HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-4, Page 5• J H. GREIVE Before you buy your Fall ct Winter Clothing Call asd examine the large and well -assorted stock of ,Fine Worsted Suitings,.. Fine Scotch Tweed " ft Canadian Also all the leading colors and patterns in Overooatings i Nvill be made up in first-class style at prices away below the lowest. Remember we guarantee a COD TIT or no sale.—Give me a call. J H. GRIEVE. C. O•Runny= Ss Co. Gents,—I have used your MINABD'S LINIMENT in my family for a number of years for various pates of aiokness, and more particularly in a severe attack of la grippe which I oonaraoted last winter, and I firmly believe that it was the means of saving my life. Sydney, O. B, C. I. Leaui;, THE WORST OF ALL THE ISMS. "Don't talk to me about your political ' isms,"' said a factious old valetudinarian, "I tell you there's no ism on earth so bad as Rheumatism." The. venerable sufferer was right. St. Lawrence's gridiron or Qum timozin's pallet of fire was not more empha- tically a bed of torment than the couch of the martyr to rheumatism. It is generally considered by the faculty ono of the most obstinate as well as one of the most painful of maladies and It certeinly.does resist ;all ordinary remedies with extraordieary pert. ioaeity. Skill and science, however, in this ago of progress, eoem to master all opposi- tion; and even this painful dieease,entrenoh d among the muscles, awl iutorknit, as it were, with the sinews and tendons of our framed, is compelled to yield to the cura- tives they have provided. Wo Baste it on unquestionable authority -the-�; stimony of patients themselves— that r11ttimatient, however deeply seated, may be cured by the regular and persistent application of Holloway's Ointment. This, we feel assured, will be welcome intelligence to thousands of sufferers, bed -ridden by the disease, or limping with stiffened joints Meng the eathway to the tomb. In a olim. ate v.ber„ (he quicksilver sometime makes a leap t2illirty degrees up or down, the complaint is of course a prevalent one; and in our now settlemento at the weet, aloug the alluvial borders of our great rivers, in the hemlock ewamps of the south, and in all low and damp loontions, few per- sons moll the age of forty years without a rheumatic visitation. It is clear, therefore, that a preparation whioh will afford immedi- ate relief, and effect eventually a thorough cure of the complaint, mnat bo of especial value to the people of all countries. We cannot reasonably doubt,in view of the well - attested statements which have been laid before us, sustained as they are by oiroum.- stances within our own knowledge, that the Ointment referred to will effect that object; and among all the benefits which the dis- coveries of that celebrated physician and philanthropist have conferred upon man- kind, that is certainly not the beset import- ant. Many an industrious tiller of the soil whose services are needed in the field, is at this moment (anguishing on a bed of sick- ness; the hands that should guide the plough or grasp the spade rendered useiees by rheumatism. Many a toiler in every branoh.of productive labor is similarly situ- ated; and we can imagine with what joy t . gee sufferers would hail the means of im- mediate cure: To all such we feel justified in recommending tbie balsamic remedy, the application of which, with the aid of a few doses of Holloway's Pills to regulate the in- te:nal organs,woul•l,we fell assured, restore them to health and nsefulneee.—Daily Argus. 200 Horses Wanted ! First-class 131oelsy Horses and Mares. Must be sound and in good condition, and from four to eight years old. highest price. will be paid. Will be at the Stables every Saturday. T. BERRY, Hensel! Salo and Exchange Stables.—f4 1tTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1 Tenrs for the removal of buildings and buiIdin of fences on tho Agricultural grounds will be received un to 20th February, 1892, at 12 o'clock noon. Fence to bo completed by lst May. Specifications to bo seen at the Seoy's office. Exeter. Jan28-4t A. G. DYER, Seo'y QEALED TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned for the building of a frame Church. veneered, with brick, up to Feb'y 8th. 1892.. Plans and specifi- cations to bo seen at his residence, lot 8, con. 9, E.D. of Ashfield. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By order of corn. W. STROTHRRS, S&OY NOTICE, ki essrs. Roadhouse & Brown of Kirkton have by mutual eoneont dissolved partnership. All accounts and notes in favor of the firm to be Paid to W. T. Roadhouse, and all liabilities to be settled by him. Mr. Roadhouse still con- tinuing the business in the same place, and will bo pleased to', supply their old customers with anything they want in the carriage lino. ROADHOUSE & BROWN, Kirkton• e Peculiar Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla possesses the curative value of the best Terns- dies, of the known vegetable Hood's kingdom. Peculiar in its strength and economy, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only medicine of which can truly bo said, "Ono Hundred Doses One Dol - tar." Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un- known, • and has wonforSarSaparlliaitself the title of "The greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Peculiar in its "good name at home," -there is more of Hood's Sarsa- parilla sold in Lowell than of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar in its phenomenal record of • sales abroad no other Peculiarpreparation ever attained so rapidly nor held so. Steadfastly the confidence of all classes. of`people. Peculiar in the brain -work which It represents, Hood's Sarsaparilla com- bines all the knowledge which modern researchgro Itself in medical science has developed, with many years practical experience in preparing medicines. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. SI; six for y5. Prepared only by C.1. HOOD & CO.;Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses. One Dollar 1V[° RTGAGE SALE --OF-- VALUABLE OF—VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY �y tN TmE PILLAGE OF Crediton. Under and by virtue of tho Power of Salo contained in a certain Registered Mortgage, (which will be produced on the day of gale) there will be sold by Public Auction At HILL'S HOTEL, in the VILLAGE of CREDITON SATURDAY, the 6th Day of FEBBU'Y,'92 At the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- noon, by HENRY EMBER, Esq. ,Auction- eer, the following valuable property : Being all and singular that curtain parcel or tract of land and promises situate, lying and Rein in Village of Croditon. Township of Stephen and County of Huron, being composed of Para of Original Lot Number ELEVEN in the SIS TA Concession of the said Township of Stephen, and known as Villago Lot, Number ONE in"Zwiokor's Survey'' of Part of said Lot Number ELEVEN, prepared by D. S. Campbell. P. L. S., and registered in the Registry Office of the saidCouuty of Huron. There Is on the property a good house. TERMS : Ten per cont. of the purchase money on tho day of sale, and the balanoo 1080 days thereafter. Tho property will be sold subject to a re- served bid. For further particulars apply to HENRY EMBER ES(1 , t'reditou, or to the VENDOR'S SOLICITOR., Exeter. HEirRY EILBER, R. H. COLLINS, Auctioneer. VendorsSoliciter. Exeter. Jany 25,1892,—i2 - FURNITU —AT— . 0 Exeter B1Ii' ..ter,.... MAR KRIP REPORTS. Wheat .. 83e to 84c per bushel 011JB SEb.LINGG PRICES ' Flour, Strong Bakers' $2.75 per 100 do Best Family 2.50 '" do Low Grade 2.00 " ' Bran .. .. 70c " Shorts .80c " Chop • .. . ' $1,06 to $1.-10 " Chop stone running every day. TILE EXETER MILLING Coy. A very large stock on band now to select from in iho way of Parlor, Bed- room and Dining -room Suites at nearly half the usual price. 150 looking -glasses from 10c up. Hundreds of ft of picture mouldings to choose from -cheap. Easy chairs, and a great variety of other goods suitable for Xmas presents ; and in fact everything usually kept in a first- class Furnishing House, all for prices away down. A good k doz. chairs for $2. Come and see our $1.75 Pannel Bed that we "blow" about. The reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chairs and parlor furniture that need recoverin6 as we have a beautiful lot of covers with cord and gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't want to buy ; will be happy to see you. MARKET REPORTS. EXETER Red Wheat , Spring Wneat .„ eeriey Oats Oloo er Seed Tim onhy Peas Corn Eggs Butter Flour p e rb b l .. Potato°s,per bushel Apples,per nag. Dr.iedApplespr b Geese per lb. Turkey perlb Ducks per lb ChickensperPr gogs,dressedper100 Beef Hldesrongh, dressed Sheepskins each Oalfekins Wool porlb Hay'perton Onionsuerbuah Woodperoord 'UNDERTAKING. A complete stock of everything in this line front the cheapest to the high- est. Also the only Embalmers. Remember the name and place— GIDLEY' S Oddfellows' Block, opposite J. Grigg's HURRAH! Tailor Shop We would inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop; where .we are prepared to do work on t11reshortest possible 'notice and in the Latest Styles -AND A— Sure Fit Guarantees WJoHNs. 88 to 85 83 to 55 40 tot 43 5 002 to 5 55 10125460 255o1 -• 16 to 58&0 ... 040to 80 1810 18 •• I0010S to 21518' . -- -• 50 10 0 55 .. -• 1 CO to 100 .. -• 0 4to050 ». .• 006to006 t ... .. 0 09 08 too 0 O700 ... ... 025tg030 -. ..525to5e0 _. _. 4 00 toe 25 -..»64 — 0000 10to 54 25h0 ... 0 60 10 70 .., 000to050 018to019 ». „ 9 00 1010 00 00010050 ▪ .. 250 to 900 ST'MAnYa $ Fall Wheat.., 82 85 Spring Wheat,........... .................. 82 86 Oa Batsrley . 00 3828 0 4328..... Clover Seed ............ 5 00 5 85 Timothy. 1 1 Peas....,.,, ..,- 0 5626 0 50a0 Butter Vi 0 18 Potatopes per bag .,, 50 55 Apples per bush .......... ..................... 05805 Wool Bayport 18 0 19 Ifayperton 9 0010 00 Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts • " ...... ..,20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl, , .: ,, -. 5 00 7 00 Hogs,dressed per 100. 4 72 to 5 00 LONDON, Wheat, 84 to 87 per bus. Oats, 30e to 32c per bus. Peas, 57o to 5Se per bus. Bar- Ivv,afaltiag.431 10 48e er bus. Barley Feed, 36o to 41e per bus Corn. 561e to flc per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. Feb, 2 -Wheat Spring—No. 2,91e to9lo poi bus; rod wlntor.No 2. 91e to Ole per bus.hfanitobn No 2hard.1 01 to 1 04 No.3, 93e to94; PEAS 59e to 60e per bus. OATS 'tic to 33eerbus, FLOUR, extra. $3 80 to 33.?;5 per bbl ; straight roller. V. OOto $4.03 ; strong bakers, 94,00 to $5.00. BARLEY, No 1, feeding, 560 to 5fio, SI� TEAM' SIMPERING—Dear Sire® I was troubled for six years with erysipelas, and two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters entirely cured nle. I keep B. B. B. con- stantly in the house and think it an effect ual onre for all diseases ceased by bad blood Mns M DOWSETT, Portland, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. Fontbill,'Nnrsories. Largest in Canaria, 700 acres• Wo want reliable, energetic men to soil our Nursery stook; previous experience not necessary; any man ,wsth tact and energy can summed; torme laberai,.outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home- grown, hardy. Janadian stook. Choice now speoialties,whiob are of value. and which can only he scoured from us. II o have given par- ticular attention to tho propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nonlaern sootions of Canada. For terms apply to Breen it WRLLtveemr, Toronto, Ont. M AIL CONTRACT. Sealed tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will beroceived at Ottawa until noon on FRIDAY, the 19th FEBRUARY, 1892, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, 6 times nor week each way, between Dashwood and the Exeterllailway Station, from tho lst of April next. The conveyance to be made in a vehicle. Printed notices containing further inform- ation as to the conditions of proposed contract may be soon, and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Poet Offices of Dashwood. Sar. epta,Hay and Exeter, and at this oflice• H. G. HOBKIRK, Post Office Inspector. Post Offioe Inspector's Office 2 Stratford, 6 th jan'y, '91 5 j1.4 -3t CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle Navy 1 IS MARKED EVERY FARMER'S SON •• •SHOULD' HAVE L • -.BUSINESS EDUCATION A POSTAL will secure the catalogue of the FOREST CITY • Business. College. LONDON, ONTARIO.. Over 110studonts in attndanoe • T. W. WESTERVELT, Prin. A PnosrrT RESULT.—Dear Sirs,—Two years ago I was very ill with jaundice and tried many medicines which did me no good until I was advised to try B. B, B , when, after using half a bottle, I was effectually cured. CHARLOTTE MORTON, lflphinstone Man TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest. Over 860,000 ort - vatelunch, Applyto J:LLSOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors, etc„ Exeter, • IN BR,ON-ZMI Y.MTT Enn,s: NONE - OTHER - GENUINE. SAY Where is the best place to buy Furniture 4 WHY AT R. N. ROWE'S Because he gives good bargains, and perfect satisfaction every time ; and ho has the best and largest stock in town. Give him a call a td see for yourself. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. In this line my stock is large and as- sorted, ai nearly every person knows ; just see it. R. N. ROWE, Main-st, Exeter. WOOD l WOOD ! WOOD !. The Exeter Salt Works Co, require fifteen hundred cords of ,sort wood. dry and green. Tho highest price will be paid. For further paitienlare apply to DAVID 3IILL, D16 iT-B. °Amnia, Secy. • P. S.—All accounts must be settled at, once.—R. N. R. ROAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service, clur ing the season, on lot 15, eon. 7, Usboruo, a utero' bred Chester White Boar. TEnnts,—$1, payable at tim o o2 service, with privilege of returning 1f nocessary, D10 -2m War. SNELL • A. HYNDMAN Wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas, Coffees, Baking Powder In quautities to suit Purchasers. Orders left at the house or Dr Hyndman's Office will receive prompt attention, dl0m0 G. A HYNDMAN. 1900 SALARY and Commie- • tion to Agents,Mon and Wom- en, int a i+n, Teachers and Clergymen to reduce new and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth Tho most remarkable religious book of the ago written by 300 eminent echolars.Non-sectarian, Every Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given. Apply to The Henry Bill Pub. Co„ Norwich, Conn. DISEASES mEl Of all ages, resulting from Errors Bons of Youth, may bo permanently ourod,and the vigorof perfect manhood fully restored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long Standing oasesof GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE andCH1;0NICDiseases treated with perfect ,success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed ; if you aro lneurablo we will frankly tell you so. Loxia MEDICAL Co.., 162 and lr'4 Kid treatise, ng Stro t. West, Toronto, Ont. s3:6m Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. CLEARING SALE B1SSETTBROS. We have constantly on hand a large display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, 'SEWING MA CHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating the purchase of any- thing in the above lines will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices aslow as can be had at the manufactories. We would respectfully ask you to call and see our stock. 1.t is as fine as will be found in any city music store. P.S.—Agents for all kinds of agricultural implements. STAND :—Fanson's Block, Exeter. 400,000 BRICK FOR saLE At Lowest Prices. JOHN MITCHELL We have 15 Crosscut Saws and 3 doz. Axes which must be cleared out at wholesale prices, We have a large stook of TUBULAR LANTERNS of different styles, which must go at the following prices: 45o, 55c„ 65o„ and 75c•; Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at actual cost. Lamp Goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest. Call and inspect our stock before buying, As usual our stock of HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE is complete and we defy competition. 13$$$V111* l O$ SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. An Exceptional Year. r=1UE Year 1891 has been masked by a greater advance than any similar period since the Magazine was ostabliehed. Not only has the literary tand artistic excellence been maintaiue;tand increased,•but a corresponding gain has been made iu the sale and influence of the Magazine, At the end of 1891 the ctreulatieu'has risen to more than 140,000.. t may justly be promised that the further improvameuts for the coming year wlilbe proportionate to these largely increased opportunities. For Next Year. It is not possible to give, in a brief spade, an account of all the features i c preparation but the material is delle ant in neither importance nor range of mil4eot, Among the sub- jects treated: Has for sale at his yard, south of the Crediton Road, 400,000 first-class brick A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MITCHELL, DIO Crediton P. O. GIVEN AWAY YESTERDAY AT TRE Dominion Laboratory. The Poor in the World's Cities. proposed to publish a 'torten of articles, upon a scale ; not bafore attempted, giving the results of special study and work among the p001' of the groat cities: The plan will in- clude au account of the conditions of life in those cities (in su ay l' u' :) whore the re,ultslof roaearoh will be helpful forpurpoees of comparison as wolf tas for their own intrinsic interest. While, roux a aoi tntific point otview,the articles will be a contribution of great importance, the treatment will be thoroughly p touter, and the elaborat^i illta;t, M at/a ns will serve to ake the pt eseutation of the subject vvid as well as pietur• 6s9xze. EWashington Allston.. Unpublished ltomirisconee0 and Letters of this foremost among early American iraintert A number of illustrations will lend additional intei est to the :at ie3 rs. Important Moments. The aim of this series of very short; articles is to deenii.e the tingle oeeasious which some decisive event took place, or when some groat experiment wan ors tf'ahown to be o e- cessful—suob moments es tb.at of the first use of the Atlaattc rat.lo,the first 11s0 of to1.el'r i, i and telenhone,teears, .a clsifu(atio'nos sot ether, rho t; ,• e1 the Uhicago fire, they scene at the moment of the vote on the impeachment of Andrew JOiiusob, etc...etc. Out of Door Papers, In the early spring will be bo„una number of seasonable articles, among them bofn g: ' Small Country Plaoes, how to lay out and beautify them by Samuel Parsons, Jr. Fishing Lore front an Angler's Note -Book, by Dr. Leroy M. Tt13, Mountain St .tion Life in New Zealand, by Si Ivey D;ekineot. • Bacfng in Australia, by Sidney Dickinson , with illustrations bgDiv ;o Harrison.d Tho illustrations are made from originel material. A full prospectus appears In the Holy Number, now ready. PRICE., 25 CENTS. $3.00 A YE/s.1R. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, 743 cf 745 Broadway, New Yori/c". The distribution of the SCHOLARS PRIZES took place. The stote and adjacen street were jammed with eager and happy faces, and as the various fortunate numbers were announced there was groat rejoicing among the youngsters. Among the numerous articles distributed were : WORK BOXES, AIR GUNS, KITES, P80 ALBUMS; FANS, AUTO ALBUMS, GOOKS, FRUIT BASKETS, DOLLS. A total of 50 prizes. Call early and se - mire your School Books, andget tickets for the next set of Scholars' Prizes. J.W. Browuing 00:K'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recant discovery bJJyyan1� old eS monthly by thousandsas- of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safe andre) iablomedicine discovered. Beware of un- principled druggists medicines in place of !this. Ask forComic's arms floor COitpouND,tahe'no substitute ; or inclose $1 and 4 throe -cent Canada postage stamps in letter. and we trill send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed partioulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond Lily Company No, 8 Fisher Bloch, 131 Woodward ave.,Detroit, Mich. tSold in Eseter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and by all druggists everywhere, ClearihgSale FOR 30 DAYS DO NOT MISS IT. BIG DRIVES BARGAINS IN Boots & Shoes AND DRY - GOODS. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. !a:hna 1 0 H P"1 !xo1aa!&uaa SNELL BROS.' CO. Having cemmenoed our Winter Trade we will buy DRESSED HOGS, At Highest Oasis Prices. Dressed hogs bought subject to the for - lowing rules : 2 lbs per cut off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stunk 31bs off for bung gut or gulletit if lett in. Wo aro also prepared to supply our eur tourers at the Packing House with all kinds of Cured Meat, Sausage, Bologna, Head Cheese,Fresh Pork, Tenderloin, Spare Eib5 Lard and Hams, Wholesale and Retail. FARMER BROS. WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS • Wine ct Spina Merchants, STAR* cattoomzur :EXETER, - ONTARIO EXETER NORTH 0 General Store. p Giving un Business. t 25 per cent. off for Cash, TH11 BEST YET 1 THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YETI Best Ordered Clothing pioduced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leaveyour orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfao- tion 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1.00; 5 lbs. 50c Tea, 2.00; 5 lbs. 60c Tea, 2.50; Coal Oil, 15c; 4i lbs. raisins, 25c; Mens' rubbers 60c; Ladies' 35 Colored Tea Setts, S2.00; Dry Goods 25 per cent, of Seal Muff, 2 50, worth 3 50 Boys' Grey Lamb Hat, 1 75 worth 3 00; Patrons and. all Customers Welcome No treublo tq show Goods. JOHN MATHESON..