HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1892-1-21, Page 5J. H. GREIVE Before you buy your Fall & Winter Clothing Calland examine the large and well -assorted stook of Fine Worsted Suitings Fine Scotch Tweed " Canadian tc " Also all the leading colors and patterns in 'Overcoatings All will be made up in • '•t-class style at prices y below the lowest, Remember we guarantee a COOD 'IT or no sale,..—Give me a call. J, H. GRIEVE. Presbytery of Huron. This Presbytery met in First church Seafortli, on the 19th ;net„ Rev. S. A. Carrier°, moderator. After minutes of previous meeting wore read the Rev. J. S. Henderson was elected moderator for the next six months. The Rev. Kenneth McLennan being present, was asked to sit as a corresponding member.. Session minutes were called for and with some alterations and corrections were attested as correctly kept. The committee to which was committed the question of a summer session in one of our Colleges, reported much in the same line as was decided on at last meeting of Presbytery, viz ; That such session be approved of, and be held in Winnipeg. Rev. Mr. Stewart asked for and obtain- ed leave to moderato in a call at Londes- boro and Hullott. Rev. Mr. Henderson reported in behalf of the session of Carmel church, Uensall, that the diffi- culty between the session and Mr. G. Rdtsehad been settled by Mr. Ross re- signing the eldership. Rev. Mr. An- derson reported in behalf of tho cern- inittec on the state of religion, recom- mending that a conference an the state of religion bo held at next meeting of Presbytery. The report was adopted, The Rev. D. D. McLeod, of Barrie, was nominated for Foreign Mission Secre- tary. Mr. James Scott, not being able be present, sent a carefully prepared port on Sabbath Schools. Sabbath ellool work, according to the report had made good advances during the year in almost every particular, Mr. Ache- son reported for the committee appoint- er�t last meeting to consider the remit the Distribution of Probationers. o committee recommended that the nit be changed giving three years td of two, as the limit during a minister may remain on said After discussion the matter was milted to the committee for fur - consideration. The circular on ath Observance was sent down to ion for answers. Some time was nt in considering the title to the rysdale church property. The hatter was again sent to the committee for • further investigation. The annual re- port from the Women's Foreign Miss- ionary Society was road to the Presby- tery. It sheaved quite an advance on last year's report, both in money raised and the number of members belonging to the different auxiliaries. The Pres- bytery passed a resolution of commenda- tion and Revs. Messrs Acheson and Henderson were appointed to convey the feelings of the Presbytery to the, ladies' meeting, which, during the after- noon was convened in the basement of the church, where a large number of ladies from surrounding congregations was in attendance. The Presbytery then adjourned. "Mr DARGRTER'S Lira, was saved by Hood's Sarsaparilla," says Mr B B Jones of Alna. Me. "She had seven running sores in different places on her body, but on giv- ing her Hood's Sarsaparilla there was'mark d improvement and now she is well,:atrong hind healthy." Hood's Pills cure Constipation by restor- ing the peristaltic action „of the ailmentary1 canal. They are the best family cathartic." Mrs Gid Young, 1 Sully street, Grove-st. Liverpool, Eng., writes that the contents of one bottle of St Jacobs Oil cured her of lum ba'o after she had given up all hopes of ever being beater. COMING EVENTS—Coming Consumption is foreshadowed by a hacking cough, night Sweats, pain in ;the chest, eta. Arrest its progress at once by taking Hagyard's Peoto rai Balsam, which never fails to euro colds, toughs, bronchitis, hoatseness. eta., and WOE in confirmed oonstunption affords great relief; Six YEARS' . SUrrERING—Dear Sirs,•—I wee troubled for six years with erysipelas, end two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitter s entirely cured me. I keep B. B. B. cou- etantly in the house and think it an effect nal euro for all diseases caused by bad blood Mas M DOw6ETT, Portland, Ont. HAerenn's YELLOW Ori—This great in- ternal and external remedy always allays all pain•It is a specific for oronp, and promptly cures soughs, colds, sore throat, sprains, bruises, burns, lrheumatism, ,cots, wounds, etc. Good for man or beast. Stands all tests. Sold everywhere. Price 25 'cents. Hagyard's Yellow Oil. A. PRowir RESULT. --Dear Sirs,—Two yearsage. I was very ill with :jaundice and ved,Many medicines which did; me no got d until I was adviaed to try'I3 B, B when, after using half a ibottle, I was effectually eared. O.nsauorris MORTON, lflphinstouo Man" PUBLIC SCHOOL WORK.. Following is the list of literature selec- tions for' the high sohool entrance examina- tions of 1892 ; Lesson IV,—The Little Midshipman. VII. —Boadicea. Xran tI,V,,—Lament of the bleb Emig- XVL-The Humble Bee. XXL.—Oft in the Silly Night. XXII.—'Tis the Last Rose of sum- mer. XXXIV.-Heath of /tittle Nell. XXXVII. —The Bell of Atrl. XLI,—Making Maple Sugar. XLIX.—The Mound Builders. L.—The Prairies. LXXIX.—The Capture of Quebec. LXXX.—Waterloo, LXXXIII—The influence of Beanty. LXXXV.—Marmion and Douglas. X0,—Mercy. 1803. V.—Pictures of Memory. X.—The barefoot Boy. XIX.—The Death of the Flowers. XX1V.—'The Face Against the Pane. XX VI —From the Deserted Village. XXXV,—Resignation. XL.—Ring Out, Wild Belis. XbIL—Lady Clare. LII —Jacques Cartier. :X01, Robort Burns, XC1I,—Edinburgh after Flodden. XOVIIL—National Morality, 0.— Shakespeare. CIT, --The Merchant of Veuioe,Frrat Beading, 01V,—.TueMerehaut of Venice, See- oud Beading. SELECTIONS Fon MEMIORIZATION.. Lesson XIII. ---The Bells of S handou. XXXI.--To Mary in heaven, " XL.—Rine Out, Wild Bells. XGII.—Lady Clare. XLVI.—Lead, Kindly Light, LXVI-..-.Before Sudan.. LXXIII,—Thu Thteo Fishers, X01X —The Forsaken Herman, 0ITI.—To a Skylark. " CV.—Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. The Public Schools Act of 1891 and the onrricnla for the public school leaving and the high school entrance examinations have not yet been issued. by the Edneation De- partment, Aa soon as printed they will be sent to the public sato el inspector, who wilt a; oboe distribute them to the schools. ,1 Si '4 ,( 141, " ,{ 16Leasen „ 1, {, <1 M '4 Goon HEEDS Doris --The good deeds done by that unequalled family liniment, Hag - yard's Yellow Oil, during the thirty years it has been held in ever-increasing esteem by the publio, would all volemee. SVe cannot Here enumerate all its good qualities, but that it eau be relied on as a euro for er.)up, couglis,00lds. sore throat, and all peins,gocs without toying, MARRIED. MoLRLLAN—TIARnouRN.—At the residence of Mr. Alfred Chappel, brother-in'law of the bride, on the 1211t inst.. by Rev. P. Scott, Mr David alel,ollan, to151iss Mary Ann, third daughter of Juba 11 urb-urn, Esq., all of Mb - bort. 1TonnIao:r—ANnIIEwS—At the residence or the bride's parents, on the 13th lust , by Rev. J Russell of b;litavilto, Mr. Daniel Tleddison'of Biddttlph, to Maggta, daughter of John And- rews of LTsorne. DIED. 13r.,1/4N—On 12th inst-,, at his miasmas), Stlt con. McGillivray, Wm Bean, aged 76 yoars,le nios, and 9 days. CLIFTON—In Fullerton, on the 10th inst„ Wm. Clifton. aged 18 years, 8 moa. Wonnio—In Ifihbort, fon the 13th inst.. Wm. Women, aged 65 years, 10 mos. Seanr Nas—At the residence of his anal o,Strath roy, on the 13th inst.,John A. Sparling,B A•, oldest sun of 1a bt S nrljng. Blanshard, aged d 30 years. Atai n—In St Marys, on the 12th inst., Thomas Allen, aged 78 years. 11.tEEa—Tn Godorloh township, on the 14th inst Mary A., relict of the late Robert Walker, aged80 Years' McLtioe—In St Marys,on the 13th inst. Isabella rebut of tho late U. McLeod, aged85 years. HonGINS—In lionsall,on the 14th inst.,Phoniah. beloved wife of W. R.Hodgins, aged 42 years. MOINxts—In Tray, on the 18th lust," Mrs. G. McInnis, (mother of Mrs. John MoEwon)nged 83 years. SrARLtuG.—In Tlianebard, on 19th inst Peter Sperling, aged 83 years, 7 mos. Moaasoe—In Usborno. on the 19th iast.,Janot• beloved wife of Mr. RobtMorrison of the 4th con., aged 65 years, 6 mos, Ross—In Brucofiold, on the 16th inst.. Eliza, beloved wif o of Mr. Samos Ross,aged 36 years NOTICE. N essrs. Roadhouse & Brown of Kirkton have by mutual consent dissolved partnership. All accounts and notes in favor of the firm to be Paid to W. T. Roadhouse, and all liabilities to be settlor by him. Mr. Roadhouse still con- tinuing the business in the same plane, and will bo pleasedto; supply their old customers with anything they want in the carriage lino. Roennouss & BROWN, Kirkton• AGENTS WANTED. FonthillrNurseries• Largest in Canada, 700 sores• We want reliable, energetic mon to soli our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary; any man .with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal,.outfit free. Our agents have many advantages. such as selling home- grown, hardy. Janadian stook. Choice now specialties,whiob aroof value. and which can only bo secured from us. W e have given par- ticular attention to the propagation of hardy varieties suitable to the Nor,Tiern sections of Canada. For terms apply to Seceix & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. ecu I iar Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation of ingredients, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla possesses the curative value of the best known reme- q dies of the vegetable FROO S kingdom. Peculiar in its strength and economy, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only medicine of which can truly be said, " One Hundred Doses Ono Dol- lar." Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitherto un- 1woown,nfor, a, rsaparillaitsoils wo the title of "The greatest blood purifier ever discovered." Peculiar in its "good name at home;" -there is more of hood's Sarsa- parilla sold in Lowell than of all other blood purifiers. Peculiar in its phenomenal record of s sales abroad no other SIL; 3 !l IIpreparation ever attained so rapidly nor hold so steadfastly the confidence of all classes of people. Peculiar iri the brain -work which it represents, Hood's Sarsaparilla com- bines all the knowledge which modern research: F Fl „,assin medical science has ,K Fl developed, with many years practical experience in preparing medicines. Bo sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 51;sir:tare,5h Prepared only by c. I. II0011, 5 CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mase, 100 Doses One Dofilar zctci' Rifl fills, 500 CORDS Wood Wanted ? DELIVERED AT THE MILL For whichwe will pay high- est market prices. THE EXETER MILLING Coy, MARKET REPORTS. EXETER RedWheat ... Spring Wheat ,.. Barley Oats O1ov er Seed: Timonby Peas Corn Eggs Batter Flour p e rb b 1 .. Potatoes,per bushel Applea,per oag DriedApplespr b Geese per lb, Tarkeyper lb Duokspor lb Ohiokenaporpr Itogs,dressedperl00 Beef «. Hidesrough, ... dressed Sheepskins each Oaliskins Woolperlb Hayperton Onlonsuerbusb ». Woodperoord ,,, aT:MARYS 0.1 • 11.11 frdit ONO Pe- e 000 4,4 82 to 83 82 to 83 38 to 40 5 002t8o 5 5 125 to 135 58 to 60 040 to 80 tato 18 15 to 16 00 to 515 50 to 05-, 1COto3(re O 410060 o so to 0 C6 09 to 69 o 06to 0 07 02510 080 525 t.0 50 400to82.1 400to450 500 to 525 060 to 70 o 60 to 0 50 018 to 019 9 00 to10 00 o50to050 250 to8o0 a Fall Wheat.... .................. 82 82 Spring Wheat...,...............,„,....., 82 82 Barley ........,... 0 33 0 40 Oats 0 28 a0 Clover Seed 5 00 5 2n Timothy,. 1 25 1 80 Poas 058060 Eggs ' 15 0 16 Butter. .. . ... 15 0 15 Potatoes per hep .,.., ., ........ 50 55 Apples per bnab 0.50 18 0 10 M11'1)0,101 9 0010 00 Bran per ton „14 QO 14 00 Shorts" ,. .,.,,..20 00 2000 OatmeaIperbbi...... 6 00 7 00 Rogs,drossed per 10. ...... 4 73 to 5 00 LONDON, Wheat. 8410 84 per bus. Oats, 300 to 32c per bus. Paas, 57c to 590 per bus. Ba r- lcv.8[niting.433, to48cser bus. Barley Feed, 36e to 4')c par bus Corn. 6610 to Flo per. bushel.. TORONTO. Toronto. Jan, 19 —Wheat Spring -37o. 2,91e to92o per bus; red wintor.No 2, Die to 93e :+er bus. Menitoba No 2hard,1 01 to 1 05 No.3, 93c tont; PEAS uea to 6le per bus. OATS 39c DO 4.l to 85e or ns. FOUR extra. 4 tc 0 b L o � per bol ; straight roller, i;4. 1Oto 4,:11 ; atronghakers,•94,90 to $5.00. BARLEY, No 1, feeding, 56e to 560, Woolperlb, ... NOTICE, The annual mooting of the patrons of the Oen traliaCheese Factory will be hold on Sat- 'day.uaryy 23rd, at'2 &'eIusk p. m, at the u J.Factory, fur the transtoti.ri of general buoi- 0088. T COATES, Centralia, Tan's, nth, '92. President. NOTICE+'. The Annual Mooting of the Usborno & Mb - hart :Mutual Fire Insurance :Company will be held in Gardiner's ]fall, Farquhar. on MON- DAY, FEB'Y ]st;1892, at one o'olook. p. m„ for the purpose of electing Directors, receiving an.' hearing the Annual Reports, and the tras- notion of any other business that may be doom ed necessary for the welfare of the Company. Alt members aro requested to attend. TILOS. CAMERON, j14 -3t Secy. M AIL CONTRACT. Sealed tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will boroceived at Ottawa until noon on FRIDAY, the 19th FEBRUARY. 1892, for the conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, 6 times per week each way. between Dashwood and the Exeter Railway Station, from the 1st of April next. Tho conveyance to be nada in a vehicle. Printed notices containing further inform- ation as to the conditions of proposed contract may be seen, and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Dashwood. Sar. epta,Hay and Exeter. and at this ofleo. IL G. HOBKIRK, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office Stratford, 8th Jan'y, '02 9 314-31 C UTION EACH PLUG 01? THE Myrtle Navy ! IS MAR16FD T. !F x BROSTZE nmITERS. NONE - OTHER - GENUINE. SAY Where is the best place to buy Furniture ? WHY T R. N. ROWE'S Because he gives good bargains, and perfect satisfaction every time ; and he has the best and largest stock in town. Give him a call acid see for yourself. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. In (his line my stock is large and as- sorted, ai nearly every person knows ; just see it. R. N. ROWE, ?Iain•st,'Exeter. P. S. —All accounts must be settled at once.—R. N. R. EVERY (FARMER'S: SON SHOULD RAVE A BUSINESS EDUCATION. POSLU, will 800ure the catalogue of, the FOREST CITY Business College. LONDON, ONTARIO. Over 100students in attndanoe . T. W. WESTERVELT, Prin. TO LEND ON MORTGAGES at lowest rates of interest. Over 500,000 pri- vate funds. Apply to Einar e & ELLIOT, Solicitors, Ste„ Exeter. HISSETT C TO THE FRONTt . r T.he cheapest plaDe in town to by Builders' Hardware, Nails, Hinges Locks, Glass, Putty, Paints and Oils New stock tof the celebrated Johnston's Liquid Paints—Showy Colors. New lines of Artists' Paints and Brushes. Barbed, Plain, Strip, Black and Galvanized Wires cheap for Cash Tinware Stook Complete. – Eavetroughing a Specialty New Raymond Sewing Machines and Needles GIVE US A CALL—, NOTICE.. The Council of the Corporation of the County v of Huron, will meat in the Court House, God- etich, on Tttesday,Jan'y 26th. at 3 o'clock, p. m. WbI, LANE, Jany 8,'93 Co. Clark. OOD 1 WOOD ! WOOD ! The Exeter Salt Works Co, require fifteen huudrod (lords of'sort wood, dry and green. The highest price will bo paid. For further Particulars apply to DAVID MILL, D16 T.B. CARLING, Soo'y,. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service, dur ing the sensor., 00101; ei,e,n, 7, Uabarno, a there' bred Chester White Boar. Tnmas,—$1, payableet limo of service, with i privilege of returning f necessary. D10 -2m War. Stearin (4. A. HYND MAN • Wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding that he is now engaged selling Teas, Coffees, Baking Powder In quantities to suit Purchasers. Orders loft at the house or Dr Ryndman's Otllcewill receive present attention, diGn1G G. A HYNDMAN. Y (�n SALARY and Corntnis- 1 l..l'!J . Sion to Acents.Men and Wom- en, Teachers and Clergymen to introduce a now and popular standard book, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of .Nazareth The most remarkable religious book of the ago written by 300 eminent acholars,Non-sectarian, Every Christian wants it. Exclusive territory given, Apply to The Henry Bill Pub. Co., Norwich, Conn DISEASES li/Dx -"1 `"` 4 OOK'S COTTON .ROOT canfP ITND, ZetOrPaCkinEENSO A recent discovery h an old ed moonthly by thoUsacaida t f LAAIEa. Is the. btu me rfect SNELL L p OS ' GOA discovered. Beware of un- ,(� j j principled druggists who offer inferior medicines in. place of ;this. Ask for COON'S COTTON ROOT COnpauNp,talrs 'no substitute ; or' inclose $1 and 4 three -cont Canada postage stamps in latter. and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pena Lily Oormpany No, 3 Fisher BlocIc,131 Woodward ave.,Detroit, S1iob, Sold in Exeter by DR. LUTZ, Central Drug Store and byall drugirists everywhere. A MAN, Woman, or Child With an eye to business can readily see that Doupe's Store, Kirkton, is the cheapest place tel buy Staple and Fancy �A R E R B R O S Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps, Cyclone Salva, Stationery, Etc, This is proven by now curtonrcri every day, and a large increase in busi- ness every month. Having commenced our SV lilts,/• Trttti ,: we will buy DRESSED HOGS, At Highest Cash Prices. Dressed hogs bought subject to the fol- lowing rules : 2 lis per cut off ; 5 lbs extra if shoulder Stuck ; 3 Lbs off for bung gut or gullett if lett We are also prepared to supply our cue tamers at the Packing House with all kind, of Cured Meat, Sausage, Bologna, Road Cheese, Fresh Pork, Tenderloin, Sparc Bibs Lard and Llama, in. Wholesale and Retail. AT DOUPE'S CHEAP STORE, KIRKTON. Of all ages, resulting from Errors er Tnrlianre-, al !Int W t V V tions of Youth, may bo erinanently'cured,and the vigor of perfect manhood fully rostored,as NERVOUS DEBILITY, STERILITY with SEMINAL LOSSES & PREMATURE DECAY Long' Standing easesof GLEET, STRICTURE SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases treated with perfect success. Our field is in CHRONIC CASES in which others have failed; if you aro Incurable WO will frankly toll you so. Write for partioul ars and treatise. Free, to Se, ;LoulsMantes',Co., 162 and 1v4 Ring Streit. West, Toronto, Ont. 83:6m Exeter Music Store PERKINS & MARTIN. Wo have oonstxntly on hand a largo display of the best PIANOS, ORGANS, , SEWING MACHINES, BICYCLES and SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Persons anticipating" the pnrobase of any- thing in the above linos will do well to call at the store. We guarantee satisfaction, and prices as low as can be had at the manufactories. Wo would respectfully ask you to call and see our stook. Itis as .fine as will be found in any city musics store. P.S.—Agents for all kinds of agricultural implements. STAND :—Fanson's Block, Exeter. 4.00,000 BRICK 'OR BALE At Lowest Prices. JOHN MITCHELL Has for sale at his yard, south of the Crediton Road, 400,000 first-class brick A CALL SOLICITED. JOAN MITCHELL, D10 Crediton P. O. GIj'EN AWAY YESTERDAY AT THE Dominion Laboratory. The distribution of the SCHOLARS PRIZES took place, Tire store and adjacen street were jammed with eager and happy faces, and as the various fortunate numbers were announced there was great rejoicing among the youngsters. • Among the numerous articles distributed \dere WORK BOXES, AIR GUNS, KITES, P140 ALBUMS; FANS, AUTO ALBUMS, BOOKS, FRUIT BASKETS, DOLLS. A total of 50 prizes. Call early and se- cure your School Books, and get tickets for the next set of Soho"ars' Prizes. J.W. Browning 0 0 z P4 0 WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS Wine t Spina iviorcbants, STAB. * CVE1.0 H FX ;'LER, - ONTARIO. EXETER NORTH � a General Store, 0 Giving u,) Business. y�5`per cent. off for Cash LyJ Till; BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town. you are sure of satisfao- tion .4%-. SNICl.L. FURNITU1IE —AT— ( -IDLEY'S. A very large stock on hand 'now to select from in iris way of Parlor, Bed- room and Dining -room Suites at nearly half the usual price. 150 looking -glasses from 100 up. Hundreds of ft of picture mouldings to choose from—cheap. Easy chairs, and a great variety of other goods suitable for Xmas presents ; and in fact everything usually kept in a first- class Furnishing House, all for prices away down. A good doz. chairs for $2. Come and see our $1.75 Pannel Bed that we "blow" about. The reason we blow is we have the goods to back it up. Bring along your easy chairs and parlor furniture that need recoveriliG as we have. a beautiful lot of covers with cord and gimp to match. Drop in even if you don't want to buy ; will be happy to See you. UNDERTAKING. A complete stock of everything in this line from the cheapest to the high- est. Also the only Embalmers. Remember the name and place— GIDLET r Oddfellows' Bleak, 1�TS opposite J. Grigg's 5 lbs. 25c Tea, $1.00; 5 lbs. 500 Tea, 2.00; 5 lbs. 60c Tea, 2.50; Coal Oil, 15c; 4?; lbs. raisins, 25e; Mens' rubbers 500; Ladies' 35 Colored Tea Setts, 52.00; Dry Goods 25 per cent. off; Seal Muff, 2 50, North 3 50; Boys' Grey Lamb Hat, 1 75, worth 3 00; Patrons and all Customers Welcome. No trouble to show Goods. JOHN MATHESON, HURRAH! ANEw Tailor Shop We would inform the people' of Exeter and surrounding country that we have opened out a new tailor shop one door south of Treble's harness shop,h where we are prepared to do work on the shortest possible notice and iu the Xigatest Styles —AND A— Sure Fit Guar , Guarani JOHN 5