HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1885-05-13, Page 3w
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IS GottS 8S
uron Geordi
First of May^-Twq alleged
boons were conferred upon bur peo
ple on the let of May last. Liquor
celling was declared illegal (except
for medicinal purposes), and trout
tjxhing declared legal. We wav now
look for a magnificent crop of sick
men and liars as the outcome of
these twq boons,
Ex-Huronites.—N, ,.’W. Mat'
thews who belonged to the 90tb bat
talion and was wounded/ in battle in
the Northwest ro that he haj to
have one arm’arnputaced was a fors
mer resident of Wingham and Ar»
thur Watson the young Englishman
killed in the recent engagement was
for Some jime, not lt>ngsinoe, engag
ed on the farm of Gordon Young,
brother of the reeve of Col borne
Pkehistoiuc—The opinion is. en
tertained now by many men of sei*
ence that the art of making artificial
stone, for structural purposes is pre-*
historic, and-that the pyramids were,
in fact, built of artificial blocks
manufactured from the surrounding
plain. One would judge by the'
large orders W. H. Cooper, of Clin
ton, is receiving for artificial stone of
his manufacture that he had soured
the prehistoric secret. However
this may be, whether Cooper makes
his artificial stone on the pre or post-
historic basis its durability will attest
to coming generations its intrinsic
Twas Ever Thus,—The Wing*,
ham ^Vidette publishes a tabulated
statement showing that hotel pro*,
pertysin, that town has, according to
the. assessment roll, decreased in val
ue from $22,200 in 1884 to $17,600.
This ia one result of the Weott .Act.
’We. may. look for some appeals at.
the Clinton Court of Kevision from
thb same cause, We’are told that
one hotel property here which has '
previously rented for $4S0,00, .has
now been let for $150,00. 'Twrs
ever thus, there is no evil without
■its compensating advantages, and ntr
. good'accom’plished without some at-
-teiidant evil, ■ ;
■ Dr*.Edward Holmes, of Holmes
ville, -a graduate of Trinity Met*,,
ical College, Toronto, ' left here
Thursday of last week to locate and
practice his profession k.t North Bay,
Eftke-Nipisiqnu,. C. P.B. Dr. Holm
es is a gentleman of excellent stand-
iug in the community .. where best
known, and we arffadvised by those
who are in a position jo' know, and
wb<Fare competent To form an opin
ion,that his niitural aptitude for, the
.noble calling he has chosen, and his
marked studioUoriess while endeavor
ing to master the details of the sci
ence of medicine, show that foe pos
sesses many admirable qualifications
which shall some day place him in
a very creditable’position among the
disciples of Esculapius.-
.Queen’s Birthday.-—An “extra of
Gn<setfe~says that the'
.■Qiieiu's Birthday will be observed on •
Monday, 25th of May. As the 24th
of May comes on Sunday this year,, it
is .quite possible that in all our Can-,
adian com munities'where the obser
vance of the occasion as a holiday
■win, take place that Monday will be
the day selected. . Other years O’!in-
7LL l.ZYr -” Y 'ts^l^oVaItyMb°I5ueefi
"and British institutions by making
a regular gal'A day of the-.24th. It.
is to be- hoped that this year Mur
' people will not allow the_day to pass'
/without the_u.sua.l'iprms.ef recoguits
/ ion. Ju view of the attempts in
some* quarters'to “down” British
connectiop it would ^eem “peculiarly-
fitting that a d7>niovnstration indicate
iveof personal- attachment to’Our
■ -i^ue&ri’iiiYd’i'ftppTbl7ati'vft of cur con- '
tent to remain part of the grandest
empire the sun has ever shone on,
be made by our citizens, ’ .
Enforcinct the Scott Acx.—Dr.
“Williams Of: Clinton was among the
representatives who interviewed At
torney General. Mo Wat last week re
garding the enforcement of the Scott
Act'in counties where it is now the
. Jayri. The deputation asked .that the-
attorney-general appoint police mag
istrates, without salary, until -Ihe
.for tiiems*lves meetings of -the . .different county
, i. councils,-which are empowered to ’LUK? K/WLM <1** yivi*i’WU4 • * J I. ■ ,
te POTMC/fectooL Aim. D« ' ‘''P"'?1.0?‘CU’ e"for'«' ‘J* />
which wa, to/liave been Kriday las, i U‘° ““'."X. bX ‘t‘» Do“‘'"
i l. • j* *' . . ’/ion license commissioners of whole-.Iva.s been postponed owing to the un- ‘ d I, / .1 > ,1 ... sale licenses and druggists licenses,iavorable feather-on tliaA a,nd pre- ,’ T. .i . lY '-to ex-tavern keepers be remeduid.ceding df^y. It will now be next . „„ .... .. r ., , .. .
Thursday, the same dky as th § town
ArborzLlay. It is hmnly desirable
that Jll our -Jftfzens "iuterest •dretri-
selvds in t,|re'’\yorik <?f tree planting
Trjea will be living moniMiuentS to
_ ™ after ’tluman“1iRri^T^JnncffTeE
i 7 them out have moulded into dust. .
Alu. John KiNg, town, met with
/ a peculiar accident the ^qtfjer day.
/ . He was chatting and joking with
/ liis wife and several young ladies;-
he rose from his chair, which oue of
the ladies slightly removed,.and on/;
attempting to resume, bis seat lie
missed the chair and came heavily
, to the floor. The result was that
one of Mr. King's,thumbs wa,s sq
badly torn that medical aid had to
be procured arid he will Ixe prevented
frprn attending^to his ordinary duties
for several weeks, *Mqral, “keep
away from the girls’.” . 1 i*-—
A Roll Gall.—The Gait Report*-
.er suniS up a 6ad. showing fo.r de*
pression howlers when remarking on
the recently' returned assessment,
rolls of thatrtown. The Reporter
ftnyg ;—Tllfl 'RiOll of 1894 sllOWld
that the towb'/gain'ed' iu assessment
over 1883, $9$,840, this year, $81,-
900 over 18184.-or a total fdr fhb
two years of $176,749. Tue gain,
in population by 1884 roll was 323{
this years 203—or a total for the
two years, of 526. Then it must be
borne in rabid the small area of land
covered by the municipality, and
that on the E4st and along Macada
mizpd Road quite a largJ suburban
population resides.”
Tenants Rights.—A casq lias re
’ cently been decided iu New York)
justifying- the right of a tenant to
vacate a house and to refuse to pay
rent on the ground of 'unsanitary"
conditions., The case was: “In a’
suit for rent claimed to bo due from
a tenant of a suite of rooms in an
apartment house. It appeared that
the tenant’s wife and servants were
> taken sick hy inhaling a malarial or
poisonous gas in the apartments oc*
on pied by them; that this unhealthy
condition of the apartments was ow*
ing to a defective condition of the
PF'' general plumbing work of the house,
of which the landlord was notified
by orders from the Board of Healthy
reijaiHng him to have changes made"
iti tlm pluriibing; work, Uhd which
condition could have been removed
if he had complied with these orders:
that the defendant waited for two
weeks, and finding that nothing was
done on the part of the landlord,left,
tinder the apprehension thgt ho was
imperilling the he^Uh of himself and
family by remMniirg?’
lUtpn* Wednesday, May. lBtli
ftric.'ii-*■. .., . . ’
In an< 4r«u«d the ♦* itiiuJ’
Stfw Wife*
UOTICB.—At tee will lie to receive
item* of frgiii'aiigreliabU wur<»iet?Aer
yerbal er writleftl-^ Jt»pprt*,of' meetings, Oh
Certainmeiite, eodf(S andckurch doing*, etc.*
. etc> or ang otkef matter i of general interset
' - will »lu>ags have aPdmt.iV'O^risolumipi.^-Eu
(ggr Bov Wanted to learn the
art of printing.—Apply at • this
^^“Jusr Receiveo from New
York some elegant designs in
WallPapers, also a’large assort
ment of American Express Wag
cons and Baby Carriages, Chris
Dickson, Clintoq, •
Arbor Dav,-r-The Clinton town
Council have set apart Thursday
May 14than Arbor Day. It is de
sired that those wishing trees to
plant and those’ having trees for sale
should have an interchange of views
previous to that<fday:—May 14th js
the official civic day fur planting
'shade trees. . ' . •
Ab a battle is expected in
the Northwest, shortly, parties de
siring the daiSy papers should leave
their orders for some paper- for a
week and then they will he sure to
s get them, Dickson, at the City
■ Book 8tpre will ba hiippy to attend
\ to all.- •’ 337J r -
Removed.—A. W. Carslake, Tail
or, has removed to the old stand
- lately occupied by Mr. Evans, Vic
toria street. - J
The Wanderers Junior Cricket
Club have cottalueneed their practice.
They commence the season, under
most favorable circumstances.
1 Recext advices frotu England are.
to the effe&t that the.foraier Bishop
| of Huron,.B.ev, Dr. Helliu’tath, will
not visit Canada during the present
I . Beason. .
Messrs Will and John Sh&w, of
. Clinton are among the volunteers hr
- the Northwest. Will is with the
90th. at the front, and John with
the 92ud at Ualgarry. ...
Mr' Wjl 'Young, son of Mr,
( Henry Young, of Clinton is with the
--------91st,'at Qu’Appelj-under-comm&nd-
of Col. Osborne Smith. ■ Mr. Youjrg"
has been promoted to the position of
Corporal. _ .
‘ The Gantelon Bros, in the Tem
perance Colony, N. W. T., are about
to found a village, to be called
CantelonviUe, . khd will, secure, if
possible, a post office.' It is expect-
run through the village, to Hum
boldt, etc., as the survay has already
been made. - •
Death from Exposure.—ThcfT'
have been'at_ least two„deaths■la.t‘4y
caused by exposure while attending/
Spring Showso Mr. Juts. Tipling.oJ
Grey was one ftf, the deficasgd...audya,
horse owneroami exhibitor ii^ar
Exeter, Mr. Sturgeon. The unfaVor-
- able state of the weather affected"
them fatally. ' '
Foot Bali,.—The Cliwtqn/ Foot
Ball Club re organised on \¥rediies
day. Tf|p following bfiJeefs were
eelected: Hon. ■ Pred'lept, Wiu.
Doherty; President, Tlios. Jackson,.
Jr.; Vice-President, F. Irving;. Sec
retary-Treasurer, F. Udrbett; Capt.’,'
W. D/Stewart; Upnaiuittee/ A,,
Mair, F. Swinbank./ Jgs.‘ Walker;-’
J. Doherty, E.. Hojhnes. The dub
have commenced practice, and ’may
make a recor
during, the comhig seasou.
ed that * branch of tlieXkEYRYwilK^fWffilT^llowff'jfi
I The attorjmyygeneial made no reply
to either/.of the requests. One
wpulcHtliinlruthaViTp' great iifjijry
could.be done Between now and the
fitting of. the County Counc s . They
xl/ . ... , , f . i • fheet'the third Tuesday in'J line, iiiit
"impatience of the Scott Act Conven
tion lnembers-to become comj.noh
informers, prosecutors ami judges
smacks strongly of UncliariLabienesH.,
If the Scott Act remains law it will
be enforced the same as anv other
•law,,, with.out the fussy officiousnesR
of Scott Act cqmmrttees.' ■'
After Many Months.—Last fall
a correspondent noted in these col
umns the departure’of Mr. Jas.‘;G.
Henderson of the 6th con. Goderich
township for Michigan, with the
purpose of engaging in lumbering oA
any thing else, that suited him better.
. HeI got jq,AlpeJia.Ri).d from thM’e.no-
fur.t11er .trace of him could biyfound.
Aft.er several months of anxious
waiting by his friends without heir-
•ing from hitn his brother-in-law,
George Montgomery, was despatched
to-Michigan to find out what had
become of.Heuderson, Beyond find
ing that his extra suit of clothe**,val
ice etc, were at a saloon or hotel at
which he had stayed and that lie had
gone “to'see a jfriend,” no trace*of
him could be- gleaned?‘ This hotel
did not bear a very good .character,
, -as persons who had stayed at it had
been found drowned off tho (look in
front of it. It was at once sui’inis*'
ed that Henderson had met with
foul play, as there are always about
such places in lumbering centres
sharpers "who 'will “spot” a 'stranger
and relieve him “ of what spare-cash
he happens to have, even if they
have to resort to murder to accomp •
iish their'object, and Henderson had
a little money. The fact of Hender
son leaving liis working clothes "bet
hind him at the hotel showed, that
he had not gone to the lumber woods
nor was elsewhere employed, Weeks
and months rolled bv arid yet no tid**
itigs from “Jamie”, There was
therefore nothing for his distracted
parents and anxious frienlls to fall
hack upon other than the assumption
that be had been foully dealt with
or had met with an accident. Such
surmises have unfortunately proved
too true, Mis friends here were in
formed last week that the body of
Jas, Henderson had been found,
identified and buried at Alpena,
Michigan. We are not informed if
any stops will bo taken to inquire
into the cause of his death.’ He,
was « kind hearted, honest young
man was “Jamie” and with, his many
pierids wo deplore his untimely end.
Mr. 11. Bay, ba# returned from
Detroit where he had been visiting
his sister*
i Miss Clara MOcntoast.-’j, who
spent the winter in Arizona returned
Monday last touch improved -in
Grant to Gibbings—Thursday last
Mr. John Gibbings, of the organ man
ufacturing firm of Doherty A Gib-
binge, was married to Mrs. Grant.
Chas. IIqwson, left for Regina, N.
W. Tt> Monday morning taking with
him a number of horses with the
purpose of going into the livery busi
ness in the capital of Assingboia.
The .Beautiful—Fully three in
ches of snow fell here during Friday
night and Saturday morning. A
few hoursof daylight disrobed moth
er earth of her mantie of purity.
A Payn'ig Concern,—The directors
of the Clinton Skating Ilink Go., met
Monday evening. /The usual finan
cial business was transacted t and’-or
dividend of ten per. cent for the pajt
year declared^.......» w- •
Pasture Sale.—The pasture of the
Clinton Driving Park Association
grounds was sold on Saturday to the*
Messrs. Andrews Bros, for the sea
son, for $06. Auctioneer Dickinson
wielded the hammer.
A Banker’s Cold "Bath.—-Mr.
Bailey, a clerk in the Molsons Bank
at Exeter, while crossing .the creek
in that vicinity on, a log, fell into
the water, which went over his
•liqad, Beyond an unpleasant bath,
Mr B. was not hurt, •
Mr. ■ John Oraib has obtained a
position with Marshall, Leiter & Co.,
qf Chicago, the largest dry-goods
house in the west. Being a'former
■highly esteemed, citizen of Clinton,
we wi?h the. gentleman every success
and have no doubt that his merits.,
will command it.
To and From the Front.—Dick
son's City book store windows, and
the windows of Floody’s . bee-hive
store were placarded Sunday # last
..with manuscript reports of the rout
of Riel the preceding Saturday, The
enterprising proprietorshaving come
to the front with the “very latest”
from the front. ;
^.Mistakes Will Happen.'—Here
is an example'of the thousand and
one mistakes which' occur in the
composing room-of . the printing of
fice. The manuscript copy read
thus ; “Evoking tl.e shadow of a-
shale.” The compositor set it in
type, “Cooking the shadow of a
shad.” The striking part-of the er*
ror was that the rhetorical figure
had been preserved.
Railroap Despatch.—The Strat
ford’ ’ Times say-s ; “TJie-*- ^Toronto
.morning papers are now delivered
in Stratford .at.'. 1125,- h al faivJio ur-
earlier than formerly, and the mails
■from Montreal 3 and a half-hours
earler.” The ~ Tore .to morning
papers are delivered ■ f.” Clinton at
4 p m, about five hours, after they
reach .Stratford ; distance between
the two points 33 miles. .“Nuf. aed,”
but not enough done in mail tran*
iftia<inn tn-poiats^-west—of—Torhnto-..;
Home Again.—Mr. F.T. Jackson
who-has lieen doing city life i.ti -.the
metropolis of Ontario for seven or,
eight tnbiiHis, past is home again in
.Clinton for a time. Th'; disappear
ance of * the Rlobe's-, rebel’ i-brross-
pondeut Jackson from the 'North*
west and - the appeavehce of F* T- '
Jackson in Gliiit.qii/aboub .the same
tiine, innst not lead our readers to’
-ninrgi-n-e-tJiftt-tiiey-are —one—a-itd—Gm- *
same person. F. T. is hot that.
kind of a man, Got by a very large
majority. ” .... ’
’ Tree Planting.—Hero is what*, the
governor of .Kansas, in his proclama
tion for an arbor day,’ says:—“The
statc%vl.ich the pioneers found trec-
■less” and a desert, now bears’upon
• its fertile.bosom “more than 20,CIO,-
0 >0 of fruit trees and. motAthan 200,-
000 acres of foreign; trees, all plantccl
by bur own people.,” And the gover
nor also SayS^'tliat there has been an
increas’e in the rainfall in Kansas, is
"fully proved by tjie statistics of oldest
An Inadvertence.—In our report
of council proceedings last week the
iiaihe of Thos. MacKenzie " was
inadvertently substituted for that
- of-AI,ex—MaqKerizie-a8“the-secondm,“
of the cow bylaw.- As councillor
Tlios., MacKenzie is -a. vigorous
upholder qf the rights - pf the -cows
ptemises of any and all citizens,
subject to a suit for damages, it is
but fair to state that gross injustice ,
was done hiiy by the appearance of.
bis .name in a mariner indicative of
his favoring the' restriction of the
natural rights of “bossy.”
Obit,—Mr, John Baileyf a Hativo
of Manchester, England ,diod at the
residence of Mr. Chris Young,’Thurs
day,'and was. buried on Saturday,
aged, TA years, lie had boon ailing
for some time. Ho was one of the
’ Yhrst settlers on, tho Base Line, about
4Q years ago, but lie afterward re-
' • moved' toMilicr 16th - con,' G Oderich
township from which he rom'ovud ’to
Clinion about a year ago, He leaves
a widow but no other immediate
relatives, Mr. B&yrcy ’Was an ex
cellent type of the honest, rugged
Englishman and was much esteemed.
tby all who kneiyJhim. ■ *• ...
. T^ie Scott.
arb informed that tlm'TiOense Com
missioners’ estimate of $900 for' the
enforcement''of the' Scott . Act for
the license year just expiring was
too small, and that accounts amount*
ing to"about $600,“for thd1 payment
of which there are 110, funds on hand,
will shortly be sent to the Ontario
Government, ‘ W.h ether * he Govern-,
ment will pay all of tho^b; ;e amount
or call on the county to pay two-
thirds of it) as it did of the $900, we
edrinousay, but it is not improbable
that, the County Council will somr
be asked to supplement the $600
voted by . them last December by
$400 more.—J/iVfon Champion.
The* Norwest,—The Messrs
Elliott of Dorters Hill recently re--
ceived a letter* from their brother
T, M. ’Elfiott, of Elliott/1 Dd^o'fti
The letterAvas of date April 24th
and at that date the writer was
through seeding, having putin over
700 acres of grain. The firat flown-
was already above ground, Fhis
is a a pretty good-allowing for a
country that a few years ago was
' called by. the Americans themselves.
“The Great American.Heaert,” Now
it is knowtf to Fe very nearly gs
'doBira'ble a place to locate in as our
own “Great Lone Lai.J” which was
1 until a vmy recent period considered
uninhabitable, fit only for a preserve
' for fur -beariug atiimcils, Times
changed so do our opinions df men
and countries;
New Goods
*TixSJt Heoei-ve><a.. '
lO*Big Reductions in Photograph Albums, and Cups and, Saucers
^ssr-Laurenco’s* Celebrated Pebble Glass Spectacles for sale.
( . DICKSON (JlintoiL
: Ql t
I !Miss Maggie Hunt of Kippen has* that they will be maffe.sbill hotter,
.Returned home after visiting Mrs.
Harry Hunt, town.
Three more battalions of troops
have been called out. Among them
the Sand of Bruce county Mr. D.
McDonald who for some time ’past
has been'veterinary student with Dr.
Blackall belongs to the 32nd and will
leave at once to join his company.
•t Complimentary.—The Doherty
Organ Co. band m«de “the welkin
ring” with the strains of syveet music
on Monday evening while paying
their respects to"the newly married
couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jqh'n Gibbings,
Mr, Gibbings invited “der boys” in*
side and did the hospitable.
Good Stock Hoiles. —Messrs S,Cb
S witzer "and J. W. Reid Will travel
the imported Clydesdale “Cashley
Prince” in Goderich and Stanley
townships.'—Stewart McDonald has
two magnificent imported animals
“Fearnot" and “Glengarry”, which
will take in Goderich, Hullett,. and
Colborne, townships.—J. F. Fisher
lias bought'from that keen judge of
liorsjfleslff Mr. John Rattenbury, the
imported draught llQrse “YouDg
Lincoln” and will’ offer him" for the
improvement of-^tock. •
All’s'Well That Ends Well.—
It is.within the knowledge of .many
of our readers that Robert Taylor
and Robert McUullagb, of the
Huron Road, had a personal en>
counter last summer over ihe'im-
. pounding of cattle belonging to~Mc-
Cutlagh. As alleged by McUullagb,
'Taylor threw a stone at him which,
stiuek bim on the right arm, making
quite a bruise and lodging on the
arm •; then McGullagh wjth his left
baud' grasped-.the stone and hurled,
it back at Taylor, striking him/wjth
great violence oii the forehead, in*
dieting a severe wound. At the
last assizes McUuliagli was found,
guilty of commoirassault, and Chiefs
A letter received from Mr. Ik Ji,
Calbick, of British Columbia, stales-
that the Indians there are assuming
a very warlike attitude and that a
general Indian uprising is feared
- The funeral sermon of the late Mrs.
Mott was preached on Sunday morn
ing last by Mr, Birks, «
The ttebelim
We have added to our immense establishment a Dress-Making D .
Department, MISS McMANIS has charge of both these departments, and \
Making, she has (privately) turned out some very excellent and nobby costunf
public patronage and will GUARANTEE every Garment going out of
experienced assistance to help her in running both Mantle and Dress Making,
EPAifiMENT in connection with pur 1
never. advevUis®d
?s. We bespeak for her a’ si
our Establishment. Sire- wil
Apprentices and Assistants wanted for Dress and Man.
t *,
Mi I
"J usuceTJatuerbii “seliteiicecl biui to
8ix„ months imprisonment. While
many did not‘ think • that the evi
dence. justified conviction at all.,
lioldiug.Xiiat Taylor did first throw
the stone and that McCu’iiagh’"\vvu§:
merely .acting on the defensive, yet
they did not find fault with the-Jury,
for finding him “guilty of co'mmon
"aWu If?’’=W“thb~e’v id encO^was’b Wy®2
conflicting. B.ut the public gener
ally . considered that the sentence
. was too .severe, , Acting Upon this
knowledge the friends of McGullagh
petitioned the- Minister of Justice
that the'sentence-be remitted,. The
leading and prominent men of the
.county signed ft, .Sheriff Gibbons
being about th§ first. ’ Wednesday
of Msf week, an order camft for the
discharge of McGullagh and he Was”
immediately liberated after six weeks
confinement. The Goderich brass
bund offered to go out to McCul-z
.laglf’s, about .six miles, and inarch
the “conquering hero” home to his
wife and Iriends, but the day being
very wet the. friends of McGullagh
advised a postponement, Which was
done. . A. few evenings after;, how*
“e-very the’ba_na ’ w mit u u fi H full force;
and met with a hospitable reception,
though unfortunately Mr.’vMcCul*
lagli was not home.- Oiie of the
Clinton bands have promised tb
give “Bob” a blast some of these
fine evenings. ■ All’s, well tha^ends
well, and we ate -glad, to learn of
Mr. McGullaglfs restoration to lib
erty and the bosom’ of 'his"family.
It nmy bp. added' that eveu taking
the allegations of Taylor to be cor-
-n-ct;rHeFwoutd’^we^r -"that ;• jirm-h^’
should be Satisfied with the punish-1
ment already borne by McGullagh..
As . these two men are . neigTrbors
tb.ev SHt
.deavor to cultivate a "iridrp^’cliariV
table spirit toward .each other than
appears to have existed in the'past.
Potty annoyances by either ban do
no good, neither can the spirit that
‘evokes".them conduce to- the happi
ness, of the party in whose breast it
may exist. There ist?a good deal of
human nature in most men and as' w
friend<of both parties we would ask
them to cultivate the better portion
qf it which eacli possesses, be mag-
jianiuious,- shake- hands “across the
"bloody chasm,” and’ by avoiding,
offence toward one another in the
future they will hav.e tlie approba
tion of their owri consciences'' aiTd
the estgern of tbef community.
Gbilorieh Townsliip*: .
S< $. No, .9, of this fqwnSTiip7~ held
their examination week before last,
Mr. Geo. E. Anderson., teacher. Fol
lowing is the result;
Gen. Middleton had an encounter
with the rebels at Batouche last Bats
urday. It was a desperate engage*
ment. The rebels were driven front
ravines and houses and jiiirgpch-
raenta. The headquarters lof -.r tlie,
rebels, a church’ftnd school were tak*
en possession of by our troops who
camped On’ the enemy's ground.
' The village of Batouche is on both
sides of the Saskutcliewan. The re
bels attacked the ^earner NortheOte
from both-sides, but were driven off,
AbQutJOOO troops were led intq.’actr
jon and they behaved with admit*|ible
bravery, yet cmly one waB killed^,and
six wounded.. The Gatling gun undqr
the- management of ^he America^
Lieut. Howard did fearful 'execution
among the rebels, ,e ;
A priest who was with” the half-
breeds says they are heartily tired, of
the rebellion. .0
■ Prison’91’3 who escaped'from Riel
say-lie has about 509 fighting menj
about half of them Indians,the others
Breeds, about equally divided on eith
er side of the. niyqr. ..They also say
that Riel had pnly about one keg of-
powder left and that liis stocjc *bf
bullets was very small. This engage1
-meat.will have a more depressing ef
fect on the rebels and Indians than .
any yet fought, as our troops camped
on the battle ground and Gen. Mid
dleton is determined to make no reY
trograde movement. ~--------------
Half-breeds around Bdmoriton
resent strongly the report- that they
are disloyal or intend allying them-
selvor with those whose conduct at'
-Duck' Lake-they condemn and... dp*
plore.fOF-wit-k bloodthirsty Indians.
Instead of siding with 6uch monsters'
as the Indians, they nre. ready ip
"Talie“arhis agoTnsf any who ’ spill;''tb’e”
blood of defenceless; people, and
murdered their priests. ■ ... - /•
The troops were almost surprised -
l£).y a numder oT rebels who crept up
through ;the hush' and wore not
discovered till' 20 yards distant,when
they made a rush for’our . guns,
firing and yelling’as they ran,:‘-Qapt-
airi Howard saw the danger, and
with cool daring'ran his gun ft coup.le..
of yards in front of^the Battery) and
opening a fire literally mowed .jtfie
rebels down. Those remaining turn*,
ed and ran. for it, reaching the shelter
of the bush’. They opened fire again
and • Howard escaped from iryury;
his esd.ape was something marvellous,,
.the bullets flying around..him.; He
the rebels, unable to stand the ter
rible fire, returned to a pit consj’ruc-j
ted hr the ravine.• I.
Gabriel Dumont’s house, rieari' the
camp,‘was burned on. Friday by^tjiff
ordter of Gen. Middleton.,, ib
.*■ • , ----------- --------—--<0:‘ m. Ji
Dr. Harris, of Middlebury Vt.',
says: “I had been troubled ■ With '•
“Bronchitis for. tw'o years, soaff6ctJ,
“ing tile organs of spccchJhakl.ciiiild-
^uut %peuk aloud- fer six . weeks,’..'I
“had with it a. severe, c'oiigh find ,fq%'
“nightsweats. ‘I took two bottles 01 •
“Allen’s Lu(ng Balsam and am.ehtire*
ly cured. •. J
Luminous Dial Alarm Clocks. The time can Vo seen as Well at night as by day.
■ ’ ‘ Cathedral Gong OloGks striking the half hours.
■ Call and Bee them at ----~
dad \ki nnATQ’SOTnnr
■ '■
r/ '
lob CMhing onse.
Handsome Spring Ouercoatings.
All Goods New. No old; accumulated Stock.
Pants from $3 up, All-Wool Tweed.Suits $12.
^S^Perfect Satisfaction Given or no sale.
C. 0
• I
.■XTOTICE is ,h.ercby given that the. Court Of
’IM Revision for bearing uRijeiilB Agalnst'iand.
revising tlie Assessment' Roll of the Village of
Hayfield, for tho j-ear 1885, will be bold oh *
at l^en (JO) o’clock a. m., In the TOWN- HALL,
Bayfield. Persons intoreste’d are requested, to
take noticc.and govern themselves atcbrdingly.,
' . ‘W. A. MORRISON, Clerk; '
338— 3t • ’ Baynold... ‘
‘ ■ - » ", 4,-.
, *------ -—. r
1 jlOR Sale b y CarlifU*’ and PinnlnR’7 Oilftton.
I; The driulffOi'y of ordinary, hand churning
avoided by securing one of tlipChurnor’s Friends
They are cheap and durable. Sec ‘ ,7 /. QARL1NG SPINNING. a
337-15'1“'““"““'...... ‘ '' * flliHtoiJ.
Inn ^i pnnlrnpir V I Qocnirn es,iinp hiMi
Note Some of Our Prices:
Mankin Young Hysoii,’40c., at .,r ,25c
Pakhaoug Young Hyson, 65c., at - 50c
Japan, 40c,, at - - 25c
Japan, 60c.J'-at ~*•-•*—’x; .■ .
Moyune-Gunpowder,,75y., at - 50c
■ 1
- G
-' &
• ’ SI
.Congr, Best, 75c., at
Congr, 65c., at'
- 50e 20 lbs. Best Raw Sugar,
. 50e 134 lbs. Standard Gfanulnted Sugar,$1 <1
We Import our Goods direct from Foreign Markets, aud consequently es
quote you-Jower prices than those buying in the ordinary way.’ “ " •/
-TEllMS CASH. Produce of all kinds taken same as cash. See our Stuck-
Get Our Prices, and you will find them right.
Sign of the China Tea Cannister, Searle’s New Block,
—Have pleasure in announcing that their—-
•Yn(ler-tho-mansgcmr!-nr;uf''’|V| lSS’’;|PTE'RS'ONis bow ready for ihspeciibhV
Their display will comprise some of the A .
Goods, which for Design, Shades and Materials cannot be surpassed. Bemember
; the stand—Opposite tlie Market Square,'. ’. „
■ “VTT- ' ng Cftl1 flnd famine——__
' “ ‘ ...Or---------. I
BEDS, fl il Itls SEEDS
II-'! ■
? •
’ . Smith’s block, - Clinton, ont.
, ‘ Tile correct place, forpcrfect'-fitting garments
. . *; at closest quotations.
..Fit<’W,orkmansliip, .Style, Assured..
■ ■ /.
OTttSttWWMf ’■
s; - A' , ..C'T.—YJJ’.... ’
, b « »•
Remember, nW vnk.Wia- / ■ ucur,-
u.r made of the best materials »n<i <"
u. ,eJ1
OO-—•" — ace stock,
Open ESS;-:
*fDIE UNDERSIGNED has 'purchased a Thob
- , «. 7.. J. t 27... Mr. John
Middleton, and will keep Jilm for service on Ills
farm. The charge will be 81.60, With privilege
of returning if necessary.
• - ”■• — 8. G. PLUMMER.
Goderich Tp„ April 22nd, 1886. 5(3(14t
UNBERSlGNEf) has 'purchased I
AriH/ois'•■•WtA’iL. «■’*• ' * ■*•*».•«» ■ ■>■* .. . • M.uzt *<• *• ..Switzer 217, Nellie,Courtice 326, Mag
gie. McKenzie 331, Florence Richcard-
son 366, Rosa Jarvis 271, F, Cook 372,
Jacob Connelly 317. ”
Sr. Third—Marks obtainable.—350.
—Herbert Switzer 271, Adam’Elliott
2)2, Mason’ Stirling. 252, Henry Gra
ham 258,. William,? Holland 291, Jos*
cpb Elliott304, John Cook 28.), Thom*
as Courtice 237, Sarah Courtice 286,
Bella JTotson 270, Marion Curry 222,
Mary McKenzie 267. ■. . '
Jit. Third—Marks obtainable.—
300.—Charles Connell 192, Henry
Connell 166, Agness Stirling 188,
Mary Emmerson 182, Delilah Victoria
Cook 165.
Second Class—Marks obtainable.'—
160.-‘Sophy Stirling 128, Francis Gal*
lagher 128. Fredrick Jervis 133/A.
Courtice 115, Henry Cook 69.
’ ; ’ Holmesville.
Mr. A» K. Eirks, htfs returned from
Cobury, he occupied' the pulpit here
on Sunday evening last,
Rev. Mr. Chown, of Belgrave, and
Rev, Mr. Birks, will exchange pulpits,
on Sunday next. 9
. Mr, 3, A, Ford, sports a cle^r Grit
driver which can cover a mile in three
, Mr« Ed. Lavis, is about to make
censiderable change in the appear-
’bridc'qf his premises. Ke in ton ds mot**
iftg the house We bought fiom R. Glid*
don up beside ' the one ho now
occupies. 'Coming events cast their
,iihAdows before—ch, Ed,
• Idel has some warm sympathisork.
in this vicinity, It is to bo hoped
• ;■ ... ' > ■
1? LUMBEIt for sale, Wlll .be cut to offldr.
Apply to
Clinton Music EmporlltrA
city pwt shop:
Decorators, Sign Writers, Gilders
All kinds of HOUSE, »IUW ,X«1> V1UNA* MENTAL PAINTING, Paper Hanging and Decor
ating done In tlioLatest Stylo. - •
Frescoing, Kalsomining, Bags,
Banners, Eto., *. k v»
Artistically got nV* Orders promptly Attehdejl to.<
March 30th, 1885. 232-?t
pjEO. POTTS,.House, Sign,
V A Illi I AG Ji <(• GlWEllAh
I’afi1'!' llanglnff anil JCaltvniUGnff tunnt.
■fa none. SIcfuiol Jllaocboai(Ik a speoialtr/., ^atix-
faction. Guaranteed aiul prices teiflt the tiinet, IleMdenec~ilar)i Strcd* CIAXtOJi, WW
tYcopper & SON,
- o-nooAiis-
New Season’s Teas from 15 to 75c. per-Pound.
Chase & Sanborn’s COFFEE a specialty, all grades-and Prices. _
Christie, Brown & Co’s Biscuits.
large and Complete Stock of China, New Crockery, Glassware, &o.
Goods promptly delivered, Call nud examine our store, which is the •
In returning thanks to my many friends and patrons for p/ist; patronage, I. woglff
. like to cull their Bpeciftl attention to toy, very compLeto atock . .
Special attention is directed to my stock
Jt will be found very complete,.and for durjvbility and finish cannot be excelled hv
any one. Asl employ none but the b^sVworkmen, and use the best material to bo
bought in the market, all who mayYavor me with their patronage may feel confident
7' ■ ^f^getting satisfaction.
TrunMmd Valises iff great variety and Prices Low.
f v*
mins HrnsihiTW'iR tite b.u« watm
*'l Tliaro’Jn'cd biirham lluUs.wtijdW from one
to three j cars of. age, la rooiI tohdiiion.
JOHN ,MH)DLJ’1TON( Clinton P.O. i
Golefich Tp., Apr ! II, l8Jj. , :WI*U I
General Grocers and. Produce Merchants,
Choice, Fresh Family Groceries
Fann Produce taken at Highest Price.
. . —Ask for and .have no. other than the-<
■# iiiiKiKiwii,
R' ml m Hna. M. Bacey
/'aiAosTToisr. ;
f May 8,1885. .