HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-4, Page 8INSURANCE
of Toronto; also for the>?.1CCENI
F1itE ENSURANCE 0O3.11'ANY, of tondo
t'r'.•rgland, the ROYAL CANADIAN. oP Aron -
treat, and the ONTARIO MD l'UAL L1FE
A4SI7DANCE, OO'Y of Waterloo established
3'370. Assuranc esinfor oe, $13,127,400, Bonuses
avery Ave years.
8pecial Notice
] luring this week our usual supply of
Holiday Stock will be opened and dis-
played for sale, so that on and after Deo
.5th we will be in a fair position to re-
Y aur ouabomers anti their friends.
We sincerely trust that the exhibit this
year will be found in every way satis-
factory, Much to our surprise we find
a large number living within a few miles
of Exeter who have not yet called. This
is a mistake. Our stock is equal, and
we think superior, to any found in vil-
lages of this size ; in fact we know it to.
class well with the majority of those
found in city stores. We are steadil.
endeavoring to make it more widel
known and will not rest content until it
has been inspected by at least the ma-
jority of those living within ten or fif-
teen miles of Exeter. We know that if
unable to sell, our atock will at least
please ; and so cordially invite every
reader of THE Trams to call with their
friends at least once during December
and take a look through.
'THF, Mawr.)
t Problem,
Three women went to market with eggs
to sell, the first women had 60 eggs; the
next had 30 eggs and the next had 10 maga
They sold their eggs at the sane price and
all got the same amount of money in re-
turn. flow did they
Well Worth Eeateupwe'rtng.
On Sabbath: zt t the Rev J. W. Bell .:
';3 'i;j: af`'i3antilion, distinguished as
orator and teeter r, will occupy the puipt.
of the Methodist churches. In the mors"
ing at 10.30 u'olock he will speak in the
.lames-st, cbnrch, and in the evening in
the Hain -at. church at 7 o'clock, The rev.
gentleman comes to us highly spoken of as
at temperance orator. The Royal Tem-
plara deserve the heartiest suppart and
patronage of a;l who join hands in helping
the unfortunate man who has fallen a prey
to strong drink, and we hope the congre-
gations will be large. The rnembers of the
society will please notice that they are re-
quested to be in attendauue at their hall,
at the hour of 10 o'clock sharp. The mem-
bers of the society will march to service
both morning and evening. ,
We feel sorry to chronicle the death of
Catherine Theresa Doyle near Mt: Carmol,
dat'gitter of Henry Doyle, ou the 12th con
of Stephen, who departed this life on the
29 alt., from the effects of la grippe about
two years ago, and from whielr she never
reviyecl. She was highly beloved and re-
spected by all her companions. She puss -
ed away with the consolation of having
her affectionate Pastor by her bed side in
her last moments, with the inspiring hopes
that she was going to receive the reward
which God has promised to those wholove
Hint. Neither eye hath seen nor ear hath
heard what God hath in stare for those
who love Him. Her Parents and family
have the heartfelt sympathy of all the
community and the people of this village
to whom :Ile are well-known
y and highly
respected.. She was a member of the
Catholic church, and died at the mature
age of 22 yea's and 34 days,
The concert given by thePiza dos together
with Mr. McNulty, at Mount Carmel, was
a grand one. Unfortunately they had but
very little over a two -third house, owing
to some mismanagement of some of our
postmasters or mail carriers. A number
of hills were sent but were lost treats of
and did not reach Mount Carmel to be dis-
tributed, consequently a great many did
not know the concert was to have been
given. However, those who were there
were more than satisfied. Exeter was
well represented. The program consisted
of music by the Orchestra, selections from
the Vocophone Band, full choruses, glees,
duets, solos. reading and comic sours. The
chief attraction of the evening was seen in
Mr. McNulty, the great comedian, who
appeared in several new and comic songs,
the rendition of which, together with his
curious dress, brought forth roars of
laughter and was heartily encored by all.
He alone was more than worth the admis-
sion fee. The concert over, the Pizados
were all invitei to Rev. Father Keally's
residence, where a very pleasant half hour
was spent, Mr. McNulty being present.
Wheu about to return home the Treasurer
was handed a present of a few dollars floor
Father Keally as a token of his apprecia-
tion of the concert. The`Pizados wish to
return thanks to Rev: Father Keally for
the kindness shown towards them by him
during their visit at Meant Carmel, and
hope to meet him again in the near future,
Wm. Muttart, recently committed to
Sloderich jail for trial on a charge of steal-
ing an overcoat and mitts from Geo. Baw-
den of Exeter, was last week sentenced to
three months in the county goal; also
three months for carrying a loaded revol-
ver,the sentences to run concurrently.
Wm. Johnston, who 'stole the goods from
one Shipway of Ailsa Craig, and who was
examined in Exeter and sent to Gorlerich
for trial, received his sentence on Satur-
day, getting six months in the Central
Prison -
We are informed• that Wm Mitchell, of
whose condition mention was made last
week as being filthy, etc., has had the
best of care, by Mr. and Mrs. Rowtcliffe
with whom he was living. True Mr. Mit-
chell was in a low state, but contrary to
the letter received by us his condition was
not filthy and did not require the atten-
tion of the humane portion of the commun.
ity; but he was well fed, and given a
comfortable bed. Mr. Rowtcliffe had made
`application for his admission to the hosr,it-
al, but as his ailment was not curable, the
attempt to give alleviation to his sufferings,
was, foiled, Mrs. Rowteliffe intirrrates,that
Mr,. Willis shoiilrl haderhimself visited lir
Mitchell, and learned Tris oonrlition before
penning the article in question.
Read Carling Bros. change of advt. this
Boy's suits for $1 at the Big Bankrupt
Store. -'
Mr. Goo. Bawden is running a skating
rinkin Parkhill.
The recent thaw has caught a cold and
sleighing isagain splendid.
The phonograph exhibitor did a slim
business in. Exeter last week.. r!
Fur boas and storm collars away below
cost at the 13ig Bankrupt Store. ,
The wise merchant these days puts saw-
dust on the sidewalk and advertises.
WANTED—A girl for general housework.
.Apply at Methodist parsonage, Centralia.
The Parkhill (azette reports Mr. Hatch.
ins, M. P., fur North Middlesex, i11 of the
la grippe.
The county of Huron Sunday School
Association is iu convection at Wiughaut
this week.
Dr. Ingram, dentist, and R. H. Collins,
barrister, are now nicely settled in their
new offices.
Seta. will buy 100 dress goods at the 13ig
Bankrupt Store, and 0; cts. will buy 12c
dress goods.
Miss Maggie Murray is recovering from
a severe injury to one of !ter knees, sus-
tained recently.
The annual meeting of the Ctnadian
Press Association will be held in Ottawa
Thursday, 3rd March.
The funeral sermon of the late William
Perkins was preached by Rev. Mr. Russell,
,,on Sunday ntoruiug last.
25 ets, will bny 40e blackhenrietta at
he 13ig Bankrupt Store and 05 cts, sill
uy a 90a henrietta. See them,
Mr. Wm. Howard has been awarded the
contract for the erection of Wood Bros.'
new block, opposite the post office,
We would remind our readers of tbu an-
niversary of the Thames Road Presbyterian
Church on Sunday and \ioaday next.
An American buyer shipped from Exeter
on F.iday last 19 very fine horses to the
U. 8, The average price paid was $135
Mr. Wm. Snell has material on the
ground for the erection of a brick tesideuce,
ou \Viliiarr-at. during the coming season,
' Betiding operations in Exeter promise
to be briak the coming aunuuer. Besides
the erection of several stores, a number of
residences will go up.
rho Big Bankrupt Store will he o'osod
all day Friday Feb 8th, preparing stock
and masking down prices for the greatest
laic ever held in Exeter.
We learn that many families have not
yet been supplied with wood for the cur-
rent year. Farmers having wood to sell
wi 1 yet find ready sale in town.
Meetings of the South Huron Farmers'
Institute will be held in Exeter and Credi-
ton some time this month. The first day's
meeting and concert to be held in Crediton,
A petition is being eirenitted in various
towns asking the Legislature to amend the
,Municipal Aut so as to entitle persons as•
sessed for $100 to vote at municipal elas-
Revival meetings are being continued
in the Jaynes -at church this week, Friday
evening there will be a special meeting to
consider as to whether the meeting will he
The Constable says there is a number of
gates opening outwards which aro in dan-
ger of being laoken by the snow plow. If
any so suffer no person hut the owner will
be responsible.
M. John Law, jr,, who has run on the
L. Ii. & 13 13ranuh for the past eight
years, has been called to Sarnia to learn
the road out of there, prior to his promot-
ion for conductor.
Mr. Hardy has completed the erection of
a new bridge ou the Lake road, and trite:
has been resumed. It was quite inconveni•
eut for those wishing to reach. Exeter to
have to delve a couple conn miles out of their
While operattng shaping knives in the
foundry on Tuesday, Mr. \Ves. J. Bissett,
had the thumb of his left hand serioualy
cut and broken. Part of the bone will have
to be taken out, while he will be laid up
for some time.
Those boys who wet e making no little
noise on the streets on Saturday evening,
dancing and obatructinr passers by ; aux
whose language was most vulgar and foul
should have their names given to constable
Creech for future care.
The farm which Mr. Richard. Harvey
last week purchased of Mrs. Simon Jory,
Thames Road, Usborne, contained 150
acres, and the price paid was $10,000.
The farm is one of the best in Huron Co.,
and has first-class buildings on it.
The winter weather has broken, and w
are'again having dampness and rain. Th
splendid sleighing is a thing of the pasty,
and ice for summer's use a thing to be
hoped for. It may, however, turn colder,
when work which has been delayed will
be proceeded with.
A meetiug of the Local Conservative
Association was held in the town hall on
Friday eyening last. There was a good
attendance. After routine, the following
officers were elected for the current year:
Pres, Dr. Rollins; Vice -President, Mr. D.
Mill; Secy Treas., il1r. M. Eacrett.
The "Busy Bees" of the erivittMemor-
ial Church held quite a successful enter-
tainment and sale of work on Tuesday evg.
The attendance was 'fairly large notwith-
standing the stormy state of the weather,
the entertainment was of a pleasing oma -
acter, and the sale of work gratifying.
Following are the officers for the Provid-
ence Association of the Patrons of Indus-
try :—President, S J Hogarth; Vice Presi-
dent, W. Dearing; Secretary, S Sanders ;
Treasurer, J Jory; Guide, F Hogarth;
Sentinel, Jos Bagshaw; Minerva, Miss
Lenorah Bagshaw: Demeter, Jas Shapton.
The sittings of the Division Court for
the County of Huron will be held in Sea -
forth, 'Feb. 27th, April 28, June 23, Aug.,
25, Oct. 27, and Dec 29; at Exeter Feb J(i,
April 18, June 13,Aug. 15. Oct. 17 and
December 19; at Zurich Feb 19, April 20,
June 15, Aug 17, Oct 19, and Dec 21; at
Crediton•, Web -17, April 19, June 14, Aug.
10, 18 and Dec 20.
William Mitchell,•anindigent ofStephen
township, died at the residence of Thomas
Rowtcliff,. London Road. oto Satnrday evg ,
and was buried: in the Exeter cemetery on
Monday. He was 72 years of are, and
had been .ick for some time,' He has been
in this neigh'borho'od for a long time, in
• fornrer'years Hiring out as a: farts laborer.
Mr. Mitchell's sister died recently in. the
old couptry and, it• Is saida bequeathed her
wealth to the deceasedabnt owing.. to his
death the money will go . to a brother's
children in,.Godericli, y ,
Minard'a Liutment cures Burns, etc.
County Cowbell. Notes,.
At the meeting of the Huron Co. Coun-
cil last week, it was moved by Mr. Proud-
foot, seconded by Mr. McIntosh, that the
council appropriate the sum of $8,000 for
the purpose of,ereoting a County House of
Refuge. Referred to executtveconimittee.
Moved; by Messrs. Stewart and Glavin that
as the assessment of the townships is near-
ly nine tithes greater than the assessment
of the towns and villages in the county,
and as towns and villages contribute the
greater portion of the indigents, it would
be an injustice for the townships to con-
tribute pro rata with the towns and vill-
ages for the erection and •support of a poor
house. On motion of M. Y. McLean and
F. Anderson a grant of •$800 was made to
bo diyided between • the several duly or-
ganized township and horticultural socie-
ties Iieury Eilber and \Vm. Lane were
appointed on the board of criminal atidit.
C. Clarkson, 13. A., of Seafortb, and Geo.
Baird, of Stanley, were appointed on the
board of county Examiners of schoolteach-
ers for the current year. The report of the
jailor was read and referred to ,jail and
Court House Committee.. It reported 19
prisoners incarcerated at present --one fe-
male and 18 -reales, three of the latter
insane, one dangerously so. Three of these
prisoners are committed for larceny, one
for rape, three awaiting trial and the re-
maining 11 vagrants. The ages of these
vagrants range from 56 to 85 years, three
totally unfit to earn a living, but the re
matador able to provide for the'nselyes.
Mr. and Mrs Will Handcock leave this
evening for their new home in Emerado,
Dakotu. We wish the young couple a life
of success and happiness. Mr, and Mrs
Jelin Handcock, whohave been visiting
friends in town for some time, also leave
for Emerado this evg. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Handcock will leave the latter end
of this mouth.—A. 51. Todd of the Huron
News Record, C, M., of Orange Lodge
was in town ea Tuesday, attending the
annual meeting of the South Huron Co.
Orange Lodge- and gave THE TIDIES a
friendly call.—John. Scarlett, P. C I11., of
Lettdbur•y was also a caller,—Mr. I. Arm-
strong i; very ill —Mr. Arming is low, and
it will be some time ere he can get around.
—Mrs. Parhinsou is steadily improving,—
Mr; H. Perkins ix again confined to his
bed, and his condition is precarious,—Mr..
G. \V. Holman, r:lerk of Usborne, is con-
fined to the house. Last week lire had a
growth reproved from his eye, and is now
taking euro of that member until the in-
flammation subsides. Mrs- J. U. Emery,
who spent the past few weeks with friends
in Simcou, returned home ou Saturday
last —Mr. John Buwden, of Owen Sound,
spent last week with his parortts here.—
Mr. George Russell is indisposed, and as a
consequence the school at Khiva, of which
he is principal, has been closed for a week
or so. Wu lope Mr. R. will soon be able
to resume his duties.— Air, 11. French re-
tu-ned homiest evening from Com twright,
near Sarum, where he had been engaged
by Mr R. S. Lang, buying and shipping
Obit car lea.
The influenza which luta this winter vis-
ited this community, is a severe typo, and
ninny, especially the older people, have
succumbed to its effects. This week there
has been 00 an average ono death a day.
On Thursday last ono of thapioneers of
this section, in the person of Mr. Wi Liam
Perkins, passed peacefully away. He bad
attained 71 years and had been ill for
some time. la grippe hasteuing his death,
Ho formerly lived in Usborne, lima cama to
Exeter several years age to retire. Ile
was brother of :Messrs.Clrarlca and Henry
.Perkins: of Exeter, and was . highly re-
William Tu•nbull, aged pi • roars, died
et the residence of his son, near•\\ inohel-
sea, ou Friday last. .11e bad resided in
Usborne for some seven yet4rs,having conte
from \Voocletock at which place, he located
when first coming to Canada. He was
very much esteemed by, all. ,
Mrs. Mrulge, wife of Mr. Walter Madge
of the 'Thames Road, died on Monday at
the age of 50 years. She, with her hus-
band, was among the pioneer settlers, and
leaves a wide circle of friends,' together
with a large family to mourn her demise.
Tuesday the spirit of Catherine Cameron,
relict of the late George McLeod. Esq.,
was called away. Deceased had been in
feeble health for some years, and her con-
stitution was so low and her ago so great -
88 years—that an attack of influenza was
sufficient to overtax her strength. De-
ceased was of an amiable disposition and
was much respected by all. She leaves
one son in Exeter, Mr. G. A. K. McLeod,
to perpetuate the memory of the family.
The funeral will take place this afternoon
at 2.30 o'clock.
Yatisi corsets only $l at the Big Bank,
rupt Store.
Venus and Jupiter are both r:veningsturs
now and are apparently rapidly approach-
ing each other, Jupiter appearing to move
towards the sun and Venus away from it.
By the end of this mouth they will only be
five and a half degrees apart. Venus will
continue to grow more radiant for weeks
to come, while the giant planet will soon
be lost in the sun's fight and will reappear
as a morning star.
One evening last week James Feebly, a
bachelor, who resided alone in a log house
on the Roman line, put on a big fire and
went to visit a neighbor. Helm' not gone
long when he learned that his house was
on fire, having caught from a stove pipe
which passed through the roof; and before
anything could be saved the house was en-
veloped in flames. Mr- Feebly lost every.
thing he possessed,including$50 in money,
No insurance.
Rev. Mr. McDonagh preached a special
sermon on Sunday evening last, on the
S bbath day and its observance. He
showed that Sunday was the 7th day after
the creation, the day on which God rested
yet it was the first day of the week. He
also pointed out the many ways in which
the Sabbath was now desecrated, touching
on almost every availablepoint. The con-
gregation was large, and all must have
felt themselves guilty of some violation of
the rules of Sabbath observance ae describ
ed by Mr. • McDonaght
The annual meeting of the County Orange
Lodge of South Huron was held in Exeter
on Tuesday, W. C. M., A. M. Todd, in
the chair: The various standing commit.
tees were appointed,• and. their reports
were -received and adopted. After the
general 'business; • the followingofficers
were dlected for the 'current year :=C M,
bro A ' M. Todd, re-elected; D C M; Bro W.
Yffhers, re-elected by acclamation; Chap,
Bio G. Hanley. re-elected by acclamation;
Fin Sec, Taro W. Stephenson; Rec See, bro
P. Cautelon; Tre'ae, bro John Beacom ;.
Director of ceremonies; lire W. H.'Muw-
ney; Lecturers, Bros F Davis and G-• 13
We intend clearing all .Ready-made Goods—
Ladies' Jackets, Ulsters and Dolmans,
Children's Ulsters and Reefers.
At 331 Leat. Ztaight Discount:
Big Bargains in Men's Overcoats.
Hanley. The officers were duly installed
to theiroffices. various o ffic s It was decided to
hold the 12th of July celebration at God-
erich, and the next annual meeting at
Exeter. The attendance was very large
�v,�erysubordinate lodge being represented.
'ailOvercoats for nearly half price at the
s�tg Banlrrupt Store.
For a few days of last week the Woollen
;Mills suspended operations owing to the
entire staff being down with the prevailing
The Royal Tenrplars of Temperance of
Crediton will march to James-st. church
with the Exeter brethren next Sunday
rho -mint?.
lir Sam'i Martin, of the 4th concession,
Usborne, who has ranted his farm to Mr.
John Welsh, will trove into a residence on
William-st, this week
The Presbyterian Church and manse
at Prescott were destroyed by fire Sun-
BRIEFS.—The Elimville council C. O. C.
F. intend holding a public meeting on the
evening of February Ilth, 1892, when
everybody is invited to be present at the
township hall and bear Grand Councillor
Dixon of Hamilton, and others deliyer
addresses on the aims and benefits ,of the
Order. Sweet music will be rendered by
the Exeter Quartet. Dodgers will be
issued. Como and hear fnr yourselves,—
The grip has been doing its work in the
township, old and young have alike been
gripped.—Mrs. T. Andrew was called to
Loudon last week to attend her mother,
who was very ill.—Miss N. Halls, teacher
at Dashwood spent Sunday at home.
It is rumored that the Patrons of ludus-
try will place a candidate in the field in
South Perth.
The Court of Appeal, 'o which the Nottb
Perth election ease has bean carried, will
sit in February.
Mr.Thomas Mnir,who went from Hibbert
last spring to Manitoba, died on the let of
Jauuarv, in the 89t11 year of his lige.
Nr. W. II. Willis of Mitchell has dispos-
ed of his boot and shoe business to Mr. W.
Cole, late of the firm of Cole & Tborne,nho
gets posseasion of the steak and premises in
about two woeks.
Mr. Garton, it young man in the em-
ploy of Mr. Thomas Todd, of St. Helens,
met with a serious accident the other
day. While driving to the bush for a
load of logs, he fell off the sleigh and
broke his leg a few inches above the
ankle joint.
A well.known Stratford gentleman,
Mr. John Payne, of Lille firm of Payne
& Hodgins, grain buyers, has disappear-
ed under suspicous circumstances. , On
January llth he went to Buffala to en-
deavour to effect a sale of barley. Two
days later he wrote his partner saying
that lie was tenable to sell, and that he
would go on to Albany. lie has not
since baso heard of.
"Listed," as the breakers say, at "100
Doses One Dollar," Hood's Sarsaparilla is
always a fair equivalent for the price. t
About a year ago I had a very bad attack of
dyspepsia. For nearly four months I never
ate n meal without suffering pain after. I
had got so weak I could scarcely walk, when
one day I saw nn advertisement for B. B. 13.
and thought I would try a bottle. Four
bottles cured me copletely, and 1 am now
strong and he
MISS JANET STUART, Mnskoka Falls, Ont.
BAD, WORSE, Wonsr.—Cold, cough, con-
sumption, to cure the drat and second and
prevent tbe third use Haggard's Pectoral
Balsam, the never failing family medioine
for all diseases of the throat, lungs and
chest. A marvel of healing in pulmonary
"•Ayer's Cherry Pectoral baa given me
great relief in bronchitis. Within a mon,h
l have sent some of this preparation to a r
friend surf tering from bronahitie and asthma
It has done him so muoh good that he
writes for more," --Charles F Damtervill,
Plymonth. England,
FIVE To ONS. --Dear Sirs,—Last winter I
had five large boils on my neck and was
advised to use B. 13. B Before I had fin -
lobed the first bottle I was completely well
and think B. 13 13 cannot be excelled as a
Is A Hundred Red Cents
And you have a right to expect that value fol
it. To give you more e'
' no legitimate business man can an
and we realise that to do it we must give value receive
We might t('11 you that our Goods are
So low have we marked down in prices. We guarante
every article as represented. We are just through
sto3k taking and find we have a quantity of
ODDS and ENDS that we will sell at half prix
All winter goods will be sold at a discount of 10 p
cent. for cash.
A Quantity of Men's Boys andj'ouths
Overcoats at Cost.
By honest dealings we hope your contlu - patronag
will 1 be earned.
Want A Suit Of Clothe
$3,v00 WORTF[
Men's Boys' and Children
Suits, Overcoats & Pants,
to be sold off at SPAOKMAN & GO'S this next
At Less Than Wholesale Cos
and clearing out P0131
enables us to sell you
or child Cheaper tha
Flaying visited the markets
big lines of Clothing at job prices
Suit or Overcoat for a man, boy
Wholesale Cost.
blood l+urife-.
JOHN Won), Round Plains, Out. n
lock, Exeter.
ItxlouTs of Lar, •n, —The knights of labor
aim to protect their m••,nhers against finan-
cial difficulties, etc., ,i;vard's Yellow Oil
protects all wno use i, from the effects of
cold and exposu+e, sure as rheumatism,
neuralgia, lumbago, sor throat and all in-
flammatory pain, Nailing oompa,es with
it as a handy pain cure for man and beast.
suffered 'rem general weakness and debility
and thy eastern was completely run down
and I form(' B. 13. 13 the best modieiue I
over tried I would not be without it for a
great dos'.
Mtis NELLIri AnM r1toNo,Dnblano P, 0. Ont
EA:1or CAUGHT.—Cronp,cclls sorethroat
and many painful ailhnentsare easily caught
in this cbangdebh=climate. The never fail-
ing remedy is just a3 Easily obtained in
rlagyard's Yellow Oil, which is undoubtedly
the bestof all the many remedies offered
fat' the cure'.,,/ mills ' or pains.
DF}m Ad's Ltuunent#or sale everywhere.
Barber Shue
A. Hastings, Prop
Shaving and Haircutting .in the iatest
style of the art. •
Every attention paid to patting
Laares'-and Ohil'rren's'Hatr
The Molsons Ban
Paid up Capital ... ... 82,000
llostFund .,, ' 1,000,
Head Office , Montreal,
Goy intAtMANAatit
Moneys advanced, to good farmers on their elm
note with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent'
per annum.
Exeter Branch", k -}
Open every lawful day ,from 10 a. m'. to 3 p.m,
SAT[IRDAYS,10 a.m.to 1. p.. m.
4PorCent.perannum allowodformoney eta>
Dep osi(Reed pts. Savings Bank at3per oentt:
Sub -Manager.