HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-05-27, Page 4I. 1k I NEWSPAPER LAWS - W.» call the special attention of Rost Baiters mid Hnbicnbers to thv following wtmpiisx)f the newspaper laws :— l’’-A. jWinn’.tev is required, to give . riH-co ny-firru-i it ‘fretnt ruing apapwdoef, i»i>t answer t lie law* when a subscriber does trot taka Ini pnpei out o! the office, and ttattJ the reason for its not bring taken. Atty neglect to do so makes, the postniastei > spun di ile to the, publishers for payment. ff any pei.Miu orcGrs Ina paper dis* NUttJI'lV'l 1, In* must pay all arrearages, or t’w pu’i’ >.'i‘i' pin idler may co'minuv to send it •iui>nt is nnde, and collect the -vlmlu au omit, whether it be .taken from t ollb'ft or not. There can bo no legal d'Siioalin nance until the payment is made. ;«-An y person who takes a paper from tlie pest b!li<>i>, whether diiech'd to Itis (iain>*. or;inotlwr, op whether he has sub- icrihud oi not, is re.qHHBmle for the pay. 4-Hx stiliscrlbcr orders Ins paper to be smpp'hl *i t. a (‘.‘i tiiin tiint*, and.the publish- ar I'oiHti iie.-t to semi, it the siibseriber is botivd to pay fur it if >m takes it out of the post-oHto.. This proceeds upon theground that a in in must pay for. wTiat 1m. uses. $ J § In dm Division Court in Godei'ieli •v rhe N tvoiuhm' sitting a newspaper pub- Inlier sued far pay of paper. The defend- ant i<b;iM'teil paying on tW'grbund tluft he it-. 1 ont '1-td a former proprietor of the ptp.T to disepntiuiio it- The Judge held t iar that was not a valid delenee. The [I’.ri.iiur, tint pt esent proprietor, had no n»ri to discontinue and consequent^* " ml.’ culji’.-t, although it wju, not denied that d.'ivnlunf had notified foinier pro- pri.-t >r tn diK'ont’nue. In any event o-il'en Inut was bound to pay for the time t.>’ ha i received the paper and until he had pud all Hrvars due for subscription. ''t. I’ pil s Chuvih,—Son-ires on Sunday at 11 a i,i. n,>1 7 p. pi. Bible Class. 10 u.m. Sunday s.-’i h.1. -.'.30 pan. Service on Wednesday, 8 p.m lii'v. William Craig, B.D., Rector P uraita Methodist.—Services-at 10.30 •». m. vmi 7.-1*' p m. Sabbath SchOJl at 2.30 p. m, Riiv..I. Giihv.Pastor. « Dau^U I’robytevLin.—Sorvlces at 11 a.m, and (I,J r o. 'u. Sabbath Scnool, 2.30 p. in. -*Rrv. A try. stew mt, I.’astor, * Biiile Christian.—Services at 10.30 a. In, and 3'Dp. tii’ Sabbath School, 2.30 JLin. Rev. J. KEXSKR/Pisto’r. ’ “ - "...... Riptbt Uliureh.—Service at 6,30 p. ni. Sab. bnttrsclicil, 2.3(i p. m. Rev J. Gray, I’nstor. THE HUTBOIT (.£3/A LG A MAT KJ), Clinton, Wednesday, May 27th tw Story-Headers.■V- . vj- . . ‘My only daughter,’ sir,’ saicl Col., Monteagle;,‘and, as I venture to say,.' • nccomplished in her way. We are not much in. the way o'f schools or- ncadamies here.; but I Inive lieerrher instructor myself, anji she is a thor­ ough. mathematician, an "excellent jiin«fcian, and a linguist ol no-mean' ' ' rapacity.. - We are sludying.JI.ePre.vv. *pow every day, she and I-, and she devotees her evening,-to comprehen­ sive reviews ot her Latin' and Greek. • She will be a scholar, sir,- if I livedo —-------e<imp 1 <;t-e I)crr-evl-ucation.1--------......—- Mr. Crof ton looked curiously, at.the ‘oddly, assorted -pair—the .silver-hair- a rd, shabbily attired old g.entleman, with bis bald forehead., eagle 'eye and ■< i-licately W.lnte bainls;_nj.id_HiB_dajilt- browed, sullen looking girl,—with gvpsy skin, untidy frock and patched" Loots. —l-’-rMt-y-?—-Yes, sb'e might be.pretty t.nder •circumstances. The diamond i'seif is nolan attractive stone before tne lapidary’s art has polished its, r ide angles' into, glitteyin}; facets of - white fire, j^t i si sessed no sweet few f. e / Monteagle, with dignity. ‘A mu'ri* clan, a linguist, a thorough Aebrew student, and a proficient in Latin and Greek. I myself was her instructor. It is not singular that a girl of such intctlectusl power should marry well.’ But Cdlone.1 Monteagle, honeBt man, never dreamed that it was the heights which overlooked the valley | sewing machine and soft soop, the mayonnaise dressing and the vehe­ ment struggle,to get free from debt, which conquered Mr.,Crofton’s .heart. There are plenty of scholars and poetesses In this world—but a real womanly woman—is not her price far above rubies ? ‘ soul, and we do not He her do wn to any hours or rules,’ The Colonel fell asleep in the chair after dinner, Mrs, Monteagieand her painted fan'withdrew themselves into the boudoir and Mr. Crofton, inward- ly bewailing himself that he had pr.o mised to aay a week at Monteagle Manor, sauntered • out upon the below. As he stood there, a rustling sound­ ed in-the bushes, and the dark browed gypsy-sprang up the bilUide. ‘You have a fine place here, Miss Monteagle? he said, by way making himself agreeabl?. •I hate it? said Mary, darkly. ‘I. beg your pardon !’ exclaimed Mr. Crofton, in amazement. ‘I do !’ flashed out the girl—‘I hate it all I The learning, and the purity and the grand pretenses, and the iserable make-shirts.’ ‘But—’ +Ah !' said Mary Jtonteagle, ‘you don’t know it all. You never hoard the tradesmen howling at the back -doors like a pack of wolves; .i,you don't know that the house is adver­ tised for sale for tax arrears. IIow should you? IIow should you be aware that the very clothes we w?arai*e not paid far, nor Hie "coal -that cooks dur dinner? Papa smolfiK7Lie cigafS’i and talks about the Mexican war; and mamma poses in the great chair, and dreams of embroidery work and taps estry sti'ches ; and I—I am expected to learn Arabic and Sanscrit, and no­ body knows what else, and ignore our wretched poverty. But I can’t I .. '• ' i ' “''MrL’droFt’flTi looked pityingly at the gin's sparRlnie, eyesand-pale, excited face. ‘I am very sorry to hear this? said •be,- ‘Can nothing be done ?’ ‘Yes,’ said Miss Monteagle,brusque­ ly. ‘Something can be done--anci I am doing it, in so’ far as I can. But papa and mamma, must not be allow,- ed to suspect it. I am—learning a trade.,’ . ‘Theje’s a factory neai* by h4re,’ she said, calmly. ‘The country girls earn a little pocket money there sewing on.sliii’ts. Iain to haveoa' machine; as soon as 1 have learned to manage it. I go every evenhig,;w.hile papa fancies I.am/at Greek and Latin, 'to Fanner Pelham's, whose wife teaches me jthe use of the machine. I urn ■ learning housework, too.' I.made the: mayonnaise for your salad , to-day, ' and.I baked the bread. dur_Bervant, can do nothing of the sort^i But. it would kill /mamma to think* that I. stooped, as.siie, w/aulcl call it, to men­ ial labor.’ , ■ ,." ’ : ‘You are quite right,’ 'said Mr- Crofton. . ... "-. ‘That is what I Ranted .to know,’ Sditl Maryhastily. . ‘Because, living here 'all myself, in s.ijcii a strange, unnatural- atmoipliere; I sometimes get confused,' and scarcely know right. from wrong.’ .. ■ . ■ "* 6 They ivLTsurcl’y"KavoYoTtniow’~ ■it, when-—‘ . ‘^Vljoill really-go into tlio factory?" said Mery. ■. ‘Yes,.I lt.now that. But until then, iAvould fain spare “tlieiii m «r Tne Lime Kiln Club TUE CASE OF SANDBAR DAVIS to ad The poor man bore up for a time, but the notes of ulisence went from hgd to woriio. ‘J,)ear Sir? they _ b; ♦ gan to read, ‘J was yeaterday no fa > eiuated by the ‘Dead March in Saul? thafi I propose uinking a waref’l study of this solemn measure. Tn tlmse circumstances T hope you will overlook my n> the lecture for tli ‘Dear Sir hearing it, the‘Dead March in Saul* made less impression on me than I had expected. As I would be re­ luctant, h« weyrr, to judge the pL'tO by such slight acquaintance, I shall, with your permission, attend to mor­ row’s recital? And, worst of all, ‘Dear Sir s We, the undersigned, h.avjeTpJeasnre in informing you that, we Imve joiMfed a music class for the purpose of practising the ‘ Dead March in Saul? Unfortunately, the practising takes place during the hour of your lectures, •which will prevent our attendance at the latter being as regular as wo could Lava wished? '(•sniry absence from next few days? I regret that on the fjist AYER’S PILLS. A lirge proportion of the direaseg vrlifct eai'. -a human tmUcripg xwult irom dcranga- nu it ot tlw .itoniaaii, bowels, ami liver Ai-ir'c •CAiHAHric-l’iLLs-aciuii'cciiy jipoi,. p. . . . • . . o > .Ll G ml a u-xt VO J. 80 o: 0 tijo Hi! at, im;.w a, O.-sy h .13 ans, aud are eeoeeku.'y dcstoMl tc “•i-iwaa caused by their (Wai go* lii.ig Cvniiiii atluu, Indium- •:>'i ?, nctiuumlm, Dysentery, o£ uUj-.t ai. meats, for all 'ol u.o a safe, sure,, yranipt, an 1 : >!y. .jo ext> j> ivo use of the. . V»«; cr lx •h Uicy ;<« rt'.i by euiiiirut pliji’icinns lix regular prac t> >»4 u-o-U. d.-iLij- t’.vj eJtiim timi I; vy are Luld. by tbo medical jnu-s.a- ■’•r’a fl,ra ’v'l of vepc‘r.L'3 « u.i);, ami pro’fil-. viho.iy lux hum i* ux-y UP401’ inji.rluua luc.vdkut, I J I RATIO] ■ ^hutorya VZ "VtT Poetry, Cibolo*, LIBRARY of CLASSIC FROSE. InonaijnpMWft^ tavo volume of about 000 payaa, handsome type, and ftae doth blallat,' onumieuted, th» following famous essays and works; x-' Macaulny’a Essays on Milton. ti John Stuart Milt On liberty. I’. O. llataenfon’s The Intellectual I4fo.ii Herbert Spohcor on Education. Great Thonghts from Greek Authors. Great Thoughts from Batin Authors. , Complete Essays, by Eord IJucon. t Complete “Betters of Junius.’’ Irving's Itlp Yun IVlnkle an4 Other .SketoheiL’ t TVashlngtou’s EareweU nn4 Other Addresses,. * Macaulay's Life of Frederick the Great. • The above cannot be obtained from any other publishing; house for less than $10; my price ia $1.15; postage 80 cento. “ This is indeed wonder-book, in the amount and valuably quality of its contents. The wonder is how- such a book, which is a library in itself, can be gold at such a price.”—MefA- odist Recorder, Pittsburgh, Pa. “Your ‘Historical "Wonder-Book’ IS a wonder—a wonder how an imperial octavo volume of over 1.000 pages, with many illustrations, clear type, fine paper, handsomely bound, con­ taining ‘four, standard historical works of great value, can bo sold for $3.50.”—Benson J. Lossing, LL.I)., the-Historian. iCOUPON 'S‘XitS 25CENTSUi,i1Xer“>H S Pf'O.IZP?1 response atttl ' Inilieat ii WONDER^BPOKS in no trifling; sense, but the best literature of the world presented in excellent and attractive form, at priegsso low as to excite universal “wonder.” ’LIBRARY of STANDARD IIISTORIT Containing la one volume, imperial octavo, good type, with numerous fine illustra* tions. the whole richly bound Ip fine cloth, ornamented, the following • celebrated works, unabridged: r GItEEN’S Larger HISTORY of the ENGXASXI EE0FX.E. CIRILVLE'S HISTORY of the FRENCH REVOX.VTION. CREASY’S Fifteen DECISIVE RATTLES of the WOULD. SCHILl.EK'S HISTORY nf the XHIJITV YEARS' WAR. Harper & Brotiieiis’ lowest price for these fpur great works Is $14.50; my price is $2.50 ; postage 40 cents extra, “ A-wonder-book in more senses than one. The idea of put­ ting a work like this at only $2,50 per copy, seems preposter­ ous; and yet there is wisdom in it, for everybody will want it, and it will thus be the means of. advertising-and introducing the numerous other valuable books which the publisher is puff- ting forward."'—Chrintidu at Work. New York City. “ It is truly a marvel of skill and a triumph of modern me­ chanical art that such a noble volume can be furnished at so small a cost, Whether we admire its large proportions, beau­ tiful binding, fair page, excellent paper, numerous and strik­ ing illustrations, numbering nearly 100—all are first-class?’-— Christian Cynosure, Chicago. Ill. „ LIBRAR r Of ST A NBA RD I’OKTfif, containing in one( imperial octavo hambuiuely bound volume, of about 1,100 pages, Bour­ geois and Brevier type, leaded, the following works, unabridged: Scott’s Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works. Complete Poetical. Works of Robert lJurns. Complete Poetleal Works of Thomas Moore. Equally good editions of these are not elsewhere obtain­ able for less than $4.50; my price postage 34 cents. tUCl Ol A StsfTerej? from Hea'l::cli" writes: ••..vi.i *.-; Puls are h .lutibio tn me. and f * luy coi. f.tnt coisipa.,. ul 1 linvo bem -re r.Diinej: Dem Jiltadaelie, mul your ills urv the only thii-g 1 epu.d Itioit to r-lid, Om> dezo wdi «iiik-;.iy move mj •■''iv- is m.d free my i.vnd bum pain. 'Jlu ' are toe m >>1. caectne ami the ers-lot | hys c „ uayo J-vi.r I’.iuiul. Jtlsii pi>:sure to me to ; 'i,’.it in tli-jir prrds-.-, uuu, I always uq fo buta uetiasiun ohL-rs. W. L. 1* Kill, of W. D, retro A- Tiro,” Frauklm bt.. iliciiuiuiiu,\ a., uui.u a, bt-2, “I havo used Avim’s Fills In rmmhci les* imia-. cu as reeuiuu'm'dc'l liy y< u, ai. a |v-» iwriT Imiowii tb- ni it* foil to acct mpm- ta<- di-jdru.t rcBiiit Yi e coi.fitu.utly keep iiu > v i luuiil «*r our jieine, and pi ize-Ibt-m- ns . •• •'•■) ’-it, suf.-, and rerttliie family immieam, » U*t mbl'b-FblA they an- hitnluabie. J ,1.1', Uayks.”4 Mexia, Texas, Juno 17,1SS2. Tlio Rev, Fbancis B. ITAtunrrn, writing fn; ■ ■ - A/y 'ic • <The Rev. Penstock wonted secure information. lie li been informed that Brother Sandbar Davis liad been, expelled from-the club because be had neglected pay­ ing his dues. Jle hail invited Brother Davis over to his hotise to eat peanuts, and had been invited back to drink root beer, ami he hoped that worthys-me’mber would not bp harshly dealt with for a lit­ tle financial procrastination. I'" "’“Brudiler Penstock, I reckon I kin gin you de iufortnashn you seek,” replied the president. “Brudder Davis has procrastinated on us fur fo’teen months. De odder;' dav I Famed dat lie was in dpbt to ebery pusson who would trust him,, in de sum of .15 cents or more, went ober an'sot wid him on his wood­ pile an’ asked him -to explain. It. was de Same compTnjnt dat' ails so many white folks.. He war’ payin’, or tryin’ to pay, mo' rent dan could be met by a man on twice his sal- « (3- * ‘ ' ary. His wife, was dressin’ better on $12 per wee/c dan could be act5- ually aflorded on .$25.'- -She was gibin' high teas, an' low coffees, an’ )irees, an' be war’ payin’ weekly installmentjsybn plush-k.ivered fufti'- icher. He could--run in debt, but- to pay de bills was a different mat­ ter. ’ “Brudder Sandbar Davis got mad at what I said an' tendered bis,res- ignashuiiyl/ It was. accepted right dar’ on the woodpile. ‘It war' cheaper fur hi'ra to get mad art’-re­ sign dan to pay up his dues. “I ha.s warned you Time an’ agin* fS keep outerjLtebt, If yon can’t-do daf yoiu mus’ pay dp, an’ ^ay as you . agree, Jptve hundred magffificf ntjy dressed"'ladies,, whose husbands ani dodgfng a. score, of Creditors, walk de streets ebery day. Dar’ am more, downright'hypocrisy, deceit, perjury and crime in de way-half, our white . folks, lib dan yoti can’ mns-h with a. crpw'-bar. Doan’ make sick folks’ au example- -to be fullered. Own ‘what- you - own. Lib widin you 'means, no matter how much your TiTtyl 7ft f/’ fitful s~ ■'oY t7'~“Buy'“w 1 hi t~ you* kin afford, an’ what- you can’t afford i>etP.roml ’iiuII to go widout. Sand; bar Davis am no longer "a member of dis club. On de. book topppsit/ -triarraine ath .writreirrthe pang'.. 1 am, to liaXm'a cloilaCAa day, Mrs. -Pelham .Buys, if I operate the machine skilfully*' A-ncl -a. dollar a-day 'will buy mamma many a'little luxury, anfl go far toward paying the ^Blwnrnly pos rtnn/e graces poy-. ‘How old are you, Miss Monteagle?’ he asked, finding it imperatively ne- ' e.es'sary to^say something. Anti Mary Monteagle answered in words, ‘Sevent-eeii? while her looks replied, plainly, ‘None’ of your b.usi- ■ lll‘t-S.'.. . ... •Go, my c|iild,. and gather some flowers to deck ot.ir humble board," paid the old gentlmn-an, magiiilo-’ of bis ofllest friend into the tumble­ down old stone-house, where th?-, carpets were moth-eaten, the ItuuiU. ------rn-i4rk'‘lVer|-)*“'HTI‘d^?V^*y“tTaCB;“Of- decayed gentility told the sad story of better (lays. ; ‘ Mrs. Mohieaglo, who had/ been a' 9 beauty of.ee, and bad her portrait / oiigraven in a “Gallefy. of Ainericnn Rosebuds,, was sitting up in stale in a battered boudoir., in a black silk' dress, .that must4 have".been quite a. quarter of a century old, with a ilowor" , in her silver sprinkled hair, and still preserving the girlish attitude in wnich the engraver’s pencil "bud im •t mortH'lized'.'berir’bffdiy contrasting yvitli, .the sharpened outlines and ■ Iwggn$l abruptness- <if heF&fxty odd’ years. __________.1___ And this is Umw'ayMn'whioh-tlift'- r»d couple lived, in the dead pastas, it were; Colonel Mpiiteagle starving contentedly on tho recollections'*of: his past grandeur, and his wile fondly ,^.hipcylug, that timejmd stood still which she was (m inted worthy to be one of the 'American Rosobuds.’ Mrs, Monteagle sweetly welcomed l.er gm st and . touched- the little hand hell at hei’ side./ • . A 'Wo will dine. Sarepta,' she.said to the maid. ■ . ' ■* Tleaso, tnn'atn,’ breathlessly utter, ed that young person,"‘there ’ ain't notbiihg for dinner. .We ate tho last ol lhe cold beef yesterday,” and the dog tipped over-1 the pan of oysters? and—’ ‘ ' ‘That will do, Sarepta? said Mrs. Monteagle, with a red spot mounting io eac h of her cheek bones, ‘I said—/ we will dine.’ And Sarepta withdrew with a jork. The dinner was served presently—' an instance will -Imt .tl neither w< Fruit, a th! and parsle- of the tm hero wasi ere in, y,. salad of lettuce and mayonnaise, and a uish of peaches and cream formed meal. .* ite Arcadian T said Mrs. Mont- withrf giggle. * — d yer/ badly 'served'?"secretly etited Mr. Crotton, to himself, potter of ild beef, oysters, of herbs Ihewjj watery t as to fu 1 ly gam is hod tli 'Qu cttjtle’j ‘An corn in 'But the salad was nice,’ ‘Where is Mary ? the Col. asked ' .grocer aud btiker? , ■ f 'You are a nojble grpl? said Mr. Crofton, • warmly.; aud- iii his-eye at that moment, Mary, Mouteagle was glorified’ with rare beauty.,, as slie stood there, the 'fresh wind blowing her-jetty curls about, tlie reflection of'orange sunset deepening the color on her" Chet/ks, and the • grave,. far away sparkle of- het eyei- half-veiled •beneath the. long lashes. ‘And if I ‘could be of, any* assistance, to you in '.this task— • .‘Ybu.i_pan,’lsaid the Firl, abruptly. 'You camsta^L. here,- and amuse papa, soTt'hat he shali-not suspect what oc- ,-eupies my time.. You can divert his attention- from Sanscrit an J; Arabic, and all mysteries.’ ; *.“ *•- And for” the first time, in his ex- .patience, of . her, j M^ary Monteagle, tiunghtni—-a nreiioWr birdfike laugh.' ‘I will/said Mr. Crofton heartily. ' Aud «o the compact jwas.sealed be­ tween them. ised his father to. spend with old/.Col- oni'l ^foiiteagle, the sojourn was ex- tended to th rem • ' ' At thq end of that ,period lie gravely addr'essed-himself to. the/ dark eyed dwghtprof t'he^liuiftrev ~ IIow is trade ?.' said he. ' ‘I am to. have a. machine next’ ■ week,/said Mary, with the conscious pride of one who has conquered fate; ‘and then—only - think of it, Mr. Crofton—I shall earn'a dollar a day?’ ■ ‘Mary,’ said Mr. Crofton, seriously, I..have been. thinking, of another plu'n fdrydn; AWf tell-me” that "tins' J’jtftmcr’s wife..has,_made a- first clas.s^ lidagpkB^pM’- ofyou.’ ‘f baked -mince-pie yesterday I, said Mii'iy7'"’e"^Tflta^ have quilt­ ed a qhilt and made soap, within the week I’ •/ ( , ’ * ’ . ,‘Lxlo not liko-the. idea of- your- go-v ihg intp a factory,’ said Mr,- Crofton. •Suppose, how, by way of variety, ’you'were to marry me.?’ - ’ ‘But I think, you are not in love with me!' said Mary, opening her bright bhickieyes. .w»tt.‘J3.Ut-I am,' said Mr. ’Crofton, With great gravity. ‘I have deliberately inade up,my’tnind that 1. cannot be happy without you. A nd although ! do not profess to be a rich man, I believe I can make you ube-ftec al­ lowance than -six dollars a week, while at the same time yon will not be compelled to work ten hours a,day. for it." That is the business llke-vicw- . of the question. Now as to tho per­ sonal one. Do’not you thipk, Mary, that yott’could love me ? Because 1 love you very much indeed !’ 'I—I I do not know I’ whispered Mary ; .‘I might try I’ And then she blushed .charmingly, So Colonel Monteagle’s daughter went to the fair Floridftn* plantation on the river St. John, and astonishs o.d every one there with her thorough knowledge of housekeeping in all its’ details; 'And the two old people with tlmir burden of insolvency land care lifted off their lives, dv^ell quiet­ ly in tho ancient, tower?like house, and talk to everybody who crosses their path of ‘the exoallant marri* •> ' ts pro ;eiI I bo r if ubo1 Him l the pay ted in lieu of 23 centH cash, toward thaf >i ks, If sent within ten days from data of ■ of paper). This offer is to secure your I ir ndvertjslnc mediums. J ' Brother Leaped Into Kternity a .135 feet jump. Professor OHum, formerly feasor.of swimming in ^Washington, leaped from the railing of Brooklyn bridge into the air.- He held oile hand above his head as a rudder to guide himself in- his 135 feet descent. The river below was at that moment clear of shipping. A tug and schooners flouted lazily in the.stream several hundred yards below the bridge. The tug was filled with re porters and " club men. Captain Paul Boynton stood near the bow anxiously -watching, the bridge, and those,,on board witnessed the fat’al ’leap witli bated breath- For nearly one hundred feet pie Professor came down all right, feet fot/eniost.' He' shot downward With the spend of a meteor, his ffed .suit . inaking him easily discernible for a long'dislauce. When within about thirty feet of-the >waii,vp,-his body beg-au to tui;h. As­ if realizing his danger'./' Odium bhinghv dott’n his band with a wave like a motion to aid him in recovty, ing his balance.' The ./movement' -was, however, made toqfhite, His body hmf now turned so -far that it» was impossible to"- change its course. Half a second later, Aitli 'a mighty splash that threw u 7 all sides' as if torn .... „ ........ Odium’s JiutJ.y struck/ Hie surface of the riyer on joiie swle and; "l SANK OL’V OF SIGHT. The tug hurriedly pushed fiprwayd to tke plaee vyln're- the'" body .fell, ’ and Clip tail i Boynton, afier seeing a , 1 ifn /preserver - ■ had been tli'r.own iiito/tbe vvaten, sprang over the. side of/the boat and waited for tli rise.- Soon lie saw the white fii/e of the Professor rising ater,- . and a nioment 4liter w//s by his side., Seizing a life preserver, lie with difficulty placed it-beneath the body of the insensible prOPi'ssor. Blood mingled with frmh c!tne froni, the o.ntodt li ,of, the, d/t'ing man. A .row boat was. soon pushed within reach with .considers 'able , difficu'lty. ' The", body of the Professor twas dragged" into the boat, A. fett-‘minutes’ later it,Was transfer the .water’ on’ with a sin 11,. il /Joo.k'.i, <!a,, rays: -‘lor s<>u:o yx-.ui 't 1 Lave been subject to con ail; ra n, ■it wlJ‘li, in sj’ito of the uvu <>C u eui- .,■? of various kiuds, I sutlt-ieu incuasinpi ouAvnimee, until some mouths raw 1 ;in tailing AYlUt'S 1’li.l.s, 'll.ey Lev ujvh' cmTectwi tlie„ cortive habit, t ud ,0 vastly improved my general health,'* Arm’s Catjiabtio Fills correct Irrofti 1-ii ities of tlio bowels, stimulate tlio ai pe­ tite and dii;.’st!on, and by ti*elr prompt luonmt’li a-;tion giro lone and vigor w v/ixoie. physical economy. FlSEiuvnEB by Dr. J.C.’Ayor&®o., Lcwc’!, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ■‘hi ua imv .tiro G'.±- ’".n, t t-unr., s u.;?. ■I f ■/ cl All> experience the womlerfuj beneiie.tu eneeis u£ AVer’s ■fea-saparilla. riilldrt'n with Sore Ejw, P'orq Tins, or mi,. scrniii.GUi er t.'j’h- may bu marie, healthy apd strong Druggists; §1, .six bottles for S5. A Secret. •The.secret of -beauty lies in pure bVood and good health. Burdock, •Blood Bitter!- is tli11 grapd key that unlocks all the secretions.’ It cures aRjt.he Scrofulous, Diseases acts on the Blood, I/rver, Kidneys, Skin and Rowe’s, and brings the bloom of health to the p.alid'cheek. 339-2t. Tn.. the liking for beer With .the.German pop* ulaiion. . Blit Englishmen, at least at home, use beer as freely, as the peo­ ple of any other countrv. The great er part is made by .English manufact­ urers from • English-grown barley. The .Lontlpn?. J/’mifs^sayst the barley ■product of England*is seven mill on quarters, or fifty six million bushels, while’.the entire, wheat’ product is only seventy-two million bushels per year. ’ . ' not only relieves but cures- 339 2 . DepcEDl I’poa It. You can depend upon Hagyard’ Yellow Oil as a pain reliever it rheumatism, neuralgia and all pain­ ful and inflammatory complaints. It I ©ENTS KOI' 'A Pt UND.UV| ■ The Best ever offered in, this, vicinity for the money. Also. Qene-ral.GROCERIES, I equally cheap. • - — - . I FLOUR A-ND FEED always on hand. TipT.wvM»-- «"W «iMij 1OO-L* AG JI CATALOGUE fieut free: The best lit­ erature of the -world at the lowest prices ever known. Books sent for. EXAAIINATION BEFORE PAYMENT on reasonable evidence of good faith, Address JOHN P. ALDEN, Publisher, F, O. Box 12§7. 393 Pearl Street, New York* y i, WAGONS, &C., t .. Corner of Huron and Orange Streets, CLINTON, The Improvsd*Timpkin Buggy a specialty* tn Durability, Lightness and Appearance equalled by no other. "All the latest improved vehicles kent con3ta^tlv on’liand. : F! R ST“ CL ASS BLACKSMITH in connection. Best material and workmanship in all I . . . . ' branches, 0 ■ ALL WORK WAR8ANTEB. - ■ PRISES REASONABLE. „ 6®*Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to, fi “jYes,” boasted an Englishman in 'the west, “I have Tudor blood in my veins from my mother’s side of thee family and Plantagenet from my fath­ er’s.” “Is that so ?” said a,citizen. ‘•‘MV blbod is a little mixed,'too; My grandlather was a Jersey tenderfoot an’my grandmother a Digger -Indian ,squaw. We’TA both half breeds,stran-"" ...ger. ShakeJ’’ Ayer’s Sarsparilla has’such con- ceri.trated“,curative power, That it is ‘b’y fat*.the 'best, cheapest, and surest blood-purifier known? * . Tlte London Lancet of April 25 con* tains an aecnuntbf some experiments to ascertain if alcohol is food, . The writer sums up bv saving that “un­ less otic restills /have been rendered fallacious by errors of practical man­ ipulation, which 1 can -hardly think possible, our experiments' certainlv Indicate in ;tbe^clearest manner' that ta-lee.l-i o-I -in-s-m/J"]- d-osi^s-ti b- at II; e v edits,. is ^ source of nourishment ■ i. a foml.” ' * ; ’ ..L.d' WHY WILD YOU cough .wlmn Shl.loji’s 'Cure will give immediate a"day can’t dress” bo man’s wife/ ’’'Velvets.”-' ‘ . ’ ’T- ’.It won’t wash. ’ ' 'The "secret.ary th,en calle.d/the at jteltti mi-rof-tl i e—cl Ito—to-th 6-fioll.ow-i-ug frojn San Francisco ;* Gardner ' Bespected Silt,—A /ate number of. Nature, the great’ tifi.c journal, announces the fact that the white covering iof arctic ai.inial conduces to their/warmth. Plea • give the Views ufzyour club, reiaii/ve .to the effect of wlntewashing stoves anti thus causy great saving of fuel? LATOW V. Be.ESWAX.' .I’he, -question' being opim for de'' debate Gdvea/am Jones took the negativq/view. •' H,e. was.. ,th.e oiviier of a Mvnite,mule, Qjwf that' animal would? stand and shiver aiicl Shu-Ice ' witl/cold..when, (utiles of other color, hat/ ten pounds'of steam on'the din)' anJ sighed for January siiowbanlds. ' Judge GIucosp. " Parker would sidjy *wi"th Brother' Jones. His - hito -Iog~wguI<!*' -craWT Milder the .ytove, to get warm ou the Fourth of. July,'ami on winter nights la fire had td be.kep’t for hi.s' special benefit, i JThd Hon.’Standoff Smith.also de- sired to add the Weight 'of ■’flTfff r<k''. perimice. lie vv'as the Owner of a i.-w.liitetov-Ur-ibat.... It... was. nuL.o.ue...F.m. picked up during a fire lirfLulpikiJiLg store, but was acquired in a trans­ action fully as legitimate as an-y- ".purclnra^vbr sale* in tlm ■ bouril to! trade, ’ '. . ' . ... .■■■■■■■■/ During the period of snuff-coloreil overcoats lie used to go around crys ihg for ice right in mid-winter, but now even in April weather, his teeth chinked together until t.he :boys on life streft. adviGed liim to bite on a stick. He had-^-woru that white .0 WRMt-to ..tlr4..nwexi-ngviU)<LH tub glu= lie had beqii w;t-liin six. feet, of the could "still feel chills prancing up aud down his spine.-9 ' Upon the question being , sub-- milted to a vote, the assertion'.of. Nature was voted' down- by -118Nature was voted down- by “majority'/' • • '' " * “ Much too Musical. WA0GISH SCOTC1I STUDENTS WIIO TOOK A JOKli WITHOUT.-SURGICAL AIJ). A Scotch professor lias made up bis mind never again on any epusid eratioti whatever to tell his stud- euts what a high opinion he has of the “Dead March in Saul.” , Music, says the St, James’ Gazette, is the delight of his declining years," and lm puts the famous in trch before every- ^ltfit'gr-=i’‘‘'ILnT?tudi(yrit)’ he explained, on one unlucky day to his attentive with cheers. Next day tli class,‘wewe;to If41 mtI, tlimb.he I nul rtbsen1hid Id mself fr om ft-lac • tire in /irilel*to hr»ir th •"D<'mi M arch in Haul?I w ouId oon srdi-■r his exo use valid.1’ Tinu rash a SSG1rti(»n warn re- ceivcd oiass was very thinly attended, and the lecture ■■ interrupted liy the*en­ trance of tlm janitors with notes, ‘Dear Sir? these Tend, ‘I Hope yod will excuse my absence to-day, as I am off to’ hear the ‘Dead March in Saul? ‘Dear Sirs Maying heard that tli/r ‘Dead March in fcauFis to be played to- lay at the cemetery, I flnd/niyseff Unable to stay away from ft/ Hoping yon will,’ etc? ‘Dear >Sir: You will bo pleased to hear rpil.-'to. the tug', and? Tt^iY itdiiii.niAtpr^d. , 'After considerabhf rubbing*.tile eyes of the isufler-er opened.' “ . ' . .. . ' ' ,’ • ' “What kind’ of-a-.’jump did I? ■"m’wlnr^^ffiy^tTixpFTTRlY —— “Eirst class, -my boy,” respond' d the Captain, “You’ll be-all rigid, in a little while.” The Professor immediately re­ lapsed into insensibility. The tug wiisiiuirle lly. started for shore,.and just -as the pier -'was .'readied a* ' 'shudder passed through the frofi-s sor’s .fraipc,,. a“d after ' breatlfine heavily once ,or twice bis .heart stopped• beating and death' came, to Iris relief.’ - -His l-iddy Was .(-'on veyed . - to an .und^taker’s establishinent.'"- ; • A'science-sh-arp says that “the real change tthicli produces old .ago is nothing more :not‘ less than a Slow (but steady accumulation of calcareous . matter, throughout* the ""sj stem; and i t is^owiii gio t h es e d e"j >os i t s t h itt t.h e. structure of eaery organ is altered, elasticity thus ^giving wavMp senife jigidity. • -xKlr>ck;u 1 e of"Vat ioira~Mrjxi* thus commenced, and sooher or later a vital part becomes invo'ved, and death of necessity follows.” How clear, how simple'-hind the remedy— lrow_ obvious ! Avoid a" calcareous, diet. Eat no bread. Live-on (isif, fruit, poultry. Drink cistern.,'water with a little phosphoric acid-in it’. ~Do“alT these things- -and'you will never grow old ? .Well, theoretically, you will not.. Practically—all flesh is grass. (Co day it is and, to-morrow- it is cremated. ’ TeJieR Price ,M)cts./W cts., aml t?-l Sold;by.J. 11. 'C'ombq. ■ 330-ly, “Prat’, niy lord,” aslceci a. gentle ■man of a judge, “what is the '-rliiler- epee between common law and ""ecfUity?1 -Very ; little in the end,’ aiisweied his lpniship. .‘A.t common law you' are (lone, for -at once; in equity-ypu are n^Uso easily disposed of. The former is a bullet which- is instantiiheously ami charmingly elfective, the latler-an angler’s book which “plays with -the victim before • it kills~i)iin. Common law ia prussic acid ;.equity is Jaudajium.”' . Sx-'.liflersnttH Tried it. Ex*AldCrii-tan Th.C-lor,’of Toronto, tried Hiigvard's YeJ my Oil for Rheumatism-. It cured him’after all other remedies had failed. • 339-21,* WALL I ■PAPER S ■ Tbo time for House-Cleaning.is near. All wanting Hall, Parlor, Dimag-Rooiti,'-or Bed- •’Room--.Papers,' . PAPER. A Qp.ll and see t,be papers and gpt a BqoR ■ ’ iccr»ri»S r«pte«ont» tl« Luop lu a. bSiuiuj «s*toj Fi'HR V/A7 iT'Wi’.b fir ri-i' i 1-,: CO , ' " -CLINTON, ONT., DEALERS IN-- Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully and * Accurately Compounded, ■ - and Orders Answered.with Care and Despatch. Thtt Public vjlfl find our Stock of Medicines Complete^ Warranted an'd'ofdhe Pest Quality ■ r,. . • , ' . ' ' ' Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists’ Sundries usually kept in a First-Class Drug Store. • .- Physician.—“ Yes. sir, you • m'mftri stop'eating bet ween nionls. 'fbat is wliat is the matter with .you.” Pat­ ient.—“lint if I did hot eitt between " 'meals I sbotild starve- to death,” “•Nonsense.” “But, I should, doctor, indeed . 1 should..” “Jlbtt can that possibly be ?” “ I board,” .. ' ■ . . It excites cxpectcration an<l cnu‘c3 the luripi to throw oti'tl e | Ide-m t r t.iiu-,.t.'.; <//..»,,> t '.i’ sa>etwi, c»d jjtn‘N-is i’.e ;.l ea’-, the irri - tated—parts-; givs s-rci>;::h. to ti e C., c-.tive or.t.'nts ; l.i.'ng-. the Ever to, it, ptipir a> t’oti.-•■ and iinp.nis siticngLli.-Xo JJuu-3vl.Lle sy-ietnt- Su'Clt IS '1'1115 ILSMI LIATB AND .‘.ATI: VAC’I I CV Errr.cT that it is t, er>t;>.I>e<tk, Lg L e mast n'/stri ssirx c in <s Je'a t.eurs lhr<\ d' .not. of too I'. t g state ..I:g» It r< <•> Huitct t o GIVE >-.STIi:i',' S.Vl tMACTIOS, ■ 1 VI N IN TIC.'.. mest eiyi/ii r. sd.eitsefjh/' (. ensnn f. an ' It is " wtirrantulnet t > pro ’it- ecos.iv'ct.tr-s in'.st rein- ’ ■ edits eattse, to.; itotd, e) < r t’ e 1 Gel, as it coihah;S’ni) Op'f;ii.1i* nt y f >t:i. it ist ar ranted to. ie {\rjre,'v. ia,i/tt\ss .ta tl.c m«'St delicate Clidd, :tt.>.t’,li. It it i> i.n active at.d pew- ' ......crfal tctncdy for tcsurir.g the ‘.j-u'nr; 'iitvre ■ '■< is „<> reat ni t essiti'./er so many de.eJts ty C i n- ■ 5 suifi/>ti(>il w'he'ti At t.r.x's l.t LG Bai.sWM.:y^ll • prevent it if only taken in tttr.c. To 1 hysictrins.. having consumptive p i.tirnts, and .v.-|«>,-havnig . failed to cure litem with tlicir ov. n!iri’d|chte, vi<s ■ would rccomnten.f to.give Ai.lpl's I.L'nC Bal- , ijAM .a trial Hatd ly att Untwists. . . . „ ABE YOU MADE miserable by In­ digestion, Constipation, Dizzinbss’, Lo* s of Appetite,' Yellow, Skin? Shilohls Vi talker is .a/positive cure. •gjohl-by-Mi'IlT (.krtirbt,'r ■—"''oSfj-Tv^e.otuv*' When Franco was.tbreatenedAvith the cholera the board ol"health'^tel- .('graphed to every town in Hie coun­ try: “ Cholera is coming ; prepare lor . it. ’ From a certain interior, town came hack the answer: ‘‘ We are quite ltady.” —— - •The'boatd bf health? thurking that perhaps a new scheme "of. sauHiU.ion L®yPAUs“°v“*’“‘1 a nd -a |q>I ie<pin tFje town’i'eTei'red’ to, Tfiatso • pro in pt*’ an answer was received, wired .to the ' mayor : “ What have you done ?” His reply was : “We estimate that abou t fou i: hu n 11 red,, pet’ffpHs' /jji 1 W&& liei'e Of cholerit; abd '->e ‘ itug IdT the wlfdlebT tmFm?1 .• It cost, a citizen of Chicago $20 to punch tlm head, of a reporter on the G’/i/cugo .'Vraw, and h.e was one. of the cheapest, reporters the .V.-irs hud, too. There is no reuiilar established price in Detroit, ns such cases generally end inn funeral, with. the reporte.'r riding in the front hack. -• Detroit b'ree-Prets, ■ / EJrudaclsc. • . . Headache is one of the most dis* tressing complaints, tlmb depends ’.upon nervous irritation, had circnln tion, nr a disordered1 state of the stomaeh, live", boivals, etc.' The cd ■ItOi* and proprietor <>f the Cauaihi_ >■ rEgfnjlxi'iiiLcured after years of .suffering with head.-lche, and npw_ I'.LTiiQIies.rlAXli07"xjHiies.’QL’.7B.iialjou^ eBlood Bitters.339.2t _ “Well, Father Brown, how did you'1 Jjj^keijny,,se;^ .yesterday ?’’ asked i parson,’’’was. '■ nWfffpy; “I Ifaveii’t a fair clianceuil An old.jDurmilist s'ays : Otir New York papers,' aS a Pule, give up their columns to actors who cannot act, to pidze-light'Crs anti the sporting fen ternity generally, and1 to recot’ditig “crime. Fdy politics they ettn, find room, but for the true interests of the people they have no s’puce, In­ deed the newspaper Ims become only it vehicle for Conveying the idle chat - ter of the street, the /’oWH, and the bar room. A man can read all the New York papers of a morning a.nd know .less when, he gets through with them than when he began. In saying this w.e are not looking for any re­ form. Newspapers nre almost it re- flex of the time, This is a trival age; men are npt in earnest iujiny of the affairs of life. If penile‘are amused they are sutislied. them sermons of youru. I am an old mon now, and have to set putty well back by the - stove ; and there's .old .diss Sinith'n.Mrs, Bvlan’s darter’s,’n Nobby Burt,’n all the* rest sitting in front of me with their mouths wide open' a swiillei'in’ down all the best of the sermon,’h what ge s down to me is putty poor stuff, parson,-putty pqog stuff. . '■ ~ SHILOH S CURE vvill immediately •relieve Croup, Whooping Uoti'-h, and Bronchitis. Sold by J. II. Combe. 33C-ly not looking for any ro­ ue, This is a trival age; If pepple’ato amused SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY— a positive cure lorUatarrhfDiptlleria, nod.’ Canker Mouth. Sold by “J. II. Combe. A St. Paul Sunday school teacher, (ptestioning her class as to their par­ ents’ location, employment, etc,, found one little boy unwilling to (elt his father's business. She i e assured him with her brighlcsl smile, but. felt dubious when lie ‘guessed he couldn’t tell her that? Iler curiosity was of c,nurse aroused, and. she at once made up her rnin<I td- know all about it. Thinking of dynamiters and bur­ glars, and the. other posts of society we .are constantly hoip’ing about, She insisted with some trepidation on his This is Krlijiblo, ~-rr.' Np Wii’eiifTtr;' Mpi’chntTf,“ol Ever­ ton, was. cured of a severe attack of inflammation of the.lungs by Hag yard’s Pectoral Balsam. ’ .This . gr.ein throat and lung healer cures' Weal- .lungs, coughs. JI oaTsoness, bronciiitis CUTTI NG B( )XES,' S I I EULERS, ■ ■ . imX/ERQ.,.. r ... . Atjd'all ImplpmCn’ts" used o.n’a farm, ’ as Good as t he Best, and as Cheap - as Uib. Ciil'tlptEst J .... WESAIU P|KLS, MLLEES.JC,, >Jj“ Tlic Bazaar Fasiiion’Book.1' ini’ 1883 are aui und can be had for noiluag.y \ ©ODERTGH.'.., . EJ” lie Sells Cheaper than any oneonTojTof the Earth A kiss is said to be swe'et not be­ cause it contains saccharine matter but because a man doesn’t know what else to call it when lie feels the efFect travelling through his 'system on a lightning express with no stop check. It is safe to assume that a man who" attempts to describe a kiss never had one; men who have had kis«es (not smacks^ don’t want to talk ; they just want to think, and dream,‘anddie with their boots on. So wo have been told says a Texas e “liter; YOUNG MEN! READ TftlS. Tun Vol,taic Bnt/r Co., of Marshall, it’li,, offer to send their xclebiafcd Elec- uc-Voltatc Belt and other..Electuu' CPLlAXeiw on trial Cor thirty (lays, to t-n (young «r *dd} afflicted with nervous . bility, loss of vitality and manhood, and I kindri'l troubles, Also lor rlieUtniv, | an, neurdgla, paralysis, and many other : senses. Complete restoration to health, i' for rmd mahlmnd gthrniiticd. “ No risk ,■ fl a 7>T Pl coriti-aels niatiu >• - ij h:La'Tlii<P.\fr:i; .U.Ll'i-U 'vliicji is kept *)li 9. ; W OS 5 IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, 1Liax3'5T0N. 4 ’ eNTAEtlO v BIIj------- _.......... . (lie at the i:ll.-e- of r.i>|{|> & TllOMAS, Uoi-niick Block, U’.i.icagu HI ' ©r.p.oo Foks- Jlaviiu tiiu iitin -t. i'otil|’!i.')i<-(-in its’.-<'.fppYlm-.it}' oyer .ii^Hiu'i.-, ,u .l.aiit-r.ib-MsAiiUai‘LtviGuf tosi ' tiio'-t. I'oniplii.ati'tl n-.i'l--in<ru-t C.isi'.i Wjmeo'nld iiiii'l, we led'jii-.i’.ii -U in i.ltciing t j f-irTeTt (me L'tini-aml oodiid *.■;• :'.uy' Co.ugli-i, e-ihlh, ~'.w-e4ni--i.it, if*.I.urn.'.,i, li ».u-.-;vnc->, l.n.ik ii'itis. c-<u- ; sumption, in it-i.e.ui.;- "-t.uos. wno >ping 'cough, •ami a.t dmt.••i-.ci';.t t lO'tho.Mt' oul limgs', i-xcvpt Astiim.i,. mi' woi'-.h Avo'oiii.v einjm relief,■■tii'iCK.wu :eiiu.'< iiiire w'r n \Vc-.t.'s f ' ’ tp, wneii taken aeeonling to 'dirc'-ti ili bottl.’s- 2j .liid - ,'.Q cents; nir/e. b >ti I- < Guuiiine.wi-.ip- •per.s omv in bl.ii-. M i.i}£isrs.'</|-s< nt.' in expi'i-som re,. ipt i lillN11'. Wi-ISl’' K. -1-1 L'orui'ito Ont. *<)..il( ( nt,(.'iliiCmuAG'U and alf pectoral'complaints. ■ 399-2 Here is a gem introduced into a breach of promise case-it is an ex­ tract from a letter-—"Dearest, love, I have swallowed the postage stamp which was qn your letter, because I knew that your tips liadloiiched’ib. DJI. SMITH’S' GERMAN WORM REMEDY., Or Wormerine, speedily, removes all Kinds ol worms, cleanses itlje bowels of all impurities, cures biliousness and indigestion. Try Jt. Sold by all druggists. X’rie.e 25 cents .per box. • ■" 339-2b • »• VIOTOK8:A" E3LCCK.': --------—0----0----------- Hawing purchased a large stock qf ' . OTS AND-SHOES At Greatly 'Reduced Prices' . I nnrpreparcd to sell LOWER THAN TH fl LOWEST.. SX/A1J'k3 POV7.DEKS. ■Both'TTglii' aninieavyrDouble’ •and'-Sinylerat-’O REA-'f-Iz¥‘-RE D UC ’E-D4‘PRICJEST~ Trunks & Valises'away down. Baby Carriages in great variety., . 15,0-00 tales Gf..Higli land Pine and Cedar Shingles, CHEAP. ■“ to 1-j.et. ovoi- _A®'£Ln(_!*2J1 IL’LLjeL. l,““’Ili_■9L1*'- that ' the strength of the British army dies J urged i n-*- v o 111 n t ur y'-e n-I is fhm nty* wliicl.i.gi.v.e.sfigl|ting-me.n..for .fighting and leaves the rest lof* peaceful pur- •suits.. In England it has always been -found that a rumor of war brings any number of recruits needed, whereas the United States areTull ad men who. have left their Country to avoid--tlm nrinv, many of whom are suited for nottiing but th6 army. S5OD REWARD! WK will pi.v the above reward for any case Of Liver ('oiaphjint, lb.spep-da, Sick l.feadacho, Ira dilfei-tloil, <‘oiistipnfi<;a orCoStivvnesa we'rannot .Lisette a i.lh *>Ve*r.rwVxi^eL'*.l>I<i-Liv'’ei' Wb's* ivlmwthe- directions are eric’l.v <'niin»li<-d With. They -are ■ : ]y-i4a<ly--V'i'i;'<‘t liile.'-ifitl -iHwer-f.til tn'-asxr'-s'ltfefffCii tioti. Snuar Coated. Large.h >xes, eonLiininir 30 ''-l*ifis-,--.Mir'tnrrtH.-*r'w'«ai”-lH--ntl-|>nistrta4r.—By- wiira of eo'inferfi-lt's and hntt itions. The Sff’nil- irnuii.uiaf ictiircd only by JOHN tVKST.y CO,’/ Pill Maker s" Si and S;J Klng-st., Toron- to, Ont. Prec tri ll ijudta-jos .sent l»y mairjire-- i;>atd oil receipt of a 3 'cent stamp. J, H. Combe, agent,Clinton il lot ko. Gonttthrtlmir own ", p f+*. H’lro, a:i<l c/Tcctuai in Children or Adult* Trio Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, in- ilmate. worms. - Freeman's '.Worm Powders will, quickly and effectually .remove them. ' "337-4C ” A medical Journal says tha’t a sneefce will cure all attack bl' hiccough. When a mail, isRi church, atid feels an attack of hiccoughs coming on during prayer ' he .may disperse the( threatened annoyance’by letting fly* u robust sneeze, ’ ll is very simple-— but the congregntion would’prubably prefer the hiccoughs, . ' ’ THE REV. GEO, IL THAYER, of .Bourbon, Ind,, says I “Both myself and wife owe our lives to 3IJInOIt'S CONSUMPITON uCRE,”" Hold By J. II. Combe. 336-ly - “I. say, I?atsey,»yo cant weigh load on these scales.” “Why can’t <>i, Larry? Phut’s the matther wid t.lm scales ?” , “Don’t ye see( ycz hav more than a ton on there, and the scales only weigh half a ton.'” “Well, bo dad, I'll’tolkye—y« must dhrivc the front wheels on and weigh halt’a to’n, and llmn drive the hind wheels on and weigh the other half ton.”,.. “Tbrne for yea, mo b’y. What ft foine thing it is to havo a niasther i„ brain.” yer. National Rills are Xi ^-^ JrQusemgsrFhgEsE-^ French l/Yors&s. - 'Z:. SHITH, T3& OLOTHIER, (lodiuich, Inis a ^spienilitlly assorted stock ‘of new Spfliig iinfi'Punriner'Goo'dB. .Ordered and. Ready-made Sults rtt the lowest prices eVer heard of—-notie blit the best of IrijnTiiingH used, and perfect tits guaranteed, A full line of CENTS’ FUJJNISHU1CS always in stock, ('all and sec, it-will pay you. Ths Square. GrOTDBDRTOTaZAOJNTT. ' i"5 REMOVED. J?T)OYAL SHAVING PARLOF.”— ’ .11 HAIITIY FlSBElt hftsretno.Vtd twodoorg Wl of Konntih’d hotel, where ho Will be to given nfeo eienti Slave And a stylish halr-eitt to ell joiaio.1* patiroft#*ihd many hew once «e . Dll. F. ( .Neuve AXt) BllAlX Tut',.>1'ME'.T,agii;V'iinleed^pyi'liic Ibr 1-lys-' lei ia, Dizziness, U mvilfaioiis, Fits, Nervous Nimralgiti, ilint<bX'‘lii,) Nervous Prostration (nugw4 by ' tlui Use of itleoliol op tobacco, .Wakefulness, Menial Depression, .Soften­ ing of the Brain result1!tig in in-anjly and leading to miser)*, <leeay and deatlii Pre-, mature. Old Age, lHrMUiess, Loss ofprlWef ill either sex, Involuntary Lo-sesa.nd Sper- matorrlxi’t caused by over-exertion ol tlm brain, seif-ahiLn- or ove.r-iu.hilgenvn. Each bifx conhiiiissmn mouth’s treatment, §1,00’ a b ix, or six boxes IiH' ^.'lOV, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ef price, We Ouarartlee Six Boxes To cure any cxwet. With each order .re- eidved by us lor six boxes, accompanied with $.">,<)(), we will sand-tlm purchaser, our written gnnrantee to refund the money if the treatment does not vllcot a cure. Guarantees issued only by Jolts C, West & Co,,81 and 83 Kingut, E«, Toronto, Ont. (,J IL Combe, agent, Qlintott, 314-ly WILL CURE OR RELIEVE . BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species of.dtseass nrlslnff -frow* disordered LiVt-ft,. RIDNEY8, 8TOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. HiliBORN & GOA p""”'tia1TO. DIZZINESS, ' - DROPSY, FLUTTERING GF THE HEART} ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, eoftledf!