The Exeter Times, 1892-2-18, Page 5J 11. GREIVE Before you buy your Fall ct Winter Clothing Call and examine the large and well -assorted stook of .Fine Worsted Sz itings rine SCOWL Tweed cc Canadian, ee �e Also all the Ieading colors and patterns in Overcoatings { -Alt-'4111 be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a cox F'IT or no sale.—Give me a call. J. H. GRIEVE. James Fair Xaa died at San Fraiio.ia- oo, Cal., from the effects of the "gold cure." The dead boy's father is pro- bably worth $20,000,000. Sixty-seven cases of typhus fever have been discovered in a party of Russian Hebrew immigrants who land- ed in New York on January 30. The .Minneapolis pity council has re- pealed all existing liquor laws, and passed a new ordinance designed to permit the running of saloons on Sun- day. Flint teachers have bean in the habit of punishing pupilsbycompelling them to stand in a cold room. The state board of health has notified them to stop it. Two negroes at Birmington, Ala., robbed and burned asters. They were arrested and jailed. Then a mob re- leased them and hanged them on the dearest tree It is said a company of English cap- italists are endeavoring to gain control of all the tanneries in the United States. The company has $5,000,000 of its stook subscribed. Mrs. Gregory, a widow, &;was snaking soap at Welford, S. C., Friday, when her clothing caught fire. Mrs.Gregory's sister went to her assistance and both women were burned to death. Mrai Gregory leaves three children and her sister leti'ges aix. Meredith Stanley,the bridge jumper, made what may prove to be a fatal',1eap Sunday from the Cincinnati and Cov- ington bridge, it distance of over 100 feet, into the Ohio River. It is feared he received fatal injuries. He made the jump fora purse of $25. `,,r," RBI ant. German Socialists are preparing for extensive May Day celebrations. Gen. Booth has returned to England from Ins trip to Australia and Indio A London, Eng,, despatoh says: Rev. Donald Fraser, M. A., D. D., died toe day (Saturday.) Mrs. Osborne, the jewelry thief, was committed for trial in London, Eng., Saturday, on a charge of perjury. In the Government of Yenza, Russia, many people have been frozen to death and the suffering from famine is very great. There are 3,000 doge on exhibition in the bench show now being held in London, Eng. It is the biggest show ever held. The rise in the price of beef and mutton,oaused by thenewFrenoh tariff, has led to an enormous demand for horse flesh. John G. Whittier, the poet, is slowly oonvaleacing from a second attack of the grip. Last winter Mr. Whittier had a narrow escape from this danger- ous disease. Micheal Devitt says he will not run again for Parliament before the general election He stated in a speech on Sunday that Irish propertiesweremort- gaged to English bankers and others to the extent of £160,000,000. AFTER THE GRIP and after typhoid fever, diphthorl `, pheumonis, orother prostrating diseasies, cod's Sarsaparilla is just what is needed te,restore the strength and vigor so much desired, and to expel all poison from the blood. It has had wonderfnl sao- eoss iu many sada cases. Hood's Pills act especially upon tbejliver, rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties, cure constipation, and assist digestion. GIVCN AWAY YESTERDAY AT THE Dominion Laboratory. Tho distribution of the SCHOLAIIS PRIZES took plane. The stole and adjacen street were jammed with eager and happy faces, and as the various fortunate numbers were. announced there was great rejoicing among the youngsters. Among the numerous articles distributed were.: WORK BOXES, AIR GUNS, KITES. PEJO ALBUMS; FANS, AUTO ALBUMS, BOOKS, FRUIT BASKETS, DOLLS, A total of 50 prizes. Call early and se- cure your School. Books, and get tickets for the next set of Scholars' Prizes, T J, WI,Browuing BORN. Dlox-In Kippen, on the 8th inst., the wife of James Dick, a son. GUNIAN.-M Mount Carmel, on the 15th insto. the wife of,Ioseph Gunian a son. MARRIE U. Januote-MoDoxate-In Stanley. on the lath inst.. by Rev, 8. Acheson, Mr. Isaac Jarrett to Miss Kate McDonald. PirARN-ARMSTRONG.-In London, on the 2nd inst.. by Rev. A. 0. Courtioo.13. D,, Mr. Wm. Yearn, to Emertine'J. Armstrong, all of St. Marys. Ross -Ross, -In Clinton, on the:10th inst., by Rav, J. W. Shilton. Mr. David M. Ross of M. Killop to .'Miss Isabel la,daughter of Roderick Ross. Ese. of Stanley. STnwAnT-RoxEY-In Hibbert, at the residence of the bride'sparonts, on the 17th inst., by Rev. J. Hodgins of Seaforth,Mr. Alex. Stew- art of Logan, to Miss ILuoy A., daughter of Mr Henry Roney. ICING -.Party. -At the residence of the bride's prarents. and con. Stephen. on the 17th inst., ron, to JMiss Lucretia,. sego d daughter dof Mr:E. J Jory,. WILSON-PREZCATOR-In. Stephen on the 17th inst.. at the residence of the bride's parents by Rev. Mr McDonagh; Mr: Wm,t Wilson of Usborno, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, John Preziator of the Srd con. .-.mow. DIED. Mooaa.- n Clinton, on the 8th inst., Hugh Moore, aged 59 years. Animism-ln St Marys, on Fob, 4th 1892, Thos Anderson, aged 72 years. LYNPE.-In Mitchell.on the 10th inst., Carleton Lyndo, aged 82 years, 9 mos. CORNISH -In Fullerton on the 7th inst.,wife of Edward Cornish aged 69 years, 2 mos. SAMPLE. In Osborne on the lith inst., Samuel Sample, aged 78 years and 10 months. CARTER -In Biddulph. on Gth bat , Mary .Ann, daughter of George Carter, aged 22 yoars. SAirrsox.-In McGillivray,l8th oon. on 7th inst, Thomas Sampson, aged 76 years and 4 mos. TnoatsoN.-In Blanshard, on 4th inst., Jane, re- lict of the late Wut. Thomson, aged 95 years BncnayAN.-In Stephen,at the residenaoofiller son. Norman, on Feb. 8th, Flora Buchanan, aged 92 years. PATTE usox.-In Port Huron. Mich, on and lust Janet, daughter of Mr.Jahn. Patterson,Grand Bend, aged 29 years. INoa,nt-In Logan, on the 8th inst., William Albert, youngest son of Willard Iugram,aged 14 months and 7 days. Looni At Grand Rapids, Michigan, on 2nd Inst., Isabel Tait, relict of the late William Login, formerly t.f St Marys, aged 70 y oars. Soldier's Cove, N.S., Jan. 30, 18110, W, H. Comstock, Brockville, Ont. Dear Sir, -lour Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are the best medioine for rheumatism. that I have ever used. Last spring I was troubled greatly with it in Iny leg; I used one box of Morse's Pills,and was cured. Yours gratefully, ALLEN O malie/L. Peculiar Patellar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla possesses the curative value of the best known rome-, dies o1 the vegetable Hood S kingdom. Peculiar in its strength and economy, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only medicine et which can truly be said, "One Hundred Doses Ono Dol- lar." Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un- nonknown, andbas or%.67 rl1lG' itself the title of "Tho greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Peculiar in its "good namo at home," -there is mor° of hood's Sarsa- parilla sold in Lowell than of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar in its phenomenal record of sales abroad no othox�Pi�i` Iarprcparatfon ever attained so rapidly nor held so steadfastly the confidence of all classes of people. Peculiar in the brain -work which it represents, Hood's Sarsaparilla com- bines all the knowledge which modern researchin nodical science IiasTO Itself duvet°ped, with many years practical oxpe^_ienee in preparing medicines. 13e sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 31; Six for Prepared only by C. L HOOD .b CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa. 100 Doses One Dollar TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest, Over 360,000 ori- vate funds, Apply to i1i,tx T & ELLIOT. Solicitors, etc., Exeter. rSTRAY SHEEP. Came into tho-premises of the undersigned, lot0, con 8, Usborne, on or about Doo. 21st. two age•! ewes, The owner can have tbo same by proving property and paying ox�penses. Feb 11-31. SAM'L PEART. Winchelsea. WOOD .1 WOOD 1 WOOD 1 The Exeter Salt Works Co. require fifteen hundred cords of ;snit wood. dr} and green. Tbo highest price will be paid. For further paltieulars apply to DAVID MILL. D16 .T.B. CABLING, Sec'y. 1TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS L/1 Tenders for the removal of buildings and building of fences on the Agricultural grounds, will be received un to 20th February, 1892, at 12 o'clock noon. Fenoe to be compioted by 1st May. Specifications to be seen at the Seoy's office. Exeter. Jan29-41 A. G. DYER, Seo'y AGENTS WANTED. Fontbill'Nurseries. Largest in Canada, 700 acres. We want reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stooki previous experience not necessary; any teen.with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal, outfit free. Our agents have many advantages. such as selling home- grown, hardy. Janadian stock. Choi ce new spooialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us. We have given par- ticular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor hem sections of Canada. For terms apply to STONE Jr WELLINO'ION, Toronto, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of James Jory, late of Township of Osborne, in the County, of Huron; gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all persons bavineelatms against the said James Jory. deceased, who died on the 4th day of October;1991, aro required to deliver orsend by post, prepaid, to the undersigned executors of the estate and effects of the said deceased, on or before the 20th day of March, 1802, a state- ment in writing containing their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims. duly verified by statutory declaration and the nature of the security (if' any) held by theth"; and that after the said last mentioned date the said executors, will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been received as above required. and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof distributed to any person or'persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. E. J. Joni, Exeter, W. H. PENHALE Dated at Exeter, Feb. 8th,1892. !xa1r RoLIar Mills, MARKET DEPORTS.. Wheat , • 83o to 84c per bushel OUR SELLIN'(;r PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.75 per 100 do Best Family 2.50 " do Low Grade 2.00 .. Branc „ Shorts .. 800 Chop .. .. $1.00 to $1.10 22 Chop stone running every day. TUE EXETER MILLING Coy. MARKET REPORTS. ExBTER RedWheat Spring Wheat .., Barley Oats Clover Seed ... Timonhy Peas Corn Ea Butter Flour a rb b l Potato a s,per bush e l Apples,per Dag DriedA.pplespr b Geese poi ib. Turkey per lb Duokspor lb Chiokonsperpr l ogs,dressedperlo0 Beef ». Hidesrongh, .., dressed Sheepskins each Cailskins • Wool perlb 13ayperton Onionsnerbush Woodporoord 0. 85 to 87 SS to 87 40 to 45 28 to 28 325 to 150 ... 0 56 tooo G0 • 18 to 18 ▪ 3.7 so 17 ▪ O9to535 »• 50 to 055 ... 1COto100 », 0 480050 ... 006to006 -. C9 to 09 ... 006 to 007 ... 026to090 . » 6 90 to 6 20 - 100805 21 ». 400to4SO ▪ 600to525 .» 060 to 70 050to050 • 018to019 ...9 00 8010 00 • 050to050 .., 2GotoSo0 sT:MARIrs s Pall Wheat .. ................... 85 85 .... ........... Spring Wheat...„,............ ............ 85 86 Bars y 0 43 0 43 Clover Seed-. ........... 5 0 28 Timothy• 5 00 1 30 Peas 056056 Butter.......... 16 0 17 Potatoes per bag .. 50 0 55 .... Apples per boob.. ... ...........„ . 0 60 Wooiper lb 18 0 10 Iiayporton 9 0016 00 Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts ' ` " ,.20 00 20 00 Oatmealper bbl.. ... 6 GO 700 flogs, dressed per 100. 4 75 bo 5 00 LONDON. Wheat, 85 to 87 par bus. Oats, SOe to 32( per bus. Peas, 57c to 58e per bus, Bar lev,Atelting, 431 to 49ePer bus. Bariey Feed, 36o to 49e per bus Corns 6610 to 61e nor. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto, Feb. 36 -Wheat Spring -No. 2.85e to87o per bus; red winter.No 2, 85e to 87o por bus. Manitoba No 2hard,l 01 to 1 02 No.3, 890 to 90: PEAS 59e to 60e por bus. 0 ATS 32e to 32e per bus. FLOUR , extra, $3 80 to 99.85 strongakestraight e 9 ,90tto $5.00. BARLEY, Noll, feeding, 56o to 56o, Minard's Liniment relieves Neuralgia. A CnxxNcEvin--Every Drying evil should be promptly removed. Sick headache is a crying evil affecting thousands of Canadians, whroh can easily be removed by the usea:of Burdook Blood Bitters, the boot known stomaob, liver and bowel regulator and cure for siok headache from whatever cause arising. Tins BLoon Is Tire Loa. -Good health without pure blood is therefore impossible, and to secure pure bleed is therefore ab-e- lutely necessary, especially in spring, when bad blood is prevalent. Burdoolr Blood Bitters is the remedy,without an equal in the world of medicine; It drives out all poisonous humors of the blood from a eam- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. A WONDERFUL ORANGE.- Gontlem on, - For twenty year I suffered frum rheuma- tism, dyspepsia, poor appetite, els„ and received no benefit from the many me di. eines Itried, but after taking five bottles of B. B .B. I can eat heartily of any food, and am strong and smart. It is a grand medi- cine and has made a wonderful change in my health. Mns.W.H. LEE, Harley Ont. CAUTI�N EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle Navy IS MARKED T. & 13, 2ZT ERONZE =,ETTER,S. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE FURNITURE -AT- A very large stock on hand now to select from in the way of Parlor, Bed- room and Dining -room Suites at nearly half the usual price. 160 looking -glasses from 10c up. Hundreds of ft of picture mouldings to choose from -cheap. Easy chairs, and a great variety of other goods suitable for Xmas presents ; and. in fact. everything usually kept in a first- class Furnishing House, all for prices away down. A good ,j doz. chairs for $2. Come and see• our $1.75 Paruiel Bed that we "blow" about. The reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chairs and parlor furniture that need recoverin6 its we have a beautiful lot of covers with cord and gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't want to buy ; will be happy to see you. UNDERTAKING. A complete stock of everything in this line from the cheapest to the high- est. Also the only Embalmers. Remember the name and place - G -IDL EY' S Odelfellows' Bloolr, opposite J. Grigg's Ray. BIIEFSI-,The members of Relianee As- sociation, Patrons of Industry, met on Fri- dayevening, the 5th inst., and held a very interesting debate on the subject, "Resolved that it is better to wear your old coat than go in debt fora new one." The decision, which was in favor of the negative, was given by Bro, Dew,of Triumph Association, assisted by D. Mack, and a member of this Association. -Mrs, henry O'Brien has gone to visit friends in Grey, Clinton and Blyth. -Mrs Holden, of Hibbert, spent some months at her brother's, John MgMahon,T John Nortboott was in London lust week visiting friends, -A basket social was held at the residence of Mr. Wm, Northcott on Monday eyg. of this week, when a pleasant. time was spent. Proceeds, $13. GREATLY BENEFITED.- Dear Sirs, -I have been using 13.B -B for a cancer of the breast during the last two years and four months, both externally and internally, and have been greatly benefited. Have had causer over seven years, and no medietne ever did me as much good as B.131.B. I feel sure that sufferers :from cancer can obtain relief or even oure from B.B.B.. and will bo pleased to answer any questions as to the tree and benefit received from thea remedy. Una. A. 1LLIDT, Waterdown Ont Harassing headaches make many lives miserable, needlesly so, when aprom pt euro like Burdock Blood Bitters is obtainable. HIDDEN Foze.-Among the many foes to human health and happiness dyspepsia and canstipetiou are twin enemies itreatly to be feared. With 13.0,1), to drive them out of the system, bowevor, no danger need be an- tioipated, as every dose brings the sufferer a long step further on the road to pot -feet health and strength, and a permanent. euro always results. EVERY FARMER'S SON SHOULD RAVE A BUSINESS EDUCATION.. A. 1'OST.AL will secure tho catalogue of the FOREST CITY Business College. LONDON, ONTARIO, Over 130students in attendance. T. W. WESTERVELT, Prin. i Itstr- • \ . A Representative Electrician l.. •' OF'THEl Dorenwend Electric Belt 8& Attaohment Co., „oval '' EXETER at CENTRAL HOTEL i" '" � �' • f Frid a y, Feb. 26i � �.�. it % \ S. OF TORONTO, will be in Whore be can be consulted with about all forms of Musoular, Nervous N. and Chronic Diseases --DYSPEPSIA. KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES, --z HEART WEAKNESSES, SPINAL CURVATURE. RHEUMATISM. 8CI-.._.-. ATICA.GOUI ,NEURAL GIA.NERVOUS DEBILITY,SPERMATORRIRBA, IMPOTENCY. SEXUAL WEAKNESS, Vf,RICOCLE, FEMALE CUM--• PLAINTS, ASTHMA, BRONCHI'T'IS, AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES, Ile will have with him a full line of the DORENWEND ELECTRIC- AL APPLIANCES -the world's best system for self treatment; also Medicated Chest Protectors, Abdominal Supporters. Obstetric Binders, &c. No drug treatment: all affected by klleotrioai and Mechanical Applianoes. He will not treat you, but will show you how to treat yourself at home, cheaply and successfully. Consider how many owe their health and vigor to Eleotrioity as applied by the DorenwendInvention. Is it worth your while to enquire into the matter? Call and see the lists of those who testify to their merits, perhaps yon may find the names of friends or neighbors among - i them. No charge for consultation. Books on home treatment presented i; free to every caller, TREATMENT OF RUPTURE A, SPECIALTY, If you aro ruptured and / L. X?. are wearing a truss. call and see the now attachment whereby your truss can •-' :_ be made into an Electric Truss. making ours more certain and rapid and, �' giving case and comfort to the wearer. / r Remember at Central Hotel, on Friday, Feb'y 26. / DORENWEND E. B. & A. -Co., Toronto, Can,, will also be in Clinton at Rattenbury House, Wednesday, 'eb'y 24; Blythe at Grand Central, Thursday, Feb'y 2,e, -I GEARING SALE! BISSETTBROS, We have 15 Crosscut Saws and 3 doz. Axes which must be cleared out at wholesale prices. We have a large stook of TUBULAR LANTERNS of different styles, which must go at the following prices : 45g, , JJs^, (35c and 750; Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost. Lamp Goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Call and inspect our stock before buying. .As usual our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE is complete and we tle1y competition. :13$$$S4111 43rM$40 Exeter Music Store A. HYNDMAN PERKINS & MARTIN. -wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding that Ile is now engaged selling Teas, Coffees, Baking Powder In qu'tntitiee to suit Purchasers. Orders lust at the house or Dr Hyndman's Oftles 1,S11.,u:.iveprtraptattention, ttl0:nti G. A HYNDMAN. S900 • SALARYentand nCornmis- on, Teachers and Clergymen tosintrodueo aVnew and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. Tho most remarkable religious book of the age written by 300 eminent scholars.Non-sectarian, Every Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given. Apply to The Henry Bill Pub. Co., Norwich, Conn 14:x. 00E'Z COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. lq A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfullyus- ed7nontltly by thousands of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safe an d reliable medicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of ;this. Ask for Coors's COTTON Rose ComeonNneake 920 substitute; or inclose $1 and 4 three -cent Canada postage stamps in letter. and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, 3 Fisher Block,181 Woodward ave.,Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere. DISEASES umf OF M Of all ages. resulting from Errors or indiscre- tions of Youth, may be permanently oured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully restored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES Ir PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing cases of GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC) Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you are incurable we will frankly tell you so. Write forparticulars and treatise, Free, to ST, Lours alemear, Co., 162 and 1o4 King Stre.t. West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m HURRAH! NZW7P' Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop, where we are prepared to do work on tae, shortest possible notice and in the L::;, test Styles —AND A- l ur e Fit Gua rantaaA . JOHNS. We have constantly on hand a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MYIUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Persons anticipating' the purehaso of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low as can be had at themanufactories. Wo 'would respectfully ask you to call and see our stook. Itis as fine as will be found in any city music store. P.S.-Agents for all kinds of agricuitura implements. STAND :—Fanson's Block, Exeter. DOUPE ClcaringSalc FOR 30 DAYS. DO NOT MISS IT. BIG DRIVES BARGAINS IN Boots & Shoes AND DRY - GOODS. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. !a:hinab s I 200 Dressed Hog, Wanted at o For which the highest price` r''l be paid, viz : $590 to $6.20 r Dressed hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing rules 2 lbs per cut off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stack ; 3 lbs off for bung gut or gulletk if left in. SNELL BROS.' 00. SAY Where is the best place to buy - Furniture ? WHY ATR, N. ROWE'S' Because he gives good bargains, and perfect satisfaction every time ; and he has the best and largest stock in town. Give him a call and see for yourself. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. In this line my stock is large and as- sorted, ai nearly every person knows ; just see it. R. N. ROWE, Bain-st, Exeter. P. S. -All accounts must be settled at once. -R. N. R. IEXETER NORTH ° Goiiera1 Store, 0 TFf11 BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGIGEST YET Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfac- tion Giving un Business. 25 per cent. off for Cash 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1,00; 5 lbs. 50c Tea, 2.00; 5 lbs. 60c Tea, 2.50; Goal 0i1, 15c; 4 lbs. raisins, 25c; Mens' rubbers 500; Ladies' 35 Colored Tea Setts, $2.00; Dry Goods 25 per cent, off;Seal Muff, 2 50, worth 3 5C Boys' Grey Lamb Rat, 1 71 worth 3 00; Patrons andll a Customers Welcome. • No trouble to show Gods, 11 noxi. JOHN .MATHESON