe Island, has cured himself of
dropsy by using Epsom salts, tle can'
sunned 300 pounds. He was very low
several times.
LI. J. Hill, manager of the Toronto
Industrial Exhibition Association, has
been offered the position at manager
of the International Fair and Exposi-
t on Company of Detroit.
Mr. Wainwright, ot the Grand Trunk
Railway, referring to the rumored pro-
be tile amalgamation ofthe Grand Trunk
and Canadian Pacific, said the state-
ment was absolutely untrue.
Tice recount for Lennox took place
on kl'ednesday, and Mr. Wilson s ma-
jority was pulled down to 24, seven re-
jected ballots being counted for Mr.
Alliaon, the Liberal condidate.
Lieut. A.H. Macmahois, of the Grene.
dier Guards, late of the staff of the
Governor-General, has succeeded to
the baronetcy through the death of his
afther, Gen. tier Thomas Macmahon.
Tlie Convention of the Conservatives
of the South Riding of Perth as consti-
tuted for Dominion purposes, was held
at Fullerton Corners on Tuesday last.
The chair was occupied by the president,
Mr. James Doherty, of Mitchell, who,
after calling the large gathering to order,
called for the election of officers, which
resulted as follows : President, Mr. Jas.
Doherty, of Mitchell ; vice -do., Mr. W.
Johnston, of Woodham ; Treasurer, Mr.
Reuben Switzer, of Blanshard ; Sec'y,
Mr. T. D. Stanley, of St. Marys. The
delegates frnm the different municipali-
ties reported, there being 15 from St,
Marys; 16, Blanshard ; 0, Downie; 18,
Osborne; 29, Fullartion ; 21, Hibbert ;
28, Mitchell. After the examination of
credentials the nomination of a candidate
was proceeded with. The following
persons were nominated • H. F. Sharp,
St, Marys ; Wm. Pridham, Fullerton ;
Wm. Johnston, Woodham ; W. White,
Hibbert ; H. Hotham, Hibbert ; John
Burns, Blanshard;Mr.Monteith,Downio.
The stated time for nominations hav-
ing expired, each. of the candidates made
a neat speech, all declining the nomina-
tion except Mr. Pridham, who, upon
consenting to contest the Riding, was
given unmistakable assurance of a hearty
and strong support. Ho received the
nomination amid great oheering and
with the greatest unanimity. Mr.
Pridham addressed the Convention at
some length,—setting forth what he
would expect.of the Conservative elec-
torate. He would not accept the nom-
ination with his hands tied, he wished to
be free to use his own judgment if
elected. During his life lie had tried to
deal conscientiously with everybody,and
in anything in which he engaged. He
wished. to do the same if elected to
Parliament. Mr. Pridham concluded a
neat speech by asking all Conservatives
to put their shoulder to the wheel, and
if work would. do it, his election was
a foregone conclusion. Before closing
theConvention the following resolutions
were read and put to the meeting and
assented to unanimously :
Moved by Mr. H. F. Sharp, seconded by
Mr. A liirick "that the Ltberal Conserva-
tives of SouthPerth in convention assem-
bled, desire to place on record their confi-
dence in the Hon. Abbott as Premier of
Canada, and the Hon. J. Thompson as
leader of the House of Commons, and their
high appreciation of the services of the
Hon. gentlemen in punishing those who
have been salty of malfeasence of public
The result of the bye -elections thus
far has been tie decidedly improve the
position of the Government. The Con-
servatives have gained nine seats,and any
misgivings Mr. Abbott may have had as
to the possibilities of.a,defeat during the
approaching session of Parliament are
now no doubt pretty thoroughly dispel•
led. It is difficult to account for the
change in public opinion which has taken
place in some . constituencies. The
general elections were quite favorable
to the Liberals, and it was natural for
them to suppose that the recent revela-
tions of last session of Parliament would
have in some measure given them an acs -
vantage ever their opponents. But not-
withstanding this advantage the Liberals
have lost very heavily, and they will
meet Parliament with ranks consider-
ably reduced. Again, it is hard to ac-
count for this wholesale rejection of
Liberal candidates. It cannot be that
the moral sense of the community is so
benumbed as to condone the revelations
made by the investigations last year.
RI is equally inconceivable that whole
constituencies could be so debauched as
to abandon all principle, no matter how
questionable the means used to produce
such a result. To what then, shall we
attribute the extraordinary gains made
by the Government ? We suspect that
Mercier is tire great incubus which is
dragging the Liberals to sure and certain
destruction. This :political adventurer
has no claim whatever upon the loyalty
of the Liberal party, and unless they
vise vainly repudiate him and all his
ways the party will be shattered beyond
Moved by Mr. Wm. Johnston, seconders
by Mr. G. D. Lawrie "that the Liberal
Conservatives of South Perthin convention
assembled, desire to place on record their
deep sense of the great loss which they, in
common with the whole people of Canada
have sustained in the death of our noble
and illustrious chieftain, Sir. John A.
Macdonald, and while they deeply deplore
the great loss to the Liberal Conservative
party and the country, they realize the
great responsibility that rests upon them
in carrying on the great work so near the
heart of Canada's most famous son, viz ;
the upbuilding and developing of the coun-
try's industries and resources and the in-
culcation of an unfeigned and patriotic
allegiance to the. Great British Empire, of
which we are proud to be counted a part."
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr.
H. F. Sharp for the interest he had
taken in the Party, in sacrificing his
business, time and money in trying to
capture South Perth from the Opposi-
tion. Although defeated twice he was
not depressed and was yet ready to as-
sist to the utmost of his power to win
the Riding for Mr. Pridham. Mr. Sharp
in acknowledging the vote was cheered
to the echo.
The Convention was a very enthusias-
tic one and the largest ever assembled
in the Biding, and if this be a criteriau
of the success of Mr. Pridham, the people
may expect to hear of his election on
the evening of•the 10th of March.
Cheers fur the Queen and candidate
brought the meeting to a close.
The dates of the by-elections are as
follows :—
Bast Simeoe
Quebeo w est
Two Mountains,...~
Vaudreuil .. 29
Montcaim . March s
South Pont; . .... to
estmorthu .,: 11
West N.rthumb�cicnd_.... ......... 15
..February 26
0 26
A. tram lett the radial MJU,. Stream,
N. B., Sunday. The locomotive was
smashed and the engineer and firemen
are reported dangerously injured.
None of the passengers iiiei°
The "Court of Appeal gave, judgment
Friday in the London voters' list,case,
endorsing the mandamus-' proceedings'
agaihet Revising Barrister Fraser and
sustaining in every .phase ,(he judg-
This year to date• therehave been
issued in Toronto building permits
to the value of $298,000. During Jan-
uary and February of 1891 the permits
called for buildings to the value of
On We strength of a Government in,
specters' report and an analyst's test,
Messrs. W. 13. McLaren. and H. II.
Laing, of Hamilton. reputable business
men, are charged with selling adulter-
ated coffee.
The Bishops of the province of Que-
bec issued a mandement which was
read an every Catholic church in Lower
Canada last Sunday: It deplores the
scandals and forbids any Roman Oath -
olio receiving pay for his vote.
George Goodhand, oheesemaker, has
issued a writ against, the East Zerra
and Blandford Cheese Company to re-
cover $900 Esalarv, which he claims is
withheld. The defence is ,that the
plaintiff did not make first-class cheese
as agreed,
Edward Elanlan And Wm. O'Connor
report from, Toronto they accept Tee-
mer's challenge for double soull race
between them and •'I'eemer and Hos-
mer, for $1,000 a side and the cham-
picnship of the world, at the Point of
Pines, Mass., next June.
A syndicate of Canadian and Penn-
sylvania natural gas men have been
boring tor the past two weeks at Mimi.
co, and now it is reported that they
have been successful, and that the well
is now gushing at the rate of 15,00(1,000
feet per day.
Petitions are being circulated in the
village of Embro, ono in favor of doing
away with one hotel and the other to
make the hour ten instead of eleven
o'clock- A petition of tho op position
nature is also being circulated.
The petition of the Peterboro tem-
perance people asking for n reduction
from 22 to 16 in the number of liquor
licenses in town, and the separation of
liquor and billiard licenses, was not
granted by the council. Only two
councillors supl.orted the petition.
The Toronto Evening News closes a
long article discussing the pcseibility
of amalgamatiot: of the G. T. R. and
C. P. R. by saying: "Local indications,
if they do not point toward an actual
union, certainly do show friendly ;feel-
ing to exist between the two companies '
Mrs, Chippena,said to be the Largest
woman in the world, and who was to
have been exhibited at the World's
Fair, died Friday at Pog Lake Indian
Reserve, 100 miles from Winnipeg.
She was 46 years old and six feet high
and weighed 750 pounds. Recently
she married an Indian weighing less
than 100 pounds.
From information received by the
police department officer George Mo -
Ritchie recovered all of the property
stolen from the 'Townahip Collector,
Steadmann, who recently was robbed
. on the train: The roll and stub -books
were alright. One Or two cheques are
missing. Chief Jackson thinks ho has
a clue to the thief.
A compromise leas been effected be-
tween the city of Toronto and• the
Street Railway, in virtue of which the
trolley system will be immediately
adopted, the city secured the right to
order an improved ayttem at any time
on showing that it will not coat more
to operate then the trolley system or
on payment of the difference of costs.
The agreement ot course is subject to
the approval of the council.
Mr. Harcourt laid the report of the
licenses for 1891 before the Legislature
on Friday. The total receipts from
this :source were $680,29S ; of this
$294,968 has been paid to municipali-
ties, $28,200 to the province and the
balanoe for inspeotors'salariesand com-
niis3ionere' expenses. Mr. Harcourt
also laid the estimates for the year 1892
before the House. He estimates the
current expenditure for civil Govern
ment, administration of justice, educa-
tion, legislation,matntonance of public
institutions, agriculture, public works,
etc., at $2,936,237; tor capital account,
$512,884, and for other purposes, $23,-
I15, making a total of $3,472,237.
Monok.. ........ ........ •' 1C
Werare aspired of one' thing • that
the readers of the Timis and our cus-
tomers have noted what we said about
our 'bargain table; because the pile of
goods is being reduced. •
This week finds a few more " desir-
able ends in different kinds of dress
goods. They must be sold;' they will be
sold! and now is your time for quilt
linings and cheap,.-wrappors and a very
sightly dress for a small sum of money.
We have a choice lot of new prints
and you know bur fame for select pat.
terns. See them before making your
purchase. February and March Delinia-
tors for sale, now on counter.
a OC IEs
Our record for keeping first-class
groceries is with the public, and they
.readily assent that they can get no
better, and while we"do not feel like re-
commending a cheap article, we will
ask you to buy one pound of our t eel g
Hyson tea at 25c; and, after giving it a
fair trial, .please give us your verdict_
higher prices in other kinds.
Sincerely yours,
Minard's Liniment curse Burne, etc.
Bob Ford, who killed .Jesse James,
was shot in a Creede, Col., saloon last
Three men werekilled in an accident
at the Nelson mine, near Plattsburg,
N. Y., Friday.
`there are now 90 cases of typhus
fever among Russian Hebrew emigrants
in New York.
Imports of woollens to the United
States in 1891 amounted in value to
It is rumored that the reciprocity
ietgotiations between the UnitedStatt
and Mexico have been broken off.
Several large dry goods establish-
ments valued at over $2,000,000 were
destroyed by fire in New OrleansFriday.
The United States Senate has pass-
ed the bill extending the time for the
first operation of the Uhineseexclusiou
The Detroit Journal was sold at auc-
ion on Saturday, when Mr. Wm. Liv-
ingstone, jr., bought the property for
Mr. Fitch introduced a bill into the
House of Representatives at Washing
ton Friday to reduce the barley duty
from 30 to 10 cants a bushel,
In the New York Legislature Friday
an amendment providing that the New
York state exhibit at the World's lair
should be closed on Sundays was adopt
ed by 49 to 47.
Traffic has been suspended in Rome
on account of the intensely cold wea-
ther d heavy snowstorms,
anfrom China and Japan state
that GO houses have been destroyed by
earthquake shocks at Nanetzug, Japan
The Austrian government proposes
to grant over 1,000,000 florins for the
relief of unemployed persons and poor.
ly paid railway employees.
Berlin has 191 common schools with •
3.223 classes, and 2,869 class rooms.
The attendance on last Jay. 1 was 66,,
309 boys and 88,878 girls.
A bicyclist was riding on an English
footpath, obstructing noLody, but for
this, on being summoned, he was fined
as being on the path illegally.
The members of the German colony
near Tashkend, Asiatic Russia, will
emigrate to America because of the
imposition of military service.;
The mortality from measles in Eng-
land is said to exceed anything tha
can thus far be attributed to the in-
fluenza There are 13,000 deaths fron
measles annually in England a
Wales, and the mortality has increas
greatly during the last decade.
Sir ldorell Mackenzie's household
ponies were very great, He kept
teen servants, besides a private co
for himself, another for his wife,
spent every cent of his $G0,000 yea
income, Both the distinguished dao
tor and his wife were very fon
society. and their hoose in London
the resort of brilliant people. It
a rare thing for a caller to find nfiem
atone in the evening, and even than
they were in full evening dress,. Mrs.
Mackenzie blazing with diamonds. The
doctor's three daughters are said to be
very Handsome girls and all as fond of
society as their parentw were.
Berlin's richest richest citizen has an
income of $750,000. " But two pe kons"
in Prussia paying an income tax are
richer. A man (aaid to be a Roths-
child) in Melsbaden is taxed on an in-
come of $1,000,000. and another, (said
to be Krupp) Dusseldorf is taxed on
$1,500,000. Krupp stands at the top
in the 128tH class of income taxpayers.
Tbeincome tax rolls for 1892 show that
in Berlin in the last year the number
of "thaler (75 cents) millionaires" has
increased from 198 to 228, and that of
"mark (25 cents) millionaires" from
1,082 to 1,167. Prussia has but 565
subjects whose annual incomes are
more than $30.000 each.
Smallpox is epidemic in Bombay.
Many trains are snow -blocked in.
.Tohn Shaw,ohief of the bucket Blom s
of England, is dead.
England isexperienctngthe heaviest
:snow -storm ever known.
Of health and strength rouewed and of ease
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Fiefs, es it acts in harmony with nature to'
effectually cleanse the system when costive
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leading druggists;
The Department of Agriculture has de-
elded to vigorously renew iia efforts in the
Dakotas 13 induce immigrants to cross into
the Dominion. Opetatious,however,will not
be confined to Dakotas, for it has been de-
cided to oarry on au active campaign in the
border States of Michigan and Mb nesota
ae well. The object of the movement is to
furnish all'possibleinf.ormation este the re-
sourcoa of the Oanadiau wheat -growing belt,
the laude available for occupation and the
most direct and cheapest rout: a of tray1
thither from the States mentioned.
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