HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-18, Page 7tersesssertasessimesseammiameeseereavemaesseses INSURANOE RNEST.ELL' IOT, AGENT FOIt J ° THE, WESTERN ASSURANCE COM. PAN.Y, of Toronto; also for thePHCENIZ FIRE ENSUDANOE COMPANY, or London; Eugtand, the ROYALCANADIAN, of Mon- tres;l, and the ONTARIO M[7 t'UAL L1t'i; A`a3URANap, CO'Yof Waterlooeetablished 1870. Asouran oainiorco,$13,127, 00, Bonuses y-rery five year e. Special Notice During this week our usual supply of Holiday Stock will be opened and dis- played for sale, so that on and. after Deo 5th we will be in a fair position, to re- ceive our customers and their friends. We sincerely trust that the exhibit this year will be found in every way satis- factory. Much to our surprise we find a Iarge number living within a few miles a Exeter who have not yet called. This is.amistake. Our stock is equal, and we think superior, to any found in vil- lages of this size ; in fact we know it to class well with the majority of those found in city stores, We are steadily endeavoring to make it more widely known and will nob rest content until it has been inspected by at least the ma- jority of those liyiug within ten or fif- teen mules of Exeter. We know that if unable to sell, our stock will at least please ; aid so cordially invite every reader of THE TIMES to call with their fr1orld a at least once -during December and take a look through. 3.' GRIGG, Exeter. THE MAnT,) 'SU futve g 1noo. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1892. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Many 'Thanks. Last week Iva enclosed in the Tin. Thies to evrey sul.s'riter a blank feria unci ad- dressed envelope for convenience of those in arrears in remitting amount due. We are pleased to say that a great many have honored our request by not only squaring back subscriptions, but enclosing amount of subscription for ]892. They have our hearty thanks, Those who have not yet answered the call wi+l oblige by doing so at an early date. A. few hundred sub- acrilx''r several years hi arrears, represents a eonsrderable sem, which, were it in our -. hands now, would be a great converience. Those subscribers who have paid till Jen. 1893, and who got notices, will please ex- cuse no, for with 2,000 subscribers it would have been a task to have gone over the lists and checked the names of these who had already paid. These will kindly over- look the notice as it was not intended for them. t'resentatto t, On Friday evening last the committee appointed by the Ladies' Aid of .James -et. Methodist Church, met at the residence of Mr. Wm. Bissett and presented Mrs J. N. Hooper, who is leaving town, with a hand- some Bible, Hymn -book and Toilet Case. Mrs. Russell read the following address: DEAR Mas: Hoorsa,— The members of the Ladies' Aid of Jamos-at Methodist Church, Exeter, desire to express their regret that you are about to sower your connection with their society on account of your removal to Toronto. From the time of its feeble beginning, till the present when our membership is nearly ono hundred, you have Faithfully worked for its interests in every pos- sible way, not only in your ofiloo. as Treasurer of the soeiety,but when special and oven labor- ious work was to he done, you wore ono who ever cheerfully and willingly tont your aid. The society desire to express their appreciation of your service, and their regret at your,dopar- ture,in some tangible way and ask your ascent - once of this gift. which, though of sinal' ; en_ Dial worth, we know you will value nu amount of this Book of Books t ? oft`hoarticles, and els 'moans s r a ob a a expresses the foelin s ofthe saele`I ys,n_T,hyou, Praying that the teaoh- -5 of this Bonk may guide your life, and the '" life of your husband and dear Olive, till we all meet iu tho Homo above. Signed on behalf of the Society, L.A. RUSSELL, Pres., Mss. W. Risme, Seo'y. Mss D. Fearer¢, Com. Mns. ED. BISSETT, 3 a Feb. 12.1891... Mrs. Hooper was taken by surprise and said she could not make a suitable reply, but was•very much pleased to be so kindly remembered by the Aid. (Shure& Notes. Rey. Mr. Martin is slowly recovering rem his recent severe attack of la grippe. Sacrament of the Lord's supper was dis- pensed in the Maiu-st, church on Sunday. Revival meetings are being continued in, the James -at. Methodist church this:week. They will conclude Friday night. One week from Sunday evening Rev. Mr. McDonagh will preach a special sermon on "Pre-Millenuianism," in the Main-st.Meth- odist church. Rev. Mr. Ayers, of Holmesville, will preach in the Main-st. church uextSunday, Rev, Mr. McDonagh to be absent at For- est, preaching Missionary sermons. Rev. A. L. Russell will occupy the Pres- byterian pulpit next Sunday and following Sunday, an 2.30 p. m-; and Rev. Mr. Mc- Donagh will preach at the same hour the two consecutive Sundays thereafter. The Quarterly Board of the Main-st. Methodist 'ellur•eh met on Monday evening. Rev. Mr. elcDonagh was extended an in- vitation to remain pastor of the church for the next two years, by a unanimous vote of the Board. The Methodist church of Bethesda held a honey social on Tuesday evening. A splendid time was spent by all present. Art able address was given by Rev.. Mr. McDonagh, on "Methodism." Proceeds $20. Revs. Russell and McDonagh preached anniversary sermons in Elimville oe Sun - `day last, Mr: Clarke occupying Mr. Rus- sell's pulpit in the morning, and Rev. Mr. Russell, of Elimville, occupying Mr. Mc- Donagh's pulpit in the evening. The Epworth Leagues have adopted the programused in the League throughout Canada, Find the subjectsbhosen by exper- ienced men much better than the subjects they had previously chosen by their com- mittee and as a result the meetings of this quarter have been far superior to any of the past, They are being favored with larger gatherings and a more earnest desire is being felt among its members for an en- tire consecration. The delegates to theS: S. convention at Parkhill I a 1l on Thursday last ,had quite an experience. The day was so very stormy that by night the roads had drifted to such an extent that the sleigh load were corn - polled to wale Dome. Drevttles. Lent begins on March 2.1 Horse buyers have been quite numerous in Exeter of late. The Dominion Grange has pronounced against market fees and toll gates. Division Courtwas held here on Mon- day. His Honor Judeg. Doyle, presiding, Messrs, Balkwell de Co. shipped a car. load of prime cattle to Montreal Monday.. Venus and Jupiter disappeared on the 7th inst,, and will not be seen for some tfine. The snow plow was kept pretty busy for a few days last week keeping the sidewalks open., _. The markets in Exeter are very fiat, and during the pact week but little grain has been marketed, A. load of young people of town at- tended the carnival at Parkhill on Tues- day. They report a good time. It is stated that one of our merchants has rented one of the stores iu Drew's block, into which he will move shortly. The ice on the rink has been in splendid condition for some tirne,and the good skat- ing has been taken advantage of by many. The auditors of Usborne cud their work quickly this year. Their report has al- ready been printed and is being distributed. Flannels,,fiennels, flannels, while stock- taking you will do well to buy them, also ends of tweeds, they must be sold by J.P.Ularkot Snell Pros. & Co. of the Exoter Packing House are advertising in this issue for 200 dressed hogs, They rue paying £rom $5.90 to $0.20 per cwt. Counterfeit ten cent pieces are in circul- ation in several places. They are very fine imitations in appearance, and can only be disooyered by the ring. Horses are advancing in price, in conse- quence of the increasing demand of late, There is scarcely a week but several ear loads are shipped from here. Notwithstanding the hard times and tiglttnees of money there was a, larger amount of life insurance done during 1891 than during the year previous. Two cars of ashes were shipped from here to New Stork state this week. The farm- ers are foolish to part with suoh a good fertilizerfor the trifling price paid. Judgment was ,delivered et London last week in the dehorning cattle caro. The defendants were found guilty of cruelty and were each fined $50 twit costs The Vanity Landry is boouriug, menu- fuetn,,ntc . p ows and their parts for the ,1uuitab,t farmers. Several car loads of plows aro beim; shipped this week. The l3oard of Trade had a meeting on Tbuiada.y last for organization, There was a fairly good attendance, and matters are again in shape for work this year. A rare chance for those wanting goat robes, only 5 left, Al robes, sold at cost for cash, by J. P. Clarke, can't afford to carry them over to another season,eome early. Mr. R. S. Hodgins, of Lucite, writes to say that the price paid to him at the re- cent sale of apples was $2.10 per barrel, and not$1 2a,es mentioned: in these columns, Messrs. Carling Bros. are issuing a monthly journal in connection with their business, which will be sent gratis through the post office to the farming community, Canadiau apples are in great demand in 'Britain just now. Liverpool quotations wore given for Canadian red apples at from 17 to 23 shillings and russets 22 shillings. Mr. .A,. J. Rollins expects to ship a car- load of horses from this place on Monday to Killarney, Man. Accompanying the load will be a valuable importedClydesdale stallion. In ladies' fur capes and collaretttes,igg,. mink, persian lar P. ,ion ire will of''•• tlfem at fleet,"rv, uccla�-�•� 'don't iorgoc i ne place, don't forget the of er,J P. Cla' ke. The South Huron 'Farmers' Institute •t will hold meetings at Crediton and Exeter, at the former place on Feb. 24, the latter on Feb. 25. Programs will no doubt be distributed giving particulars. The Zurich Division Court will he held to -day (Thursday) instead of yesterday as usual. There was sou.e misunderstanding between the person who arranged the cee'ndar and the clerk. We would like the teachers of schools in this neighborhood to send us the month- ly reports of the standing of pupils for publication in Tors Times. It encourages the pupils to see their names in print. Village; Connell. The Council met by order of Reeve at. the town hall, Exeter, 1st Feb., 1892 ; all present except Mr. Spackman. Minutes of previous meeting were read wand con. firmed. Moved by E. Christie, seconded by T B Carling, that tenders be asked for. delivery of 15 cords of gravel on the town hall site ,^ gravel to be delivered on or be- fore March' 20. Tenders to be received up to Wednesday, the 24th fust. at 8 o'clock p.m.—Carried. Mr. Creech to see to re- moval of snow off sidewalk from the mar- ket to the bridge, ao as to form a foot path. The Council adjourned until Wednesday, the 24th inst. at 8 o'clock p.m. M. EACR, Cler'k.. Communication from PresidETTent of the Board of Trade laid over until next meet- ing. M, E. Personals. Hon. Thomas Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, was in town on Monday the guest of Dr. Rollins.—Conductor Waims- ley, of the Huron dr Bruce, resumed his duties on Monday, after an absence en- forced by illness.—Mr. Alex Colquhoun of Douglas, Man , is in town. He purposes taking two car loads of horses back with him.—Aldertran H. Powell, of Belleville, formerly of Exeter,_ spent Sunday in town, the guest of Mr. . J. Spackman.—Mr. and Mra. Hugh Ross, as announced in Last week a Tures arrived in town oa Thursday last, and will spend some time with their many friends.—Mr. Jahn Thompson, of Exeter North, intends going to Manitoba: —Mr, John Grant and femily have return- ed from Seaforth, where Mr. Grant has been lying ill for some time. Be hat con- siderably improved in health.—Mr. Sam'! Gidley, who has been confined to his room suffering au attack of la grippe, is able to be out.— Mr. A. H, Manning of Chilton is in town the guest of Dr,` Amos.—Miss Essery spent a part of this week with friends in London.—Lawyer Hanna, of Sarnia, was in town on Monday participat- ing in the Division Court, defending an action in which Mr. Edward Portice, form- erly of this place was ooncerued.—Mrs. Goo. Manson has returned from a short visit with friends in Wiugham. —Mr. Jas, Westcott, of Douglas, Mau , is in town an a short visit, --Mr. Culeb Handford, of Manitoba, is bolding uteetiegs throughout Middlesex, setting forth the advantages of Manitoba as a country to live John l%awden al O wen Sound spent Sunday withfriends in town.—Miss Lille Johns is visiting friends. in Parkhill.—Mr. !{'rank Oke, hate of J. A. Stewart's, left for Toronto on Friday to take a situation in the dry goody store of Cooper tS Co. of that pity. We wish Frank every success in his embarkation into the world's tempestuous sea.—Mr. James flown is confined to hie bed,—Mr. George Hill bus a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs.—Mr. Shipley of Clinton was the guest of his brother here this week.—Messrs. R.11. Collins and John McCallum aro in Toronto this ,week ou business --Several Exetc:rites ant to Gode- rioh' on Tuesday evening to hear Jinn. Wilfred Laurier. -Mrs. J. N. Hooper left yesterday for liowmanville.-Mrs. Vasey and family leave this week for Buffalo.— Mr. S. Sweet spent the forepart of this week in Wtugham -Miss Fanny Davis is visiting friends in \Vinghani.--11r. W. D. Weekes is visiting fiends at Mt. Bridges.—Mr. A. Hastings was called to Port Huron this week owing to the illness of his brother there.—Miss Tom has returned from Park- hill, where she spent the past week.—Mr. Thos. Hartnoll, preaches in the Methodist Church at Ilderton every Sunday.—Rev, 111r. Fate visited Walkerton last week.— Mr. Jos White of St. Marys was iu town on Wednesday, the ;guest of Mr. Harry Samwell,—Mr. W. J. Carling C. P R. Agent, left Monday for an e+tg,v ,ci ter') east. Before his retial,,.lie will visit Tor- onto, clayey and' tie Maritime provinces aa e wish N, J. a pleasant tip.—Mrs. Randoock and son, Sydney, together with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hand- cock, leave next weak for Emerada, Dak. —Word has been received from Mr. 0. Dorward, who recently left for Scotland He arrived quite safely bat as yet has se- cured no work Ruptured persons should sea the new Dorenwend Electrical attachment to com- bine with any truss making cures certain, and adding comfort. Call at Central hotel on Friday, Feb. 26, per advertisement iu another column. A good chance given to the purchaser for cash only, at J. P. Clarke's,for he will positively offer the balance of his winter stook,comprising men's and boys'ovorcoats, far caps, Imitation lamb caps, and under clothing. Nearly every newspaper contains ac - dents to children w counts of acct while hang- ing ing on sleighs. Parents and school teach- ers should discourage this dangerous prac- tice by warning children under their caro against it. Yesterday a couple of school children were run over, one having her leg somewhat badly injured. One of the pioneers of Upborne township, in the person of Mr. Samuel Sample, sr., of the 12th concession died on Thursday last, at the advanced age of 79 years. The deceased had been in failing health for some time, but the prevailing influenza ag- gravated his declining condition and .pro- moted his death. On Thursday last one of the severest snow storms of the season visited this sec- tion, and as a consequence the roads in all directions for several days were blockaded with snow,something that had not happen- ed this season. Now the roads are nicely broken and business is again booming, The railroad traffic was not stopped how- ever. The'Ladies' Aid of the Main-st. Meth. Church intend havinga basket social in the Church on' ends v ..Ceb.22 d M e The mission fee will be 10cents at the door. The baskets, which will contain provision for two, will be sold at 15'ets per basket., A splendid program will also be provided. Everybody invited. A good time assured: Doors open at 7 o'clock. It is not generally known that the recent cold weather has been fatal to quail; but such is the ease and whole bevies are being killed off. It has taken years of careful protection to increase the supply and local sportsmen regret keenly to see the game destroyed in this manner.' If farmers and others would afford them a little nourish- ment and consideration it would be of the greatest benefit.. Division Courts. His Honor Judge Doyle held the usual semi-monthly sittings of the fifth and eleventh Divis'on Courts of this county at Exeter and Crediton ou Alonday and Tues- day of this week. The following is a list of the cases disposed of at Exeter : Inwxer V. DEMPSEY—An action adjourn- ed from the December sittings, was again adjourned. Dickson for plaintiff. McDoxnr.L v. PoRTIcn V. JONES, GARN ISHEE, AND CAVANAGH, CLAIMANT—was an action in which J. E. MoDonell of Hensall sued E. Porsice, formerly of Exeter, but now of Sarnia, for the sure of $87.63,beipg the amount of an alleged livery bill due from Portice to one A. J..1ticDonell and assigned to the plaintiff. The plaintiff at the same timesought to garnish a legacy of $350 left Portice under his father's will, which legacy Cavanagh claimed under an assignment from Portice. The learned Judge gave judgment against the plaintiff, and for the defendant Portice on the bill, and in favor of the claimant against the garnishee for the amount of the legacy. Dickson for plaintiff, Hannah (Sarnia), for the defendant Portice, Collins for the claimant Cavanagh. Coons v. PORTIOE, was an action against same parties on a judgment held by plff. againet deft. The plaintiff in this action , sought to garnish the same legacy as the • plaintiff in the former action. Judgment in favor of the claimantGavanagh. Collins for claimant, Dickson for plff in the two suits by harmers Bros. v. Portice, and Carling v. Portice the same contest arose as to the right to the same legacy, when judgment was given in each case for the claimant Cavanagh. Dickson for plaintiff in both cases ; Collins for the defendant. It is said that tke plaintiff in the suit of Coates v. Portice intends appealing to the Court, of appeal. MILLER V. CREWS.—Judgment summons —No order made. Summons dismissed. Johnston (Goderieh) for plff. .. SLIME' V. PAGE.—Judgment summons _c ummons adjourned until nextC curt, Collins for plaintiff, AT CREDITOR. MCLELLAN V. SIIaRRITT v. HAMILTON, garnishee,—Judgment for p]aintill against defendant for $20 with costs. Adjourned against the garnishee. Collins for plff. ; Elliot for deft. Yoram, V. BEAvxu,—Judgment for plff. for $6.40. KIRKPATRIdn V. JO1INSo r.—Adjourned until next Court. Ladies I our bargain table during stock taking will amply repay your trouble for calling, great bargains are on it, quite a quantity gone,more left for you who decide tolcome, at J. P. Clarke's. GENTS' - ORDERED - (CLOTHING AND FURNIBHSNGS. SPRING SPRING SEASON 1892. GENTLEMEN ! SEASON 1892, We have laid out to do ;a very large trade in Ordered Clothing during the coming season, and have taken great pains in order to select the best value and most correct things in Tweeds, Cheruts, Worsted, &c., oto., that can be found in the Canadian and European markets. We will also have a ver complete stock of Furnishings, which we also import direct from. the makers, very of the latest styles in Dress=Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Umbrellas, &c., &c. !fir Give us a call and we will show you the latest produotions5 RICHARD PICKARD & SON. Did the good neoplo who insist on wait - in to the eml of the year to pay for their paper ever stop to think what the habit mat ns to the publisher? During the whole year the white paper used for the edition has been paid for month by month; the labor employed has been paid for every week; insurance,taxes, fuel bills,.etc.,have been ewe when they became duo. Could the farmer who pays only at the end of the year afford to sell his produce and wait for twelve mouths tor every penny of his pay Walter Thompson, of Mitchell, the oat- meal king, has issued an open letter to the farmers of Perth, advising them to give m.'i 1 attention to the selection of grain and ellenge it oftener- He also asks that the growing of short, thick skinned mite l,e alien heed, as they do not yield the cin tn'.ity: of meal to the bushel that the long titin skinned ones do, and are there- fore not so good either for milling or feed- ing purr. osoe. .Such vanities ea the Bavar- ian, Balmer. White Caso, Early Gothland, Victoria White, Magent, Roxdale and Angust White ate highly spoken of. A T.n ett:el correspondent says :--Among the voters in East Middlesex was an eld- erly German yeoman Mr. A. Waiper, who drove .,A miles in order to poll his vote for. Mr. Marshall, He belonged to Huron anti voted iu Nissouri, Recently he purchased a portion of a farm there from a man liv- int= in Goclerich, Mr. Roissier, a Reform- er, and a day or two before the election he wrote to the latter requesting frim to "saw off," but the Reformer refused to da so and came in to vote. His ballot, how- ever, was offset by that of the sturdy Ger- man Walper. • 0. 0. RIcuARns & Co. Gents, -1 have used your MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for a number of years for various cases of sickness, and morn partioulmly in a severe attack of la grippe which I con ,;ran,e venni •rvinaer, eta,, I firmly belie;', iitat it was the means of Ming Thy life, By honest dealings we hope your continued. patronage C, L Leann. Sydney, C, 13, will be earned. ONS DOLLAR Is A Hundred Red Cents And you have a right to expect that value for it. To give you more no legitimate business man can and �lw� t #.: LSE and we realise that to do it we must give value received. We might tell you that our Goods are So low have we marked down in prices. We guarantee every article as represented. We are just through - stook taking and find we have a quantity of ODDS and ENDS that we will sell at half p All winter goods will be sold at a discount cent. for cash. A Quantity of Men's Boys and Y Overcoats at Cost r OUTH HURON FARMERS' 1` INSTITUTE. Meetings under the auspices of the South Huron Farmers' Institute will bo held as fol- lows:—At the town hall, Crediton, on Feb 24th, .and at the t the town hall, Exeter, Feb 25th t own hall, Seaforth. Feb. 26th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., each day. An evening enter- tainment will bo given at the Crediton and Sea - forth meetings. Mr. Stephen Nicholson of Sylvan, Ont..will read papers on the "Funda- mental Principles of Agriculture." and "The Breeds of eattlo best suited to the Ontario Farmer." Mr, lttungoMcNabb, Elgin tlo., will give addressor on breeding, and maragemont of sheep. Mr. Thos. McMillan, Hallett, on horse breeding, and also'on the silo. John Whyte, Mitobelt, on hog breeding. John Hannah, Seaforth,OD profitable dairying. Mr.D.Buch- anan. Hensall, on growing root crops. James Hinchloy, H'ullett, on `bee keeping for profit. For further particulars see programs' Admis- sion free to all tho meetings, 11. B. MoLiAx. JOHN HANNAH, 1181n President. Secretary. tIXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iii the matter of the Estate of William Perkins, of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, genbleman, de- ceased. 1Qotioe is hereby given pursuant to Section 36 of Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,1887, that all creditors and other per- sons having oiaims against the Estate of William Perkins, late of'tho Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gentleman. deceased, who died on• or about the 28th day of ;January. 1892 .at the said Village of Exeter, are request- ed to send, post prepaid, or deliver Ito Charles Perkins or Bohn Down, the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said William Perkins, deceased, at Exeter P. 0., Ontario, or to the undersigned, R. Il Collins, their Solici- tor, on or before the 15th day of Mareh,1892, a statement in writing containing their names, addresses and descriptions, Pend the full par- ticulars and proofs of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held, by them. And that after the said ►date, the said Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the masts of the said deceased among the parties entitled their- to,having regard only to suoh claims as shall then b o filtd, and that they will not be liable for the assets so distributod.or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated at. Exeter. the 16th day of February,1892. R. H. COLLINS, Exeter, Ont., Solicitor for the said Exeoutors. aOm Horses Wanted First-class Blocky Horses and -Mares. Mustbo sound and in good condition, and from four to eight years old. Highest prices will .bo paid.` Will be at the Stables every Saturday. r-r^t . .L�-pr -l�I� T. Ri-Y., Hensall Salo and Exchange Stables,—f4 CARLIN BROS. 130 YOU Want A Suit Of Clothes $3,000 WORiH OF Len's Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats & Pants,' to be sold off at SPACKMAN & CO'S this next 30 DAYS At Less Than Wholesale Cost. Having visited the markets and clearing out some big lines of Clothing at job prices enables us to sell you a Suit or Overcoat fqx a man, boy or child Cheaper than Wholesale Cost° SPACKMAN CO. Samwell's Block, Exeter. CENTRAL L3arber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Haircutting inthe iateet style,of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Laaies'iarn1 ehihlren'sHair The Molsons Bank (OHARTEREDB Y PARLIAMEII T,1855) Paid up Capital ... ... 82A00,00 Rest Fund ... .,. ... 1,000,00 eadOface , Montreal, F. W OLFERSTAN THOMAS,Esq., a IaRALMANAtis B ]lfoney advanoedto'goodfarmerson theirown note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent perannum. Exeter Branch., Open oven:lawful day , from 10 a. m.to 3 p.m SATURDAYS ,10 a,m.to 1 p.m. 4PerOont.perannum allowed formon ee on. DepositReoeipts. Savings Bank at 3 per ewe N. DYEI B URDON, Sub -Manager',.