HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-2-4, Page 1.f e-eeee fine AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE , THEY MAY.' VOL. XIX. NO. 18.' ci 0 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY ; 1892 JJOytN WeErITE & :SONS -Publisher and Proprietors The BigBankrupt Store WILL BE- CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY, FEB.iU.'F Preparing for one of the Greatest Sales' ever ' helcl in Exeter. We have just oompietod our annual stock- taking and find that we have far too much stock; yes, too much by TEN i HOU'QSAN >1A DOLLAR , l And in order to reduce our stock before the winter season over, we will open on airt1 ,� 1 l ril 1'17n re EVER HELD IN EXETER. ' +1 pr1..34.7 Vo The dig Store will be closed all day 614, Friday 'While we will be busy getting stock in. shape and marking all gods down for this. PII Arr»�az1 k1• w aw_a-" •"7• r_ rti 'LIF' This is no ordinary every -day sale, but a regular clearing out of all surplus stock; and as Wil have about Ton Thousand Dollars > lays more stock than we want to carry, This Will - e •Rape Chasm for Ba 'gains Slaughter Th©re will be a Groat SIaughter and Sacrifice ° '-in every department in the Shop. The knife is' going to be used vigorously, and PRICE S 04-0-T 160 1.10 W O That 'no sane merchant can go lower. Alt Winter Goods must go no mattter what our loss. s 0.1 Moszs fee sdo JUST ABOUT HALF THEIR FORMER PRICE. PILES OF ELK DRESS O D Cut so Low that you will wonder how we do it. antied a n � Ulster Cloths al At prices that would mean starvation to regular dealers. OVERCOATS AND SUITS' H plDown i Down t Down 1 Yes, Down to the very Bottom. w 0 Dress Goods for 5e; see them, SEE TXEt 1 Dress Goods for 9c : rare Value. Dress Goods for 16c; worth 25c. Dress Goods for 20e; worth 30c. Black Henrietta for 25c; worth 45o. Black Henrietta for 38c; worth 50c, Black Henrietta for 40c; worth 65c. BIack Henrietta for 05o; worth 850. Shirting for 50, 7o, 10 and llo, Factory Cotton for 4c, 5c, Ode, 71 and Sic. k.ace Curtains, 75c, $1,00 and $1,25 (Special.) Prints for 4c; worth 6c. Feather Ticking, 110; extra value. Floor Oil Cloth 1, 14 and 2 yards wide. Lined Horse Blankets for $1.071, Pure Woo. weed, 25c, 85c, 40 and 50c. 41Is ry ( rr. t AWAY DOWN—Some, Lines Far Below Cost. Your choice of any steady -made .Suit in the shop for O e$8, 60—Some of the Lines are worth $12.00. BOYS' SUITS F . �R, $1,00 --Cheam, Ghe��a Chep While this Great Sale is on we will sell our Celebrated 45c Gini Powder Tea for 22=c: Come out in thousands to this. Great Sale I Corrie early and secure the best prices. i!..4 ,A,' r.,.+.•a. E :. WAT,. 9 Dealer-iii-Benkrap l Minard'a Liniment relieves iseuramia. 0 A.J McTAvisa co, —Sole Agents for- -THE CELEBRATED— WatchspringCORSETS Sensall. Turary TONS—Mill feedat the Hensel! Oat- meal Mills. L heap. can sogn. D, Urquhart SAWLOGS. Wanted at the Hensall Oatmeal mill yard elm, blank ash. white ash.basswood.pine. etc Highoet prices paid. Call for len sth of logs. D. URQUHART. SAW Los WAtcren—Iii hest cash .rices aid for any quantity good, sound, Basswood. Lim, Ash. Oak, Maple, Beeoh,eto., delivered in my yard in 'Jensen. or at the mill, on the 3rdoon., Hay. Custom swing promptly attended to at both maces. 12onr.BELL, in. Hassall. THE MARBETa,—Owing to the failure yif the sleighing the markets have been very dull the past week, while business has beep consequently quiet. Following are the ruling priced Wheat , • , 83 to 85 Barley . . 40 to 43 Oats ... 28 to 28 Peas. 56 to 58 Hay , 9.00 to 10.00 Butter , , ..15 to 16 Eggs 15 to 16 Hogs , .. 5,00 to 5.25 Clover seed.,,. - 5,00 to 5.75 B tiers. -At the meeting of the B. T. on. Messrs. Ezra lioedding and W. C. Store man were chosen delegates to attend the District meeting at Goderich, Wednesday last.—ltobt Larmour, the Zarioh stage driver, bas resealed ,his position.—A very Interesting curling match took plane in the Hensel]. curling and skating rink. Wednes- day afternoon between rinks oompoaed of the followingset-0 A MoDonell, P Sipple, A Cosworth, skip 85; "Jno Coulter, John Caldwell, R Bonthron, skip 25: A Cox - worth's rink winning by 10 shot. T. J. Berry shipped from- here on N'rfday a ear load of draught horses to Boston. They wore the beat horses that have over left this place, and Mr. Barry paid a big price for them, se be always does, Mr. Berry is really a friend to the farmer, being setts• fled with a very email margin himself. Ile is desirous of saying more horses, and in this issue advertient to that end.—Mrs. J T. Wren is suffering a relapse and is in a low state—Other citizens reported in last issue as being dowu with influenza have re- eovered,—Prof. Scott's concert at Varna, was a fair 6n0neae.— Minton. BRIEFa.—Mr. M. C. Cameron of Goder- icli has returned home hem the south, and Ilse taken his coat off for the coming fight in Nest Huron. The Conservatives select ed their man yesterday, but whom we have not yet learned —Mr, Joseph Whitehead has given the fire company $20 as a slight token of hia recognition of their efforts in staying the progress of the fire when the greater portion of We block was destroyed. —The collection last Sabbath in Willis Ch in aid of the building fund of the church was $270.—T. B. Salt, a former resident of Clinton, died Monday at Gran' 13apids, Miob. The body was" brought to Clinton and interred aloneside of that of hie wife — Prof. Patterson ocoupiedsthe pulpit in Lon- desboro'_ Presbyterian thumb on Sunday last. -Mr. Mo,row, classical master of the O. I., is indisposed and unable to attend to his duties,—Mr. H, G. Taylor of West Wawanoah was the guest of Mt' Walsh, London Road, on Mourlay last.—Mr. Jos. Chaney returned from his wedding trur on Friday last. -The carnival held an the ice rink last Friday evening was a suttees, Mr. Wm Holloway won the prion for the beat dressed dude.—Tisa Stanley of Harriston is the guest of Mrs. Wilde. Dr, T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have a Cold -e - Use it. For sale by all drug iete. 35 cents per bottle. WO R T I Boots & Shoes TO BE SACRIFICED Al MANSON'S, During the Next Month: Shop undergoing Repairs to make room for Spring Stock. It will be to your ad- vantage Cr: d-vantrge.tu Bayfield. B1uEFs—Mrs Logan is suffering from an attack of la grippe.—At the recent ice jam on the lake twenty -tyro nets were lost off this port —On Saturday as Mr Swarts was drawing a load of hay down the hill in front of the River ho'el, the sleigh upset and smashed -a valuable cutter which was on top of the load.—Miss L. Biggart left last week for Detroit, where elle intends remaining for a time. • 1!t • Brucefield. BRIEFS. -The leap year party spoken of in last week's paper, failed to materialize. The fault was not with the boys, for they are always on hand, especially in a Leap Year.—Mr Robert Beattie, of Seaforth, spent Sunday here.—Mr Robert Botham, who has been on the sick list ie slowly re- covering.—Miss Bella Jamieson of St Marys is home on a visit.—airs William Rattenbury and family who have been vis- iting in Goderich, arrived home Monday evening.—Mrs Wolfe, who• has been laid np with la grippe is slowly improving,— Mr Each, hotel keeper, was putting in a stock of ice last week,—The senior foot- ball team intend having their picture taken this week.—Mr John Kaiser, of Varna; formerly of this place, spent `Sunday with us.—Mr Samuel rollick one of our black- smiths has been repairing his shop.—Mr Alex Mustard is able to be around again and is kept busy measuring logs at his mill. —111r and Mrs Lyons of Clinton spent qua - day at the Dixon House here, Anderson. F Malcolm BRIEFS —M r nlc returned Ma lloy re urned home from Kings township near Toronto on Friday evening last looking hate and hearty. By his appearance it is evident that helms enjoyed himself while away.—Mr Peter Robertson Hi t t whohas forthe gi a past week been laboring under a severe attack of the grip and inllatnmation combined, is now able to return to school. His physical strength being weakened by his mental, rovigorated —A largo sleigh load of An- derson boys and girls attended the literary concert on the hearth Iine last Tuesday evening. —At our last meeting of the liter- ary aooiety held, on Friday evening last. the following officers for the mouth of Fobruaty were elected :—President Wm. Highet; Vice -Pres, Miss Annie Robinson; Secretary, Ed Robinson; Trees, Geo Lane; Councillors, Annie Robinson, Ann Malloy, Ed Bearas, James Stephen, Win. Hyde, James Atkindon, Humphrey Anderson and Robert Atkinson,—On next Friday even- ing the important subject, as to what sort of an entertainment will be held in the spring, will be discussed, and therefore, a full house is required. Woodham. Illalkvs—Mrs ii'ogg anti family moved from thistown last week to a house be- longing to Mr Fletcher in the neighborhood of Sunshine.—Mr S. Chapple, our enters prising wheelwright was recently united in wedlock to Miss 1?t ons;♦ of this village. He will now lake his house hitherto ocoupied by Mrs Fogg. We wish Mr and Mrs Chapple much joy and prosperity. -Mrs 3 Swallow has been quite ill with h grippe, but we are glad to learn is on the monde— We are sorry to heat that Miss Millin Beavers is still in a very low state of health.—The good sleighing we have had for the past month has made business very brisk at the grist mill and saw mill of this place. The former run by our popular miller, Mr McNevin. The latter by Messrs Abray ek Edwards who are widely known and much respected,—We are sorry to learn that our Host toaster, Mr Nelly, has been very ill' with e•ysipelas, but glad to hear he is on the road to health again.— Mrs Samson an aged and lonely resident has been very ill with grip for the pasttwo weeks, but wo are pleased to know her health is improving. She has a high rep- utation in the healing art for chronic sores. —What a pity the sleighing we have had is about to leave us, The warm days and rains have rapidly waste, away the snow. Orsdaton. FATAL AcoxDEsT.—On Monday, James Mawhinney was in the busb, and. tracing a coon into a tree went to tho house for an in- strument with which to felt the tree. In company with hia brother and Robert Dineey, the three repaired to the bush. Soon tee tree was chopped, and while fell - the young mon ran in the same dire°. tion to capture his 000nship,when the tree, striking a smaller ono, broke it off, causing it to fall upon J•tmes Mewhiuney, killing hila instantly. The young than was 22 years old, was a ferorite iu the oomwunity, and bis sudden death has cast a deep gloom over all, BRIEF•.—lir. Kaercher of Downie is visit ing hisbrother•itt-law air. August Hei,it,— Mr John Young who has been sick with the grip is attending to bueiuees again.—Edw. 13essenberry and wife wore visiting frieu4a iu C,editon Sunday lase—Seine' cases tett Scarlet Fever aro reported in - the village. The school trustees should sae that the law is enntpiied with fu such cases.••The brick yarns with a couple of exceptions. have sold outanti many of the makers have sold of the next kilns. Tho brick was su,d at from $4 to 84.10 per DI, --Revival inee.ings aro b fug held nt the txernran Ohurcb with good eueeess,—L. Hardt of Exetrr has the c nn- tBaot fur then7t (Alen u[t new bridge wore( the 'S tul.l•> river at this point, to bo com- menced et nice. It is hoped that he will not stop treffiu long and build a good bridge, tbus sustain his r-•putatien. We under- stand H 11ilber has made arrangements with hir. G. Moatz for a deviation roadway while the bt•i ge is under puna.rlrctl on,— The Farmers' Institute for South Iiurou will held a rueetiug hers some time thia month; All ihtereeted will do well to at. tend end receive stoma valuableiufarmetion Itch; Mauer. and S steeli •s of every kind- on,tinman beim; or auititr,le, cured in 30 miry, lents by \Vo•.lf••rd'e internal y 1•rtion This never fails. :i.,1dh) t: t.,-tz. Oet. 3,•1)- Bidduip,a. Bruer:L,--1,1r. Stanley who perohased bir. Richard Ooureey's farm, as announced in another column, paid $5,000 for it.—Mr. Hiram Miller has purchased rife farm of Mr. Ed. Maguire on the 3rd McGillivray, for the sum of $3,000. Tho farm contains 50 seree.—Mr. Harry Dobbs, 13idduiph, shipped a number of horses to Manitoba this week.— Mr. Beamisk of Loudon also shipped a carload to the same lrlaoe.—Mr. 4. O'Dwyre is at present in the Nor'west with a car load of horses,—Mr. Petty of Toronto has bought a number of carriage horses in this locality, at good prices, aver- aging $225 each,—Mr. F, 13. Neil, of Mails Avenue Stook Farm, is home from a ,trip to Qbio.—Mr. J. 13. Moltoberts of Liman,ie at prosen tin Indiana with a ear load of bosses. Shipping horses seems to be the favorite occupation at present. .Kippen, BRIEFP,—A. oanoert will be hell under 'the auspices of the 1, 0. F. neat Tuesday avg. in the town ball,—The committee ap- pointed by the congregation of the Presby- terian Chureh have purchased an organ for the use of the church. They are pleased to note that the members of this church are trying to,get out of the old rots.—La ,grippe reigns supreme in this locality, as many families are,prostratod from its effect, --Mr rT. Whiteman, we are sorry to ;pear. 10 still in bed with La grippe.--1Irs Cooper he still on the sink ]ink—Mies. A, 0. Mo:lfordie is paying a visit to nonillion. Fon Trtosa THE ear FITS.—Wo hear a few remarks pawed about temperance in Kippen, that the tsmperanor Society is no good. Are some of our people going out of tbeir senses? We ray that the temperance cause is one of the beet soctctiea going if people will stick to it and work with a will. What will drink do for any one 7 It wail give yen a, flick head and It will bring you Word/ kinds of trouble. How many young men go to the dopa every year through the nursed drink? H tw many famiilesraro brought to poverty throttgh its effects ? Tell ue how niftily ot you would lino to see your sons living lives of inebriates—not one of you ; stili you will riot put out your band. to stop them. If you do not want to join our society, do not try to atop others flan coming. R. T. or T. ►»�«y—...-..,.,,—. Zuriclx. Bnz vs,—Mr. floury Koehler, hue moved onto nis fares.—Mr, Jacob Brown has mov- ed to the farm which bo bought from his father-iu-la r, air. H. Koehler, sr.—Mr.John Vidour moved lost Tltnraday to bis now farm, formerly owned by Henry Koehlor.— Messrs. I. Meritor and Simon blotter lett for Elkton, Miehigan, where they have bought a grist mill, We wish them luck in their new business.—Mr. John Trimmer and wife left last week for their new home in Michigan.—Mr.-.0. F. Wagner lice re- turned to the west, Ho sold his Zurich property at a fair sum. --Rumor bas it that a new business is about to be eatabliehod in the village, the sign will no doubt read "patters for sale."—Mr. W. Solent], for- merly clerk iu the store of Happel rk Oleg - born is in the villsgo. For the past few month Mr. S. has been attending the Basle nese College. Bo looks bale and hearty, and his leg is mach unproved, We are pleated to learn that he will shortly remove to Seaforth where ho obt tined a good posi- tion as book-keeper.—Mr. Geo eioEwen, reeve and Mr. Schnell, reooud deputy -reeve of Hay met in Zurich nn Monday for the purpose of batting tate coutract to furnish lumber for the use of the township for 1802. The lowest tender was accepted. The price to be paid is, edar $9 and beech $8 per M. —Beatrice, the little daughter of Mr. D, Steinbach, is aufferinl; from the effects of la grippe. - Miss Maggie Foster ufl this village was marriedlast week to Syr, D. Mo' Cormick of Daroit. Hxbberb• Onnt1ART.—The funeral of the late Wm- Worden,-whose death was previously mou- tioued in THE Tines, took place on Friday 15th u't, from his late resideuee, lot 19, con. 8, Hibbort. It was the lsrgest funer- al that has been seen in the township, there being over 700 people preeout. The body was first taken to St, Paul's church where the ueuel services were Conducted by the Rev 13. W. Hodgins. The service consist• ed of 39 and 90 psalm9, and the lessontrom Coriuttriaus, 15 chap., followed by the sing- ing of the hymn "Nearer my Goa to Thee.' After leaving the church the body was biter red in the Staffs cemetery, where the bur• ial service was most impressively rendered. Me. Warden had been in poor health but a short time, and no immediate danger was anticipated until a few days of hie demise. fie was a gentleman possessed of many amiably qualities. His hoapietlity, aympa thy and pleasant smile had endowed him to all with whom he came iu contact. tie was;boru in Devonshire; England, and crone to thin eountry at the age of twenty-one. lie married a daughter of the late Josoph Mon fatt of East Whitby They had a family of elevoa, only coven of whew are now living, The last thirty-six years of the deceased's life were spent iu Hibbert, two of which 1>e Hua a member of the township council, lie was a member of the English ohureh, at Staffa. Ilia indu-try and good management contributed ration to the comfortable eir- cumstauoos he lived to enjoy. Among thine present from a distance were : Robert elof- fatt, Illinois, John iloffatt, Pleat Whitby, Jas White Oolumbns, Jos. Ethelington, W l'ellows, Goderioh. Chris. liodgseu, Mre, Watson, Raglan, Mrs. Joe' Hodgson and. family, Exeter. fie a pure for cola in the bead and catarrll Natal Balm ie endorsed uv pr.,rniuent men everywhere. D. Derbyshire, p•esi, i•ut of the Onta,io cream• ry ees•r'tatton, say-, : — "gum' y-,:— "Nual 13ulei haute the world for catarrh and tell' fn the, heed. Li my own case it effected relief from the firt,t,'apfdicrei 941 by deslers or dent by mail cn receipt of prictf=t50 cents and $1 a bottle. Fe,l`rn.1 0..,' Lroukville, Out. Do You Want O V,EROOATS, FELT BOOTS, FELT SOCKS, GUN ANKLETS{ NICE GOAT ROBES HEAVY BL'NI'TS FANO? TUGS, NICE WOOL SHAWLS, HEAVY TWEED SUITS, LADIES' & GENTS' UNDERWEAR. If you will need any of the above for the next two erthree years we will slake it an object far you to buy now,. as we want to clear out Winter Stook TO MANE ROOM FOR OUR. SPRING STOOK J. Y. ROSS. Dashwood• 0r3rrcAiui s.—it is our duty this week to chronicle the death of one of the ol•leet settlers of the township of Ilay, in the per- son of 111r. Weimer, who died on Wednes- day last at the Age of 80 years. Mr. Weimer was born in Ciermeny,andemi,gras erl to Canada, settling in the township of Hay on what io generally known as Wag- ner's corners, following the occupation of a weaver. During the latter part of Ida life he had 1iyed with his daughter, Mrs. Winkeuwedor of Bleekbusft. His remains were buried in the Lutheran cemetery on Saturday, Rev, liifert officiating.—There also died on Sunday last, Laurctta, young- e- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Keller- man. She had boon suffering, for some time, apparently was recovering when death snatched her suddenly away from all care and pain• The funeral services took placo on Tuesday forenoon, when the remains were interred in the Bronson cemeteryth. "in at great cloister's stillneso and seelusiori, By guardian angels led, Safe from temptation, safe from size's pollution, She lives, whom we call dead," Accra n nr.—Cn Saturday evening, as the toboggan slide was not in fit condition for sport, on account of the mild ureatixa;., tlu. young people thought they would try coasting down the hill, near by, which was! covered with snow. While two young ladies were thus et.gaged, their toboggan; took the wrong course, and went atrat lit for the fence at ea lively speed, And as the board was higher than the tobogggnu the latter slid through, thus causing Misa Fen- wick to strike her head against the board, knocking the board clear off the posts. Miss Peuwick was picked up and taken to a neighboring house whore she recovered enough to be taken;home, but since she has been confined to her bed. WEDDING Betts,—On Wednesday, Jun. 27th, a large number of friends and rela- tives assembled at the home of Mrs. Tre- umner to witness the marriage of her youngest daughter; Miss C. Treumner, to Mc,C. Rader of Michigan. The bride was supported through the trying ordeal by Miss Rader, while the bridegroom was ably assisted by Mr. H. Birk. Rev. E.H. Been tied thenuptial knot. The ceremony over all sat down to the bountiful repast prepared by the ladies. The presents were nrmerons The young couple will reside in Michigan. PREsesTanotr.-0n Friday afternoon the general routine of our school was dis- tnrbed when the pupils presented their teacher, S M. Hunch, with a handsome shaving case,aecompanied by the following addrerls t Ap To 8. M- limiest; eiiee`Hi,it OF. S. go: Si JIAYi Wo the Rabelais of soitr school .thought it our duty to show yod that eve are greatly tn; debted to you fifer the kindness and Patience you have bestowed upon us and the tiouble you have taken 01>00 VOU for the good and benefit of our education, We will now ask you :to ace oepr thi a shaving case as a small token of re= gret. Itis the wish of your scholars that you. may have pleasure and success in all your un dertakings. May our mutual remembrance never cease. Signed on behalf of your scholars (Lo nis Kleinativer, { Ida M. cook, shift on H• Cook• Mr. Mulch was completely taken by surprise and in a few words thanked his 1 pupils for their kindness. Pusses —Mr. Sam Hessenhaner intends 1 to leave -our village in the near future. • tie will be greatly missed Ly someone.— The telephone and ll,ink,under the manage- ment of Mr. J. Sue:1, a a fiou,ishing.—Mr. and Moi Goetz of Seb.ingvillo visited Heads in this vicinity 1 tst peek, --Mr. Litt of Sebringville visited his sister, Mrs G. Kaereher.—Miss dills spent Saturday and Suuday under the parental roof at I:limville.—A number here attended the Quarterly Meeting serviette at Crediton last Sunday.—Mrs Hall has returned from a visit to lieusall.— t1rs. F. `Vtirta is con- valeseettt.—A number ale on the sick list. ree.eislt $pavan Liniment removes all; hard, soft or calioutet' Lumps and Blem- ishes le cru horses, I3!ond Stavin, entree, e i , t Splinte, Wee Hone, S vstney, Stifles, Surains, S.i•e !tied Swollen Throat, Coughs, eau. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Waw ranted the most wouderlttl Blemish (lure ewer known. Sold by 0. Lucie 0-29 ly Does PttoTECrlo.r Pno:rsos,--Certainly, 1' in. coo inetauct', it dun-. Howler liarsapare .: ilia is the great protection n ainst the den. i{•••as>f impnro bend and it will cure or p.ovcut :.11dise,$Q401 thi, (31.114. It lino" aced w0t1 its tiara.) ttf alt.• boat blood purifier by its relnarknbl:• cures. Tato i.tioliest pl'alat! l.ai brei won by Iltvttt'.s t`. s tar tt oir ea y yet entrolent :Lotion. el II by ell d'ugee s, Price 35 ate 1.rbx.