HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-18, Page 1inn
VOL. XIX. NO. 24.
Clf4 O.
—Sole Agents for —
Saw LoOs Wax-tan-11100st cash price=• raid
for any (months. good, sound. Basswoud. Lim.
Aeh, Oak. Ma le, Beeoh, eta., delivered in titY
.yard in norm 1, or at the null. on the Sr eon.,
liar, eastern sawing promptly attended f.,s at
hob Places. Itoar.Beis., ire. Bonsai!.
hardware, hold an auction sale on Saturday
of his household effeots. Things fold ex-
ceedingly well. Ur. Ball andfamily left on
Saturday for Goderioli where they will re-
main for a time, prior to emigrating to Da-
kota. We wish Mr. Ball every success in
hie new home.—Mr, T. J. Berry has hie
atablea fun a heroine and expects to make
a shipment in a few days. He has some 75
horses purohaeed to be delivered as required,
and is daily purchasing more,—Mt. Ezta
Taylor, a minion, was in town on Tuesday,
endeisvoring to effeot a sale a their boot &
shoo stook to hir, A. Weseloh. M time of
writing a sale has not been made.-- A num-
ber of Liberals of this plaoe went to Goder-
rah on Tuesday to hear Hon. Mr. Laurier
addrees the electors of West Huron.—The
annivezsary ot the Carmel Presbyterian
church, will take place on Sunday,Feb 21st,
when Rev. Mr. Scott, of Now Sarum, will
preach. There will be no tea on Monday,
but in order to rem the usual Bum liberal
collections are asked on Sunday,—Our
°rulers are open for challenges.
TilliErS.—We had quite a mow storm
here on Friday last. All the roads were
blotted and thus our mail carriers were
unable to attend to their regular duties. —
Meagre. H. et Kellernian aredoing a good
business in the wood lino at present, —Mr.
W. Itemiser and sister, of Sebringville,
vieited their brother. --Ur. Cook and (laugh.
tor at South Easthope were:the gnests of Mr
B. Cook laet week.—Messrs. & W. Maus
and Miss 0, Maim, of South Easthope, are
visiting honda in this vicinity.—The asses.
Nrw gParocx.--Pore. the fashionable
tailor, has just Plaeed upon the slislyee his
now anriug stook. It is worth (maudlin:Lg. The
bet entitle bought on the cheapest markets.
Bversihing first -Ouse and as alma as the
wirer class of goods. A. SPLE5DID Su 1 r
ou a SW. In furnishings. he carries the latest
and evorrthing Is marked low. S. call will
sedery all that for selection, quality, and Lio-
ness of prico, Pope beats Ahem all. Oriaosit:o
Hudgins' hotel.
Tnn MauxicTs.—Grain hes been coming
in more lively the past week, the roads now
being in good conditiou. Fallowing are the
quotations :
Wheat 85 10 37
Barley 88 to 43
Oats . . .. $
207 11 0o :
Hay .. ,.... 9,00 to 10.00
Butter 15 to 16
Eggs 15 to 16
Hogs 650 to 5.75
Clover seed 5 85 to 6.00
Pnasou&r.e.—Mesars Fenn and Hall of
Oashwood spent Tin sday in town. -0.
Meyers wont to Londeshoro on Tuesday to
sell Ms farm there. We have nct heard the
result.—Bey. Mr. Magee who last week
went to Toronto to attend the provincial
meetieg of the Epwortli League, took
endsWy ill on Saturday on his way home,
mile now lyingat his father's in Elora. We
leans that he is recovering. His pulpit on
Sunday was aupplted by Mr. Tiffin,a sohool
teacher in Hay, who espeots to enter the
ministry not summer- Mr. Tiffin preaoh-
ea mute acceptably.—Prof. Scott was in
Wingham on Sunday and took charge of the
singing. He is one of boveral from whom a
selection shall be made for the office of pre-
senter of the church. We wish the professor
Was& and shetild the Wingham people
selact him they will bitye a person quite
worthy of the position.—Mr.Thos.Palmer
is quite ill of Typhoid fever but hopes are
intertained for his recovory.—Mr.James
Thompeon of Seaforth has taken charge of
King's tonsorial parlors, in the absence of
Mr. Kmg, who left those parts the other
night it is said never to return.—Miss
33ertha Hodgins left on Tuesday for London
to reaume her College studies. We wish
Bertha everysuccess —Miss Mattis Norris
left on Monday for frandon, where she will
go iuto one of the wholesale millinery
houses, preparatory to taking a situation.—
Mr. Bobt Young has had a relapse of his
late srvere illness, and is now in a low state.
We hope to report R. J's. recovery at an
early date, but we fear the relapee will go
bard with him.—Miss Robertson of Orange-
ville spent the fore part of this week at Mr.
H, Arnold's.—Mr. Duncan Macarthur of
Mina Craig was also in town—Miss Johns
GI Winghem is a guest at B Patterson's.
Baters.—Mr Ed. Bossenborry has sold
bis trotter "Frank Woode to a buyer from
Cleveland for B400. This is a good sum but
the horse is also a good one.—Mr. Thomas
lgordock has purohased a "Royal Revenge"
der two years old, whieh, being broken.
•es promise of being a flyer.—Mr. J. 11 -
Chesney, V. S., has purchased the McAllis-
ter property on King -et, the brick house op-
posite Colwill's carriage shop, for a fair
price.—Mr. Alex MoPhereon, merchant
tailor, bas also purchased the property oo
ramie& by him from Mr. G. J. Petty.—
'Wrestling Is the popular pastime with the
moan of leisure. Murd and Tom tried con-
clusions last week tor a wager of $10, Kurd
winning. Murd is coneidered champion,
but he objects to making an exhibition of
his feats on the street, eapecially on Mill -at,
—There was a meeting of the Y. P. M. I. A.
on Monday evening, with a fair attendanoe.
The management would, however, be pleas-
ed to see more interest taken in the meet-
ings than hire of late been manifested. The
next meeting will be held on Motiday, March
h, wben Mr, J. T. Wren will read an
say, which will be thrown open to dirties.
on by the meeting. This new faaturewill
ly infuse life into the association, being
d mane of creating an interest.—A.
social in connection with the Metb.
was held at Mr. Northoott's on
evening. There was a fair attend -
proceeds amounting to $13, one
n paying as rawsh as $2 for his
he evening was passed pleasant -
sir. Neil, of Mooresville, has en -
Mr. J. 0. Klausen, harness
IS's lousiness having increased
tis extent of late.—On Satnr-
a James Elder delivered a
"Manitoba and its re -
attendance was large and
with the fairness of the
el., is a pleaeing Realtor
ng as those of honesty
A number have eironfied
eine to Manitoba iti the
Sall, of McArthur & Ball,
sor was in our vhlege on Tuesday twit.
Busers,—Auniversary sermons were
preached in the elpartlz hero on Smulaylaat
by Bev. A. L. Reseal!, and IV. MoDonagh,
of Exeter. Both sermons were very acoept•
able to the oongregittiona—The public meet
ing of 0, 0. 0, F. was well attended (maid-
ering the bad weather, Grand councillor,
James Memo! Eratuilton, was Present and
gave a plain unvarnished statement of the
aims and objects of the order and explained
Me relief fund etc., so that henceforth there
Omuta bo no reieunderstandiug. Brief
specobes were Mao made by Messrs. Brown
and Ross of Exeter. Mama. Brown, Hoes
and Mr. Senior, together with their wives,
prayed themselvea Chosen Friends indeed
by helping us under Gaols unfavorable oir-
onmatancestind in spite of many diffioulties.
Their singing simply delighted the audience
and Elonvillo Counoil owes them a debt of
gratitude which may never be repaid. How-
eyer it is more bland to give than to re-
ceive.—Mr. T. Veal who visited his children
in Montreal. has Arrived, home and reports
his son, of whom monition was made some
woke ago, as able to walk with crutches,
and on the high road to recovery.
BRIEFs.—There died on Friday last the
wife of Mr. Thos. Jackson, jr. The tuner -
al took place to Clinton cemetery last
Monday afternoon, some 60 vehicles with
occupants being in the procession.—Mr.
and Mrs. A. —H. Manning ' have gone to
Florida in the hope of benefiting Mr. Man-
ning's health.—The County Grand Black
Chapter, Huron and Perth, will •open in
the Clinton Orange hall on Wednesday,
Feb 17, at 2 p, m., for election of officiers
and general business, •
easy +4
The following is the report of girkton
school for the month of January. The re-
port is based on recitations aoudad, at-
tendatuse and punctuality. 'The names of
the best titreelin each class are given. Fifth
class,—Harvey Robinson,Lizzie Shier, Nor-
man Tufts, Founts class.—Gilbert Miller,
.Harry Bryan, Hubei Kirk. Sr Third erase
—Harold Shier, Sarah Doupe, Minnie Wat-
son. Jr Third class—Bella Hazlewood,
Effie Cornish, Levi Millet. Second °lass --
Laura Wiseman, Norman Wiseman, Per.
ntemo Doupe. The following are the names
of those in the first °lanes who were pre.
wont every day, Bose Davie, Rene Bobineon.
Emma Davie, Robert Hazlewood, Mend
Bryan, Alla Brown. The average attend -
awe for the Month was 66,
DatavS.—On. Tnesday Mows. J. 0. Pat-
terson and M. 0 Oatneron were nominated
for the West Huron vacancy. Mayor But-
ler was chosen chairman and arrangements
were made for the speaking, it being Mr.
Patterion's reacting. Mr. McGillicuddy
appeared on behalf of Ma Cameron, and
asking what time would be given him, was
informed that he could have the same time
as wouls1 be allowed Mr. Patterson in the
evening, but as the Reformers were not
prepared to allow any Conservatives( to speak
at their evening meeting. Mr McGillicuddy
was unable to speak. Mr. Patterson made
an able presentation of his position, which
evidently was in accord with the large gath-
ering. 11e touched upon the pamphlet
circulated by Mr. Cameron, because in that
fly sheet the government was charged with
putting a detective on Mr. (Ps. track. Thie
Mr. Patterson by a telegram from the
Premier, proved to be an untrue statement,
and the presentation ot the proof that it
was a lie conceded for politioal purposes,
took a firm hold on the audience. Mr.
Larke foltowed and made a speeoh that for
interest,truthfuluess and firm grasp of facts,
redounds to the honor of oar visitor
from the East. Mr. Larke merely alluded
to the pamphlet by saying that it was not
necessary to get sworn affidavits as to the
character of the Conservativ � Mr Costigan,
the Minister of Interior, followed Mr Larke.
and proved himself a good representative of
the government,and a most genial descend-
ant of the gieen island of the sea. The
speakers were at times greatly cheered, and
at the close there was much enthusiasm.
The hall and all the adjoining rooms and
stairways were densely peeked, nevertheless
several hundreds were unable to obtain ad-
mission. In the evening. meetings were
held in Mr Patterson's Interest at Leeburn,
Dungannon, Manoheater and Taylor's school
house, Goderich tp. Mr. Patterson has the
help of Col Tisdale, M. P., E, Coolirane,
M. P., Hon. Jno. Costigan, Ald. Frankland,
Mr. Larke, Dr, Bfortague, Captain A, M.
Todd, E. Campion, Q. a, Dr. Holmes and
others, so that the electors of the West
Biding can not complain that there is no
discussion of political queetions. Hon. Mr.
Laurier addressed a large audience here on
Tuesday evg, on behalf of Mr. Cameron,
assisted by subordinate Liberals. Mr. Pat-
terson or any person in his behalf were not
given an opportunity to speak. Mr. Laurier
is a fine speaker, eloquent and theatrical,
but having a weak cause, failed to make a
deep impression. Among other things he
commented on the reverses met with by
the Liberal party, and eaid those reverses
roade it more than over neoeseary for Liber-
• als to fight keenly for their principles at
the present time. The Conservatives, he
said, were boasting the •Government would
have a majority of 40. No matter if they
had 50 or 75, the Liberals would still meet
Parliament with hope and courage, and do
duty to their party and country. It is
better to maintain' a bold front than die in
If you are tired taking the large old fash-
ioned griping pille, try (blames Little Liver
Pills and take some comfort, .A man can't
stand oyeryth iug, One pill a dose. Try
BsucPs.—Owing to the storm on Friday
night last. Deumeey's concert here was a
failure, —While Paul Coates of thia place
was cutting wood on the farm of Mr, John
Hnuter,jr„ of Usborne, he had the mis-
fortune to fall with his hand on the axe,
almost severing one finger from the hand.
—Mr. George Russell aold a fine horse last
week for which he realised s handsome aunt;
Mr H. Rundle also sold another to the
saute buyer —Mr W. Coates and Miss F. 18.
Soott, of Sodom, paid laden a visit on Sun-
day last --Will Dempsey, who has been
working in Hensell for tome time peel. paid
ue a visit on Sunday last. —Miss U. Damp -
tray, 01 Luoan, spent Sunday at home.—On
Tharsday evening Inet quite a number of
Edenites attended the dance at Mr George
'Webber's, They claim to have spent a
grand evening. Hope no, Give us all a
call neat tiara, George.
COIMOIL. IVIEETING.—Catinotl met at
Varna,Feb. 15th, 1892, pursuant to notice.
Members all present. Alex ",,Muetard was
awarded :contract for cedar, his tender
being the lowest. E.G. Nordin was award-
ed the township printing.' T. G. Neelin's
account, $19 85, for printing, and Robert
Murdock, $23 30, for keeping T. Mulloy,
and Geo Middleton, $5 poundage feesswere
ordered to be paid. Thos. Wiley was re
lauded $5 uncolleorable dog tax: The
clerk was instructed to commenicate with
the Minister of Education or other author-
ity respecting interpretation of Sec, 109
school assessment act, 1891. Also to pro -
mire the Muuicipal World for one year for
use of council. The auditors' report wag
accepted end the clerk authorized to get
50 copies printed' for distribution. The
council then adjourned to meet again on
Monday, March 1 -4th next, at one o'clock
p. in, G. 3. STEWART,
Bnisra.—On Sunday morning the
funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Rainnie
was preached in Trinity Church by the
incumbent, Rev. T. E. Higley, who
took his text from Isaiah 46 chap, part 6
ver: "and we all do fade." It was a
very touching and thoughtful discourse
and was listened to with rapt attention
by the congregation.—On Monday after
noon the funeral of the late Orlando
Currie took place. The body was taken
into the Methodist church where a large
congregation of sorrowing friends was
assembled to listen to the funeral ser-
mon preached by Rev. W. F. Campbell.
He took for his text Romans 8 oh, 18 v,
from which Ile delivered a very feeling
and earnest discourse. His remains
were taken to the Union cemetery for
Publisher and Proprietors
Wironnio BELLs.—Mr, John Prezoator's
residence on the 3rcl eon., Stephen, was on
Wednesday again the scene of festivity.
This time it was the marriage of his daugh.
ter Elizabeth, to Mr. William Wilson. of
'Osborne township. The ceremony took
place at 5 o'olook, in the presence of a num-
ber of invited guests, the offloiatins oler2Y-
man being Bev, Ur. MoDonagh of Exeter.
The bride was aseisted by Miss Bertha
Sesta, while the arum was supported by
Mr. John Prezoator, brother of the
bride. The presouts, Arab were many, em -
brand some very fine articles, costly and
useful and serve to atteet In a markell de
gree the esteem in which the bride is
held. • The ceremony over, tho gathering
apent the evening in social chat and amuse-
ment, Mr. and Mr. Wilson left for their
home in Usborne at an early hour, taking
with them the good wishes of a boat of
friends and antraintance.s. May theirs has
life of happiness and prosperity.
Another wedding took placo same evg.
across the road, at Mr. E. J. jory's, when
his second daughters Miss Lucretia, was
wedded to Mr, Eli King of Crediton. The
ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr.
Kestle, in the :presence of a number of
invited guests- The many presents would
indicate the eeteem in whioh the bride is
held. They young couple have the con-
gratulations of their many friends, and. the
wish of all is that :they may be orowned
with mat.y blessings.
The Delivator for March. 1892, will be a
great number, replete with Novelties in
every Department of Fashion, and Ultras
trated by from two to three hundred care.
fully executed engravings. While supply-
ing also the usual articles on dainty Emmy
Work such as Crocheting, Drawn -Work,
Knitting, Lae -Making and Poker- Work,
it will inttoduce a highly intereating
series on "Physical Culture,' and another
on "Chili Life." each of them to be illus-
trated as may be required by the text.
Articles of the various series now current
in the magazine will be found in their
regular places, amoug 'them a moat im-
portant one on the making of Boys' a ar•
ments. Don't fail te secure a copy of the
March Number, It will please you. The
Subscription Price of the Magazine is $1.00
a year. Single nopy 15 cents. Send orders
direot to The Delineator Publishing Co.
of Toronto, Limited, 33 Richmond -al Mac,
Goderioh Township.
BEIEPS.—Mr. J. R. Holmes is on the
sick lisb, but we hope to see him around
again soon.—Misses Evans and Greer of
Gerrie are visiting at the parsonage,
Holmesville.—Mr. Jas. Laithwaite, who
is laid up with inflammation of thelungs,
is recovering.—Mr. Wm. Wise is seri-
ously ill with la grippe. There is not
much hope for his recovery.—The shoot
ing match which came off at Holmesville
resulted in a victory for the Holmesville
boys by 6 points.—Mr. Wm. Ford is
very sick with a relapse of la grippe.
We hope he will . prove more than a
match for Mr. Grippe.—There died in
this township last Saturday Mr. Edward
McClean, father of Messrs. Robert,
Thomas, James, Samuel and Wm. Mc-
Clean, now or at one time of the town
of G-oderich, and Mrs. Samuel Cox.
Deceased was a long-time resident and
esteemed by all.
By looking:at the quotadons of the Vir-
ginia tobtr000 markets it may well be found
that the highest price paid for "fillers"—
which is the tobacco which forma the body
of the plug—very closely corresponds with
the invoiced price of tobasoo leaf imported
ioto Ontario. As over four fifths of all the
lesf imported into the Provinoe is ior
"Myrtle Navy" stook, this feat is official
proof of the claim that the •"Myrtle Navy"
ts made of the finest Virginia leaf.
• One of the events of the coming session
of the Dominion Parlianfent will be are -
distribution of seats.
A general election campaign is in pro-
gress In Japan.
It is thought that the British Parlia-
ment will be dissolved at Easter.
An epidemic of smallpox prevails in
Corfu Island, in the Mediterranean.
Mr. John Elms, brother of Mr. H.
Elms, of London, was instantly killed in
Chicago Tuesday by the fall of an ele-
vator weighb.
Toronto Bicycle Club, while not ob-
jecting to riding for pleasure on Sunday,
will nob take part in century rides for
prizes on that day.
At Strathroy Tuesday P. M. Noble
fined John Brady 840 for selling liquor
during prohibited hours. W. TJrquhart
paid $30 for disposing of fuewater with-
out a license,and Bernard Brady was
assessed 10 for disorderly conduct.
The Latest News.
One of the Hamilton foundries will again
open to union workmen.
The severe cold spell is general through-
out the Canadian North-weat,
Sunday's snowstorm delayed. the train
seryiee all over Canada Monday.
A new Y. M. 0, A. building, costing
$50,000, is to be erected in London.
There are 5,721 voters on the revised.
voters' list for the city of Loudon.
The total loss by the Witmer fire at
Hamilton has been assessed at $25,000.
Rey. Dr, Pirritte ex -president of the
Toronto Methodist donference is dead.
There will be an influx to the North
Weat by the nine spring excursions of the
0. P. R.
Ottawa City Coup oil has subscribed $100
to entertain the visiting pressmen next
While frenzied by kip E. F. Resume,
aged 60, attempted his life at Amherst -
burg Monday.
Two additional °ascii of typhus fever
were reported in New York on Wednesday,
making 89 cases in all.
J. Rathwell, of. MacLeod. Man., is
der arrest for attempting to shoot two of
the mounted police force,
Ten thousand dollars worth of new
buildings are to be erected this year on
the Winnipeg Exposition.
It is estimated that the Canadian farm-
ers would lose $3,300,000 a year if our cat-
tle is scheduled in England.
The Premier is still very much indispos-
ed. His condition is beginning to cause
anxiety anionuet his friends.
E. F. Reo,ume, :who shot hinnielf Mon-
day in Ainheratburg, died the same even-
ing. He owned 400 acres of land.
Nothing is known at the Government
House,Ottaws„ ot the rumored intention of
the Prune of Wales to visit Canada this
Windsor real estate is booming. Another
Kw transfer was made on Monday, and
options have beeu taken by inteudiug pur-
lu tho Soprani° Court at Ottawa, on
Tuesday, the North Perth appeal was dis-
mined. This coufirnos Mr. Gneveniberal)
in his seat.
It is announced that an electric railway
is to baconstructed between Toronto and
Hamilton, on which passengers can pass to
and fro eyery half hour.
A thousand dollar bond which was in
the possession of old John Heslop,treasurer
of Ancestor townshipwhen. lie was
ed iu January, 1891, smissing.
In future no building shall be erected
in Chicago over a height of 150 feet, and
shall only .be constructed to that height
when 80 feet or more in width.
James Smith of Walkerville fell on the
sidesvalk opposite the Malleable Iron
Works Sunday, breaking two of his ribs
and injuring himself so badly that he died,
The Battle of :Gettysburg cyclorama at
Toronto was sold by auction on Tuesday
for $825 for taxes. The taxes were $819,
and there was $1,000 due for ground rent.
Ibis reported that the Michigan Central
Railway have purchased three large Penn-
sylvania systems, including the Lehigh
Valley and Pennsylvania and Reading
Nathan -Kennedy of Montreal the well-
known exporter of Canadian cattle, says,
if Conada was scheduled the loss to Cana-
dian farmers would riot be less than $3,300,
000 a year.
.A. sensation has been caused. sin Paris
by the disappearance of a prominent
jeweller,who, it is alleged,stole $175,000
from the safe of the firm of which his
father was a member, and decamped. It
is said. he has fled toEnglandin company
with a woman.
John Watson. of Grey, had his leg
broken between the knee and the ankle
by a tree falling upon it, and died from
his iejuries shortly after. Deceased
was a stout, hearty man weighing about
200 pounds and was 21 years 6 months
and 13 days old.
The Grand Trunk dividend statement
was published yesterday, showing a bal-
ance available of 2144,000 sterling after
meeting the net revenue charges. This
permits a dividend of 22 15s per cent.
for the half year on 4 per cent. guaran-
teed stock, making 23 Ds for the whole
year end leaving a small balance to early
In a suit by Mr. Carson, of Louiseille,
Ky., to recover $5,000 from the Ameri-
can Acmdent Insurance Company, that
being the sum of which Carson's son,
who was murdered, was insured, the
company held that it was not respon-
sible because the son was killed inten-
tionally. The court overruled that ob-
jection and the father will get the money.
The inquest on the body of Jeremiah
Driscoll, who was killed by a L. Er, E.
and D. R. express Thursday night, was
resumed before Coroner Casgrain at
Windsor. As it was sworn that no
whistle had been blown, a verdict of
manslaughter was rendered against the
engineer, Wilkinson, who was arrested.
Bail in the sum of $2,000 was accepted.
The railway authorities say they will be
able to prove that the necessary signals
were given.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Suedes, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
eto. • Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish OLIN
ever known. sold by O. Lutz. 0-29 ly
Mothers, are your daughters pale or sal-
low? Remember that the pro3 whau they
are budding into womanhood is most crit-
ical; fortify their system for the cloa,nge
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, unsurpassed
for the speedy euro of all troubles peculiar
te females. A trial of a single box will eon -
vino° you. Baware of imitations and take
no Substitute.
Do You Want
If you will need any of the above for
the next :two or three years we will
make it an object for you to buy now,
as we want to clear out Winter Stook
The announcement is made that ar-
rangements are being made toremove the
Louisiana lottery to Mexico.
The oldest lawyer in Canada is now
Mr. Thomas 'Judah, of Montreal, who
was admitted to the bar of Three Rivers
in 1824. He has reached the ripe old
age of 87,
Senator Sanford, of Hamilton has just
returned from a visit to Europe. He re-
ports business very depressed in Italy
and Austria. Both thesecountriesenjoy
the luxury of "protective" tariffs.
The cost of legislation for the Dominion
for a year is $931,187, and the civil govern-
ment $1,308,810. In Ontario legislation
custs $121,475, and civil government $219,-
563. In Quebeo the figures for these, ser-
vices aro $281,763 and $224,544. -
Just after 800 people had left the
Opera House at Mammoth, Ill., the
building took the and the entire business
part of the city was burned. An explo-
sion of gas caused the lire- The losses
aggregated $1175,000.
John Dunham of Beat Oxford was accus-
ed at the Police Court in Woodstock,
Monday, of ehooting at William Barber
with intent to kill. The prisoner is not a
very pretty -looking young mah, but has
such a fondness :for firearms that he has
earned in the neighborhood. in which he
lives the title of "Jesse James." He shot
at Barber on two different occasions,in the
first instance the ball passing through his
pants. He was committed for trial.
Tuesday night at the Loop Line Jun-
ction, Simco, a brakeman named Wm.
Hume was caught between the engine
and tender of a freight train. Both of
his lees were completely °rushed from
the thighs Oa •nsetterlea.—a.f.. "siss-adieslest-eisseasa,„
few hours later. Deceased was about
23 years of age and leaves a wife and
two children at St Thomas.
Mr. Gladston e is enjoying vigoroushealth
Itoh, Mange and Scratches of every kind -
on human being or animate, cured in 30 min,
notes by Viroolford's sanitary lotion This
never fails. Sola by O. Lutz. Oot. 9,-1y.
In the Ottawa Supreme Court Tuesday,
it was stated that the Haldimand election
case and three North Waterloo cases had
been settled out of court, the petitions be-
ing withdrawn,
The annual report of the Toronto Indus-
trial Exhibition Association shows actual
cash proceeds of $12,814,39 for the year,
and assets over and above all liabilities
amounting to $135 121,75.
The next of the bye -elections will take
place on Saturday and East Hastings and
South Ontario are the constituencies which
are then to give their verdict on the politi-
cal questions of the day.
A heavy snow storm raged in England
and Wales Monday. The storm devel-
oped into a gale at night,threatening dis
asters on the coast. Railway trains and
mail boats were greatly delayed.
Miss Amy Harris daughter of W. C.
Harris of Toronto, who in 1889 went to
Central India as a missionary under the
auspices of the Presbyterian church, has
just died in London, Eng., on her way
As Ontario statesmen cannot shorten the
session beyond a certain pointyvithout cut-
ting the hind quarters off their sessional
indemnity, this session will not be shorter
than the few introductory remarks of a
prosy chairman.
The Grand Council of the Royal Tem -
piers of Temperance for Ontario opened
their annual session in the Oddfellows'
Hall, Belleville, on Tuesday. Grand
Councillor Flagg presided and about 50
delegates were in attendance.
A sparrow shooting match under the
management of the Patrons of Indastry of
the 6th concession, London township, came
to a termination Monday night. Captain
J. J. Shoebottom's teem shot 2,083 birds,
while Ceptain J. W. Guest's shot 1,232.
The losing side had to provide an oyster
Canadians whose feelings are undiscip-
lined by party prejudice all rejoice in the
probability of Hon. Alexander Mackenzie's
speedy and, considering the age, complete
restoration of health. Long life to him.
• May strength cheer the remainder of his
days. May the twilight time be bright
with those fireside joys that are more en-
during than the pleasures that attend st4
cess in the political arena.
Dr. T. A. Slocum's
LIVER OIL. If you are Feeble and Em-
aciated—Use it. For sale by all druggisto.
35„oents per bottle.
Boots & Shoes
During the Next Month.
Shop undergoing Repairs to make room
for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad-
vaatage to call.
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